DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#280: The wind blows the streamer to move

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Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Eating delicacies- 啸- Four fine horses exude the cheerful neighing, is drawing the resplendent in gold and jade green carriage, grazes from the cloud layer. 四匹龙马发出欢快的马嘶声,拉着金碧辉煌的马车,从云层上飞掠而过。 Shoulder height one zhang (3.33 m), all over the body silver white, on the neck lives the mild-mannered silver mane and body surface to be found in the copper coin big or small silver scale and top of the head to grow god handsome fine horses of pair of majestic minute/share of dicraeosaurus corner/horn, draws the carriage to gallop above the sea of clouds. 肩高一丈,通体银白,颈上生有柔顺银色鬃毛、体表遍布铜钱大小银色鳞片、头顶长着一对雄壮分叉龙角的神俊龙马们,拉着马车驰骋在云海之上。 【The new chapter renews the slow issue, in can trade on source app to have the solution finally, here downloads huanyuanapp to trade source app, simultaneously reads in the latest chapters of many sites.】 【新章节更新迟缓的问题,在能换源的app上终于有了解决之道,这里下载huanyuanapp换源app,同时查看本书在多个站点的最新章节。】 The big day shone in snow white cloud Qi, reflects luminous, the fine horse scale of silvery bright white stretched as far as eye can see is reflecting these brilliance in the sunlight similarly, flew upwards like the mane and ponytail of silver string of pearls, served as contrast the appearance of fine horses. 大日普照在雪白的云气中,反射出一望无尽的白茫茫光亮,银亮的龙马鳞片在阳光中同样反射着这些光彩,如同银色璎珞的鬃毛和马尾飞飞扬扬,更衬托龙马们的神采。 The clear bell sound rhythm is cheerful, the gale moves on the carriage to serve as the decoration the fine gauze curtain, revealed that sits in the car(riage) entrance watching sea of clouds two forms. 清脆的铃铛声节奏欢快,大风吹动马车上用作装饰的轻纱帷幔,显露出坐在车门口观赏云海的两个身影。 Du Kang and Si hero sit shoulder to shoulder, do two people build the both legs outside the cowl sway, whatever the cool breeze on cloud has stroked the cheeks and body, flies upwards to send the silk and clothing, the spoken language chatted is completely the happy talks and laughters. 杜康与姒雄并肩而坐,两人将双腿搭在车辕外摇摇晃晃,任由云上的清风拂过脸颊和身体,飞扬发丝和衣衫,言语谈笑间尽是欢声笑语。 Looks at two people facial expressions, this scenery this person, makes them very comfortable. 看两人的神情,无论是这景色还是这人,都让他们好不自在。 Now is the Du Kang body-fusion half a month later. 现在已是杜康合体半个月之后。 Rushes to cloud Mache to hurry along, although quick, but Si hero this hidden dragon can the first friend be numerous. 奔云马车赶路虽快,但姒雄这个隐龙会会首朋友众多。 In these days of main channel sky flight, he will often descend to the islands or on process the merchant ship, comes to visit the old friend and old knowledge or attended various banquets, stops from time to time, approaches the sea area that the ocean waves dragon palace is at until the end of January. 在主航道上空飞行的这段时间里,他不时会降落到经过的岛屿或商船上,上门拜访故友、旧识或参加各种宴会,一路走走停停,直到一月底才临近碧波龙宫所在的海域。 The result that the dragon palace gains a son-in-law and arrives morning are not related, therefore Du Kang does not worry to hurry along, then follows Si hero to linger at various banquets, various types of novel good wines, had tasted regional special product food, has felt different region women / the female monster moving character and style, makes Du Kang loudly shout really satisfies a craving. 龙宫招婿的结果和到达的早晚没有关系,因此杜康也不着急赶路,便跟着姒雄流连于各种酒宴,品过了各种新奇的美酒,尝过了各地的特产菜肴,感受过不同地域女人/女妖的动人风情,着实让杜康大呼过瘾。 Before although the ya zi Daoist also drifted for a half year in Ocean Wave Sea, but that time he immersed is unable to extricate oneself with the vermilion Meiniang beautiful love, in the eye could not accommodate other women, selected the unvisited region to kill the monster specially, where has experienced Ocean Wave Sea splendor along the way. 之前睚眦道人虽然也在碧波海漂泊半年,但那时的他沉醉在和朱媚娘的美丽爱情中无法自拔,眼中根本容不下其它的女人,又专挑人迹罕至的地带去砍杀妖怪,哪里体验过碧波海沿途的精彩。 With Si hero accompanies, but around good this in a month, Du Kang fully realized that local conditions and social customs of this ten thousand li (0.5 km) vast oceans, as a result of the sea natural isolation, the aborigines on islands acted according to regional climates and geographical environments, formed the custom varying. 与姒雄相伴而行的这前后一个月里,杜康才充分体会到了这片万里浩瀚大洋的风土人情,由于海洋天然的隔绝,岛屿上的土人根据各地的气候和地理环境,形成了各异的风俗。 In several hundred years of Daliang to Ocean Wave Sea development, they brought more population and a more advanced technology, and made a connection with the route thoroughly, the cultures of various islands blend mutually, formed the Ocean Wave Sea person clan present aspect. 大梁碧波海开发的几百年时间里,他们带来了更多的人口和更先进的技术,并彻底打通了航路,各岛的文化相互交融,才形成了碧波海人族现在的局面。 But such experience, is in the main channel 1/3 road sections happened, this is only conceivable the splendors of marine traders surplus journey. 而这样的经历,才是主航道三分之一路段内发生的,只此就可以想象海商们剩余路途的精彩。 Now the Ocean Wave Sea north side sea area is near, the dragon palace is close at hand, the islands that nearby human occupies are few gradually, Si hero was also idle, appreciated scenery along the way with Du Kang together. 如今碧波海北侧海域将近,龙宫近在眼前,附近人类占据的岛屿渐少,姒雄也清闲了下来,有空与杜康一起欣赏沿途的风景了。 Perhaps is in the subconscious still thinks oneself will be a woman, Si hero will not have turned into a man who will fill with the male aura, will instead fabricate the face that female and male distinguished not with the technique of change for oneself. 也许是潜意识中依然认为自己是一个女人,姒雄并没有将自己变成一个充满雄性气息的男人,反而是用变化之术为自己生造了一张雌雄莫辨的脸。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Longs for becoming the man, but the heart deep place knows oneself is a woman, the face that this is emitting the monster different charm looks like her one type to shine. 渴望成为男人,但内心深处又知道自己是个女人,这张散发着妖异魅力的面孔更像她内心的一种真实映照。 In jade surface full is the happy expression, Si hero covers the bright red lip with the slender finger, spoke thoughtlessly the joke that spoke to tease by Du Kang grins with ear to ear, pair of almond eyes smile curved, glancing in the circulation the vision is spooky, does not know that is thinking anything. 一张玉面上满是笑意,姒雄用纤细的手指捂住嫣红的嘴唇,被杜康随口说的笑话逗得合不拢嘴,一双杏眼笑得弯弯,眼波流转中目光幽幽,也不知在想些什么。 Good long while this smile has not removed, 好半天这个笑容都未褪去, Si hero seemingly optional saying. You may really be a charming person, if I have a younger sister, ironclad will be deceived by you.” 姒雄才貌似随意的说道。“你可真是个风趣的人,我若是有个妹妹,铁定会被你骗到手的。” My Du Kang and person intersect, what is always fastidious is perfectly suited to each other, is together to be the same like me and Si brother, if were successful the sentiment to the nature, if sentiment, how can also demand.” “我杜康与人相交,一向讲究的是情投意合,就如同我和姒兄相处一样,若感情到了自然水到渠成,若感情不到,又怎么能强求呢。” Du Kang does not have so many thoughts now actually, he does not know the Si hero real sex, but pure with appreciates to the instinct of beautiful, treats as the ordinary girl to tease her, as adjustment in own journey. 杜康现在倒是没有那么多心思,他并不知道姒雄的真实性别,只是单纯怀着对美的本能欣赏,把她当作普通女孩子来逗,作为自己旅途中的调剂。 The men eventually are the visual animals, male is female, so long as is good-looking, even if can only look purely still meets the mood to be joyful, chatted with Si hero is he maintains joyful one life style. 男人终究是视觉动物,无论是男是女,只要长得漂亮的,即便只能单纯看着也会心情愉悦,和姒雄聊天就是他保持心情愉悦的一种生活方式。 Said has no intention, the listener has a mind, Si hero actually thinks in his words to have the words, starts to size up the side earnestly the man. 说者无意,听者有心,姒雄却以为他话里有话,开始认真打量起身边的这个男人。 The eyebrow such as the far mountain and eye just the star, had an imposing appearance, gallant, although Du Kang the superficial appearance is outstanding, but had not been paid attention to by Si hero, she had lived 300-400 years, what attractive leather bag has not seen, has crossed the age of looking at the face. 眉如远山、目似刚星、气宇轩昂、英气逼人,杜康的这副皮相虽然出众,但并没有被姒雄放在眼里,她已经活了300-400个年头,什么样的好看皮囊没有见过,早已过了看脸的年纪。 Truly what was cared by her is the Du Kang strength and personality, two bodies respectively reach the middle rank peak by the concealed tail technique and ya zi law, but also separable may gather, in member who in without the high-grade almighty troops and high rank has the support, could be the strength to excel. 真正被她在意的是杜康的实力和性情,两具身体分别以藏尾术和睚眦法达到中阶巅峰,还可分可合,在没有上品神兵和高阶存在支持的修士中,也算得上实力高强了。 The manner is charming, likes the female sexual attractiveness, actually does not wallow, loose, but is not obscene ; 为人风趣,喜好女色,却不沉迷其中,风流而不下流; The personality is wild, knows oneself are the meeting head of hidden dragon meeting, but can also talk and laugh merrily freely, and sees oneself attractively, dares to sexually harass in the spoken language unexpectedly faintly, can be called is bold ; 性情狂放不羁,知道自己是隐龙会的会首,还能自如地谈笑风生,并且看到自己长得好看,竟然敢在言语中隐隐调戏,称得上是色胆包天; Although his strength is good, may only depend on these skills to dare to participate in the dragon palace to gain a son-in-law, this does not know the immensity of heaven and earth. 他的实力虽然不错,可只凭这些本事就敢参加龙宫招婿,这更是不知天高地厚。 The Du Kang appearance is uncommon, in the character has the likable place, there does not ask for the happy place, appearance that but this free and easy man, in Si great ambition wants to live recklessly. 杜康的样貌不凡,性格中有讨人喜欢的地方,也有不那么讨喜的地方,但这种肆意洒脱的男人,正是姒雄心中想要活出的模样。 Man who Si hero wants to become, is not lofty aspirations and high ideals and whole face dignified overbearing sovereign. 姒雄想要成为的男人,并不是一个雄心壮志、满脸威严霸道的皇者。 Perhaps is the childhood period mother's oppression, making in seemingly calm she be full of the idea of rebel, the past her brain is only thinking in escaped to leave home, wandered all over the world, may after has not worked again and again, such thoughts were also peaceful. 也许是幼年时期母亲的压迫,使得看似沉稳的她内心中充满了叛逆的想法,当年的她满脑子只想着逃离家里,浪迹天涯,可在几次三番都没有得逞之后,这样的心思也就澹了。 Thinks is only the childhood not mature fantasy, but after Si hero starts personally to preside over the business of hidden dragon meeting, as oppresses own mother to leave the world, the idea that this childhood sprouts even more is instead intense. 原本以为只是幼年不成熟的幻想,但在姒雄开始亲自主持隐龙会的事务之后,随着压迫自己的母亲离世,这种幼年萌生的想法反而越发强烈起来。 The heavy burden on shoulder, the ideal of duplicate/restores country's, keeping Si hero from being put into practice this idea, but her innermost feelings are always longing for this life, on the road saw Du Kang first asked him to board the carriage without hesitation, was because Du Kang was long in ideal the man like a heart. 肩上的重担,复国的理想,使姒雄无法将这种想法付诸实践,但她的内心始终在渴望着这种生活,在路上见到杜康的第一眼就毫不犹豫地请他上了马车,也是因为杜康长得就像一个自己心中理想的男人。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Said, only then the man most understands the man, a moment ago what you said is the lie, saw that your first I saw through you, you are the dishonest man of mouthful lie.” “都说只有男人才最了解男人,你刚才说的是谎言,见到你的第一眼我看穿了你,你是个满嘴谎话的不老实男人。” Although words saying, but Si hero actually smiled brightly, she liked speaking with Du Kang similarly, Du Kang every action and every movement were the appearance that she wanted to become. 话虽然这么说,但姒雄却笑得更灿烂了,她同样喜欢和杜康说话,杜康的一举一动都是她想要成为的样子。 Si brother is really in the personality the person, straight talk from a straightforward person, my mouth words of pleasant to hear specifically are truly used to coax the woman, but among your my brother, can I also coax you to be inadequate intentionally?” “姒兄果然是性情中人,快人快语,我嘴里好听的话确实是专门用来哄女人的,但是你我兄弟之间,难道我还能故意哄你不成?” Your my personality is congenial, is together the nature like many years of good friend, in the life such fate, does not want with be able to meet, your I must treasure is right.” “你我性情相投,相处起来就像多年好友一样自然,人生中这样的缘分,可不是想遇就能遇到的,你我要珍惜才对啊。” Du Kang said that also pats Si hero shoulder, later continues to appreciate at present the mammoth sea of clouds. 杜康说完还拍拍姒雄的肩膀,之后就自顾自地继续欣赏起眼前波澜壮阔的云海。 The sunlight sprinkles, the wind blows a round of silk, the atmosphere of two worlds are tranquil for a while. 阳光洒落,风吹发丝,两人间的气氛一时宁静起来。 Fate only happens by happy circumstance, should treasure is right.” “缘分可遇而不可求,应该珍惜才对。” Si hero chews these words repeatedly, suddenly raised the head to stare at the profile of Du Kang smile, thought that this face is truly charming. 姒雄反复嘴嚼这句话,突然抬头盯着杜康微笑的侧脸,觉得这张脸确实帅气。 Si hero was instilled into itself to since childhood likely the thought of man, even after being grown, occasionally in the heart the desire buds, will have the idea of looking for a companion, she is still the change for the appearance of man, looking for a woman is happy, now has the idea to a man for the first time. 姒雄从小就被灌输自己要像个男人的思想,即便成年后偶尔心中欲望萌动,会有找个伴侣的想法,她也是变化为男人的样子,找个女人欢好,如今却第一次对一个男人有了想法。 After Si hero changes the man , the monster different appearance that female and male distinguishes not, has to cause coveting of good of some Longyang, but a oneself solemn excellent son, how could is that type to welcome the buttocks by the matter of bestowing, these violated a person of instinct seduction to be rejected by her with stern words. 姒雄变化成男人后雌雄莫辨的妖异样貌,不是没有引起过一些龙阳之好者的觊觎,但自己一个堂堂大好男儿,岂能做那种迎臀受赐之事,那些违背人之天性的诱惑全被她严词拒绝了。 After may meet Du Kang, in Si great ambition actually a little vacillated, if Du Kang, seems not. 可遇到杜康之后,姒雄心中却有点动摇了,如果是杜康的话,似乎也不是不可以。 Naturally, as man. 当然,是以男人的身份。 To do does, as the hidden dragon meets the lord of this side influence, Si hero is always a resolute person. 想做就去做,身为隐龙会这种一方势力之主,姒雄一向是个果决的人。 Extends element bewildered color Du Kang to pull up, before Si Xiongla Du Kang was jumping up the carriage , a fine horse that runs quickly. 伸出素手将一脸茫然之色的杜康拉起,姒雄拉着杜康跳上了马车前奔驰的一匹龙马。 These fine horse shoulder bests pupil are one foot, the horseback is spacious incomparable, sits two people naturally a cinch, Si hero puts before Du Kang, oneself sat in Du Kang behind, the double bracelet the body of Du Kang, both hands are grasping the reins of fine horse, appearance that happy rode a horse frequently. 这些龙马肩高足有一尺,马背更是宽大无比,坐两个人自然不在话下,姒雄把杜康放在前面,自己则是坐在了杜康身后,双臂环着杜康的身体,双手抓龙马的缰绳,怡然一副经常骑马的样子。 Si brother, what you make?” “姒兄,你这是做什么?” Du Kang having a big shock, turns head to look behind, actually by Si hero the head rest on oneself shoulder, this seemed like that the physique slender son of the influential has Du Kang the great strength that is hard to resist, broke off his head with this posture directly forcefully. 杜康‘大惊失色’,扭头向身后看去,却被姒雄将头枕在了自己肩膀上,这个看似身板纤细的公子哥拥有一身杜康难以抗拒的巨力,直接用这个姿势将他的头给强行掰正了回来。 Later Si hero then said near the Du Kang ear gently. 之后姒雄便在杜康耳边轻轻说道。 Treated in my arms, this young master led you to ride a Malaysia.” “在我怀里待好了,本公子带你骑一圈大马。” The thought moves slightly, the looseness of two people side however flees courageous, the breeze of fine control opened the lock catch of fine horse and horse Workshop, Si hero pats the horse buttocks, this fine horse was separated from the side on the acceleration still in the companion of pulling a cart, bringing strong winds to run quickly. 意念微动,两人身边的风流就勐然窜动起来,精细操控的微风打开了龙马和马车间的锁扣,姒雄一拍马屁股,这匹龙马就加速脱离了身边仍在拉车的同伴,带着一股狂风奔驰而出。 Tick-tock the hoofbeat resounds from the body, the soft cloud layer is similar to conscientious under the hoof of fine horse, the carriage is getting more and more far, the instinct detected that the danger Du Kang, the attempt and behind person communicate. 滴嗒的马蹄声从身下响起,松软的云层在龙马的蹄下如同脚踏实地,身后的马车越来越远,本能察觉到危险的杜康,尝试和身后的人沟通起来。 Si brother, had the words to say well. Even if you do not have the sisters, I will not blame your, so long as you later live an as pretty as a flower miss to be able first to remember me, I was content very much, does not need to harness a horse personally, this makes me be somewhat afraid.” “姒兄,有话好好说。就算你没有姐妹,我也不会怪你的,只要你以后生个如花似玉的姑娘能首先想起我,我就很知足了,根本不用亲自共驾一匹马,这让我有些害怕。” This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Clever, although felt relieved, I will not injure your.” “乖,尽管放宽心好了,我是不会伤害你的。” The Si hero gentle words resound in the Du Kang ear, made him have goosebumps directly, Du Kang saw the opposite party attractively, said on the instinct some words, what do not want really and Si hero have, why will matter develop this appearance? 姒雄温柔的话在杜康耳边响起,直接让他起了一身鸡皮疙瘩,杜康只是见对方长得好看,就本能地多说了些话,可没想真的和姒雄发生点什么,事情为什么会发展成这个样子? A Du Kang face compels ignorant, this is the strange destiny trend that even/including Xuanming the Zhenhai seal is unable to foresee, 杜康一脸懵逼,这是连玄冥镇海印都无法预见的奇怪命运走向, Really, I should not on Si hero carriage, this not go to the car(riage) of dragon palace at that time, this car(riage) had possibly taken the branch road, turned on some not well-known mountain. 果然,我当时就不应该上姒雄的马车,这根本就不是去龙宫的车,这车可能已经走了歧路,拐到某座不知名的山上了。 , Urges to send to the pinnacle repulsion to proliferate subconsciously from the whole body, Du Kang wants to create the opportunity, leaves from the bosom of this dangerous character. 下意识地,催发到极致的斥力就从周身扩散开来,杜康想要制造机会,从这个危险人物的怀中离开。 Bang- 轰- This destroys the boundless strength of mountain but actually mountain sufficiently, made strong winds in the cloud layer instantaneously, the astral wind of howling drove away the fog, finally blew off one diameter one li (0.5 km) in the cloud layer huge in the clouds empty. 这股足以摧山倒岳的磅礴力量,瞬间就在云层中制造了一场狂风,呼啸的罡风将云雾驱赶开来,最终在云层中吹散出一个直径一里的巨大云中空洞。 But as the main objective of this attack, faced directly most Si hero of offensive force was similar to by the cool breeze is actually blown general, on the face still has the temperate happy expression, including a hairstyle not chaotic. 但作为这次攻击的主要目标,直面了大部分攻击力量的姒雄却如同被清风拂面一般,脸上仍带着温和的笑意,连一丝发型都没有乱。 But the fine horses of two people crotch were also protected by a windsail, had not been damaged slightly. 而两人胯下的龙马也被一层风罩保护了起来,没有受到丝毫的损伤。 Strikes the idle work, Du Kang lifts the elbow to hit backward, after Si hero, sent first to using the slender finger pressed firmly between the fingers the elbow of Du Kang, only pinched gently, pinches to disperse the strength that in the Du Kang muscles burst out. 一击无功,杜康抬肘向后打去,姒雄后发先至用纤细的手指捏住了杜康的手肘,只轻轻一捏,就将杜康肌肉间迸发的劲力捏散开来。 But that move of itself/Ben was a pretence, looked at boldly the line unobservable angle in a Si, Du Kang another hand ejection has three claw edges, silent punctured to him. 但刚才的那招本就是幌子,在一个姒雄视线难以察觉的角度,杜康的另一只手弹射出三根爪刃,无声地向他刺去。 Meanwhile, the Du Kang bone hammer springs from the end, makes trouble to go toward the rear area, if Si hero does not move aside, shortly will be the result of losing all. 同时,杜康的骨锤从尾部弹出而出,向着后方直直捣蛋而去,姒雄如果不躲闪,顷刻间就是鸡飞蛋打的结局。 Temperament explodes very much, has the wild nature very much......” “脾气很爆,很有野性……” Si hero clamps the horseback, the whole person soars rapidly, evaded making trouble of hammer to strike in fast. 姒雄一夹马背,整个人迅速腾空而起,于电光石火之间躲过了尾锤的捣蛋一击。 In the process of soaring, his hand also along the cunning angle, inserts in the finger three claw blade slits that punctured, finger only light point several after the Du Kang fist surface next, these were known as that may the row in world first three claw edges, the uncontrolled automatic contraction return hardly immediately. 在飞腾的过程之中,他的一只手还沿着刁钻的角度,将手指插入了刺来的三根爪刃缝隙之间,手指只在杜康的拳面上轻点几下后,这几根号称坚硬可排世间前三的爪刃,立刻不受控制的自动收缩而回。 Si hero in in the air attractive turning over, crosses from the Du Kang top of the head, fell the Du Kang bosom lithely, two people stuck to sit face-to-face. 姒雄在空中一个漂亮的翻身,就从杜康的头顶越过,轻盈地落到了杜康的怀里,两人面对面紧贴而坐。 Went bad, he has mountains and rivers seal, can the restraint dragon nine laws.” “坏了,他有山河印,可以克制化龙九法。” The regret did not have to spread in the Du Kang heart with enough time, in he must use the tongue resplendent lotus flower, in the Du Kang main body kidney place several thousand li (0.5 km) away, the profound deep Zhenhai seal is in vain automatic shakes, a row of torn to pieces picture appears immediately in his eyes. 悔意还没有来得及在杜康心中蔓延,正在他要使用舌灿莲花相之时,远在几千里之外的杜康本体肾脏处,玄冥镇海印徒然自动一震,一排支离破碎的画面当即出现在他的眼中。 Beautiful woman who an appearance elegant, wears phoenix coronet cape or shawl worn by upper-class ladies in ancient times is raising red veil, full is happy expression looks to Du Kang of same scarlet happy clothing/taking......】 【一个面相雍容华贵、身穿凤冠霞帔的美人正在掀起红盖头,满是笑意地看向同样一身大红喜服的杜康……】 【Before big mirror, a profile is Si hero appearance, profile is on a picture the woman of bridal clothes female, is dressing up......】 【高大的梳妆镜前,一个半边脸是姒雄模样,半边脸是上一副画面中嫁衣女子的女人,正在梳妆打扮……】 Si hero who side kerosene wind four dragons surround, with becoming double headed dragon body Du Kang confronts, seems in life and death in opposite directions......】 【身边地火水风四龙环绕的姒雄,正在和变为双头龙身的杜康对峙,似乎正在生死相向……】 Besides these three pictures, the later picture is all damaged, is unable to identify the content, only plunders in the Du Kang mind, vanishes in an instant does not see...... 除这三幅画外,之后的画面全都破碎不堪,无法辨认内容,只在杜康脑海中一掠而过,就转眼消失不见…… This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 These are the profound deep Zhenhai seal from the picture that in the destiny river spies on, will not have the false, Si is hero a woman? 这些是玄冥镇海印自命运长河中窥探到的画面,不会有假,难道姒雄是个女人? In the heart flashes through a lot of thoughts instantaneously, the next quarter, Du Kang has made the resolution, on his face exhibits the pleasantly surprised smile immediately, puts out a hand to hold on front Si hero hand affection to say. 心中瞬间闪过千百个念头,下一刻,杜康已经做出了决断,他的脸上立刻摆出了惊喜的笑容,伸手拉住面前姒雄的手深情说道。 Originally you also like me, this was too good......” “原来你也喜欢我,这实在太好了……” Two eyes relative regard, two people for a while completely all speechless. 两双眼睛相对而视,两人一时尽皆无言。 In this time, fine horse footsteps under two human foot keeps crashing in front one group of vast white fog exactly. 恰在此时,两人脚下的龙马脚步不停地冲进前方一团浩大的白色云雾中。 The cool water vapor heads on, covers the entire field of vision, cloud Haiyu of palm of the hand sizes shuttles back and forth in the fog back and forth, water vapor that eats food these to contain the spiritual energy. 清凉的水汽扑面而来,覆盖整个视野,一只只巴掌大小的云海鱼在云雾中来回穿梭,争相进食这些富含灵气的水汽。 This dim and dreamlike water vapor world, provided a secret conversation place to two people. 这个朦朦胧胧、如梦似幻的水汽世界,给两人提供了一个隐秘交谈的地点。 Also does not know that they said anything, only knows that and other fine horses from several -mile cloud layer shuttle back and forth, but time, two people had restored intimately at first same rides the stance. 也不知他们说了些什么,只知道等龙马从长达十几里的云层中穿梭而出的时候,两人已经恢复了最初亲密的同乘姿态。 But in the front of two people line of sight end, islands is situated in the blue sea. 而在两人视线尽头的前方,一座岛屿坐落在碧蓝色的大海之中。 After one month of hurrying along, ocean waves dragon clan territory, finally to...... 经过一个月的赶路,碧波龙族的领地,终于到了……
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