DC :: Volume #31

#3056: Christmas Eve( today started totally to give up day taking cash recharge)

Cheers!!!” “干杯!!!” With the loud noise of people, the Christmas party is also formally starts. 伴随着众人的喧闹声,圣诞晚会也算是正式开始。 On this day in the Fang Zheng family/home was filled with the person, besides Fang Zheng, Mikan, Eve, Shinku, Suiseiseki and Hinaichigo as well as superior Wood also attended certainly the meeting, Lala, Nana and dream dream is naturally no exception. 这一天方正家里可谓是挤满了人,除了方正,美柑,伊芙之外,真红,翠星石雏莓以及优库里伍德当然也参加了聚会,菈菈,娜娜和梦梦自然也不例外。 But in beyond these people besides family/home, other guests, the dark green star stone also arrived in home, passed this Christmas party with Suiseiseki. In addition, Kirisaki Kyouko also caught up, according to her view, in the family/home is also no interesting in any case, might as well is quite fun with everyone lively celebration. 而除了家里这些人之外,还有其他客人,其中苍星石也来到了家里,和翠星石一起度过这个圣诞晚会。除此之外,雾崎恭子也赶了过来,按照她的说法,家里反正也没什么意思,还不如和大家一起热热闹闹的庆祝比较好玩。 Small dark also after appreciating the concert directly by Mikan and Eve drew, although oneself no said that but seems like not repugnant. 小暗也在欣赏完演唱会之后直接被美柑伊芙拉了过来,本人虽然没什么表示,不过看起来也并不反感。 In addition Kuro-chan, Ling, in the entire family/home are one group joyfully celebrates the lively atmosphere everywhere. Because the person are many, Fang Zheng also changed the original banquet rhythm, he cut a Christmas tree to place in the garden directly, did a picnic to bake outside while convenient. Although said that this time night is a little cold, but does not need to be worried. Fang Zheng stabilized all around temperature with the magic, the dream dream was used to cover the entire family/home from the Deviluke star protective barrier, was the frisking and scampering time of various people. 再加上小黑,玲和缇欧,整个家里到处都是一团欢庆热闹的气氛。而因为人多,方正也改变了原本的宴会节奏,他直接砍了一颗圣诞树放在庭院里,顺便在外面搞了个野餐烧烤。虽然说这个时期的夜晚有点儿冷,不过也不用担心。方正用魔法稳定了四周的温度,梦梦用来自戴比路克星的防护屏障覆盖了整个家,然后就是各人的撒欢时间了。 One group of people play under the Christmas tree either, either is gathers round Luzichi to bake, Lala and Nana do not know where from turned one pile of smoke and fires, at this moment also took is flinging & fucking ash everywhere randomly ; Regarding this Fang Zheng is indifferent, is celebrates a holiday in any case, lively was enough. 一堆人要么在圣诞树下面玩,要么就是围着炉子吃烧烤,菈菈和娜娜不知道从什么地方翻出来了一堆烟火,这会儿也是拿着到处乱甩—对此方正是无所谓的,反正是过节嘛,热闹就行了 Said, here first time is so lively.” “说起来,这里还是第一次这么热闹呢。” As the only male labor power power, the burden that Fang Zheng naturally did not pass on responsibilities the responsibility of baking, he stood before the stove like this, turned is roasting the barbecue on stove, the corn and vegetables, looks at the young girls who pursued to create a disturbance in the garden. 作为唯一的男劳动力,方正自然当仁不让的负担起了烧烤的职责,他就这样站在炉子前,一面翻烤着炉子上的烤肉,玉米和蔬菜,一面看着在庭院里追逐打闹的少女们。 Did not say as for superior a few words actually, considers is only lowering the head to eat meat & fucking ash ; Un, really could not look that this he can eat, this abdomen had two kilograms beef quickly. 至于优倒是一句话不说,只顾着低头吃肉—嗯,真看不出来这丫这么能吃,这小肚子里塞了快有两公斤牛肉了吧。 Yes, in the family/home this time may not have before such lively.” “是啊,以前家里这个时候可没这么热闹过。” Mikan also hugged Cery to walk at this time, hears the Fang Zheng’s feeling, opens the mouth said. 美柑这时候也是抱着塞利奴走了过来,听到方正的感慨,不由的开口说道。 Although two people the Christmas is also very interesting before, but occasionally restless one also good.” “虽然以前两个人过圣诞节也挺有趣的,不过偶尔闹腾一下也不错。” Is saying, Fang Zheng looks to the Christmas tree, sees is only manipulating both hands there Kirisaki Kyouko, along with her movement, bunch of fireballs appears from the air, change that under the operation of Kirisaki Kyouko shape, but by Kirisaki Kyouko, Lala and Nana and the others is two illumination, watches her performance excited. 一面说着,方正一面望向圣诞树下,只见在那里雾崎恭子正摆弄双手,伴随着她的动作,一团团火球从空气之中浮现,在雾崎恭子的操纵下不住的变化着形态,而在雾崎恭子旁边,菈菈和娜娜等人则是两眼发光,兴奋不已的看着她的表演。 Raises while convenient, the Lala «Magical girl Kyouko» faithful audience, almost every volume must look, at this moment sees the honorable person to appear before oneself, she has displayed and groupie was similar. 顺带一提,菈菈还是《魔法少女恭子》的忠实观众,几乎每集必看,这会儿看到真人出现在自己面前,她已经表现的和追星族差不多了。 wū......... ......... 呜………………” When Fang Zheng and Mikan chatted, Ling is holding the cup, in not far away not happy is gazing at fixedly two people back. 就在方正美柑聊天的时候,玲则抱着杯子,在不远处不高兴的瞪视着两人的背影。 Obviously the Big Brother is our brothers to ......... “明明大哥哥是我们的大哥哥才对………” Does not need to act difficult, Ling.” “不需要这么闹别扭吧,玲。” Compared to Ling, actually helpless sighing. 相对于玲来说,缇欧倒是无奈的叹了口气。 She is also elder brother's imouto.” “她也是哥哥的妹妹呢。” I know that my not practical joke, but thought that some are not happy.” “我知道啦,我不会恶作剧的,只是觉得有些不高兴而已。” Is saying, Ling is nipping the straw wickedly, took back the vision. 一面说着,玲一面恶狠狠的咬着吸管,重新收回了目光。 haah ......... Ling is really a child.” 哈啊………玲还真是小孩子呢。” Sits on the roof, looks below, Kuro-chan is helpless shaking the head. 坐在屋顶上,看着下方的这一幕,小黑则是无奈的摇了摇头。 Words this way, she may only be able, when imouto, did not have least bit to detect that finally unexpectedly ......... yeah, the Big Brother also was really protects them.” “这样下去的话,她可就一直只能够当妹妹了,结果自己居然还没有半点儿察觉到………哎,大哥哥也真是太保护她们了。” Thought aloud is saying, Kuro-chan helpless sighing. 一面自言自语的说着,小黑一面无奈的叹了口气。 „Do you feel?” “你觉得呢?” Is saying, Kuro-chan turns head, grinning looks steadily is appearing in oneself behind dream dream. 一面说着,小黑一面回过头去,笑嘻嘻的盯视着出现在自己身后的梦梦。 „Can Big Brother spoil them?” “大哥哥会不会太溺爱她们了一些?” Mr. Yuki indeed is a very gentle person.” 结城先生的确是个很温柔的人。” Facing the Kuro-chan vision, dream dream instinct stopped, finally she arouses the courage, walks, sat in the Kuro-chan side. 面对小黑的目光,梦梦本能的停了一下,最后她还是鼓足勇气,走上去,坐在了小黑的身边。 Miss Kuro-chan, I have a matter to inquire ............ 小黑小姐,我有一件事想要询问…………” Un? What matter?” “嗯?什么事?” That ............... I heard, Mr. Yuki is for some reasons, therefore the reincarnation comes up to Earth, and here spent 16 years of time ......... “那个……………我有听说,结城先生是因为某种原因,所以才转生到地球上来的,并且在这里度过了十六年的时光………” Dream dream looks to Kuro-chan, cautious is considering the words and expressions. 梦梦一面望向小黑,一面小心翼翼的斟酌着词语。 I can understand that some man things must be done, but ......... can the girlfriends of Mr. Yuki accept? After all more than ten years do not have the means to meet ............... “我能够理解男人有些事情必须要去做,但是………结城先生的女朋友们可以接受吗?毕竟十几年没有办法见面……………” hahahaha, if this issue, you are not necessary to be worried.” 哈哈哈哈,如果是这个问题,你大可不必担心。” However, the words of dream dream have not said, Kuro-chan patted her shoulder grinningly. 然而,梦梦的话还没有说完,小黑就笑嘻嘻的拍了拍她的肩膀。 You to brother's strength are to know nothing completely, un, now he is only ordinary human, therefore you cannot look. Is the ability that but in fact the Big Brother has quite powerful oh?” “你对大哥哥的力量完全是一无所知呢,嗯,现在他只是个普通的人类,所以你看不出来吧。但事实上大哥哥拥有的能力可是相当强大的?” Is ......... this?” “是………这样吗?” Right, so long as you know that a point was OK.” “没错,你只要知道一点就可以了。” Is saying, Kuro-chan raises up a finger. 一面说着,小黑一面竖起一根手指。 Big Brother, but can free time manipulation.” “大哥哥啊,可是能够自由自在操纵时间的呢。” ..................... Yeah?” “…………………哎?” Heard the speech of Kuro-chan, the dream dream was shocked suddenly, seemed not quite clear she saying that this had what meaning. However quick, Kuro-chan gave the answer. 听到小黑的说话,梦梦一时间不由的愣住了,似乎不太明白她说这个有什么意思。不过很快,小黑就给出了答案。 „The issue that therefore, you are worried about at all is not the issue. The Big Brother can optional time manipulation, this also mean, even if he treats several hundred years of even several thousand years on Earth, when he decides to return to Tendoukyuu, so long as changes next time the criterion, then regarding others, the Big Brother still left their several days.” “所以呢,你担心的问题根本不是问题。大哥哥可以随意的操纵时间,这也就意味着,即便他在地球上待上几百年甚至几千年,但是当他决定回到天道宫的时候,只要改变一下时间的尺度,那么对于其他人而言,大哥哥也只是离开了她们几天而已。” ............... Yeah? Aii yeah!?” “……………哎?哎哎哎!?” hearing this, the dream dream was shocked immediately. 听到这里,梦梦顿时惊呆了。 Also, but can also like this?” “还,还可以这样吗?” This is natural, otherwise, how the Big Brother may have so many girlfriends, like such that you are worried about, no one can maintain the original mentality in the long waiting. Even the love of burning hot, if air-to-air has burnt, should still also dissipate. However the Big Brother does not need to worry that this issue, he is the time management Grandmaster.” “这是当然的啊,不然的话,大哥哥怎么可能会有那么多女朋友啊,就像你所担心的那样,没有谁可以在漫长的等待中一直保持着原本的心态。即便是炙热的爱情,如果一直空空燃烧的话,也会随之消散。但是大哥哥不用担心这个问题,他可是时间管理大师呢。” So that's how it is ............... “原来如此……………” Hears the reply of Kuro-chan, the dream dream also relaxes, before this is also , puzzles one of her issues. Has saying that Kuro-chan aimed at these words that the dream dream spoke to make her produce before for several points to vacillate, especially knowing Fang Zheng had treated here for more than ten years later, she is also somewhat anxious. 听到小黑的回答,梦梦也是不由松了口气,这也是之前困扰她的问题之一。不得不说,小黑之前针对梦梦说的那些话还是让她产生了几分动摇的,特别是在得知了方正在这里已经待了十几年之后,她也是有些不安。 After all later by some chance Fang Zheng and own Onee-san marriage, then he also has the possibility to leave like again, goes to other planet and so on place, once leaves for more than ten years, then no one knows that will then turn into what appearance. Even if Fang Zheng does not plan desolate Lala intentionally, words that however more than ten years do not see, then do not conform to a female to expect obviously happily. 毕竟以后万一方正和自己的姐姐结婚,那么他也有可能再次像这样离开,去其他星球之类的地方,一旦离开十几年,那么谁也不知道接下来会变成什么样子。就算方正不是故意打算冷落菈菈,但是十几年都不来看望的话,那么显然也不符合一个女性幸福的期望。 However what makes the dream dream not think, Fang Zheng has such strength unexpectedly! 但是让梦梦没想到的是,方正居然拥有这样的力量! Indeed, if so, no matter that many girlfriends, do not need to be worried to treat coldly them or the attendance inconsiderately. 的确,如果是这样的话,那么不管有多少女友,都不用担心会冷落她们或者照顾不周。 As the matter stands, does not need to be worried that Onee-sama ......... is not right, not only Onee-sama ............ 这样一来,就不用担心姐姐大人………不对,不只是姐姐大人………… When the dream dream ponders anything, seeing only Kuro-chan was actually eats smiles, gathered near her ear. 就在梦梦思考些什么的时候,只见小黑却是吃吃一笑,凑到了她的耳边。 Right, told you while convenient the matter about Big Brother.” “对了,顺便告诉你一些关于大哥哥的事情吧。” About Mr. Yuki?” “关于结城先生的?” Un, I think that you also guessed correctly, the Big Brother is not that man of specially special sentiment, but woman who wants to become to make him accept, is not easy. I have followed in brother's side, does not fear to tell you, liked brother's woman that is too many, moreover had many what thousand gold (daughter) Ojou-sama or the princess and so on status, long was also attractive, but the Big Brother rejected most of them & fucking ash ; Even can say, wanting to become the Big Brother to be willing to accept the girlfriend, is not easy matter oh.” “嗯,我想你也猜到了,大哥哥并不是特别专情的那种男人,但是想要成为让他接受的女人,可不容易呢。我可是一直跟在大哥哥的身边的,不怕告诉你,喜欢大哥哥的女人那可是太多了,而且其中也有不少什么千金大小姐或者公主之类的身份,长的也都非常漂亮,但是大哥哥还是拒绝了她们当中的绝大多数—甚至可以说,想要成为大哥哥愿意接受的女友,可不是一件容易的事情。” Li-like this ............... 这,这样啊……………” Hears the speech of Kuro-chan, the dream dream felt immediately basin cold water drops from the clouds, drenched itself a head. 听到小黑的说话,梦梦顿时感觉一盆冷水从天而降,把自己淋了一头。 „The bed partner who generally speaking, wants to become the Big Brother, only has three means.” “一般来说,想要成为大哥哥的床伴,只有三种办法。” Three types?” “三种?” Un, the first type is to become brother's girlfriend, so long as is perfectly suited to each other, then the Big Brother is willing to accept, but this is also the most difficult part.” “嗯,第一种就是成为大哥哥的女友,只要情投意合,那么大哥哥就愿意接受,不过这也是最难的部分呢。” Un ......... that the second type?” “嗯………那么第二种呢?” Is plays.” “就是玩玩啦。” Plays?” “玩玩?” Yes, if only the temporary loneliness needs to comfort, or earnestly seeks for some reasons, if the Big Brother will not be repugnant will also accept. However do not count on that the Big Brother will therefore have any special sentiment to her, may many look after some, but is impossible extremely the investment.” “是啊,如果只是一时的寂寞需要安慰,或者出于某种原因渴求的话,如果大哥哥不讨厌也会接受。但是别指望大哥哥会因此对她产生什么特殊的感情,或许会多少照顾一些,但是不可能太过投入的啦。” Is this ......... that last type?” “是这样啊………那,最后一种呢?” „Very simple.” “很简单。” Said till here, Kuro-chan laughs. 说道这里,小黑嘻嘻一笑。 „Becoming brother's enemy.” “成为大哥哥的敌人。” „Huh?” “哎?” Has saying that this answer really extremely in stemming from dream dream was unexpected, making her stare. 不得不说,这个答案实在太过于出乎梦梦的意料之外了,让她不由一愣。 Enemy?” “敌人?” Right, you thought that the Big Brother is very gentle, that is natural, regarding the person on one's own side, the Big Brother is always very gentle. However may be different facing the enemy, which woman if there are to become brother's enemy, her fate may very pitiful, pitiful oh, the nervous breakdown becomes the disabled person either finally, either turns to the mind from the body thoroughly to the toys that the Big Brother always follows ............... “没错,你觉得大哥哥很温柔是吧,那是当然的,对于自己人,大哥哥向来都是非常温柔的。但是面对敌人可就不一样了,如果有哪个女人成为了大哥哥的敌人,那她的下场可会非常的凄惨,非常非常的凄惨,要么最后精神崩溃成为废人,要么就从身体到心灵都彻底变成对大哥哥言听计从的玩物……………” Said till here, Kuro-chan is looking steadily at the dream dream, twisted the mouth sidewise the mouth chuckle. But the latter was shocked thoroughly, the dream dream may not think completely, Fang Zheng will have such side unexpectedly. 说道这里,小黑盯视着梦梦,咧开嘴巴轻笑了一声。而后者则彻底惊呆了,梦梦可完全没有想到,方正居然会有这样的一面。 „, Mr. Yuki ......... I know certainly that he has powerful side, is ............... “没想到,结城先生………我当然知道他有很强悍的一面,可是……………” Dream dream at this moment is also the stutter could not speak, although on beforehand foreign planet, she also had to witness elimination these plants how Fang Zheng was remarkable, however then dream dream did not think that Fang Zheng fearful, on the contrary thought that he was intrepid and reliable. 梦梦这会儿也是结结巴巴的说不出话来,虽然在之前的外星球上,她也有亲眼目睹方正是如何大显神威的消灭那些植物,但是当时的梦梦也并不觉得方正有多可怕,相反觉得他强悍又可靠。 Fang Zheng that however Kuro-chan said that actually exceeded her imagination completely. 然而小黑所说的方正,却是完全超出了她的想象。 That is natural, the Big Brother also rarely exposes this side, most people cannot see, even if brother's girlfriends, know his side are not many. After all even if the enemy, wish makes the Big Brother start to her is not an easy matter.” “那是当然啦,大哥哥也很少展露这一面的,大部分人是看不到的啦,就算是大哥哥的女朋友们,知道他这一面的也不多。毕竟就算是敌人,想要让大哥哥对她下手也不是一件容易的事情呢。” At the same time saying, Kuro-chan drank Cola again, shook the jar grinningly, stands up. 一面说着,小黑再次喝了一口可乐,笑嘻嘻的晃了晃罐子,站起身来。 „, Arrives here today.” “那么,今天就到这里吧。” Why Miss Kuro-chan ......... do you want to say this to me?” 小黑小姐………你为什么要对我说这个?” Looks at Kuro-chan, dream dream doubts asked, she is not the fool, the dream dream can certainly detect saying that Kuro-chan and said these, is not pure for the Eight Trigrams (gossip). 看着小黑,梦梦不由疑惑的开口询问道,她也不是傻瓜,梦梦当然可以察觉道,小黑和自己说这些,并不是单纯为了八卦的。 Because I favor you.” “因为我看好你啊。” Kuro-chan patted the shoulder of dream dream with a smile, then jumps to leap, jumped directly. 小黑笑着拍了拍梦梦的肩膀,接着纵身一跃,直接跳了下去。 Good, Ling , we go back.” “好啦,玲,缇欧,我们回去吧。” Yeah & fucking ash ;!? Does not want, today makes us rest here!” “哎—!?不要,今天就让我们睡在这里吧!” You are want to drill brother's bedding, this is not good, good, walks ............... “你是想要钻大哥哥的被窝吧,这可不行,好啦,走吧……………” Listens under to transmit, Kuro-chan and Ling's quarrel sound, dream dream being lost in thought in ............... 听着下方传来的,小黑与玲的争吵声,梦梦不由的陷入了沉思之中……………
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