DA :: Volume #10

#901: master

Here, here, there, did these granaries, seal?” “这里,这里,还有那里,这几座粮仓,都封存好了么?” Sealed, relax, these days, I slept also here.” “都封存好了,放心吧,这些日子,我睡觉也在这里。” Granary here has you to manage, I felt relieved very much, Sir Troop-Commander also felt relieved.” Xu An said to Guo Dong. “粮仓这里有你管着,我很放心,总兵大人也放心。”许安郭东说道。 Hahahaha.” “哈哈哈哈。” Guo Dong laughs, 郭东大笑起来, Said ; 道; Relax, under the group of person hands and feet are very clean, is responsible for safeguarding the granary is command member, to turn over a grain, the oneself iron crops becoming invalid, this many are not cost-effective, this tent/account, they will calculate. “放心吧,底下的这帮人手脚都干净得很呢,负责看管粮仓的都是标户,为了倒腾点粮食,将自己的铁庄稼给作废了,这多不划算,这笔帐,他们会算的。 Also, who knows when the present grain in storage, soon Prince makes war will use greatly, below person, understands formidably. ” 再说了,谁都知道如今的存粮,用不了几年王爷开战时会大用的,下面人,都明白利害。” Granary Protector-Commandant/garrison, called Guo Dong. 粮仓这边的守备,叫郭东 That person does not have the ear, seems like, gives the extremely uncoordinated feeling ; 其人没有耳朵,看起来,给人以极不协调的感觉; On his face, carves characters, two character...... Yan dog. 他脸上,还有刻字,两个字……“燕狗”。 Incomplete, and by the person of carving characters, properly speaking, should cross very dispiritedly is, even pays great attention to the body to send the way of the world of skin for the present age not to accommodate, but Guo Dong area this, it may be said that is popular extremely. 一个残缺且被刻字之人,按理说,应该过得很颓废才是,甚至为当世注重身体发肤的世道所不容,但郭东在这一带,可谓极得人心。 No one will despise his incomplete, some people do not dare with his face on Yan dog two characters teased ; 没人会鄙夷他的残缺,更不会有人敢拿他脸上的“燕狗”二字来取笑; Because who is clear, 因为谁都清楚, This character, is the State of Chu Great General Nian Yao quarter ; 这字,是楚国大将军年尧刻的; In the barn soldier is passing on, said own Prince is because sees under the two character on own Sir Protector-Commandant face, is angry, captured alive State of Chu Great General Nian Yao, under serves right, castrating! 谷仓这边的兵丁中都在传着,说自家王爷是因为见到自家守备大人脸上的这两个字,才大怒之下,活捉了楚国大将军年尧,一报还一报之下,把人给阉了! In brief, is Gold Stealing Commandant status Guo Dong, after recovering, the official title promotes, became Protector-Commandant/garrison of grain and fodder, this is lucrative position, no matter , the rear grain and fodder must arrange the absolute letter/believes the person nurses, Guo Dong very obviously is such a person. 总之,原本就是摸金校尉身份的郭东,在养好伤后,官衔提升,成了粮草的守备,这可是个肥缺儿,无论什么时候,后方粮草都必须安排绝对信的过的人来看护,郭东很显然就是这样子的一个人。 Walks, you also get down with great difficulty, I told in the morning your sister-in-law makes one at noon well, first went back delicious with me, afternoon time, I accompany you to inspect again.” “走,你也好不容易下来一趟,我早上就吩咐你嫂子中午做一顿好的了,先跟我回去好好吃一顿,下午的时候,我再陪你来巡视一遍。” Xu An reminded: „Do not drink wine.” 许安提醒道:“不得饮酒。” Relax, granary Protector-Commandant/garrison battalion inside, prohibits alcohol! “放心,粮仓守备营里,禁酒! Who must really unable to hold in wants to drink one, outside must ask for leave to go to drink with me ahead of time. ” 谁要实在憋不住想喝一口,得提前与我告假去外头喝去。” Saying, 说着, Guo Dong then looks to these granaries, 郭东回头看向那些粮仓, Muttered: 喃喃道: Here, is my life.” “这里,是我的命。” Guo Dong brings home Xu An, can look, the Guo Dong wife should also be the family treasure, naturally, married Guo Dong, here day not painstakingly, when she and mother-in-law is busy at work the housework, knew extremely well very much. 郭东带着许安回到了家,可以看出来,郭东的妻子原本也应该是小家碧玉,当然了,嫁给了郭东,在这里日子也不会苦,不过她和婆婆忙活家务时,也是很熟稔了。 Guo Dong as Protector-Commandant/garrison, every month has the official's salary, as command member, every month also has the rice flour cooking oil of fixed quantity, in addition he also has each month disability to comfort and aid a bereaved family ; 郭东身为守备,每个月都有官俸,身为标户,每个月也有定额的米面粮油,外加他还有每个月的伤残抚恤; Is equivalent to him every month to get three pay and provisions for the military, actually the young married woman who therefore his mother and wife have not looked like other command member works to gain the subsidy under like that as before. 相当于他一个人每月可以领三份粮饷,所以其母亲和妻子倒是没有像其他标户家的婆姨那般在下面依旧做事赚补贴。 As for the comforting and aiding a bereaved family money, he has not gone to draw back, even if the body has the offical mission attendant ; 至于抚恤银子,他没去退,哪怕身上有官差; In the family/home, can many point be, oneself was disabled, this appearance, always thinks that is unfair to the wife ; 家里的,能多一点是一点吧,自己伤残了,这个模样了,总是觉得对不起媳妇儿; He was clear, in the past the wife can have a liking for him, is because others appearance looks also calculates, in an numerous Yan land coarse man, is delicate ; 他清楚,当年媳妇儿之所以能看上他,也是因为他人模样长得还算可以,在一众燕地糙汉子里,算是清秀些的; Natural eats the Royal Residence grain, why doesn't eat? 理所应当的吃王府的粮,为何不吃? And, 而且, Guo Dong must raise, is not only the oneself old mothers and wife and children, the oneself paralysis in elder brother of bed, as well as oneself wife's father mother-in-law, the population are many, the old person are many, the labor force are few, pressure, has. 郭东要养的,不仅仅是自己的老母和妻儿,还有自己瘫痪在床的哥哥,以及自己丈人丈母娘这一家,人口多,老人多,劳力少,压力嘛,也是有的。 But what Guo Dong is clearer, Prince regards as important, is oneself whether behind this South Guarding Pass big granary protecting. 郭东更清楚的是,王爷看重的,是自己能否将这座镇南关后头的大粮仓给守护好。 Comes back.” Wife Yang Clan both hands of Guo Dong scratched to go out to welcome on the apron with a smile, after seeing husband behind Xu An, busy say/way: Brother permits also come, comes to sit quickly, quickly.” “回来啦。”郭东的妻子杨氏双手在围裙上擦了擦笑着出迎,见到丈夫身后的许安后,忙道:“许兄弟也来啦,快进来坐,快。” Guo Dong is granary Protector-Commandant/garrison, had entered officer a rank, but in the army is differentiates the combat and logistics ingredient, Guo Dong clearly is the logistics, even is the part on place. 郭东是粮仓守备,已经入了“官”一级别,但军中是区分作战与后勤成分的,郭东明显属于后勤,甚至是地方上的部分。 But Xu An, is South Guarding Pass Troop-Commander Sir Jin Shuke subordinate central army Commander of Horses, is deep Sir Troop-Commander trust and regarding as important. 许安,则是镇南关总兵金术可大人麾下的中军司马,深得总兵大人的信任与看重。 Yang Clan may listen to the husband to say a lot initially with Brother permits together matter in Conscripted Laborer Camp, the husband spoke frankly, in the past had Xu An, his Guo Dong the life, was supposing has confessed. 杨氏可没少听自家丈夫说过当初和许兄弟一起在民夫营里的事,丈夫直言说,当年要不是有许安,他郭东的这条命,估摸着早就交代了。 Also without going to war, could not say that was drown to death in Gazing River, even comforting and aiding a bereaved family money insufficiently must lead. 还没打仗呢,说不得就溺死在了望江里,连抚恤银子都不够得领哟。 Sister-in-law is good.” “嫂子好。” Xu An salutes to Yang Clan very much respectfully. 许安很恭敬地向杨氏行礼。 In the past no father no mother entered the pass to flee from calamity to Yingdu to mingle among because of savage in dock worker faction asks the live youngster, now steady, and knew the ritual. 当年无父无母野人入关而逃难到颖都混迹于力夫帮派里求活的少年,如今已经稳重且知礼了。 Looks at you, but also polite anything.” “瞧你,还客气什么。” Serves a meal, in the afternoon must under the granary.” Guo Dong said. “开饭吧,下午还得下粮仓。”郭东说道。 Good, right, in the family/home also had the guest, said that was your colleague visits.” “好嘞,对了,家里还有客人,说是你的同僚来拜访。” Colleague?” Some Guo Dong doubts, person?” “同僚?”郭东有些疑惑,“人呢?” In the room of big brother.” “在大兄的屋里。” Guo Dong had two elder brother, but elder brother died in battle, elder brother had the disability after the battlefield, can only the bed. 郭东本来有两个哥哥,但一个哥哥战死,一个哥哥在战场上下来后落下了残疾,只能卧床。 Good, I knew.” “好,我知道了。” Guo Dong entered the inside room, elder brother and they stays together ; 郭东进了里屋,哥哥和他们住在一起; Guo Dong never thought that oneself elder brother is a burden, according to initially the Great Yan tradition, the eldest son impressed soldiers, without elder brother, were oneself or father goes to the battlefield. 郭东从未觉得自己哥哥是个负担,按照当初大燕的传统,长男抽丁,如果没有哥哥,就是自己或者父亲去上战场了。 Xu An takes the guest, is follows to go in together. 许安作为客人,也是跟着一起进去。 Guo Dong shoves open the front door, 郭东推开屋门, Sees near on the elder brother bed chair, sits a man, as if chatted very congenially with oneself elder brother, elder brother is still smiling. 看见哥哥床铺边的椅子上,坐着一个男子,和自己哥哥似乎聊得挺投机,哥哥还在笑着。 First, 第一眼, Had not thought that has anything ; 没觉得有什么; Second passes shortly, 第二眼看过去, The eye of Guo Dong opened immediately. 郭东的眼睛当即睁大了。 It behind Xu An knelt directly: 其身后的许安更是直接跪了下来: humble general pays a visit Prince!” 末将拜见王爷!” Guo Dong then records, this is not Prince! 郭东这才记起来,这不是王爷么! Pays a visit Prince!” “拜见王爷!” Guo Dong also kneels to bend down. 郭东也跪伏下来。 The elder brother whole person on bed was also shocked. 床上的哥哥整个人也愣住了。 Zheng Fan stands up, on humanity to bed: I am not actually many in the Yan land time, the Yan land snack also eats not many, the time that capital city treats is longer, but, eating in capital city really does not have my big Yan land side snack to come to have the taste just as you said.” 郑凡站起身,对床上人道:“我在燕地时间其实不多,燕地的小吃也吃得不多,京城待的时间还长一些,但正如你所说的,京城里的吃食真没我大燕地方小吃来得有滋味。” elder brother does not know how should answer ; 哥哥也不知道该怎么回话; Zheng Fan looks to Guo Dong and Xu An, asked ; 郑凡看向郭东许安,问道; „Did Jin Shuke come?” 金术可来了么?” Sir Troop-Commander?” Some Guo Dong doubts. 总兵大人?”郭东有些疑惑。 At this time, the Guo Dong wife shouted outside: „, Sir Troop-Commander came, Sir Troop-Commander came!” 这时,郭东的妻子在外头喊道:“当家的,总兵大人来了,总兵大人来了!” Obviously, Yang Clan knows Jin Shuke, because Jin Shuke multiple had once inspected the granary. 很显然,杨氏是认识金术可的,因为金术可曾多次下来视察过粮仓。 Zheng Fan went out of the room, Guo Dong and Xu An follows in behind. 郑凡走出了屋子,郭东许安跟在后头。 Jin Shuke also entered the courtyard, sees Zheng Fan, immediately the single knee kneels down: 恰好金术可也走进了院子,看见郑凡,马上单膝跪下: humble general pays a visit Prince, Prince thousand years old!” 末将拜见王爷,王爷千岁!” Jin Shuke has not put on the mail-armor and helmet, but is civilian clothes, gathered to raise the beard, seemed like, has the elegant demeanor of Great general various Xia, not barbarian in that average man established impression. 金术可没穿甲胄,而是一身便服,蓄养起了胡须,看起来,已经有诸夏大将的风采了,不似那种常人既定印象中的蛮人 Was orphaned hungry, serves a meal.” “孤饿了,开饭吧。” ...... …… The dining table, is placed in the courtyard. 饭桌,摆在院子里。 Zheng Fan and Jin Shuke sit face-to-face, Guo Dong and Xu An stand in side are serving. 郑凡金术可面对面地坐着,郭东许安在旁边站着伺候着。 Regarding the Guo Dong family member, has not come, when serving food is also Guo Dong goes to the end. 至于说郭东的家里人,则没有过来,端菜时也是郭东去端。 Zheng Fan has not made what popular stance forcefully, making big fellow sit together eats meal, to them, are more, is a suffering. 郑凡没强行做什么亲民姿态,让大家伙围坐在一起吃饭,对他们而言,更多的,还是一种煎熬吧。 Jin Shuke sets out, helping Zheng Fan ladle out soup. 金术可起身,帮郑凡盛汤。 In the family/home does not have the preparation liquor, in particular, in the granary, prohibited alcohol. 家里没预备酒,确切地说,粮仓内,禁酒。 Prince, tastes this fish slippery soup, is tasty.” 王爷,尝尝这鱼滑汤,可是鲜美哩。” Zheng Fan drank two, ate a white and tender fish to slide, nods. 郑凡喝了两口,吃了一个白嫩的鱼滑,点了点头。 This solitary one came from Snow Sea Pass.” Zheng Fan said. “孤是从雪海关来的。”郑凡说道。 Jin Shuke is listening respectfully. 金术可恭敬地听着。 Keyan Dongge had drawn out Fengxin City to sweep the floor this solitary one, he really does there is some does not make sense.” 柯岩冬哥已经被孤提拉回奉新城扫地去了,他在那里做得实在是有些不像话了。” The Jin Shuke slight nod, does not dare to comment. 金术可微微点头,不敢置评。 Zheng Fan looks at Jin Shuke, 郑凡看着金术可, Said: 道: You do very well.” “你做得很好。” Prince...... humble general does not dare!” 王爷……末将不敢!” You do are truly good, in folding booklet that Royal Residence receives, has not basically seen to have the word of critique to you. “你做得确实很好,王府收上来的折子里,基本未曾看见对你有批判之词的。 First, 一, You and local official act in harmony, the South Guarding Pass area reclaims with the Chu land refugee gives shelter, the achievements are gratifying. ” 你和地方官配合默契,镇南关一带开垦和楚地流民收留,政绩喜人。” Prince, this is that two Prefectural Prefect merit, they are really ......... 王爷,这都是那两位知府的功劳,他们真的是………” Ok, without your Troop-Commander coordinated, how the Chu land refugee did they receive? How does New Territories open? You know that this prince always did not like speaking the idle talk.” “行了,没你这个总兵配合,楚地流民他们怎么收?新地怎么开?你知道的,本王一向不喜欢说废话。” Yes, Prince.” “是,王爷。” Two, Shanggu Prefecture place, you also control very well, Wei River opposite Chu people, does not dare to violate a border basically, even, in the Wei River opposite shore, but can also construct several forts by you, good, very good.” “二嘛,上谷郡一地,你也控制得很好,渭河对面的楚人,基本不敢犯境了,甚至,在渭河对岸,还被你得以建出了几个堡寨,好,很好。” In the military, Jin Shuke is impeccable ; 军事上,金术可无可挑剔; At the government affairs, Jin Shuke also does almost perfectly. 政务上,金术可也做得几乎完美。 Different from Snow Sea Pass, has background and order that initial oneself and Demon Kings left behind, South Guarding Pass here, is completely fabricated. 不同于雪海关,有当初自己魔王们留下的底子和秩序在,镇南关这里,完全是无中生有。 The Jin Shuke family background from 300 barbarian soldiers that Zheng Fan builds up earliest, the earliest that group of people, are also left over now, are not many ; 金术可出身自郑凡最早起家的三百蛮兵,最早的那批人,现在还剩下的,不多了; Jin Shuke is most dazzling ; 金术可则是其中最耀眼的一个; Different has Keyan Tribe to make the qualification from Keyan Dongge, his Jin Shuke, grows out of nothing seriously, arrives at today in this position from city defending soldier. 不同于柯岩冬哥柯岩部做本钱,他金术可,当真是从无到有,从守城卒一路走到今天这个位置上的。 The start is very low, no huge opportunity, depends on own effort purely, this person, is the universal lead pattern plate. 起步很低,没什么天大的机遇,纯粹靠自身的努力,这种人,才是普世中的主角模版。 You do very well.” “你做得很好。” Prince also said. 王爷又说了一遍。 Prince......” Jin Shuke sets out. 王爷……”金术可起身。 Sits, sits down.” “坐,坐下。” Yes.” Jin Shuke sat. “是。”金术可又坐了回去。 But this solitary one must transfer South Guarding Pass you.” “但孤还是要把你调离镇南关。” humble general is compliant!” Jin Shuke without delay, receives an order directly. 末将遵命!”金术可二话不说,直接领命。 „It is not because you do too well, therefore this solitary one suspected you.” “不是因为你做得太好,所以孤就猜忌你了。” humble general does not dare, Prince in humble general at heart, heart sea!” 末将不敢,王爷末将心里,心胸似海!” But essentially, because you did too well, you in South Guarding Pass, the following person, are thinking acted to State of Chu.” “但本质上,还是因为你做得太好了,你在镇南关,下面的人,就会想着对楚国出手。” Yes, humble general these, interpolates in the folding booklet, delivered to Royal Residence.” “是,末将将这些,都写进折子里,呈送给了王府。” Has looked this solitary one, you should also be clear, present Great Yan, no, is present Jin's East, needs to rest and build up strength, agglomerates quite. “孤看过了,你也应该清楚,眼下的大燕,不,是眼下的晋东,正是需要休养生息,好生积聚的时候。 For these years, this prince did not plan to go to war. 这几年,本王不打算打仗了。 You can control, this prince also letter/believes you to be able to control, because of your Jin Shuke in South Guarding Pass, the following person, is very therefore difficult to control oneself. ” 你能控制得住,本王也信你能控制得住,但正因你金术可镇南关,所以下面的人,就很难控制得住自己。” Because knows that you can go to war, knows you to be competent, therefore, wants to attack outward. 因为都知道你能打仗,都知道你能干,所以,更想对外出击。 this prince will keep some days here, after you get through the connection, along with this prince returns to Fengxin City.” 本王会在这里留一些日子,你办完交接后,也随本王奉新城吧。” humble general is compliant.” Jin Shuke set out, smiled, said, can return to side Prince, humble general was happy.” 末将遵命。”金术可起身,笑了起来,道,“又能回王爷身边了,末将高兴。” Relax, Keyan Dongge that idiot, must make him sweep 1-2 years of place to say again, you, this solitary one useful.” “放心,柯岩冬哥那个蠢货,得让他扫个1-2地再说,你呢,孤有用的。” At this time, 这时, Guo Dong main house gate stopped a carriage. 郭东家门口停下了一辆马车。 On carriage, what getting down is Tiantian/daily and Ji Chuanye, Tiantian/daily is holding the hand of Crown Prince, entered the courtyard of Guo Dong. 马车上,下来的是天天姬传业,天天牵着太子的手,走进了郭东家的院子。 Jin Shuke.” 金术可。” humble general in!” 末将在!” Assigns you this solitary one, when Your Highness Crown Prince and Your Highness South Pacifying Prince Heir the master of military tactics, teach Your Highness two in the military tactics and army practice.” “孤命你,当太子殿下与靖南王世子殿下的兵法之师,传授两位殿下兵法和军中所习。” On the Jin Shuke face revealed the color of shock, 金术可脸上露出了震惊之色, He prepared for is recalled Fengxin City idle by Prince, 他做好了被王爷调回奉新城闲置的准备, He also slightly not with thoughts of Prince resistance ; 他也丝毫没有和王爷对抗的心思; But he has not really thought, Prince will give him unexpectedly a big heavy responsibility, no, this is the unsurpassed honor! 但他真的没想到,王爷居然会给他这般大的一个重任,不,这是无上的光荣! …… 要知道, He is barbarian, is barbarian! 他是个蛮人啊,是个蛮人啊! At this time, 这时, Tiantian/daily and Ji Chuanye bend down to do obeisance together: 天天姬传业一起俯身拜下: Tiantian/daily has seen master.” 天天见过师父。” Chuanye has seen master.” 传业见过师父。” Jin Shuke deeply inspires, suppresses the tears of eye socket, for a while cannot only care about returns to two disciple the ritual, but to Zheng Fan, kneels to bend down again extremely seriously gravely: 金术可深吸一口气,抑制住眼眶的泪水,一时竟顾不得去回两个“弟子”的礼,而是面向郑凡,再度极为严肃庄重地跪伏下来: Jin Shuke, this life this life, no, next life next life, is willing to be ready to give one's life for Prince!” 金术可,今生今世,不,来生来世,都愿意为王爷效死!”
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