DC :: Volume #28

#2746: The action starts( sways back and forth to turn over meow meow meow)

When he/she Ren follows Fang Zheng to step onto the shuttle machine, her whole person despairs. 当伊娜跟着方正走上穿梭机时,她整个人都是绝望的。 In our agreements had not said that must handle such dangerous matter!!” “我们的约定里可没有说要做这么危险的事情啊!!” In our agreements had not said that does not do.” “我们的约定里也没有说不做。” Fang Zheng glanced over he/she Ren silently. 方正默默的扫了一眼娜。 I said needs your help, but you also complied, I also paid the reward ......... you to look, very reasonable not?” “我说了需要你的帮助,而你也答应了,我也支付了报酬………你看,很合理不是吗?” ............ That I give back to you gold bar now ......... “…………那我现在把金条还给你………” Hehe, I think that you misunderstood, he/she Ren elegant young lady.” “呵呵呵,我想你误会了,伊娜小姐。” Facing he/she Ren painstakingly the response of face, Fang Zheng again chuckled. 面对伊娜苦着脸的回应,方正再次呵呵一笑 You still remember how we said initially?” “你还记得我们当初是怎么说的吗?” .................. “………………” I hire you to work for us, the reward is a gold bar, but you agreed. Therefore now, I am your employer, we hire the relations. But the so-called employment relations, refer to you providing the service to me, but I pay the rights and obligations relations that the corresponding reward forms. According to the contract provision, your work must obey in the situation of employer highly ......... “我雇佣你为我们工作,报酬是一根金条,而你同意了。所以现在,我就是你的雇主,我们双方是雇佣关系。而所谓雇佣关系,就是指你向我提供劳务,而我支付相应报酬来形成的权利义务关系。按照合同规定,你的劳动必须在高度服从雇方的情况下进行………” hearing this, he/she Ren complexion changes again and again. 听到这里,伊娜的面色一变再变。 Institute, therefore?” “所,所以?” If therefore you do not provide the work, then violates the contract.” “所以如果你不提供劳动,那么就是违反合约。” The Fang Zheng both hands thoughts, looking of faint smile to he/she Ren, dealt with this person his experience to enrich, initially that only lazy Gabriel like pig cannot ask unable by seeking livehood that oneself directed, do not despise to make the staff give up vacation initiative working overtime the strength of plan! 方正双手抱怀,似笑非笑的望向伊娜,对付这种人他的经验可丰富了,当初那只懒的像猪一样的珈百璃还不是被自己使唤的求生不得求死不能,别小看让员工放弃假期主动加班的策划的力量啊! But, but this work was also too dangerous!” “但,但是这份工作也太危险了吧!” Un, your inquiry is very reasonable.” “嗯,你的提问很合理。” Fang Zheng waves, later another gold bar bang fell in front of he/she Ren. But he/she Ren looks at this gold bar, swallowed saliva. 方正一挥手,随后又一根金条“砰”的一声落在了伊娜面前。而伊娜则看着这根金条,不由的吞咽了一下口水。 Two, do two gold bars make me accompany you to bring death on wish? This also too ......... “两,两根金条就想要让我陪你去送死?这也太………” Bang!” “砰!” ..............., Isn't this issue oh of money? I am only 18-year-old, ordinary witch, you thought that I can cope with that monster?” “……………不,这不是钱的问题?我只是一个18岁的,普普通通的魔女,你觉得我能够对付那种怪物吗?” Bang bang!!” “砰砰!!” ............... This ......... there is very dangerous ......... “……………这个………那里真的很危险啊………” Bang bang bang!!!” “砰砰砰!!!” ..................... Please give me!” “…………………请交给我!” he/she Ren holds the gold bar in ground silently, forces in them own satchel, then made an effort to pat the chest. 娜默默的抱起地面上的金条,将它们塞进自己的挎包里,然后用力拍了拍胸口。 I at age 14, only spent for a year to become witch talent witch merely, witch of he/she Ren ash! This small issue in my eyes, is not the issue.” “我可是在14岁时,仅仅只花了一年时间就成为魔女的天才魔女,灰之魔女娜!这点儿小问题在我眼中,根本就不是什么问题。” „, We walk.” “那么,我们走吧。” Fang Zheng chuckled, turned around to step onto the shuttle machine again. 方正再次呵呵一笑,转身走上了穿梭机。 Cracking a joke, these are like the overtime pay, you have the means to take, but do you have the means to be colored? 开玩笑,这些就和加班费一样,你有办法拿,但是你有办法花吗? Why as for must take he/she Ren, the reason is very simple. 至于为什么要带上伊娜,原因很简单。 Fang Zheng can feel, in this space station has some type of thing to send out the fluctuation, that is a fluctuation signal of Order clan, but is incomplete, even incomplete. Also because of this, that space station present situation very not wonderful & fucking ash ; Simply speaking, seemed like strengthened the ancient Spiritual God light pollution of version to be the same. 方正可以感觉到,这座空间站里有某样东西正在散发着波动,那是秩序一族的波动信号,但是并不完全,甚至还有残缺。也正因为如此,那座空间站现在的情况很不妙—简单来说,就像是被加强版的古神灵光污染了一样。 Regarding Fang Zheng, shielding this signal is not the issue, therefore he will make others keep in the battleship. 对于方正来说,屏蔽这种信号并不是什么问题,所以他才会让其他人留在战舰里。 As for must have the reason that he/she Ren comes ............... 至于要带伊娜前来的原因嘛…………… It is well known, the running group needs Three Great Gods. 众所周知,跑团需要三大神器。 But now ......... in the Fang Zheng looked at he/she Ren elegant hand is grasping silently magic staff, then got up a blessing to her. 而现在………方正默默看了一眼娜手中握着的魔杖,接着给她上了个祝福。 Ok, Three Great Gods was uneven, oneself were steady. 好了,三大神器齐了,自己稳了。 Quick, the shuttle machine left the lightning number, flies toward the space station, but he/she Ren sits on the chair, looks at the space station of distant place, sighed suddenly. 很快,穿梭机离开了闪电号,向着空间站飞去,而伊娜则坐在椅子上,看着远处的空间站,却是忽然叹了口气。 Before, I had and this place similar country.” “以前啊,我有去过和这个地方类似的国家。” Un?” “嗯?” I when the travel heard, the person in that country will play the role of the corpse ghost to welcome the passenger in other country, therefore I looked.” “我是在旅行时听说的,那个国家的人会扮成尸鬼来欢迎别的国家的旅客,所以我就去看了。” Then?” “然后呢?” Result ............... that country had turned into a dead city thoroughly, turns the world that the corpse ghost seized, I ran into several survivors with great difficulty, heard the truth from their mouth. Heard that is the a spell master in this country felt the corpse ghost who disguises as was too useless, the third dimension is also very important, therefore he caught several real corpse ghosts to put. But the person in that country also thought that with will be quite really interesting, therefore agreed.” “结果……………那个国家已经彻底变成了一座死城,变成了尸鬼占领的世界,我好不容易才遇到了几个幸存者,从他们口中听到了事情的真相。听说是这个国家的一个魔法师觉得假扮的尸鬼太没用了,真实感也很重要,所以他就抓了好几只真尸鬼放了进来。而那个国家的人也觉得用真的会比较有趣,所以就同意了。” Also puts the ghost in the haunted house? This will also play.” “也就是在鬼屋里放鬼?这也是会玩的。” Yes, although magician captured the teeth of these corpse ghosts very much carefully, but he does not seem to know the corpse ghost, so long as will nip to infect, therefore in a while, that country was infected by the corpse ghost thoroughly.” “是啊,虽然魔法师很细心的拔掉了那些尸鬼的牙齿,但是他似乎不知道尸鬼只要咬到就会感染,所以没过多久,那个国家就彻底被尸鬼感染了。” These survivors how?” “那些幸存者怎么样了?” They do not plan to leave, seems excited about this situation. Middle also some people developed a super smelly perfume, so long as spurts on the perfume is not discovered by the corpse ghost, therefore they do not care. Therefore I have to leave behind them, a person left.” “他们并不打算离开,似乎还对这种情况非常兴奋。当中还有人研制了一种超级臭的香水,只要喷上香水就不会被尸鬼发现,所以他们都不在意。因此我只好留下他们,一个人离开了。” Looked like the frantic Resident Evil survivor to meet true Resident Evil? That indeed is enough excited. 就像是狂热的生化危机幸存者遇到了真正的生化危机?那的确是够兴奋的。 „A month later I looked again in the past discovered, the remaining these people also became the corpse ghost. Because had a being lost puppy to become the corpse ghost before, it seems like that the nose is quite keen, even can still smell the aura of living person in a group of corpse ghost, therefore the remaining people were nipped completely, then became the corpse ghost.” “不过在一个月之后我再过去看才发现,剩下的这些人也都变成了尸鬼。因为之前有一只走失的小狗变成了尸鬼,它似乎鼻子比较灵敏,即便是在一大群尸鬼里也能够闻到活人的气息,所以剩下的人全部都被咬了,然后变成了尸鬼。” he/she Ren right hand cheek, being bored to death looks at outside starry sky. 娜的右手支着面颊,百无聊赖的看着外面的星空。 This, that country turned into the country of corpse ghost was worthy of the reputation.” “就这样,那个国家就变成名副其实的尸鬼之国了。” „The person who is which world is same.” “作死的人在哪个世界都是一样的。” Fang Zheng shrugs the shoulders, later looks again to the space station that is gradually close to at present. 方正耸耸肩膀,随后再次望向眼前逐渐接近的空间站。 Ok, I think that we must immediately to the place that another makes ........., at present space station situation how?” “好了,我想我们马上就要到又一个作死的地方了………缇欧,目前空间站情况如何?” „The life signs of most areas have vanished, Fang Zheng-san.” “大部分地区的生命迹象都已经消失,方正先生。” Voice sounds somewhat anxious. 缇欧的声音听起来有些不安。 Everywhere is that fearful monster, but they have not demonstrated the life signal on the life instrumentation, only then a small number of life signals are scattered in disorder. I attempt to read the plan detail, but they by physical isolation ......... “到处都是那种可怕的怪物,但是它们并没有在生命检测仪上显示生命信号,只有少数生命信号非常散乱。我尝试读取计划详细内容,但是它们被物理隔离………” Does well, points out a road to us now.” “干得不错,现在给我们指出一条路吧。” Regarding reply, Fang Zheng without feeling to have what discontented, after all is not angel-chan, the latter can manual change any information architecture exist, but, although is fierce, after all is only an information technical personnel, like by the network of physical isolation in front of angel-chan is not anything, after all regarding angel-chan, any has the excuse of communication is information network part, but would have no this strength. 对于缇欧的回答,方正并没有感到有什么不满,毕竟缇欧不是小天使,后者可是能够手动改变任何信息架构存在的,但是缇欧虽然厉害,终归不过只是一个信息技术人员,像被物理隔离的网络在小天使面前根本就不算是什么,毕竟对于小天使来说,任何有信息交互的借口都算是“信息网络”的一部分,不过缇欧就没有这种力量了。 Good ......... Fang Zheng-san, I have a look at ......... you in the entrance of government area to descend, I can help you open the strobe, however inside situation is not very clear, everywhere is these monsters, they destroyed many equipment and connection lines, many places catch fire, I attempt to look for the space station head, but had not actually found, he definitely closed/pass himself in some strict place ......... “好的………方正先生,我看看………你们可以在政府区的入口降落,我可以帮你们打开闸门,但是里面的情况不是很清楚,到处都是那些怪物,它们破坏了不少设备和连接线路,还有不少地方着火,我尝试寻找空间站负责人,但是却没有找到,他肯定把自己关在了某个非常严密的地方………” OK, this to us is not the issue, the action.” “OK,这对我们来说不是问题,行动吧。” Quick, the shuttle machine entered in the space station, even if looks from outside, can see that the entire space station is chaotic, explodes and trace of collapsing everywhere. The warning light of twinkle almost covered all, Fang Zheng is piloting the shuttle machine before direction arrived at a aircraft parking area near government area, but when they are close to gate, the gate of air brake opens slowly, later ......... 很快,穿梭机就进入了空间站之中,哪怕只是从外面望去,都能够看到整个空间站有多么混乱,到处都是爆炸和坍塌的痕迹。闪烁的警报灯光几乎笼罩了一切,方正驾驶着穿梭机按照缇欧的指引来到了政府区附近的一处停机坪前,而就在他们接近大门的时候,气闸的门缓缓打开,随后……… Bang!!!” “砰!!!” Suddenly, dozens corpses depart, spreads toward all around, but a corpse pounded directly on the window of shuttle machine, frightened he/she Ren to jump. However has not waited for her to respond, sees only that corpse to explode suddenly, changed into the monster that has several tentacles, is away from the window roars & fucking ash to Fang Zheng and he/she Ren ; The then started shield direct ball flew, pounds was missing on the wreckage of not far away. 忽然,数十具尸体从中飞出,朝着四周扩散开去,而其中一具尸体更是直接砸在了穿梭机的窗户上,吓了伊娜一跳。然而还没有等她反应过来,只见那具尸体忽然爆开,化为了拥有数只触手的怪物,隔着窗户对着方正和伊娜吼叫起来—接着就被启动的护盾直接弹飞,砸在了不远处的残骸上不见了踪影。 ........................... “………………………” Sees this, the he/she Ren elegant complexion is pale, but she put out a hand to pinch the gold bar in package, immediately relaxed. 看到这一幕,伊娜面色铁青,不过她伸出手去捏了捏包里的金条,顿时又放松了下来。 Should ......... be all right? 应该………没事吧? Quick, the shuttle machine entered the strobe, the air brake shut down again, vanished along with the alarm sound, all around all returned to normal. 很快,穿梭机进入了闸门,气闸再次关闭,伴随着警报声消失,四周的一切又重新恢复了平静。 Ok, us.” “好了,我们出发。” Fang Zheng stands up, looks to he/she Ren. 方正站起身来,望向伊娜。 What you have to need to prepare?” “你还有什么需要准备的吗?” This ......... did not have.” “这个………没有了。” „Did you determine? I urged you should better to wear the exposure suit and helmet, after all here did not compare other places.” “你确定?我劝你最好穿上防护服和头盔,毕竟这里可不比其他地方。” Does not use, I am witch, if only this degree of words is not a problem to me completely.” “不用了,我可是魔女,如果只是这种程度的话对我来说完全不成问题。” he/she Ren shakes the head, looks again to Fang Zheng, the latter has not said anything, but shrugs the shoulders, then opened the cabin door of shuttle machine, quick, a bloody ozone front surface throws, complexion that lets Ren immediately one white. Then she quickly covered the nose, looks to Fang Zheng, at this moment the latter belt/bring silently own helmet, had been looking steadily at young girl. 娜摇了摇头,再次望向方正,后者也没有多说什么,只是耸耸肩膀,然后打开了穿梭机的舱门,很快,一股血腥的臭气迎面扑来,让伊娜的面色顿时一白。接着她急忙捂住了鼻子,望向方正,此刻后者已经默默的带好了自己的头盔,盯视着身边的少女。 What matter also has?” “还有什么事?” ..................... Exposure suit where?” “…………………防护服在哪儿?” In that side, needs me to help you trade?” “在那边,需要我帮你换吗?” Does not use, I come.” “不用了,我自己来。” he/she Ren rejected the Fang Zheng’s good intention decisively, then crashed in nearby room. But Fang Zheng shrugs the shoulders, looks back aircraft parking area. Because opened the reason of cabin door a moment ago, here tattered had been inhaled in the vacuum, can be cleanly, anything does not have remaining. The reverberation that however even so, Fang Zheng can feel that strange signal as in, seems to be seeking for anything to resemble probably. 娜果断拒绝了方正的好意,然后冲进了旁边的房间。而方正则耸耸肩膀,回过头去看着门外的停机坪。由于刚才缇欧开启了舱门的缘故,这里的破烂都已经被吸入到了真空里,可以算得上是干干净净,什么都没有剩下。不过即便如此,方正依旧能够感受到那股诡异的信号正在不住的回荡,似乎像是在寻找什么似的。 Really cannot think, merely is only white frost scrap wreckage, can destroy a space station that has 1 million population. 真是想不到,仅仅只是白霜的一小块残骸,也能够毁灭一个拥有百万人口的空间站。 Empties the trouble of goddess, it seems like it is not smaller than Goddess of Order. 空之女神的麻烦,看来一点儿都不比秩序女神小啊。
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