DC :: Volume #31

#3012: I look at your skeleton elegantly .........( this meow fat rolling motionless)

Regarding Fang Zheng, since the person has delivered, then did not close his matter. The headache is the issue of police department, in fact he also watched the press conference of police department, expressed that since these days the continual murder case had been solved, because the suspect is a minor, will therefore not provide the detail ......... 对于方正来说,既然人已经送到,那么接下来就不关他的事了。头疼是警视厅的问题,事实上他也看了警视厅的新闻发布会,表示这段时间以来的连续杀人案已被告破,但因为嫌犯是未成年人,所以不会提供详细资料……… Moreover, Fang Zheng also heard that now Japanese exam Fang Zheng must punish by death to that young girl in the consideration, after all she now this appearance basically is the cognitive death, lives also no raison d'être. But if sentences the death penalty in Japan, moreover jailbait, many scruples public opinions. 不仅如此,方正还听说现在日本检方正在考虑要不要对那个少女处以死刑,毕竟她现在这个样子已经基本上是脑死亡了,活下来也没什么存在意义。但要是在日本判死刑,而且还是未成年少女,多少有些顾忌舆论。 Moreover Fang Zheng also hears police department that side news, said that they also investigated to the status of that young girl, discovered that she is a locally born local resident, the home background is also very normal. Although said that dna and lethal weapon and fingerprint have confirmed the murderer, but they do not understand why such a seemingly ordinary normal young girl will kill people, moreover violates the consecutively many homicide incidents. 而且方正也听警视厅那边的消息,说他们也对那个少女的身份进行了调查,发现她是一个土生土长的本地居民,家庭情况也很正常。虽然说dna和凶器以及指纹都已经验证了凶手,但是他们还是不明白为什么这样一个看起来普通正常的少女会去杀人,而且还犯下连续多起杀人事件。 After all in investigates after the police, discovered that these injured parties are uninterested with that young girl, in other words the opposite party is completely the random murder, but actually the motive is anything ......... that does not know. 毕竟在经过警方调查之后,发现那些被害者与那个少女根本都毫无关系,也就是说对方完全是随机杀人,可究竟动机是什么………那就不知道了。 However this did not close the Fang Zheng’s matter, he was the monetary reward hunter is not a spy, did not need not to make clear the long and short of the story, the person catches in any case, money has also projected on the account, the remaining things have not related with him. 不过这就不关方正的事情了,他是赏金猎人又不是侦探,没必要非把事情的来龙去脉搞个清楚,反正人已经抓到,钱也已经打到账上,剩下的事情就和他没有关系了。 However the Fang Zheng also small issues need to be solved. 但是方正还有一个小问题需要解决。 That is superior. 那就是优。 Since that superior lived in the Fang Zheng home, he naturally do not catch up walks superiorly, but looked like in Fang Zheng, had such powerful strength actually not to understand the use superiorly, spoiled simply. This practiced the universe to transfer with stretch/open Wuji greatly with nine Yang divine art is the same, obviously quick unmatched in the world, because finally did not understand to use, played running around in circles, who can come up to step on a foot. 自从那之后,优就住在了方正家里,他当然不是要赶优走,只是在方正看来,优拥有这么强大的力量却不懂得使用,简直就是糟蹋。这就和张无忌练了乾坤大挪移和九阳神功一样,明明都已经快天下无敌了,结果因为不懂用,被人耍的团团转,谁都能上来踩一脚。 segment reputation is also, northern deep marvelous ability first under heaven, places on him finally Six Meridians Divine Swords sometimes spirit sometimes not miraculous is looks that can die the popularity. 还有段誉也是,北冥神功天下第一,结果放在他身上连六脉神剑都时灵时不灵光是看着就能把人气死。 It looks like in Fang Zheng, superior Wood is also similar to them, magic power strong one batch, the actual combat skill basically is zero. This is not good, the person was ridden good, the person was bullied weakly, this way protects her to be for a lifetime inadequate? 方正看来,优库里伍德也和他们差不多,魔力强的一批,实战技巧基本为零。这可不行啊,人善被人骑,人弱被人欺,这样下去难道自己护她一辈子不成? Trading to do is original Fang Zheng, wanted to strengthen superior Wood's strength that too to be simple, but now he is only an average person, but this did not express that Fang Zheng did not have the means. 换做是原本的方正,想要加强优库里伍德的实力那就太简单了,但是现在他只是个普通人,不过这并不表示方正没有办法了。 Superior.” “优。” On this day finished eating the dinner, the people watches the television in the living room, Fang Zheng goes down the building to go to the living room, called one. But hears Fang Zheng’s voice, superior, then turns the head to look at him, then took up the short note, above has in a big way „?” 这天吃完晚饭,众人都在客厅看电视,方正则走下楼来到客厅,叫了一声。而听到方正的声音,优则转过头来望着他,然后拿起了便签,上面有个大大的“?” Comes with me, I have good Kang looks to you.” “跟我来一趟,我有好康的给你看。” Good Kang? Is the new game?】 【好康?是新游戏?】 What plays newly, stimulates compared with the game, but can also teach you to ascend dua mother oh?” “什么新游戏,比游戏还刺激,还能够教你登dua娘?” Ascends the dua mother?】 【登dua娘?】 Come, came to see knows.” “来啦,来看就知道了。” Is saying, Fang Zheng beckons, but superiorly curious standing up, arrived at Fang Zheng’s side, but Fang Zheng to her raised their brows, then said in a low voice. 一面说着,方正一面招了招手,而优则好奇的站起身,来到了方正的身边,而方正则对她挑了下眉头,然后低声说道。 Favored.” “看好了。” 【???】 【???】 Although does not know that Fang Zheng wants to do, but superior visits him curiously, then sees Fang Zheng to turn the head superiorly, is gathering to living room mouth one, seemed like saying anything, but superior actually could not hear the least bit sound. However in superior doubts Fang Zheng in doing, saw only to run in high spirits the living room. 虽然不知道方正想要干什么,但是优还是好奇的看着他,接着优便看见方正转过头去,对着客厅嘴巴一张一合,似乎是在说些什么,但是优却听不到半点儿声音。然而就在优疑惑方正到底在干什么的时候,只见拉碧丝兴冲冲的跑出了客厅。 Master, what matter did you call me to have?” 主人,你叫我有什么事?” Came well.” “来了就好。” Looks, Fang Zheng first touches her small head, then looks superiorly. 看着拉碧丝,方正先是摸了摸她的小脑袋,接着望向优。 Come , you and said superiorly, what I did say with you a moment ago?” “来,拉碧丝,你和优说说,我刚才和你说了什么?” Un? Master said a moment ago wants me to come, said that has the fun matter to look.” “嗯?主人刚才说要我过来,说是有好玩的事情要看啊。” 【???】 【???】 Superior takes the short note, the doubts rocked, she indeed had to see Fang Zheng to open mouth a moment ago, but hasn't heard him to speak? 优拿着便签,疑惑的晃动了一下,她刚才的确有看见方正张嘴,但是并没有听见他说话啊? However Fang Zheng looks but not see the superior doubts, he has turned the head again, is opening the mouth also to say anything, but superior is anything has not heard as before. Then she sees to nod, then the little darling returned to the living room. 然而方正则对优的疑惑视而不见,他再次转过头去,对着拉碧丝张开嘴巴又说了些什么,但是优依旧是什么都没有听到。然后她就看见拉碧丝点了点头,接着乖乖回到了客厅里。 At this time, Fang Zheng turns around, to merit nod. 这时候,方正才转过身来,对着优点了点头。 Comes with me.” “跟我来。” Then, Fang Zheng brought own room superiorly, then closes. 接着,方正就把优带到了自己的房间,然后关上了门。 Un, here, this does not have the means that after all only then my room made sound-insulated processing ......... “嗯,就这里吧,这也没有办法,毕竟只有我这个房间做了隔音处理………” Fang Zheng pass/test Haomen silently, locks the window, this turns the head to look superiorly. 方正默默的关好门,锁好窗,这才转过头来望向优。 „The matter that ok, then we must handle ......... you first leave depart is so far, I will not eat you.” “好了,接下来我们要做的事情………你先别离的那么远,我又不会吃了你。” Looks at standing silently in superior of corner, Fang Zheng was speechless. 看着默默的站在墙角的优,方正都无语了。 In fact, I think means that could make your current situation improve.” “事实上,我想到了一个办法,或许能够让你目前的情况有所改善。” 【!?】 【!?】 hearing this, superior immediately two one bright, approached several steps toward Fang Zheng, but Fang Zheng also continues to say. 听到这里,优顿时两眼一亮,向着方正靠近了几步,而方正也继续说道。 Do not worry, our step by step comes, your issue has, we come the one by one solution ......... first, to solve the problem of this speech.” “你不要着急,我们一步步的来,你的问题有很多,我们来一个个解决………首先,就要解决你这个说话的问题。” ............... 【……………】 hearing this, the superior look became dim, but Fang Zheng continued. 听到这里,优的眼神变得黯淡了许多,而方正则继续说了下去。 Your present issue is, because your magic power is huge, therefore causes the spirit strength that your language has, you, once the opens the mouth, will affect peripheral all, right.” “你现在的问题是,因为你的魔力过于庞大,所以导致你的语言拥有的灵力,以至于你一旦开口,就会影响周边的一切,对吧。” ............... “……………” Superior nod of silently. 优默默的点了点头。 Very good, then I must teach you, how to make others unable to hear your speech, or the specific talent can hear your sound, as the matter stands, should not affect everyone.” “很好,接下来我要教你的,就是如何让别人听不到你的说话,或者说只有特定的人才能够听到你的声音,这样一来,应该就不会影响到大家了。” 【?】 【?】 I did not do this moment ago?” “刚才我不就是这样做的吗?” Facing superior doubts look, Fang Zheng chuckled. 面对优疑惑的眼神,方正呵呵一笑 I call you time, you thought why others hadn't responded? I and spoke, can you have to hear my sound?” 我叫你的时候,你觉得其他人为什么没反应?还有我和拉碧丝说话的时候,你可有听到我的声音?” 【!!! What magic is this?】 【!!!这是什么魔法?】 On the superior face the expression has not changed as before, but reads in her short note three big exclamation marks, showed that sufficiently superior deep down at this moment was excited. 优的脸上表情依旧没有改变,但是看着她便签上三个大大的惊叹号,就足以证明此刻的优内心深处有多么激动了。 Hehe, this is not the magic.” “呵呵呵,这可不是魔法。” Looks at present superior, Fang Zheng chuckled, recited backwards from the end both hands. 看着眼前的优,方正呵呵一笑,倒背双手。 This called to gather the sound to assume the line, was one of the martial arts rare book, therefore ............... “这叫聚音呈线,算是武功秘籍的一种吧,所以……………” Is saying, Fang Zheng to is putting out a hand superiorly. 一面说着,方正一面对着优伸出了手。 Small imouto, I thought that your skeleton is elegant, is in ten thousand does not have a practicing martial arts rare talent, how? Can cultivate/repair the martial arts along with me?” “小妹妹,我看你骨骼清奇,是万中无一的练武奇才,如何?要不要随我共修武道?” Right, this is the way that Fang Zheng finds to come out. 没错,这就是方正想出来的办法。 It looks like in Fang Zheng, present superior with chivalric fiction novel in these, because swallows the talent treasure, or was obtained the one or two This skill protagonist to be the same by some prison grandfather gear-driven accidentally/surprisingly, has the powerful strength not to know how to utilize. Superior has also mentioned with him, oneself spoke to have a headache about ......... the idle talk each time, present magic power is not she grasps, in addition did not use magic power superiorly, making body internal magic power more gather, utilization time will naturally feel the pain. 方正看来,现在的优就和武侠小说里那些因为吞服天才地宝,或者被某个监狱里的老爷爷传功意外获得一两个甲子功力的主角一样,有强大的力量不知如何运用。优还和他提起过,自己每次说话都会头疼………废话,现在的魔力都不是她自己掌握的,再加上优一直不动用魔力,使得自己身体内部的魔力越聚越多,运用的时候自然就会感到疼痛了。 Now what magic Fang Zheng cannot help be superior, the main world magic also has the means to this situation, but needs the quite special thing, but these thing world surely do not have, other did not say that which place ......... you to do look for Lich phylactery in this world? 魔法方面方正现在帮不了优什么,主世界的魔法对这种情况也不是没有办法,但需要很多相当特殊的东西,而这些东西这个世界肯定是没有的,别的不说………你在这个世界到哪个地方找个巫妖命匣来? Might as well directly asked that this undead mage is quickest. 还不如直接问这位死灵法师最快呢。 Therefore now the only means that according to the way that the spiritual cultivation practices martial arts , helping digest own strength superiorly slowly, then looks at the means. 所以现在唯一的办法,就是按照修道练武的方式来,帮助优慢慢消化自己的力量,然后再看有没有办法。 Regarding method that Fang Zheng said that superior is doubtful, but she decides to try finally. After all regarding superior, she does not hope continuously so, if really can have the means to be controlled by own strength, then she must certainly study! 对于方正所说的法子,优是半信半疑,但是她最终还是决定试一试。毕竟对于优来说,她也不希望一直如此,如果真的能够有办法让自己的力量被控制住的话,那么她肯定是要学的! Therefore then, every day superior and many a schoolwork, that is ......... cultivates oneself according to religious doctrine to practice martial arts! 于是接下来,每天优又多了一门功课,那就是………修道练武! After every morning gets up, superior must according to the Fang Zheng’s view, sits in meditation the cultivation in the balcony, then the luck expiration and inspiration, grinds magic power, then must practice all kinds of atractylodes chinenses and spell. After all the present superior biggest problem is she definitely is unable to control oneself huge magic power, these armor that although she has can suppress her strength, but these are the external objects, moreover listened to Mikan saying that superior, even if entered in the bathroom to take a bath, will not take off the fingernail and chest armor ......... 在每天早晨起来之后,优都要按照方正的说法,在阳台上打坐修炼,然后运气吐纳,研磨自身魔力,然后还要练习各种各样的仙术与法术。毕竟现在的优最大的问题是她完全无法控制住自己庞大的魔力,虽然她拥有的这些盔甲能够压制她的力量,但是这些都是外物,而且听美柑说,优哪怕是进了浴室里洗澡,都不会脱掉手甲和胸甲的……… This naturally is incorrect. 这当然是不行的。 Congratulates Fang Zheng, under the place had a disciple! 恭喜方正,座下有多了一名弟子! What a pity is not the big disciple, after all is the big disciple Zhao Ling'er comes ............ this to be ......... four Junior Sisters? 可惜不是大弟子,毕竟大弟子是赵灵儿来着…………这位应该算是………四师妹? Naturally, Fang Zheng receives superiorly is a disciple, does not have the selfishness. After all everyone understands, in the chivalric fiction novel, one type named picks makes up the Yang merit law to come Yin ............... 当然,方正之所以收优为徒,也并非完全没有私心。毕竟大家都懂的,在武侠小说里,有一种名为采阴补阳的功法来着…………… Right, Fang Zheng planned that tries this on the superior body! 没错,方正就是打算在优的身上试试这个! Naturally, this and in the novel that picking that makes the person bloodlines fall prostrate opens makes up the Yang law to be different Yin, like mentioning double cultivates, everyone is an appearance of blushing heartbeat, but many double cultivates in fact is not the real scene, so-called picks makes up Yin Yang, superior is a female, magic power is Yin, Fang Zheng is a man, belongs Yang. 当然,这和小说里那种让人血脉偾张的采阴补阳之法是不同的,就像说起双修,大家都是一副脸红心跳的样子,但事实上很多双修也并非是真的场景,所谓采阴补阳,优是女子,魔力属阴,方正是男子,又属于阳。 But superior gathered so many magic power, even after Fang Zheng can absorb 1/10 ..............., some people catch up to look for trouble, what he can make the opposite party taste is the strength of magic! 而优身上聚集了这么多的魔力,哪怕方正能够吸收十分之一……………以后再有人赶来找麻烦,他就可以让对方尝尝什么叫魔法的力量了! Naturally, this did not say that picks makes up Yin does not have the danger Yang, after all picking makes up Yin Yang, this like catching fish or collection efficacious medicine such, you, if gave the natural lighting incautiously, the opposite party naturally died. But generally speaking because of the natural justice circulation, the human balance, everyone the strength of Yin-Yang is balanced, you picked her, then she is not balanced. Catches an illness lightly, heavy died. 当然,这并非说采阴补阳没有危险,毕竟“采”阴而补“阳”,这就像捞鱼或者采集灵药那样,你要是一不小心给采光了,那对方自然是死翘翘。而一般来说因为天理循环,人体平衡,每个人的阴阳之力都是平衡的,你采了她的,那么她就不平衡了。轻则染病,重则身亡。 However the superior situation is different, her present issue is magic power is huge, issue that doesn't pick, but if not absorb her magic power, then superior will endure hardships. Therefore looks like in Fang Zheng, superior this Physique just tallies picks makes up the Yang law Yin. 不过优的情况不同,她现在的问题是魔力过于庞大,以至于不是采不采的问题了,而是如果不吸收她的魔力,那么优就会遭罪。所以在方正看来,优这个体质就是刚好符合采阴补阳之法的。 As for result how ......... that only then practiced knows! 至于结果如何………那么就只有练了才知道!
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