【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】Thisis an amniotic fluidconstitutionssea.
The colorless and tastelesswarmliquidis wrapping the body of Du Kang, hecanfeel,has the weaknutrients, is attemptingthroughassociating with people the skininfiltratestohiswithin the body.
无色无味的温暖液体包裹着杜康的身体,他能感觉到,有微弱的营养物质,正在企图通过交人的皮肤向他的体内渗透。Concerned about the wrap/setsskin of outer layerwith the Du Kangtissuehas not linkedtruly, was cut off the process of thisabsorptionnutrition.
只是碍于,外层的套皮没有和杜康的身体组织真正连接在一起,才阻隔了这个吸收营养的过程。At this moment, the panelalsoinvestigated the information of amniotic fluidat the right moment.
此刻,面板也适时地探查出了羊水的信息。【Name】: Embryoseaamniotic fluid
【姓名】:胎海羊水Rank: Nextlow-grade
特性:Yuhealth/life: On own initiativetobeing in the lifeform in amniotic fluidinstills into the nutrients, maybe the lifeformcubuntilhavingtaking care of oneselfabilitybreedingfrom the embryoinstitute of before of seed.
育生:主动向处于羊水内的生物灌输营养物质,可作为生物幼体从胚胎萌芽直至拥有自理能力前的繁育之所。Embryodream: Placesinabsorbing dream that the lifeformcubcanfall intois completely spiritless, only thenafterbodybreedingis mature, when orencounters the external forcewill awaken.
胎梦:身处其中的生物幼体会陷入无知无觉的酣梦中,只有在身体孕育成熟之后,或者遭遇外力时才会惊醒。Mutagenesis: Placesfor a long time, the lifeformhas the extremelysmallprobabilityto be inducedto have the mutation.
诱变:长久身处其中,生物有极微小的概率被诱导发生异变。Buries: Butdegrades the skeleton in amniotic fluidslowly, transferringnutrients that mayby the biologic uptake.
葬死:可缓慢降解羊水中的尸骸,转为可被生物吸收的营养物质。„Lifeform, so long asstaysin the embryosea, doesn't needto look for foodon own initiative?”
“生物只要呆在胎海中,就不需要主动去觅食吗?”In the heartflashes throughsuch thought that on the body of Du Kangstartsto stick to the body surfaceto send outweakgolden light, oneselfwill isolatewith the amniotic fluid.
心中闪过这样的念头,杜康的身体上开始紧贴体表散发出一层微弱的金光,将自己与羊水隔绝开来。Although the panelpromptembryoseaamniotic fluidsoaksin a short timeharmlessly, butthinkswas being wrappedby the amniotic fluid, Du Kangfeelsat heartstrangely.
虽然面板提示胎海羊水短时间内浸泡无害,但一想到被羊水包裹着,杜康心里还是感觉怪怪的。„Although the qualityonlyappraisesforbelowlow-grade, butthisisvastsea, the entireembryoseacomprised ofthistype of amniotic fluid, itsvalueonlyfeared that is the commonhigh-gradealmighty troopsesdoes not compare.”
“虽然品质只评价为下下品,但这可是一片一望无际的海洋啊,整个的胎海都是由这种羊水组成的,它的价值只怕是一般的上品神兵都比不上的吧。”Du Kangboth handspaddle, the both feettreads water, approachesby a embryoto observe.杜康双手划动,双脚踩水,凑近身边的一个胚胎旁观察起来。By the translucentpulpplacenta, cansee that the interioris a nolifeformcub that has the ox head, the tigerclaw and fish tailappearance.
The umbilical cord and placentainterconnection, with seek the nutrition in amniotic fluid.
有一根脐带和胎盘相互连接,用以吸收羊水中的营养。Itsbodyeachorganizationis softandfresh-facedat this time, canseeto assume the tree rootshapedistributedcloseblood vesselby the translucentskin, the delicateheartkeepsagitating the bloodflows, makingitseem like a fineartware.
它的身体各个组织此时柔软而粉嫩,透过半透明的皮肤能看到呈树根状分布的细密血管,娇弱的心脏不停地鼓动血液在其中流淌,使它看起来像一件精致的艺术品。Continueslooksto the celldeep place,sure enoughsaw the familiarthreespiral structures, toucheswith the handgently, Du Kangknewitsnamesmoothly.
继续向细胞深处看去,果不其然又看到了熟悉的三螺旋结构,用手轻轻触碰,杜康顺利得知了它的名字。【Name】: Does not have a cowto hand over/associates with people
【姓名】:无眼牛交/交人Rank: Smallmonster
等级:小妖Skill: Monsterbody and spirit
技能:蛮妖体魄Like a fish in water
如鱼得水water clanmonsterbody
水族妖躯Transforms the condition: Feed
蜕变条件:进食„Reallyis not the successfultest piece, since failed, whythatalsodoes want the ignorestheyto multiplyhere?”
“果然是不成功的试验品嘛,既然已经失败了,那为什么还要放任它们在这里繁衍呢?”Du Kangtakes back the vision, thenotherembryos that floattoall aroundlooks, after the line of sightpenetratesplacentabig or small, whatseenis the grotesquedistortionlifeform.杜康收回目光,转而向四周漂浮的其它胚胎看去,视线穿透或大或小的胎盘后,看到的是一个个奇形怪状的扭曲生物。Seeslimbs that seesallpieces togetherat willbecomes, nocow that the five senses and strangephysique of distortion, sawa moment agohands over the imagein is also quitepleasing to the eyes.
入目所见皆是随意拼凑而成的肢体,扭曲的五官和怪异的形体,刚才见到的无眼牛交形象在其中还算是比较顺眼的。TigerleopardChailang, cattlepigdogandeaglecranebirdswallowandfishBieXiaxie......, no matter the viviparityor the egglive, the physical characters of birds, beastorsea-monster, allsplicedat willinone.
虎豹豺狼、牛羊猪狗、鹰鹤雀燕、鱼鳖虾蟹……不管是胎生还是卵生,不论是飞禽、走兽还是游鱼的身体特征,全都随意地拼接在了一起。Having the mouth and dermatitisis long, in the seeking noveltymermaid, hadon the hoofto growonblackhairHaidan, tail that togetherfeatherwas covered with the eyebut actuallywalks the alonecorner/hornseawolf that onhair-sealandfacelongsends, canstore upmassively* the sunflowerYintrepang of water in within the body, the internal organswhirls aroundin the bigsnake in outside the body......
有嘴巴和皮炎长在一起猎奇美人鱼、有蹄子上长出羽毛的黑毛海胆、尾巴上长满了眼睛的倒走海驴、脸上长寄吧的独角海狼,能够在体内储存大量*水的葵阴海参,内脏翻卷在体外的大蛇……This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】Here, Du Kangalmostcanseealllifeform that heknows, toanalyze the shape that the componentsassemble, changing external appearances onlyreappears.
在这里,杜康几乎能看到他认识的所有生物,以拆分成零件重新组装的形态,改头换面重新出现。In addition, the animalcharacteristics that ontheselifeformsomemassiveDu Kanghave not recognized, may behimexperiencesuperficially, possiblyisassociate with people the originaldesign.
The strangeimages and organcombinations in theseworks, there aremuchbreak through the Du Kangcognition , what state of mindwas very difficultto imaginecreatedtheirassociating with peoplein the pastis.
这些作品中的怪异形象和器官组合,有不少着实突破杜康的认知,很难想象当年创造它们的交人是一种什么样的精神状态。Appreciated the marvelous sight in a whileembryosea, Du Kangdid not haveto forgetoneselfthistimecameto associate with people the bead, planned that otherregionslook.
欣赏了一会儿胎海中的奇景,杜康也没有忘记自己这次进来是为了交人珠,就打算到其它区域去找找。After the observation of thismoment, Du Kangdiscovered, the growthdegrees of theseembryos have the eveningearly, whenunifiesin a directiontends to bematurer, in relativeanotherdirectionis relatively immaturer.
经过这片刻的观察,杜康发现,这些胚胎的发育程度有早有晚,但统一都是往一个方向时趋于更成熟,往相对的另一个方向时相对更稚嫩一些。Associatestoassociating with people the characteristics of light of beadgood fortune, Du Kangdecidedimmediatelytogrowing a immaturerdirectionseeks, thereshouldbemakes the sources of theseembryosto be.
联想到交人珠造化之光的特性,杜康当即决定向发育更加稚嫩的方向去寻找,那里应该是制造这些胚胎的源头所在。Thinks ofhere, Du Kanglooks back to lookbehind.
想到这里,杜康回首向身后望去。Sees is only emptybehind, buthecan the sensation, pass in and out the gateway of paradiseclearlyalso there, so long asreturns tohereagain, canleavethrough the old route.
只见身后空无一物,但他能清晰地感知到,进出福地的门户还在那里,只要再次回到这儿,就可以通过原路离开。So long asassociated with peopleto make treaties of alliancenot to finish, channelopening that inpassed in and outbefore the victor, thisgatewaywill not shut down.
只要交人会盟不结束,在供胜利者进出的通道开启之前,这道门户都不会关闭。Moreover, did not say that nowoutsidealsohitslike a raging fire, does not have/leave the victorsuddenly, wasmakes treaties of allianceto finish, Du Kang can also leavethisparadisetaking advantage of the channel that the victorturned on.
The escape routeplan that will leaveis appropriate, on the Du Kangsendingsilkcreeping motionrises suddenly, packageshim, the mimicrybecomes a bigfishgradually, alongaccording tooneselfguessed that the designationdirection, bypasses the embryo that in the sea waterfloatsto swim awayto the distant placedelightedly.
将离开的后路计划妥当,杜康头上的发丝蠕动暴涨,将他包裹起来,渐渐拟态成一条大鱼,沿着根据自己猜测选定的方向,摇头摆尾地绕过海水中漂浮的胚胎向远处游去。Thisparadiseare truly general, Du Kangloafed about halfdouble-hourin the sea water, sawsomedifferentsceneriesinperipheryembryocubgetting smaller.
这座福地确实广大,杜康在海水中游荡了将近半个时辰,才在周围越来越小的胚胎幼体中看到了些不一样的景色。Hereis a sea area that proliferates the maturemonster.
这里是一片遍布成熟妖怪的海域。Youasked how Du Kangseesthemto be mature, naturallyismovement that becausethesemonstersnowfemale and maleandgather.
A flavorbeyond descriptionscattersinthissea area.
The buildgiantwater clanmonster, and buildphase contrastcontourentirely differentmonsteris but pestering here, variousgrotesquesmall-scaleassociate with people the clandivine creative forcealsocheerfullyfittingin the same place.
体型巨大的水族妖怪,正在这里和体型相衬但外形截然不同的妖怪纠缠着,各种奇形怪状的小型交人族造物也欢快地贴合在一起。Has the monster of scales, throughraising upownscales, reveals the softexternal skinto express the affectionsto the lover:
有鳞甲的妖怪,通过竖起自身的鳞甲、露出柔软的表皮向爱侣表达爱意:Has the snakeshapelifeform, the mutualplatein the sea waterbecame the every large or smallsnakeball, after a timehappyis good, theyabandoned the oldlove, joinsin the snakeball of new joy, onlytobreednewlifediligently;
The groups of fish-shapedmonstersare pursuingin the sea watermutually, the milterkeepshaving a specific useto contradict the abdomen of spawner, only after waiting for the spawnerroeblowoutoutside the body, rushesgoes, the tailsweeps, the treasureblowout that oneselfwill collect, after the roeunifiesmutuallyturns into the completeshape;
一群群的鱼形妖怪们在海水中相互追逐着,雄鱼不停地用头顶撞着雌鱼的腹部,只等雌鱼将鱼卵喷出体外之后,才冲上前去,尾巴扫动,将自己珍藏的宝贝喷出,与鱼卵相互结合后变成完整的形态;Some can only the one-to-onelifeform, forgets kindnessessupportsin the same place, yeahis caressing the body of companion, jointlycompletes the lifein the movement the bigharmony;
一些只能一对一的生物,也忘情地相拥在一起,不停的哎抚着伴侣的身体,在运动中共同完成生命的大和谐;Takes a broad viewto look, in the biglake waterfullis the living creature of line of happygoodmatters, respectiveis crazy.
放眼看去,偌大的湖水中满是行欢好之事的活物,各自疯狂着。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
The Du Kangsteelsends the come all alonebigfish that weaves, informs a paireither, inmonsterin groupssomewhatis either conspicuous.杜康钢发编织出的形单影只大鱼,在要么成双,要么成群的妖怪中就有些显眼起来。Having the fishmonsterthinks that thisis a spawner, wantsto contradictitsabdomen, insideroehitting, is enjoyedseveralsteelto sendbyDu Kangimmediately, the headexplodes, tragic deathhere.
有鱼妖以为这是一条雌鱼,想要顶撞它的腹部,将里面的鱼卵给撞出来,立刻被杜康赏了几记钢发,头颅爆裂,惨死在了这里。All kinds ofmonstersneighedmixedin the same place, the visioninstitute and place, in the sea waterare the having sexual intercoursemonsters, interwovetogether an extremelyhappygrand feast.
各式各样的妖怪嘶鸣混杂在一起,目光所及之处,海水中遍是正在交合的妖怪,共同交织出一场极乐的盛宴。In the embryoseaamniotic fluid, the breedingprocess of life seemed to be accelerateddirectly, thesefish and shrimpand other eggfreshlifeform, have the lifeform of viviparacharacteristics, unexpectedlyalsoinhappygoodconclusiona moment later, the directbirthgot downbegan to take shape the youngchild, reallylet the Du Kangsharp dropeye socket.
在胎海羊水中,生命的孕育过程似乎被直接加速了,那些鱼虾等卵生的生物也就罢了,就连身上带有胎生动物特征的生物,竟然也在欢好结束的片刻之后,就直接诞下了初具雏形的幼崽,实在让杜康大跌眼眶。Herenon-stop the embryo under birth, wasDu Kangplaced the source of sea of thatembryoa moment ago.
这里不停诞下的胚胎,就是杜康刚才身处那片胚胎之海的源头。Butthesemonstersafter the birth, still have not stoppedactingunexpectedly, butjoinedin the revelrycamp, aftertradingbreedingsoldrepeatedly the godboneis thin, in the joy of pinnacledied, the corpsedropsto goto the seadeep place......
而这些妖怪在生育之后,竟然依然没有停止动作,而是重新加入了狂欢的阵营中,直至换了孕育多次销神骨瘦之后,才在极致的快乐中死去,尸体向海洋深处跌落而去……It can be predicted that theircorpseswill not wastefinally, butchanges to the amniotic fluidto continueto nourishowndescendant.
可以预见,它们的尸体最终也不会浪费,而是化作羊水继续滋养着自己的后代。„Sexual intercourseandproduction that forgets, intheodor controlbywater?”
“忘死的交合和生产,是被水中的这股气味控制了吗?”Du Kangobservesscenes that the life and deathis interweavingat presenttranquilly, in the heart the ancient well without ripples.杜康平静地观察着眼前生死交织的一幕幕场景,心中古井无波。Whendiscovered that the monstershave sexual intercoursecrazily, hesealed up the breath, thiscanurge the sentiment the smell, has not had the tremendous impact on himactually.
早在发现妖怪们疯狂交合的时候,他就封闭了呼吸,这股能够催情的气味,倒是没有对他产生多大的影响。Afterlooking at the action of monsters, Du Kangevensuspected,thistype of urgingsentimentgasspecificallyaims atthreespirallifeform.
在看过妖怪们的举动后,杜康甚至怀疑,这种催情气体是专门针对三螺旋生物的。Because the fearto the deathinscribedin the instinct of eachlifeconsciousnessmostdeep place, only then the pointedmethod, canexplaincrazy that monstersthattypecompletelyforgot dead.
因为对死亡的恐惧是铭刻在每一个生命意识最深处的本能,只有针对性的手段,才能解释妖怪们那种完全忘记死亡的疯狂。„Ihave the premonition, herehas left the goal is not far.”
“我有预感,这里已经离目标不远了。”Du Kangevadesalsoin the sexual intercoursesurgesgroupmonster, has dodged the corpse that non-stopfalling, moves the tail , to continue toward the front.杜康躲过还在交合翻腾的群妖,闪避过不停掉落的尸体,甩动尾巴,向着前方继续前行。Asmoreforwards, the flavor in amniotic fluidisrich, Du Kangmonsteralsohad the change.
After falling into the crazyhappygroupmonsterby the brain of throwing, appearedin the presentmonstermostnewlystartsto have the obviousdifference.
Different from the rear areais thin, butstimulatedsimilar, heregroupmonstergodends the air/Qifoot, looked was just attractedby the fragrancefrom the peripheralsea area.
不同于后方消瘦但亢奋的同类,这里的群妖神完气足,一看就是刚刚才从周边海域中被香气吸引过来的。Completelyfor the fragrance that theycustomize, activated the strength of inscribinginthreespiralsequencedeep places, theyare conducting the cheerfulpreludedance before sexual intercoursein the sea water, has not conducted thatstep of giving birth, thisstrengthenedDu Kangnot to find fault the direction the confidence.
完全为它们量身定做的香气,激活了铭刻在三螺旋序列深处的力量,它们在海水中进行着交合前的欢快前奏舞蹈,还没有进行到产子的那一步,这更坚定了杜康没有找错方向的信心。Alsocontinuedto walk randomly the momentin the groupmonster, in the frontclearsea water, appearedfinallywiped the differentsceneries.
又在群妖中持续游走了片刻,前方清亮的海水中,终于出现了一抹不同的风景。Thatisonesneaks the giantseabeastindeep sea, at leastis34hundreds of zhang (333 m) and thickliuqishi-ten feetbodiesfloatin the amniotic fluidsea, is roaming throughsilent.
The fishfin that the greattail of shakingandwhipschangespromotes the power that the bodygoes forward, in the blowhole of top of the head, the smell that canstimulate to movement the monsterpassionsends outcontinuously, attracts the monstersto gatherat the rear areaunceasingly.
摇动的巨尾和拍打的鱼鳍化作推动身体前进的动力,头顶的气孔中,能够催动妖怪情欲的气味从中源源不断散发,吸引着妖怪们在后方不断聚集。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】„A bigmonster!”Du Kangcan not helpvoicesuchopinions.
This is the first time that Du Kangsawthisbuildmonster, beforehehas seenbiggestmonster, monsterkingYitui of crab-eating frogclanalso more than 40zhang (3.33 m), butbuildsuchin the face ofthiswhalemonster can only be a tiny tot not worthy of mention.
这还是杜康第一次见到这种体型的妖怪,之前他见过的最大妖怪,海蛙一族的妖王遗蜕也不过才四十多丈大小,可那样的体型在这只鲸妖面前只能算是个不值一提的小不点。Butin the spiritual eyeeye of Du Kang, the miraculousintensity of thisgreatmonstermostis in the bigmonsterpeak the situation, but the hugebuildcausesitsmonsterstrength and vitalitytotal quantitylooks atDu Kangto be fearful and apprehensive, ifwere pattedby the tail of thisbigmonster, evenDu Kangthishigh rankmemberstillwants the severe wound.
但在杜康的灵眼眼中,这只巨妖的灵光强度最多处于大妖巅峰的地步,只是庞大的体型使得它的妖力和气血总量看得杜康心惊胆战,要是被这种大妖的尾巴拍一下,就算杜康这个高阶修士也要重伤。„It seems like, associates with people a clanto wrest awayassociates with people the bead20,000years, issomeexperimentachievements.”
“看来,交人一族霸占交人珠两万年,还是有些实验成果的。”Thiswhalemonsteris not the naturalgood fortunelivesabsolutely, definitelyisassociates with people a clanseniorto useto associate with people the work that the beadcreates.
这只鲸妖绝对不是自然造化而生的,肯定是交人一族前辈使用交人珠创造出的作品。【Underrecommendation, tradessourceappto pursue the bookreallyeasily-to-use, heredownloads.huanyuanappeveryoneto go to tryquickly.】
【推荐下,换源app追书真的好用,这里下载.huanyuanapp大家去快可以试试吧。】Otherwise, presently in the world , so long ashas presentedthisgreatmonster, certainlywill leave behind the relatedrecordor the legend, Du Kangnot possiblenot to hear.
The goalis in sightdistantly, the Du Kangstayis actually hesitatingsame place.
目标遥遥在望,杜康却停留在原地踌躇不前起来。Butnotbecause ofthisbuildhugewhalemonster, because in the spiritual eye, whalemonsterwithin the bodystillhassevengroupsweakly, butqualityactuallyextremelyhighmiraculous glow.
但不是因为这只体型庞大的鲸妖,而是因为灵眼中,鲸妖体内还存在着七团微弱但品质却极高的灵光。Although the whalemonster the buildis astonishing, mayalsolose the flexibility, Du Kanghas the confidenceto be abledepending ongiving a pretextresplendentlotus flowerplays the opposite partyruns around in circles, butitswithin the bodythatsevengroups of miraculous glows that endurescompared with the high rankmemberletnot dareDu Kangto act rashly.
鲸妖虽然体型惊人,可也失之灵活,杜康有信心能凭借口灿莲花相将对方玩得团团转,但它体内那七团堪比高阶修士的灵光却让不敢杜康轻举妄动。„Listened to the deep pool saying that after associating with people a clanto havemanymonsterkingsdie, buriesinparadise, theywill not have died......”
……„Deep pool, can a monsterking of yourclango on living?”
“渊儿,你们一族的妖王能一直活下去吗?”Presently the world, the hidden rocksea, Du Kangdirectlyasksthisquestionto the deep pool.
The deep poolturns headto lookto the eyes of sideman, why must askthisinstrangeDu Kang, after twopairs of differently-coloredpupillooking at each otherlong time, the deep poolsaidscruple.
渊扭头看向身边男人的双眼,显然是在奇怪杜康为什么要问这个,两双颜色不同的眸子对视良久之后,渊才迟疑地说道。„Monsterkingwith the monsterSaint of daysamelongevity, myclanhistorydoes not receive work the longestgreyscalemonsterking , after mustenjoy a 2800 th life, onlongevitycompletely, diesearliestbrownscalemonsterkingGeng is only1000years old untimely death.”
“妖王又不是与天同寿的妖圣,我族历史上活得最久的灰鳞妖王,也不过得享两千八百岁寿元后就寿尽了,死得最早的棕鳞妖王更是才一千岁就英年早逝。”„Hasgod positionexcept forthese, thisworldhad nomonsterkingdaresto sayoneselfwill never pass away, but after becoming the Spiritual God, needsfaced with the incense and candle the infiniteinexorable fate that was willing the strengthto derive, sooner or lateralsofalling from the skyin.”
“除了那些坐拥神位者,这世间就没有哪个妖王敢说自己永远不会老死的,而成为神灵之后,又需要面临香火愿力衍生出的无穷劫数,迟早也会陨落其中。”„Inmonsterkingno onecanbe immortal, thishas become the oneconsensus in worldlife, Iassociate with people a clanwhatvirtue whatto be able, to achieve the exception.”
“妖王之中无人能够永生,这已经成了世间生灵的一种共识,我交人一族又何德何能,能做到例外呢。”Inthese words of deep poolhad the wordsto remindDu Kanginstantaneously.
渊的这一番话中有话瞬间点醒了杜康。Associates with people a clan, ifhassevenmonsterkings, howpossiblyis the presentclanto live apart, withdrawsin the condition of hidden rocksea, shouldstudy the ocean wavesdragon palace is so freeearlyis right.
交人一族要是拥有七个妖王的话,怎么可能会是现在氏族分居,龟缩在暗礁海的状态,早应该学着碧波龙宫那样招摇才对。Thatspiritual eyeviewit, that sevengroups of miraculous glows of greatwhalewithin the bodyare quite weak, this pointcanleftprove the guess of Du Kang.
加之灵眼观之,巨鲸体内的那七团灵光极为微弱,这一点更能左证杜康的猜测。Thatsevenmonsterkingshad not died, the corpsewas arranged the strategyprotectionto associate with people the bead, isassociates with people the bead to extend the energy of life, sevenlivingmonsterkingJiaroundassociating with peoplebeadbarely manages to maintain a feeble existence......
Which possibility, associates with people the strength that in the paradise has is not exaggeratingis right.
不论是哪一种可能,交人福地内拥有的战力都不会很夸张才对。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】„The life of monsterking, althoughalsohas the end, but is always much long-time than the bigmonster, my givesdeep poolto snatch the opportunity of becoming the monsterkingcomes, quitemakesusbe have the longyearsto live together affectionately.”
“妖王的命虽也有尽头,但总比大妖要长久得多,我这就去给渊儿抢一个成为妖王的机会来,也好让我们能够有漫长的岁月来双宿双飞。”In the Du Kanghearthad the resolution, the tonealsobecomeslively, takes up the heavenshakinghammerto walktoward the arenaon the strideagain.杜康心中有了决断,语气也变得轻快起来,拿起震天锤就大步向擂台上再次走去。Becauseexploresthese days of paradisein the main body, made treaties of alliance the firstround of fiveratiosto fighthad finished.
因为在本体探索福地的这段时间里,会盟第一轮的五场比斗已经全部结束了。After the ballotdefiniteopponent, Du Kangcannotpull outtothatbamboo slip of drawing a byeagainluck, nowarrives athisagainfatetime.
在重新抽签确定对手之后,杜康没能幸运地抽到轮空的那一签,现在又到了他再次下场的时候了。In the sea levelinside and outsideone, onwhole bodyskin being barebackedguys of variousmarkfullgroup of monstershave waited for a long time, saw that Du Kangtowedto mount the stagefor a long time, thatferocious-looking, covered entirely the face of thornshapetattooto be fiercesays with a smile.
在一里外的海面上,早已有一个全身皮肤上纹满各路妖怪的赤膊大汉等待许久,见到杜康拖了许久才上台,那张满脸横肉,布满荆棘状纹身的面孔才狰狞一笑道。„Finallywas willingto leaveownwoman, looked that youhesitantwere so long, the grandfatheralsothinks that youwere a coward who did not have the eggegg, mustadmit defeatdirectly.”
The guytattoo of complicatedexceptionally, including the fierceghosts and gods of fiendish features, the silvergreatwolf that the buddhist imagedignifiedBuddhismBuddhist priest, the headlives the alonecorner/horn, hoversinheaven the goldeneagle, threeflood dragons that the surgesmakes the sea...... described a hell are actually the ukiyoepicture scrolls of the world.
大汉身上的纹身繁复异常,其中有青面獠牙的凶恶鬼神,宝相庄严的佛门僧人,头生独角的银色巨狼,翱翔于天的金色雄鹰,翻腾弄海的三首蛟龙……描绘出一幅地狱其实就是人间的浮世绘画卷。Du Kanglooks at the air/Qi of turbulentfinetattoostheseevil spirit, the zhang (3.33 m)odd/surplusChangheavenshakinghammerwill towin the water, walkswhilesaid.杜康看着那些妖魔之气汹涌的精致纹身,将丈余长的震天锤拖在水里,边走边说道。„Iseeonyou a gameto act, whatyoucultivate/repairis the invitationgods in blackVi □ oysendsseals the sorceryspirit, can blackVi □ oyalsoinvolveto associate with people a dispute of clan?”
“我见过你上一局出手,你修的是黑木岛的请神寄灵封妖法吧,难道黑木岛也要介入交人一族的纷争吗?”„Dog dengsameblackVi □ oy, withdirectingyour familygrandfatherworks, the grandfatherandblackVi □ oyhave a grudge, sooner or latermusttwist the blackVi □ oyislandLordhead......”
“狗屎一样的黑木岛,也配指挥你家爷爷做事,爷爷和黑木岛有仇,早晚有一天要将黑木岛岛主的脑袋拧下来……”Did not raiseblackVi □ oyto be good, the guy who heard the blackVi □ oythreecharactersgot angryimmediately, saw onlyhimto angrily roar, patted the chest, that onlythreeflood dragons of theremarkjumpfrom the chestimmediately, changed to several feet, making threatening gesturesthrewtowardDu Kang.
不提黑木岛还好,听到黑木岛三个字的大汉立即怒了起来,只见他怒吼一声,一拍胸口,那里纹的那只三头蛟立刻从胸口跳了出来,化作十几丈大小,张牙舞爪的朝杜康扑去。„Mythesethreeflood dragonsmostlikecannibalizing the flesh, todaymakesyoufillhisbelly.”
After Du Kanghears the word, in the surfacerevealsto wipe the smileimmediately, both hands, the heavenshakinghammer in handinflates the originalseveral timessizein vain, an overheadhammerpoundsto the flood dragon.杜康闻言后,面上立刻露出了一抹笑容,双手一拉,手中的震天锤徒然膨胀成原先的数倍大小,当头一锤就向蛟龙砸去。„Was also worriedto killyou after a moment ago, will add a newenemytooneself, listening toyou saying that Ifelt relieved, thiscanstop at nothingkilledyou.”
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