DC :: Volume #28

#28: Blooming.

The cup of metal places on the generous and solid desktop, the cup surface has no decoration, very rough, but is also solid, quantity to be big enough, the inside sweet egg nog appears under the sunlight clear. 金属的杯子放在宽厚、结实的桌面上,杯子表面没有任何的装饰,十分的粗糙,但也足够结实、量大,内里的甜蛋酒更是在阳光下显得清亮不已。 Sweet egg nog not only cheap, but also was very liked, particularly in North Continent close to border Morsa, can bring the warm feeling the sweet egg nog almost to become each going out person must. 甜蛋酒不仅便宜,而且十分的受人喜爱,尤其是在北陆靠近边境摩尔萨附近,能够给人带来暖意的甜蛋酒更是几乎成为每个外出人的必须。 Horuff is no exception. 霍鲁夫也不例外。 Even if he has retired, he also likes on such a cup very in the afternoon. 哪怕他已经退休了,他也十分喜欢在午后来上这么一杯。 However, today is actually an exception. 不过,今天却是一个例外。 Is carrying wine glass Horuff intently one is staring at the vacancy, the vision is lax, is lost in thought. 端着酒杯霍鲁夫一直愣愣的盯着空处,目光涣散,陷入了沉思。 Nearby waiter looks own boss appearance, drew back immediately quietly. 旁边的伙计看着自己老板这副模样,马上悄声的退了出去。 Continual for several days, these waiters already the situation that was used to own boss to be in a daze once for a while. 连续几天来,这些伙计已经习惯了自己的老板时不时发呆的情况了。 From the beginning also some people inquired, but Horuff said nothing each time, or worried, directly after reprimanding, these waiters also know how should do. 一开始还有人询问,但霍鲁夫每次都是闭口不谈,或者是着急了,直接斥责后,这些伙计也知道应该怎么做了。 The door closed quietly. 房门悄无声息的关上了。 Also after several minutes later, Horuff then numerous sighing. 又过了几分钟后,霍鲁夫这才重重的叹了口气。 Viper Sect? 蛇派 Really has Viper Sect? 真的有蛇派 Retired Demon Hunter flexure in the top of the head is remaining not many hair, a doubt of face. 退休的猎魔人挠着头顶上所剩不多的头发,一脸的狐疑。 He recalled couple of days ago that to say as Viper Sect again. Colin man. 他再次回忆起了前两天那个自称为‘蛇派.科林’的男人。 The words of opposite party, he does not believe from the beginning. 对方的话语,他一开始是不相信的。 formidable that very even if the opposite party displays, style also looks like Demon Hunter very much, Viper Sect that but said regarding the opposite party, he listens not to hear. 哪怕对方表现的很强大,行事风格方面也很像猎魔人,但对于对方所说的蛇派,他是听都没有听说过的。 Therefore, he only thinks that the opposite party is fabricates and makes up wild stories. 所以,他只认为对方是杜撰、胡诌。 If the opposite party explained at that time, the considering opposite party who he can adhere stubbornly to own opinions is a swindler. 如果对方当时解释的话,他一定会固执己见的认为对方是骗子。 But opposite party not only had not explained. 可对方非但没有解释。 Even, the meaning of even arguing did not have. 甚至,连辩解的意思都没。 Said knows, must know, does not know, never knows!’ After returned to the room. 就说了一句‘知道的,总要知道,不知道的,永远不会知道!’后,就这么的返回了房间。 Moreover, in the later these days, the opposite party has not looked for him one time. 而且,在之后的这几天里,对方一次都没有找过他。 He knows very well this skill. 他熟知这种技巧。 In fact, he once also used similar skill, fools to deceive many repugnant fellows. 事实上,他曾经也用类似的技巧,唬骗过不少讨厌的家伙。 But...... 但…… Really is fools to deceive the skill? 真的是唬骗技巧吗? Day and two days and three days. 一天、两天、三天。 From the beginning entirely does not believe, by the present, Horuff becomes doubtful. 从一开始的完全不相信,到现在,霍鲁夫变得半信半疑起来。 Because, he ponders, he not the place that is worth the opposite party fooling to deceive. 因为,他左思右想,他都没有值得对方唬骗的地方。 His inn? 他的旅店? Regarding the average person, is the good industry. 对于普通人来说,算是不错的产业。 However regarding the opposite party such formidable person, really does not spare a glance. 但是对于对方这样强大的人来说,真的是不屑一顾的。 Equipment that he leaves behind? 他留下的装备? Is more impossible. 更不可能了。 These things, he wanted to give to the opposite party, when he to the opposite party demonstrated Lone Wolf Mark, prepared to do that he believes that the opposite party should also feel, otherwise was impossible that simple rejection. 那些东西,他原本就想要送给对方的,在他向对方展示‘孤狼印记’的时候,就准备这么做了,他相信对方也应该感觉到了,不然不可能那么干脆的拒绝。 Thought of the opposite party at that time the reply of hand cinema, the Horuff breathing rapidly. 一想到对方当时手影戏的回答,霍鲁夫不由呼吸急促。 Really is the bastard fellow!” “真是混蛋家伙!” Regardless of you are Viper Sect, is a repugnant fellow!” “不论你是不是蛇派,都是个讨厌的家伙!” „......” “不过……” Really has Viper Sect?” “真的有蛇派吗?” Distinguishes between general Demon Hunter, hidden in Demon Hunter of hidden place?” “区别于一般的猎魔人,隐藏在暗处的猎魔人吗?” Horuff in a low voice light language. 霍鲁夫低声轻语着。 He is recalling the Demon Hunter history. 他回忆着猎魔人的历史。 As if really arrives each time Demon Hunter should exterminate, association/will inexplicable continues again, is similar to has not well-known existence, has been protecting Demon Hunter fire seed. 似乎真的每次到了猎魔人应该灭绝的时候,总会莫名的再次延续下来,就如同有不知名的存在,一直保护着猎魔人的‘火种’般。 If really has Viper Sect...... 如果真的有蛇派的话…… Probably can explain all these. 好像就能够解释这一切了。 Also because of this, Horuff has not been relating his familiar Demon Hunter rashly. 也正因为这样,霍鲁夫没有冒然的联系他熟知的猎魔人 He, did not determine that he once familiar Demon Hunter, whether can also trust. 他,不确定他曾经熟悉的猎魔人,是否还能信任。 That time war that causes the Demon Hunter almost destruction, although in name is because traces Black Disaster, but he always thinks that the Demon Hunter interior also had the problem. 那一次导致猎魔人几近覆灭的战争,虽然名义上是因为追查‘黑灾’,但是他总认为猎魔人的内部也出现了问题。 Otherwise, impossible direct rout. 不然的话,不可能直接溃败。 Perhaps, the Viper Sect person also knew. 也许,蛇派的人也知道了。 Even, Viper Sect person, hidden in that war, discovered anything, does not have the prompt biography, but actually gave certain suggestion, therefore, Viper Sect secret even more. 甚至,蛇派的人,也隐藏在那次战争中,发现了什么,却没有及时的传出去,但却给与了一定的暗示,因此,蛇派越发的隐秘了。 They do not have disseminates Demon Hunter immediately again fire seed, but hid, is seeking for the truth. 他们没有马上再次传播猎魔人的‘火种’,而是隐藏了下来,寻找着事情的真相。 But looks for me, after a probe, confirmed that I do not have the issue. 而来找我,也是经过了一番试探后,才确认我没有问题。 Then, hopes that knows some secrets from my mouth. 然后,希望从我的嘴里知道一些隐秘。 Horuff static ponder. 霍鲁夫静静的思考着。 Thought cannot help but is thinking toward good side. 思维不由自主的向着好的一面想着。 This is the inertia of person. 这是人的惯性。 Likes good side, loathes bad side. 喜欢好的一面,厌恶坏的一面。 When the matter appears is, is always hugging by luck, even if true evil intent arrives, holds a luck as before, did not arrive at the death to approach, will not change. 当事情出现是,总是抱着侥幸,哪怕真正的恶意降临,都依旧抱有一份侥幸,不到死亡来临,是不会改变的。 Even if Horuff is Demon Hunter, will not change this point. 即使霍鲁夫猎魔人,也不会改变这一点。 Because...... 因为…… Horuff is not willing to accept the Demon Hunter disastrous defeat from heart. 霍鲁夫心底也不肯接受猎魔人的惨败。 Even he chose the retirement. 即使他选择了退休。 Hesitant the moment, Horuff decided again a while has a frank and sincere talk with that Colin discussed. 再次犹豫了片刻,霍鲁夫决定一会儿就和那个科林开诚布公的谈一谈。 He cannot wait. 他不能够在这么等下去了。 In, he really should be bare! 在等下去,他就真的该秃了! Cautious the several other hair, from left Shu to the right, the fitting after the scalp, will only toss down the sweet egg nog in cup, feel the fiery feeling of the stomach raising, Horuff were rubbing the plump belly, the vision was actually cannot help but looks through the window to the War God Temple direction, there was cloudy, thunder to tumble. 小心翼翼的将仅剩余的几根头发,从左梳到了右边,贴合在头皮上后,将杯中的甜蛋酒一饮而尽,感受着从胃中升起的火热感,霍鲁夫揉了揉肥硕的肚子,目光却是不由自主通过窗户看向了战神殿的方向,那里乌云密布、雷霆翻滚。 War God?” 战神?” „.” “嘁。” Curling the lip of Horuff disdains very much. 霍鲁夫很不屑的撇了撇嘴。 Demon Hunter, reason that is not likable, has the enormous connection with their beliefs. 猎魔人,之所以不让人喜欢,和他们的信仰有着极大的关联。 They do not believe in any Spiritual God, even if puts on airs unable. 他们不信仰任何一位神灵,哪怕是装模作样也不会。 They only believe the division commanders, parents, family members and friend. 他们只相信师长、父母、家人和朋友。 They only at fingertips weapon. 他们只相信手中的武器。 They are not the light. 他们不属于光明。 They are not the darkness. 他们不属于黑暗。 Walked in the death edge. 行走于死亡边缘。 Without the glory of praise. 没有礼赞的荣耀。 Without being on everybody's lips of hymn. 没有圣歌的传诵。 Only the pride of innermost feelings. 只有内心的骄傲。 Subconscious raising the head, places on own chest, feels in the chest cavity the heart powerful beat, the Horuff crack is opening the mouth, in big strides walks toward his closet. 下意识的抬起头,放在自己的胸膛上,感受着胸腔内心脏强有力的跳动,霍鲁夫裂开嘴,大踏步的向着他的衣柜走去。 Battle axe of fold. 折叠的战斧。 Worn-out windproof coat. 破旧的风衣。 Rotten side hat. 烂边的帽子。 Side backpack, is also flooding the age feeling, a short blunderbuss inserts one side of backpack, another side is leaving several throwing knives, in backpack is to have some miscellaneous. 旁边还有一个背包,同样充斥着年代感,一支短铳插在背包一侧,另外一侧则别着数支飞刀,背包内则是有着一些杂物 Horuff carries the battle axe of fold, takes up backpack conveniently. 霍鲁夫拎起折叠的战斧,顺手抄起背包 The hand shakes, the battle axe of fold, extends immediately, became a battle axe of long . 手一抖,折叠的战斧,立刻伸展开来,变为了一柄长柄的战斧。 Carries the battle axe single-handed, Horuff is aiming at the body to lean a vertical stroke to divide. 单手拎着战斧,霍鲁夫对准身侧一个竖劈。 Bang! 轰! The axe brings the depressed sound air-splitting, pounding ruthlessly in ground. 斧子带着沉闷的破空声,狠狠的砸在了地面上。 The ground that the flagstone spreads broke directly, mist and dust exaggeration on, the line of sight in entire room by thorough blocking, but the battle axe in Horuff hand, is one sweeps away again. 石板铺成的地面直接破碎了,烟尘渲染而上,整个房间中的视线被彻底的遮挡,而霍鲁夫手中的战斧,则是再次一个横扫。 ! 呜! The axe blade brought the fresh breeze, curled up layer upon layer the mist and dust, divided to cut in the seemingly void place. 斧刃带起了劲风,卷起了层层烟尘,劈砍在了看似虚空的地方。 Bang! 砰! The person's shadow was pounded together. 一道人影被砸了出来。 This is a whole body wraps the person's shadow in gray-black clothing, in the instance of landing, seems the smog general, tumbles. 这是一个全身都包裹在灰黑色衣物中的人影,在落地的瞬间,就好似烟雾一般,翻滚开来。 Looks at this, Horuff sneered several. 看着这一幕,霍鲁夫冷笑了数声。 If before, he by that bastard time that inciting ability silent affects, such hidden way is naturally flawless, but now? 如果是之前,他被那个混蛋的‘挑唆’能力无声无息中影响到的时候,这样的隐藏方式自然是天衣无缝的,可现在? Is facing truly sober Demon Hunter, such hidden goes into the sandy soil to be the same the head with the ostrich. 面对着一个真正清醒的猎魔人,这样的隐藏就和鸵鸟把脑袋扎进沙土里一样。 Horuff drew out the short blunderbuss directly. 霍鲁夫直接拔出了短铳。 Different from the common short matchlock, this short blunderbuss must thick, the muzzle has adult fist size, when the trigger deducts instantaneous- 不同于常见的短火绳枪,这支短铳要更加的粗大,枪口有成人拳头大小,而当扳机扣下的瞬间- Bang! 轰! Flame twinkle, just like artillery. 火光闪烁,宛如火炮般。 Way that the tiny projectile to cover, in front of 100 Horuff 细小的弹丸以笼罩的方式,将霍鲁夫面前100 …… …… The furniture, are an enemy. 不论是桌椅,还是敌人。 That whole body is including enemy, at this time does not have a good meat, black Qi is black, the whole body twitched, stares in a big way both eyes to look at Horuff, then did not have the aura. 那全身包括着的敌人,这个时候已经没有了一块好肉,乌漆嘛黑间,全身抽搐,瞪大了双眼看着霍鲁夫,然后没了气息。 Horuff has not paid attention to this enemy slightly, the sole makes an effort, retreat rapidly. 霍鲁夫丝毫没有理会这个敌人,脚掌用力,急速的后退。 Bang! 砰! Big and fat figure hit to collapse directly behind wall. 胖大的身形径直撞塌了身后的墙壁。 But in Horuff leaves the room instantly, the corpse of ground seems the gasification general inflation, then, flame twinkle. 而就在霍鲁夫离开房间的刹那,地上的尸体好似充气一般的膨胀起来,接着,火光闪烁。 Bang! 轰! The room of Horuff housing, was exploded directly ascends the sky. 霍鲁夫居住的房间,直接被炸上了天。 Was separated from Horuff of opposite party self-destruct range to have no solid qualitative injury, but somewhat was dirty, he made an effort to spit the soils of two mouths, while to punctured behind the battle axe in hand. 脱离了对方自爆范围的霍鲁夫没有任何实质的伤害,但却有些灰头土脸的,他一边用力吐了两口嘴里的泥土,一边将手中的战斧向身后刺去。 Enemies, incessantly! 敌人,不止一个! In the complementary waves of explosion, wraps the enemy of whole body, appeared the form. 在爆炸的余波中,包裹全身的敌人,一个个显出了身影。 They overlapping and dense and numerous Horuff surrounding. 他们层层叠叠、密密麻麻的将霍鲁夫包围其中。 These forms are ordinary like the beforehand enemy, has the build of similar human, but aura actually just like wild beast, even if were being covered the face by the bandage, can hear the hoarse roar. 这些身影如同之前的敌人一般,都拥有着类似人类的体型,但是气息却宛如野兽,哪怕是被绷带遮挡着脸庞,也都能够听到沙哑的吼声。 They just like the pack of wolves to be the same, spins regarding Horuff, is seeking for the passage Demon Hunter weakness. 它们犹如狼群一样,围绕着霍鲁夫打转,寻找着推移猎魔人的弱点。 Horuff narrows the eyes to focus, the long battle axe in hand horizontally before the body, under the big and fat waist slightly bow, the whole person seemed like similar to is gigantic Wine Barrel. 霍鲁夫眯着眼,手中的长柄战斧横在了身前,胖大的腰身微微躬下,整个人看起来就如同是一个硕大的酒桶般。 Then...... 然后…… Rapid revolving! 飞速的旋转! The long battle axe high and low flutters! 长柄战斧上下翻飞! The axe edges of extreme velocity passing over gently and swiftly air, cut the air, having one to have the wind blade together. 一道道极速掠过空气的斧刃,切割空气,带起了一道有一道的风刃。 Next quarter, when these wind blade gatherings, the small-scale tornado appeared together. 下一刻,当这些风刃汇聚的时候,一道小型龙卷风出现了。 Its crazy revolving, the strong suction, lets surround in all around enemy, rapid was involved, ripped the fragment. 它疯狂的旋转,强劲的吸力,让围拢在四周的敌人,迅速的被卷入其中,撕成了碎片。 However, more enemies appeared in the surroundings. 但是,更多的敌人却却出现在了周围。 They not slightly frightened, closely is staring at Horuff. 他们没有丝毫恐惧,就这么紧紧盯着霍鲁夫 They are waiting for! 他们在等待! Waits for Horuff exhausted that moment! 等待霍鲁夫疲惫的那一刻! They were clear that such style is very strong. 他们都清楚这样的招式很强。 But absolutely impossible lasting! 但绝对不可能持久! Time that once Horuff is slow, that was the opposite party died! 一旦霍鲁夫慢下来的时候,那就是对方死亡的时候! Regarding this, Claire Huo determined very! 对此,克莱尔霍十分的确定! Stands the Carleho vision in crowd ice-cold looks at Horuff, although knew from Luncal there so-called Viper Sect, but Carleho has not cared this. 站在人群中的卡莱尔霍目光冰冷的看着霍鲁夫,虽然从轮卡尔那里知道了所谓的‘蛇派’,但是卡莱尔霍并没有将此放在心上。 One crowd hides the fellow in shadow corner, perhaps if in Black Disaster before , can make some troubles to them, is now? 一群躲藏在阴影角落中的家伙,如果是在‘黑灾’在之前,或许还能够给他们造成些许的麻烦,可是现在? Is completely impossible! 完全不可能! Their goals are not on these mortals. 他们的目标早已经不在这些凡人身上了。 Actually Mist compared with imagination in must trouble! 倒是‘迷雾’比想象中的要麻烦! Claire suddenly vision looked to the distant place sudden rich mist. 克莱尔霍的目光看向了远处突然出现的浓郁雾气。 This completed arrival not making a sound, actually really becomes half god existence. 这个不声不响就完成了‘降临’,竟然真的成为了半神般的存在。 Then, so-called Viper Sect Demon Hunter, does not have no merit to speak.” “这么说来,所谓的蛇派猎魔人,也不是一无是处。” Claire Huo Qingmie who in the arrogant tone, wears the black long gown smiles. 高傲的口吻中,身着黑色长袍的克莱尔霍轻蔑地一笑。 Half god? 半神? He naturally is not. 他当然不是。 But, he will not fear half god absolutely. 但,他绝对不会惧怕半神。 After all, what his is standing behind is a Spiritual God in the true sense. 毕竟,他的身后站着的是一位真正意义上的神灵。 Therefore, he chose the most direct way. 所以,他选择了最为直接的方式。 Kills Horuff, kills that so-called Viper Sect Demon Hunter again. 杀死霍鲁夫,再干掉那个所谓的蛇派猎魔人 Then? 然后? If many Viper Sect Demon Hunter jumped to be good. 如果更多的蛇派猎魔人蹦出来就好了。 He will kill the opposite party completely. 他会将对方全部干掉。 Finally, naturally is so-called Mist. 最后,自然就是所谓的‘迷雾’了。 However, that is not he must worry. 不过,那不是他所要操心的了。 His behind Spiritual God very good processing opposite party. 他身后的神灵会很好的处理对方。 The mortals handle the matter of mortal. 凡人处理凡人之事。 The Spiritual God naturally gives Spiritual God processing. 神灵自然交给神灵处理。 This is the North Continent custom. 这是北陆的规矩。 Although Quiet Night Secret Society secret and strangeness, but actually after having Lady of Calamity was the backing, no longer minded that observed such custom. 静夜秘修会虽然隐秘、诡异,但却在拥有了‘灾厄女士’做为后盾后,就不再介意遵守这样的规矩了。 After all, to them advantageous not? 毕竟,对他们有利不是吗? It seems like the present, he can not need to pay attention to the Spiritual God of opposite party completely, achieves the overwhelming success with the absolute advantage. 就好像是现在,他可以完全不用理会对方的神灵,用绝对的优势来获得压倒性的胜利。 Is feeling the tornado getting smaller, looks at Stamina to start gradually weak Horuff, smile Pride on even more Carleho face, contemptuous. 感受着旋风越来越小,看着体力开始逐渐不支的霍鲁夫,卡莱尔霍脸上的笑容越发的傲慢、轻蔑了。 He won once again! 他又一次的赢了! Such feeling...... 这样的感觉…… Really is happy! 实在是美好! Treads and tread! 踏、踏踏! The clear sound of footsteps transmits from one side, on the Carleho face Pride and contemptuous smile achieved an pinnacle, he has turned around to look that walks Kieran that from one side shadow. 清晰的脚步声从一侧传来,卡莱尔霍脸上傲慢、轻蔑的笑容达到了一个极致,他转过身看着从一侧阴影中走出来的秦然 „Shouldn't snake, hide in the shadow?” “蛇,不应该是躲藏在阴影中吗?” Snake that reveals, but does not have the danger.” “显露出来的蛇,可是没有危险的。” Carleho is saying slowly, then, a brow slightly wrinkle. 卡莱尔霍缓缓的说着,然后,眉头微微一皱。 That arrogant despising feeling on Kieran face, making him very uncomfortable. 秦然脸上的那种高傲的蔑视感,让他很不舒服。 He is familiar with look at others like this. 他习惯这样看别人。 But is not familiar with others to look at him like this. 但不习惯别人这样看他。 Especially when this feeling is real, is not the camouflage time, Carleho inexplicable felt Wrath. 尤其是当这种感觉还是真实,不是伪装的时候,卡莱尔霍莫名的感到了一丝愤怒 On!” “上!” Carleho waves. 卡莱尔霍挥了挥手。 Immediately, surrounding subordinate to Kieran rushes. 立刻,周围的下属就向走出来的秦然冲了上去。 With surrounding the Horuff way is exactly the same. 与包围霍鲁夫的方式一模一样。 The advantage of population, was displayed an pinnacle by these people. 人数的优势,被这些人发挥到了一种极致。 However- 但是- Hissing! 嘶嘶! Intermittent snake hissing, sudden resounding. 阵阵的蛇嘶声,突然的响起。 Thick snake shades from underground jumped out, twine on the bodies of these people. 一条条粗大的蛇影从地下窜出,缠绕在了这些人的身上。 In an instant, the person who these surround stayed same place. 刹那间,这些围拢过来的人就呆愣在了原地。 Solely is not these people, including Carleho also together by Intimidate. 不单单是这些人,包括卡莱尔霍也一同被震慑 They grew up the mouth, the facial features are panic-stricken, the body sways from side to side. 他们长大了嘴,面容惊恐,身躯扭动。 Ahhh!” 啊啊啊!” Do not come!” “别过来!” Go away!” “滚开!” The Carleho mouth is roaring loudly, both hands are brandishing baseless, drives to hit should not the great snake of existence. 卡莱尔霍嘴里大声的吼着,双手凭空挥舞着,驱打着本不该存在的巨蛇。 Sword Skill. Myriad Viper! 剑技.万蛇】! Named Sword Skill, is actually spiritual Secret Technique iIllusion. 一种名为剑技,实则为精神秘术幻术 iIllusion, knows when false, is false. 幻术,知道假的时,就是假的。 But if regarded really...... 但如果当成了真的…… That real! 那就是真的! Black huge Longsword appears in the hand of Kieran. 黑色的巨大长剑出现在秦然的手中。 No gaudiness, such straight cleaves in two Carleho. 没有任何的花哨,就这么直直的将卡莱尔霍劈成了两半。 The huge ache made Carleho sober. 巨大的疼痛让卡莱尔霍清醒了过来。 Imaginary, iIllusion?” “幻、幻术?” „Really good!” “真的很不错!” But, you used the ache to bring me, this was you biggest mistake!” “但,你用疼痛将我带出来了,这就是你最大的失误!” By cleaving in two Carleho rapid sobered, he not only had not died, on the contrary also bursting with life is staring at Kieran, prepares to launch the attack again. 被劈成两半的卡莱尔霍迅速的清醒了过来,他不但没有死亡,相反还神采奕奕的盯着秦然,准备再次发动进攻。 However, he saw again that facial expression that makes him not despise extremely comfortably. 不过,他再一次的看到了那种让他极为不舒服蔑视的神情。 I must kill you!” “我要杀了你!” Killed...... Ahhh!” “杀了……啊啊啊!” Carleho in Wrath is bellowing, but the next quarter, the roar was replaced by the pitiful yell sound. 愤怒中的卡莱尔霍大吼着,但是下一刻,吼声就被惨叫声代替。 The black flame appears from the body of opposite party, Fire of Desire flaming is burning. 黑色的火焰从对方的身躯上出现,欲.望之火熊熊燃烧着。 Pride looked that has not looked at opposite party one eyes, turns around to turn toward Horuff to walk, in his side, the black flame starts to fill the air, the Quiet Night Secret Society person all falls to be involved, 傲慢’看都没有看对方一眼,就这么转身向着霍鲁夫走去,在他的身边,黑色的火焰开始弥漫开来,静夜秘修会的人全部陷深陷其中, Just like lotuses of the abyss, 宛如一朵朵深渊之莲,
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