DC :: Volume #31

#3002: Farewell( wallows the anger of justice unable to extricate oneself)

confessed that Laplace monster absolutely did not have to think oneself will have one day of pursued being in chaotic situation. 坦白来说,拉普拉斯妖完全没有想到自己会有被追的鸡飞狗跳的一天。 However now, it actually really looks like one in the hunting ground the hunting dogs by the rabbit that surround and capture, crazy is running away. 但是现在,它却真的像一只在猎场之中被猎犬们围捕的兔子般,疯狂的逃窜着。 Laplace monster came from a hypothesis, that is „, if a devil knows in the universe each atomic accurate position and momentum, moreover can analyze these data. Then regarding it, is divinable. Does not have the thing to be ambiguous, but Mirai/future will only look like appeared in its front in the past generally.” 拉普拉斯妖来自于一个假说,那就是“假如一个恶魔知道宇宙中每个原子确切的位置和动量,而且也能够对这些数据进行分析。那么对于它来说,一切都是可预测的。没有事物是含糊的,而未来只会像过去一般出现在它的面前。” Omniscient and omnipotent, thoroughly understands to pass the Mirai/future devil, this is Laplace monster. 全知全能的,通晓一切过去未来的恶魔,这就是拉普拉斯妖。 Regarding it, this world does not have the secret, all Mirai/future were in the past, anything can see the result ........., but now, its panic-stricken discovery, in this place, oneself as if turns into a blind person! The strength that it is proud is unable to produce any results to the hunting dog that these are in hot pursuit, not only that when Laplace monster wants to leave here, it also discovered oneself are unable to leave this place. Here all are intriguing, moreover Chaos cannot withstand, simply does not have slightly regularly. 对于它来说,这个世界没有秘密,一切的未来都是过去,任何事情都能够看到结局………但是现在,它惊恐的发现,在这个地方,自己仿佛变成了一个瞎子!它引以为傲的力量根本无法对这些紧追不舍的猎犬产生任何效果,不仅如此,当拉普拉斯妖想要离开这里时,它也发现自己根本无法离开这个地方。这里的一切都是错综复杂而且混沌不堪,根本没有丝毫规则可言。 This rabbit even cannot use now teleport, can only depend upon own two legs to travel. 以至于这只兔子现在甚至连瞬移都用不出来,只能够依靠自己的两条腿跑路了。 Looks the rabbit that the pursued avenue runs all over the place, the Fang Zheng innermost feelings do not have the fluctuation, even a little wants to smile. 看着被追的满大街乱跑的兔子,方正内心毫无波动,甚至有点儿想笑。 In fact, after Shinku there learned Laplace monster name, Fang Zheng has known how must cope with it. The ability of this devil constructs above the decision argument. However in fact the modern quantum mechanics and second law of thermodynamics thoroughly has overthrown it, in addition here is the Fang Zheng’s dreamland, even if he is only an average person, the dependence quantum mechanics and second law of thermodynamics still lags behind the shrine Laplace monster sufficiently. 事实上,在从真红那里得知拉普拉斯妖这个名字之后,方正就已经知道要如何对付它了。这个恶魔的能力是建筑在决定论点之上的。然而事实上现代的量子力学和热力学第二定律已经彻底将其推翻,再加上这里是方正的梦境,即便他只是个普通人,依靠量子力学和热力学第二定律也足以把拉普拉斯妖拉下神坛。 Do not say, here is ancient God the domain. 更不要说,这里是古神的领域。 Even can say, ancient God is Laplace monster natural enemy, because constructs Laplace monster the rationale of strength from human, in the final analysis, it exists as the basis by humanity's consciousness and observation and speculation. 甚至可以说,古神就是拉普拉斯妖的天敌,因为构筑拉普拉斯妖的力量来自人类的理论基础,归根结底,它是以人类本身的意识和观察以及推测作为依据所存在的。 However ancient God and Laplace monster is actually completely opposite, in the human eye, ancient God is unknowable, is unable to understand that indescribable existence. 然而古神与拉普拉斯妖却是完全相反,在人类眼中,古神是不可知的,无法理解的,不可名状的存在。 This also means that in the domain of ancient god, Laplace monster livelihood clear, the accurate formula and structure do not exist, the significance that even it has was weakened the extreme. 这也就意味着,在古神的领域里,拉普拉斯妖赖以生存的清晰的,精准的公式和构架都不复存在,甚至连它存在的意义本身都被削弱到了极点。 It can cope with Shinku and Suigintou , because the latter eventually is doll, through the rule, complies with the theory product that the formula makes. However is uncertain facing Darose hunting dog it shape, exists in different dimension plane, existence that is unable to understand, it also had no difference from an ordinary rabbit. 它可以对付真红水银灯,是因为后者终究是人偶,是通过规则,遵从公式制造出来的理论产物。但是面对廷达罗斯猎犬这种本身形态不定,存在于不同维度位面,根本无法理解的存在,它也就和一只普通的兔子没什么区别了。 Quickly, stops quickly!!” “快,快住手!!” Finally, the rabbit could not bear again, starts to beg for mercy. 终于,兔子再也忍不住,开始求饶了。 Stops quickly, I will really give back to Luo your!” “快住手,我会把罗真还给你们的!” „Huh?” “哎?” hearing this, the wild rose young girls stare immediately, quickly looks to Fang Zheng, but Fang Zheng chuckled. 听到这里,蔷薇少女们顿时一愣,急忙望向方正,而方正呵呵一笑 You said that I believe that when I am silly?” “你说我就信,当我傻?” I have not deceived you! I can lead him to here ......... “我没有骗你!我可以把他带到这里………” Bites to death it.” “咬死它。” Fang Zheng turns a deaf ear to about the words of rabbit, he is only snapped his fingers, the pitiful yell sound of the next moment rabbit resounds again, reverberates in R'lyeh. 方正对兔子的话充耳不闻,他只是打了个响指,下一刻兔子的惨叫声再次响起,回荡在拉莱耶之中。 ............... Human, was inferior that we listen to want to say anything ......... “……………人类,不如我们听听它想要说什么………” Do not listen to the devil the words, this truth should not need me to teach you.” “别听恶魔的话,这个道理应该不用我教你。” Fang Zheng shook his head, interrupted the plea of Suiseiseki. 方正摇了摇头,打断了翠星石的求情。 It said that you do believe? How you know that it doesn't deceive your? Like this Ellis game? An resembles matter that this type of gadget mouthful running train said does not have a truth, I always its words, when the noise listens.” “它说你就信?你怎么知道它不是骗你的?就和这个爱丽丝游戏一样?这种玩意儿满嘴跑火车说的像那么回事就是没一句实话,我从来都是把它的话当噪音听的。” But it knows the Otou-sama whereabouts!” “但是它知道父亲大人的下落啊!” at this moment Suigintou cannot bear open the mouth to yell, but Fang Zheng is only glanced over silently she. 这会儿水银灯也是忍不住开口大声喊叫起来,而方正只是默默的扫了一眼她。 Good that said that but you do not have the evidence to prove what it is said is real.” “说的好,但是你没证据证明它说的是真的。” wū...............” 呜……………” Hears Fang Zheng’s reply, Suigintou wants to open the mouth immediately, said anything again, but at this time, the pitiful yell sound of rabbit resounded again. 听到方正的回答,水银灯顿时想要张开嘴巴,再说点儿什么,但是就在这个时候,兔子的惨叫声再次响起。 ahhhhhh!!!” 啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!” oh, it seems like handled.” ,看来是搞定了。” Fang Zheng looks up, sees only a not far away Darose hunting dog to rise with a spring suddenly, the neck that direct bit the rabbit, it according to the ground, other hunting dogs rushed headlong into mass action immediately, bites the four limbs of rabbit to make an effort to tear. The pitiful yell sound of rabbit stops suddenly, sees these Darose hunting dogs to turn around rapidly, suddenly vanished in the sharp shadow. 方正抬头望去,只见不远处一只廷达罗斯猎犬猛然一跃而起,直接一口咬住了兔子的脖子,把它按在地上,紧接着其他猎犬顿时一哄而上,咬住了兔子的四肢用力撕扯起来。紧接着,兔子的惨叫声戛然而止,紧接着就看见那些廷达罗斯猎犬迅速转身,眨眼间就消失在了尖锐的阴影之中。 ........................... “………………………” Looks at this, the wild rose young girls are dumbfounded, cannot speak, they have not thought that that incomparably powerful Laplace monster, unexpectedly so easy was annihilated. 看着这一幕,蔷薇少女们目瞪口呆,说不出话来,她们没有想到,那个无比强悍的拉普拉斯妖,居然会如此轻而易举的被消灭掉。 But, it dies now, what to do own should Otou-sama? Really looked like that rabbit saying that it killed Otou-sama, imprisoned his soul? 可是,现在它死了,自己的父亲大人又该怎么办?难道真像那个兔子说的,它杀死了父亲大人,囚禁了他的灵魂? But now, that rabbit had died, then their Otou-sama ............... 可是现在,那只兔子已经死了,那么她们的父亲大人…………… wū...............” 呜……………” When the wild rose young girls do not know this/should should do, suddenly, their nearby shadows rocked, later a Darose hunting dog went out, arrived at in front of Fang Zheng. Looks at this indescribable monster, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform who the wild rose young girls frighten immediately retrocedes at present one step, but that only Darose hunting dog seems to have no interest in these doll completely, looked continually has not looked at their a glance, but arrives in front of Fang Zheng, lowers the head, placed near the Fang Zheng’s foot a thing that the mouth holds, then vanished in the air. 就在蔷薇少女们不知道该如何是好的时候,忽然,她们附近的阴影晃动了一下,随后一只廷达罗斯猎犬从中走出,来到了方正的面前。看着眼前这个不可名状的怪物,蔷薇少女们顿时吓的齐齐后退了一步,而那只廷达罗斯猎犬则对这些人偶似乎完全没什么兴趣似的,连看都没有看她们一眼,只是来到方正面前,低下头去,把嘴里含着的一个东西放在了方正的脚边,然后就消失在了空气之中。 What is this?” “这是什么?” Fang Zheng curious bends the waist, picked up that thing from the ground, that is together the rose quartz, seems like with the wild rose handicraft that the crystal carves. Fang Zheng takes up that rose quartz, curious tracing, then the next moment, saw only on that rose quartz to launch a brilliance immediately, later sees only this light to reflect in Fang Zheng at present in the ground in not far away, formed a fuzzy person's shadow. 方正好奇的弯下腰去,从地面上捡起了那个东西,那是一块蔷薇水晶,看起来就像是用水晶雕刻的蔷薇工艺品。方正拿起那块蔷薇水晶,好奇的摸了摸,接着下一刻,只见那块蔷薇水晶上顿时发射出了一道光辉,随后只见这道光辉照在了方正眼前不远处的地面上,形成了一个模糊的人影。 That is a seemingly about ersanshi-year-old blonde man, he is with smile on the face, golden hair tied up a little short ponytail in behind. 那是一个看起来大概二三十岁的金发男子,他面带微笑,一头金发在后面绑了一个小小的短马尾。 Otou-sama!!” 父亲大人!!” But sees this empty shadow, Shinku, Hinaichigo, Suiseiseki and dark green star stone also screams one at present, quickly encircled, Suigintou is also dull standing, is looking at the present man, suddenly does not know should say anything is good. 而看见眼前这道虚影,真红,雏莓,翠星石和苍星石也是尖叫一声,急忙围了上去,水银灯也是呆呆的站在旁边,望着眼前的男子,一时间不知道该说什么才好。 I finally saw you ......... “我终于又见到你们了………” Looks at present doll, the blonde man showed the gentle smile, he puts out a hand, is touching the head of doll young girl one by one, simultaneously is summoning their name in a low voice. 看着眼前的人偶们,金发男子露出了温柔的微笑,他伸出手去,挨个抚摸着人偶少女的头,同时低声呼唤着她们的名字。 Suiseiseki, dark green star stone, Shinku, Hinaichigo, ............... 翠星石,苍星石,真红,雏莓,还有……………” Said till here, the blonde man raised the head, looks to Suigintou. 说道这里,金发男子抬起头来,望向水银灯 ......... Suigintou.” “………水银灯。” Otou-sama!” 父亲大人!” At this moment, Suigintou cannot bear finally, flew directly, threw in the bosom of blonde man. 这一刻,水银灯终于忍不住,直接飞了起来,扑到了金发男子的怀中。 Otou-sama, I finally saw you, Otou-sama!!” 父亲大人,我终于见到你了,父亲大人!!” Sorry, Suigintou.” “对不起,水银灯。” Is stroking the Suigintou long hair gently, the blonde man said in a low voice. 一面轻轻抚摸着水银灯的长发,金发男子一面低声说道。 At that time ......... I finished in a hast, I even neglect you ......... I to long for that sought to make doll have the means of life, but until saw you again, I discovered that I had found originally......, but, I was misled by Laplace, gave up you ............... “那个时候………我太急于求成了,我甚至忽略了你………我一直在渴望寻找到让人偶拥有生命的办法,但是直到再次见到你,我才发现我原本已经找到了……但是,我被拉普拉斯蛊惑,放弃了你……………” Otou-sama ............... 父亲大人……………” I have been visiting you, like Laplace visiting you, he to let my pain, lets me by the suffering, but he also succeeded. I am unable to leave his fetter, can only desperate visits you, for an illusory lie kills one another. I once think, does not have Mirai/future, but ............... “我一直在看着你们,就像拉普拉斯在看着你们一样,他就是为了让我痛苦,让我备受煎熬,而他也成功了。我无法离开他的束缚,只能够绝望的看着你们为了一个虚无缥缈的谎言自相残杀。我曾经以为,已经没有未来可言了,不过……………” Is saying, blonde man raised the head, looks to Fang Zheng. 一面说着,金发男子一面抬起头来,望向方正 It seems like you found very good Master, many thanks you, the youngster, thank you made me obtain the extrication, thank you ended this evil game.” “看来你们找到了一个很好的主人,多谢你,少年,谢谢你让我得到了解脱,也谢谢你结束了这场邪恶的游戏。” Does not need to be polite, slight effort, moreover don't they want not to kill one another?” “不必客气,举手之劳,而且她们自己也不希望自相残杀不是吗?” Fang Zheng shrugs the shoulders, but hears his reply, the blonde man shows a faint smile. 方正耸耸肩膀,而听到他的回答,金发男子微微一笑。 I am very curious, if Laplace did not tell you truth, how then you will do?” “我很好奇,如果拉普拉斯不告诉你真相的话,那么你会怎么做?” „Like the present.” “和现在一样啊。” Fang Zheng spreads out both hands. 方正摊开双手。 You as if misunderstood, Mr. Luo true, truth type of thing is unimportant, important result. Draws back 10,000 steps, even if this is not Laplace's schemes and tricks, but is your real brain convulsion result, I can still want them no longer to hit & fucking ash ; The reason is very simple, fist big is the truth, I do not believe my side these three not to fight, but also couldn't tidy up two war parties?” “你似乎误会了,罗真先生,真相这种东西并不重要,重要的结果。退一万步来说,即便这不是拉普拉斯的阴谋诡计,而是你真的脑子抽风的结果,那我也会要她们不再打下去—原因很简单,拳头大的就是真理,我就不信我身边这三个不愿意战斗的,还收拾不了两个主战派了?” Fang Zheng is saying at the same time, the simultaneously glanced over dark green star stone and Suigintou, on latter's face appeared immediately the awkward expression. 方正一面说着,一面扫了一眼苍星石和水银灯,后者的脸上顿时浮现出了尴尬的表情。 Really is an interesting youngster.” “真是个有意思的少年。” Hears Fang Zheng’s reply, the blonde man smiles again, at the same time, his form even more is also thin. 听到方正的回答,金发男子再次笑了笑,与此同时,他的身影也越发稀薄。 It seems like, my time will also draw near ......... “看来,我的时间也快到了………” Otou-sama!!” 父亲大人!!” Looks at present vanishing Luo true, Shinku and the others were two red, Hinaichigo cried directly. 看着眼前即将消失的罗真,真红等人都是两眼通红,雏莓更是直接哭了出来。 No matter how said that at the final moment, but can also see you, is biggest redeems to me.” “不管怎么说,在最后时刻,还能够见到你们,已经是对我最大的救赎了。” Observed the situation one to encircle own wild rose young girl again, the blonde man raised the head, is looking steadily at Fang Zheng. 再次环视了一圈自己的蔷薇少女,金发男子抬起头来,盯视着方正 Youngster, after these children ........., asked you.” “少年,这些孩子………以后就拜托你了。” Simply with holding this solitary one old father. 简直和托孤的老父亲似的。 Gives me.” “交给我吧。” Facing the blonde man's commission, Fang Zheng has not said anything, is only slightly nodded. But hears Fang Zheng’s reply, the blonde man also shows the smile of feeling relieved, then the next moment, his whole person changes into the golden light corpuscle like this, gradually flutters toward the space ......... 面对金发男子的嘱托,方正也没有多说什么,只是微微点了点头。而听到方正的回答,金发男子也露出了放心的笑容,接着下一刻,他整个人就这样化为金色的光粒,缓缓向着天上飘去……… Otou-sama!!!” 父亲大人!!!” At this moment, Suigintou was also quickly flew, put out a hand to hold these light corpuscles, but these light corpuscles passed through her palm, disappearance was missing. 这一刻,水银灯也是急忙飞了起来,伸出手去想要抓住那些光粒,但是那些光粒就这么穿过了她的手掌,消失不见了踪影。 wū......... wū...............” 呜………呜……………” Suddenly, all wild rose young girls lower the head, silent, even sobs in a low voice. 一时间,所有蔷薇少女都低下头去,沉默不语,甚至低声抽泣起来。 But Fang Zheng stood a while, then he raises the hand, the time of looked at watch. 方正则是站了一会儿,接着他举起手,看了一眼手表的时间。 Should finish eating the food, we go back.” “该吃完饭了,我们回去吧。” Afterward, he says. 随后,他开口说道。
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