DC :: Volume #27

#72: Waits for me

Silent! 寂静! After the White Evil Spirit words saying, an audience silence. 白色怪异的话语说出后,全场一片寂静。 Ordinary strange, Royal Guard and shady red skeleton vision, flash centralized on the body of Victor. 普通怪异、王庭守卫腥红骷髅的目光,一瞬间就集中在了维克多的身上。 Victor is startled, is actually maintaining calm. 维克多一怔,却保持着镇定。 He does not know why White Evil Spirit does that but he knows that he must explain. 他不知道白色怪异为什么这么做,但他知道他必须要解释。 You are talking nonsense wha some......” “你在胡说些什……” „!” “啊!” Victor just opened mouth, a few words have not said, saw just also fierce incomparable White Evil Spirit, as if by the truck hit, was departed baseless backward. 维克多刚刚张嘴,一句话还没说完,就见刚刚还勇猛无匹的白色怪异,仿佛是被卡车撞击般,凭空向后飞出。 Bang! 砰! Bang! 轰! The White Evil Spirit body hit on merely the fifth heavenly stem city front door of closure. 白色怪异的身躯撞在了仅仅关闭的戊城区大门上。 Firm cast iron front door, in a dull thumping sound, loudly collapse. 坚固的铸铁大门,在一声闷响中,轰然倒塌。 But suffers White Evil Spirit that such struck, figure becomes moves fast. 而遭受了这样一击的白色怪异,身形都变得飘忽起来。 Then, because the front door prevents White Evil Spirit that stops, was struck to fly again. 然后,因为大门阻挡而停下的白色怪异,再次被击飞了。 This time, without impediment of front door, the strangeness that moved fast, straight fell into the moat, had a spray merely, the form on without a trace of disappearance. 这一次,没有了大门的阻挡,飘忽的怪异,直直的落入了护城河中,仅仅带起了一片浪花,身影就消失的无影无踪。 All around strangeness, helplessly looks at White Evil Spirit to fall into the moat. 四周的怪异,眼睁睁的看着白色怪异落入了护城河。 In the moat has anything, these strange is clear. 护城河里有什么,这些怪异都是一清二楚的。 That savage monster will not show mercy! 那凶残的怪物可不会手下留情! White Evil Spirit died! 白色怪异死定了! All strange thinks like this. 所有怪异都是这样想的。 Meanwhile, looked that was even more fierce to the Victor look! 同时,看向维克多的眼神越发的狰狞了! Without a doubt! 毫无疑问! The opposite party are silencing a witness of crime! 对方是在杀人灭口! Since killed the white guard, then...... 既然杀了白色护卫,接下来…… Naturally was one's turn them! 自然轮到它们了! Runs!” “跑!” The Chief Royal Guard of this time could not attend to again surrounding was ordinary strange, it left to draw back, while shouted after the surrounding colleague, immediately the crumb hid the token in bosom. 这个时候的这支王庭守卫队长再也顾不上周围的普通怪异了,它一边抽身而退,一边冲着周围的同僚喊了一声后,随即捏碎了藏在怀中的令牌。 This token can contact to three Ring City King. 这块令牌是能够联络到三位环城王者的。 Also can store up an information. 还能够储存一点信息。 Are not many. 不多。 But enough this team leader what happened, informs the Ring City three kings at present. 但足够这位队长将眼前发生了什么,告知环城三王。 The explosion is Victor plans! 爆炸是维克多谋划的! Such simple information with the crumb of token, but spreads. 这样简单的信息随着令牌的捏碎,而传出。 All are such being caught off guard. 一切都是那样的措手不及。 Victor has not thought completely will have such matter. 维克多完全没有想到会发生这样的事情。 But matter has happened. 可事情已经发生了。 Naturally needs to make up. 自然需要弥补。 He cannot make these strange add to the chaos to him again. 他不能够再让这些怪异给他添乱了。 He needs to hurry to leave here. 他需要赶紧离开这里。 If were prevented by three kings, will really collapse completely! 如果被三王阻止的话,真的会一败涂地! Therefore, these strange cannot run! 所以,这些怪异一个都不能跑! He lifts the hand to wield, gray mist covered all around rapidly, strange, immediately the flesh and blood that the mist covers disappeared to leave, changed into the acid water. 他抬手一挥,一片灰色的雾气迅速的笼罩了四周,被雾气所笼罩的怪异们,当即骨肉消离,化为了酸水。 shady red skeleton has not moved, Soul Fire in its eye socket is glittering. 腥红骷髅没有动,它眼眶中的灵魂之火闪烁着。 Silences a witness of crime?” “杀人灭口吗?” Really is you!” “真的是你!” The shady red skeleton sinking sound said. 腥红骷髅沉声说道。 It knows that the present collaborator harbors ulterior motives, but it has not thought that the opposite party really has the courage to blow up Ring City. 它知道眼前的合作者别有用心,但是它从来没有想过,对方竟然有胆子炸毁环城 Or...... 或者说…… Is the opposite party original goal to blow up Ring City? 对方原本的目的就是为了炸毁环城 What resurrects own wife! 什么复活自己的妻子! What and outside human, has the absolutely irreconcilable hatred strangely! 什么和外面的人类、怪异有着不共戴天的仇恨! False! 假的! All are false! 一切都是假的! Opposite party or that fair and fair Sir Victor in human and strange mouth, even, for the outside world, does not hesitate to destroy own reputation, must blow up Ring City! 对方还是外界人类、怪异口中的那个公正、公平的维克多大人,甚至,为了外界,不惜毁灭自己的名誉,也要炸毁环城 Even, discovered Ring City in the opposite party, confirmed after Ring City danger, had plans like this! 甚至,在对方发现了环城,确认了环城的危险后,就有这样的打算了! Good depth that you hide!” “你隐藏的好深!” Thinks knows Soul Fire that in all shady red skeleton eyes glitters, flaming burns. 自认为知道了一切的腥红骷髅眼中闪烁的灵魂之火,熊熊燃烧起来。 That is Wrath! 那是愤怒 It has the hate is not false to three kings. 它对三王有着怨恨不假。 However does not have to Ring City. 但是对环城却没有。 In fact, from some perspective, its caring Ring City. 事实上,从某方面来说,它更加的在乎环城 But now, Ring City destruction. 而现在,环城毁灭了。 Destroyed in its collaborator hand. 毁在了它的合作者手中。 The hatred of shady red skeleton to Victor, surpassed three kings instantaneously. 腥红骷髅维克多的恨意,瞬间超过了三王。 Buzz! 嗡! Blood of ground shivers, immediately, changed to the blood arrow of blotting out the sky, such as the rain turns toward Victor to shoot generally. 地面的鲜血一阵颤抖,顿时,化作了铺天盖地的血箭,如雨一般向着维克多射去。 Victor has not said anything again. 维克多没有再多说什么。 At this time, he knows that the explanation is nothing use. 这个时候,他知道解释是没有任何用处的。 The hand wields, the gray mist covers itself. 手一挥,灰色的雾气笼罩自身。 The blood arrow injected in the gray mist in abundance, then, quiet. 血箭纷纷射入了灰色雾气之中,然后,悄无声息。 The gray mist dispersed. 灰色的雾气散开了。 The blood arrow did not have. 血箭没有了。 Victor did not have. 维克多也没有了。 Snort!” “哼!” You really think that you can escape?” “你真以为你能逃得了吗?” shady red skeleton cold snort/hum, changed into wiped shady red to vanish does not see. 腥红骷髅冷哼了一声,也化为了一抹腥红消失不见。 Immediately, the fifth heavenly stem city becomes empty, is breathless. 立刻,戊城区就变得空空荡荡,毫无声息。 But in has several kilometers away remote place from the city gate fully, in the moat the sudden water splash change. 而在距离城门足有数公里远的一处偏僻之地,护城河内突然水花翻动。 The next quarter, White Evil Spirit crawled the shore. 下一刻,白色怪异爬到了岸边。 It looked up a distant place to be hidden the fifth heavenly stem city in cliff shadow, has turned round to trace it delivers to the shore in the water the monster, said in a soft voice: I later estimated that cannot come back, you must take care of itself good!” 它抬头看了一眼远处隐没在峭壁阴影中的戊城区,回过身摸了摸将它送到岸边的水中怪物,轻声说道:“我以后估计不会回来了,你要照顾好自己!” ! 呜! Just like the bugle shout, transmits from the water. 宛如是号角般的呼喊声,从水中传来。 This is the monster in moat. 这是护城河内的怪物。 Similar strange, does not have the strange wisdom, but actually real, is friend who for hundred years White Evil Spirit Unique/only can speak, in addition once for a while throws food, the monster in moat to White Evil Spirit incomparable being intimate with. 类似怪异,却没有怪异的智慧,但却更加的真实,是百年来白色怪异唯一能够说话的朋友,再加上时不时的‘投食’,护城河内的怪物对白色怪异无比的亲近。 Walks.” “走吧。” White Evil Spirit waves with the friend farewell of Unique/only. 白色怪异挥手和唯一的朋友告别。 Similarly, such words, was saying to oneself. 同样的,这样的话语,也是在对自己说。 The shout resounds again, after the moment, gradual going far away. 呼喊声再次响起,片刻后,逐渐的远去。 It is unable to take away this friend. 它无法带走这位朋友。 This friend also knows that it cannot carry off it. 这位朋友也知道它带不走它。 The farewell, is the both sides best choice. 告别,是双方最好的选择。 Gazed after going far away of friend, White Evil Spirit is preparing to seek for Kieran. 目送着朋友的远去,白色怪异准备去寻找秦然了。 It knows, even if three kings were impeded the footsteps by the powerhouse, too for a long time, the plan of its this Sir will not want the completely entire merit, must be quicker. 它知道,三王就算是被外界的强者绊住了脚步,也不会太长时间,它这位大人的计划想要尽全功,就得快一些了。 However, walked one step, White Evil Spirit stopped the footsteps. 不过,才走了一步,白色怪异就停下了脚步。 White it, was too conspicuous! 一身白的它,太显眼了! Immediately, White Evil Spirit turns around. 当即,白色怪异一个转身。 Immediately, the white turned into the black. 顿时,白色变成了黑色。 The clothes, hat and hair color, are this. 衣服、帽子、发色,都是这样。 Then, white, no, was the black is hidden strangely in the shadow. 然后,白色,不,是黑色怪异隐没在了阴影中。 ...... …… Victor!” 维克多!” Damn!” “该死!” Received that Chief Royal Guard signalling King Hunt to get angry immediately, it angrily roared loudly, actually continuously with the opponent who it battled, seized the opportunity, fought with the fists on the face. 接到了那支王庭守卫队长传信的獠王当即红了眼,它放声怒吼起来,却被一直和它交战的对手,抓住了机会,一拳打在了脸上。 Bang! 砰! King Hunt flew immediately, pounded in nearby construction. 獠王当即飞了出去,砸在了一旁的建筑中。 On the Dark Gold color armor proliferates the dust immediately crookedly, the royal crown also a point. 暗金色的盔甲上立刻遍布灰尘,王冠也歪了一点。 However, King Hunt cannot attend to these completely. 但是,獠王完全顾不上这些。 It wants to return to Ring City now, got rid of that to explode the bastard of its city. 它现在就想要返回环城,干掉那炸了它城池的混蛋。 Also, kills shady red skeleton that bastard while convenient! 还有,顺便干掉腥红骷髅那个混蛋! The opposite party talked nonsense confused the lines of sight of its two companions, will their cities be exploded? 要不是对方胡言乱语的搅乱了它两个同伴的视线,它们的城池怎么会被炸? But King Hunt wants to leave, the that person opponent actually does not allow King Hunt this absolutely. 獠王想要离开,那位对手却绝对不允许獠王这样做。 A body best pupil is 3 meters, had shirt unbuttoned, is throwing over the white bearskin, great man (Han) keeping off of such arm just like Dali Stone Pillar in the King Hunt front. 一个身高足有三米,敞胸露怀,披着白色熊皮,胳膊宛如大理石柱子的巨汉就这么的挡在了獠王的面前。 The opposite party are staring compared with the cow eye also big two eyes, is staring at King Hunt. 对方瞪着比牛眼还大两圈的眼睛,盯着獠王 Heard that is your group of bastards wants to tie up my son?” “听说就是你们这群混蛋想要绑我的儿子?” The opposite party speech jar sound jar air/Qi, is hitting the stuffy thunder just like the sky. 对方说话瓮声瓮气,宛如天空打着闷雷。 Moreover, at the same time saying, the opposite party is raising up the rush-leaf fan big palm, patted. 而且,一边说着,对方竖起蒲扇大的手掌,就这么的拍了下来。 ! 呜! This palm, seemed blows 78 levels of gales, blew all around the sandstorm to walk the stone. 这一掌,仿佛是刮起了七八级大风般,吹得四周风沙走石。 Blows Wrath King Hunt, Wrath even more. 吹得愤怒獠王,越发的愤怒 Roar!” “吼!” Damn!” “该死啊!” Also is one angrily roars, hair thickening and growth of rapidly King Hunt whole body, the gray-black hair rapid dragon ties in the same place, the ear sharpens, mouth to break out forward, the fang overflows. 又是一声怒吼,獠王全身上下的毛发急速的变粗、生长,灰黑色的毛发迅速的虬结在一起,耳朵变尖、嘴巴向前突起,獠牙溢出。 During the breath, King Hunt turned into the Werewolves appearance of erectness from the human appearance. 呼吸间,獠王就从人类模样变成了直立的狼人模样。 Meanwhile, the height and build rise suddenly. 同时,身高、体型暴涨。 From the altitude of normal human, became not inferior and altitude of opponent. 从正常人类的高度,变为了不逊色与对手的高度。 Naturally, strong degree, but also has some disparities. 当然,强壮程度,还有着些许的差距。 Bang! 砰! Palm collision that the claw and robust man pound down. 爪子与壮汉砸下的手掌碰撞。 Stronger fresh breeze, started from the impact point, blows to all directions, is moving the beard of robust man, is moving the hair of King Hunt. 一股更加强劲的劲风,从碰撞点开始,吹向了四面八方,吹动着壮汉的胡须,吹动着獠王的毛发。 Then...... 然后…… Robust man staggered, retroceded two steps. 壮汉一个踉跄,后退了两步。 Go away!” “滚开!” Occupied King Hunt cold snort/hum of advantage. 占到了优势的獠王冷哼了一声。 But the robust man is laughs. 而壮汉则是大笑起来。 Hahaha!” 哈哈哈!” Good!” “太好了!” For a long time did not have earnestly!” “好久没有认真过了!” „......” “还有……” Your this fellow, whom making go away!” “你这个家伙,让谁滚开啊!” Last of robust man, became roaring, majestic had the miraculous glow to appear just like the polar bear of main battle tank layer upon layer in front of King Hunt, a claw laid out again. 壮汉的最后一声,变为了咆哮,一头雄壮宛如主战坦克的白熊带着层层灵光出现在了獠王面前,再次一爪子拍出。 Does not have any skill, is the strength. 没有什么技巧,就是力量。 The pure strength condensed a point. 纯粹的力量凝聚到了一点。 No sound of the wind overflow. 没有任何的风声溢出。 The King Hunt pupil of person wolf shrinks, has not met hardly, it leaves to draw back. 人狼化的獠王眸子一缩,没有硬接,它抽身而退。 The claw of polar bear pounded in the ground. 白熊的爪子砸在了地面上。 Bang! 轰隆! Land shivers, one radius 10 meters, a depth of 2 meters big hole to appear in that the polar bear raised the head, grins to reveal to grin fiendishly: Dares to tie up my son, but also lets the bastard who I roll, has the skill you not to run!” 大地一阵颤抖,一个半径十米,深达二米的大坑出现在了那,白熊抬起头,咧嘴露出了个狞笑:“敢绑我儿子,还让我滚的混蛋,有本事你别跑!” Roars, the polar bear kicks out again. 吼完,白熊再次扑出。 King Hunt hesitant, clenches teeth, turns around to run. 獠王犹豫了一下,一咬牙,转身就跑。 Just the strength that the opposite party displayed, has exceeded its estimate. 刚刚对方展现的力量,已经超出了它的预计。 Spells with the opposite party hardly obviously is the non- wisdom. 与对方硬拼显然是不智的。 Only can use its speed to come and opposite party fights. 只能利用它的速度来和对方战斗。 But this will definitely make the fight fall into to the protracted war. 而这必然会让战斗陷入到持久战中。 Fortunately we are three! 还好我们是三个! King Wren or King Perch can certainly go back to get rid of Victor that bastard! 鹩王栖王一定能够回去干掉维克多那个混蛋! Thinks of this, King Hunt concentrates on entered the battle condition. 想到这,獠王全神贯注的进入到了战斗状态。 ...... …… King Wren walking gradually in the city of ground. 鹩王缓步的走在地面的城市中。 Becoming the queen, it has come to the city in ground several times, but cannot call absolutely familiar, therefore, its very repugnant this type can fuse together with the environment, and fellow of optional use. 成为王后,它来过地面上的城市数次,但绝对称不上熟悉,所以,它很讨厌这种能够和环境融为一体,并且随意利用的家伙。 Whiz! 嗖! The sound of out of the blue ear bank transmits, King Wren footsteps. 耳畔的破空声传来,鹩王脚步一顿。 Just wanted to move, the smooth ground turned into the mire suddenly. 刚想要移动,平整的地面突然变成了泥潭。 Said accurately was the tarmacadamed road surface melts directly. 或者准确的说是柏油路面直接融化了。 Moreover, in ruins that the surroundings construct, departed dozens steel bars, covers King Wren, is pointing at the strategic point of King Wren whole body like the javelin generally. 不仅如此,周围建筑的废墟中,飞出了数十根钢筋,将鹩王笼罩,如同标枪一般遥指着鹩王全身的要害。 Treads and tread. 踏、踏踏。 A short old man walks from the street. 一个身材矮小的老者从街道一侧走出来。 Although it seems like with the ordinary old person has no difference, but the ear actually must sharp, bare the top of the head is growing one tiny, black corner/horn. 虽然它看起来和普通的老人没有什么区别,但是耳朵却要更尖一点,秃了的头顶则长着一个细小的,黑色的角。 Hehe, are you here king?” “嘿嘿,你就是这里的王吗?” Is much longer.” “长得不错嘛。” Happen to I need one to wait on the concubine.” “正好我需要一个侍妾。” Old man appearance strange is smiling strangely. 老者外貌的怪异怪笑着。 Similarly, King Wren is also smiling. 同样的,鹩王也在笑着。 That that disdains very much. 很不屑的那种。 Stinking insect should hide in the corner, in the event of the words, make me have the impulsion that one type cannot bear want to stamp.” “臭虫就应该隐藏在角落里,一旦出现的话,就让我有一种忍不住想要踩死的冲动。” King Wren light saying. 鹩王淡淡的说道。 Stinking insect?” “臭虫?” Without the relations, how to say as you like.” “没关系的,随你怎么说。” „After here fight ended, I will take pity on well your.” “这里的战斗结束后,我会好好怜惜你的。” „......” “不过……” I thought that I should first collect an interest!” “我觉得我应该先收点利息!” Strangely at the back of both hands, is saying, while turns toward King Wren to walk. 怪异背着双手,一边说着,一边向着鹩王走去。 That opened the mouth slightly, the purple tongue continuously is licking the lip, the viscous saliva starts to drop on the ground, immediately corrodes tiny potholes the tarmacadamed road surface. 那微微张开了嘴,紫色的舌头不住的舔着嘴唇,粘稠的唾液开始滴落在地上,立刻将柏油路面腐蚀出了一个个细小的坑洞。 When arrives at the King Wren front that the Beitai Iron and Steel Group Company Ltd. muscle gathers round all round, putting out a hand of this cannot bear strangely, touches toward King Wren. 当走到北钢筋团团围着的鹩王面前时,这个怪异忍不住的伸出了手,向着鹩王摸去。 Then...... 然后…… King Wren vanishes to disappear. 鹩王消失不见了。 The omen that does not have any movement, has no vanishes at present. 没有任何的动作,也没有任何的预兆就这么消失在了眼前。 The strange response is extremely quick, the rapid retreat, the steel bar also flew its side, in the crushed stone with ground formed defenses. 怪异反应极快,迅速的后退,钢筋也飞到了它的身边,与地面上的碎石形成了一道道的防御。 After completing all these, relaxes strangely slightly. 做完这一切后,怪异微微松了口气。 Under this defense, it can be in an impregnable position self-confidently. 在这种防御下,它自信可以立于不败之地。 I do not imagine must have the skill, but, you are this, my more......” “别我想象中的要有本事,不过,你越是这样,我就越……” ! 噗! Very confident strange opened the mouth again, but its words just exported, the whole person blasts open. 十分有信心的怪异再次开口了,可是它的话语才刚刚出口,整个人就炸裂开来。 On beach flesh, King Wren stands in that. 一滩血肉上,鹩王站在那。 On the Dark Gold color long skirt has not contaminated a wee bit bloodstains. 暗金色的长裙上没有沾染一丁点儿的血迹。 It lifted hand-held the royal crown, took a step on the preparation and King Perch round. 它抬手扶正了王冠,迈步就准备与栖王回合。 Before to fight a battle to force a quick decision, King Perch helped it direct a troublesome fellow. 之前为了速战速决,栖王可是帮它引走了一个麻烦的家伙。 If usually is, King Wren was not naturally worried, but now, King Perch just receives backlash, the condition is not very good. 如果是平时的话,鹩王自然是不担心,但是现在,栖王刚刚受到了反噬,状态可是很不好。 Compares already was blown up Ring City, without doubt King Perch is more important. 相较于已经被炸毁了的环城来说,无疑栖王更加重要。 Naturally, Victor must die! 当然了,维克多必须死! ...... …… Victor must die! 维克多必须死! shady red skeleton heart also has such obsession. 腥红骷髅心底也有着这样的执念 In order to let all restores regularly, it has to use trump card. 为了让一切都恢复到正规,它不得不使用了一张底牌 When footsteps sound, shady red skeleton immediately respectful turns toward the person to salute saying: King Perch your majesty.” 当脚步声响起的时候,腥红骷髅马上恭恭敬敬的向着来人行礼道:“栖王陛下。” King Perch that walks has no expression, ice-cold. 走来的栖王没有任何的表情,冰冷之极。 But like this ice-cold, lets facial expression that attracted, becoming even more was appealing. 可这样的冰冷,让原本就魅惑的神情,变得越发的吸引人了。 After Soul Fire in shady red skeleton eye socket beat rapidly several times, got rid of like this fatal attraction. 腥红骷髅眼眶中的灵魂之火迅速跳动了数次后,才摆脱了这样的致命吸引。 It is clear, if were really attracted, can be what fate. 它可是清楚,如果真的被吸引了的话,会是什么下场。 King Perch your majesty, Victor must die!” 栖王陛下,维克多必须死!” This to you and me, must do!” “这对您和我来说,都是必须要做的!” Naturally, wrong is caused by me.” “当然,错误是由我引起的。” I will give your certain compensation after you get rid of Victor, I will give you that person some relics.” “我会给与您一定的补偿在您干掉维克多后,我会将那位的一部分遗物交给您。” shady red skeleton unconscious lowering the head, language fast extremely quick saying. 腥红骷髅不自觉的一低头,语速极快的说道。 Then, leaving that shady red skeleton does not return. 说完,腥红骷髅头也不回的走掉了。 From beginning to end, roosts Royal Capital not to start talking, it gazes at the direction that shady red skeleton is vanishing, turns around to turn toward another direction to walk, it needs to return to ground. 自始至终,栖王都没有开口说话,它注视着腥红骷髅消失的方向,转身向着另外一个方向走去,它需要回地面一趟。 Because, it knows that its impossible long time to camouflage King Wren Intuition. 因为,它知道它不可能长时间遮蔽鹩王感知 Even its ability is very special. 即使它的能力很特殊。 The remote corner, again is immediately peaceful. 偏僻的角落,马上再次安静下来。 Enough after several minutes, Kieran from nearby shadow. 足足数分钟后,秦然从一旁的阴影中走了出来。 He takes a fast look around the direction that both are departing. 他扫视着两者离去的方向。 King Perch and shady red skeleton? 栖王腥红骷髅 Kieran knits the brows. 秦然一皱眉。 Without doubt, Ring City imagines him is more complex. 无疑,环城比他想象中的还要复杂。 However, now does not pay attention to these times! 不过,现在不是关注这些的时候! The excavation has been in the final critical phase! 要知道,度的挖掘已经进入到了最后的关键阶段! Said simply 简单的说 Buried treasure! 宝藏! Waits for me! 等我!
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