DC :: Volume #31

#3009: Can defeat the magic, only then .........( finished eating the writing renewal of corn belly drum drum)

When determined that own opponent is not the mortal, Fang Zheng had made a plan with Suiseiseki. After all in this world, Fang Zheng limited to average person this status, is unable to use the magic and ability, therefore may also be restrained & fucking ash in this aspect by the opposite party ; Why this is also apostles of Fang Zheng facing star time, either long-distance ambushes, reason that either the direct missile washes the place. 早在确定自己的对手不是凡人的时候,方正就已经和翠星石做了一个计划。毕竟在这个世界,方正本身受限于“普通人”这个身份,是无法使用魔法和能力的,所以也有可能在这方面被对方克制—这也是为啥方正面对星之使徒的时候,要么远程狙击,要么直接导弹洗地的原因。 As long as he can put forth one-star least bit the ability or spell, that Fang Zheng kills the apostle of base entire star was wiped out to the last man. 但凡他能使出一星半点儿的能力或者法术,那方正就把整个星之使徒基地杀的片甲不留了。 But at present is also so, because searches mission, therefore basically does not have the means to conduct the long-distance ambush, therefore Fang Zheng agrees with Suiseiseki, once does not run into the criminal carefully, he first attracts the attention of opposite party, tempts the opposite party to act. If that fellow launches the attack to oneself, Suiseiseki acts immediately, saves him, simultaneously resists the attack of enemy. 而眼下也是如此,因为是搜查任务,所以基本没办法进行远程狙击,因此方正就和翠星石约定,一旦不小心遇到犯人,他就先去吸引对方的注意力,引诱对方出手。如果那个家伙向自己发起袭击,翠星石就立刻行动,把他救出来,同时抵挡敌人的攻击。 After all the Suiseiseki height is also only the doll size, must hide is quite convenient, moreover she can also fly in the space, so long as hides in the side is very difficult to be discovered. 毕竟翠星石的身高也只是人偶大小,要躲藏起来也相当方便,而且她还能够在天上飞,只要隐蔽在侧很难被发现。 The fact also showed, the Fang Zheng’s countermeasure is correct. 事实也证明,方正的对策是正确的。 Broke through the sturdy vine of floor to change into the turbulent angry class/flow instantaneously, roared was plunging behind Fang Zheng. Meanwhile, Fang Zheng also felt a wild rose ring heat that on own left ring finger wears, imprisoned own invisible strength then to dissipate slightly instantaneously. 突破地板的粗壮藤蔓瞬间化为了波涛汹涌的怒流,咆哮着扑向了方正的身后。与此同时,方正也感觉到自己左手无名指上戴着的蔷薇戒指微微一热,紧接着原本禁锢自己的无形力量便瞬间消散。 However the opposite party is not obviously affable, along with howling sword qi, the sturdy giant vine shut off instantaneously, wipes the cold light to depart, sweeps toward the Fang Zheng’s nape of the neck. But at the same time, Fang Zheng also holds up the right hand was gripping tightly the box. 但是对方明显也不是好惹的,伴随着呼啸的剑气,粗壮巨大的藤蔓瞬间被切断,紧接着一抹寒光从中飞出,向着方正的脖颈一扫而过。而与此同时,方正也举起了右手紧握着的箱子。 Bang!!!” “砰!!!” 剑 刃 砍 在 金属 制 的 箱子 上, 顿时 将 其 打 了 个 粉碎, 伴随着 箱子 破裂 开来, 内里 隐藏 的 东西 也 随之 展现 。 …… That is a hugeness, curving black chopper, but on blade dense and numerous is covering entirely as if the wild animal advantage tooth sawtooth. 那是一把巨大,弯曲的黑色砍刀,而在刀刃上密密麻麻的布满着仿佛野兽利齿般的锯齿。 Wild animal cutting-off tool! 野兽切割刀! Fang Zheng gets hold of the hilt, makes an effort to wield forward, sees only the jet black great blade to split instantaneously, as if a black python changes into the tornado, howls has been sweeping away the present corridor. 方正握紧刀柄,用力向前挥去,只见漆黑的巨刃瞬间分裂,仿佛一条黑色巨蟒般化为旋风,呼啸着横扫过眼前的走廊。 Clang!!” “铛!!” the next moment, the jet black tornado light/only collided suddenly with the present sword, but at this time, the moonlight that shone with the aid of outside, Fang Zheng saw clearly the appearance of raider finally. That is a stature is slender, has the proud bust, leads the double ponytail young girl of red beret, her hand is grasping two sharp blade, at this moment is gazing at fixedly Fang Zheng wickedly. 下一刻,漆黑的旋风与骤现的剑光碰撞了一起,而就在这个时候,借助外面照耀的月光,方正终于看清楚了袭击者的样貌。那是一个身材纤细娇小,有着傲人胸围,带着红色贝雷帽的双马尾少女,她手握着两把利刃,此刻正恶狠狠的瞪视着方正 So that's how it is, are you a criminal?” “原来如此,你就是犯人吗?” „Tch!” “切!” Detected that oneself true colors exposition, the double ponytail young girls, then she turned around to dash the glass immediately, this ran out of the room directly. 察觉到自己的真面目暴露,双马尾少女顿时啧了一口,接着她转身一头撞破玻璃,就这样直接冲出了房间。 Also can make you run!? 还能让你跑了!? Sees this, Fang Zheng is also the look concentrates, quickly dashes to forward, leaps following the glass window that the young girl dashes, at the same time, Suiseiseki also flew from the space. 看到这一幕,方正也是眼神一凝,急忙飞奔向前,顺着少女撞破的玻璃窗一跃而出,与此同时,翠星石也从天上飞了下来。 Human! You are all right!” “人类!你没事吧!” I am all right, where did the fellow toward run?” “我没事,那家伙往哪儿跑了?” That side!” “那边!” You stare at her to me, I call the person now!” “你给我盯好她,我现在就叫人!” Good!” “好的!” Heard Fang Zheng’s command, at this moment Suiseiseki has not said anything, quickly flew to the sky. But Fang Zheng also rises with a spring, jumped on nearby wall directly, then 2-3 a roof that arrived at the next door, saw a shadow sure enough following roof rushing forward fast. 听到方正的命令,这会儿翠星石也没有多说什么,急忙飞向了天空。而方正也是一跃而起,直接跳到了旁边的墙上,接着2-3来到隔壁的屋顶,果不其然看见一个黑影顺着屋顶飞快的向前奔去。 To run? Where I must have a look at you to be able but actually to run up to go! 想跑?我倒要看看你能跑到什么地方去! This moment Fang Zheng is also the look concentrates slightly, later quickly pursued. 此刻方正也是眼神微微一凝,随后急忙追了上去。 This is also Fang Zheng dares with this operation magic the energy of strange fellow's to war, although he does not have the means use magic and special capability, but Fang Zheng the good and evil had also treated in 1000 in the knight-errant world initially. Various knight-errant secrets he naturally is the back skillfully, although Fang Zheng does not have the means to display the magic and ability, but he can also cultivation through the knight-errant rare book. 这也是方正敢于和这种操纵魔法的怪异家伙对战的底气,他虽然没有办法使用魔法和特殊能力,但是方正当初好歹也是在武侠世界里待过一千年的。各种武侠秘笈他自然是背的滚瓜烂熟,虽然方正没办法施展魔法和能力,但是他也可以通过武侠秘籍来进行修炼。 Although cannot achieve falling dragon 18 palm palms of high military plane to remove a street, but what Cloud Ascending Ladder surging waves slightly step kind of Fang Zheng practices quite skilled, so long as you do not come instantaneous teleport and so on, wants to escape his hunt is not easy. 虽然做不到高武位面的降龙十八掌一掌拆一条街,但是什么梯云纵凌波微步这类方正还是练的相当熟练的,只要你不来个瞬间传送之类的,想要逃过他的追捕可没那么容易。 You have the magic, I have martial arts and science and technology, who feared who? 你有魔法,我有武功和科技,谁怕谁啊? At the same time is pursuing the present shadow on the roof stubbornly, Fang Zheng is also one puts out the cell phone conveniently, the call. 一面在屋顶上死死追着眼前的黑影,方正也是一面顺手拿出手机,拨打了电话。 „, Shouted Eve, punched the time of person to!!” “拉碧丝,把伊芙喊起来,揍人的时间到了!!” Hateful, why cannot throw off! 可恶,为什么甩不掉! Looks at behind that being in hot pursuit person's shadow, the double ponytail young girls also bite the jaw, a face is uncomfortable. Hunted is discovered also even, what made her not think, the opposite party had the strength that stemmed from itself to expect unexpectedly, not only blocked her attack, even also started to chase down her in turn? 看着身后那个紧追不舍的人影,双马尾少女也是咬住牙关,一脸不爽。狩猎被发现也就算了,但是让她没有想到的是,对方居然拥有出乎自己预料的力量,不但挡住了她的攻击,甚至还反过来开始追杀她? Who is this fellow? 这家伙到底是什么人? No matter how said that first throw off to as soon as possible well him, otherwise the matter will be perhaps more troublesome! 不管怎么说,还是先尽快把他甩掉为好,不然的话事情恐怕会更麻烦! Thinks till here, the young girl is also jumps to leap, jumps down from the house, then drilled into the tomb rapidly, obviously, she is the plan uses here complex environment to throw off Fang Zheng. However ............... 想到这里,少女也是纵身一跃,从房屋上跳下,接着迅速钻入了墓地里,显然,她是打算利用这里复杂的环境来甩掉方正。然而…………… Hyahhhh!!” 喝啊啊啊啊!!” Just stepped into the instance of tomb in the young girl, suddenly, strong winds appear suddenly, the young girl raised the head, sees only a silver-haired unusual look pupil loli who is grasping the giant battle axe drops from the clouds suddenly, was dividing to her directly! 就在少女刚刚踏进墓地的瞬间,忽然,一阵狂风突现,少女抬起头来,只见一个握着巨大战斧的银发异色瞳萝莉猛然从天而降,对着她迎头劈了过来! This sudden attack also frightened the double ponytail young girls to jump, she quickly leapt backward, avoided the silver-haired loli’s attack. Sees only the giant battle axe in silver-haired loli hand almost to scratch the chest with her, cut in the ground, later the land cracked instantaneously, shock-wave straight flushing away forward, striked to fly the double ponytail young girls together directly. 这突如其来的袭击也是吓了双马尾少女一跳,她急忙向后一跃,躲开了银发萝莉的攻击。只见银发萝莉手中的巨大战斧几乎与她擦胸而过,砍在了地面上,随后大地瞬间崩裂,一道冲击波笔直的向前冲去,直接将双马尾少女打飞。 wū~!” 呜—!” The double ponytail young girls have not thought obviously this silver-haired loli has the so big strength unexpectedly, under is caught off guard is striked to fly immediately. But has not waited for her to recover, sees only in another, a wear black full body dress blonde girl appears suddenly, then she makes an effort to fling the hair, later girl that long golden hair congeals immediately, changed into two giant fists to grasp in the same place, to the present double ponytail young girl effort hammer under! 双马尾少女显然没有想到这个银发萝莉居然拥有如此大的力量,措手不及下顿时被打飞。而还没有等她回过神来,只见在另外一个,一个穿着黑色连身裙的金发女孩猛然出现,接着她用力一甩头发,随后女孩那一头长长的金发顿时凝结起来,化为了两只巨大的拳头握在一起,对着眼前的双马尾少女用力锤下! Bang!!!” “轰!!!” Afterward, the double ponytail young girls seem like the shell, was pounded layer on layer/heavily to the ground. In dust that in scattering in all directions to raise, saw only the young girl to revolve was rolling several from the ground, this turning over stood. 随后,双马尾少女就好像炮弹般,被重重砸向地面。在四散扬起的灰尘之中,只见少女旋转着从地上滚了好几圈,这才一个翻身站了起来。 Hateful, your ............... “可恶,你们这些……………” She is looking steadily at present silver-haired loli and blonde girl wickedly, is wanting to say anything, suddenly has turned around to get hold of the double knife-edge in hand to make an effort to wield, resounds along with the sound of gunfire, sees only the spark and sword light collides mutually, later vanishes. 她恶狠狠的盯视着眼前的银发萝莉和金发女孩,正想要说些什么,忽然转过身握紧手中的双刃用力挥过,伴随着枪声响起,只见火花与剑光相互碰撞,随后消失。 Eve , do not show mercy.” 伊芙,拉碧丝,不要手下留情。” at this moment Fang Zheng is also the left hand holds up the pistol, the right hand is raising the wild animal cutting-off tool, blocked the escape route of double ponytail young girl. 这会儿方正也是左手举起手枪,右手提着野兽切割刀,堵住了双马尾少女的退路。 This fellow killed the murderer of family of four! Gives me to hit and that's the end!” “这家伙是杀害了一家四口的凶犯!给我往死里打就是了!” ..................... “…………………” Hears Fang Zheng’s command, gets hold of the battle axe, but Eve is also the complexion changes, again look dignified looking to the double ponytail young girl. 听到方正的命令,拉碧丝握紧战斧,而伊芙也是面色微变,再次神色凝重的望向双马尾少女。 Three pairs one ......... “三对一啊………” However, even was surrounded, the double ponytail young girls as before are an accomplishing a task with ease appearance. 然而,即便被包围,双马尾少女依旧是一副游刃有余的样子。 Didn't feel too despicable?” “不觉得太卑鄙了吗?” What rivers and lakes morality and justice copes with your demon outlet also to speak? On together!” “对付你这种邪魔外道还讲什么江湖道义?一起上!” Fang Zheng always believes to be able not to instigate headstrongly, can gang up on not just selects certainly, dies competently rubbish. Therefore he is also convenient wipes from the waist, then threw a hand grenade to the present young girl. Looks the hand grenade that towards oneself flies, young girl lightly snorted, the double sword in hand turns toward the hand grenade to strike off immediately. 方正向来信奉能怂不莽,能群殴绝不单挑,能干死绝不废话。于是他也是顺手从腰间一抹,接着对眼前的少女扔出了一枚手榴弹。看着朝自己飞来的手榴弹,少女轻哼一声,手中的双剑顿时向着手榴弹砍去。 However at this time, Fang Zheng has raised the spear/gun, deducts the trigger. 然而就在这个时候,方正已经举起了枪,扣下扳机。 Bang!!!” “轰!!!” Resounds along with the sound of gunfire, flies young girl front hand grenade to rupture immediately, burning hot flames erupts, throws toward the double ponytail young girl front surface. Facing flame that the front surface throws, young girl immediately complexion big change, quickly draws back backward. However in that side, Eve has blocked her way. 伴随着枪声响起,飞到少女面前的手榴弹顿时爆裂,炙热的火焰从中爆发,朝着双马尾少女迎面扑来。面对迎面扑来的火焰,少女顿时面色大变,急忙向后退开。但是在那边,伊芙已经挡住了她的去路。 Does not permit to escape!” “不准逃!” With Eve drinks tenderly, sees only two big hands that her hair congeals to change into to stretch out suddenly, grasped toward the double ponytail young girls. 伴随着伊芙的娇喝,只见她的头发所凝结化为的两只大手猛然伸出,向着双马尾少女抓了过去。 „Tch!” “切!” Looks big hand that towards oneself grasps, the double ponytail young girls showed the dislike expression. However then she gets hold of the double sword, makes an effort to wield forward, later, two tornado wind flat lands, blocked the attack of Eve. 看着朝自己抓来的大手,双马尾少女露出了厌恶的表情。但是接下来她握紧双剑,用力向前一挥,随后,两条龙卷风平地而起,挡住了伊芙的攻击。 However regarding Fang Zheng, Eve was used to attract the enemy attention! 不过对于方正来说,伊芙本来就是用来吸引敌人注意力的! When the black chopper tearing air when howls chops next, the double ponytail young girls then do not faint from fear right, she quickly turns the head, visible is actually Fang Zheng leaps from the flame, the wild animal cutting-off tool in hand is making an effort to divide the scene that to her. At this moment, is in the double ponytail young girl in midair to hide not to be possible finally to hide, so long as braces oneself to hold up the double sword. Afterward, the wild animal cutting-off tool then in the double sword hit with young girl hand in one, hit the latter directly to the ground. 当呼啸的黑色砍刀撕裂空气劈下时,双马尾少女这才惊觉不对,她急忙转头,看见的却是方正从火焰中一跃而出,手中的野兽切割刀对着她用力劈下的场景。这一刻,身在半空的双马尾少女终于躲无可躲,只要硬着头皮举起双剑。随后,野兽切割刀便与少女手中的双剑撞击在了一起,直接将后者打向了地面。 However this had not finished!! 但是这还没有结束!! Suiseiseki!!” 翠星石!!” In Fang Zheng of midair without hesitation yelled loudly, but hears Fang Zheng’s shout, has circled in in the air Suiseiseki dives immediately downward, then she gets hold of the watering can in hand, is making an effort to fling to the double ponytail young girls. The innumerable drizzle also fall, sprinkle in the ground, the land cracks again, the sturdy vine stretches out, bound the double ponytail young girl clip stubbornly in inside. However the next moment, brandished the double sword along with the double ponytail young girls again, the vine is slivered the fragment once again. 身在半空的方正毫不犹豫的放声大叫,而听到方正的呼唤,一直盘旋在空中的翠星石顿时向下俯冲,接着她握紧手中的喷水壶,对着双马尾少女用力一甩。无数的细雨随之落下,洒在地面上,紧接着大地再次开裂,粗壮的藤蔓从中伸出,将双马尾少女死死的夹裹在了里面。但是下一刻,伴随着双马尾少女再次挥舞双剑,藤蔓又一次被切成了碎片。 Meanwhile, started the action. 与此同时,拉碧丝也开始了行动。 Big Onee-san, plays together.” “大姐姐,来一起玩吧。” Looks in front of own double ponytail young girl, eats smiles, later she extends the left hand, knocked the air, the next moment, at the same time near the golden frame giant mirror emerged out of thin air after behind. Then jumped backward, entered in the mirror. 看着自己面前的双马尾少女,拉碧丝吃吃一笑,随后她伸出左手,敲了敲空气,下一刻,一面金色框边的巨大镜子凭空出现在了拉碧丝的身后。接着拉碧丝向后一跳,进入了镜子里。 Appears along with the golden light, the mirrors of seven similar appearances surrounded the double ponytail young girls all round. But in mirror, is all kinds. 伴随着金光浮现,七个同样模样的镜子将双马尾少女团团包围了起来。而在镜子之中的,则是各式各样的拉碧丝。 They look grinningly are encircled in the middle double ponytail young girl, but also made all kinds of movements. 她们笑嘻嘻的看着被围在中间的双马尾少女,还做出了各种各样的动作。 Here.” “这边这边。” Where you are looking, I here oh?” “你在看哪里,我在这边?” Hateful ............... this is what ghost!” “可恶……………这是什么鬼!” The double ponytail young girls are grasping the double sword, looks in front of oneself is revolving the mirror, the complexion twists to be fierce. 双马尾少女握着双剑,看着在自己面前旋转着的镜子,面色扭曲而狰狞。 However, smiles. 然而,拉碧丝只是轻轻一笑。 Sorry, had been the time of distinction oh.” “对不起,已经到了分别的时间了。” With speech, saw only that seven mirrors to turn over suddenly simultaneously. When they return to the home position again, sees only in mirror to be missing, displacing is the double ponytail young girl! 伴随着拉碧丝的说话,只见那七枚镜子忽然同时翻转了一圈。而当它们再次重归原位时,只见原本镜子中的拉碧丝已经不见了踪影,取而代之的则是双马尾少女! But in the double ponytail young girls were standing place, actually does not know when reappears. 而在双马尾少女原本站着的地方,拉碧丝却不知何时重新出现。 Then ......... BYEBYE, big Onee-san!” “那么………BYEBYE,大姐姐!” Is saying, holds up giant battle axe in the hand, makes an effort to wield! 一面说着,拉碧丝一面举起自己手中的巨大战斧,用力挥下! The battle axe angrily roars is changing into the mighty waves, will revolve seven mirrors around instantaneously, and double ponytail young girl in mirror made into the fragment completely. 战斧怒吼着化为波涛,瞬间将围绕在拉碧丝四周的七枚镜子,以及镜子中的双马尾少女全部打成了碎片。 Wuah!!” 呜哇!!” With the pitiful yell sound, the double ponytail young girls were striked to fly from the shatter mirror directly, rolled several in the ground, this stopped finally. 伴随着惨叫声,双马尾少女从破碎的镜子之中被直接打飞,在地面上滚了好几圈,这才终于停了下来。 However she at this moment cut and bruised, does not have the resistance. 不过此刻的她已经是遍体鳞伤,毫无招架之力了。 Stopped.” “到此为止了。” Fang Zheng raises the spear/gun, aims at the double ponytail young girl, slowly approached her. 方正举起枪,瞄准双马尾少女,慢慢靠近了她。 Actually you are, why must kill people, the continual homicide incident is you violates? Confessed to me!” “你究竟是什么人,为什么要杀人,连续杀人事件都是你犯下的吗?给我从实招来!” wū...............” 呜……………” Facing Fang Zheng’s inquiry, the double ponytail young girls lean on the sword to stand up reluctantly, she is looking steadily at Fang Zheng wickedly, clenches the teeth. 面对方正的询问,双马尾少女勉强拄着剑站起身来,她恶狠狠的盯视着方正,咬紧牙关。 How do not crack a joke ......... I ......... how ............ to be held by you ......... is impossible!” “不要开玩笑………我怎么………怎么会被你们…………抓住………绝不可能!” At the same time shouting, is seeing only the double ponytail young girls to hold up the sword suddenly, is making an effort to puncture to own heart! 一面大喊着,只见双马尾少女猛然举起剑,然后对着自己的心脏用力刺下! pūchī! 噗嗤 With the blood of splash, the next moment, the double ponytail young girls fall down like this, turned into a corpse. 伴随着飞溅的鲜血,下一刻,双马尾少女就这样倒在地上,变成了一具尸体。 Sees this, Fang Zheng is also dumbfounded. 看到这一幕,方正也是目瞪口呆。 I went, cannot be victorious commit suicide, such Showa?! 我了个去,打不过就自杀,这么昭和的吗?! This is also what kind of operation? 还有这种操作 at this moment, other young girls also walked in abundance. 这会儿,其他少女也是纷纷走了过来。 Elder Brother, are you all right?” “哥哥,你没事吧?” „Did she ......... die?” “她………死了?” Eve looks to fall on the double ponytail young girl of ground, inquired in a low voice, but Fang Zheng shakes the head. 伊芙看着倒在地上的双马尾少女,低声询问道,而方正则摇了摇头。 Died ......... has not really thought type that he would rather die than surrender ......... this also too ......... “死了………真没想到丫还是宁死不屈的类型………这也太………” ..................... “…………………” looked at falls on the double ponytail young girl of ground, turning head of Eve instinct, does not endure to look straight ahead. 看了一眼倒在地上的双马尾少女,伊芙本能的回过头去,不忍直视。 However, the double ponytail young girl who who died at this time, saw only that originally already cannot again die, actually opened the eye suddenly. Then she rises with a spring from the ground, goes toward Eve sword thrust directly! 然而,就在这个时候,只见那个原本已经死的不能再死的双马尾少女,却是忽然睁开眼睛。接着她从地上一跃而起,直接朝着伊芙剑刺去! Be careful!” “小心!” Sees this, not only Fang Zheng, everyone is startled. After all no one has thought the person who died can also such quick vivid crawls. But Fang Zheng is also puts out a hand, shoved open Eve. Only appears along with the sword, sees only the Fang Zheng’s right hand to cut off like this, falls in the place. 看到这一幕,不但方正,所有人都是大吃一惊。毕竟谁也没有想到死掉的人还能够这么快生龙活虎的爬起来。而方正也是一把伸出手去,推开了伊芙。伴随着剑光浮现,只见方正的右手就这样被砍断,掉落在地。 You court death!” “你找死!” The fierce ache also makes the Fang Zheng anger erupt, sees only him to raise the left hand, was touching off the trigger to the present young girl again. 剧烈的疼痛也让方正怒火爆发,只见他举起左手,对着眼前的少女再次扣动了扳机。 Bang!!!” “砰!!!” The bullet of revolving departs the muzzle, hit on the body of double ponytail young girl, instantaneously, the white flame ejaculation, wrapped the body of young girl thoroughly in inside, changed into the bright flame. 旋转的子弹飞出枪口,打在了双马尾少女的身上,瞬间,白色的火焰喷射而出,将少女的身体彻底包裹在里面,化为了明亮的火焰。 ahhhhhh!!!” 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!” Under the combustion of white phosphorus, the double ponytail young girls also exuded the painful pitiful yell sound, later she turns around to jump, suddenly is missing on disappearance. 在白磷的燃烧之下,双马尾少女也是发出了痛苦的惨叫声,随后她转身跃起,眨眼间就消失不见了踪影。 By ......... will meet next time comes this to you ............... mother ......... “靠………下次见面就给你来这个……………妈的………” Looks that the double ponytail young girls run away, Fang Zheng then aspirates to fall down. Before for must catch the living witness, therefore has not used the white phosphorus ball. If we had known this woman can also die to resurrect unexpectedly, at first should fire the dregs to consider as finished her with the white phosphorus ball directly! 看着双马尾少女逃走,方正这才吐了口气倒在地上。之前是为了要抓活口,所以才没有用白磷弹。早知道这女人居然还能够死而复活,最初就应该直接用白磷弹把她烧成渣算了! What to do however ......... then may ......... 不过………接下来可怎么办啊……… At this moment, the powerless feeling transmits from the body, near the ear the shouts of young girls are also getting more and more fuzzy , Fang Zheng closes the eye like this, lost the consciousness. 这一刻,无力感从身体上传来,耳边少女们的呼唤声也越来越模糊,紧接着,方正就这样闭上眼睛,失去了意识。
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