DC :: Volume #32

#3143: Training( tomorrow estimated that plows snow to want so tired)

Finding to hope is not a difficult matter, cocoa Syria surrenders finally, was detained by the counter entropy got up & fucking ash ; Although she indeed is one of the counter entropy high-level Enforcer, but trades to betray the organization obviously to violate the stipulation with other organizations in secret secretly. 找到希儿并不是一件困难的事情,可可利亚最终自首,然后被逆熵拘押了起来—虽然她的确是逆熵的高层执行者之一,但是和其他组织暗中交易出卖组织机密明显还是违反规定的。 However now Walter comes back, how should handle the cocoa Syria's issue to give him to solve was good, but cocoa Syria also gave Bro Niya to look after radish Leah and Li Leah, in addition hoped ......... four people are simultaneous/uniform. 不过现在瓦尔特回来了,该如何处置可可利亚的问题就交给他去解决就好了,而可可利亚则把萝莎莉娅和莉莉娅也交给了布洛妮娅来照顾,再加上希儿………四个人算是齐了。 They usually in play in the abyssal sea city either, either is treating in nearby bonin island sand beach, therefore was also very easy to find. Fang Zheng leads Qi Ya Na to arrive at the time that in the sand beach found to hope, the latter is playing to play hide-and-seek with other three people. When hearing Fang Zheng’s request, hopes also has a scare. 她们平日里要么在海渊城玩,要么就在附近的无人岛沙滩上待着,因此也很容易找到。方正带着琪亚娜来到沙滩上找到希儿的时候,后者正在和其他三个人一起玩捉迷藏。在听到方正的要求时,希儿也是吓了一跳。 Yeah? Does Mr. Yuki, how you know another me?” “哎?结城先生,你是怎么知道另一个我的?” I see.” “我看到的。” Side that Fang Zheng glanced over hopes. 方正扫了一眼希儿的身边。 In the into the sea|nautical mile of quantum, I sees in you behind also black hair you ........., although my not too clear this is what situation, what seems like you two to be together is good.” “在量子之海里,我就看到在你身后还有一个黑发的你………虽然我不太清楚这是个什么情况,不过看起来你们两个相处的还是蛮不错的。” aiya? Has not really thought that unexpectedly some people can see me.” 哎呀?真没想到居然有人能够看到我。” Hears Fang Zheng’s words, hope of that black hair pokes head from her behind, curious is sizing up Fang Zheng, the latter is also beckoning with the hand to her, is greets. 听到方正的说话,那个黑发的希儿从她身后探出头来,好奇的打量着方正,后者也对着她摆了摆手,算是打了个招呼。 Therefore I want to ask, how among you to exchange?” “所以我想问问,你们之间是怎么交流的?” This ............... “这个……………” Facing Fang Zheng’s inquiry, hopes somewhat crampedly, after all she has not always told others oneself secret, but is seen through by Fang Zheng now, she does not have the means to cover up again. Therefore finally, hoped provided some of her with the way that another exchanged. 面对方正的询问,希儿有些局促,毕竟一直以来她都没有告诉别人自己的秘密,不过现在被方正看穿了,她也没有办法再遮掩。所以最终,希儿还是提供了一些她和另外一个自己交流的方式。 Basically, I, so long as is summoning another at heart, she will reply me. Also, when I close the eye, sinks to the heart time, I can meet with her ......... “基本上,我只要在心里呼唤另外一个自己,她就会回答我。还有,当我闭上眼睛,沉入心底的时候,我可以和她见面………” Sinks to the heart? How to sink?” “沉入心底?怎么沉?” Although hopes very diligently is explaining, but regarding brain capacity only then Qi Ya Na of paramaecium rank was very difficult to understand. 虽然希儿很努力的在讲解,但是对于脑容量只有草履虫等级的琪亚娜来说就很难理解了。 Is ......... closes the eye, then contemplates ......... blows off own brain ......... “就是………闭上眼睛,然后冥想………把自己的大脑放空………” Un ............... “嗯……………” Hears speech that hopes, Qi Ya Na is also the little darling closes the eye, then ......... first crooked. 听到希儿的说话,琪亚娜也是乖乖闭上眼睛,然后………头一歪。 ............... “呼……………” Fell asleep. 就这么睡着了。 !” !” A Fang Zheng palm of the hand claps without hesitation on her back of the head, hit to awake Qi Ya Na instantaneously. 方正毫不犹豫一巴掌拍在她后脑勺上,瞬间把琪亚娜打醒了。 Waah, what's the matter?” “哇啊,怎么回事?” Asked you to contemplate, has not asked you to sleep!” “叫你冥想,没叫你睡觉!” But hoped does not say closes the eye, what does not think, this wasn't sleeps? Right, hopes?” “但是希儿不是说闭上眼睛,什么都不想,这不就是睡觉吗?对吧,希儿?” This ............... “这个……………” Facing Qi Ya Na's inquiry, hoping is one is also in a daze, does not know how should reply. 面对琪亚娜的询问,希儿也是一阵发愣,不知道该如何回答。 Is contemplation sleeps? 冥想是睡觉吗? Probably did not seem like ......... hopes unable to say. 好像是也好像不是………希儿也说不上来了。 Moreover, I before and law of emptying was such in the dream exchanged, but after waking up, could not remember.” “而且,我之前和空之律者就是这么在梦中交流的啊,只不过醒来之后记不住罢了。” Visits you now this appearance, must irritate may not.” “看你现在这个样子,西琳非得气死不可。” Hears Qi Ya Na's reply, Fang Zheng was thoroughly speechless. 听到琪亚娜的回答,方正彻底无语了 You go back to sleep, communicates with her in the dream well.” “那你就回去睡觉,好好在梦里和她沟通吧。” Also had no good way to Qi Ya Na this paramaecium Fang Zheng, the itself intelligence quotient was not high, hit to fear that again destroyed the brain. Therefore he also can only let the words that Qi Ya Na remembered herself speak, then went to and to the dream in again chats & fucking ash well ; The thing in dream cannot remember, at least the thing in reality you can remember to me! 对琪亚娜这只草履虫方正也没什么好办法了,本身智商就不高,再打下去怕是把脑子都打坏了。于是他也只能够让琪亚娜记住自己说的话,然后到梦里再去和西琳好好聊聊—梦里的东西记不住,起码现实里的东西你能给我记住吧! Besides this matter, the Fang Zheng rest of the time basically are Mikan have Lala they in the same place, naturally, conduct to the thunder and lightning bud clothes and Qi Ya Na teach especially. 除了这件事之外,方正剩下的时间基本就是和美柑还有菈菈她们在一起,当然,还有对雷电芽衣和琪亚娜进行特训。 The law of core that principle Bro Niya inherits can be controlled on behalf of the strength of law. Fang Zheng also asks Walter Yang to inquire how he achieves, finally Walter Yang's reply actually stemmed from Fang Zheng’s to be unexpected, according to Walter Yang's view, same actually not, but was a named Walter. Joyce's man. Process no one who how he turns into same knew, but is different from law of law of having free time later thunder, Walter is the same has not displayed any aggressivity at first, he lost the memory purely. 布洛妮娅所继承的理之律者核心就代表律者的力量是可以被控制的。方正也找过瓦尔特杨询问他是如何做到的,结果瓦尔特杨的回答却是出乎了方正的预料之外,按照瓦尔特杨的说法,第一律者其实并不是自己,而是一个名为瓦尔特.乔伊斯的男人。他是如何变成第一律者的经过无人得知,但是和之后的雷之律者还有空之律者不同,瓦尔特身为第一律者最初并没有表现出任何攻击性,他只是单纯失去了记忆。 But had some matter after that in brief was Otto launches the collapse to be able toward the city that Walter was at finally the fission ball, but Walter used oneself complete strength to make the collapse of protection entire city to be able shield, protected the people from Otto hand, but oneself actually therefore sacrificed. 而在那之后发生了一些事情,总而言之就是最终奥托向着瓦尔特所在的城市发射了崩坏能裂变弹,而瓦尔特则利用自己的全部力量制造出了保护整个城市的崩坏能护盾,从奥托手中保护了众人,而自己却因此牺牲。 Before Walter, he entrusted the core of law of principle for at the point of death at that time in Joachim & fucking ash of scene ; Also is present Walter. Yang. 在瓦尔特临死前,他把理之律者的核心托付给了当时在现场的约阿希姆—也就是现在的瓦尔特.杨。 In fact, Otto launched the collapse to be able the fission ball and Walter's death, was urges North American Branch to be separated from the destiny, transfers the counter entropy the primary cause. 事实上,奥托发射崩坏能裂变弹和瓦尔特的死亡,就是促使北美支部从天命脱离,转为逆熵的主要原因。 Un, no wonder the second law eliminated time Otto must come again one time, after all that time throws be used. 嗯,难怪第二律者被消灭的时候奥托还要再来一次,闹了半天是扔习惯了。 Fang Zheng instigates Lisa to project on the headquarters to bring order out of chaos directly, that extremely east branch estimate was the second counter entropy. 要不是方正怂恿德丽莎直接打到总部拨乱反正,那极东支部估计就是第二个逆熵了。 Therefore how to get rid of control in law of principle, Walter Yang cannot give the too detailed answer. 所以在理之律者到底是如何摆脱控制方面,瓦尔特杨也给不出太详细的答案。 Therefore Fang Zheng has to use the crudest barbaric method but. 于是方正无奈之下只好用最粗暴野蛮的法子了。 That is & fucking ash ; Squeezing! 那就是—压榨! Bang!!!!” “砰!!!!” With the depressed collision sound, the thunder and lightning bud clothes tumbled is falling on the floor, rolled continuously several, this stopped. She bites the jaw tightly, on the fair face everywhere is the pea-sized beads of sweat. 伴随着沉闷的碰撞声,雷电芽衣翻滚着倒在了地板上,连续滚了好几圈,这才停了下来。她紧咬住牙关,白皙的面庞上到处都是豆大的汗珠。 Again come.” “再来。” Fang Zheng stands there, looks lies in Qi Ya Na and thunder and lightning bud clothes of & fucking ash ground at present ; Since cannot obtain anything from Walter Yang there right key, then Fang Zheng has to cross the river while feeling the stones. The simplest method, naturally is the greatest squeezing thunder and lightning bud clothes and Qi Ya Na, making them learn to use law on own initiative the strength, and finally controls it. 方正站在那里,看着眼前趴在地上的琪亚娜和雷电芽衣—既然从瓦尔特杨那里得不到什么“正确答案”,那么方正就只好摸着石头过河。最简单的方法,自然就是最大程度的压榨雷电芽衣和琪亚娜,让她们学会主动使用律者的力量,并且最终控制住它。 Naturally, the ordinary training does not have the effect. However the Fang Zheng’s training is not ordinary, he will simulate with dragon prestige two people spirits suppresses, made them fall into during the threat of death in the maximum limit. In this case, greatest stimulation their potential, making them learn the control force. 当然,普通的训练是没有效果的。但是方正的训练可不普通,他会用龙威模拟对两人的精神进行压制,在最大限度上让她们陷入死亡的威胁之中去。在这种情况下,会最大程度的激发她们的潜力,让她们学会控制力量。 However what pitifully is ......... or nearly. 不过可惜的是………还是差点儿。 haah ......... haah ............... 哈啊………哈啊……………” Heard Fang Zheng’s words, the thunder and lightning bud clothes crawled reluctantly, looked at side not far away face upwards lying down who then worried about on floor, two turned faints white/in vain past Qi Ya Na. Then she takes back the vision, looks to present Fang Zheng. 听到方正的说话,雷电芽衣勉强爬了起来,接着担忧的看了一眼身边不远处仰躺在地板上,两眼翻白昏死过去的琪亚娜。接着她收回目光,望向眼前的方正 To be honest, the thunder and lightning bud clothes has not seen such strength. 说实话,雷电芽衣从来没有见过这样的力量。 Although she suppressed law of thunder, but was not totally safe, when started Fang Zheng to want the strength of law of thunder and lightning bud clothes learned release thunder, the thunder and lightning bud clothes is the rejection. She is clear about the fearfulness of law of thunder compared with anybody. Once releases truly, perhaps will then trigger the collapse again ..............., however Fang Zheng does not listen to the explanation of thunder and lightning bud clothes from the start, lifted hand dragon prestige to let out directly. 虽然她压制住了雷之律者,但也并非完全保险,在最开始方正要雷电芽衣学会释放雷之律者的力量时,雷电芽衣是拒绝的。她比任何人都清楚雷之律者的可怕。一旦真正释放出来,那么说不定会再次引发崩坏……………然而方正压根不听雷电芽衣的解释,直接一抬手龙威就放出去了。 Then the next moment, the thunder and lightning bud clothes immediately the died shadow covered, the desire at this moment seeking livehood broke through the reason directly, let the liberation of thunder and lightning bud clothes instinct in the body the strength of law of thunder. 接着下一刻,雷电芽衣顿时就被死亡的阴影所笼罩,这一刻求生的欲望直接突破了理智,让雷电芽衣本能的解放了身体内雷之律者的力量。 In fact, in the strength liberated instance of law of thunder, the thunder and lightning bud clothes innermost feelings last thought was ......... is bad!” 事实上,在雷之律者的力量被解放的瞬间,雷电芽衣内心最后一个念头则是………“糟了!” To come in the thunder and lightning bud clothes, along with the liberation of law of thunder, then can definitely be one reign of terror that affects the whole world. 在雷电芽衣想来,伴随着雷之律者的解放,那么接下来肯定会是一场影响整个世界的腥风血雨。 When she opens the eye again, actually discovered oneself are lying on the ground, but standing that Fang Zheng returns safe and sound before her, even the hair has not fallen one. 然而当她再次睁开眼睛的时候,却发现自己正趴在地上,而方正则毫发无损的站在她面前,甚至连头发都没有掉一根。 This? Again come.” “就这?再来。” Until this time, the thunder and lightning bud clothes understands in front of finally oneself this man was fearful. 直到这个时候,雷电芽衣终于明白自己面前这个男人有多可怕了。 Even full power liberation law of thunder, is not his opponent! 甚至连全力解放的雷之律者,都不是他的对手! However regarding the thunder and lightning bud clothes, this is actually a good deed. 但是对于雷电芽衣来说,这却是件好事。 Until now, she can only get up the law of seal thunder, when the situation is critical, but must make Lisa they prepare to start momentarily installs the explosive charge on own heart , because strength of law of thunder extremely in great strength, once erupts few to control her. Therefore the thunder and lightning bud clothes is impossible to take this risk, tried to find out on own initiative how to use the strength of law of thunder. 一直以来,她只能够把雷之律者封印起来,只有在情况危急的时候,还要让德丽莎她们准备好随时启动安装在自己心脏上的起爆器,就是因为雷之律者的力量太过于强大,一旦爆发几乎没有人能够控制住她。因此雷电芽衣也不可能冒着这种风险,去主动摸索如何使用雷之律者的力量。 However now, has Fang Zheng here, moreover can suppress full power law of full thunder with ease, this is also makes the thunder and lightning bud clothes feel relieved how starts gradually to try to find out the strength of law of use thunder in the sober condition. 但是现在,有方正在这里,而且可以轻轻松松的压制住全力全开的雷之律者,这也是让雷电芽衣放下了心,开始逐渐摸索着如何在清醒状态下使用雷之律者的力量。 The Fang Zheng’s exercise way and is inhumane . Moreover the training seemed like the death edge wire walking to the feeling of thunder and lightning bud clothes each time. Although before she trains each time, could the self- hypnosis say that this was only the training, Mr. Yuki will not really massacre oneself, whenever Fang Zheng emitted dragon prestige time, the first thought in thunder and lightning bud clothes brain was „is still not good, will die!” 方正的锻炼方式及其不人道,而且每次训练给雷电芽衣的感觉就好像是死亡边缘走钢丝。虽然她每次训练之前都会自我催眠说这只是训练,结城先生是不会真的杀掉自己的,但是每当方正放出龙威的时候,雷电芽衣脑中的第一个念头依旧是“不好,会死!” That type from the innermost soul, the fear of life instinct broke through the shackles and shackles of thought that then ......... the thunder and lightning bud clothes lost control directly. 那种来自灵魂深处,生命本能的恐惧突破了思维的牢笼和枷锁,接着………雷电芽衣就直接失控了。 The sequela that this way brings is the thunder and lightning bud clothes is almost having the nightmare daily in the evening, sleeping to rest to half awakes with a start is the potluck. However has saying that this learning mode also indeed made the thunder and lightning bud clothes progress quite quick, present she has been able to utilize the strength of law of part of thunder. 这种方式带来的后遗症就是雷电芽衣几乎天天晚上都在做噩梦,睡觉睡到一半吓醒更是家常便饭。但是不得不说,这种训练方式也的确让雷电芽衣进步相当快,现在的她已经可以运用一部分雷之律者的力量了。 In comparison, Qi Ya Na was more hapless, does not know that she was the law of communication emptying is not good, was the latter character distortion. Law of emptying does not borrow the strength from the start to Qi Ya Na, many times thunder and lightning bud clothes looked that Qi Ya Na exhibited combustion! Microcosm!” The stance, the least bit response does not have finally. 相比之下,琪亚娜就倒霉多了,不知道她是不是和空之律者沟通不好,还是后者性格扭曲。空之律者压根就不借力量给琪亚娜,很多次雷电芽衣就看琪亚娜摆出了“燃烧吧!小宇宙!”的姿态,结果半点儿反应都没有。 Good, the thunder and lightning bud clothes is for fear that the strength of law of radical liberation thunder, places Qi Ya Na there present to liberate unable to liberate & fucking ash ; Even Qi Ya Na cannot withstand after several times Fang Zheng’s dragon prestige faints, law of emptying pushes someone take on a difficult job to come, then saw that Fang Zheng words did not say directly before shrinking went back advancing Qi Ya Na., 好吧,雷电芽衣这边是生怕彻底解放雷之律者的力量,放在琪亚娜那里现在是想解放都解放不出来—甚至好几次还是琪亚娜承受不住方正的龙威昏死过去之后,空之律者才勉为其难现身,接着看到方正直接连句话都不说就缩了回去又把琪亚娜给推到了台前。 Also because of this, although Qi Ya Na also many can utilize some law the strength, but compares careless with the thunder and lightning bud clothes, cannot compare with Bro Niya. 也正因为如此,虽然琪亚娜也多少能够运用一些律者的力量,但是和雷电芽衣比起来就马马虎虎,和布洛妮娅就更不能比了。 Naturally, alternates work with rest or will, although Qi Ya Na's progress is slow, but Fang Zheng decided that when has little girl and female martial Shenmen going out revolutions of family/home on Sunday ......... the good and evil is being to also relax together. 当然了,劳逸结合还是必要的,虽然琪亚娜的进步缓慢,不过方正还是决定,等到周日带着自己家的小丫头和女武神们一起出去转转………好歹也是放松一下嘛。 Although the scenery of abyssal sea city is very beautiful, the time of however treating grew, will have the deep sea phobophobia good. 虽然海渊城的景色很美,但是待的时间长了,还是会有深海恐惧症的好吧。
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