DC :: Volume #28

#119: Partner

Bohr sees Kieran time, after is more than ten hours . 波尔见到秦然的时候,已经是十几个小时以后了。 The tent when Church receives callers from Mist walks, Bohr could not bear look up cloudy sky. 当从‘迷雾教会会客的帐篷走出来的时候,波尔忍不住抬头看了一眼阴沉沉的天空。 The thunder that once for a while flashes through, the dark cloud of low pressure, is telling people, the bad weather will soon approach. 时不时闪过的雷霆,低压的乌云,都在告诉着人们,糟糕的天气即将来临。 By this time, most people a minute of not clear such thunder is the true thunder or that person War God is getting angry. 到了这个时候,大部分人已经分不清楚这样的雷霆是真正的雷霆还是那位战神’在发怒了。 However, anything, the life must continue. 不过,不论是什么,生活还得继续。 The plague was controlled. 瘟疫被控制。 Atandin Castle restored the vigor again. 艾坦丁堡再次恢复了活力。 However, in looking to War God Temple when cathedral, the vision of people actually becomes strange. 但是,在看向‘战神殿’的大教堂时,人们的目光却变得怪异。 Some things do not want to conceal can conceal. 一些事情并不是想要掩饰就能掩饰的。 Especially under premise that the person with high aspirations adds fuel to the flames. 尤其是在有心人推波助澜的前提下。 2567 participation in which? 2567参与其中了吗? Bohr is asking itself. 波尔问着自己。 The answer is the affirmation. 答案是肯定的。 Even, it can be said that 2567 should be main forces. 甚至,可以说是2567应该是其中的主力。 Facing Spiritual God...... 只是面对神灵…… Hopes do not have what accident/surprise. 希望不要出现什么意外。 Bohr this is praying silently. 波尔这样默默的祈祷着。 He acknowledged that 2567 are very strong. 他承认2567很强。 In Giant City is the best that group of people. 巨大城市中都是拔尖的那一批人。 But again also eventually is not the Spiritual God. 可再强也终究不会是神灵。 Can cope with the Spiritual God, only then Spiritual God! 能够对付神灵的,只有神灵! This is the recognized truth. 这是公认的真理。 „If that fellow......” “如果是那个家伙的话……” Bohr cannot help but started to think woman who that lets his experience | meeting with to the difficult position. 不由自主的波尔开始想到了那个让他遭遇到了眼前困境的女人。 Fearful existence. 一个可怕的存在。 He thinks, the mood that first Intuition arrives is not Wrath, but is the fear. 以至于他想到的时候,第一时间感知到的情绪都不是愤怒,而是恐惧。 The subconsciousness tightened the tight-fitting on coat, Bohr the memory about that woman will throw temporarily, he started to ponder own future path. 下意识紧了紧身上的大衣,波尔将关于那个女人的记忆暂时抛出去,他开始思考自己今后的道路。 As far as possible completes all mission, Tracking 2567 and the others the footsteps. 尽可能的完成一切任务,追踪2567等人的脚步。 Oneself discard. 自己丢掉的。 Will take carry back eventually! 终究会拿回来! Had such idea, Bohr to tuck up the tent, saw sat Kieran after table. 带着这样的想法,波尔撩开了帐篷,看到了坐在餐桌后的秦然 The food on table does not have. 餐桌上的食物早已经没了。 Only is left over some spatial trays. 只剩下一些空盘子。 Compared with washing clean spatial tray. 比洗过都干净的空盘子。 The flavor did not have. 就连味道都没有了。 Bohr definitely is unable to conclude, Kieran just ate is anything. 以至于波尔完全无法断定,秦然刚刚吃了是什么。 Naturally, he will not eat anything to be interested to Kieran. 当然了,他是不会对秦然吃什么感兴趣的。 Reason that pays attention to these, is he discovered keenly, Kieran as if had some changes, but concrete is anything, Bohr also cannot say. 之所以关注这些,是他敏锐的发现,秦然似乎有了一些变化,但具体是什么,波尔又说不上来。 It seems like year after year looks at sceneries, in some moment actually discovered that they become strange general, but after merely moment, that familiarity came back. 就好像是长年累月的看着一片山水,在某一刻却发现它们变得陌生起来一般,可仅仅片刻后,那种熟悉感又回来了。 Very mysterious. 很是玄妙。 Also could not say. 却又说不出来。 Standing in the tent previous second, Bohr has met the god. 愣愣的站在帐篷前一秒,波尔才会过了神。 He got rid of the Kieran different changes. 他摆脱了秦然不同的变化。 He focused more on the surroundings. 他将更多的注意力放在了周围。 Then, he confirmed differently: After before least ate meal, in the air will have food fragrance remains. 然后,他确认了一点不同:至少之前吃饭后,空气中会有食物香味的残留。 But now? 而现在? A wee bit flavors did not have. 一丁点儿的味道都没有了。 Ventilated? 难道是通风了? Bohr is guessing, under Kieran hints, sat one side of the table. 波尔猜测着,在秦然示意下,坐到了桌子一侧。 But after Bohr sits down, Kieran opens the mouth to ask directly. 而就在波尔坐下后,秦然直接开口问道。 „Do youhow see toWitch?” “你对‘魔女’怎么看?” Very towering issue, Bohr gawked again staring. 很突兀的问题,以至于波尔再次愣了愣。 This time, enough 45 seconds, Bohr smiles bitterly to make noise. 这一次,足足四五秒钟,波尔才苦笑出声。 If possible, I do not want to bump into her for a lifetime.” “如果可以的话,我一辈子都不想碰到她。” But that crazy and tyrannical feeling the brand mark in my soul, had let me to the present, thinks her name, cannot help but is fearing.” “可那种疯狂、残虐的感觉已经烙印在了我的灵魂上,让我到现在,一想到她的名字,都不由自主的恐惧着。” Has not deceived you.” “没有骗你。” I was still just trembling.” “刚刚我还在发抖。” Bohr was saying restrained the smile, subconscious wants to take up front cup. 波尔说着收敛了笑容,下意识的想要拿起面前的杯子。 Even in the cup anything does not have. 即使杯子里什么都没有。 But he hopes that shifts the attention with such way. 但他希望用这样的方式来转移注意力。 What a pity, this is not successful. 可惜,这并不成功。 Fingertip when touching ice-cold metal cup, Bohr hit to tremble. 指尖在触碰到冰冷的金属杯子时,波尔打了个哆嗦。 He as if returned to first sight Witch time. 他似乎回到了第一次见到‘魔女’的时候。 Wanted to hug died?’ ‘想要拥抱死亡吗?’ ‚To greet freshmen ?’ ‘想要迎接新生吗?’ I......’ ‘我……’ Will not give you.’ ‘都不会给你。’ That wiped the sound to appear again. 那抹声音再次出现了。 The Bohr body starts to shiver. 波尔的身躯开始颤抖。 He one becomes dark at present intermittently. 他眼前一阵阵发黑。 Wipes the form to be as if partly visible, must from that profound walk general. 一抹身影似乎若隐若现,就要从那深邃中走出来一般。 Rescues and saves a life!” “救、救命!” Just likes is drowning, should sit in that Bohr, starts to raise head, stutter is shouting. 犹如是一位溺水者,本该坐在那的波尔,开始仰着头,结结巴巴的呼喊着。 Kieran gave the response. 秦然给与了回应。 fiery flame scattered the darkness. 烈焰驱散了黑暗。 Hu-hu and hu-hu. 呼哧、呼哧。 Bohr in gulps is panting for breath. 波尔大口大口的喘息着。 His head posted before the forehead, clothing thorough soaked, the whole person as if experienced a prolonged fight, almost took off/escaped the strength. 他的头发贴在了额头前,身上的衣物彻底的湿透了,整个人更仿佛是经历了一场旷日持久的战斗般,几近脱力。 Sorry, my condition is not a little right.” “抱歉,我的状态有点不对。” Bohr said. 波尔说道。 No.” “不。” Does not close your matter.” “并不关你的事。” Kieran shakes the head, then, very sincere asking: I am willing to give you as Atandin successor a status of Baron, are you willing to accept?” 秦然摇了摇头,然后,很正色的问道:“我愿意以艾坦丁继承人的身份给与你一个男爵的身份,你愿意接受吗?” Do not worry to reply.” “不要着急回答。” Because, this concerned your mission.” “因为,这关乎到了你的任务。” Once complied, I hope that you can leave.” “一旦答应了,我希望你能够离开。” Naturally, all decision-making power in you.” “当然,一切的决定权在你。” In the Kieran indifferent words, Bohr actually showed a grateful smile. 秦然淡然的话语中,波尔却露出了一个感激的笑容。 Before coming, Bohr thought of these. 在来之前,波尔就想到了这些。 Even, made the worst plan. 甚至,做了最坏的打算。 Fortunately, present Devil Flame flame king has not made an indiscreet remark . Moreover, gave back with the reward more than he expected. 所幸的是,眼前的‘炎之恶魔’‘火焰君王’并没有失言,而且,还给与了超出他预计的报酬。 In the heart of Bohr, Lord enough. 波尔的心中,勋爵就够了。 The Baron has surpassed expected. 男爵已经超出了预期。 Thanks you for all that I make.” “感激您为我所做的一切。” Cooperation is happy.” “合作愉快。” Bohr stands to say with every effort. 波尔尽力站起来说道。 He knows, if he continues to participate in the following world trend, certainly can harvest are more. 他知道,如果他继续参与接下来的世界走向,一定能够收获更多。 But he had self-knowledge. 可他有自知之明。 The Spiritual God war is not he can participate. 神灵的战争可不是他能够参与的。 „Did thing bring?” “东西都带好了吗?” Kieran gentle reminder. 秦然善意提醒着。 Completes the Main Quest words additionally, Giant City will not leave behind more time to Player. 额外完成主线任务的话,巨大城市可不会给玩家留下更多的时间。 Naturally!” “当然!” I am not rookie!” “我又不是菜鸟!” Bohr patted own belt-bag. 波尔拍了拍自己的腰包。 Then , Bohr continued to open the mouth to say. 然后,顿了顿,波尔继续开口道。 If possible, helping me take care of Ash, he is a good helper.” “如果可以的话,帮我照顾一下阿什,他是一个不错的帮手。” Un.” “嗯。” He is my guard.” “他是我的侍卫。” A Kieran nod. 秦然一点头。 Then, Kieran suddenly wants to say anything. 接着,秦然突然想道了什么。 Broker how you see that fellow.” “‘掮客’你怎么看那家伙。” Asking of Kieran platitudes. 秦然老生常谈的问道。 Has about Broker, Kieran has inquired Bohr more than once. 有关于‘掮客’,秦然不止一次询问过波尔 But each time, Bohr can be the same answer. 而每一次,波尔都会是相同的答案。 That is one is deceitful and sinister, ambitious fellow!” “那是一个奸诈、阴险,野心勃勃的家伙!” With him in the same place, must frequently careful!” “和他在一起的时候,要时刻的小心!” Bohr replied time, expression quite dignified. 波尔回答的时候,表情相当的凝重。 Kieran nods slightly. 秦然微微颔首。 Has not asked anything again. 没有再多问什么。 He is opening the opposite party, reiterated. 他开着对方,再次重申道。 Bohr, you are willing to give loyalty to me, becomes the Atandin Baron?” 波尔,你愿意效忠于我,成为艾坦丁的男爵吗?” I want!” “我愿意!” This time, Bohr knees down to reply according to the etiquette of Atandin. 这一次,波尔按照艾坦丁的礼仪单膝跪地回答着。 Almost is when the sound falls, Bohr exuded the light brilliance on the whole body, after ten seconds, Bohr be with smile on the face vanished does not see. 几乎是在声音落下的时候,波尔就全身泛起了淡淡的光辉,十秒钟后,波尔面带微笑的消失不见。 , Kieran sees the bystander to return to Giant City for the first time. 第一次的,秦然看到外人返回巨大城市 Did you say Mimosa? 你说含羞草 That is not a bystander. 那个不算外人。 In the next quarter that Bohr vanished, Superior Evil Spirit by the Simon appearance walked. 就在波尔消失的下一刻,上位邪灵西蒙的模样走了进来。 He us guessed is more important.” “他比我们猜测中的还要重要。” At least, protecting the aspect is very strong.” “至少,防护方面很强。” I can Intuition to his mood.” “我能够感知到他的情绪。” But is unable to peep at his memory.” “可无法窥视他的记忆。” „It is not good.” “一点都不行。” The Superior Evil Spirit language fast is extremely quick, brow tight wrinkle. 上位邪灵语速极快,眉头紧皱。 Obviously, recent smooth, keeping its some from accepting such helpless result. 显然,最近的顺风顺水,让它有些无法接受这样无奈的结果。 But Kieran is the facial color is tranquil and indifferent. 秦然却是面色平静、淡然。 He, has returned.” “他,已经返回了。” Was past tense.” “就是过去式了。” We should pay attention to the place that we can pay attention.” “我们应该关注我们能够关注的地方。” However he?” “而他?” Some people will naturally continue to pay attention.” “自然会有人继续关注着。” Kieran saying slowly. 秦然缓缓的说道。 Boss aren't you worried?” “boss你一点都不担心吗?” Superior Evil Spirit thinks asking that the plan of own boss, cannot bear. 上位邪灵想到自己boss的计划,就忍不住的问道。 Must know that this is one cooperation that does not have the communication. 要知道这可是一次没有沟通的合作。 Was not worried.” “不担心。” Because, that fellow certainly will prepare completely.” “因为,那个家伙一定会准备完全。” Moreover, you think that Rachel their meeting hasn't really dealt?” “而且,你以为瑞秋他们真的会没有应对吗?” Kieran is definitely saying very much. 秦然很肯定的说着。 Then, sets out to turn toward outside the tent to walk directly. 然后,起身直接向着帐篷外走去。 Superior Evil Spirit pondered, shakes the head to follow in own boss behind walked. 上位邪灵思考了一下,摇了摇头跟在自己boss的身后走了出去。 Matter imagines compared with it also wants complex. 事情比它想象中的还要复杂一点。 What matter however manages its? 但是管它什么事? So long as it with tightening own boss on line. 它只要跟紧自己的boss就行了。 ...... …… In the familiar feeling, Bohr has gotten back one's composure again. 熟悉的感觉中,波尔再次回过了神。 He can confirm oneself returned to Giant City. 他可以确认自己返回了巨大城市 Crude room, enough security. 简陋的房间,足够安全。 Without hesitant, Bohr lay down on the mattress. 没有犹豫,波尔就这么躺在了床垫上。 ! 呼! let out a long sigh that he relaxes. 他放松的长出了口气 In Dungeon World, he had adjusted with every effort, but the fatigue actually exists, anybody under nerve tight premise, like him. 副本世界中,他已经尽力调整了,但是疲惫感却还是存在着,任何人在神经紧绷的前提下,都会像他一样。 He believes that even if that person Devil Flame still. 他坚信就算是那位炎之恶魔’也不例外。 Naturally, will observe the commitment to be the same like Devil Flame, he is also same. 当然了,就如同‘炎之恶魔’会信守承诺一样,他也是一样。 He must ask Lawless to drink one cup. 他要请无法无天喝一杯。 , Trades the thing that cannot use while convenient, purchases some essential items. 顺带的,贩卖一些用不到的东西,购买一些必需品。 Although in the channel the rookie exchange market is very good, but Bohr believes that Harvest Inn will be better. 虽然频道内新人的交流市场很不错,但是波尔坚信‘丰收酒馆’会有更好的。 Slightly after the rest, Bohr reorganized the luggage, pushes the door. 略微休息后,波尔整理了行装,推门而出。 Opens access, Bohr entered Harvest Inn. 一路畅通无阻的,波尔进入到了‘丰收酒馆’。 Perhaps is not the time of coming, entire Harvest Inn in person is few. 也许是来的不是时候,整个‘丰收酒馆’内的人寥寥无几。 that person made the proprietress who one feared not. 那位令人惧怕的老板娘不在。 Familiar Hans, Cole and the others not. 熟悉的汉斯柯尔等人也不在。 that person The Eccentric Raven , the opposite party is hugging the cat actually as always, is in a daze to the entrance, does not know that is thinking anything. 倒是那位孤僻者莱文在,对方一如往常抱着猫,对着门口发呆,也不知道在想什么。 However, these are unimportant. 不过,这些都不重要。 Bohr saw stature tall robust Lawless. 波尔看到了身材高壮的无法无天 Lawless at this moment is just the apron, takes the bucket and mop to go all out drags to be well-grounded. 此刻的无法无天正系着围裙,拿着水桶、拖把卖力的拖着地。 Before one such as him, such that several times saw. 一如他之前数次见到的那样。 Hey, Lawless.” “嘿,无法无天。” Bohr is greeting. 波尔打着招呼。 Hey, Bohr.” “嘿,波尔。” Can come one cup?” “要来一杯吗?” If your 0.1 cups of 20 points above drinks, I think that I can take off this apron temporarily.” “如果你点一杯20积分以上的饮品,我想我就暂时可以将这围裙脱下了。” Lawless exuded the frank laughter. 无法无天发出了爽朗的笑声。 My 0.2 cups.” “我点两杯。” One cup invited you.” “一杯请你。” „Before is similar to me, such that said.” “就如同我之前说的那样。” Bohr said with a smile similarly. 波尔同样笑道。 Under Lawless entraining the apron ran in the bar, although he does not have Rachel such accent liquor technology, however Basic accent liquor. 无法无天一把拽下围裙就跑进了吧台内,他虽然没有瑞秋那样的调酒技术,但是基础的调酒还是可以的。 20 points exactly in this category limit. 20积分的恰好在这个范畴的极限。 After five minutes, before Lawless carries two glasses of liquor to arrive at Bohr was making the small table . 五分钟后,无法无天端着两杯酒走到了波尔做着的小桌前。 Fellow who I like keeping one's word,......” “我喜欢言而有信的家伙,还有……” Congratulations!” “恭喜!” dīng! 叮! wine glass collides. 酒杯碰撞。 In the resounding, Bohr smiled happily. 脆响中,波尔笑得更开心了。 Solely was not he fulfilled the commitment, because he completed the most difficult opening. 不单单是他履行了承诺,更因为他完成了最艰难的开头。 In the future day, in three to five Dungeon World time, although will also be very difficult. 往后的日子,在三到五个副本世界的时间中,虽然也会很难。 But absolutely not sad this time. 但绝对不会难过这一次。 Therefore, regarding congratulation, Bohr is joyful. 所以,对于‘恭喜’,波尔是欣喜的。 These harvests gave you.” “这些收获交给你了。” Expense according to current price on market.” “费用按照市场价。” Bohr gave Lawless the thing that in this harvest could not use. 波尔将这次收获中用不到的东西都交给了无法无天 Since buried treasure hunter after the reputation passes on, the increasing number of people look for Lawless. 自从‘宝藏猎人’的名声传出去后,越来越多的人来找无法无天 Regarding this, Lawless has not rejected. 对此,无法无天没有拒绝。 Because, these people are his friend. 因为,这些人都是他的朋友。 He will not reject the friend. 他不会拒绝朋友。 But expense? 而费用? Basically slightly is equal to not having. 基本上是略等于无的。 Regarding the friend, the Lawless association/will thinks that compensates with other ways. 对于朋友,无法无天总会想到用其它的方式来补偿。 What do you need to buy?” “你需要求购点什么吗?” „It is not the too exaggerating thing, I can have the means to find.” “不是太夸张的东西,我都能有办法找到。” Lawless asked. 无法无天问道。 I need......” “我需要……” Bohr is saying own buying item. 波尔说着自己的求购物品 Then, again after Lawless drank one cup, Bohr sets out to leave the tavern. 然后,再和无法无天喝了一杯后,波尔起身离开了酒馆。 When must return to own room, Lawless has completed the commitment. 当要返回到自己房间的时候,无法无天已经完成了承诺。 Stands before the gate, is inspecting own harvest, happy Bohr snort/hum familiar folk song. 站在门前,检查着自己的收获,心情不错的波尔哼起了熟悉的小调。 However, quick, this folk song sound stopped suddenly. 不过,很快的,这小调声就戛然而止了。 A familiar person appeared in him behind. 一位熟悉的人出现在了他的身后。 Has the matter?” “有事吗?” Ms. Bella.” 贝拉女士。” Bohr is inquiring this very much simply Revolter member. 波尔很干脆的询问着这位‘反抗者’的成员。 Although familiar, but the sound is indifferent. 虽然熟悉,但是声音冷漠。 Because, Bohr can feel harboring evil intentions of opposite party. 因为,波尔能够感受到对方的不怀好意。 When is not meets for the first time is this. 并不是第一次见面时是这样。 But time is each this. 而是每一次都这样。 Our Boss , want to see you.” “我们的老大,想要见您。” Bella said truthfully. 贝拉如实说道。 Your Boss ?” “你们的老大?” The Bohr sound raised a point. 波尔的声音拔高了一分。 Revolter that mysterious, can Boss that no one knows see me? 反抗者那个神秘的,谁也不知道的老大要见我? heart alarm, crazy is sounding. 心底的警钟,疯狂的敲响着。 is that right?” 是这样吗?” Bohr elongated the intonation, his hand has gripped the door knob, he prepares to push the door to enter. 波尔拉长了语调,他的手已经握住了门把手,他准备推门而入。 However, Bella is quicker. 但是,贝拉更快。 The person who or ambushes is quicker. 或者说,埋伏的人更快。 A cloth sack appears from void, such Bohr set. 一个布袋从虚空中出现,就这么的将波尔套在了其中。 When the bedding bag lives, Bohr on thorough lost the consciousness. 在被套住的时候,波尔就彻底的失去了意识。 When he wakes up again, has appeared in a room. 等到他再次醒来的时候,已经出现在了一个房间。 Sits in his front...... 在他的面前坐着…… Broker! 掮客’! It is not he to Broker familiar, because one side Registrar Zorl. 并不是他对‘掮客’有多熟悉,而是因为一旁的‘登记者佐尔 As the Follower opposite party. 做为随从的对方。 Possibly only presents in Broker side. 只可能是出现在‘掮客’的身旁。 Immediately, the cold sweat starts to emit from the Bohr forehead and back. 顿时,冷汗开始从波尔的额头、后背冒出。 ‚Is Broker Revolter Boss ? 掮客’是反抗者老大 Does he want to do? 他想要干什么? These idea emergences altogether in Bohr heart. 这些想法一股脑的涌现在波尔心底 Very good.” “很好。” It seems like you knew my status.” “看来你知道了我的身份。” You should also know...... not and not, is not you.” “那你也该知道了……不、不,不是你。” Was 2567 should guess correctly my goal.” “是2567应该猜到了我的目的。” Disregards panic-stricken of Bohr, is inspecting on Bohr silently some residual aura, Broker smiled. 无视波尔的惊恐,默默检查着波尔身上残留的一些气息,‘掮客’不由笑了起来。 The laughter is very light, but in the laughter has the self-confidence of being able to say. 笑声很轻,但笑声中却有着说不出的自信。 After all...... 毕竟…… That is he in countless people, chooses partner! 那是他在无数人中,挑选出的‘合作伙伴’!
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