DC :: Volume #28

#93: Gino

Feels unfair?” “感到不公吗?” Wrath?” 愤怒吗?” Why doesn't choose the resistance?” “为什么不选择反抗?” Near ear whispering, the sound goes up and down abruptly suddenly, making youngster absent-minded, but raised the last police trillion that to make youngster lift both hands from heart to cover on the ear, but that sound actually just like the music of faint trace, drilling into directly to youngster heart. 耳边的低语骤然而起,声音忽高忽低,让年轻人变得恍惚,而从心底升起的最后一丝警兆则让年轻人抬起双手捂在了耳朵上,可那声音却犹如丝丝的乐声,径直的钻入到了年轻人心底 youngster the shatter faith is not just able to prevent such invasion. 年轻人刚刚破碎的信念丝毫无法阻挡这样的入侵。 After is the moment, the youngster facial features start to twitch and twist. 仅仅是片刻后,年轻人的面容开始抽搐、扭曲。 No!” “不!” No!” “不!” This is not I wants!” “这不是我想要的!” youngster is bellowing. 年轻人大吼着。 Stood up from failure to stand. 一翻身就站了起来。 Out he must charge into. 他要冲向门外。 He wants...... to pray for rescue! 他要……求救! At this time, except praying for rescue beside, youngster could not think of other. 在这个时候,除去求救之外,年轻人想不到其它了。 Bang! 砰! The palm makes an effort to push to the door, door mark silk Motionless. 手掌用力推向房门,房门纹丝不动 Locked on the other side? 被反锁了? youngster stares, knocking on a door that then, he starts to make an effort. 年轻人一愣,然后,他开始用力的敲门。 Bang and bang bang! 砰、砰砰! Saves me!” “救我!” Saves me!” “救救我!” youngster is bellowing. 年轻人大吼着。 Such sound, very natural was heard by two Deacon, but these two Deacon actually remain unmoved. 这样的声音,很自然的被两个门外的执事听到了,可这两位执事却是不为所动。 They come guarding the opposite party, rather than rescue opposite party. 他们是来‘看守’对方的,而不是‘救援’对方的。 As for the life of opposite party? 至于对方的死活? They do not care. 他们更是不在意。 After all, but by rebel who the heathen misleads. 毕竟,只是一个‘被异教徒蛊惑的叛徒’罢了。 ...... …… The Valentin carriage drives into the cathedral outer court time, Sun thorough rose. 瓦伦丁的马车驶入大教堂外院的时候,太阳已经彻底的升了起来。 The sunlight under the reflection of crystal, making the entire cathedral incomparably sacred. 阳光在水晶的反射下,让整个大教堂变得无比神圣。 Valentin the first time is not saw such scene. 瓦伦丁不是第一次见到这样的景象。 But every saw one time, he is acclaiming from heart. 可每一次见到,他都从心底赞叹着。 Really is rich!” “真是富有啊!” If changes into Gold Puton these crystals, how many can have?” “如果把这些水晶都换成金普顿的话,得有多少?” At least 1 million?” “至少百万吧?” If can load my castle hidden treasure storehouse......” “要是能够装入我的城堡藏宝库……” Thinks that this Valentin cannot want to get down again. 想到这瓦伦丁不敢再想下去了。 Here after all is the War God cathedral, he cannot be too dissolute. 这里毕竟是战神的大教堂,他不能够太放肆了。 At least, must guarantee the minimum respect. 至少,要保证起码的尊重。 These that even if, he just thought, in most people opinion, can deliver the stake to put up. 哪怕,他刚刚想到的那些,在大多数人看来,都可以送上火刑架了。 But! 但! Without was discovered, does not calculate makes mistakes! 没有被发现,就不算是犯错! Is receiving faith Valentin under guiding of Deacon, entered in the cathedral. 秉承着自己信念的瓦伦丁在一位执事的带路下,走进了大教堂内。 In the gigantic church, many people had started the prayer here. 硕大的教堂中,不少人已经在这里开始了祷告。 It is not the Godhood personnel. 并不都是神职人员。 Conversely, mostly is similar Valentin such aristocrat. 相反的,大都是类似瓦伦丁这样的贵族。 Each aristocrat after the pray is completed, will move toward forefront the church, the place that is putting the poor box, will have prepared good Gold Puton to put. 每个贵族在祈祷完成后,都会走向教堂最前面,那个放着捐款箱的地方,将早已经准备好的金普顿放进去。 Many enough one purse. 多的足足一钱袋。 Few also has 35. 少的也有三五枚。 Valentin chose ten Gold Puton. 瓦伦丁选择了十枚金普顿 In fact, if possible, his copper does not want to give. 事实上,如果可以的话,他一个铜子都不想给。 What a pity, without method. 可惜,没法子。 He must do that. 他必须要这么做。 Because, he cannot make itself extremely conspicuous. 因为,他不能让自己太过显眼。 After completing all these, Valentin starts to talk with other aristocrats, the vision is sizing up all around. 做完这一切后,瓦伦丁开始和其它贵族交谈,目光则是打量着四周。 He wants to look for that goal character. 他想要寻找那个目标人物。 According to news that he obtains, the opposite party has enormously possibly appears in the confessionary, the confessionary that but he can see is opening the door, inside is completely empty. 按照他得到的消息,对方有极大的可能出现在忏悔室,可是他所能够看到的忏悔室都是开着门的,里面空空如也。 Performs duties?” “难道是执勤?” After this idea braves, Valentin shakes the head. 这个想法冒出来后,瓦伦丁就摇了摇头。 Duty and the training time goal, he has carried, impossible to perform duties and train at this time absolutely, an opposite party ordinary Church Knight status, has been doomed ordinary of opposite party. 目标的执勤、训练时间,他早已经背了下来,绝对不可能在这个时候去执勤、训练,对方一个普通教会骑士的身份,早就注定了对方的普通。 Also because of this, he is feeling relieved the opposite party here, as coping with trump card of sixth. 也正因为这样,他才放心对方在这里,做为对付六世的底牌 He believes, they found the opposite party to spend the enormous price. 他相信,他们找到对方花费了极大的代价。 Sixth will not actually spend such big price absolutely. 六世却绝对不会花费这么大的代价。 Even, sixth does not know existence of opposite party. 甚至,六世根本不知道对方的存在。 As for War God Temple? 至于战神殿 Was more impossible to know. 更加不可能会知道了。 Will have with the goal every year same orphan sends here to undergo the education and training. 每一年都会有和目标一样的‘孤儿’送来这里接受教育和训练。 The talent of goal is not outstanding, will not bring to the Church upper-level attention. 目标的天赋不出众,根本不会引起教会上层的注意。 But, which did the person go?” “不过,人去哪了?” Valentin heart is thinking. 瓦伦丁心底想着。 Simultaneously starts to consider whether belt/bring went back goal. 同时开始考虑,是否将目标‘带’回去了。 Every did this one time is too troublesome. 每一次这样做太麻烦了。 The persuasion of ally plays the role again. 只是,盟友的劝说再次起到了作用。 formidable that our your majesty, the far ratio seems like.’ ‘我们的陛下,远比看起来的强大。’ That formidable solely is not came from the power and influence,......’ ‘那种强大不单单是来自权势,还有……’ Strength!’ ‘力量!’ Thinks own ally mentioned ‚when strength the appearance that has a lingering fear, Valentin cannot bear is swaying from side to side the neck. 想到自己盟友提到‘力量’时心有余悸的模样,瓦伦丁忍不住的扭动着脖子。 As one of the traditional big aristocrats, rumor of related Atandin royal family he also knows. 做为传统的大贵族之一,有关艾坦丁王室的传闻他也是知道的。 Especially in which several, are makes him sleep on pins and needles. 特别是其中的几个,更是让他寝食难安。 Perhaps has the Mist ball. 也许其中有着迷雾弹。 But who can guarantee is false? 但谁能够保证都是假的呢? Really is damn!” “真是该死啊!” Valentin cannot bear is cursing in heart. 瓦伦丁忍不住的在心底咒骂着。 Count Valentin, what worrying matter do you have?” 瓦伦丁伯爵,您有什么烦心事吗?” Has such sound, protected to teach Knight Regiment ninth team leader Sean to walk. 带着这样的声音,护教骑士团的第九队长西恩走了过来。 Knight team leader who this has in secret the status, wear a look of modest smile, a armor, appears martial-looking uncommon, is very attracting the surrounding women of high station and young ladies' vision. 这位拥有着暗中身份的骑士队长,面带温和的微笑,一身盔甲,又显得英武不凡,十分的吸引着周围贵妇人、小姐们的目光。 No.” “没什么。” Was agitated because of some news of last night.” “只是因为昨晚的一些消息而烦躁。” On Valentin extremely fat face, just right appears is wiping resenting. 瓦伦丁臃肿的脸上,恰到好处的浮现着一抹愤恨。 Because of that person new your highness?” “是因为那位新的殿下吗?” Viper Sect...... is really unexpected.” 蛇派……真的是出人预料啊。” This knight team leader is sighing. 这位骑士队长感叹着。 „Is false has not really known?” “是真是假还不知道呢?” Valentin cold snort/hum. 瓦伦丁冷哼了一声。 These things have sixth your majesty to judge, we do not need to worry.” “这些事情有着六世陛下来评判,我们不需要多操心了。” Count Sir, wish your day of happiness, I have the matter, needs to leave.” “伯爵大人,祝您一天愉快,我还有事,需要离开了。” The knight team leader said like this. 骑士队长这样说道。 Good.” “好的。” Valentin nods again and again, then, gazes after the opposite party to depart, then, oneself also returned to oneself carriage. 瓦伦丁连连点头,然后,目送对方离去,接着,自己也返回了自己的马车。 After the carriage left the cathedral, the indignant big aristocrat of this performance, the complexion suddenly has been cloudy. 当马车离开了大教堂后,这位一直表现的愤愤不平的大贵族,脸色突然阴沉下来。 The that person knight team leader anything status, this big aristocrat knows. 那位骑士队长什么身份,这位大贵族是知道一些的。 Although is not very comprehensive, but actually enough Valentin understands how oneself should do. 虽然不够全面,但却足够瓦伦丁明白自己应该怎么做。 What did War God Temple discover?” 战神殿发现了什么吗?” Cannot!” “不会的!” This matter is impossible to have others to know!” “这件事情不可能有其他人知道!” This big aristocrat is guessing. 这位大贵族猜测着。 heart gives itself to suggest, but this big aristocrat always feels fearful and apprehensive, as if has anything to happen. 心底给与自己暗示,但这位大贵族总觉得心惊肉跳,仿佛有什么事情要发生般。 Picks up the speed.” “加快速度。” We go back.” “我们回去。” Valentin is telling the cart driver. 瓦伦丁吩咐着车夫。 ...... …… Sean walks in the War God Temple military compound. 西恩走在战神殿的军营内。 Guard and knight all the way, salute toward this Knight Captain in abundance. 一路上的卫兵、骑士,纷纷向着这位骑士长行礼。 To room that outside two dark hall Deacon stands. 一直到两个‘暗堂’执事所站的房间外。 Sir.” “大人。” Two dark hall Deacon bow to salute. 两个暗堂执事躬身行礼。 Opens the door.” “把门打开。” Sean is telling like this. 西恩这样的吩咐着。 Dark hall Deacon turned around to open the door, after the bright sunlight shone, all in room, became take in everything at a glance, naturally included that person young knight Gino. 一个暗堂执事转身就把门打开了,明亮的阳光照射进来后,房间内的一切,变得一览无余,自然包括那位年轻的骑士吉诺 Looks at the facial expression dispirited, dispirited youngster, the Sean corners of the mouth curls upwards- all as he expected. 看着神情颓丧、萎靡的年轻人,西恩不由嘴角一翘-一切都在他的预计中。
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