DA :: Volume #10

#908: Is willing for you, not to hesitate all

Before Liu Pozi, a while ago gets up is very unhappy, 刘婆子前前阵子起就很不开心了, Then because a while ago Royal Residence had Heir, happy period of time ; 然后前阵子因为王府世子了,开心了一阵子; But this time period, 但这阵子, She is unhappy. 她又不开心了。 She unhappy basic reason is, more than 20 well-built Barbarian Clan coarse men, contended for her domain! 她不开心的根本原因在于,有二十多个体格健壮的蛮族糙汉子,抢了她的地盘! Yes, 是的, Steals openly, 明抢, Snatches you not to have the temperament! 抢得你还没脾气! When Snow Sea Pass, depends on Royal Residence that street, is her Liu Pozi is responsible , after moving Fengxin City, the street in a business area was bigger, the block covered, what was invariable, that street of Royal Residence entrance, as before was her Liu Pozi. 打从雪海关时起,靠着王府的那条街,就是她刘婆子负责的,等搬迁进奉新城后,街面更大了,街区涵盖更多了,不变的是,王府门口的那条街,依旧是她刘婆子的。 Under Liu Pozi hand, many old younger sisters, the family circumstances may not be bad, is not the son in the army is the son-in-law serves as a petty government official under Royal Residence, sweep street this manual labor, a background could not really have come, every month may have the salary money Gamus surface cooking oil to subsidize. 刘婆子手下面,还有好些个老妹子,家境可都不差,不是儿子在军中的就是女婿在王府下面当差的,就扫街这活计,没点背景还真进不来,每个月可都是有俸禄银子加米面粮油贴补的。 Naturally, this group of old sisters do not care about this very much, in the family/home the condition is not bad, but sought Fig. one to be busy at work, a Fig. enrichment. 当然了,这群老姐妹也不是很在意这个,家里条件都不差,但求图一个忙活,图一个充实。 Originally, everyone day passes well, the assignment also does well, the inspection of this/should inspection, the cleaning of this/should cleaning, Liu Pozi person quite spoke, but the matter did not deceive, the assignment managed that to call a cleanness. 本来,大家日子过得好好的,差事也做得好好的,该检查的检查,该清扫的清扫,刘婆子人好说话,但事儿绝不糊弄,差事办得那叫一个干净。 May get Prince to come back the up-and-coming generation, 可偏偏打上次王爷回来后起, One group of Barbarian Clan men also took up the broom to start sweeping the floor unexpectedly, moreover greeted repeatedly has not hit, wrested away that street before Royal Residence directly. 一群蛮族汉子居然也拿起了扫帚开始了扫地,而且连声招呼都没打,就直接霸占了王府前的那条街。 Did that street that before Royal Residence call the street? 王府前的那条街那叫街么? That called the face! 那叫脸面! The own old sisters may hope before turning oneself is sweeping Royal Residence , the day of that street, result group of coarse men stare there to sweep every day specially, do not yield an inch! 自家老姐妹们可都盼着轮着自己王府前那条街的日子呢,结果这群糙汉子每天就专盯着那里扫,寸步不让! Does not bring to contend for the domain, may endure the aunt is not possible to endure. 不带这么抢地盘的,是可忍婶婶不可忍。 Liu Pozi is good, knew own son-in-law is Prince personal guard, calculates the private person ; 刘婆子还好,晓得自家女婿是王爷的贴身护卫,算私密人; But is the private person, will be is less suitable the outside idle mixed matter to make the oneself son-in-law say, folded the friendship in vain. 但越是私密人,就越是不适合将外头的闲杂事儿让自己女婿去说,白白折了情分。 However, Liu Pozi is motionless, below many old sisters moved actually, several let their son or the son-in-law dredges the relations. 不过,刘婆子不动,下面不少老姐妹们倒是动了,有几个就让自家儿子或者自家女婿去疏通关系。 And a son-in-law, is City Patrolling Department civil official, actually leads City Patrolling Department several people to help mother -in-law clear gathering place. 其中一家的女婿,还是巡城司文吏,竟然带着巡城司的几个人过来帮自家丈母娘清场子。 Finally by that group of barbarians who take the broom greeted directly on, hit a group quarrel, the City Patrolling Department person were few, moreover first was seized the blade, was punched solid, ate one to owe greatly. 结果被那群拿着扫帚的蛮子直接招呼上了,打了一顿群架,巡城司的人少,而且第一时间就被夺了刀,紧接着被结实揍了一顿,吃了一个大亏。 This matter also therefore was noisily big, the City Patrolling Department person was hit, this must, one group of City Patrolling Department armed soldiers arrive at that street immediately. 这事儿也就因此闹大了,巡城司的人被打了,这还得了,当即一群巡城司甲士就开到那条街去了。 This time, seeing City Patrolling Department was threatening, bends/bow the crossbow to lift. 这次,见巡城司来势汹汹,弓弩都举起来了。 That group of barbarians have not continued to act recklessly actually, 那群蛮子倒是没继续蛮干, Is the barbarian of head is getting the oneself subordinate brothers, 为首的一个蛮子领着自己的麾下兄弟, Tore the oneself clothes, 扯开了自己的衣服, Revealed the oneself body scabs, 露出了自己身上的伤疤, Shouting: 大喊着: I have bled for Prince!” “俺为王爷流过血!” I have fought valiantly for Prince!” “俺为王爷拼过命!” Scar of knife wound real, 刀疤是真的, Moreover this share blood and iron clank imposing manner , does not do false. 而且这股子“铁血铮铮”的气势,也是做不得假。 In City Patrolling Department has the sensible person, If nothing else, if really one group of Barbarian Clan people of unknown origin take the broom to shake in the Royal Residence entrance all day, when really Royal Residence brocade clothes personal guard does eat without working? 巡城司里不是没明白人,别的不说,真要是一群来历不明的蛮族人整天拿着扫帚在王府门口晃悠,真当王府的锦衣亲卫是吃干饭的? At first is because one of us was hit, for a while the blood comes up to look for the gathering place bravely, now, they do not dare toward big to do the matter again. 起初是因为自家人被打了,一时血勇上来想找场子,现在,他们也不敢再把事情往大了去搞。 Therefore, the bloody incidents have not happened actually. 所以,流血事件倒是没发生。 But this matter actually spread, in the meantime, the folding booklet starts report to come up from below a layer upon layer. 但这件事却传开了,同时,折子自下面开始一层层地报上去。 Finally, 最终, Appeared before the Prince case. 出现在了王爷的案前。 ...... …… Royal Residence, 王府, Backyard. 后院。 Zheng Fan is taking the big scissors in the trim flowers and plants, is accompanying the same place in it behind, is Qu Peiluo. 郑凡正拿着大剪子在修剪花草,在其身后陪同着一起的,是屈培骆 You also follow he to wanton mischief.” “你也跟着他瞎胡闹。” Qu Peiluo hearing this, retreat half step, said apologetically: 屈培骆闻言,后退半步,歉然道: Prince, humble subordinate does not have the means that he came to ask, humble subordinate must to him a face, you also be knows that humble subordinate here, was very actually awkward.” 王爷,卑职也是没办法,他上门求来了,卑职不可能不给他个面子,您也是知道的,卑职在这里,其实挺尴尬的。” Happen to can't impartial and just?” Prince asked that was an this solitary one feudal official.” “不正好可以铁面无私一点么?”王爷反问道,“做个孤臣。” Yes, other matters, humble subordinate can certainly be impartial and just, but this, is Prince your trusted general, otherwise you will not arrange to sweep that street before Royal Residence him. “是,其他事,卑职当然可以铁面无私,可偏偏这位,到底是王爷您的爱将,否则您也不会将他安排扫王府前的那条街。 To your trusted general, how can humble subordinate not give a face? ” 对您的爱将,卑职怎能不给个面子?” „, Is gathering this solitary one is not.” “哦,合着还是孤的不是。” humble subordinate is not this meaning.” 卑职不是这个意思。” Ok, making you difficult to do, was not to a precedent.” “行了,让你难做了,下不为例吧。” humble subordinate understands.” 卑职明白。” Keyan Dongge this group of people, although the long time guards in Snow Sea Pass, with Fengxin City here quite therefore place relations between garrison commander and center ; 柯岩冬哥这帮人,虽然久在雪海关镇守,与奉新城这儿相当于是地方守将和中央之间的关系; Feel alienated and barrier have, but will be insufficient him to be solemn, Snow Sea Pass Troop-Commander will before also really reduce in this Fengxin City to the situation of being alone and friendless. 疏离与隔阂是有的,但还真不至于他堂堂前雪海关总兵在这奉新城会沦落到举目无亲的地步。 Implements from the command member system, 标户制度实行下来, Various town/subdues soldiers and horses that Royal Residence manages have leapt the cage to trade bird many times through this system, the senior general frame is basically reserved, but the middle and lower level, actually waters early mutually ; 王府下辖的各镇兵马早就通过这一体制腾笼换鸟好多次了,高级将领框架基本保留,但中下层,却早早地互相掺了水; Before Prince dared the one person alone to enter Snow Sea Pass South Guarding Pass directly the two Troop-Commander military authority giving, its self-confident, a large part came from here. 之前王爷敢孤身入雪海关镇南关直接将两位总兵的军权给缴了,其自信,很大一部分就源自于这里。 After all oneself is depends on the private soldier military governor to build up, naturally understood how to prevent the subordinate also from similar aspect. 毕竟自己是靠着私兵藩镇起家的,自然更懂得如何防止手下人也出现类似的局面。 Therefore, Keyan Dongge in Fengxin City, has the former subordinate even is the old clansman. 所以,柯岩冬哥奉新城,也是有老部下甚至是老族人的。 Only can say, the cause of matter, lies under mother-in-law of that for civil official that raises one's head, stupidly worked as the spear/gun to cause. 只能说,事情的起因,就在于下面那个为丈母娘出头的文吏,傻乎乎地当了枪使。 Keyan Dongge taking advantage of this accident/surprise, 柯岩冬哥借着这个“意外”, Made a noise, 闹出了点动静, Shouted the oneself grievance, 喊出了自己的委屈, The original intention wants to remind oneself this , since children complete in both, every day on the dwelling in Royal Residence Prince, he still sweeps the avenue outside. 本意是想提醒自己这个自打儿女双全后每天就宅在王府王爷,他还在外头扫大街呢。 Naturally, Qu Peiluo is managing the Fengxin City internal defense, City Patrolling Department is also Qu Peiluo yamen, in this regard, Qu Peiluo was greeted by Keyan Dongge obviously ahead of time. 当然了,屈培骆管着奉新城的内部防务,巡城司也算是屈培骆手下的衙门,在这一点上,屈培骆显然被柯岩冬哥提前打了招呼。 South Guarding Pass that side situation somewhat is complex, although you are Chu people, but goes to South Guarding Pass now, below person is very difficult to take you, this solitary one, did not feel relieved very much.” 镇南关那边局势还有些复杂,虽说你是楚人,但现在去镇南关,下面人很难服你,孤呢,也不是很放心。” humble subordinate understands, humble subordinate very satisfied oneself present assignment.” 卑职明白,卑职很满意自己现在的差事。” Hehe, the west side planned actually the newly-built two state capital, Jin's East builds up from a piece of white, cannot these three point transfer in turn. “呵呵,西边儿倒是打算新建两个州府,晋东从一片白地重新起家,总不能一直这三个点儿轮流转。 But there is starts, thought throws there this solitary one you, buried the person. 但那里是草创,孤觉得把你丢那里,太埋没人了。 However has complied with your thing this solitary one, remembers this solitary one, when crosses again two years, had plenty of money, when soldiers and horses expansion, hits clear/pain Ziying for you alone. ” 不过孤答应过你的东西,孤记得,等再过个两年吧,手头宽裕了,兵马扩充时,单独为你打一个楚字营。” humble subordinate all listen to Prince to tell.” 卑职一切都听王爷吩咐。” Zheng Fan receives the scissors, gave Qu Peiluo. 郑凡将剪子收起,交给了屈培骆 Qu Peiluo laid aside the scissors on one side rack. 屈培骆将剪子放置在了一侧架子上。 Prince stretches oneself, 王爷伸了个懒腰, Said: 道: „, The this solitary one sees that son of a bitch.” “罢了,孤就去见见那个狗东西。” humble subordinate asks to be excused.” Qu Peiluo salutes to draw back. 卑职告退。”屈培骆行礼要退下。 „Hasn't big little girl you seen?” Prince asked suddenly. “大妞你还没见过吧?”王爷忽然问道。 The children are little, had an opportunity to be hugged to come out by Zheng Fan besides the former subordinates to see, other times are treating in rear dwelling, were not suitable to go out. 孩子们都还小,除了老部下们有个一次机会被郑凡抱着出来见了见以外,其余时候都在后宅里待着,也不适合外出。 Qu Peiluo is not the old section obviously the ranks ; 屈培骆显然不属于老部将行列; His status is not ordinary, you talk clearly expensively, clear expensive, he is managing City Patrolling Department , is impartial and just , the common person does not dare to annoy him from the start, but also really has no circle to be willing to lead him to play together. 他身份不一般,你说清貴吧,清貴,他管着巡城司,也算是铁面无私得很,寻常人压根就不敢惹他,但还真没哪个圈子愿意带他一起玩儿。 Qu Peiluo smiles. 屈培骆笑了笑。 Sees.” “去见见吧。” Qu Peiluo deeply inspires, cups the hands salutes saying: 屈培骆深吸一口气,拱手行礼道: Many thanks Prince!” “多谢王爷!” ...... …… Your Highness two, this is the deduction that thousand li (500 km) long-range raid Snow Sea Pass fights.” 两位殿下,这就是千里奔袭雪海关一战的演绎。” Jin Shuke stands near the sand table, just, he past years that fought to describe. 金术可站在沙盘边,刚刚,他将当年的那一战给重新描述了出来。 Tiantian/daily and Chuanye stand, is listening very much earnestly. 天天传业站在旁边,很认真地听着。 When that war happened, Chuanye had not been born, the Tiantian/daily speech is not agile ; 那一场大战发生时,传业还没出生,天天说话还不利索; But that fights actually affects to be especially profound, can say that established the pattern of present West Calming Prince mansion. 但那一战却影响格外深远,可以说奠定了如今平西王府的格局。 Snow Sea Pass takes, was not only big Yan general savage pursued, guaranteed Three Jin land in the hand, grasped Snow Sea Pass West Calming Marquis simultaneously, guaranteed the influence of oneself place to Jin's East ; 雪海关拿下,不仅仅是大燕将野人驱逐了出去,确保了三晋之地在手,同时掌握了雪海关平西侯爷,确保了自己晋东之地的影响力; For in the future departure and West Calming Marquis of South Pacifying Prince being in charge Jin's East, completed the most necessary point of power transfer. 为日后靖南王的离开和平西侯的入主晋东,完成了最为必要的一环权力交接。 With two your highness told that this war, does not want to teach two your highness how wise resorting to arms methods in this time, but is the hope through this war, making two your highness know that initial Prince, when making this military long-range raid, took the big risk, even the slightest misstep, is the island of resistance encircled hopeless situation. “与二位殿下讲述这场战事,并非是想要在此时教授二位殿下多么高明的用兵法门,而是希望通过这场战事,让二位殿下知道当初的王爷,在做这一场军事奔袭时,承受了多大的风险,稍有不慎,就是孤军被围的绝境。 The law of resorting to arms, is heavy when a discretion, although our Prince wins one victory after another, what humble general is clearest, often resorts to arms, Prince will consider and consider at heart carefully. 用兵之法,重在一个谨慎,咱们王爷虽然屡战屡胜,但末将最为清楚的是,每每用兵时,王爷都会在心里仔细思量和斟酌。 With the most discrete meticulous deduction, line in the bystander opinion most dangerous move. 用最谨慎缜密的推演,行在外人看来最险的招。 Always is not only Fig. high-spirited and vigorous, risks danger intentionally. 从来都不是只图一个意气风发,故意行险。 Also please two your highness keep firmly in mind. ” 还请二位殿下牢记。” Tiantian/daily and Chuanye bend down to do obeisance together, said with one voice: 天天传业一起俯身拜下去,齐声道: Disciple listens to reason.” “弟子受教。” At this time, outside some people passed reported: 这时,外头有人通禀: General Jin, Prince summoned.” 金将军,王爷召见。” Jin Shuke referred to front sand table, said to Your Highness two: 金术可指了指面前的沙盘,对两位殿下道: Your highness may deduce, humble general first sees Prince.” “殿下们可自行推演,末将先去见王爷。” ...... …… There the lobby, Keyan Dongge kneels to bend down on the floor tile, on the side tea table deferred to the custom to present the tea, but apparently did not have much passively. 前厅那儿,柯岩冬哥跪伏在地砖上,旁边茶几上按照规矩奉了茶,但很显然没被动过。 This time Keyan Dongge is especially clever ; 此时的柯岩冬哥格外乖巧; Prince walked, sits down in the seat of honor. 王爷走了进来,在首座上坐下。 Before long, Jin Shuke also came. 不一会儿,金术可也来了。 Jin Shuke sees to kneel there Keyan Dongge, has not spoken, first salutes to Prince, then sits down in side under hint of Prince. 金术可看见跪在那儿的柯岩冬哥,也没说话,先向王爷行礼,再在王爷的示意下在旁边坐下。 Although Jin Shuke and Keyan Dongge are barbarian, 虽说金术可柯岩冬哥都是蛮人, But barbarian and barbarian are also different ; 蛮人蛮人也是不一样的; Although Keyan Dongge Keyan Tribe is failed with the struggle of Royal Court, was forced to move emigrated the wilderness, but others also once were a medium tribe ; 柯岩冬哥柯岩部虽然在和王庭的斗争中失败,被迫迁移出了荒漠,但人家好歹也曾是一个中型部落; But Jin Shuke, is the punished tribe family background. 金术可,则是刑徒部落出身。 In bystander opinion, they are the Barbarian Clan people, but big of difference, is as good as the State of Chu aristocrat and State of Yan common people actually. 在外人看来,他们都是蛮族人,但实则差别之大,不亚于楚国的贵族和燕国黔首 Furthermore, 再者, The ability in Jin Shuke resorting to arms aspect has been great, he has said to the outside from the Prince body study the law of resorting to arms, this actually not smalltalk, because he really thinks ; 金术可用兵方面的能力一直没得说,他对外一直说是从王爷身上学来的用兵之法,这倒不是客套,因为他真就是这么认为的; He thought that oneself was affected and indicated by Prince learned to command troops to go to war, had not really realized, actually he essentially was the resorting to arms rare talent. 他觉得自己就是受王爷影响与点拨才学会了率兵打仗,是真的没意识到,其实他自个儿本质上就是个用兵奇才。 But in the personhood aspect, Jin Shuke has also been very tasteful. 而在做人方面,金术可也一直很讲究。 Since Keyan Dongge has looked for Qu Peiluo, impossible not to have looked has also come Barbarian Clan Jin Shuke, but Jin Shuke has not responded him obviously. 柯岩冬哥既然找过屈培骆了,不可能没找过同样出身蛮族金术可,但金术可显然没搭理他。 Is Barbarian Clan, brothers? 都是蛮族,就得同气连枝? Isn't this makes conspiracy to draw the mountain top in front of Prince on own initiative? 这不是主动在王爷面前结党拉山头么? At this time, 此时, Prince is rotating tea gently, 王爷轻轻转动着茶盏, Said slowly: 缓缓道: I heard that did you protest outside?” “听说,你在外头喊冤了?” Keyan Dongge said immediately: Prince, humble general wants to see you.” 柯岩冬哥马上道:“王爷,末将只是想见您。” How long place then swept, can't boil?” “这才扫了多久的地啊,就熬不住了?” „ It is not, Prince, humble general cannot boil this, but was they have seen Your Highness Heir, has eaten the full moon liquor of Your Highness Heir, but humble general has not seen one side Your Highness Heir. “不是,王爷,末将不是熬不住这个,而是他们都见过世子殿下了,也吃过世子殿下的满月酒了,但末将至今还未见过世子殿下一面。 humble general worries Prince at heart ; 末将心里着急啊王爷; When this in the future, their can take advantage of own seniority before Your Highness Heir, said that you grows up from young Your Highness looks at, finally does humble general actually say...... humble general to be how could it not be unyielding forever does not get up? ” 这等到日后,他们那些个都能在世子殿下面前倚老卖老,说自小看着殿下您长大的,结果末将却说不出口……末将岂不就永远硬气不起来了?” Wants before whom unyielding?” “想在谁面前硬气?” Eh...... the humble general speaking incorrectly words, Prince, the meaning of humble general was, humble general is willing to continue to sweep the floor , to continue to polish the oneself temper, asking Prince to make humble general see Your Highness Heir, bestowed the full moon liquor that humble general one cup made up again, in addition, humble general strove for no other.” “额……末将说错话了,王爷,末将的意思是,末将愿意继续扫地,继续打磨自己的性子,请王爷末将见见世子殿下,再赐末将一杯补下来的满月酒,除此之外,末将别无所求。” Prince continues to rotate tea, without speech. 王爷继续转动着茶盏,没说话。 Actually, the request of Keyan Dongge, is very straightforward, he must recognize Young Lord. 其实,柯岩冬哥的要求,很直白,他要认少主 This is the Barbarian Clan custom habit makes it so, naturally, the person of various Xia can also understand, is so-called several dynasty senior statesmen. 这是蛮族的风俗习性使然,当然了,诸夏之人也能理解,也就是所谓的几朝元老。 Jin Shuke sets out to report the report: 金术可起身禀报道: Prince, Dongge, although violates excessively muddily, although there is a selfishness, but humble general believes, he is you have been loyal and devoted to Prince, but also asked Prince to be able all he to invite.” 王爷,冬哥虽然犯过浑,虽然有过私心,但末将认为,他一直是对王爷您忠心耿耿,还请王爷能全他所请。” Keyan Dongge goes all out to nod immediately. 柯岩冬哥马上拼命点头。 He did not fear that temporary rest, he is not stupid, so long as also Jian in the Emperor’s heart, he can also get up, he also never suspects this point. 他不怕一时的蛰伏,他没那么蠢,只要还“简在帝心”,他就还能起来,他也从不怀疑这一点。 The government position can to rub, the military power be able, 官职可以撸,兵权可以下, But friendship, 但情分, Cannot break! 不能断! Jin Shuke does not want to speak for him, but is Prince, since shouted oneself, made oneself speak...... 金术可也不是想为他说话,而是王爷既然把自己喊来,就是让自己说话的…… What didn't ask favor can also say? 不求情还能说啥? Said difficultly inadequately Keyan Dongge this boy relies on to favor to be arrogant, does not think to repent, please cut it? 难不成说柯岩冬哥这厮恃宠而骄,不思悔改,请斩之? Since Jin Shuke asked favor for you, that this solitary one, all you strove , the ten-day period in the future, the this solitary one Princess Zhuaji, you and your subordinates enter the mansion to attend the ceremony, saw this solitary one Heir to you again, the full moon liquor, made up.” “既然金术可都为你求情了,那孤,就全你所求,旬日后,孤的公主抓吉,你和你的那些个部下进府观礼,再给你们见一下孤的世子,满月酒,也补上。” Zhuaji stresses the week, when the folk is to turn a year old generally conducts, but in officials' family/home early, because they will need to determine the child future development early. 抓吉就是抓周,民间一般是满周岁时才进行,但在官宦之家会更早一些,因为他们需要更早地确定孩子未来的发展。 In addition has a matter, 另外还有一件事, That is the oneself this son's name, must decide thoroughly at that time. 那就是自己这儿子的名字,也得在那时彻底定下来。 Zheng Fan thought several, but Demon Kings also thought several, Zheng Fan also clear oneself this son's significance to Demon Kings, therefore wants to consider their opinions, everyone equals together, this sum total, cannot take a true idea, was good because of having the deadline. 郑凡本来想了几个的,但魔王们也想了几个,郑凡也清楚自己这个儿子对魔王们的意义,所以想要充分考虑他们的意见,大家一起合计嘛,这合计来合计去的,就一直没能拿下个真正的主意,好在有了最后期限。 Many thanks Prince, many thanks Prince.” “多谢王爷,多谢王爷。” Again later, “再之后, Continues to give this solitary one sweeps the floor well! 就继续给孤好好地扫地! To continue to assist Heir, you must have a look at oneself body these bad habits to change. 想继续辅佐世子,那你也得看看自己身上的那些坏习性能不能改掉。 This solitary one just in backyard pruning. ” 孤刚刚在后院剪枝呢。” humble general understands, humble general is clear, humble general decides however thinks of faults well, will not disappoint Prince again.” 末将明白,末将清楚,末将定然好好思过,不会再让王爷失望。” Go away.” “滚吧。” humble general asks to be excused.” 末将告退。” Keyan Dongge set out delightedly, had/left the lobby, took up by walks there broom outward, walks also brings to get windy. 柯岩冬哥喜笑颜开地起身,出了前厅,拿起靠在那里的扫帚就往外走去,走路还带起了风。 Bold.” “没脸没皮。” Prince drank tea. 王爷喝了一口茶。 Jin Shuke said with a smile ; Prince is used to our these army ruffian.” 金术可笑道;“还是王爷太惯着我们这些丘八了。” This solitary one oneself is also the army ruffian family background, knows army ruffian is not easy, but sometimes, feels like State of Qian like that stress the civil and repress the martial, is not groundless. “孤自己也是丘八出身,知道丘八的不易,可偏偏有时候,也觉得像乾国那般重文抑武,也不是全无道理。 Some things, changed a person, the aspect is completely different. 有些事情,换了一个人,局面就完全不同了。 This solitary one did not say that his Keyan Dongge is the Barbarian Clan person, his temper, even if Yan people, does not have the this solitary one town/subdues, this Jin's East feared that was still already chaotic the day. ” 孤不是说他柯岩冬哥是个蛮族人,他这个性子,就算是个燕人,没孤镇着,这晋东怕是也早就乱了天了。” Again what kind of arrogant troops brave warrior, does not dare in Prince in front of you hurriedly.” “再怎样的骄兵悍将,也不敢在王爷您面前造次。” Your this saying said actually more and more genteelly.” “你这话倒是说得越来越文绉绉的。” Was Prince had once taught humble general must study, humble general will find the time to study every day.” “是王爷曾教导过末将要多读书,末将每天都会抽时间读书。” Prince nods satisfied. 王爷满意地点点头。 At this time, Xiao Yibo walked, passed to report: 这时,肖一波走了进来,通禀道: Prince, General Liang came back.” 王爷,梁将军回来了。” Snow Sea Pass and South Guarding Pass traded one after another stationed the great general, Liang Cheng must result in the army assume personal command, this was for absolutely safe, therefore the oneself child was born he unable to hurry back with enough time. 雪海关镇南关相继换了驻防大将,梁程必须得在军中坐镇,这是为了万无一失,所以自己孩子出生他也没能来得及赶回。 Now the situation is calm and steady, he came back immediately. 现在情况已经安稳,他马上就回来了。 Zheng Fan said to Jin Shuke with a smile: 郑凡笑着对金术可道: Walks, we go to Yingying together.” “走,咱们一起去迎迎。” ...... …… The Xiong Liqing courtyard is in Royal Residence the only greenhouse, at present the weather has tended to be cold, but in this courtyard, is as warm as in spring as before. 熊丽箐的院子是王府里唯一的暖房,眼下天气已经趋冷,但这个院子里,依旧温暖如春。 Xiong Liqing also proposed must change the courtyard with Siniang, but Siniang rejection. 原本熊丽箐还主动提出要和四娘换院子的,但四娘拒绝了。 First, Zheng Fan oneself does not like the entire heaven and earth warm feeling very much ; second, his son, does not fear frozen. 一是郑凡自己不是很喜欢整天地暖的感觉,二是他的儿子,也不怕冻。 Qu Peiluo is A'Ming is leading. 屈培骆阿铭领着进来的。 No matter what, below is in charge is impossible Qu Peiluo to enter the Princess courtyard carelessly. 不管怎样,下面管事的不可能让屈培骆一个人大大咧咧地进公主的院子。 Regarding this, A'Ming also showed the understanding, therefore regarding shouted from the wine cellar oneself the matter that also had no complaint, later before returning to the wine cellar, but can also have a look at the child. 对此,阿铭也表示理解,所以对于将自己从酒窖内喊出的事儿也没什么怨言,待会儿回酒窖前,还能去看看孩子。 When Qu Peiluo comes, Princess also in institute, actually useless what screen great distance ; 屈培骆进来时,公主也在院儿里,倒是没用什么屏风相隔; Xiong Liqing wears the azure long skirt, sits there very much gracefully, saw Qu Peiluo to come, has not set out to welcome, but is knocking the melon seed, shouted the sound: 熊丽箐穿着青色的长裙,很是雍容地坐在那里,见屈培骆来了,也没起身相迎,而是自顾自地磕着瓜子,喊了声: Come.” “来啦。” Qu Peiluo raises slightly slightly, said: Un, came.” 屈培骆微微欠身,道:“嗯,来了。” Liu mother, hugs the child.” “刘娘,将孩子抱出来。” Yes.” “是。” The wet nurses hugged the big little girl. 乳娘将大妞抱了出来。 Qu Peiluo for a while some hands and feet nowhere impositions, whole body is not comfortable, but does not want to leave, when this appearance, probably folk new year's celebration the mouth was shouting mischievous child who does not want the relative new year's money. 屈培骆一时有些手脚无处安放,满身的不自在,但又不想离开,这模样,像是民间过年时嘴里喊着不要亲戚压岁钱的顽皮小孩。 Hugs.” Xiong Liqing opens the mouth to say. “抱抱呗。”熊丽箐开口道。 Ok?” Qu Peiluo some do not dare to believe. “可以么?”屈培骆有些不敢置信。 You are her uncle.” Xiong Liqing said. “你是她叔。”熊丽箐说道。 Hears this saying, 听到这话, The breath of Qu Peiluo also aggravated all of a sudden, in the palm is the perspiration ; 屈培骆的呼吸也一下子加重了,手心里全是汗; Deeply inspires, 深吸一口气, The palm scratched scratching on the oneself clothes, 手心在自己衣服上擦了擦, Then receives from the wet nurse hand the child cautiously. 然后小心翼翼地将孩子从乳娘手里接过来。 The big little girl had the number of months, is the child most lovable young and fresh-looking time, and she nearly inherited the oneself mother's special characteristics perfectly, is really likable. 大妞有了月数了,正是孩子最可爱水嫩的时候,且她可是近乎完美继承了自己母亲的特质,甚是惹人喜欢。 The big little girl has characteristics, laughed heartily happily, but this smiling, divides the person, to Tiantian/daily, to the oneself biological father, she laughed heartily happily, to Crown Prince, actually did not spare a glance. 大妞有个特点,喜欢笑,只不过这个笑,是分人的,对天天,对自己的亲爹,她喜欢笑,对太子,却一直不屑一顾。 When she was hugged by Qu Peiluo in the bosom, 当她被屈培骆抱在怀中时, The big little girl actually showed the tender gruff smile immediately ; 大妞却马上露出了娇憨的笑容; In an instant, 刹那间, Qu Peiluo only thought that the bone of oneself is crisp, as if world all happy, in this time by this smile blooming. 屈培骆只觉得自己的骨头都已经酥了,仿佛世间的一切美好,都在此时被这笑容给绽放了出来。 Although does not have the blood relationship with oneself, 虽然和自己没有血缘关系, Although his parents have the blood sea deep enmity with oneself, 虽然其父母还和自己有着血海深仇, But at this moment, 但这一刻, Qu Peiluo at heart, 屈培骆在心里, Later, is willing for this child, 以后,愿意为这个孩子, Reckless! 不顾一切!
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