DD :: Volume #3

#297: Second enemy

„The Zhang younger sister, I could not think anything. Before then, I can maintain the young facial features , is the same with over 20 -year-old person? This is unlikely, if that was true, I have become a monster!” The ash sends old man expression wooden replied. “张家妹子,我真想不起来任何事情了。在此之前,我真的能保持年轻的面容,和20多岁人一样?这不太可能吧,若真是这样的话,我岂不是成了一个妖怪!”灰发老者神色木然的回道 This time Liu Ming, not only appearance body turned into the year of sixty year cycle old man, including was the cultivator memory, unexpectedly also inexplicable disappearance. 这时的柳鸣,不但容颜身躯变成花甲之年的老者,连身为修炼者的记忆,竟也莫名的消失了。 „When initially I woke up, discovered that you one turned into the so old appearance, had a scare. However, this perhaps is the Will of Heaven. Although I am unable to know why you will call me for Fellow Daoist, as well as makes so a fraud goal with for dozens years, but since my child had not died, instead was fostered to grow up by you, but also smooth blooms a loose leaf. I was also disinclined to track down reason, made me accompany you to walk the remaining remaining years.” Zhang girl has transferred tenderly and beautifully such as colored face, looks at Liu Ming old facial features slowly said, no matter what everyone can listen to firm meaning in her words. “当初我醒来时,发现你一下变成了这般苍老模样,也是吓了一跳的。不过,这也许就是天意吧。我虽然一直无法知道,你为何会称呼我为道友,以及用数十年来做这般一个骗局的目的,但既然我那孩子并没有真死去,反而被你抚养长大,还顺利的开枝散叶。那我也就懒得去追寻其中的缘由了,就让我陪你走完剩下的残生吧。”张丫转过娇艳如花的脸庞,看着柳鸣苍老面容的缓缓说道,但任谁都能听出她话中的坚决之意。 Even if I unclear beforehand matter, but there is words that you accompany, felt that the remaining groups should be not quite difficult to walk.” The ash sends an old man revolution of head, similarly after staring at white haired female face some little time, saying that smiles. “即使我记不清以前的事情了,但有你相陪的话,感觉剩下路应该不太难走的。”灰发老者一转首,同样盯着白发女子脸庞好一会儿后,才一笑的说道。 Hope so!” white haired female hearing this, smiles, on face has meaning of the happiness unexpectedly indistinctly. “希望如此吧!”白发女子闻言,嫣然一笑,脸上竟隐约有一丝幸福之意。 ...... …… In great city Heavenly Moon Sect main hall main hall. 巨城天月宗大殿正厅中。 „A double-hour. Martial Nephew Liu is not really able to awaken Xiuniang easily! Fellow Daoist Shi, starts to stimulate nine revolutions of samsara plates.” Continuously calmly in Grand Master Leng Yue that outside Spell Formation waits, said to Yuan Demon. “一个时辰到了。柳师侄果然无法轻易唤醒绣娘石道友,开始激发九转轮回盘吧。”一直静静在法阵外等候的冷月师太,冲元魔说道。 Um, this is also expected the matter. Fairy Maiden Shi, below troubled you.” Nod of Yuan Demon staying calm and collected, transfers to say to nearby Myriad Wonders School beautiful woman. “嗯,这也是预料之中的事情。石仙子,下面就麻烦你了。”元魔不动声色的点点头,转首冲旁边的万妙门美妇说道。 Said, this matter gave this mistress.” Purple clothes beautiful woman hearing this, chuckle replying. “好说,此事就交给妾身了。”紫衣美妇闻言,轻笑一声的答道。 Refers to along with it her Qian jade lifts, to a Spell Formation center above seven colors halo point. 随之她芊玉指一抬,冲法阵中心上空的七色光晕一点。 Buzz! “嗡”的一声! In the seven colors halo the white jade plate at lightning speed rotates immediately, is directing the peripheral seven colors halo similarly for it slurred. 七色光晕中白色玉盘当即飞快转动起来,引着周边七色光晕同样为之一阵模糊不清。 After a dull thumping sound, the jade plate center spouts together the seven colors light beam immediately, happen to submerges to the jade stage on Zhang Xiuniang the body. 一声闷响后,玉盘中心处当即喷出一道七色光柱,正好没入到玉台上张绣娘的身躯之中。 This female stuffy, although both eyes shuts tightly, but the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow actually bans to wrinkle, as if feels the pain appearance subconsciously. 此女一声闷哼,虽然双目紧闭,但黛眉却禁皱而起,似乎下意识感到痛楚的样子。 Grand Master Leng Yue sees this, the color of cannot help but surface present concern. 冷月师太见此,不禁面现关切之色。 Ye Tianmei also same expression moves slightly. 叶天眉也同样神色微动。 Two Fellow Daoist felt relieved! My these nine revolutions of samsara plates forcefully affect that Poisonous Insect to melt virtual world, making two people enter the magical tool simulation the [say / way] of samsara, and also will act according to formerly the Spell Formation in addition to hold the good secret technique, lets two people, even if after samsara, will have the relation that is unable to separate, absolutely not to opening Martial Nephew has any true damage.” Fairy Maiden Shi as if saw the worries of two Heavenly Moon Sect Crystal Transformation Expert, saying that smiles charmingly. “二位道友放心!我这九转轮回盘只是强行影响那蛊虫所化虚拟世界,让二人进入法器模拟的轮回之道,并且还会根据先前法阵加持好的秘术,让二人即使轮回后,互相之间也会产生无法割裂的联系,绝不会对张师侄有任何真正损伤的。”石仙子似乎看出了两名天月宗化晶强者的担心,妩媚一笑的言道。 Fellow Daoist Shi gets rid personally, how poor nun will have why not feels relieved.” replied that Grand Master Leng Yue hearing this, both eyes hangs. 石道友亲自出手,贫尼又怎会有何不放心的。”冷月师太闻言,双目一垂的回道 Ye Tianmei gives a calm smile. 叶天眉则只是淡然一笑。 ...... …… Illusory world had not known many years. 虚幻世界已不知过了多少年。 But in a lively city, a figure is slim, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slender years of youth and beauty female, is throwing over the full red silk fabrics in one garret, the hand holds the chromosphere that an innumerable gorgeous band wraps, is looking below bustling crowd that the lip bites. 而一座热热闹闹的城池中,一名身材修长,黛眉修长的妙龄女子,正在一座披满红色绸缎的阁楼上,手捧一个无数艳丽绸带包裹的彩球,嘴唇微咬的望着下方熙熙攘攘人群。 In the crowd mostly is the 20-30 years old youth, is staring at the young female who in garret the each and every one two eyes circle opens the eyes, the whole face is the frantic color. 人群中大都是二三十岁的青年,一个个两眼圆睁的盯着阁楼上的妙龄女子,满脸都是狂热之色。 In not far away, the people of several male servant appearance, grasps the club are maintaining the following order. 在不远处,还有十几名家丁打扮之人,手持棍棒的在维持着下面的顺序。 Ling'er, you also in hesitant anything! Can enter here person, is the family background pure person, lets ascend the sky to choose a pleasant my dear for you.” Female nearby chubby old man, sees this situation, smiles to say. 铃儿,你还在犹豫什么!能进入这里之人,全都是家世清白之人,就让上天来为你挑选一如意郎君吧。”女子旁边一名胖乎乎的老者,见此情形,满脸笑容说道。 Since the father so said that the daughter really threw.” Young female silver tooth bites, somewhat charming meaning in the one of the chromosphere toward the hand toward under throws to go. “既然父亲如此说了,那女儿就真抛出去了。”妙龄女子银牙一咬,有几分娇羞之意的往手中彩球往下方一抛而去。 Immediately a below crowd tumult, almost all youth all clash the chromosphere the place of falling to well up to go crazily. 当即下方人群一阵骚动,几乎所有青年全都冲彩球所落之处狂涌而去。 but at this moment, the suddenly void strong winds have curled, the chromosphere blows unexpectedly suddenly, but, again a backwardness, steady falling has grasped the worn-out books in one, happen to cherishes from the 17-18 -year-old student of nearby process. 但就在这时,忽然虚空一阵狂风卷过,竟然将彩球骤然间一吹而偏,再一落后,就稳稳的掉在了一名手持破旧书卷,正好从附近经过的十七八岁书生怀中。 This student facing throwing the bosom enters the chromosphere that holds, cannot help but opens one's eyes wide to be dumbfounded, when he lifts looks toward the garret, happen to and that young female both eyes to. 这名书生面对投怀入抱的彩球,不禁张目结舌起来,但等他抬首往阁楼上望去时,正好和那名妙龄女子双目对上。 Two people the body trembles immediately, production a strange feeling of seeming to have met before cannot help but. 二人当即身躯一颤,都不由自主的产生一种似曾相识的怪异感觉。 At this moment, several male servants one rushed to side the young man, saying that and some people smile immediately: 就在这时,数名家丁一下冲到了年轻男子身边,并有人立刻满脸笑容的说道: Congratulates this Young Master, you were the lucky son-in-law of our family|home master.” “恭喜这位公子,你就是我们家老爷的乘龙快婿了。” The voice just fell, this group of male servants helter-skelter give the clothes of bridegroom his body puts on immediately, and its one wells up to go toward the garret front door place. 话音刚落,这群家丁当即七手八脚给其身上披上的新郎官的衣服,并将其一架的往阁楼大门处一涌而去。 Three years later. 三年后。 The city gate place, past young student already gave birth in the mouth some must short, this also no wonder in hugged a young female of two -year-old child to say with the bosom in left the words. 城门处,当年的年轻书生已经在嘴边生出了一些短须,这也难怪在和怀中抱着一名两岁孩童的妙龄女说着离别话语。 But the women's abdomen sticks out slightly, was pregnant impressively once again in the body. 而女子腹部微微隆起,赫然又一次有孕在身了。 After several months. 数月后。 In another city, student in an inn side building, suddenly both hands grasps the head on the ground sways back and forth to keep, before long, in the ground motionless stupor in the past. 另一座城池中,书生在一家客栈厢房中,忽然双手抱住头颅的在地上打滚不停,不一会儿后,就在地上一动不动的昏迷了过去。 half a day later, student slowly does to set out, but lifts both hands after staring at the moment, in the eye is unexpectedly full is complex expression. 半日后,书生缓缓的重新做起身来,但抬起双手的凝望了片刻后,目中竟然满是复杂之极的神色 Seven years later. 七年后。 In does not know that in splendid mansion, the female in a big way holds one to be small, two boys, both eyes torching is staring at the student of opposite scarlet official's costume, asking that in the mouth keeps: 在一座不知富丽堂皇的豪宅中,女子抱着一大一小,两名男童,双目喷火的盯着对面一身大红官服的书生,口中只是不停的问道: Why, why, I waited for your several years at home with hardship, what when is only your paper letter of divorce nothing more. even if so, don't tell me you own flesh and blood does not want inadequately!” “为什么,为什么,我在家苦苦等了你十几年,等到的只是你的一纸休书而已就算如此,难道你连自己亲生骨肉也不要了不成!” The students are looking at the opposite female, the vision very unusual, after a long time, the sleeve shakes, flutters to write all over the writing the white paper, without demur turned around to leave. 书生望着对面的女子,目光十分的奇特,半晌之后,袖子一抖,飘出一张写满文字的白纸,二话不说的转身离开了。 After the moment, wells up one group of cruel healthy women from out of the door, immediately cherishes from the female two boys snatches to walk, at the same time stiffly grabs a female finger, after on that white paper presses down Imprint forcefully, swaggering away in light of this. 片刻后,从门外涌进来一群如狼似虎的健妇,当即将两名男童从女子怀中一抢而走,同时又硬生生抓着女子一根手指,在那白纸上强行按下一个印记后,就此的扬长而去。 The females sit in the ground whole face tear stains, but looks to the vision of front door, has actually been full of the incomparable hatred. 女子坐在地上满脸泪痕,但望向大门的目光,却充满了无比的痛恨。 ...... …… Ten years later. 十年后。 On an officer boat, the student of that elegant bearing, already turned into one in the past fully is the dignity the color middle-aged man, and stands in the bow place is looking into anything forward. 一艘官舟上,当年那个风度翩翩的书生,已经变成了一名满是威严之色的中年男子,并站在船首处向前眺望着什么。 Master, please use lotus seed thick soup!” A somewhat hoarse sound, conveys from behind. “老爷,请用莲子羹!”一个有些沙哑的声音,从身后传来。 Male revolution of behind, behind is a whole face scar middle-aged woman, both hands is holding a tea tray impressively, above is putting china bowl of one cup of smell sharp aromas. 男子一转身后,后面赫然是一名满脸疤痕的中年妇人,双手捧着一个茶盘,上面放着一杯香气扑鼻的瓷碗。 Ms. Wang, you arrived in my palace the already 45 years. Why does not know, the lotus seed thick soup that in all servants also only then you make, most suits my appetite.” Male slowly said. “王嫂,你来到我府中已经45年了吧。不知为什么,所有下人中也只有你熬的莲子羹,才最合我胃口。”男子缓缓的说道 Master likes the craftsmanship of servants, this is being honored of servants.” The women bow the head to hang goal replied. “老爷喜欢奴婢的手艺,这是奴婢的荣幸。”妇人低首垂目的回道 Yes, in the past I also once the lotus seed thick soup that liked another person making. What a pity this person should not in this world.” Middle age light and said. “是啊,当年我也曾经非常喜欢另一个人做的莲子羹。可惜这个人应该不在这个世间了。”中年淡淡的又说道。 This time, woman hand holds tea tray connection anything of no longer. 这一次,妇人却手捧茶盘的不再接口什么。 Taking up china bowl that the middle-aged man actually does not care about, inside lotus seed thick soup leisure drinking under.. 中年男子却不在意的拿起瓷碗,将里面莲子羹慢悠悠的饮下。。 The women see this situation, the body shiver slightly, lifts the head unexpectedly slowly, both eyes full is the hatred is staring at present the man. 妇人见此情形,身躯微微颤抖起来,竟将头颅缓缓抬起,双目满是仇恨的盯着眼前男子。 What's wrong, Ling, you thought finally didn't need to hide oneself identity again?” The middle-aged man facing this scenery, surprising color does not have slightly, instead in the river water of china bowl the hand in throws, showing a faint smile said to the scar surface woman. “怎么,玲儿,你终于觉得不用再隐瞒自己身份了吗?”中年男子面对此景,丝毫异色没有,反而将手中瓷碗往河水中一抛后,微微一笑的冲疤面妇人说道。 You...... When do you know my status?” Scar surface woman hearing this, is actually similar to near the ear the intermittent startling thunderclap, immediately startled retreat two steps. “你……你什么时候知道我身份的?”疤面妇人闻言,却如同耳边阵阵惊雷,当即一惊的后退了两步。 When, naturally from your first time mixes in the palace the time....... This toxin is really fierce enough, should be this world fiercest crane top red.” Men's chuckle saying, but changes along with it complexion, opened mouth spouts one group of black blood. “什么时候,自然是从你第一次混入府中的时候了。咳……这毒还真够厉害,应该是此世界最厉害的鹤顶红吧。”男子轻笑一声的说道,但随之脸色一变,张口喷出一团黑血来。 You know that I did intoxicate in the lotus seed thick soup a moment ago?” The women look at present once more are becoming strange the man, in the eye was completely surprised. “你知道我在刚才莲子羹下了毒了?”妇人望着眼前再次变得陌生起来男子,目中满是惊疑了。 Hehe, you so many years in my palace, I only have usually eaten a meal with the silver bowl silver chopsticks, only then this time has not been bringing some thing. The so good opportunity, how you possibly to let off.” Male expression invariable ease replied. 嘿嘿,你在我府中这般多年,我平常一直只用银碗银筷用膳,也只有这一次没有带着些东西。如此好机会,你怎可能放过的。”男子神色不变的悠然回道 You, since knows me to intoxicate, why must drink them! What your does in the end have to attempt?” The scar surface woman only thinks own some must go crazy, looks asking that the man is muttering at present. “你既然知道我下毒,为何还要喝下它们!你到底有什么企图?”疤面妇人只觉自己有些要发疯了,望着眼前男子喃喃的问道。 „Do you know that our two children matured now, is going to school in capital city, already passed the imperial examination, already was assigned away from the capital into a county magistrate.” Men still tranquil saying. “你知不知道,我们两个孩子现在均已成才,一个正在京城上学,一个则早已考中了举人,已经外放成为一任县令了。”男子仍然平静的说道。 Nonsense, I listened to a palace people to say obviously that my two pitiful child had been abandoned by you do not know the trace. Your this heartless Han, gave up any idea of that deceives me again.” As soon as the women listen to this words, first is one dull, but immediately facial expression excited yelled. “胡说,我明明听府中人说,我那两个可怜孩子都已被你抛弃不知所踪了。你这个负心汉,休想再蒙骗我。”妇人一听此话,先是一呆,但马上神情激动的大叫起来。 What is strange, although had the so unusual matter, on the entire officer boat a extremely quiet piece, slightly the person had still not looked at an outcome. 但奇怪的是,尽管发生了这般异常事情,整个官舟上仍然静悄悄一片,并没有丝毫人过来看个究竟。 I must pass away immediately, it is necessary to deceive you again. This letter has that two child address, must tell your something with me, and you receive.” The men fished out one to seal the good correspondence from the sleeve, not caring a whoop to hand over. “我马上就要一命呜呼,那有必要再骗你。这封信有那两个孩儿的地址,和我要告诉你的一些事情,你且收好。”男子从袖中摸出一封密封好信函,毫不在意的递了过去。 The woman subconscious receiving correspondence, but both eyes stares at the man who is almost wanting to massacre at present every night personally, a character character asked: 妇人下意识的接过信函,但双目盯着眼前几乎夜夜都想要亲手杀掉的男子,一字字问道: Why you such do, why!” “你为什么这么做,为什么!” Why! When you looked after I keep the correspondence content, will understand. Ling, no...... Fellow Daoist Zhang, hopes after you read this correspondence, can wake up. Otherwise, we can only under first meet again/goodbye.” Middle-aged man hearing this, actually smiles bitterly saying that starts to flow out the black blood along with it his seven orifices, the whole person is soft but actually. RS “为什么!等你看完我所留信函内容后,就会明白了。玲儿,不……张道友,希望你看完这封信函后,就能够醒来了。否则,我们只能下一世再见了。”中年男子闻言,却苦笑一声说道,随之其七窍开始流出黑血,整个人更是软绵绵的倒了下去。RS
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