DT :: Volume #12 战神与芬布尔之冬

#1068: By dying to be lived

Good had a look at then, but also was really a full cool elder brother! Although said that is still dirty, sometimes will also turn into a withered live corpse appearance, but that indifferent facial expression, but also somewhat is really small charming! 多好啊看看当时的自己,还真是一个十足的酷哥呢!虽然说依旧是灰头土脸的,有时候还会变成一个干枯的活尸模样,但是那副冷漠的神情,还真有几分小帅气呢! When however from, oneself turned into a nervous sand sculpture? Probably after being killed the later running corpse numbly thoroughly is also at that time, position of Fire Keeper in own heart was getting more and more heavy! 不过是从什么时候,自己变成了一个神经质的沙雕呢?好像是对被杀死之后跑尸彻底麻木了之后吧也是那个时候,防火女在自己心中的地位越来越重了呢! Recalls these, in Ash Soul exuded a fluctuation... existence of Fire Keeper, oneself have perhaps maintained this appearance, turned into a through and through slaughtering machine... 回想起这些,灰烬灵魂之中泛起了一丝波动…要不是防火女的存在,自己没准会一直保持这个样子,变成一个彻头彻尾的杀戮机器… Because the downloading address are the privilege of crossing over, own human nature will not drain, oneself arrive finally still definitely is these live corpses not different 下载地址就算因为自己是穿越者的特权,自己的人性并不会流失,自己到最后也肯定是与那些活尸无异吧 Thinks of here, in heart of Ash incomparable rejoicing,... then side had Fire Keeper fortunately, was she can, when will be numb to rescue, was insufficient by own innermost feelings like own body withered... 想到这里,灰烬的心中无比的庆幸,还好…当时的自己身边有防火女,是她能在自己麻木的时候将自己救出来,让自己的内心不至于像自己的身躯一样干枯… More recalls these, Ash must Fire Keeper the determination that rescues from the hand of soul of darkness even more firm! No matter the soul of darkness is oneself, even if he exactly the same as himself, robs from own side the little elder sister is not good! 越是回想起这些,灰烬要将防火女从黑暗之魂的手中救回来的决心就愈发的坚定!不管黑暗之魂是不是自己,就算他跟自己长得一模一样,将小姐姐从自己的身边抢走就是不行! Certain... will certainly make him pay the price! Must rescue absolutely Fire Keeper! The destiny... manages it dead! Rescuing Fire Keeper is the most essential matter!” “一定…一定会让他付出代价!绝对要把防火女救回来!命运…管它去死!救出防火女才是最关键的事情!” How however before then... do want to live? If memory serves, oneself present still lay down Neet to make anything in the coffin probably, Ash does not know, but he was truly experienced the true death by himself, galloping-horse lantern this saw, Jane really cannot again real! 不过在此之前…自己要怎么活过来呢?如果没记错的话,自己现在好像还在棺材里面躺着呢尼特做了什么,灰烬不知道,但是他确实是让自己经历了真正的死亡,走马灯这都看见了,直是真的不能再真了! But what the issue is... Ash must experience was the true death, rather than really died! He did not prepare to lie down in the coffin passed away directly! 但问题是…灰烬要经历的是真正的死亡,而不是真的死亡!他可不准备就这么躺在棺材里面直接去世! Oneself must live, oneself have very important matter to do! What to do but should? Oneself now besides looking at flashing through of fast this galloping-horse lantern before oneself, probably anything cannot achieve 自己要活过来,自己还有很重要的事情要去做呢!可是该怎么办呢?自己现在除了看着这个走马灯在自己面前飞快的闪过之外,好像什么都做不到啊 Must own looks his entire life? That also was too rather long! Even the present galloping-horse lantern is the editing, moreover did several times of fast, but is still very long! For a long time, advanced Boreal Valley, if this he pushed not to know when goes 难道说要把自己的一生看完?那未免也太漫长了吧!就算现在的走马灯是剪辑,而且还搞了个几倍速,但是依旧很漫长啊!都这么长时间了,才推到冷冽谷,这要是等他推完还不知道到什么时候去呢 Is saying, Ash while attention again centralized above own galloping-horse lantern... 一边说着,灰烬一边将注意力再一次集中在了自己的走马灯之上… For those Ais at this time, own innermost feelings started detachably, the expression on face also from turned into the appearance of present indifferently 对就是差不多这个时候,自己的内心开始活络了起来,脸上的表情也从冷漠变成了现在的这幅模样 Looks that spoke the cold joke to entertain, while strikes to kill Monster, even if were killed still to say by Monster who two bullshits breathe again, Ash cannot help but felt a heart is tired, how then... such show? 看着那个一边说着冷笑话自娱自乐,一边击杀怪物,就算是被怪物杀死了也要说上两句屁话再咽气的自己,灰烬不由得感觉一阵心累,怎么当时的自己…这么骚啊? Fortunately oneself present was the growth! Before already not, was so frivolous, perhaps this is grows 还好自己现在算是成长了!已经没有以前那么轻浮了,也许这就是成长吧 Looks that such start advancement fast, from Boreal Valley to the sins, again to Jannor Lund and Lothric, the without owner tomb and ancient dragon top, stood before the initial stove finally! 看着这样的自己开始飞快的推进,从冷冽谷到罪业之都,再到亚诺尔隆德和洛斯里克,还有无主墓地和古龙之顶,最后站在了最初的火炉之前! Started that to strike to kill the Lords of Cinder incarnation, calmly stood and waited for a long time in burning in front of beginning fire, Ash cannot help but silent... 开始那个击杀了薪王们的化身,静静伫立在燃烧着的初火面前的自己,灰烬不由得沉默了… Here, is all ends, is all starts, at the same time thinking, the line of sight of Ash is gradually blurring, time when Ash sobers again, has turned into itself to stand in initially the hot front! 这里,是一切的终结,也是一切的开始,一边想着,灰烬的视线逐渐模糊,等到灰烬再次清醒过来的时候,已经变成了自己站在初火的面前! Turned into the first person angle of view from the third person angle of view suddenly, Ash somewhat cannot help but vacant, is this must do? Was extinguished to be hot by oneself again one time initially? 从第三人称视角突然变成了第一人称视角,灰烬不由得有些茫然,这是要干什么?让自己再熄灭一次初火吗? Is thinking, Ash while lifted the head, looks to the present beginning fire, unexpectedly, near present beginning fire, impressively static float Lord Soul! 一边想着,灰烬一边抬起了头,看向了眼前的初火,出乎意料的是,眼前的初火边上,赫然静静的漂浮着王魂 Symbolizes chaos Lord Soul of life to glitter the ray of black red interaction, is symbolizing the bright solar Lord Soul not entire, golden ray some gloomy..., but finally, that group of Lord Soul that is symbolizing the death, are also one of them! 象征着生命的混沌王魂闪烁着黑红相间的光芒,象征着光明的太阳王魂不全,金色的光芒有些的暗淡…而最后,那一团象征着死亡的王魂,也在其中! Was different from other two Lord Soul, death Lord Soul does not have any special, was only one group of ordinary Soul blocks is the same, static float in the Ash front... 不同于其他的两个王魂,死亡的王魂没有什么特别的,就只是一团普通的灵魂块一样,静静的漂浮在灰烬的面前… However Ash knows, he does not have any special, is his special place, other Lord Soul deteriorate either, either was divided into several, only this death Lord Soul, from the ancient times until now as before such as beginning... died probably exists to be the same from ancient to present as before. 但是灰烬知道,他没有什么特别的,就是他的特别之处,其他所有的王魂要么劣化,要么被分成数块,唯独这死亡的王魂,从远古至今依旧如初…就好像死亡从古至今依旧存在一样。 The unexpected happening, Ash took off oneself armor, revealed own chest... 鬼使神差的,灰烬脱掉了自己身上的护甲,露出了自己的胸膛… Really no, Darksign does not exist, the soul of darkness not here, here also only then these. 果然没有啊,黑暗之环不复存在,黑暗之魂不在这里,这里也只有这些。 Ash deeply inspires, lifts the footsteps to move toward slowly stood and waited for a long time in oneself front beginning fire! 灰烬深吸了一口气,抬起脚步缓缓地走向了伫立在自己面前的初火! After sized up one, Ash had not found to summon Fire Keeper white rune/symbol, cannot help but sighing of gently really not in...” 四下打量了一番之后,灰烬也没有找到召唤防火女的白符,不由得轻轻的叹了一口气“果然不在…” Sits down slowly, Ash static sitting before beginning the fire, looks at present calmly is burning flame, Ash cannot help but crooked head... 缓缓地坐下,灰烬静静的坐在了初火之前,看着眼前静静燃烧着的火苗,灰烬不由得歪了歪脑袋… „Do you want to go on living? Even if makes you live to get down, will let other everyone pain, do you still want to go on living? Really selfish fellow!” “你就这么想活下去吗?就算让你活下下去,会让其他的所有人痛苦,你也想活下去?真是自私的家伙啊!” Truly speaking, before Ash, really did not have carefully looks at beginning this fire, after defeating the Lords of Cinder incarnation, first summoned Fire Keeper, lets flame that she extinguishes this to drag at present... 说实在的,灰烬之前还真没有仔细的看一看这初火,击败了薪王化身之后,第一时间就把防火女召唤了出来,让她熄灭了眼前这摇曳的火苗… However now careful looks, in the heart of Ash cannot help but exuded an unusual mood... 但是现在仔细的看一看,灰烬的心中不由得泛起了一丝异样的情绪… The small flame, is burning under already the residual that is dried up, is barely managing to maintain a feeble existence diligently... wants to survive, does not hesitate all methods, did not count the sacrifice was continued to exist by oneself..., even if deceived, even if forced, must guarantee own survival! 小小的火苗,燃烧着下面早已经干枯的残渣,苟延残喘着…努力的想要存活下去,不惜一切的手段,不计牺牲的让自己继续存在…哪怕欺骗,哪怕强迫,都要保证自己的存活! Really is pitiful, although you seem like want to go on living, although you seem like want to make me regret, chooses other result, but was a pity very much... all will not have any change, even if Fire Keeper is not, you will still extinguish finally!” “真是可怜,虽然你看起来很想活下去,虽然你看起来想让我后悔,选择别的结局,但是很可惜…一切都不会有任何改变的,就算防火女不在,你也终将熄灭!” Finishing speaking of Ash, puts out a hand to pinch out this group of flame personally the time, that float before the bonfire, symbolized death Lord Soul suddenly to start to move, fluttered slowly the Ash front, sifted in the Ash body... 灰烬的话音刚落,正要伸出手亲手掐灭这团火焰的时候,那漂浮在篝火之前,象征着死亡的王魂突然开始移动,缓缓地飘飞到了灰烬的面前,飘入了灰烬的身躯之中… Is a dizziness! Ash Soul starts to rise! The consciousness starts restoration bit by bit!, Ash felt own body gradually! Quiet Soul started to recover! Ash has this premonition, oneself must resurrect! 紧接着就是一阵天旋地转!灰烬灵魂开始上升!意识开始一点一点的恢复!渐渐地,灰烬感受到了自己的身躯!原本沉静的灵魂开始复苏!灰烬有这种预感,自己要复活了! Body already under own Soul control! Ash lifted the arm fiercely, lifts the coffin cover of top of the head, relaxed to crawl from the coffin fiercely! 身躯已经在自己的灵魂控制之下了!灰烬猛地抬起了手臂,将头顶的棺材盖子一把掀开,猛地直起了腰从棺材里面爬了出来! Uncovers the coffin, but Ash discovers own at present a darkness! What cannot see as before, own body difference, really does not know what probably had, but, own Soul sensation had restored well, could the sensation, Freya and Neet in own surroundings, oneself live thoroughly came...? 揭棺而起的灰烬发现自己的眼前一片漆黑!依旧什么都看不见,自己的身躯好像也有一丝异样,实在是不知道发生了什么,不过好在,自己的灵魂感知已经恢复了,已经可以感知到,芙蕾雅、尼特就在自己的周围,自己已经彻底活了过来…吧? Ash! How you... you will turn into this appearance! How long you lie down! How can...” 灰烬!你…你怎么会变成这个样子!你才躺进去多久啊!怎么会…” Ash felt that a Soul fluctuation of Freya, just wants to ask how they did not speak time, actually surprised discovery, oneself, not only the eye has problems, the mouth also has problems, no matter how oneself opened mouth is a sound! 灰烬感觉到芙蕾雅灵魂一阵波动,正想问问他们怎么不说话的时候,却惊讶的发现,自己不只是眼睛出了问题,就连嘴巴也出了问题,不管自己怎么张嘴就是一点声音都不出! Waiting for... this situation is the mouth has the problem or the ear has the problem, or was said that both did have the problem? 等等…这种情况是嘴有毛病还是耳朵有毛病,或者是说两者都有毛病? In view of the fact that the eye cannot see this situation, the Ash bold guess, oneself possibly were the eye mouth ear nose malfunctions entirely 鉴于眼睛看不见这一情况,灰烬大胆的猜测,自己可能是眼睛嘴巴耳朵鼻子统统失灵了 Thinks of here, Ash lifted the hand, touched well to own face... solely is not these organs except for the issue, absolutely did not have these organs! 想到这里,灰烬抬起了手,摸向了自己的脸…好嘛自己不单单是这些器官除了问题,根本就是没有这些器官了! Because Ash can touch, only has a skeleton head, in addition anything does not have... 因为灰烬能摸到的,只有一颗骷髅头,除此之外什么都没有… When Ash somewhat feels helpless, Neet's voice resounds use chaos Lord Soul in Ash Soul suddenly, your body has not restored...” 就在灰烬有些不知所措的时候,尼特的声音突然在灰烬灵魂之中响起“使用混沌的王魂,你的躯体还没有恢复呢…” Hears this saying, Ash quickly stimulates to movement chaos Lord Soul in Soul, starts to attempt to use the life the strength to remould own body... 听到这话,灰烬急忙催动起自己灵魂之中的混沌王魂,开始尝试使用生命的力量重塑自己的躯体… Under the Freya angle of view, is the quiet coffin is lifted from inside suddenly, on a rib is hanging a skeleton head of bone long sword from facing set, where opens mouth... then he also to extend own skeleton to touch own face, probably very flustered appearance, the last flame braved from his skeleton, its package in! 芙蕾雅的视角之下,就是原本静悄悄的棺材突然被人从里面掀开,紧接着一个肋骨上挂着一把骨质长剑的骷髅头从里面钻了起来,在哪里张了张嘴…然后他还伸出自己的骷髅手摸了摸自己的脸,好像很慌张的样子,最后一阵火光从他的骷髅之中冒了出来,将其包裹在了其中! Freya somewhat flustered turning the head, looked that he... he was lives now to asking of Neet some surprise?” 芙蕾雅有些慌张的转过头,看向身旁的尼特有些诧异的问道“他…他现在算是活过来了吗?” Should immediately good...” “应该马上就好吧…” Finishes speaking, the flame in coffin went into seclusion gradually, revealed the face of Ash... under expediting childbirth of chaos flame, the flesh organization appeared above the bone of Ash again... 话音刚落,棺材之中的火光渐渐隐退,露出了灰烬的面庞…在混沌火焰的催生之下,血肉组织再一次出现在了灰烬的骨头之上… Ash deeply inspires, rotated in several eyes, smacking the lips of gently said in a low voice how to feel where does not seem like gets a grip very much! Freya you helped me have a look at me to restore!” 灰烬深吸了一口气,转动了几下眼睛之中,轻轻的咂了咂嘴低声说道“怎么感觉什么地方好像不是很得劲啊!芙蕾雅你帮我看看我恢复过来了没有!” A Freya face speechless looks at Ash, long sighs saying that restored is restores, but was the issue... on you are many you not to discover?” 芙蕾雅一脸无语的看着灰烬,长叹了一口气说道“恢复是恢复过来了但问题是…你身上多了一块你自己没发现吗?” Hears this saying, some Ash doubts crooked head, were many? Is impossible, will oneself violate this mistake? Where I must have a look to be many actually 听到这话,灰烬有些疑惑的歪了歪脑袋,多了一块?不可能啊,自己怎么会犯这种失误呢?我倒是要看看是哪里多了一块 Thinks of here, Ash lowers the head slowly, looks to own body... speaking of that were really unexpectedly many, in own chest, midpoint! Now where then inserting also hangs in grave Wang Jian of own chest front! 想到这里,灰烬缓缓地低下了头,看向了自己的身躯…你还别说,竟然真的多了一块,就在自己的胸口,正中央!那把插在自己胸前的墓王剑现在还挂在哪里呢! Helpless turned Byakugan, Ash puts out a hand to extract downward from own chest front grave Wang Jian, while has turned the head after Neet helpless saying you cannot hold my blade it to extract downward? Doesn't keep my body this thing?” 无奈的翻了个白眼,灰烬一边伸出手将墓王剑从自己的胸前拔了下来,一边转过头冲着尼特无奈的说道“你就不能捅我一刀以后把它拔下来吗?非把这东西也留在我的身上?” Grave Wang Jian of bone already, when body of Ash and Ash chest with fire of recast body chaos continually in one, it can be said that long above, as Ash makes an effort to pull out, big flesh were also ripped with this. 骨质的墓王剑已经在灰烬用混沌之火重铸身体的时候和灰烬的胸口的皮肉连在了一起,可以说是长在了上面,随着灰烬用力一抽,一大片血肉也跟这一起被撕了下来。 However the indifferent flame flashes through in the chest of Ash, the damage of just causing again vanishes without a trace... 但是无所谓阵火光在灰烬的胸口闪过,刚刚造成的创伤再一次消失的无影无踪… High-speed writing hits to pass on hot hero the travel of chapter list of dimension 高速文字手打传火侠的次元之旅章节列表
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