DC :: Volume #27

#70: Same starting line

Thunders continuously, vibration even more fierce. 轰鸣连绵,震动越发的剧烈。 The construction in Ring City all flew in the midair suddenly, then, the land starts to cave, was similar to is hides in underground Demon opened the mouth, swallows down the entire city all of a sudden. 环城内的建筑一时间全都飞上了半空中,然后,大地开始塌陷,就如同是一个潜藏在地下的魔鬼张大了嘴,一下子将整个城市吞了下去。 Pine Rock stared in a big way both eyes. 松石瞪大了双眼 In the eye full is incredible. 眼中满是不可置信。 But the mouth that grows up can swallow down a duck egg. 而那长大的嘴更是能够吞下去一个鸭蛋。 what happened? 发生了什么 Why just didn't have in present Ring City? 为什么刚刚还在眼前的环城没了? It just obviously there. 它刚刚明明就在那里的。 Then greatly, how to have all of a sudden? 那么大,怎么一下子就没了呢? The chaotic train of thought that making the brain of Pine Rock dizzy, she at this moment does not care about by Kieran is completely carried the collar fast vanguard. 纷乱的思绪,让松石的大脑都变得晕晕乎乎的,此刻的她完全不在意被秦然拎着脖领子快速前行。 Even, she looks forward to Kieran again quickly. 甚至,她巴不得秦然再快一点。 Because...... 因为…… The explosion is still continuing! 爆炸还在继续着! Pine Rock is lucky, had preparation Kieran to have the line early. 松石是幸运的,被早有准备的秦然带着而行。 But in Ring City strange, is not so lucky. 环城内的怪异们,就没有这么幸运了。 Most strange does not make clear what's the matter, was exploded meets a cruel death. 大多数的怪异们根本搞不清楚是怎么回事,就被炸得粉身碎骨。 Part of Fairly Strong is seriously injured, moaned in the ruins. 一部分较强的则是身受重伤,在废墟中呻吟。 Part stronger, although has not been injured, but entire strange is actually a face compels ignorant. 还有一部分更强的虽然没有受伤,但整个怪却是一脸懵逼。 Who am I? 我是谁? Where am I at? 我在哪? Why didn't I at home, the family/home sudden family/home have? 为什么我在家,家却突然家没了? ...... 还有…… So is why smelly! 为什么这么臭! Looks to become the home of ruins, was hearing stink, formidable ignorant on strange face gradually compels was replaced by Wrath, they red eye, shouts. 看着成为了废墟的家,闻着身上的臭味,强大的怪异们脸上的懵逼逐渐的被愤怒代替,它们一个个红了眼睛,嘶吼起来。 Who?!” “谁?!” Who is?!” “是谁?!” Comes out to me!” “给我出来!” Such shouting sound along being well-grounded downloading broadcast the extremely far place. 这样的嘶吼声沿着地下传播出了极远的地方。 Kieran heard indistinctly. 秦然隐约听到了。 But he does not care. 但他不在意。 He ran quickly. 他跑得更快了。 Because, in his Intuition, the Ring City Royal City position is having two terrifying aura ascension. 因为,在他的感知中,环城王城的位置正有两道恐怖的气息升腾而起。 King Wren! 鹩王 King Perch! 栖王 At this moment, these two King stand in Royal City. 此刻,这两位王者就站在王城中。 King Perch in left, a magnificent and expensive coal long skirt, wears the golden royal crown, some scales in two cheek twinkles, are blooming the faint trace brilliance, the attractive appearance, has faint trace the feeling of attracting. 栖王在左,一身华贵的黑金长裙,头戴金色的王冠,些许鳞片在两颊闪烁,绽放着丝丝光彩,本就好看的容颜,带着丝丝的魅惑之感。 King Wren in right, similarly is the black golden long skirt, but has to sing the long robe sleeve, one side of the golden royal crown has one tiny seems the peacock plume decoration, is different from attracting of King Perch, what King Wren are more is noble and dignified, stands there, lets the idea that in the person heart production cannot help but lies prostrate in worship. 鹩王在右,同样是黑金色的长裙,但却有着唱长的袍袖,金色的王冠一侧有着一根细小的仿佛是孔雀翎般的装饰,不同于栖王的魅惑,鹩王更多的是高贵与威严,站在那里,就让人心中不由自主的产生顶礼膜拜的想法。 The different royal crowns, are actually representing the same King status. 不同的王冠,却代表着相同的王者身份。 Two King have not sat well above the throne again. 两位王者没有再端坐王座之上。 Did not have the camouflage of shadow. 也没有了阴影的遮蔽。 Because, in just explosion, Royal City also encountered affect, king Diangeng collapsed a corner/horn, after continuous secret array lacked this corner/horn, the prestige can reduce greatly. 因为,在刚刚的爆炸中,王城也遭到了波及,王殿更是坍塌了一角,连绵的秘法阵缺了这一角后,威能大减。 Solely is not defense, the Intuition aspect is to reduce one had never had the degree. 不单单是防御方面,感知方面更是降低到了一个从未有过的程度。 In the instance of explosion, two King discovered is not right. 在爆炸发生的瞬间,两位王者就发现了不对劲。 However, they prevent radically without enough time. 但是,它们根本来不及阻止。 King Perch is isolating the strength of that transmission, has no time to lose concentration, Intuition to also had no alternative. 栖王在隔绝着那一道道传送的力量,无暇分神,感知到了也无可奈何。 King Wren in exploratory in view of shady red skeleton and Victor, the former, attracted the King Wren overwhelming majority attention particularly, when King Wren discovers not the right time, all already late. 鹩王则是在试探性的针对腥红骷髅维克多,尤其是前者,更是吸引了鹩王绝大部分的注意力,等到鹩王发现不对劲的时候,一切都已经晚了。 Two King stand in Royal City silently, looks that operated hundred years of city to become stretch of ruins, the complexion pale piece, in the eye is the murderous intent ebullition. 两位王者默默的站在王城中,看着经营了百年的城市变为一片废墟,脸色铁青一片,眼中更是杀意沸腾。 Ring City regarding their importances, it goes without saying. 环城对于它们的重要性,不言而喻。 Otherwise they have not treated here, even constructs the city. 不然它们也不会一直待在这里,甚至是建城了。 But now? 而现在? All destroyed! 一切都毁了! Did not say wastes all previous efforts , was almost the white wine. 不说前功尽弃,也几乎是白干了。 Searches for!” “搜!” Gives me to search for that bastard!” “给我将那个混蛋搜出来!” I must make it regret to arrive in this world!” “我要让它后悔来到这个世界上!” The King Wren sinking sound drinks severely. 鹩王沉声厉喝。 Yes, your majesty!” “是,陛下!” Teams of Wang Ting guards cruel ran out of Royal City. 一队队的王庭侍卫如狼似虎的冲出了王城 They are seeking for seemingly suspicious strangeness according to the instinct. 它们按照本能寻找着一个又一个看起来可疑的怪异。 By this time, they did not need what evidence. 到了这个时候,它们不需要什么证据了。 Has the resistance slightly, executes summarily. 稍有反抗,就是格杀勿论。 Even more sad and shrill shouting sound transmits from that ruins, King Wren aloof turning around, looks at shady red skeleton and Victor. 越发凄厉的嘶吼声从那废墟中传来,鹩王无动于衷的转过身,看着腥红骷髅维克多 Your majesty, I was just continuously with you in the same place!” “陛下,我刚刚可是一直和您在一起的!” Cannot do such matter to come absolutely!” “绝对干不出这样的事情来!” Contacts the King Wren ice-cold pupil, shady red skeleton said immediately. 接触到鹩王冰冷的眸子,腥红骷髅马上说道。 It knows, it must say. 它知道,它必须要这么说。 Otherwise, at present this short of breath, quick insane the fellow, might operate with it immediately. 不然,眼前这个气急了,都快疯了的家伙,说不定马上就要拿它开刀。 After all, opposite party to its disaffection, long-standing. 毕竟,对方对它的不满,由来已久。 Being well aware shady red skeleton, the stance puts more and more lowly. 心知肚明的腥红骷髅,姿态放得越来越低。 But Victor is facing the King Wren vision, is tranquil saluting. 维克多面对着鹩王的目光,则是平静的一行礼。 My experience | meeting with to Ring City is very regrettable.” “我对环城遭遇很遗憾。” I have never thought will have such matter.” “我从未想过会发生这样的事情。” Victor sound with his etiquette same tranquility. 维克多的声音与他的礼仪一样的平静。 In the heart of hearts, has the difficult situation! 只是在内心深处,却有着惊涛骇浪! Who? 谁? Is who? 是谁? Is who intake advance that he does want to handle? 是谁把他想做的事情提前了? Damn! 该死! Bastards! 混蛋! When knowing existence of polluted waterway, Victor had the most meticulous use plan. 在知道臭水河的存在时,维克多就有了最为缜密的利用计划。 However, that is when concludes finally, is not now! 不过,那是在最后收尾的时候,可不是现在! But now? 而现在? Looks at that to become ruins Ring City, Victor knits the brows secretly. 看着那变为废墟的环城,维克多暗自皱眉。 His plan must change. 他的计划必须要改变了。 ...... 还有…… Is who confused his perfect plan? 是谁搅乱了他完美无缺的计划? King Wren stares at the scarlet skeleton and Victor not to speak. 鹩王盯着猩红骷髅、维克多并没有说话。 After crossing for several seconds, this waves. 足足过了数秒钟后,这才挥了挥手。 shady red skeleton such as the appearance of Mongolian pardon, drew Victor to leave Royal City, looks at the scarlet skeleton and Victor back, the King Wren vision thorough ice-cold. 腥红骷髅一副如蒙大赦的模样,拉着维克多就离开了王城,看着猩红骷髅、维克多的背影,鹩王的目光彻底的冰冷下来。 It did not determine that two people do have the issue. 它不确定两人有没有问题。 However, its Ring City destroyed! 但是,它的环城毁了! Needs some people pay the price to be good! 必须要有人付出代价才行! When King Wren prepares to act, nearby King Perch makes noise to prevent suddenly. 就在鹩王准备出手的时候,一旁的栖王突然出声阻止。 Wait!” “等等!” My impediment was broken!” “我的阻隔被打破了!” First deals with these intruders!” “先应付那些闯入者!” King Perch brief and to the point saying. 栖王言简意赅的说道。 King Wren knits the brows, finally, nods. 鹩王皱了皱眉,最终,点了点头。 Because, it is very clear, compares in shady red skeleton and Victor that can get rid of momentarily, these intruders are the true archenemies. 因为,它很清楚,相较于随时都能够干掉的腥红骷髅维克多,那些闯入者才是真正的大敌。 Does not kill them. 不把他们干掉。 Dying certainly can be they. 死得一定会是它们。 You how?” “你怎么样?” King Wren is asking King Perch. 鹩王问着栖王 The sound again becomes temperate, but also has the faint trace care. 声音再次变得温和,还带着丝丝关心。 Withstood some backlash.” “承受了一些反噬。” Had the formidable fellow to rush.” “有强大的家伙闯进来了。” King Perch is replying. 栖王回答着。 You rest here, above gave me and King Hunt.” “那你在这里休息,上面交给我和獠王了。” No!” “不!” Must fight a battle to force a quick decision, I have very intense premonition, drags again, we will face the threat of death.” “必须要速战速决,我有十分强烈的预感,再拖下去,我们就会面对死亡的威胁了。” Shaking the head of King Perch rejection. 栖王拒绝的摇了摇头。 King Wren immediately the complexion changes. 鹩王当即脸色一变。 Threat of death?” “死亡的威胁?” „Did you determine?” “你确定?” The King Wren incomparably serious flavor, that just saw the Ring City destruction, it has not crossed like this. 鹩王无比严肃的味道,那是刚刚看到环城毁灭,它都没有这样过。 Because, its very clear King Perch ability is anything. 因为,它很清楚栖王的能力是什么。 That is one type facing the dangerous and unknown intuition ability. 那是一种面对危险与未知的直觉能力。 Because has such ability, they can sufficient time turn danger into safety. 正是因为有着这样的能力,它们才能够数次化险为夷。 I determined!” “我确定!” Moreover, the feeling is getting more and more intense!” “而且,感觉越来越强烈!” I saw Raven that giving blood that the combustion flame, flows and flies.” “我看到了燃烧火焰、流淌的献血和飞起的乌鸦。” King Perch nods. 栖王点了点头。 Flame, blood and Raven?” “火焰、血、乌鸦?” King Wren knits the brows. 鹩王一皱眉。 It had never heard Raven kind of strangeness that has what formidable, although in Legend Sun is golden Raven, but that is Legend, cannot take seriously. 它从未听说过有什么强大乌鸦类怪异,虽然传说中太阳就是金色的乌鸦,但那就是传说,当不得真。 King Wren has not gone into seriously the King Perch language. 鹩王并没有深究栖王的语言。 It is very clear, the uncertainty of. 它很清楚,其中的不确定性。 Really has too many possibilities. 实在是有着太多的可能了。 Present they do not have the time to investigate these possibilities, what most must hurry kills these intruders! 现在的它们没有时间去追究这些可能,最要赶紧的是干掉那些闯入者! The next quarter, two King disappeared in the royal court. 下一刻,两位王者消失在了王庭中。 More guard Wang Ting ran out of Royal City. 更多的王庭护卫冲出了王城 Different from the beforehand raid. 不同于之前的搜捕。 This time, they are participate in the war. 这一次,它们是去参与战争。 Quick, Wang Ting nei only left behind outside the necessary guard, on nobody left . Moreover, these guard majorities are paying attention to the confusion outside Royal City. 很快的,王庭内仅留下了必要的守卫外,就空无一人了,而且,这些守卫大部分都注意着王城外的混乱。 They have never thought Royal City will have the problem. 它们从未想过王城会出现问题。 Because, this looks like in them is impossible. 因为,这在它们看来是不可能的。 Has three King, Royal City is safest. 有着三位王者在,王城就是最安全的。 Even if three King departure moments are also same. 哪怕三位王者离去片刻也是一样。 Therefore, they have not noticed nearness of some underground fellow completely. 所以,它们完全没有注意到地下某个家伙的靠近。 ...... …… Buzz and buzz! 嗡、嗡! In waist treasure pouch, Communication stone The vibration, making Pine Rock get back one's composure. 腰间宝囊中,【通讯石】的震动,让松石回过了神。 Just put out in her Communication stone Time, the Mian Yi sound made a sound. 在她刚拿出【通讯石】的时候,免一的声音就响了起来。 size elder sister?” 大小姐?” size elder sister?” 大小姐?” Is you?” “是您吗?” Is I, Mian Yi.” “是我,免一。” Facing the sound very anxious steward, Pine Rock replied. 面对声音十分急切的管家,松石回答道。 But Mian Yi after hearing the reply of Pine Rock, been able to bear relaxing. 免一在听到了松石的回答后,忍不住的松了口气。 Good!” “太好了!” You were all right are too good!” “您没事就太好了!” This time Winter Night Battle cancelled!” “这次‘冬夜战’取消了!” My this takes you to come back, after you come back, I will inform your specific reason.” “我这就接您回来,等您回来后,我会告知您具体的原因。” Mian Yi was saying starts the special method on the preparation. 免一说着就准备启动特别手段。 Wait, Mian Yi!” “等等,免一!” I am very safe!” “我很安全!” Here has a matter, must inform you!” “我这里有一件事,必须要告知你!” Pine Rock is preventing the steward. 松石阻止着管家。 What specific reason? 什么具体原因? She must know are more, is good? 她要知道的更多,好不好? From Victor , again to just large explosion. 维克多,到度,再到刚刚的大爆炸。 Purity that she knows. 她都知道的一清二楚。 Is unconscious, Pine Rock looks up toward Kieran. 不自觉的,松石抬头向着秦然看去。 That ten thousand years of invariable appearance. 还是那副万年不变的模样。 Desolate and tranquil. 冷淡、平静。 You do not have the mood? 你是没有情绪的吗? You just full were the strange city exploded one ascend the sky, didn't have a wee bit excited? 你刚刚才把一座满是怪异的城市炸上了天,难道就没有一丁点儿激动吗? Pine Rock of unstated criticism thinks, all that the people will know before informed Mian Yi. 一阵腹诽的松石想了想,将之前众人知道的一切告知了免一 She has not said just large explosion is also Kieran does. 她并没有说出刚刚的大爆炸也是秦然做的。 Absolutely is not because is afraid. 绝对不是因为害怕。 Was feeling of her instinct said that was not good. 就是她本能的觉得说出去不好。 Right! 没错! Is this! 就是这样! My intuition told me, good that did not say! 我的直觉告诉我,不说出去的好! After giving itself a reason, the Pine Rock language fast is even more lively and transparent, quick spoke the long and short of the story clearly. 给了自己一个理由后,松石的语速越发的轻快、明了,很快就将事情的来龙去脉讲清楚了。 Victor will Your Excellency make such matter?” 维克多阁下会做出这样的事情?” Mian Yi calls out in alarm said. 免一惊呼道。 He does not believe that Victor will handle such matter. 他不相信维克多会做这样的事情。 Makes such matter, has no advantage to Victor. 做出这样的事情,对维克多没有任何的好处。 But he believes that the size elder sister will not deceive him. 可他相信大小姐不会骗他。 But between Victor and size elder sisters, whom the choice believes? 而在维克多和自家大小姐之间,选择相信谁? This also with asking? 这还用问吗? „The size elder sister, I will inform everyone the matter.” 大小姐,我会将事情告知大家。” Please pay attention to the security.” “请您注意安全。” Saying, Communication stone Dim. 说着,【通讯石】黯淡了下去。 Communication stone Installed backpack, Pine Rock looks again to Kieran. 将【通讯石】装回背包,松石再次看向了秦然 „Do we then do?” “我们接下来干什么?” Pine Rock asked. 松石问道。 „.” “等。” Kieran light saying. 秦然淡淡的说道。 „?” “等?” Pine Rock stares. 松石一愣。 This and she guessed complete different! 这和她猜测的完全不一样啊! After exploding Ring City, should not rush ahead directly, accomplishes the whole task at one stroke? 炸了环城后,不应该是直接冲杀进去,毕其功于一役吗? Why can wait for? 为什么要等待? ...... 难道…… „Aren't you willing with the strange fights of these whole body excrement tastes?” “你不愿意和那些满身粪味的怪异战斗?” The size elder sister is guessing. 大小姐猜测着。 It is not, cracks a joke. 不是,开玩笑。 Very earnest guess. 很认真的猜测。 Because, if she, she really does not want to hang the strange fight of excrement with these, was really terrifying! 因为,如果是她的话,她真的不想和那些挂着粪便的怪异战斗,实在是太恐怖了! So long as thinks on the whole body fox wool erectness. 只要想一想就浑身狐狸毛直立。 Kieran shot a look at opposite party one eyes. 秦然瞥了对方一眼。 Has not spoken. 没有说话。 He is not used to inform others oneself plan. 他不习惯将自己的计划告知他人。 Even this plan has succeeded half, before the remaining half have not succeeded, any variable exists. 即使这个计划已经成功了一半,但是在剩下一半还没有成功前,任何的变数都是存在着。 Let alone, latter half of this plan, are most important. 更何况,这个计划的后一半,才是重中之重。 Similarly, as performer of this plan, in the Kieran heart, raised a rank. 同样的,做为这次计划的执行者,度在秦然心中,也拔高了一个等级。 In fact, in Kieran control the opposite party, knows after the ability that the opposite party is good at unearthing , the importance of opposite party in the Kieran eye, surpassed the present size elder sister. 事实上,在秦然‘支配’对方,知道了对方十分擅长挖掘的能力后,对方的重要性在秦然眼中,就超过了眼前的大小姐。 After all, in that polluted waterway, was really conspicuous. 毕竟,那条臭水河内,实在是太显眼了。 The methane density of that degree, Kieran wants not to notice it is not good. 那种程度的沼气浓度,秦然想要不注意到它都不行。 In addition it is away from Ring City near also. 再加上它距离环城也十分的近。 A bold plan appeared in the Kieran mind the water that lets the polluted waterway, flows in backward the Ring City underground! 一个大胆的计划就在秦然脑海中出现了让臭水河的水,倒灌进环城的地下! Then, in addition a wee bit sparks, entire Ring City must explode the heaven. 然后,再加上一丁点儿的火星,整个环城就得炸上天。 The entire plan is very simple. 整个计划很简单。 Has coordination, no difficulty 有着度的配合,没有什么难度 As for moat? 至于护城河? Defends in White Evil Spirit of city gate place, similarly is his subordinate, simply does not have the issue. 守在城门处的白色怪异,同样是他的手下,根本没有问题。 All very smooth. 一切都十分的顺利。 Similar to such in Kieran plan. 就如同秦然计划中的那样。 Moreover, Kieran is very clear, he first time in Victor and shady red skeleton contest got the winning side! 而且,秦然很清楚,他第一次在和维克多腥红骷髅的‘较量’中占据了上风! Even if the Victor ultimate goal is anything, Kieran does not know. 哪怕维克多最终的目的是什么,秦然还是不知道。 The scarlet skeleton wants to do, Kieran does not know. 猩红骷髅想要干什么,秦然也不知道。 However, Kieran knows, as Ring City explodes ascends the sky, Victor and shady red skeleton the plan and layout, will become because of this explosion torn to pieces. 但是,秦然知道,随着环城炸上了天,维克多腥红骷髅的的计划、布局,都会因为这次爆炸而变得支离破碎。 Victor and scarlet skeleton, just like him, returned to the start starting line. 维克多、猩红骷髅,和他一样,回到了开始的起跑线。 Even, miserably. 甚至,更惨一点。 Because, Victor and shady red skeleton will have several big probabilities to vent anger by three King. 因为,维克多腥红骷髅会有几大几率被三位王者迁怒。 The Ring City destruction, the Ring City three King naturally cannot give up. 环城毁灭,环城的三位王者自然不会善罢甘休。 Looks that own city was destroyed, no matter what no one can bear. 看着自己的城池被毁灭,任谁都受不了。 Not to mention was three strange King. 更不用说是三位怪异王者了。 Thinks that Victor and shady red skeleton situation, the Kieran corners of the mouth curl upwards. 想到维克多腥红骷髅的处境,秦然嘴角一翘。 The opponents suspended the checkerboard, suspended chess piece, then, invited you chess that went to next to lose. 对手摆好了棋盘,也摆好了棋子,然后,邀请你去下一场必输的棋。 How others choose, Kieran will not pay attention. 其他人怎么选择,秦然不会理会。 But he? 而他? On all chess piece the checkerboard sweeps inevitably falls on the place, takes up the checkerboard to pull out the face of opponent again ruthlessly, till beats the checkerboard. 必然把棋盘上所有的棋子扫落在地,再拿起棋盘狠狠的抽对手的脸,直到把棋盘打烂为止。 If not dispel anger, but can also give the opposite party two feet. 如果不解恨,还可以给对方两脚。 Aims at the face and strategic point tramples. 对准脸和要害踹。 Is the opponent, the needing under foot is forgiving in any case. 反正是对手,没必要脚下留情。 Then? 接着? Naturally must sweeping to fall ground own chess piece 11 to pick. 自然是要把扫落地面属于自己的棋子一一捡起来了。 As for chess piece of opponent? 至于对手的棋子 Stepped on broke to pieces well. 踩碎了就好。 But he does now. 而他现在就是这么干的。 Related White Evil Spirit silently, after letting the opposite party keeps the fuzzy evidence, chooses death. 默默的联系了一下白色怪异,让对方留下模糊的证据后,选择‘死亡’。
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