DC :: Volume #29

#2829: Strange world( racket belly of pā pā meow)

Continuously raining. 阴雨连绵。 Looks at out of the window dim rain color, the black hair young girl had a yawn. 看着窗外昏暗的雨色,黑发的少女不由的打了个哈欠。 After using Scourge eliminated is cursed the winding small town by outside god, Fang Zheng was the operation clone to start the adventure in this world truly, if drew the analogy with the game, then before that small town that believed in the real fish to teach is just the foreword chapter, when all vanished, as clone na arrived at the outside world time, she discovered the special place of this world finally. 在用天灾军团消灭了被外神诅咒缠绕的小镇之后,方正这才算是操纵分身真正开始了在这个世界的冒险,如果用游戏来打比方的话,那么之前那个信奉真鱼教的小镇只不过是序章,当一切消失,作为分身的雫来到外界的时候,她才终于发现这个世界的特异之处。 To put it bluntly, this is actually a strange world. 说白了,这其实是一个灵异世界。 Before Fang Zheng, has similar world, for example Goddess of Order brings world that makes the test facility. However this world and world is not quite same, although in the world people quite crave many hearsay, presented many similar stories, but these to put it bluntly in the final analysis and outside under the entanglement of god in the ancient gods appear. 方正以前不是没有去过类似的世界,比如秩序女神拿来做试验场的克苏鲁世界。但是这个世界与克苏鲁世界却不太一样,克苏鲁世界里虽然人们相当热衷很多传闻,也出现了不少类似的故事,但是这些说白了归根结底都是在古神和外神的纠缠之下出现的。 However this world is different. 然而这个世界不同。 How this world said that ......... is close to the traditional strange world. 这个世界怎么说呢………更接近于传统的灵异世界。 After leaving that village, na also received similar events several times, then discovered the rule of this world. Simply speaking, in this world happened, not like indescribable, but a more traditional evil spirit offends somebody. 在离开那个村子之后,雫也接过好几次类似的事件,然后发现了这个世界的规律。简单来说,这个世界里发生的,并不是像克苏鲁那样不可名状,而是更加传统的恶灵伤人。 For example the seven inconceivable, all kinds of metropolises in school discussed the legend strangely, the ghost kid cotton or flower seed ......... this kind of thing contained. 比如学校里的七不可思议,各种各样的都市怪谈传说,鬼娃花子………这一类的东西都包含在内。 Naturally, perhaps is because na passed through to the time point of this world is in the late 1980s, has not presented Sadako and Kayako shadow, if she estimated that correct, that in this world, should present their forms. 当然了,或许是因为雫穿越到这个世界的时间点是20世纪80年代后期,还没有出现贞子伽椰子的影子,不过如果她估计正确的话,那么在这个世界,应该会出现她们的身影。 Right, all kinds of ancient legends, myth, demon ghost, people will read aloud the scrip­tures using the way of legend, to surpass and repel them, this is a legitimate strange myth world. 没错,各种各样的古代传说,神话,妖魔鬼怪,人们会利用传说的方式念诵经文,以超度和击退他们,这就是一个正统的灵异神话世界。 Not viral divulging like Resident Evil, is not indescribable the life that from foreign planet resembles, what are more is Earth breeds the strangeness that. 不是像生化危机那样的病毒泄露,也不是克苏鲁似的来自外星球的不可名状的生命,更多的是地球本身孕育出的怪异。 na also once several feeling had been to existence of monster, but perhaps because of the Frostmourne strength extremely strong reason, the monster almost does not dare to make an appearance before her. 雫也曾经有几次感受到过妖怪的存在,但或许是因为霜之哀伤的力量太过强劲的缘故,以至于妖怪几乎都不敢在她面前露面。 This makes na be a little a pity actually, she also wants to have a look at this world, if has to spread the young lad, can be lovable little loli. 这倒是让雫有点儿可惜,她还想要看看这个世界要是有座敷童子的话,会不会是个可爱的小萝莉呢。 Thinks till here, na raising the head, looks is subscribing to the side wall the Japanese map. Basically now Fang Zheng when a world, he finds the way first to examine the map, then has a look at the geographic name that oneself are familiar with, then almost guessed correctly that this was what world. 想到这里,雫不由的抬起头来,望向旁边墙上订着的日本地图。基本上现在方正每到一个世界,他都想办法先查看地图,然后看看有没有自己熟悉的地名,然后就差不多猜到这是个什么世界了。 For example now, in a map end is subscribing under map tacks, can very clear seeing child defend Yamagimachi name, but in another side below, then has „the Takeno mountain indication. 比如说现在,在地图一端订着的图钉下面,可以很清楚的看到“童守町”的名字,而在另外一侧的下面,则有着“高野山”的表述。 «Hell Sensei» and «Peacock King», in the 80's, really the master returned worthily azure. 《地狱老师》和《孔雀王》啊,不愧八十年代,真的又爷青回了。 na has not gone to these two places to examine, «Hell Sensei», she only hopes that now Takeno mountain that is only a same surname of the same name, is not true «Peacock King», otherwise troubled, remembers that in the cartoon also had the world destroyed anything ............... Fang Zheng to like watching these two strange terrifying cartoons probably finally initially very much. 雫并没有前往这两个地方去查看,《地狱老师》也就罢了,她现在只希望高野山那只是个同名同姓,不是真正的《孔雀王》,不然就麻烦了,记得漫画里好像最后还有世界毁灭什么的……………方正当初可是很爱看这两部灵异恐怖漫画的。 The person understands as for the reason ......... has looked. 至于原因嘛………看过的人都懂。 Without looking do not look. 没看过的就不要去看了。 After all was in the bookstore with the narcotics same must initially in private with the thing of boss secretly attachment purchase. 毕竟是当初在书店里和私下贩毒一样要和老板偷偷接头购买的东西。 Does not know that this world does have other childhoods to remember? 只是不知道这个世界是否存在其他的童年记忆呢? For example the beautiful evening or Onitaro ......... does the clever king also calculate on the other hand? 比如说美夕或者鬼太郎………话说回来通灵王也算么? However will not go to work as the clever king in any case, naturally, if runs into Mount Osore Anna actually to invite her and takes a souvenir photo to sign and that's the end. 不过反正自己是不会去当通灵王的,当然,如果遇到恐山安娜倒是可以请她和自己留个影签个名就是了。 If runs into the hell young girl ......... eh, now the network has not popularized, should unable to meet. 要是遇到地狱少女………,现在网络都还没普及呢,应该遇不到吧。 Naturally, this world has the evil spirit and monster, naturally also has to deal with their people. 当然,这个世界有恶灵和妖怪,自然也有对付他们的人。 According to the investigation of na, determined that this world basically has three types to eliminate the demon influence. 根据雫的调查,确定这个世界基本上存在三种除魔势力。 The first type is various ancient drawing back demon aristocratic families that everyone is familiar with, for example family of what Yin-Yang, or the Vajrayana clergy of Takeno mountain and so on. These people rarely appear and disappear outside generally, mainly practices in own domain. 第一种就是大家熟悉的各种古老的退魔世家,比如什么阴阳师的家系,或者高野山的密宗僧侣之类。这些人一般很少在外面出没,主要都是在自己的地盘上修行。 The second type is the national civil service, but this and net so-called dragon group is not a matter, na also once and an organization has had to do, the opposite party is the police department subordinate, announces to the public the name is „the police history puts together, for the first time under listens to seem like one to record the retirement department of police history purely. 第二种就是国家公务机关,但是这和网文里的所谓“龙组”不是一回事,雫也曾经和其中一个组织打过交道,对方是警视厅下属,对外公布的名字是“警察史编缀所”,乍听之下像是一个单纯记录警察历史的养老部门。 However in fact, the work of this department across country searches from the innumerable mysterious cases of daily, investigation, classification. After all to the present society, various criminal methods is also many and varied, missing and homicide incident also sometimes happened in Japan. Most times, you simply do not have the means to determine the event immediately are the ghost spirit behavior, is the human behavior, then shifts blame to the metropolis legend or the ghost evil spirit. 但是事实上,这个部门的工作是从每天来自全国各地的无数神秘案件之中进行搜索,调查,分类。毕竟到了现在社会,各种犯罪手段也是多种多样,失踪和杀人事件在日本也是时有发生。在很多时候,你根本没办法立刻判定事件到底是鬼怪幽灵所为,还是人类所为,然后嫁祸给都市传说或者鬼怪恶灵。 Therefore they mainly responsible is investigates to the difficult case that these common police are unable to handle, if artificial on transmission relevant authority processing, if, then they who the monster malicious ghost does will ask the expert to process. 所以他们主要负责的就是对这些一般警察无法处理的疑难案件进行调查,如果是人为就转交相关部门处理,如果是妖怪恶鬼所做的,那么他们就会找专家来处理。 The third type the professional person like na, they are not subordinated any aristocratic family school, naturally also does not have any to restrict, is much the same as the spy, draws cash the management. Opened one like present na near Tokyo difficult event investigation office, the layout basically and Mouri Kogoro Mouri office is similar, two buildings are used for the work, three buildings are the houses, a building is the Ramen restaurant ......... actually na also likes this like another character and style. 第三种就是像雫这样的自由职业者,他们不从属任何世家门派,自然也没有什么拘束,基本就和侦探一样,拿钱办事。像现在雫就是在东京附近开了一家“疑难事件调查事务所”,布局基本上和毛利小五郎毛利事务所差不多,二楼是用来办公的,三楼是住宅,一楼则是拉面馆………其实雫还蛮喜欢这种普通平常的风情。 As for the money of purchasing homes, naturally compelled that side to buckle from F. 至于买房子的钱,自然是从F逼那边扣了。 After na arrives at this world to the present also almost in two months, basically she is drawing back that side the demon master to be known much. Unlike ordinary peer is enemy, draws back demon master industry to help supply each other very much tasteful, the work that the intercommunication, everyone does after all affects the life, ordinary evil spirit little ghost, if did not provoke what terrifying powerful monster carefully, peer who if did not know a powerful, perhaps that died does not know how dead. 在雫来到这个世界之后到现在也差不多过了两个月,基本上她已经算是在不少退魔师那边都小有名气了。与普通的“同行是冤家”不同,退魔师这个行业很讲究互通有无,相互来往的,毕竟大家干的工作可谓是攸关性命,普通的恶灵小鬼也就罢了,万一不小心招惹到了什么恐怖强大的怪物,要是不认识一个强力的同行,那恐怕是连死都不知道怎么死的。 However ............ 不过………… Quite idle ............... “好闲啊……………” Watches the present television program again, na opens the mouth to have a yawn, she understands now finally why Mouri Kogoro watched the television to drink the beer all day, really really nothing did except for these. This office is a half year is not open for business, is open for business to eat for a half year. Also, this world, although is the evil spirit world, but on the whole is also gentle, the disaster of what worldwide scale at least has not presented that even if the ordinary evil spirit do not do, still has others to tidy up is not? 再次看着眼前的电视节目,雫又张开嘴巴打了个哈欠,她现在总算明白为什么毛利小五郎整天看电视喝啤酒了,实在是除了这些真的没什么事情干。这种事务所都是半年不开张,开张吃半年的。再说了,这个世界虽然是恶灵世界,可是大体上也算是平和,起码没出现过什么世界范围的灾难,普通的恶灵就算自己不去做,也有别人收拾不是? As for the peripheral business, na did not count on, by the Frostmourne might, the peripheral evil spirit was basically eaten to eat all one's food by her early, distant place does not dare to come to bring death, can say that this region is cleanest and safe, without the evil spirit does not have the monster, anything does not have. 至于周边的生意,雫是不指望了,以霜之哀伤的威力,周边的恶灵基本上早被她吃光了,远处的也不敢过来送死,可以说这片区域是最干净和安全的,没有恶灵也没有妖怪,什么都没有。 Might as well go to school, in the school can paste the post with the clear lovable girl . Moreover the present school uniform and will be different in the future, is not that type of suit shirt, but is the traditional sailor uniform pattern, not cancelled trunks ......... 不如去上学吧,学校里可以和清纯可爱的女孩子贴贴,而且现在的校服和日后不同,不是那种西装衬衫,而是传统的水手服模式,还有没被取消的运动短裤……… Thump thump thump.” “咚咚咚。” When na indulges in flights of fancy, suddenly the knock resounds, hears the knock, na also takes back the train of thought that sits to look to the entrance. 就在雫胡思乱想的时候,忽然敲门声响起,听到敲门声,雫也是收回思绪,重新坐好望向门口。 Come.” “请进。” In a moment later, the gate of office had opened slowly, later a young girl walked. She raised the head, looks to sits in desk following na at present, being startled. 在过了片刻之后,事务所的门才缓缓打开,随后一个少女走了进来。她抬起头,望向眼前坐在书桌后面的雫,不由的吃了一惊。 „, Hello, is here ......... the difficult event investigation bureau?” “啊,您好,请问这里是………疑难事件调查所吗?” Right, what matter do you have to need to entrust?” “没错,请问你有什么事情需要委托吗?” Hints the opposite party to sit down, na curious is taking a look at the present young girl, she puts on white sailor uniform, seemed like just on vacation from school, in the hand is also taking the book bag, the age in ten 5~6 years, the long hair is tying up the ponytail bunch probably after behind, was seemingly smart-alecky and lovable, but oneself expression appeared quite anxious and gloomy. 一面示意对方坐下,雫一面好奇的打量着眼前的少女,她穿着白色的水手服,看起来像是刚刚放学,手中还提着书包,年龄大概在十五六岁左右,长长的头发绑着马尾束在身后,看起来俏皮又可爱,只是本人的表情显得相当不安和阴沉。 That ......... that ......... I ............... “那………那个………我……………” The young girls somewhat are obviously tense, she sits in the na front, is gazing at the opposite party anxiously, does not seem to know how should say. Looks at her response, na showed the smile, then for her poured. the tea cup 少女明显有些紧张,她坐在雫的面前,不安的注视着对方,似乎不知道该怎么说。看着她的反应,雫露出了微笑,接着为她倒了杯茶。 Ok, should not be so anxious, has anything to say slowly.” “好了,不要这么紧张,有什么事情可以慢慢说。” „, Good, thank you ......... “啊,好的,谢谢你………” Perhaps was the na the fragrance of smile and tea leaves scattered anxiously, the young girl was tense the stiff expression gradually to relax, she held the teacup, drinks tea, this said in a low voice. 或许是雫的笑容和茶叶的香气驱散了不安,少女原本紧张僵硬的表情逐渐放松了下来,她捧起茶杯,喝了口茶,这才低声说道。 That ......... hello/you good, first meeting, I am young xiao dark red, actually ......... I am entrust to look for my brother.” “那个………你好,初次见面,我叫雏咲深红,其实………我是来委托找我哥哥的。” oh? Looks for your Elder Brother?” ?找你的哥哥?” Yes, he had disappeared nearly for two weeks, I do not know how should handle ............... “是的,他已经消失了快两个星期了,我不知道该怎么办好……………” In turning on a record player, young xiao dark red spills the beans immediately general, said own experience completely. 在打开了话匣子之后,雏咲深红顿时竹筒倒豆子一般,把自己的经历全部说了出来。 Originally young xiao dark red has an Elder Brother named the young xiao real winter, because the parents double perish, the brother and sister are bound by a common destiny. But the young xiao real winter after the university graduates works in the editorial department, in the editorial department, he knew a named peak fore or front sight inference writer. Two people friendship are very good, regarding the young xiao real winter, the peak fore or front sight is his kind teacher. 原来雏咲深红有个哥哥名叫雏咲真冬,因为父母双亡,兄妹两人相依为命。而雏咲真冬在大学毕业之后就在编辑部工作,在编辑部里,他结识了一个名为高峰准星的推理作家。两人的交情很好,对于雏咲真冬来说,高峰准星就是他的恩师。 However before soon, peak fore or front sight, for the second work selects material, went to a named icehouse Di's place, then disappearance is missing. But after missing report that seeing the newspaper pastes, her Elder Brother young xiao real winter then decides the going icehouse Di to look for missing peak fore or front sight. 然而就在不久之前,高峰准星为了第二部作品取材,前往了一个名为冰室邸的地方,接着消失不见了踪影。而在看到报纸上贴出的失踪报道之后,她的哥哥雏咲真冬便决定前去冰室邸寻找失踪的高峰准星。 Then young xiao dark red naturally was anxious, but the Elder Brother comforted her saying that quick will come back, however waited continuously for two weeks, young xiao dark red has not waited till elder brother's any news, this made her really restless. 当时的雏咲深红对此自然非常不安,但是哥哥安慰她说很快就会回来,然而连续等了两个星期,雏咲深红都没有等到哥哥的任何消息,这让她实在坐立不安。 The Elder Brother who young xiao dark red also planned to go to look, at this time, she heard hearsay & fucking ash from classmate there ; The legend on some street near own school, difficult event investigation office, specifically is responsible for investigating these mysterious events, therefore the god makes the ghost bad, young xiao dark red starts to seek, she also felt own this idea is very strange, in fact after really found this office, young xiao dark red has also thought leaves directly. 原本雏咲深红也打算前去寻找的哥哥,就在这个时候,她从同班同学那里听到了一个传闻—传说就在自己学校附近的某条街道上,有一家“疑难事件调查事务所”,专门负责调查那些神秘事件,于是神使鬼差的,雏咲深红就开始寻找,原本她也觉得自己这个想法很怪异,事实上在真的找到这家事务所之后,雏咲深红也想过直接离开。 However finally, she entered the office. 但是最终,她还是走进了事务所。 So that's how it is ............... “原来如此……………” Listens to young xiao dark red narration, na slightly nodded. 听完雏咲深红的讲述,雫微微点了点头。 Therefore your request is me to help look for the missing Elder Brother is right?” “所以你的委托就是要我帮忙寻找失踪的哥哥对吗?” Yes, that ......... does not know you to be able ......... “是的,那个………不知道你能不能………” Naturally does not have the issue.” “当然没问题。” na nods. 雫点了点头。 This is the business scope of office, then I prepare, immediately, right, please tell me the icehouse Di's exact location.” “这属于本事务所的经营范围嘛,那么我准备一下,马上就出发,对了,请告诉我冰室邸的具体位置。” I, I also want to go together!” “我,我也想一起去!” However na just said, saw only young xiao dark red to stand, is gazing at her. 然而雫才刚刚说完,只见雏咲深红就站了起来,注视着她。 I also want to look for the Elder Brother together, Ok?” “我也想要一起去找哥哥,可以吗?” Naturally does not have the issue.” “当然没问题。” Regarding this, na naturally cannot reject. 对此,雫自然不会拒绝。
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