DF :: Volume #11

#1049: Chapter marketing channel

From the future detective()”! “来自未来的神探()”! Next morning. 翌日上午。 City Criminal Investigation brigade conference room. 刑侦大队会议室。 Ding Xifeng lives on the seat of honor, Han Bin reports the situation to him in a low voice, the team members rushes over. 丁锡峰住在主位上,韩彬向他低声汇报情况,队员们陆续赶到。 Because Ma Xiaolin had confessed that the atmosphere of conference room is quite relaxed, everyone lowers the head to meet the low voice speech of ear, some chatted the case, some people gossipped. 因为马晓琳已经招供了,会议室的氛围比较轻松,大家都低头接耳的小声说话,有的聊案子,也有人说闲话。 Thump thump......” Ding Xifeng knocked the table, captured the attention of people, ok, we met.” “咚咚……”丁锡峰敲了敲桌子,将众人的目光都吸引了过来,“行了,咱们开会了。” Immediately, the conference room became peaceful. 立刻,会议室变得安静了起来。 Ding Xifeng took a fast look around people one eyes, said with a smile, in the last several days was busy handling a case, frequently must work overtime, everyone was laborious, when this case tied, everyone rested well for two days, I gave you to approve the false.” 丁锡峰扫视了众人一眼,笑道,“最近几天忙着办案,经常要加班,大家都辛苦了,等这个案子结了,大家好好休息两天,我给你们批假。” Thanks big Section Chief.” The people showed the happy expression. “谢谢大队长。”众人都露出了笑意。 First do not cheer too soon, line of hundred li (0.5 km) half 90 , cannot be loose finally.” Ding Xifeng, looked to nearby Han Bin, Han Section Chief, you said latest progress of case.” “先别高兴的太早,行百里者半九十,最后一口气,不能松。”丁锡峰顿了顿,望向一旁的韩彬,“韩队长,你说一下案件的最新进展。” Yes.” Han Bin complied with one, stroked the mentality, „ after last night Ma Xiaolin arrested, I lead the person to her attacked the interrogation, she had acknowledged under the substantial evidence fact that killed Chen Zihe, and confessed the process of committing a crime. “是。”韩彬应了一声,捋了捋思路,“昨晚将马晓琳抓捕归案后,我带人对她进行了突击审讯,在充足的证据下她已经承认了杀害陈子河的事实,并且交代了作案的经过。 Beautiful, you issue everyone to have a look Ma Xiaolin's oral confession record. ” 倩倩,你把马晓琳的口供笔录发给大家看看。” yellow Qianqian complied with one, will photocopy the good document ahead of time, issued in the team member of sitting. 黄倩倩应了一声,将提前复印好的文件,发给了在坐的队员。 Yesterday evening only then Han Bin and Li zither | Jean, Zhao Ming participated to Ma Xiaolin's interrogation, although other team members know that Ma Xiaolin had acknowledged guilt, but not clear concrete interrogation process. 昨天晚上只有韩彬、李琴、赵明参与了对马晓琳的审讯,其他队员虽然知道马晓琳已经认罪了,但是并不清楚具体的审讯过程。 Ding Xifeng does not worry, after everyone watched a meeting , to continue saying that „the person of Ma Xiaolin it can be said that feeling sorry for must have the hateful place, her idea, the behavior pattern and average person are somewhat different, this case is quite typical, explained the importance of disseminating laws.” 丁锡峰也不着急,等大家看了一会后,继续说道,“马晓琳可以说是可怜之人必有可恨之处,她的想法、行为方式和普通人有些不同,这个案子比较具有代表性,也说明了普法工作的重要性。” He Ying unfamiliar road, „ can this Ma Xiaolin have the issue in energetic aspect, for she unexpectedly a dog made such big sacrifice, she by Chen Zihe rape matter not to mention, the past time was too been after all long, no one knows the genuine and fake. 何英生道,“这个马晓琳会不会有精神方面的问题,她居然为了一个狗做出了这么大的牺牲,她被陈子河强健的事暂且不说,毕竟过去的时间太久了,谁也不知道真假。 Said her only to revenge to kill people this matter to the dog, I felt, so long as is a normal person cannot do, so long as seriously pondered, is more rational, completely has better resolution format. ” 单说她为了给狗报仇杀人这件事,我觉得只要是个正常人都做不出来,只要认真思考,理性一些,完全有更好的解决方式。” Von said,cannot say, in this world has 6 billion population, some are quite always special, you cannot restrain everyone with a fixed ideological mode, possibly she thought that does is worth. 冯娜道,“也不能这么说,这个世界上有六十亿人口,总有些比较特殊的,你不能拿一个固定的思维模式约束所有人,也可能她觉得那么做是值得的。 The overseas do not have such a movie, a big handsome fellow develops, his dog was killed, he extinguished the entire criminal syndicate, stirred that called earth-shaking. Although said that this is only a movie, but this movie can open, can link is shooting several, enjoyed praises of so many people, explained that has certain market, was approved by few people, existence is reasonable. ” 国外不是有那么一部电影嘛,一个大帅哥演的,他的狗被杀了,他把整个黑帮都灭了,搅的那叫一个天翻地覆。虽然说这只是一部电影,但是这个电影能上映,能连着拍好几部,受到了那么多人的追捧,说明有一定市场,是被一部分人认可的,存在即是合理嘛。” Ding Xifeng said, ok, was leave alone reasonable, so long as not illegal on line, once were illegal, said that anything was not of use.” 丁锡峰道,“行了,别管合不合理,只要不违法就行,一旦违法了,说什么都不顶用。” Actually, the time of last night interrogating Ma Xiaolin, Ding Xifeng also the observation room in next door audited, she also listened to Ma Xiaolin to have some discontented to the police, feeling the police is unable to protect its dog, causing Chen Zihe to destroy intensely. 其实,昨晚审讯马晓琳的时候,丁锡峰也在隔壁的观察室旁听了,她也听出马晓琳对警方有一些不满,觉得警方无法保护它的狗,导致了陈子河变本加厉的破坏。 But regarding this accusation, Ding Xifeng has not cared, the dog is very indeed lovable, indeed is the friend of human, but it after all is not a person, cannot fulfill as a duty of citizen, is unable to enjoy as a right of citizen. 但对于这个指责,丁锡峰并没有放在心上,狗的确很可爱,的确是人类的朋友,但它毕竟不是人,既不能履行作为一个公民的义务,也无法享受作为一个公民的权利。 Assuming that the police protect a dog like the guardian, that other animals what to do? The chicken duck fish is also the animal, same is very lovable, can the police protect them? This world messed up. 假设,警方像保护人一样去保护一只狗,那其他动物怎么办?鸡鸭鱼也属于动物,也一样很可爱,警方要不要保护它们?这个世界岂不是乱套了。 Ding Xifeng continues to ask, „after looking at the oral confession, what issue does everyone have?” 丁锡峰继续问道,“看完口供之后,大家还有什么问题吗?” Zhu Jia Xu said that big Section Chief, since Ma Xiaolin had acknowledged guilt, the issue in this aspect is not big. However, she purchases the toxicant the clue, is to deeply to investigate?” 朱家旭道,“大队长,既然马晓琳已经认罪了,她这方面的问题不大。不过,她购买毒药的线索,是不是要深入的调查?” Ding Xifeng nods, „ this is also the issue that I then must say. 丁锡峰点点头,“这也是我接下来要说的问题。 The cyanide sodium is a fatal toxicant, once will flow in the market to cause very big harm, therefore has been the control goods, the marketing channels of these things must cease. 氰化钠是一种致命的毒药,一旦流入市场就会造成很大的危害,所以一直属于管制物品,这些东西的销售渠道必须杜绝。 I with your South Korea team was also discussing a moment ago this issue, making him say. ” 我刚才也在跟你们韩队商量这个问题,让他说一下。” Han Bin continues saying that „ regarding the issue that the toxicant originates, Ma Xiaolin also provided some clues, according to her the adlet that the restroom in market sees, and seller that contacts with WeChat. 韩彬继续说道,“对于毒药来源的问题,马晓琳也提供了一些线索,据她说是在商场的厕所看到的小广告,并且用微信联系到的卖家。 Afterward, I made Zhao Ming relate WeChat Corporation, they investigated this WeChat situation, the IP address of user externally. ” 随后,我让赵明联系了微信公司,他们查到了这个微信号的情况,使用者的IP地址在国外。” Zhu Jia Xu sighed, looks like this distribution in complex compared with imagination, if gets online us is very externally difficult to catch the whole lot in a dragnet.” 朱家旭叹道,“看来这个销售网络要比想象中的复杂,如果上线在国外咱们很难一网打尽。” Ding Xifeng said that „, as the networking is getting more and more common, the suspect also starts to use network committing a crime, is getting more and more sly. Before, that restaurant that Chen Zihe was poisoned, you did not catch a man who carried the anesthetics, that case was given the local police station to investigate, the marketing channel of anesthetics was also responsible for tracing by them, but investigated in the process the clue to break, had not checked the anesthetics the marketing channel. 丁锡峰道,“随着网络技术越来越普遍,嫌犯也开始利用网络作案,越来越狡猾。之前,陈子河中毒的那家餐厅,你们不是还抓到了一个携带迷药的男子嘛,那个案子被交给当地派出所调查,迷药的销售渠道也由他们负责追查,但是调查过程中线索断了,一直没有查到迷药的销售渠道。 Actually I have been thinking a moment ago, the source of anesthetics and cyanide sodium can be the same channel? ” 其实我刚才就一直在想,迷药和氰化钠的来源会不会是同一个渠道?” Han Bin thought deeply about the moment saying that „ these medicines were the contraband goods, indeed had this possibility to exist. 韩彬思索了片刻说道,“这些药都属于违禁品,的确有这种可能存在。 Regarding Han few Kang Goumai M medicine matter, I, although does not have the thorough investigation, but many understands some. At that time, we when investigated Han Shaokang, discovered from his cell phone purchase record, Han Shaokang M medicine from online bought, passed express to his hand. 对于韩少康购买M药的事,我虽然没有深入的调查,但多少还是了解一些的。当时,我们在调查韩少康的时候,从他手机上发现了购买记录,韩少康的M药是从网上买的,通过快递到了他的手上。 The adlet that Ma Xiaolin reads, added WeChat later, although she also contacts with the buyer through the network, but actually through express does not deliver goods, but assigned a place to Ma Xiaolin, making Ma Xiaolin take. 马晓琳是看的小广告,随后加了微信,她虽然也是通过网络联系到买家的,但却并非通过快递发货,而是给马晓琳指定了一个地点,让马晓琳自己去拿的。 Currently speaking, the channel and way of sale are different, naturally, does not remove gets online to reduce the risk, used many marketing channels. ” 从这一点来看,销售的渠道和方式是不同的,当然,也不排除上线为了降低风险,采用了多种的销售渠道。” Zhu Jia Xu pursues asks, where Han Shaokang from knows marketing channel that M wants?” 朱家旭追问道,“韩少康又是从哪知道了M要的销售渠道?” Initially was Wang Xiao is responsible for investigating, he was clearer to this situation, answers, „the Technical Division investigates Guohan few Kang's cell phones, he was online searches, then sprang a shopping homepage, through that homepage purchase M medicine.” 当初是王霄负责调查的,他对这个情况更清楚,解释道,“技术科查过韩少康的手机,他是自己在网上搜的,而后弹出了一个购物网页,通过那个网页购买的M药。” Zhu Jia Xu pounded pounded the mouth, this was also too lawless, unexpectedly this type of homepage existed, isn't able to supervise and trace?” 朱家旭砸吧了砸吧嘴,“这也太无法无天了吧,居然还有这种网页存在,就无法监察、追踪?” Wang Xiao dao, on your many several nets knew, what on hundred degrees celsius this at sixes and sevens page are many, so long as you give money, no they do not dare to do.” 王霄道,“你多上几次网就知道了,百度上这种乱七八糟的页面多的是,只要你给钱,没什么他们不敢做的。” Zhu Jia Xu said, I do not believe that the homepage in that doesn't have the means accountability?” 朱家旭道,“我就不相信了,网页就在那,难道就没办法问责?” This inside matter is complex, who can talk clearly.” Wang Xiao shrugs the arm, actually nothing but can manage does not want to manage, wants to manage does not have the ability, naturally this saying some suspect taboos, Wang Xiao does not need to say in the presence of everyone. “这里面的事复杂着呢,谁能说得清。”王霄耸了耸肩膀,其实无非就是能管得不想管,想管的没能力,当然这话有些犯忌讳,王霄没必要当众说。 Ding Xifeng said, ok, do not complain, I will ask the higher-up leader help to coordinate, making hundred degrees celsius assist the police to investigate.” 丁锡峰道,“行了,别抱怨了,我会请上级领导帮忙协调,让百度协助警方调查。” Ding Xi peak energy does, involving the homepage of case clarifies, can push other possibly criminal case advertisement as for hundred degrees celsius, he cannot control. 丁锡峰能做的,也就是将涉及案件的网页弄清楚,至于百度会不会推送其他可能违法犯罪的广告,他也管不了。 Han Bin, the clue of cyanide sodium you then check, must check their marketing channel.” After seeing the efficiency of handling cases of basic unit police station, Ding Xifeng has not turned over to the clue of cyanide sodium the basic unit civil police investigation again, because the source of cyanide sodium may affect to settle a lawsuit. 韩彬,氰化钠的线索你接着查,一定要查到他们的销售渠道。”看到基层派出所的办案效率后,丁锡峰没有再将氰化钠的线索移交给基层民警调查,因为氰化钠的来源可能会影响到结案。 Also the cyanide sodium is the dangerous goods, this marketing channel can bring many potential dangers, making Han Bin investigate him to feel relieved, even if cannot eradicate, must cut off the Qindao marketing channel. 同时氰化钠属于危险物品,这个销售渠道会带来很多潜在的危险,让韩彬调查他更放心,即便不能连根拔起,也要将琴岛的销售渠道斩断。 After meeting, Han Bin arranged a duty in detail. 开完会后,韩彬详细安排了一下任务。 He prepares to arraign Ma Xiaolin again. 他准备再次提审马晓琳。 Moreover, making Wang Xiao give Han Shaokang to make the record, has a look at two medicines the purchase channels whether has the common ground, if two medicines really have the common sale to get online, Han less/small Kandy to municipal public security bureau. 另外,让王霄去给韩少康做笔录,看看两种药物的购买渠道是否有共同点,如果两种药物真有共同的销售上线,就将韩少康提到市公安局。 ...... …… Municipal public security bureau, third Interrogation Room. 市公安局,第三审讯室 Ma Xiaolin sits on the interrogation chair has the yawn, Han Section Chief, haven't I talked clearly? Why urgently is also calling this me.” 马晓琳坐在审讯椅上打哈欠,“韩队长,我不是已经都说清楚了吗?干嘛又急着把我叫到这。” The Han Bin sincere say/way, Ma Xiaolin sat straight, my was providing to render meritorious service the opportunity of commuting a sentence to you, grasped well.” 韩彬正色道,“马晓琳坐直了,我这是在给你提供立功减刑的机会,好好把握。” Renders meritorious service commuting a sentence?” Ma Xiaolin sighed one, Han Section Chief, you do not deceive me again.” “立功减刑?”马晓琳叹了一声,“韩队长,您不是再骗我吧。” You sat in that did I deceive your necessity?” “你都坐在那了,我又骗你的必要吗?” I killed by poison Chen Zihe, this should be the homicide, but can also live?” “我可是毒死了陈子河,这应该算是故意杀人罪吧,还能活?” Specifically what to do? That is the matter of judge, good that so long as you display, we will report truthfully, have the possibility of suspension of sentence.” “具体怎么办?那是法官的事,但只要你表现的好,我们会如实上报,不是没有缓刑的可能。” Ma Xiaolin silent moment, sighed, why you hope to me, might as well shot me directly.” 马晓琳沉默了片刻,叹道,“你干嘛又给我希望,还不如直接枪毙了我。” Bang!” Zhao Ming pounds on the table, scolded, Ma Xiaolin, you do not know the good and evil, the opportunity of this rendering meritorious service commuting a sentence, other suspects asked not to strive. You crossed this village, but did not have this shop.” “砰!”赵明一拍桌子,呵斥道,“马晓琳,你别不知道好歹,这种立功减刑的机会,其他嫌犯求都求不到。你过了这村,可就没这店了。” I am not rare.” “我还不稀罕呢。” Now should not be obstinate argumentative. When ruled, really must sentence your death penalty, you know that what was feared, several numbers of days lived, when the time comes wanted to suspend sentence again, divulges the day not to have the opportunity.” “你现在别嘴硬。等判决下来了,真要判你死刑,你就知道什么叫怕了,数着天数过日子,到时候再想要缓刑,说破天也没机会了。” Aiya, said that what renders meritorious service the opportunity of commuting a sentence?” “哎呀,说吧,什么立功减刑的机会?” „To be clear?” “想清楚了?” Han can Section Chief, commute a sentence first did not say, my beforehand request, you do comply, can you not give me the truth? Also wants from my polite talk.” “韩队长,能不能减刑先不说,我之前的要求,你到底答不答应,你可还没给我准话?又想从我这套话。” Your own anything situation, you should be very clear. You definitely could not go out.” “你自己什么情况,你应该很清楚。你肯定是出不去了。” Ma Xiaolin knits the brows saying that does not comply.” 马晓琳皱眉道,“也就是不答应呗。” If you are willing to assist the police investigation, I can think that other means do help you be solved?” “如果你愿意协助警方查案,我可以想其他办法帮你解决?” How to solve?” “怎么解决?” I have seen Ma Xiaofang, the matter that you cannot go out, can give her to manage.” “我见过马晓芳,你不能出去的事,可以交给她办。” „...... You, since has seen her, should know that she attitude to me and Luca's, you thought she will help me, will help Luca?” Ma Xiaolin reveals wipes to self-ridicule the color. “哈……你既然见过她,应该知道她对我和卢卡的态度,你觉得她会帮我,会帮卢卡吗?”马晓琳露出一抹自嘲之色。 „One side I can arrange you to see, you after all are the sisters, if you told her well, not necessarily not possibly.” “我可以安排你们见一面,你们毕竟是姐妹,如果你好好跟她说,未必没有可能。” Snort.” Ma Xiaolin is red the eye, on the face is showing the complex look, what said? I did not have the face to see her.” “哼。”马晓琳红着眼睛,脸上露出复杂的神色,“说什么?我没脸见她了。” If you are not willing to see her, I can also help you convey.” “如果你不愿意见她,我也可以帮你转达。” Ma Xiaolin gawked a meeting, raising the head slowly, as if thought through, what do you also want to ask?” 马晓琳愣了一会,缓缓的抬起头,似乎想通了,“你还想问什么?” Said that you do purchase the cyanide sodium the detailed process?” “说一下你购买氰化钠的详细过程?” „Didn't you ask yesterday?” “你昨天不是都问了吗?” I must a more detailed process, when for example, make concrete in the adlet that which place sees, as well as where you from the cargo of taking, must specifically describe.” “我要更详细的过程,比如什么时间,具体在哪个地方看到的小广告,以及你从哪取的货物,都要详细说明。” This medicine, I bought some time, is unclear.” “这药,我买了一段时间了,记不清了。” You think carefully, this is very important, if you can assist the police to check the cyanide sodium the marketing channel, is equal to rendering meritorious service, I can help you strive for the commuting a sentence policy.” “你仔细想想,这很重要,如果你能协助警方查到氰化钠的销售渠道,就等于是立了功,我可以帮你争取减刑政策。” Is these words.” Ma Xiaolin curls the lip. “又是这句话。”马晓琳撇撇嘴。 To present you, this is most important, believes me. When you entered the prison, will understand.” “对现在的你来说,这就是最重要的,相信我。等你进了监狱,就会理解。” Ma Xiaolin recalled the moment, „ I purchase the cyanide sodium am also accidental, some day I am feeding the dog grain to Luca, Chen Zihe walked, trampled a Luca foot rashly. 马晓琳回忆了片刻,“我购买氰化钠也是一个偶然,有一天我正在给卢卡喂狗粮,陈子河走了过来,不由分说的踹了卢卡一脚。 I was angry at that time specially, asked why he must hit Luca. He dislikes me not to care about him, after getting out of bed, does not prepare food to him, instead first gives the dog the preparation food. Our two quarrelled, Luca to protect me, is giving a tongue-lashing the tooth and howling to Chen Zihe, Chen Zihe got angry, he was worrying that could not find the reason to bully Luca, hit Luca with the stick ruthlessly, at that time I loved dearly went bad, had a mortal hatred of Chen Zihe. 我当时特别生气,就问他为何要打卢卡。他嫌我不关心他,起床后不给他做饭,反而是先给狗准备饭。我们两个吵起来了,卢卡为了保护我,也对着陈子河呲牙、吼叫,陈子河怒了,他正愁找不到理由欺负卢卡,就拿棍子狠狠的打了卢卡一顿,当时我心疼坏了,恨死陈子河了。 Also at that time, kills his idea to be even more intense. 也就是在那时候,杀死他的想法愈发强烈。 April time, I went to a market to take a walk, stroll am strolling consider to go to the restroom, saw an adlet in the restroom, said that all kinds of W banned drugs, I remembered WeChat of that relation at that time. I do not have to relate that WeChat immediately, hesitant two days, is determined to relate. 4月份的时候,我去一家商场逛街,逛着逛着想去厕所了,在厕所里看到了一条小广告,说有各式各样的W禁药,我当时就记下了那个联系的微信。我没有立刻联系那个微信号,犹豫了两天,才下定决心联系。 Actually I have bought the medicine, is waiting for a time. ” 其实我早就买好药了,就是在等待一个时机。” Which market that advertisement of restroom discovery are you at?” “你在哪个商场的厕所发现的那条广告?” Guangnan Market.” “广南商场。” Several buildings?” “几楼?” Concrete several buildings I am unclear, either is second floor, either is the third floor restroom.” “具体几楼我记不清了,要么是二楼,要么是三楼厕所。” „Do you relate with WeChat?” “你们就是用微信联系的?” Right.” “对。” Money that how you give? Goods how takes?” “你怎么给的钱?怎么拿的货?” „After the relation, the opposite party told me a place, making me first put that money, when he received money, then made me take the thing.” “联系之后,对方告诉了我一个地方,让我将钱先放到那,等他收到钱了,再让我去拿东西。” „Does he make you put money? How much money?” “他让你把钱放哪?多少钱?” 2000 dollars, he made me put Guangnan Market, in the fifth floor No. 1 movie show room, I remember the movie that at that time developed was, my name was Li Huanying.” “两千块钱,他让我放到了广南商场,五楼一号电影放映厅里,我记得当时演的电影是,我叫李焕英。” You from where cyanide sodium of taking?” “你从哪取的氰化钠?” Next day, he makes me go to Guangnan Market again, after speaking of that contacts with him, will tell my concrete address, to be honest, at that time some of my also fears, even must take hesitant. However thinks that Chen Zihe beats Luca's scene, I. “第二天吧,他让我再去一趟广南商场,说到了那之后再联系他,会告诉我具体的地址,说实话,当时我也有些害怕,甚至还犹豫要不要去拿。不过想到陈子河殴打卢卡的情景,我还是去了。 After Guangnan Market, I contacted the seller, he makes me go to the fourth floor restroom with the cyanide sodium, added the cyanide sodium on conceals in the water tank of first restroom. Later I deferred to his instruction to find the cyanide sodium, has hidden, died until Luca, I used it. ” 到了广南商场后,我又联系了卖家,他让我去四楼的厕所拿氰化钠,还说氰化钠就藏在第一个厕所的水箱里。之后我就按照他的吩咐找到了氰化钠,一直藏了起来,直到卢卡死了,我才使用它。” Han Bin records Ma Xiaolin's description, these detailed purchases after will be very important...... from the future detective latest chapter address to the following investigation: https:// 韩彬将马晓琳的描述记录下来,这些详细的购买经过对接下来的调查很重要……来自未来的神探最新章节地址:https:// From the future detective full text reading address: https:// 来自未来的神探全文阅读地址:https:// From the future detective txt downloading address: https:// 来自未来的神探txt下载地址:https:// Reads from the future detective cell phone: https:// 来自未来的神探手机阅读:https:// In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( Chapter 1047 marketing channel) reading record, will turn on the bookshelf then to see next time! 为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第1047章销售渠道)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! 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