DC :: Volume #27

#80: Disturbers

Void, a leaf of front door is partly visible. 虚空中,一扇大门若隐若现。 Before being similar to is these chains twinkles. 就如同是之前的那些锁链般闪烁着。 During the twinkles, Kieran saw clearly the appearance of front door. 闪烁间,秦然看清楚了大门的模样。 The black, is exuding the sense of reality of stone all over the body, the surface is also quite rough, except overall is a rectangle, seemingly has beyond a gate appearance, basically has nothing thing that can with the gate hook. 通体黑色,泛着石头的质感,表面也极为粗糙,除去整体是个长方形,看起来有着一个门的模样外,基本上没有任何能够和门挂钩的东西。 Without the doorframe, not the hand, the decoration that has no. 没有门框,没有把手,更没有任何的装饰。 However, it has the guard. 不过,它却有着守卫。 Before front door of twinkle, rich sense of crisis unceasing emergence. 在闪烁的大门前,浓郁的危机感不断的出现。 Existence that even if in the Kieran field of vision, and has no. 哪怕秦然的视野内,并没有任何的存在。 Invisible lifeform?!” “隐形生物?!” Kieran is judging rapidly. 秦然迅速的判断着。 Regarding the invisible lifeform, Kieran experiences are too many, even in Undercover Achieves Transcendence, coordinating Dark Hidden Art, He can achieve similar invisible effect. 对于隐形生物,秦然见识过太多,甚至在【潜行】达到超凡,配合着【暗之匿行术】,他本身就能够达到类似隐形的效果。 Therefore, regarding the invisible lifeform, Kieran understood very much. 因此,对于隐形生物,秦然很了解。 The physique could not see, but does not represent does not exist. 形体看不到,但不代表不存在。 Some subtle points have differently. 一些细微之处还是有着不同的。 Not is completely the aura. 并不完全是气息。 The position of station. 还有站的位置。 The former can also achieve hidden to a certain extent after the training, the position that however stands will not actually change. 前者经过训练也可以做到一定程度上的隐藏,但是站的位置却是不会改变。 Because, each place, position of best hidden, then several. 因为,每个地方,最好隐藏的位置,只有那么几个。 Does not choose this. 不选择这个。 Will only choose another. 就只会选择另外一个。 Experienced the innumerable actual combat, Kieran will have sought for such position, the brand mark in the instinct, in addition even more formidable Intuition and spirit, he can act according to the gate position instantaneously, accurately judged the invisible lifeform the position. 经历了无数次的实战,秦然早已将寻找这样的位置,烙印在了本能中,再加上越发强大感知、精神,他瞬间就能够根据门的位置,准确判断出隐形生物的位置。 Kieran locked in his field of vision rapidly the empty position. 秦然迅速锁定了他视野中空荡的位置。 , Kieran left slowly same place. 缓缓的,秦然离开了原地。 Does not retreat. 不是撤退。 But is the experiment. 而是实验。 Quick, the experimental result appeared. 很快的,实验结果就出现了。 When he was far away from the chains of that twinkle, the sense of crisis vanished, the stealth that even, that cannot see existed, started movement slowly, regarding...... that door. 当他远离了那根闪烁的锁链时,危机感消失了,甚至,那看不到的隐形存在,开始了缓缓的移动,围绕着……那扇门。 Immediately, Kieran eyes narrowed. 立刻,秦然双眼一眯 Has the defense mechanism.” “拥有防御机制。” formidable, is very mechanical.” “很强大,却刻板。” Will not initiated an attack, only passive defense.” “不会主动出击,只会被动的防守。” Without a doubt, these are the good news. 毫无疑问,这些都是好消息。 But is actually not that point of most core! 但却不是最为核心的那一点! At this moment, what Kieran most cares: After opposite party defense mechanism triggers one time, starts to counter-attack crazily? Will set out to restore the original design merely one time again, the waiting he will touch the defense mechanism next time again? 此刻,秦然最为关心的是:对方这个防御机制是一次性触发后就开始疯狂反扑?还是仅仅会出动一次就再次恢复原样,等待下次他再触动防御机制? If the former, his action must even more prudent. 如果是前者,他的行动必须要越发的慎重。 That dangerous feeling informs him sufficiently, this defense mechanism has the fatal danger to him. 那种危险感足以告知他,这种防御机制对他有着致命的危险。 If latter...... 要是后者…… All were naturally simple. 一切自然就简单了。 What a pity is, he is unable to experiment. 可惜的是,他无法试验。 Said simply, the opportunity only has one time! 简单的说,机会只有一次! ! 呼! Is feeling the strength of belonging to Gold Money is consuming completely, Kieran the deep breath the one breath, the vision swept immediately to entire void, he all brand mark in mind. 感受着属于金渡钱的力量正在消耗殆尽,秦然马上深呼吸了一口气,目光扫向了整个虚空,他将一切都烙印在了脑海中。 The next quarter, he returned to the underground secret room. 下一刻,他返回了地下密室。 Kieran stood in completely decayed Gold Money glances to ponder the moment. 秦然站在完全腐朽的金渡钱上眼思考了片刻。 When he opens both eyes, is shouting directly. 当他睁开双眼的时候,直接呼喊着度。 „, I need you to help me construct a secret room again.” “度,我需要你再帮我建造一个密室。” It probably is 500 meters, 300 meters in width, about 200 meters in height.” “它大概长有500米,宽300米,高200米左右。” I need a door, you fix it in the middle, highly 150 meters place, but also needs some chains, you them fixed here, here......” “我需要一扇门,你把它固定在中间,高度150米的地方,还需要一些锁链,你把它们固定在这里、这里……” Kieran bends down, starts to draw the schematic drawing with the finger in the ground. 秦然俯下身,开始用手指在地面上画着示意图。 Sir, the secret room that after dawn, you need can appear in your at present.” “大人,天亮后,您需要的密室就可以出现在您的眼前。” But, the gate and chains I cannot achieve.” “但是,门和锁链我做不到。” Awkward saying. 度为难的说道。 Gate and chains you do not use the āo heart.” “门和锁链你不用āo心。” After the secret room constructs, they naturally can appear.” “当密室建好后,它们自然会出现。” Kieran replied. 秦然回答道。 All gave me!” “一切就交给我了!” Is saying, read a schematic drawing of ground again, started to get ready. 度说着,再次看了一眼地上的示意图,就开始准备了。 The scales vibration of whole body, lay on the ground, seemed a giant pangolin, started the downward excavation, but, compared with ordinary pangolin, the speed wanted not to know many times quickly. 全身的鳞甲一阵抖动,度趴在了地上,仿佛是一只巨大的穿山甲般,开始向下挖掘,不过,和普通的穿山甲相比较,度的速度要快了不知道多少倍。 Moreover, the dug out soil has not piled up, but entered in the special stomach. 而且,挖出的土壤并没有堆积,而是进入到了度特殊的胃中。 If needed, can spit again. 需要时,可以再吐出来。 Transforms as a harder stone. 或者,转化为更坚硬的石头。 This is talent ability. 这是度的天赋能力。 Most times useless. 大部分的时候没什么用。 But sometimes, has the effect. 但有的时候,却有奇效。 Had a look at the equipment and item of surrounding stack to know. 看看周围堆积的装备、道具就知道了。 With Superior Evil Spirit that Kieran is of one mind, does not need the Kieran opens the mouth, walked directly. 秦然心有灵犀的上位邪灵,根本不需要秦然开口,就直接走了过来。 Boss, do you need the chains and gate?” “boss,您需要锁链和门吗?” What style is?” “是什么样式的?” Superior Evil Spirit asked. 上位邪灵问道。 After Kieran described the style of chains and gate, Superior Evil Spirit nods immediately. 秦然描述了锁链和门的样式后,上位邪灵立刻点了点头。 Gave me, boss.” “交给我了,boss。” Then, Superior Evil Spirit vanishes to disappear. 说完,上位邪灵就消失不见了。 After Superior Evil Spirit vanishes does not see, Kieran turns to pass away looked at that all decayed Gold Money, although clear(ly) knows that such choice is right, sighing that but he cannot bear. 上位邪灵消失不见后,秦然扭过身看了一眼那全都腐朽的金渡钱,虽然明知道这样的选择是对的,但他还是忍不住的叹了口气。 That that regrets very much. 很惋惜的那种。 Also has the anxiety of faint trace. 还带着丝丝的肉疼。 Completely from instinct. 完全发自本能。 Then, took inventory own spoils of war again, Kieran walked toward the ground. 然后,再次清点了一遍自己的战利品,秦然向着地上走去。 This time Mimosa has tidied up the restaurant. 这个时候的含羞草已经将餐厅收拾完毕。 In this period, Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster very aware joining in, making this speed quick one time continue. 期间,牛头怪马头怪很自觉的加入其中,让这个速度快了一倍不止。 Then, Mimosa starts to guide the Li Jiajia garnishing. 然后,含羞草开始指导李佳佳配菜。 It was cold, when mutton class food must.” “天冷了,羊肉类食物时必须的。” Radish, long Chinese yam and other garnishing also need to buy much.” “萝卜、长山药等配菜也需要多买一些。” „The making soup words, I suggested to find a coal fire clay furnace.” “熬汤的话,我建议找到一个炭火泥炉。” Mimosa is saying while opens the refrigerator to examine. 含羞草一边说着一边打开冰箱查看着。 The facial expression is scrupulous about every detail. 神情一丝不苟。 Kieran got to the kitchen entrance quietly, by doorframe, static looks at Mimosa. 秦然悄无声息的走到了厨房门口,靠在门框上,静静的看着含羞草 He likes the person who works earnestly, is not perfunctory. 他喜欢做事认真、不敷衍的人。 Besides him is such person. 除了,他本身是这样的人外。 Because, does this will make this matter have a higher success ratio. 还因为,这样做会让这件事情有着更高的成功率。 No one will succeed repugnantly. 谁也不会讨厌成功。 Even if people often said failure is mother of success, is still same. 即使人们常说失败是成功之母,也是一样。 When all vegetables/dishes prepared, the Mimosa vegetable/dish looks behind to oneself who noticed oneself apprentice not to live. 当所有的菜都准备好了,含羞草菜注意到了自己学徒不住的向自己身后看去。 Subconscious, Mimosa turns head, saw Kieran. 下意识的,含羞草一扭头,就看到了秦然 I think that you can need this.” “我认为你会需要这个的。” Kieran Water Purifying Stone( bulk)】 Took, handed in front of Mimosa. 秦然将【水净之石(大块)】拿了出来,递到了含羞草面前。 A Mimosa face joyful looks at this Water Purifying Stone( bulk)】. 含羞草一脸欣喜的看着这块【水净之石(大块)】。 Although has one Water Purifying Stone, But this is without doubt better and be more splendid. 虽然已经有了一块【水净之石】,但无疑这块更好、更出色。 Regarding Mimosa such Chef, obtains the superior food fast, is really even more powerful. 对于含羞草这样的厨师来说,快速获得上等食材,真的是如虎添翼。 Especially when this Water Purifying Stone From the Kieran hand, Mimosa was happier. 尤其是当这块【水净之石】还是来自秦然手中时,含羞草更高兴了。 Walks, Mimosa received Water Purifying Stone, Raising the head of smile, looks at Kieran. 走过去,含羞草接过了【水净之石】,微笑的抬起头,看着秦然 What you will have to eat tomorrow?” “你明天有什么想吃的吗?” Mimosa asked. 含羞草问道。 You do, ok.” “你做的,都行。” Kieran replied. 秦然回答道。 Regarding the Mimosa cook, Kieran believes. 对于含羞草的厨艺,秦然是十分相信的。 Similarly, Mimosa never disappoints this trust. 同样的,含羞草从未辜负这份信任。 Un.” “嗯。” Mimosa earnest nod, then, starts to ponder that should make what food. 含羞草认真的点了点头,然后,就开始思考该做什么食物了。 Is pondering, Mimosa while this Water Purifying Stone, put one side in the kitchen water jar. 一边思考着,含羞草一边将这款水净之石,放到了厨房一侧的水缸中。 Do not think.” “别想了。” Our time is a lot, does not need to care about this at any moment.” “我们时间很多,不需要在意这一时一刻。” Moreover, now this/should rest.” “而且,现在该休息了。” Kieran looks at the Mimosa appearance, cannot bear remind. 秦然看着含羞草的模样,忍不住提醒着。 Un.” “嗯。” Mimosa nods again, in both eyes vacant actually explicit informs the Kieran immersion to ponder as before. 含羞草再次点了点头,双眼中的茫然却明确的告知着秦然自己依旧沉浸在思考中。 The ponder will change. 思考才会有所改变。 Otherwise, will before only be stationed in the step not . 不然,只会驻步不前。 Has Kieran not slight minding of similar custom, holds up the hand of Mimosa, greets to Li Jiajia, turns toward in the building to walk. 有着类似习惯的秦然没有丝毫的介意,拉起含羞草的手,冲着李佳佳打了个招呼,就向着楼上走去。 Looks that Kieran and Mimosa two people step onto the back of staircase. 看着秦然含羞草两人走上楼梯的背影。 Li Jiajia took up the long Chinese yam silently, starts to peel. 李佳佳默默的拿起了长山药,开始削皮。 I do not envy!” “我不羡慕!” My not Envy!” “我也不嫉妒!” When I had the cook of teacher, I will have such formidable follower.” “当我有了老师的厨艺时,我也会拥有这样强大的追随者的。” Perhaps will be stronger!” “说不定会更强!” Li Jiajia is saying, even more strengthened the determination of road of Chef. 李佳佳说着,越发坚定了厨师之路的决心。 But in the sound regarding mind, she chose disregarding simply. 而对于脑海中的声音,她干脆的选择了无视。 Any blood and death. 什么鲜血、死亡。 Any fiery flame and destruction. 什么烈焰、毁灭。 Is false! 都是假的! Although Luo Yan Your Excellency is indifferent, but facing teacher time is very gentle, where has such that sound said that is terrifying Disaster. 罗阎阁下虽然冷漠,但是面对老师的时候很温柔,哪里有那个声音说的那样,是恐怖的灾厄 He, is really Disaster!” “他,真的是灾厄!” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” You will never know his true feature.” “你永远不知道他的真实面目。” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” You have not possibly known.” “你也没有可能知道。” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Because, you, once knew, is the time that you died.” “因为,你一旦知道了,就是你死亡的时刻。” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” I did not think you dead, because, we were one day, once you died, I will also die.” “我不想你死亡,因为,我们是一天的,你一旦死亡,我也会随之死亡。” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Although did not want to hear such sound, but Li Jiajia is unable to prevent this sound to resound in her mind, even if in opposite party each opens the mouth one, she will say one shutting up , was the same. 虽然不想要听这样的声音了,但是李佳佳无法阻止这个声音在她的脑海内响起,哪怕在对方每开口一句,她都会说一句‘闭嘴’,也是一样。 Plan that the opposite party completely have not given up. 对方完全没有放弃的打算。 In his body has the worst desire and most terrifying Devil.” “他的身躯中有着最邪恶的欲望和最恐怖的恶魔。” Far away from him!” “远离他!” Far away from him!” “远离他!” Bastard, shut up!” “混蛋,闭嘴!” When the long Chinese yam in hand was truncated brings up the rear, eruption that Li Jiajia cannot bear. 当手中的长山药被削断后,李佳佳忍不住的爆发了。 She drinks to make noise lowly. 她低喝出声。 But like this drinks lowly is really very useful. 而这样的低喝真的是十分有用的。 That sound vanished. 那个声音消失了。 Li Jiajia frequent air vent, starts with ease truncated the long Chinese yam skin. 李佳佳常常的出了口气,开始轻松的削起了长山药皮。 In shadow that in Li Jiajia has not seen, the Kieran form flashed passes, crawls elite Evil Dog in restaurant and Evil Dog to swing to Kieran wagged the tail close to, in Kieran beckoning with the hand slightly, crawled again. 而在李佳佳没有看到的阴影中,秦然的身影一闪即逝,爬在餐厅内的精英恶犬恶犬们冲着秦然摇了摇尾巴,在秦然微微的摆手中,就再次爬下来。 All were like before. 一切都和之前一样。 No difference. 没有任何的区别。 When Kieran returns to the room, traded Mimosa of pajamas to lie on the bed. 秦然返回房间时,换好睡衣的含羞草已经躺在了床上。 „Is she all right?” “她没什么事吧?” Mimosa asked. 含羞草问道。 No.” “没什么。” Is Spiritual Force insufficient formidable, by some sound influences.” “就是精神力不够强大,会被一些声音影响罢了。” I communicated with that sound in a friendly way.” “我和那个声音友好的沟通了一下。” It knows how should do.” “它知道该怎么做的。” Kieran replied. 秦然回答道。 That is good.” “那就好。” Sometimes Jiajia thought aloud, I am worried very much.” “有时候佳佳自言自语,我很担心的。” As own apprentice, Mimosa cares very much. 做为自己的学徒,含羞草还是很关心的。 How to communicate as for Kieran? 至于秦然怎么沟通的? Mimosa will not ask. 含羞草不会去问。 After all, matter has been solved, not? 毕竟,事情已经解决了,不是吗? Rests.” “睡吧。” Kieran by sofa. 秦然靠在了沙发中。 Un, good night.” “嗯,晚安。” Mimosa pulled up the quilt. 含羞草拉起了被子。 Good night.” “晚安。” Kieran is responding. 秦然回应着。 The next quarter, in the room had the long breath. 下一刻,房间中就剩下了悠长的呼吸。 Mimosa in darkness quietly looks by in Kieran in sofa, in the heart is flooding the security sense, cannot help but entered the sleep of depth. 含羞草在黑暗中悄悄的看着靠在沙发内的秦然,心中充斥着安全感,不由自主的就进入了深度的睡眠。 When Mimosa falls asleep truly, Kieran has been shutting the eye, opened. 含羞草真正睡着的时候,秦然一直闭着的眼,睁开了。 He turned head to look at Mimosa, the corners of the mouth curled upwards. 他扭头看了眼含羞草,嘴角一翘。 In the room, fell into peacefully. 房间中,陷入了安静。 However, in the kitchen, is not tranquil. 但是,厨房内,却不平静。 Said accurately, inquiry that Li Jiajia has doubts very much that sound. 或者准确的说,李佳佳很疑惑的询问着那个声音。 She looks forward to that sound not to open the mouth to be tired of her. 她巴不得那个声音别开口烦她。 But has cried, made her more agitated. 可是一直哭,却让她更烦躁了。 Naturally, doubts. 当然,还有疑惑。 You how?” “你怎么了?” Li Jiajia asked. 李佳佳问道。 „, Has not been all right.” “没、没事。” I am incomparably strong, does not fear......, is quite fearful.” “我是无比坚强,不畏……哇哇,好可怕。” Staring of abyss!” 深渊的凝视!” Roaring of hell!” “地狱的咆哮!” I good to leave here.” “我好想离开这里。” Why will have such fearful existence.” “为什么会有这么可怕的存在。” That sound stutter, did intentionally is saying calmly. 那个声音结结巴巴,故作镇定的说着。 May say two, cry loudly. 可才说了两句,就放声大哭。 In the weeping sound, is mixing with the words of talking clearly. 在哭声中,更是夹杂着说不清楚的话语。 This makes Li Jiajia even more does not know how should do. 这让李佳佳越发的不知道该怎么做了。 Suddenly the ceiling made a sound gently. 突然天花板轻轻响了一声。 Thump! 咚! Very slight, but the weeping sound of that sound stops suddenly, became the low sobbing. 很轻微,但是那声音的哭声戛然而止,变为了低低的抽泣声。 Thump! 咚! The ceiling loud, the sobbing also vanished again. 天花板再响了一下,抽泣声也消失了。 what happened?” 发生了什么?” Li Jiajia is inquiring puzzled. 李佳佳不解的询问着。 No reply. 没有任何的回答。 After asking twice, Li Jiajia no longer opened the mouth. 问了两次后,李佳佳就不再开口了。 She looked forward to no one to disturb her to work. 她巴不得没人打扰她干活了。 But in her innermost soul, a form is squatting in that is covering mouth, the shoulder pulls out. 而在她的灵魂深处,一个身影正蹲在在那,捂着嘴,肩膀一抽一抽的。 Without a doubt, that is sobbing. 毫无疑问,那是在哭泣。 But has no sound to send out. 但却没有任何声音发出。 It does not dare to make any sound again 它不敢再发出任何声音 Because, it feared that was eaten. 因为,它怕被吃掉。 ...... …… At night passes, Sun raises as usual. 夜晚过去,太阳照常升起。 An entire Leaf Restuarant silence. 整个叶之餐馆一片寂静。 Everyone and strange is resting, on street lively, makes noise, prevents by the window, gate and thick window curtains, to Sun the high noon, the eyelash of Mimosa had trembled, this opened the eye slowly. 所有人和怪异都在休息,街道上的繁华、喧闹,被窗户、门和厚厚的窗帘所阻挡,一直到太阳过了正午,含羞草的睫毛微颤,这才缓缓的睁开了眼。 Opens eyes, Mimosa saw Kieran. 一睁眼,含羞草就看到了秦然 Early!” “早!” Greeting of Mimosa custom, then, walks washing. 含羞草习惯的打着招呼,然后,走去洗漱。 After pushing the toothpaste, Mimosa cannot bear smiled again. 当挤上牙膏后,含羞草忍不住的再次笑了起来。 Kieran really came back! 秦然是真的回来了! Several times is not beforehand had a dream! 不是之前几次做梦! Really good. 真好。 What are you smiling?” “你在笑什么?” Outside tidies up Kieran of bedding to ask. 外面收拾被褥的秦然问道。 I think today must prepare food to you!” “我想到了今天要给你做什么菜了!” Anticipation?” “期待吗?” Cleaning the teeth Mimosa has turned head to look to Kieran. 刷着牙的含羞草扭过头看向了秦然 Extremely anticipation.” “万分期待。” Kieran said with a smile. 秦然笑道。 Then, his brow wrinkle. 然后,他的眉头一皱。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Mimosa discovered the expression change of Kieran instantaneously. 含羞草瞬间发现了秦然的表情变化。 „A minor matter.” “一点小事。” Gave me.” “交给我了。” Kieran is saying, patted the Mimosa top of the head, turns around to turn toward downstairs to walk. 秦然说着,拍了拍含羞草的头顶,转身就向着楼下走去。 He opened the door to walk. 他推开门走了出去。 The lane is empty, no one. 巷子空荡荡的,没有一个人。 Only the letter/believes, keeps the ground. 仅有一封信,留在地上。 Kieran has not touched that letter/believes, but looked up to the end of distant place lane. 秦然没有碰触那封信,而是抬头看向了远处巷子的尽头。 Sometimes, some people will always think oneself clever. 有的时候,总有人会自作聪明。 These people will not engage in introspection themselves. 这些人不会反省自己。 Especially when also brings evil intent, Kieran will not show mercy. 尤其还带着恶意时,秦然不会手下留情。 When does not know, elite Evil Dog, brings five Evil Dog, appeared in Kieran behind, did not need any instruction, six Evil Dog threw directly. 不知何时,精英恶犬,带着五只恶犬,出现在了秦然的身后,不需要任何吩咐,六只恶犬直接的扑了出去。
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