DC :: Volume #28

#88: In bureau

Fire fighting!” “灭火!” Elite knight team leader loud exclaiming of War God Temple. 战神殿的精锐骑士队长大声的吼道。 The knights charged into the scene of fire in abundance. 身后的骑士们纷纷冲向了火场。 Without the use traditional water fire fighting way, but in Longsword with hand starts the house that cuts to catch fire, simultaneously suppresses with the sandy soil. 没有使用传统的水灭火方式,而是用手中的长剑开始切割着火的房屋,同时用沙土进行扑灭。 Above the sword blade passed over gently and swiftly the wall that lights a fire, the sandy soil covers immediately. 剑刃掠过燃火的墙壁,沙土随即覆盖其上。 After several minutes, the fire was put out. 数分钟后,大火就熄灭了。 The fire point also found. 起火点也找到了。 Together found also two corpses. 一同找到的还有两具尸体。 Extreme serious that the corpse burns down, but this team leader can identify one is the Etolin corpse. 尸体烧毁的极为严重,但这位队长还是能够辨认出其中一具是艾托林的尸体。 Because, some special characteristics were really familiar. 因为,一些特质实在是太熟悉了。 Even if scorched will not change. 哪怕烧焦了也不会改变。 For example: The strength vestiges in within the body. 例如:体内的力量残余。 Therefore, he easily judged another corpse very much from where. 所以,他很轻易的判断出了另外一具尸体是来自哪里的。 War God Temple old enemy: Quiet Night Secret Society! 战神殿的宿敌:‘静夜秘修会’! The facial features gloomy, the eye of belt/bring murderous intent elite knight team leader waves, after hinting carries off hand/subordinate two corpses, slightly after the patrol leader nods, directly turns toward the cathedral to walk. 面容阴沉、目带杀意的精锐骑士队长挥了挥手,示意手下抬走两具尸体后,微微向着巡逻队颔首后,径直就向着大教堂走去。 From beginning to end, both sides besides sizing up of look, the exchange that has no. 自始至终,双方除了眼神的打量外,根本没有任何的交流。 As if observing certain customs. 仿佛都是在遵守某些规矩。 The team leader of patrol leader gazes after this War God Temple elite knight team to depart, while turned toward the hidden place to gesticulate a hand signal. 巡逻队的队长一边目送这支战神殿精锐骑士队伍离去,一边向着暗处比划了一个手势。 Immediately, the secret agents are divided into three groups. 立刻,密探们分为三路。 Goes to the royal palace. 一路前往王宫。 Follows quietly. 一路悄然跟上。 Then collects the clue. 一路则是收集线索。 After the patrol leaders stay behind the manpower protected the scene, surroundings quick is tranquil, as if nothing happened crosses. 巡逻队留下了人手保护现场后,周围很快的就平静下来,似乎什么都没有发生过。 Except that scorched earth. 除了,那片焦土。 ...... …… War God Temple, emperor's decision institute. 战神殿,圣裁所。 Different from goes into hiding completely in underground dark hall. 不同于完全隐匿在地下的‘暗堂’。 The emperor's decisions go into hiding in the shadow of cathedral. 圣裁所隐匿在大教堂的阴影中。 After the that person elite knight team leader returns to the cathedral, turns toward a shadow to walk directly. 那位精锐骑士队长返回大教堂后,就直接向着一片阴影走去。 Right, this elite knight team leader also came from the emperor's decision institute. 没错,这位精锐骑士队长也来自圣裁所。 In fact, each War God Temple member may be from the emperor's decision institute, just in majority, they have another frank and upright status. 事实上,每一个战神殿成员都有可能是来自圣裁所,只不过在大部分的时候,他们都有着另外一个光明正大的身份罢了。 Sean is no exception. 西恩也不例外。 He on status is protects to teach the Knight Regiment ninth team leader outwardly. 他明面上的身份是护教骑士团的第九队长。 The secret status is the emperor's decision the second platoon commander. 暗地中的身份则是圣裁所的第二分队长。 Regarding since childhood Sean that in War God Temple grows up, like this dual identities and have nothing are unacceptable, all that because, he makes for War God Temple! 对于从小在战神殿中长大的西恩来说,这样的双重身份并没有什么不能接受,因为,他所做的一切都是为了战神殿 I want Etolin all materials, particularly recently transmitted.” “我要艾托林的一切资料,尤其是最近传递回来的。” Stands Sean in shadow said like this. 站在阴影中的西恩这样说道。 Had not replied. 没有回答。 Only then wind has blown. 只有风的吹过。 After the breeze ceases, one pile tied up the good sheepskin volume to appear in the under foot of Sean. 当微风停息后,一摞捆绑好的羊皮卷出现在了西恩的脚下。 Sean pulls up the cloak. 西恩一撩披风。 During the scarlet cloak vibrations, the sheepskin volume of ground vanishes to disappear. 猩红的披风抖动间,地上的羊皮卷就消失不见了。 He returned to oneself room in big strides, after locking the gate, unfolds the sheepskin volume on the desk, careful reading. 他大踏步的返回了自己的房间,锁好门后,将羊皮卷铺开在书桌上,细细的阅读起来。 Material from the beginning very usually with being almost the same of Sean inference. 一开始的资料都很平常和西恩推断的相差无几。 However, he locked some contents quickly. 但是,他很快的锁定了一些内容。 Etolin discovered Quiet Night Secret Society internal strife.” 艾托林发现了‘静夜秘修会’的内讧。” „Before Etolin dies , when last time attachment, in the facial expression is reappearing hesitant, even some terrified.” 艾托林死前最后一次接头时,神情中浮现着犹豫,甚至还有一些惶恐。” Before Sean both hands finger overlapping place forehead, the thumb according to the temples, rubs slightly. 西恩双手手指交叉的放在额头前,大拇指按在太阳穴上,微微揉动着。 He likes such posture pondering. 他喜欢这样的姿势来思考。 This will make his thought active. 这会让他的思维活跃。 The Etolin beforehand report he knows, later provokes a Quiet Night Secret Society bigger internal strife the failure he also knows. 艾托林之前的报告他知道,之后‘挑动静夜秘修会更大内讧’的失败他也知道。 Regarding this, Sean less ideas. 对此,西恩并没有更多的想法。 If Quiet Night Secret Society were really instigated easily, that will not become the subordinate of Your Highness old enemy. 如果静夜秘修会真的那么容易被挑拨的话,那也不会成为冕下宿敌的手下了。 However, the Etolin final performance, was actually worth pondering. 但是,艾托林最后的表现,却值得玩味了。 What will make Etolin hesitant? 什么会让艾托林犹豫? What will make Etolin terrified? 什么又会让艾托林惶恐? Regarding Etolin, Sean did not understand very much. 对于艾托林,西恩不是很了解。 But he knows, as emperor's decision the scout, the biggest merit is loyal and fearless. 但他知道,做为‘圣裁所’的探子,最大的优点就是忠诚与无畏。 The firm belief makes them fearless. 坚定的信仰让他们无所畏惧。 According to the common sense, hesitant and terrified is impossible to appear on them. 按照常理,犹豫、惶恐是根本不可能出现在他们身上的。 Was Quiet Night Secret Society does to have an accident?” “又是静夜秘修会搞出什么事了吗?” Sean very natural association to the Unique/only clue. 西恩很自然的联想到了唯一的线索。 Then, the knight of this dual identity stood. 然后,这位双重身份的骑士站了起来。 He received the material on table, put out the quill pen to start to describe entire account in detail, objective after enclosed own guess, directly after the cathedral walked. 他收好了桌上的资料,拿出鹅毛笔开始详细描述整个事情的经过,并且,客观的附上了自己的猜测后,径直向着大教堂后走去。 Here has the confessionary. 在这里有忏悔室。 Although majority prepares to the ordinary followers, but does not hinder to be the Sean use of Godhood personnel, entered in third, Sean according to being in sole possession of the rhythm knocked one side wooden window. 虽然大部分都是给普通信徒们准备的,但是并不妨碍身为神职人员的西恩使用,走进了第三间中,西恩按照独有的节奏敲了敲一侧的木质窗口。 In the normal situation will have the father to listen respectfully to follower's confession. 正常的情况下会有神甫聆听信徒的忏悔。 The peculiar circumstance is some report. 特殊情况则是某种汇报。 Sean is the latter type. 西恩属于后一种。 Ka. 咔。 Wooden window by crosswise shoving open. 木窗被横向的推开。 Cannot see any situation inside from the Sean angle. 西恩的角度看不到内里的任何情况。 But Sean has been used to such report flow, directly Etolin with the record that he writes, threw into the darkness together, seems like to the mail box throws the letter to be the same. 西恩早已经习惯了这样的汇报流程,直接将艾托林和他写好的记录,一同投进了黑暗中,就好像是向邮筒内投掷信件一样。 No detention, the sheepskin volume and paper were swallowed dark. 没有任何的滞涩,羊皮卷和纸张被黑暗吞噬。 The wooden window closes again. 木窗再次关上。 Sean has not departed immediately, but sits after the confession enough 15 minutes, this pushes the door. 西恩没有马上离去,而是坐在忏悔室内足足十五分钟后,这才推门而出。 This also stipulated. 这也是规定。 For not noticeable. 为了不引人瞩目。 Time that confessed one time, was so almost long. 一次忏悔的时间,差不多就是这么长。 The special situation naturally is the exception. 特殊的情况自然是例外。 Sean has not strolled outside the cathedral again, he returned to oneself room again, rests, while will wait for mission to appear next time. 西恩没有再在大教堂外闲逛,他再次返回了自己的房间,一边休息,一边等待着下次任务出现。 ...... …… Marquis Wharton observed the commitment. 沃顿侯爵信守了承诺。 When just crossed at noon, sent a lot of commodities for below seventh ring shantytown. 在中午刚过的时候,就为下七环的棚户区送来了大量的物资。 Including , but not limited, tents, cotton-padded jackets, food and a lot of clean water that most need. 包括但不限于最需要的帐篷、棉衣、食物和大量干净的水。 Shantytown Mist follower goes into action immediately. 棚户区的‘迷雾’信徒立刻行动起来。 Arrives at the previous quarter at the night, all tent, the bonfire also rose. 在夜晚降临前一刻,所有的帐篷都支了起来,篝火也升了起来。 But most thrilling is, on the bonfire, food flavor that in iron saucepans floats. 而最让人激动的则是,在篝火上,一个个铁锅内飘来的食物味道。 Ellie in several woman side help. 艾丽在几个妇人身边帮忙。 Nimble and agile, and what is very careful was people of duty left behind best one. 手脚麻利,且十分心细的为执勤的人们留下了最好的一份。 Regarding this, no one opposed. 对此,没有任何人反对。 The more pay for more work itself is everyone approves. 多劳多得本就是大家认可的。 The person who let alone, these perform duties is protecting them. 更何况,这些执勤的人是在保护他们。 Eats a chicken leg as on-duty interim team leader Sivarka of person. 做为执勤的人的临时队长西瓦尔卡更是吃到了一只鸡腿。 Too much seasonings, have not however cooked is very rotten, in coordination steaming hot cooking liquor, enough tastiness. 没有太多的调料,但是炖的很烂,配合上热气腾腾的汤汁,足够的鲜美。 Especially when the Ellie end gives him, the heart of Sivarka is warm. 特别是当艾丽端给他的时候,西瓦尔卡的心都是暖融融的。 Delicious!” “好吃!” Finishing eating food of wolfing down, Sivarka said. 狼吞虎咽的吃完食物,西瓦尔卡说道。 The chicken is coordinating just like the gruel common mashed potatoes, is really the delicacy. 鸡肉配合着宛如粥一般的土豆泥,实在是美味。 Inside some salt tastes and hot were make Sivarka feel once the day of mercenary soldier. 内里的一些咸味和辣味更是让西瓦尔卡感受到了曾经佣兵的日子。 Fondly remembers very much. 很怀念。 But actually because of not fondly remembering to put behind the present responsibility. 但却不会因怀念而忘却眼前的职责。 Gave you, Ellie.” “交给你了,艾丽。” After the tableware gave Ellie, the Sivarka station, looks to behind subordinate. 将餐具递给了艾丽后,西瓦尔卡站了起来,看向了身后的手下。 This time subordinate, may be different from few people of morning. 这个时候的手下,可和早上的寥寥几人不同。 Some Church brothers also joined. 一些教会的兄弟也加入了进来。 Immediately, the guarded population broke through 30. 顿时,守卫的人数突破了三十。 Enough is divided into 2-3 teams of manpower. 足够分成2-3队人手。 The most important thing is: These Church brothers brought the weapon! 最重要的是:这些教会的兄弟带来了武器! No longer is the matchlock of kitchen knife, wooden stick and quick damage. 不再是菜刀、木棒和快损坏的火绳枪。 But Longsword, bow and arrow and matchlock in the true sense. 而是真正意义上的长剑、弓箭和火绳枪。 This made Sivarka have protected the Ellie confidence. 这让西瓦尔卡有了更多保护艾丽的信心。 Ok, Team leader.” “好了,队长。” Is combining under seventh ring shantytown native and guards of Syka Domain young soldier stood. 混杂着下七环棚户区原住民西卡领年轻士兵的守卫们纷纷站了起来。 They have rested some time, and has had the dinner, was the time replaces these colleagues. 他们已经休息了一段时间,且吃过了晚饭,是时候去替换那些同僚了。 When Sivarka first turns toward own sentry post to walk. 西瓦尔卡当先向着属于自己的岗哨走去。 This is in the afternoon in the material with originally ruins, builds lookout tower , looked certainly from the semblance, simply does not have the appearance of lookout tower, but has the same function. 这是下午用原本废墟内的材料,堆砌成的‘瞭望塔’,当然了,从外表上看,根本没有瞭望塔的样子,但却有着相同的功用。 Good dinner.” “不错的晚餐。” Sivarka just climbed up the ruins peak, Edson is twitching the nose. 西瓦尔卡刚攀爬上废墟顶端,埃德森就抽动着鼻子。 Old Demon Hunter stretching oneself of stood, gave Sivarka here position. 猎魔人伸了个懒腰站了起来,将这里的位置让给了西瓦尔卡 In strongest two people as the temporary camp, no one was more suitable than to be observation two people temporarily. 身为临时营地中暂时最强的两人,没有谁比两人更适合当瞭望手了。 But regarding assigning to own head work, old Demon Hunter did not mind. 而对于分配到自己头上的工作,老猎魔人也不介意。 With the work receiving in exchange shelter and food, this does not violate the Demon Hunter custom. 用劳动换取安身之所和食物,这并不违背猎魔人的规矩。 Let alone, he to understand Mist comes. 更何况,他本身就是为了了解‘迷雾’而来。 Nods to old Demon Hunter, is greeting Sivarka starts all around the glance. 冲着老猎魔人点了点头,算是打过招呼的西瓦尔卡开始扫视四周。 Not exceptionally?” “没有异常吧?” Sivarka such asking. 西瓦尔卡这样的问道。 He is very clear, matter will not end absolutely. 他很清楚,事情绝对不会就这么结束。 That change seemingly ended. 那场‘异动’看似结束了。 However suffered loss War God Temple? 但是遭受了损失的战神殿呢? In the surface naturally cannot make anything. 表面上自然不会做什么。 May hold the post of the Deacon Sivarka too clear War God Temple method in the dark hall. 可在暗堂担任过执事西瓦尔卡太清楚战神殿的手段了。 These people in biased compared with imagination and crazy, as well as...... cruel. 那些人远比想象中的偏执、疯狂,以及……残忍。 These fellows will not pay attention to what morals and law. 那些家伙可不会理会什么道德、法律。 They care is the War God glory! 他们在乎的就是战神的荣耀! In order to defend the War God glory, anything, they can do. 为了维护战神的荣耀,任何事情,他们都做得出来。 For example: Exploration a camp that gathered the heathen. 例如:‘探索’一个聚集了异教徒的营地。 Even, many War God Temple followers will do this matter impatiently. 甚至,很多战神殿的信徒会迫不及待的做这件事。 Because, just suffered change influence War God Temple, needs a matter to recall the glory extremely. 因为,刚刚遭受了‘异动’影响的战神殿,极其需要一件事情来挽回荣耀。 Knowing Sivarka is old Demon Hunter of what meaning, is saying very much simply. 知道西瓦尔卡是什么意思的老猎魔人,很干脆的说着。 In tranquility compared with imagination.” “比想象中的平静。” However, falls at the old Demon Hunter voice, this old Demon Hunter vision looked to the high place. 不过,就在老猎魔人话音才落下,这位老猎魔人的目光就看向了高处。 In there, incomparable conspicuity of flame in the dim light of night. 在那里,火光在夜色中无比的显眼。 But, seemed like some people to capture the attention for us!” “不过,看起来是有人替我们吸引了目光!” Old Demon Hunter is judging. 猎魔人判断着。 There approaches the business district of aristocrat area.” “那里是靠近贵族区的商业区。” Also is War God Temple emperor's decision secret agents the place that is glad to gather.” “也是战神殿‘圣裁所’密探们最乐意聚集的地方。” Sivarka said. 西瓦尔卡说道。 Is between in the civilians and aristocrats, is similar to bright and dark?” “介乎于平民与贵族,就如同光明与黑暗?” So many years, these fellows had not changed.” “这么多年了,那些家伙还是没有改变。” Was far less than Mist ascertains confused pure.” “远不如‘迷雾’的窥破迷茫的单纯。” Old Demon Hunter seems like saying of sigh. 猎魔人貌似感叹的说道。 Ascertains confusedly?” “窥破迷茫吗?” Yes.” “是的。” I approved very much such doctrine, present I ascertained my confusedness, I fully realized that I must make anything now, I hope person who protects me to protect.” “我很赞成这样的教义,现在的我窥破了自己的迷茫,我深知我现在要做什么,我希望守护我能够守护的人。” Conforms to the doctrine very much, not?” “又很符合教义,不是吗?” Perhaps you think that is the coincidence.” “也许你认为是巧合。” But I think very marvelously.” “但我认为很奇妙。” „, Before more than a day, I am a muddling along fellow.” “要知道,一天多前,我还是个得过且过的家伙。” Matter that most anticipates, is comes out to let in fresh air unexpectedly.” “最期待的事情,竟然是出来放放风。” However present I......” “而现在的我……” Decides to want unexpectedly to protect Ellie, took up the sword to fight to the end with any invading one's territory.” “竟然决定要为了保护艾丽,拿起刀剑与任何来犯者战斗到底了。” Sivarka mentioned little girl time, the look is gentle. 西瓦尔卡提到小女孩的时候,眼神温柔。 When like this is gentle starts? 这样的温柔什么时候开始的? Perhaps is that cup of hot water. 也许是那杯热水吧。 That scarf? 还是那条围巾? Does not remember. 不记得了。 Although over the past one day, but he only knows that thinks so Ellie grows up safely, is best, then, is looking at the Ellie marriage...... and unable the Ellie simple junction, must undergo his 12 tests to be good! 虽然才过去一天,但是他只知道就这么看着艾丽安全长大,就是最好的,然后,在看着艾丽结婚……不、不能够把艾丽简单的交出去,必须要经过他的十二道考验才行! Afternoon time, there is a kid to stare at Ellie to look? 下午的时候,有个小屁孩是不是一直在盯着艾丽看? It is not good! 不行! Too dangerous! 太危险了! I a while warned him! 我得一会儿去警告他! Let him far away from my Ellie! 让他远离我的艾丽 Inexplicable thinks that anything's Sivarka complexion suddenly changes. 莫名的想到什么的西瓦尔卡脸色突地一变。 He is shaking the hand of sword, cannot help but got hold. 他握着剑的手,都不由自主的握紧了。 Let observe old Demon Hunter to select the eyebrow silently. 让一直默默观察着老猎魔人一挑眉。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” The opens the mouth of old Demon Hunter probe asked. 猎魔人试探的开口问道。 No, but thought of some critical important matters.” “没什么,只是想到了一些生死攸关的大事。” The Sivarka gloomy face is replying. 西瓦尔卡阴沉的脸回答着。 Old Demon Hunter shakes the head, turns around to be about to leave. 猎魔人摇了摇头,转身就准备离开。 He smelled the chicken flavor. 他可是闻到了鸡肉的味道。 For a long time has not had the dinner in the environment of similar wilderness. 好久没有在类似荒野的环境下吃晚餐了。 Inexplicable fondly remembers to appear in old Demon Hunter heart. 莫名的怀念出现在老猎魔人心底 Together appears also has...... 一同出现的还有…… Police trillion! 警兆! That is paces back and forth the Demon Hunter intuitions year to year in life and death edge and under these strange experiments, but fusion one feeling of instinct. 那是常年徘徊在生死边缘的猎魔人直觉和在那些奇奇怪怪的实验下,融合而出的一种本能的感觉。 Very complex. 很复杂。 But is accurate enough. 但足够准确。 Therefore, three daggers do not have the lasing of sound. 因此,三柄匕首没有声息的激射而出。 ! 噗! Puff! 噗噗! Three metals submerged the unique sound in meat almost to make a sound simultaneously. 三声金属没入肉中的特有响声几乎是同时响了起来。 The old Demon Hunter form flashed charged into the distant place. 猎魔人身影一闪就冲向了远处。 Sivarka late one step. 西瓦尔卡晚了一步。 But is not slow. 但也不慢。 First sounded with alarm that’ the iron sheet acts, then, on jumps down from sentry post tower. 先是敲响了用铁片充当的‘警钟’,接着,从‘哨塔’上一跃而下。 He closely follows in old Demon Hunter behind. 他紧紧的跟在老猎魔人身后。 When he rushes, saw that three corpses pour in the shadow, old Demon Hunter is inspecting the corpse carefully. 当他赶到的时候,就看到三具尸体倒在阴影中,老猎魔人正细细的检查着尸体。 Has the clue?” “有线索吗?” Sivarka when old Demon Hunter stands, this asked. 西瓦尔卡在老猎魔人站起来的时候,这才问道。 Naturally.” “当然。” To one kilometer beyond, I can smell their flavors.” “离得一公里外,我就能够闻到他们的味道。” Damn Quiet Night Secret Society!” “该死的‘静夜秘修会’!” Old Demon Hunter grinned, revealed the pale tooth, was similar to a hungry wolf who selected the person to bite. 猎魔人一咧嘴,露出了惨白的牙齿,就如同一头择人而噬的饿狼。 That murderous intent, making Sivarka scalp one tingle with numbness. 那股杀意,让西瓦尔卡头皮一阵发麻。 ...... …… Quiet Night Town, meeting hall. 静夜镇,议事厅。 The Gersac surface sinks the water looks at Holleka and Wolft. 格尔萨克面沉似水的看着霍尔莱卡沃夫特 I have said that is only the surveillance!” “我说过了,只是监视!” Do not alarm him!” “不要惊动他!” Saying of Gersac coldly. 格尔萨克冷冷的说道。 Holleka had not replied, but knees down, obviously acknowledged own mistake. 霍尔莱卡没有回答,只是单膝跪地,显然是承认了自己的错误。 But nearby Wolft is explains. 而一旁的沃夫特则是解释起来。 Sir, that Etolin compared with wants formidable that we imagine, the envoy who he should possibly be we suspect that person formidable, can borrow the strength that that person formidable has, this discovered us.” “大人,那个艾托林比我们想象的还要强大,他应该可能是我们怀疑的那位强大存在的使者,能够借用那位强大存在的力量,这才发现了了我们。” Wolft that just escaped, had a lingering fear at this time. 刚刚逃过一劫的沃夫特,这个时候还是心有余悸。 Fully manifested this point on his face. 在他的脸上完全体现了这一点。 Because, he avoids that scissors at all is not the strength, but is the luck. 因为,他躲开那一剪刀根本不是实力,而是运气。 Said simply, if that scissors shoot at him, at this time died was he. 简单的说,如果那柄剪刀射向他的话,这个时候死的就是他了。 Just returned to Wolft that from the death edge, even if as Quiet Night Secret Society expats, at this time, was the mood surges. 刚刚从死亡边缘返回的沃夫特,哪怕是身为‘静夜秘修会’的外派人员,在这个时候,也是心情激荡不已。 Therefore, he simply had not discovered, different light that in the that person Gersac representative eye emits. 因此,他根本没有发现,那位格尔萨克议员眼中冒出的异光。 Moreover, when Wolft the returning to normal mood, sound of footsteps in a panic will soon transmit from outside. 而且,就在沃夫特即将平复心情的时候,一阵仓皇的脚步声从外面传来。
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