DC :: Volume #28

#2744: witch( this meow discovered oneself turn does not leave)

............... In other words, you slept in the inn, did the result open the eye here?” “……………也就是说,你原本在旅店睡觉,结果一睁开眼睛就在这里了?” Looks at present he/she Ren, a Fang Zheng face compels ignorant, but in his side, several girls is looking steadily at he/she Ren angrily. 看着眼前的伊娜,方正一脸懵逼,而在他的身边,几个女孩正气鼓鼓的盯视着伊娜。 Right, is this, what should not be you will make?” “没错,就是这样,该不会是你做了什么吧?” I may anything not do.” “我可什么都没有做。” Facing he/she Ren interrogation, Fang Zheng shrugs the shoulders, but he/she Ren helpless puts out a hand the holding down forehead. 面对伊娜的质问,方正耸耸肩膀,而伊娜则无奈的伸出手去按住额头。 eh ........., no matter how said, I want to return to that place now, troubles you to send back me.” ………不管怎么说,我现在想要回到那个地方去,麻烦你把我送回去吧。” I can deliver you to go back, but was extremely sorry, the present is incorrect.” “我可以送你回去,但是非常抱歉,现在是不行的。” Why?” “为什么啊?” Installment that first, teleport uses not here. Second, we are busy at a very important matter now, is impossible to go back, therefore excuse me, it seems like temporarily you must follow we to act.” “第一,传送用的装置并不在这里。第二,我们现在正在忙一件很重要的事情,不可能回去,所以不好意思,看来暂时你必须跟着我们行动了。” Fang Zheng spreads out both hands, he had not a little said to he/she Ren why that will be Fang Zheng will pass through regarding he/she Ren is actually a little clue. He knows, at present this young girl is witch, is the asylum range of god of magical girl, but this young girl very probably had some life standard with taking of god of magical girl produced the resonance, will therefore come to here by teleport. 方正摊开双手,有一点他没对伊娜说,那就是方正对于伊娜为什么会穿越过来其实是有点儿头绪的。他可是知道,眼前这个少女是魔女,那么就属于魔法少女之神的庇护范围,而这个少女很可能拥有某种命格与作为魔法少女之神的自己产生了共鸣,所以才会被传送到这里来。 This is actually not strange, in the SAO world, in Nanami Chiaki of another world also because of „the game player of ultra-high field grade this characteristics, hauled in SAO to be the same probably initially. It seems the magnet to attract mutually, Fang Zheng takes genuine god of the magical girl, shelters to have the young girl of special strength, then witch naturally also in inside. 这其实并不奇怪,就好像当初在SAO的世界里,远在另外一个世界的七海千秋也因为“超高校级的游戏玩家”这个特征,被拉进了SAO里一样。就好像磁铁会互相吸引,方正作为正牌的“魔法少女之神”,庇护一切拥有特殊力量的少女,那么魔女自然也在里面了。 However good Homura Akemi they not here, otherwise hears witch not to get the cooker. After all to them, this is not the good word. 不过还好晓美焰她们不在这里,不然听到魔女不得炸锅。毕竟对于她们来说,这可不是什么好词。 Although this is entirely different and that's the end. 虽然这完全不是一回事就是了。 Now Fang Zheng does not have the means to return to Zemuria, because white frost had not found, if wants him to deliver he/she Ren to go back, at least after must wait to eliminate white frost . 现在方正没办法回赛姆利亚,因为白霜还没找到,如果要他送伊娜回去,起码也要等消灭完白霜之后了。 wū...............” 呜……………” hearing this, he/she Ren obviously somewhat would rather not, but Fang Zheng visits her, then puts out a hand to sweep, placed on a gold bar the table. 听到这里,伊娜明显有些不太情愿,而方正则看着她,然后伸出手去一扫,将一根金条放在了桌子上。 Is inferior to this, when you stay, I will hire you to work for us, as witch, you should have certain strength, but our mission need the quite many competent person assistance, if you are willing to receive, then this gold bar is your, not only that do we also provide food to wrap up oh?” “不如这样吧,在你停留期间,我会雇佣你为我们工作,作为一个魔女,你应该也拥有一定的实力,而我们的任务需要相当多的有实力的人协助,如果你愿意接下的话,那么这根金条就是你的,不仅如此,我们还包吃包住?” Really?!” “真的?!” hearing this, he/she Ren immediately two illumination is looking at the gold bar, then her cautious putting out a hand has taken, carefully observed. 听到这里,伊娜顿时两眼发光的望着金条,接着她小心翼翼的伸手拿过,仔细观察了一下。 Good, good ............... “好,好吧……………” Is saying, he/she Ren looks up to Fang Zheng, then her right hand quietly forced in the gold bar own package. 一面说着,伊娜一面抬起头来望向方正,接着她的右手悄悄的把金条塞进了自己的包里。 Since you said that then I also received this mission to be good, what therefore we do want to make now? What is mission?” “既然你这么说了,那么我也就接下这个任务好了,所以现在我们要做什么?任务是什么?” Simply speaking, we are tracing one to exist to create the thing of threat to the world sufficiently, at present had not found its exact location, because this world may have the clue, therefore we have been tracing.” “简单来说,我们正在追踪一个足以对世界本身存在造成威胁的东西,目前还没有找到它的具体位置,而这个世界因为有可能存在着线索,所以我们一直在追踪。” Had not just found any useful clue to the present and that's the end.” “只不过到现在也没有找到什么有用的线索就是了。” Nearby Ling is also helpless sighing. 旁边的玲也是无奈的叹了口气。 Originally is this ......... “原来是这样啊………” hearing this, he/she Ren expression is somewhat stiff. 听到这里,伊娜的表情有些僵硬。 Very will be dangerous?” “会很危险吗?” Relax, will not have the danger to us, but will be very possibly big to the minacities of others, in brief, if you are willing to keep the help to be naturally good.” “放心吧,不会对我们产生危险,但是对其他人的威胁性可能会很大,总而言之,如果你愿意留下来帮忙自然是再好不过了。” ............... Looked like me not to have other choices.” “……………看来我也没有其他选择了呢。” hearing this, he/she Ren helpless sighing, in any event, here is not own world, she is to go home unable to go back now. But the only expectation of going back is this man, oneself have no means that has to treat here. 听到这里,伊娜无奈的叹了口气,无论如何,这里都不是自己的世界,她现在就是想要回家都回不去。而回去的唯一期望就是这个男人,自己也没什么办法,只好待在这里了。 However, where are we now?” “不过话说回来,我们现在是在什么地方?” We now in Yuekecheng space station.” “我们现在是在约克城空间站。” Yuekecheng? Is a city?” “约克城?是一座城市吗?” Un ......... almost, but strict, you now on our ships.” “嗯………差不多吧,不过严格来说,你现在是在我们的船上。” „Is this ship?” “这是一艘船?” hearing this, he/she Ren was shocked immediately, although here ornaments and style are she have not seen, but he/she Ren has thought this is a room. But those who make her not think, is this unexpectedly a ship? 听到这里,伊娜顿时震惊了,虽然这里的摆设和风格是她从来没有见过的,但是伊娜一直都以为这是一个房间。而让她没有想到的是,这居然是一艘船吗? Right oh.” “没错。” at this moment Ling's complacent arriving at Fang Zheng’s side, is saying to he/she Ren. 这会儿玲得意洋洋的来到方正身边,对着伊娜开口说道。 This is the spaceship that we produce.” “这可是我们造的飞船呢。” Spaceship? Ship that can fly?” “飞船?是会飞的船吗?” Is the spaceship.” “是宇宙飞船啦。” Universe?” “宇宙?” Right.” “没错。” Said till here, Ling patted clapping, quick, a 3 D total information projection appeared in he/she Ren front, what saw only above was a projection of house. 说道这里,玲拍了拍手,很快,一副3D全息投影出现在了伊娜的面前,只见在上面的是一栋房子的投影。 This is a house.” “这是一栋房子。” At the same time saying, he/she Ren front picture lens is starting to pull up, turned into the giant city comprised of innumerable tall buildings, however has not waited for he/she Ren to sigh anything, the lens transform again, became the country comprised of several cities, is the mainland that the country is, then formed planet of mainland, the last scene pulls up fast, appears in front of he/she Ren, is the giant galaxy that innumerable planet compose. 一面说着,伊娜面前的画面镜头开始拉起,变成了由无数高楼大厦组成的巨大城市,然而还没有等伊娜感叹什么,镜头再次转换,变成了由数个城市组成的国家,然后是国家所在的大陆,接着是形成了大陆的星球,最后镜头飞快拉起,出现在伊娜面前的,则是无数星球所组成的巨大星系。 This is universe oh.” “这就是宇宙。” Looks dumbfoundedly, he/she Ren of speech, Ling's complacent introduced. But he/she Ren stares the big eye, is gazing at the present galaxy chart, swallowed a saliva. 看着目瞪口呆,说不出话的伊娜,玲洋洋得意的介绍道。而伊娜则瞪大眼睛,注视着眼前的星系图,吞咽了口口水。 Your world ......... such general?” “你们的世界………这么广大的吗?” Your world is also same.” “你的世界也是一样。” Fang Zheng gently chuckled added one. 方正笑呵呵的加了一句。 Strict, most world are this appearance, the difference only lies in you whether achieved explored its level.” “严格来说,大部分世界都是这个样子,区别只在于你们是否达到了探索它的水平而已。” Our world, is such general?” “我们的世界,也是这么广大的吗?” hearing this, he/she Ren was shocked thoroughly, she thought the world enough length and breadth is boundless, after looking at that «Nicole's Adventure», she has wanted to step the journey like Nicole, will therefore try hard to become witch. However what makes Ren not think , the world compared with wants the length and breadth that she imagines unexpectedly by far many, world that even she is , is also similar to an sand in innumerable sand tiny ......... 听到这里,伊娜彻底惊呆了,她原本觉得世界就已经足够广袤无边,在看了那本《妮可的冒险》之后,她就一直希望像妮可那样踏上旅途,所以才会努力成为一名魔女。但是让伊娜没有想到的是,世界居然远远比她所想象的还要广袤的多,甚至就连她所在的世界,也只是如同无数沙粒之中的一颗沙子般细小……… Teacher.” “教官。” At this time, Jarhl Tina walked. 就在这个时候,亚尔缇娜走了进来。 Captain Cork must talk over the telephone with you.” “柯克船长要和你通话。” I knew.” “我知道了。” Fang Zheng stands up, is nodding to he/she Ren. 方正站起身来,对着伊娜点了点头。 „, Decided, Ling and Tita they can lead you to stroll on the ship, you can also chat with others, some of my also things, then bye.” “那么,就这么决定了,玲和提妲她们会带你在船上逛逛,你也可以和其他人聊聊天,我还有些事情,回头再见。” Spoke these words, Fang Zheng left the room, then arrived at the bridge, saw Cork on the screen. 说完这句话,方正就离开了房间,然后来到了舰桥,在屏幕上看见了柯克。 Hello, does Mr. Cork, what matter this time ask me to have?” “你好,柯克先生,这次又找我有什么事?” After previous Enterprise by that disaster that the alien creature attack crashes, according to the star joint request, Fang Zheng’s Lightning era shouldered the responsibility of exploration and search exchange for Enterprise temporarily, but the Lightning speed may be much faster than Enterprise, in the past Enterprise must carry out mission, basically needs to expedite for several months, but the lightning number actually only required the several days time to run back and forth. 在之前企业号被外星生物袭击坠毁的那场灾难之后,按照星联的要求,方正的“闪电号”就暂时代替“企业号”肩负起了探索和搜索交流的职责,只不过“闪电号”的速度可比企业号快得多,以往企业号要执行任务,基本都是需要远征好几个月,但是闪电号却只需要几天时间就能够跑个来回。 This is also lets Captain Cork and star UN General Assembly to be startled, although they have long known that the lightning number has to exceed the star joint advanced technology, but the technology of opposite party is never so expected that advanced. 这也是让柯克船长和星联大为吃惊,虽然他们早就知道闪电号拥有超越星联的高级技术,但是没想到对方的技术如此先进。 This is also very normal, what because the star joint battleship uses is a fast engine, but the Fang Zheng’s battleship uses jumps the engine. A basic technical tree difference of both sides, the effect of tune fast engine strict conducts the movement using the space, the battleship is invariable, what movement is the space. 这也很正常,因为星联战舰采用的是曲速引擎,而方正的战舰使用的都是跃迁引擎。双方的基本科技树点的都不一样,曲速引擎的效果严格来说是利用空间进行运动,战舰本身不变,运动的是空间本身。 It seems like a paper, must from A points to B points, fold the paper that you do, the compression space narrows the distance, the goal of thus achieving the advance. 就好像是一张纸条,要从A点到B点,你做的就是把纸条折叠起来,压缩空间来缩短距离,从而达到前进的目的。 The method that however the jump engine uses directly enters the higher dimension, in the three dimensional world the distance that takes 1 million years to walk, perhaps only takes one second in the four-dimensional world, therefore the lightning number must reach the destination, does not unite the battleship like the star the compression space, but leaps to higher dimension channel level directly, then arrives at the destination dimensionality reduction to return to the three dimensional world again. 但是跃迁引擎采用的方法是直接进入高等维度,在三维世界中需要一百万年才能够走完的路程,在四维世界也许只需要一秒钟,因此闪电号要到达目的地,不是像星联战舰这样压缩空间,而是直接飞跃到更高维度通道层面,然后到达目的地再重新降维回到三维世界。 Although the star unites has also expressed the idea of hope exchange skilling, but looks like in Fang Zheng, the star unites is also the 3rd Level culture, really does not have any as Tendoukyuu of 1.5 levels of civilizations with them exchanges. 虽然星联也表达过希望交换技术的想法,但无奈在方正看来,星联也就是个三级文明水准,作为1.5级文明的天道宫还真没有什么和他们交换的。 Therefore at present both sides also can only maintain this cooperation. 所以目前双方也就只能够维持这种合作关系了。 Fang Zheng-san, this time we came across an issue.” 方正先生,这次我们遇到了一个问题。” Cork's expression is serious. 柯克的表情非常严肃。 Before soon, the star association intercepted a mysterious encryption distress signal.” “就在不久之前,星联截获到了一段神秘的加密求救信号。” Distress signal? Before this script we probably, has experienced?” “求救信号?这剧本我们好像之前才经历过吧?” eh ............, although is this, but the this time situation is different.” …………虽然是这样,但是这次情况不同。” Hears Fang Zheng’s taunt, Cork is a little awkward, but continues to say. 听到方正的嘲讽,柯克有点儿尴尬,不过还是继续说道。 This distress signal from Titan space station, this space station does not exist in the official, in fact, we did not determine whether this space station really exists.” “这个求救信号是发自泰坦空间站,这个空间站在官方并不存在,事实上,我们也不确定这个空间站是否真的存在。” ............... This I am not clear, does your star unite the matter that does not know? The space station that big thing, should unable to evade the star joint informer.” “……………这我就不明白了,还有你们星联不知道的事情?空间站那么大的东西,不应该能够躲过星联的耳目吧。” Fang Zheng curious is looking steadily at Cork, also had a little interest in this matter, a space station sends out the distress signal is not strange, but if this space station does not exist, that is different matter ——— does not know that this is walks toward the conspiracy theory square or the universe terrifying square, but said no matter how, looks like at least in Fang Zheng compared with beforehand several leads the opposite party to conduct what diplomacy mission to want interesting many. 方正好奇的盯视着柯克,同时对这个事情也产生了一点儿兴趣,一个空间站发出求救信号并不奇怪,但如果这个空间站并不存在的话,那就是另外一回事———也不知道这是往阴谋论片场还是宇宙恐怖片场走,但是不管怎么说,至少在方正看来比之前几次自己带着对方去进行什么外交任务要有意思的多。 This ..................... “这…………………” hearing this, Cork hesitant, finally he looks to Fang Zheng, says. 听到这里,柯克犹豫了一下,最后他还是望向方正,开口说道。 Fang Zheng-san, you know that the unification does teach?” 方正先生,您知道统一教吗?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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