【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】All partieshave taken place, arenawhere?
各方已经就位,擂台又在哪里?InDu Kangdoubtsarena , firstcompared withfightinghas formally started.
就在杜康疑惑擂台所在的时候,第一场比斗已经正式开始了。„The firstgame, a scarletscaleclanQingyuanDaoist, confronts a bluescaleclanGrandmaCuihua.”
The sound of managementspreadsby far, two people of confrontationtread the waterimmediately, has surmounted the islandsurrounding not highprecipice, dashes about wildlyto gotoward the center of flankdeep sea.
主持的声音远远传开,对阵的两人立刻踏水而出,翻越过小岛外围不高的山岩,向着外侧深海的中心狂奔而去。„The magic arts that becausemanymembercultivate/repair, beginningto affect the rangeto be extremely broad, thereforethisis too deep to see the bottom, the sea areasin a circumference of several milesis the arenais. After the place that sincemyclanwill make treaties of allianceis chosenhere, makes treaties of alliancenot to change the placeagain, the sea waterhitsforeverdoes not go bad.”
“因为不少修士所修的法术,动起手来波及范围极广,所以这块深不见底、方圆几里的海域就是擂台所在。自从我族将会盟的地点选在这里后,会盟就再也没有换过地方,要知道,海水可是永远都打不坏的。”Saunters a deep poolin the same clan, returned tosideDu Kangquietly, explained the origin of arenaforhim.
The deep pooldrawsDu Kangto jump down the jiback of shark, coercesonehandful ofsea waterto lifttwo peopleto the precipice of islandsurrounding, herefield of visionis open, cansee the complete picture of sea waterarena.
Several other clanleadersandtheirforeign aidsare also coercing the sea waterin turn, arrived in the precipice, surrounds the firstfight.
另外的几家氏族首领和他们的外援也依次裹挟着海水,来到了山岩上,围观第一场战斗。Butinanother sidearena, the QingyuanDaoistandGrandmaCuihuahave not arrived at the battlefieldcenter, has hit.
The QingyuanDaoistspaciousDaoist robe was swayedflap flap the soundby the sea breeze, a long hairdances in the airagainst the wind, the both feetsteps on the sea level, the water splash that splasheslikelotus flowersin full bloom, lives the lotusstep by step.
清源道人宽大的道袍被海风吹拂得猎猎出响,一头长发迎风飞舞,双脚踩踏在海面上,溅起的水花如同一朵朵盛开的莲花,步步生莲。Thisjadesurfaceyoungtaoist priest, both handspinch the sealsecret artat this time, controlsin the skyto penetrate the dark clouds the thinsunlightto gather the thickbrightlight beam, shellsto gotoownopponent.
The whole bodyhangs all overGrandmaCuihua of cloth sack, under the both feetsteps on a solebigfishrespectively, surpasses the speed of QingyuanDaoistto speed alongbeyond the sea level.
全身挂满布袋的翠花婆婆,双脚下各踩一只脚掌大的鱼儿,在海面以远超清源道人的速度飞驰着。Shepulls out a palm of the handbigcrystaltortoise shellturtlefrom the cloth sack, after lifting up high the top of the head, shot the light beam that to present the deflectionfrom the upper airinexplicably, auxiliaryitsastonishingtraveling speed, easilyavoidedallattacksunexpectedly.
她从布袋中掏出一只巴掌大的水晶龟壳乌龟,高举头顶后,从高空中射来的光柱全部莫名地出现了偏转,辅之其惊人的移动速度,竟然轻易地躲开了所有的攻击。GrandmaCuihua the place visited, the light beamhitcompletelyemptyin the sea level, the goldenrayshonein the sea water, radicalexplosion that alsowithouthaving the water and fireflushed, withoutinitiatingslightlymighty waves, butin the sea waterwas illuminated the fish and shrimp that arrived atunfortunately, shortlyontorn, will die a violent death.
翠花婆婆所过之处,光柱全部打空落在了海面上,金色的光芒照耀在海水中,既没有发生水火相冲的剧烈爆炸,也没有引发丝毫波澜,但海水中不幸被照到的鱼虾,顷刻间就骨肉分离,死于非命。Thisaspectseeminglyis at a stalemate, butGrandmaCuihuafully realized that for a long timedefends the truth that mustlose, promptlyin a cloth sackracket, the dense and numerousyellowbottomblackmarkpeakmonsterdeparts, shortlywill formonegroup of vast momentumbeemonstergroups, the shopis dispersing the low-altitude flyingin the sea level, flushes awayto the QingyuanDaoist in not far away.
这个局面看似僵持,但翠花婆婆深知久守必失的道理,当机立断在身上的布袋一拍,密密麻麻的黄底黑纹峰妖从中飞出,顷刻间就形成一团声势浩大的蜂妖群,铺散着低空飞行在海面上,向不远处的清源道人冲去。Facingbesieging of coming, the QingyuanDaoistdisdainto smile.
面对迎面而来的围攻,清源道人不屑一笑。„Trivialdrives the monstersmalltechnique, daresto executeto contendwithmyTaoism, associated with peoplea moment agosummoned the dark clouds, nowwherehasyourwildshare. Halffootgets buried into the old woman of coffin, todaymakesyouhave a look at my exercisedayto executefierce of sunny dayhot sun.”
The QingyuanDaoistdoublehand imprintsecret artfluctuates, the light beam that the chasenon-stopalsovanishesfrom the top of the head, actuallyhoweverwhatgeneration of itis, in the upper airingloomycloudsstartsto shine through the goldensunlightfaintly.
清源道人双手印诀变幻,追逐不停的光柱随之从头顶消失,却而代之的是,高空中一片阴沉的云彩中开始隐隐透射出金色的阳光。Hidesin the Du Kangmain body of upper air, raised the headsaw that has a surrounding areadozensli (0.5 km)sunlightrapidlyto gathersky over the cloud layer, several time of breathcondense a diameter several feethugelight ball, andwith the continuationaccumulation of sunlight, the light ballstillcontinueto expandin the byvisiblespeed.
隐藏在高空的杜康本体,抬头就看到有方圆几十里的阳光飞速在云层上空汇聚,几个呼吸的时间就凝聚成一个直径十几丈的巨大光球,并且随着阳光的继续聚集,光球还在以肉眼可见的速度继续壮大着。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】In the bottom of light ball, diameteronezhang (3.33 m)brand-newlight beamshellstogether, punishedsamelike the daypenetrated the dark cloud, spanned the longdistanceto arrive on the QingyuanDaoist.
The crowdedcloud layerwas rumbled a hole, under the gloomysky, the brightgoldenlight beam like anotherworldarrivesbrillianceinthisgloomyworld.
The golden lightwill haveseveralstepsremoteyellowbottomblackmarkpeakmonstersto coverto the QingyuanDaoist, inthismagnificentray, the wing that the grouppeakwhipssolidifiesgraduallymotionless, under the completelosslessexoskeleton, the fleshcompletelyallchanges to the flying ashsilentannihilation, only the other large number ofskullsfall the vicissitudein the sea waterare uncertain.
金光将离清源道人只有几步之遥的黄底黑纹峰妖们笼罩,在这辉煌的光芒中,群峰拍打的翅膀渐渐凝固不动,在完整无损的外骨骼之下,血肉尽皆化作飞灰无声湮灭,只余下数量众多的空壳掉落在海水中浮沉不定。„Old lady, yourtime of death, had looked that Iheld the dayto executeexterminated the golden lightconcentrated fire.”
“老太婆,你的死期已至,看我操日正法・灭绝金光攒射。”Besiegesownmonsterto be extinguished, the QingyuanDaoistcanset aside the handfinally, sees onlyhimfloatinin the golden light, both handspushestoGrandmaCuihuabaselessaveragely, continuousgoldenlight/onlyarrowfullyfromcovering the light beamlaunch of whole body.
围攻自己的妖怪被灭,清源道人终于能腾出手来,只见他凭空悬浮在金光中,双手平平向翠花婆婆一推,连绵的金色光箭就铺天盖地地从笼罩周身的光柱发射而出。GrandmaCuihuaaccording to the circumstances is also extremelyquick, immediatelypulls out the toad that skinturned yellowfrom the cloth sacktoward a headracket, thisfrogfour limbscrawl, inshesends, the clammouthcourageoushoweverbecomeshugeincomparable, all comes are welcomeshooting the goldenlightarrowswallows into the abdomencompletely.
翠花婆婆见机的也是极快,立刻又从布袋中掏出了一只皮肤发黄的癞蛤蟆往头上一拍,这只蛤蟆四肢匍匐在她发间,蛤嘴勐然变得庞大无比,来者不拒地将射来的金色光箭全部吞入腹中。Canbe overwhelmed with emotion the exterminationgolden light of eclipsemeat, cannotkillthisonlybig mouthfrog, butwithswallowing the exterminationgolden lightare getting more and more, the lump that the frog conducts the back is also getting bigger and bigger, was getting bigger and bigger.
The spotlightfish of under footleadsGrandmaCuihuato movein the sea levelrapidly, the QingyuanDaoist who the chasecomesconstantlyadjust the fire the direction, althoughcannot catch up with the opposite party, butGrandmaCuihuais unable to get ridsimilarlyexterminates the pursuit of golden light.
脚下的追光鱼带着翠花婆婆迅速在海面上移动,身后追逐而来的清源道人不断地调整射击的方向,虽然始终追不上对方,但翠花婆婆也同样无法摆脱灭绝金光的追击。„Old woman, youadmit defeatnowalsowith enough time, thisswallows the given name of cane toadIto hear, canswallow any attack of monsterstrengthmold, as long as the matterhas the limit, when does thisonlyswallow the belly of seatoadalso to support? Do not resistagainstubbornly.”
The QingyuanDaoistwildshouting outsound of transmitsfrom afar, the swallowingseatoad that GrandmaCuihua the top of the head the whole bodylumpmoredrummoreis rising, looks backto face one another, oldtofullwas the foldcomplexionshowed a smile of ridicule.
下一刻。Golden lighthousingQingyuanDaoist, the hugeinvisibleformbrokensea, is overwhelmed with emotion the exterminationgolden light of eclipsemeat unable to annihilateitsphysiquetogether, insteadprotectsQingyuan in bodyto breakafter an invisibleattacksituated in the golden lightfortwosections.
金光罩体的清源道人脚下,一道庞大的无形身影破海而出,销魂蚀肉的灭绝金光没能湮灭它的形体,反而是处于金光护体之中的清源在一道无形的攻击之后断为了两截。Laterdoes not needthesetwosections of bodiesto dropin the sea, afterthisformthrowsagainstrikes, suddenlyvanishesinitsmouth.
The sotoweringtransition, firstcompared withfightingdropped the curtainlike this.
A sobbingsoundresoundsinassociating with people of surrounding, in their opinion, the QingyuanDaoistare not a weak one, butitsabilityis really unitary, will be sneak attackedto go wellbyGrandmaCuihua, being defeatedtrulyis the matter that is a pityvery much.
一阵唏嘘声在围观的交人中响起,在他们看来,清源道人不是个弱者,但其能力实在过于单一,才会被翠花婆婆偷袭得手,落败确实是件很可惜的事。Butthisfightssawfrom the beginningDu Kang of tailactuallydoes not think so, those whosneak attack the QingyuanDaoistisonecanin the air the hugecentipedemonster of stealthin the water.
但将这一战从头看到尾的杜康却不这么看,偷袭清源道人的是一只能在水中空气中隐身的巨大蜈蚣妖。In the Du Kangspiritual eye, since the battlefrom the beginning, thiscentipedeambushedin the under foot of Qingyuan, lateroneprobe that a series offoughtisGrandmaCuihuatohismagic artsability, after the confirmationhad the completely safeassurance, intendedto startfatallystruck.
在杜康的灵眼中,打从交战一开始,这只蜈蚣就潜伏在了清源的脚下,之后的一系列交手都是翠花婆婆对他法术能力的一种试探,在确认有万全把握之后,才出手发动了致命一击。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】ButfromexterminatingJin Guanggenthiswoundthatcentipede, as well asGrandmaCuihua the whole bodyonlyemptiedseveralcloth sacks to see, whenjustwent on stageonchoicedirecthardjust, the Qingyuanbigprobabilityis notheropponent.
A game, the secondgamejoinsfinallyimmediately.
一局终了,第二局立刻接上。AfterGrandmaCuihuatakes backownmonsterfavors the return, a youngmonk of Du Kangandwearazurefrocksimultaneouslytoward the arenawalks.
在翠花婆婆收回自己的妖宠归来之后,杜康和一个穿着一袭青色僧袍的年轻和尚同时向擂台走去。Yes, unlike the commonleadalwaysnext to last act, compared withfighting the secondgamewas one's turnDu Kangto go on stage, thismadehimsomewhatcomplain that slightly the deep poolcannotpull outto be goodto signtohim.
是的,与一般的主角总是压轴不同,比斗的第二局就轮到杜康上场了,这让他心里略微有些埋怨渊没能给他抽个好签。Stepsstepmoderatelyto walkin the sea level, being separatedabout the hundred zhang (333 m)is the monk who sameat a moderate pacewalks, tranquilsea leveltop spinspinning of skewers of ripplesaftertwopeopleextinguish.
迈着不轻不重的步伐走在海面上,间隔百丈开外是同样的不紧不慢行走的和尚,一串串涟漪在两人身后平静的海面上旋起旋灭。Overlooksfrom the upper air, the scenery of thissea areais beautifullike the picture.
从高空俯瞰,这片海域的景色美得像画中一样。„Monkprintsmoon/month , because owedwhitescale a clanhugefavor to comethisto walk this, soliddoes not wantto make the action of taking life, if the friendwantsto save a life, not, ifcried cravendirectly, felt betterlikethattaoist priestended up a pitifulfatea moment ago.”
“小僧印月,是因为欠了白鳞一族天大的人情才不得不来此走一这遭的,实不想做杀生害命之举,朋友若是想保全一身性命,不若直接认输投降,也好过像刚才那个道士一样落得个凄惨下场。”Thismonk was also an interestingperson, the opens the mouthsilentsaid that wantedrich/forgivepeople a life, actuallydoes not know that hewas the sinceritysooris playing the foolto play the roletenderly, was pointlesstoDu Kangthisworldly-wise person.
这和尚也是个有趣的人,张口闭口就说要饶人一命,却不知他是真心如此还是在装傻扮嫩,对杜康这种老江湖来说都是没有意义的。„Owed the hugefavor, Ithought that a head of the clan of thatwhitescaleclanverygood-looking, can it be that your lesser monkcannot stand up to the beautytemptation, inseductress/evil spiritheresuspect the colorabstention, mustbe outto wrestle the life and deathobsessed! Looked that yoursuchsurfaceis tender, ifyoucry cravennowdirectly, I can also show mercyto give your way out.”
The Du Kangbiglaughterdisseminatesby far, whitescaleclanhead of the clanhearssound of distant placeis without turning a hair, after printingactually the moon/monthmonkheard, immediatelybecomes flushed the face.杜康的大笑声远远地传播开来,远处的白鳞一族族长闻声面不改色,倒是印月和尚听到后立刻涨红了脸庞。„You are evenwhiteinsult the personto be pure, Iand‚clean’betweenpure, certainlywithout the dirtymatter that yousaid......”
“你这是平白侮人清白,我和‘洁’之间清清白白,绝没有你所说的龌龊之事……”Associates with peoplealwaystakes the clanas the surname, such as the deep pool and moon/monthare the person of azurescaleclan, maybe called the azuredeep pool and azuremoon/month, a head of the clan of thiswhitescaleclanis calledcleanly, shouldbe calledBai Jieto be right, listened to the nameis a purebeautiful woman, Du Kangletter/believes the monkinstantaneously.
交人一向以族为姓,如渊和月是青鳞一族之人,就可叫做青渊和青月,这白鳞一族的族长叫做洁,应该叫做白洁才对,听名字就是一个冰清玉洁的美人,杜康瞬间就信了和尚的话。„Originallyisyoung, you who benefithas not aifdiedlike thismayowehere, listening tobig brotheroneto urge, toworldwomaninnermost feelingspathalwaysonly then, ifhas not passed throughthissaying, do not easily speakto talk aboutdear......”
“原来是个连甜头都没有尝到的雏啊,你要是这样死在这里可就太亏了,听大哥一句劝,通往天下女人内心的道路从来只有一条,若是还没有走过这条道,就不要轻言谈及亲爱……”„Shut up, the disciple of your vulgar language, Ilooked atyouto be handsome, but alsothinks that youcanbeperson of the brightaffair, butyousaidlike thisnot onlyinsultedme, insultedcleanly, it seems likeI can only with the fist the truth that taughtyouto cultivate the behavior.”
Since the sealmoon/monthmonkflings the frock, the fingerassumesto pinchefflorescentpinches a drop of sea waterfrom the sea, the wrist/skillmoves, thissea wateralsofliesto shoot.
The sea watermeets the airthento change the shape of flower petalautomatically, the flower petal of goodseems true|reallysamesways, the impracticalnon-stressandto floattoDu Kangalong the inexplicablepath.
海水遇到空气便自动变化成花瓣的形状,好似真的花瓣一样飘飘摇摇、虚浮不受力、沿着莫名的轨迹向杜康飘来。【Varioushand imprintpinchesflowerto refer to】
【诸相手印・捏花指】„Good, your monknot onlywantsto clash the abstention, but alsothinks the important criminalbuddhist commandment against taking life, the matter that Imostlikesdoingisurges the personto start a new life, todaymusturge the proper wayyou.”
“好啊,原来你这个和尚不仅想犯色戒,还想要犯杀戒,我这人最喜欢做的事就是劝人迷途知返,今日一定要将你劝回正途。”This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】Du Kangfrom the waisttakes out the heavenshakinghammer, the reductionisthreechi (0.33 m)hammerbrandishesconveniently, likehaving foresight, lattersendstois first same, thatpiece of flower petalhiton the hammer headforcefully.杜康从腰间取出震天锤,缩小为三尺长的锤子随手一抡,就像未卜先知,后发先至一样,那片花瓣就硬生生地自己撞到了锤头上。Winter-
冬-Resoundson the hammerlikeearly morningclearding, opposite partythestrikesmakesheavenshakinghammerlong crycontinueunexpectedly, but alsoshakeswhile convenientslightlynumb the palm of Du Kang.
如同清晨的清脆钟声在锤上响起,对方的这一击竟然使得震天锤长鸣不止,还顺带将杜康的手掌震得微微酥麻。Extends a handto smooth the vibration of hammer, Du Kangcatches the eyesaw,there is a large number offlower petalsto follow, rides the wind.
“来的好!”InDu Kangboth handsspurtsto be thin the magnanimousmonsterstrength, both handson the hammer handle, the heavenshakinghammerthenchanged to the normalsize.杜康双手中喷薄出海量的妖力,双手在锤柄上一拉,震天锤便化作了正常大小。
The physiquemuscle of whole bodymakes the sound that the steel bartwists, thesepowerspull a dragon bone|keel that the concealedtailtechniqueis bringing forthto act, both handsbrandish the zhang (3.33 m)odd/surplusChanghammer handle, diameteronefoothammer headcoerces the thickblack windto poundtoward the frontfly.
轰隆隆-A series ofbursting soundsresoundin the sea level, the black windmixturetospreadsin all directionsinocean waves, waits for the explosive soundidle time, Du Kangset up the sea level of placeto compareoriginallylowlyaboutonezhang (3.33 m).
The sea water of backflowraisesheresea levelgraduallyagain, returning safe and soundDu Kangstands in same place, stretches outto point attowardssealmoon/monthmonkto cancel the fingerto shout.
The sealmoon/monthmonkreallycame, like the flying arrow, flewtowardDu Kangunder the function of attractiontogetherdirectly, has prepared the goodheavy hammerfront surfacemeetwithone.
彭-Thiswasoneis differentfrom the beforehanddepressedimpact noise, an sealmoon/monthpair of sending outgolden lightpalmsupportswill soon hithammer head on the face, canbe battered to death a bigmonsterheavy hammer unable to break by smashing with stonethisto the slenderpalm, even the edgesharpincomparableblackgolddrilledcannotlaceratehisskin.
这是一道不同于之前的沉闷撞击声,印月一双散发金光的手掌托住了即将撞到自己面孔上的锤头,能砸死一只大妖的重锤没能砸断这对纤细的手掌,甚至连边缘锋利无比的黑金宝钻都没能割破他的一点皮肤。【Varioushand imprintwisdompalm】
【诸相手印・般若掌】„Monk, youhave a pair of expert, onlydepending onthesetenpowerfulfingers, Iasserted after you, even not brokenbody, stilldecides to coax the womanto be happy, was a dayeats uncooked the goodseedling of womanfood.”
“和尚,你有一双好手啊,只凭这十根力道十足的手指,我断言你以后即便不破身,也定能哄得女人开心快乐,是个天生吃得了女人饭的好苗子啊。”Althoughthissayingwill print the moon/monthmonkto hear the short of breath, butcontrolled the bodycannot help butto flytoDu Kangthatstrangestrengthto makehimfearful and apprehensivea moment ago, does not dareto be closetoDu Kang, brace of both handson the hammer, the bodythenreturntaking advantage ofstrengthrapidflying upside down of hammer.
这话虽然将印月和尚听得气急,但刚才控制身体不由自主飞向杜康的那股怪力让他心惊肉跳,不敢与杜康过于接近,双手在锤子上一撑,身体便借着锤子的力道迅速倒飞而回。„Monk, my hammeris the most precious object, youlooked that itsshapeis familiar, thisisinnatestrangeXing who innatecancaptureeveryoneattention, especiallycopes with the timeeffect of womanto be best.”
“和尚,我这锤子可是一件至宝,你看它的形状熟不熟悉,这可是一种先天就能吸引到所有人目光的先天奇形,尤其对付女人的时候效果最佳。”【Wordssaid,at presentreads aloudlistens to storytellingeasiest-to-useapp, tradessourceapp, .huanyuanappinstallmentmostupdate.】
【话说,目前朗读听书最好用的app,换源app,.huanyuanapp安装最新版。】„You, althoughis a man, was not attracteda moment agobyit, obviouslyinyourheartsix not net, not onlylongs for the woman, has the ideato the manunexpectedlyfaintly.”
“你虽然是个男人,刚才不也被它吸引过来了,可见你心中六根不净,不仅渴望女人,竟还隐隐对男人有着想法。”„Eatsmyoverheadhammerto drink, after taking care ofyou, notcolored the focusquickly, has the worry of being in love.”
The Du Kangmouthfultalked nonsense, only after waiting for the sealmoon/monthmonkflewto be far, old trickheavy, with the attractionhimpulled, a heavy hammerpounded downtothatluminouscirclefriendlyheadagain.杜康满嘴胡说八道,只等印月和尚飞远之后,又故技重施,用引力将他重新拉扯了回来,一记重锤再次向那颗光亮圆融的头颅砸下。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】Ifthenreallypounded, was the absolute monarchcomes unable to savehim.
这下若是真的砸实了,就是天王老子来了也救不了他。Firsteven/includingwas poundedtwice, is the clay figurinealsothreepoints of anger, the sealmoon/monthmonkhand imprintstarts the extreme speedto fluctuate, finallyreturns tofor the ordinarypalmshape, both handspushestowardDu Kang, thenhas the overlappinggoldenpalmshadowto lay out.
一连被砸两次,就是泥人也有三分火气,印月和尚手印开始极速变幻,最终归复为普普通通的掌形,双手朝杜康一推,便有层层叠叠的金色掌影拍出。Thesepalmshadesget bigger and bigger, shortlywill turn intoonezhang (3.33 m)big, collideswithheavenshakinghammerMenglietogether.
这些掌影越飞越大,顷刻间就变成了一丈高大,与震天锤勐烈碰撞在一起。Theseturbulentpalmstrengthby the sea of Du Kangingeniousinductionunder foot, were causedjust the restoredsea levelagainfiercesubmersion, surroundings30 ten feets in diameterwater surface, likeby an invisiblegreatstrengthoppression, was been stiffly hollow.
The surface of water current was extremely smoothly clear, to look like a brightmirror, the center of mirror, reflectstyrannicalform that twopalmhammersare docking.
水流的表面极其圆润光滑、像极了一面明亮的镜子,镜子的中心处,倒映着两个掌锤相接的强横身影。【Varioushand imprintthousandTathagataholds】
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