DC :: Volume #32

#3141: Re-enters the reality( weather forecast explanation world heavy snow)

Un ..................... “嗯…………………” When Bro Niya opens the eye again, first sees, is the blue haired girl exciting expression. 当布洛妮娅再次睁开眼睛时,首先看见的,是蓝发少女激动的表情。 Bro Niya Onee-san, you awoke finally!” “布洛妮娅姐姐,你终于醒了!” Hoping ......... me ......... is ......... “希儿………我………到底是………” Bro Niya frowns, before recalling, matter that carefully has, after Fang Zheng blocked the snake, she then brought to hope runs to the channel of eye of opening abyssal sea. However the ghosts of sea of quantum are actually following close on them closely associated, finally, to let returns to the reality, Bro Niya chose to remain, hope sent in that path ......... 布洛妮娅皱起眉头,仔细回忆着自己之前所发生的事情,在方正挡住了蛇之后,她便带着希儿跑向了海渊之眼开启的通道。但是量子之海的幽魂们却如影随形的紧跟着她们,最终,为了让希儿回到现实,布洛妮娅选择了留下来,将希儿送入了那条通路……… Here is reality oh, it seems like you also not sober?” “这里是现实,看来你还没清醒?” At this time, a familiar sound resounded in Bro Niya ear, hears this to have several points of play four sounds, Bro Niya suddenly one startled, has turned the head. Sees only Fang Zheng to stand in own bedside, gently chuckled is greeting to her. 就在这个时候,一个熟悉的声音在布洛妮娅的耳边响起,听到这个带着几分戏肆的声音,布洛妮娅猛然一惊,转过头去。只见方正就站在自己的床边,笑呵呵的对着她打了声招呼。 Yo, rests?” “哟,睡的好吗?” Yuki .........?” 结城………?” Hopes to save you, just I also came back ......... in brief, everyone is well.” “希儿把你救回来的,刚好我也回来了………总而言之,大家都平安无事。” All is well ......... “平安无事………” Hears Fang Zheng’s reply, Bro Niya mutters, when she sees Fang Zheng to entangle the right hand of bandage, is actually startled suddenly. 听到方正的回答,布洛妮娅喃喃自语道,但是当她看见方正缠着绷带的右手时,却是骤然一惊。 Your right hand ......... “你的右手………” „The fellow is not good to cope, but was killed by me, relax. Received a small wound, is not in the way.” “那家伙不好对付,不过还是被我干掉了,放心吧。只是受了点儿小伤而已,不碍事的。” Is saying, Fang Zheng puts out a hand, patted Bro Niya head. 一面说着,方正一面伸出手去,拍了拍布洛妮娅的脑袋。 Ok, you rested well, other while people will also come to see you, I also had walk one beforehand step.” “好了,你好好休息吧,一会儿其他人也会来看你,我还有事先走一步了。” Spoke these words, Fang Zheng turns around to leave the hospital ward, then arrived on the corridor, lazy stretching oneself. 说完这句话,方正就转身离开了病房,接着来到走廊上,慵懒的伸了个懒腰。 I have never thought that the time is not long, the matter are actually many.” “真没想到,时间不长,事儿倒是不少啊。” Regarding Fang Zheng, crawls not to spend how much time from the into the sea|nautical mile of quantum actually, in fact leads Bro Niya after hope comes out shortly, he with crawling. But the Fang Zheng’s right hand frightened the people to jump at that time, for does not let Lala and Mikan they were worried, Fang Zheng congealed a Mimics artificial limb with the shadow, so long as ties up the bandage to take the glove, the average person cannot look and that's the end. 对于方正来说,从量子之海里爬出来倒是没花多少时间,事实上在希儿将布洛妮娅带出来之后没多久,他就跟着爬出来了。只不过当时方正的右手还是吓了众人一跳,为了不让菈菈美柑她们担心,方正还是用阴影凝结了一个拟态的义肢,只要绑上绷带带上手套,一般人也看不出来就是了。 But Fang Zheng also from keeping there Leander, slightly dark and the others there, knew oneself and Bro Niya understands the situation after eye of abyssal sea. 方正也从留在那里的利安德,小暗等人那里,得知了自己和布洛妮娅进入海渊之眼后的情况。 By Leander is eliminated because of the collapse beast group that suddenly leave of eye of abyssal sea was attracted finally, not only that they also found Dr. Einstein & fucking ash ; According to the view of Dr. Einstein, she in observation station by a person sneak attack named grey snake, then its pass/test. But after eye of opening abyssal sea, her originally should dissipate a into the sea|nautical mile good friend to appear in the quantum suddenly, helping her escape from the jail. 因为海渊之眼的暴走而被吸引过来的崩坏兽群最终被利安德消灭,不仅如此,她们也找到了爱因斯坦博士—根据爱因斯坦博士的说法,她在观测站里被一个名叫灰蛇的人偷袭,然后将其关了起来。而在海渊之眼开启之后,她一个原本应该消散在量子之海里的好友忽然出现,帮助她从监牢里逃了出来。 Moreover, they also discovered secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator & fucking ash of matter ; An organization of named world snake. 不仅如此,她们也发现了整件事的幕后黑手—一个名为世界蛇的组织。 In fact, arrives at the abyssal sea in them at present, in this organization that man named grey snake found cocoa Syria, makes the transaction with her, hopes that she can open the eye of abyssal sea, then induces the people to enter. But the condition that they give is to let resurrecting, returns the real world. 事实上,在他们到达海渊之眼前,这个组织中那个名叫灰蛇的男人就找到可可利亚,与她做交易,希望她能够打开海渊之眼,然后诱导众人进入其中。而他们给出的条件就是让希儿复活,重新回到现实世界。 Finally, cocoa Syria accepted the opinion of grey snake, why this is she reason that coordinates Fang Zheng and the others to connect with the abyssal sea city. 最终,可可利亚接受了灰蛇的意见,这就是为什么她会配合方正等人交接海渊城的原因。 However what stems from cocoa Syria to be unexpected, the grey snake in first started the eye of abyssal sea in the back secretly, created suddenly leave of eye of abyssal sea, and makes Bro Niya fall into the sea of quantum. Cocoa Syria is quite angry, goes to interrogate the grey snake, and plans broken to abandon transaction of both sides, finally was instead killed & fucking ash by the grey snake ; Fortunately, Fang Zheng before confessed just before leaving small is staring at cocoa Syria secretly, his intention is to let small prevent the cocoa Syria's plot, the result not to think that secretly instead rescued a cocoa Syria life. 然而出乎可可利亚意料之外的是,灰蛇在背地里偷偷抢先启动了海渊之眼,造成了海渊之眼的暴走,并且使得布洛妮娅身陷量子之海。可可利亚对此相当愤怒,前去质问灰蛇,并且打算破弃双方的交易,结果被灰蛇反杀—幸运的是,方正在临走之前就交代小暗盯着可可利亚,原本他的用意是让小暗阻止可可利亚的阴谋,结果没想到反而救了可可利亚一命。 Cocoa Syria after that also felt acutely disappointed, chose the surrender, then says itself ......... the present to be very obvious with the entire process of the world snake transaction, the opposite party wanted cocoa Syria to open the eye of abyssal sea, to tempt Fang Zheng and the others entered isolates the labyrinth of sea and reality quantum, and relieved the barrier, quite made that broken snake return to the reality. 在那之后可可利亚也是万念俱灰,选择了投降,接着说出了自己与世界蛇交易的整个过程………现在很明显,对方要可可利亚打开海渊之眼,就是为了引诱方正等人进入隔离量子之海与现实的迷宫,并且解除屏障,好让那条破蛇回到现实。 However what pitifully is, now that snake had been skinned by Fang Zheng pulls out the bone to pull out the muscle. 不过可惜的是,现在那条蛇已经被方正剥皮抽骨拔筋了。 So far, all are it can be said that happy, only minor defect in something otherwise perfect is Einstein to Fang Zheng expressed that the canteen that the sea of entire quantum boils simply and boils because of him and Kevin's that war, not to distinguish at present. Let alone sought for the position data of their world, even if opened again may cause the intense quantum storm. 到目前为止,一切可以说是皆大欢喜,唯一美中不足的就是爱因斯坦向方正表示因为他和凯文的那场大战,眼下整个量子之海沸腾的简直和烧开的水壶没区别。别说寻找他们世界的位置坐标了,哪怕再次开启都有可能引发强烈的量子风暴。 In this case wants to seek for the world coordinate, its difficulty the way in the sand storm is higher, now also only then and other seas of quantum natural cooling, then sought ......... 在这种情况下想要寻找世界坐标,其难度比在沙尘暴里寻路还高,现在也只有等量子之海“自然冷却”,然后再重新寻找了……… Regarding this Fang Zheng is also very helpless, but how can also? Also can only the little darling wait for ......... only the hope not to need too for a long time. 对此方正也很无奈,不过还能怎么样呢?还只能够乖乖等着了………只希望不需要太长时间吧。 Although a little minor defect in something otherwise perfect, but this time comes back, Fang Zheng and Bro Niya harvest is many. 虽然有点儿美中不足,但这次回来,方正和布洛妮娅的收获都是不少。 Bro Niya was needless saying that she obtained the core of law of principle in the sea of quantum, had the strength of law of principle. In addition, she will also be stranded in Walter of sea of quantum initially. Yang rescuing. This heroic spirit is actually natural, to express the life-saving efforts, the direct big hand wields expressed that gave Fang Zheng them the abyssal sea city and this place. Moreover, Walter also give Bro Niya should law of core own principle, looks at his appearance, as if also planned that the counter entropy the position of Alliance Leader gives Bro Niya to run ............... 布洛妮娅不用说了,她在量子之海中获得了理之律者的核心,拥有了理之律者的力量。除此之外,她还将当初被困在量子之海的瓦尔特.杨给救了出来。这位倒是豪气大方,为了表达救命之恩,直接大手一挥表示把海渊城和这块地方送给方正他们了。不仅如此,瓦尔特还把原本应该属于自己的理之律者核心也送给了布洛妮娅,看他的样子,似乎还打算逆熵的盟主之位都交给布洛妮娅去掌管…………… But Fang Zheng? Also carried over Kallen . Casland, eight heavy cherries and eight heavy cold three people, turned that simultaneously dry/does in into the sea|nautical mile of quantum broken snake that thinks the wicked scheme. Although lost an arm, but to Fang Zheng is not anything at the worst, if treats as spare, he can definitely congeal to use with the shadow. Also, after oneself return to the original body, wasn't this no longer the issue? 方正这边呢?也是带出了卡莲.卡斯兰娜,八重樱和八重凛三个人,同时干翻了那条在量子之海里想鬼主意的破蛇。虽然损失了一只手臂,不过对方正来说也不算什么大不了的事情,如果只是当做备用的话,他完全可以用阴影凝结一个来用。再说了,等自己回到原本的身体之后,这不就不再是问题了? Therefore Fang Zheng also contacted Lisa specially, told her me to bring ......... nearly not to make a Lisa blood your mother spurt, however is knowing Fang Zheng Kallen . Casland brings after 500 years ago time fragment, Lisa is also shocked, and expressed oneself rush to the abyssal sea city immediately, sees this ancestor & fucking ash ; Theoretically, she is the Kallen clone, indeed has the blood relationship with Kallen , must say that is mother and daughter also misses probably are not quite many. 为此方正还特意联络了德丽莎,告诉她“我把你妈带回来了………”差点儿没让德丽莎一口鲜血喷出来,但是在得知方正卡莲.卡斯兰娜从五百年前的时光碎片里带回来之后,德丽莎也是大为震惊,并且表示自己会立刻赶往海渊城,见见这位老祖宗—从理论上来说,她是卡莲的克隆人,与卡莲的确算是有血缘关系的,要说是母女好像也差不太多。 After discussing regarded Bro Niya, Fang Zheng returned to the battleship, then he saw Kallen to walk from Qi Ya Na's room. 在谈视了布洛妮娅之后,方正就回到了战舰上,然后他就看见卡莲从琪亚娜的房间里走了出来。 Yo, what kind of?” “哟,怎么样?” Looks at present Kallen , Fang Zheng greets asked to her. According to the view of bud clothes, Qi Ya Na after restoring consciousness, has appeared the somewhat depressed appearance. This can also understand, although said that is that idiot Otto's plot, but she was awakened to become law & fucking ash forcefully ; Although Fang Zheng prompt patted law of emptying, because law awakens the collapse effect of having not to disappear. 看着眼前的卡莲,方正对她打了个招呼开口询问道。根据芽衣的说法,琪亚娜在恢复意识之后,就一直显得有些闷闷不乐的样子。这也可以理解,虽然说是个那个白痴奥托的阴谋,但是她还是被强行觉醒成为了律者—虽然方正及时把空之律者拍了回去,但是因为律者觉醒产生的崩坏效应并没有就此消失。 According to report that the destiny organization receives, at present the all over the world is collapsed the local quantity of beast attack to increase sharply, the infection that because the collapse has also produced many people ready dead and collapse beasts, regarding Qi Ya Na, this obviously is the heart knot that she is unable to open, therefore Fang Zheng makes Kallen this ancestor go to and Qi Ya Na simply talks openly, having a look at the means to untie Qi Ya Na's heart knot. 根据天命组织收到的报告,目前世界各地被崩坏兽袭击的地区数量激增,因为崩坏产生的感染也产生了不少死士和崩坏兽,对于琪亚娜来说,这显然是她无法打开的心结,所以方正干脆让卡莲这位老祖宗去和琪亚娜谈谈心,看看有没有办法解开琪亚娜的心结。 Also good.” “还不错。” Facing Fang Zheng’s inquiry, Kallen shows a faint smile, turns the head looked toward behind door. 面对方正的询问,卡莲微微一笑,转头望了一眼身后的房门。 I saw on her Casland family's spirit and will ......... look like, I in this world left behind something.” “我在她身上看到了卡斯兰娜家族的精神和意志………看来,这个世界的我还是留下了一些东西的。” That is good.” “那就好。” Hears the reply of Kallen , Fang Zheng also nods, but looking of some Kallen worries to his right hand. 听到卡莲的回答,方正也是点了点头,而卡莲则有些担心的望向他的右手。 „Is your right hand ......... all right?” “你的右手………没事吧?” Is all right, didn't say many? How you who asked this ......... “没事没事,不是说了很多遍了?你们怎么谁都问这个………” Hears the inquiry of Kallen , Fang Zheng also helplessly rolled his eyes. His ear that this issue listens to wanted the long cocoon, let alone Mikan, Eve they will ask, Lala, Nana and Momo will also ask, Kotegawa is only staring at him with Sairenji Haruna, done seemed like top paraplegia patient. 听到卡莲的询问,方正也是无奈的翻了个白眼。这个问题听的他耳朵都要长茧子了,别说美柑,伊芙她们会问,菈菈,娜娜和梦梦也会问,古手川唯和西连寺春菜更是盯着他,搞的好像自己是高位截瘫的病人似的。 Now Fang Zheng particularly rejoiced oneself also made a shadow to congeal the artificial limb to deceive the person, if this were seen oneself right hand entire not to have by them, feared oneself, when the seriously injured patient delivered ICU. 现在方正分外庆幸自己还弄了个阴影凝结了义肢来糊弄人,这要是被她们看见自己右手整个没了,怕不是要把自己当危重病人送ICU了。 Right, you thought how this world does feel?” “对了,你觉得这个世界感觉如何?” Fang Zheng is also disinclined to pester in this topic, therefore changed the topic decisively, but Kallen nods. 方正也懒得在这个话题上纠缠,于是果断改变了话题,而卡莲则点了点头。 Feeling ......... is very strange, this does not seem like my world, but looks like with my world very much, I have not thought the 500 years later world to turn into this appearance ........., how can I say, the feeling was unusual.” “感觉………很奇怪,这不像是我的世界,但是又和我的世界很像,我没想到五百年之后的世界会变成这个样子………嗯,怎么说呢,感觉蛮奇特的。” Enjoys well, at least ............... “好好享受吧,至少……………” Drop honk.” “滴嘟。” When the Fang Zheng speech, the prompt sound of individual terminal gets up, Fang Zheng opens the communication, looked at. 就在方正说话时,个人终端的提示音响起,方正打开通讯,看了一眼 Un, happen, your daughter arrived.” “嗯,正好,你女儿到了。” eh ............... sees her.” ……………去见见她吧。” Hears Fang Zheng’s words, the Kallen expression seems somewhat strange. Before arriving at this world, Fang Zheng has said Otto to her to resurrect she, made big pile of clone bodies, however survives finally, only then two, Lisa was adopted to become his granddaughter ......... Fang Zheng by Otto not to know how Kallen thinks, after all own friends from childhood cloned themselves oneself, when the granddaughter raised ......... this feeling is really strange. 听到方正的说话,卡莲的表情显得有些古怪。在来到这个世界之前,方正已经给她说过奥托为了复活她,制造了一大堆的克隆体,然而最终存活下来的只有两个,其中德丽莎被奥托收养成为了他的孙女………方正是不知道卡莲怎么想的,毕竟自己的青梅竹马克隆了自己还把自己当孙女养………这感觉实在是太怪异了。 Kallen had some understanding regarding clone also many, at least she knows moral Lisa and has the blood relationship, strict is mother and daughter right & fucking ash ; Therefore she was also instead more puzzled. 卡莲对于克隆也多少有了些了解,起码她知道德丽莎和自己是有血缘关系的,严格来说算是母女没错—于是她反而也更纠结了。 Then, in such strange atmosphere, Kallen and Lisa met. 接着,就在这么一个怪异的气氛里,卡莲和德丽莎见面了。 Most starts, both sides actually a little cannot let loose, but Lisa first adjusted afterward. She after all is female martial God of destiny, moreover lived many years, although strict Kallen is her ancestor one generation, but the light discusses the words of survival time, but Lisa Kallen several times. 最开始的时候,双方其实都有点儿放不开,但是后来还是德丽莎首先调整了过来。她毕竟是天命的女武神,而且也是活了很多年了,虽然严格来说卡莲算是她的祖先一辈,但是光是论存活时间的话,德丽莎可是卡莲的几倍。 After all the latter is only from 500 years of coming young girl, did not live 500 years of old monster. 毕竟后者只是个从五百年前来的少女,又不是活了五百年的老妖怪。 After this, the atmosphere also gradually became harmonious, both sides also let loose finally. 在这之后,气氛也渐渐变得融洽了许多,双方也总算是放开了。 About matter that Otto handles, and betrayal and revolution of destiny, Kallen has listened to Fang Zheng to mention, therefore she is also requested that Lisa hopes oneself can join the destiny organization, again by the female martial God status and collapse combat & fucking ash ; Meanwhile she also hopes that can the much study study 500 years later tactics, these when return to the world after all in the future, can perhaps use. 关于奥托所做的事情,以及天命的背叛和革命,卡莲已经听方正说起过了,于是她也是请求德丽莎希望自己能够加入天命组织,再次以女武神的身份与崩坏作战—同时她也希望能够多学学五百年后的战术,毕竟这些在日后自己回到自己世界时,说不定都是能够用上的。 Regarding this Lisa naturally extends welcome, but requests Kallen to want confidential own status outward, fortunately Kallen deeds, although spreads in the destiny organization really broadly, but has seen Kallen person basic few truly, so long as said of the same name, then cannot conceal the truth. 对此德丽莎自然是表示欢迎,只不过要求卡莲对外还是要保密自己的身份,幸运的是卡莲的事迹虽然在天命组织内部流传甚广,但是真正见过卡莲的人基本没几个,只要说是同名的话,那么也不是瞒不过去。 After both sides exchanged greetings, Lisa also shifts to Fang Zheng, entered the subject. 在双方寒暄了一阵之后,德丽莎也是转向方正,进入了正题。 Mr. Yuki, my this time comes, actually a matter hopes that can ask you ............... 结城先生,我这次来,其实还有一件事希望能够拜托你……………” oh?” ?” hearing this, Fang Zheng raised his brows. 听到这里,方正挑了下眉头 What matter?” “什么事?” „The matter about vault of heaven city, we heard some not good hearsay recently ............... “是关于天穹市的事情,最近我们听到了一些不好的传闻……………”
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