DKDHO :: Volume #2 和平不必被打破

#970: Another World writing?

Queen's Palace, main hall. 女王宫,正厅。 Here is Elf Queen usually is used for audience Royal Hall. 这里是精灵女王平时用来谒见王厅 It is not resplendent in gold and jade green like audience hall of general human country, without many decorations, is very very vast, the open hall on only one, can sneak a peek at the Spirit/Elf simple and natural flavor. 不像一般人类国家的谒见之厅那么金碧辉煌,也没有过多的装饰,就只是一个很辽阔、很开阔的大厅而已,可以让人从中窥见精灵的朴素及自然风味。 In the hall, throne high being situated of Queen in most deep place, this is actually similar to Royal Hall of any country. 大厅里,女王的王座高高的坐落在最深处,这点倒是和任何国家的王厅差不多。 only, after entering here, Sophie has not stepped onto own throne, but knocked the ground in the scepter of hall most central place in hand. 只是,进入这里以后,索菲并没有走上自己的王座,而是就在大厅最中央的地方用手中的权杖敲了敲地面。 Thump thump —— “咚咚—— In pounding sound that clear may hear, the ground grew vine suddenly. 清晰可闻的敲击声中,地面突然长出了蔓藤 vine each other twines, interweaves mutually, finally changes to a wooden round stage. 蔓藤彼此缠绕,互相交织,最后化作一个木制的圆台。 Sophie serious places on the package in hand the round stage. 索菲郑重的将手中的包裹放在圆台上。 Skien and the others encircled immediately. 希恩等人当即围了过来。 What is worth mentioning is, Artemis that once left truly is similar to like that was invited by her who Natura said. 值得一提的是,一度离开的阿蒂忒弥斯确实如同娜杜菈所言的那般,被她重新请过来了。 She standing on one side silently, stands with Natura shoulder to shoulder, has not looked again to Skien and Lilith, only shot a look at Rasha, immediately is gazing at the package on round stage by the serious vision. 她就默默的站在一边,和娜杜菈并肩而站,没有再看向希恩莉莉丝,只是瞥了菈夏一眼,随即以严肃的目光注视着圆台上的包裹。 The people gather round the round stage to dispel, just also formed a circle. 众人围着圆台排开,刚好也形成了一个圆圈。 What kind of?” Yurin somewhat not repress said: Doesn't open?” “怎么样?”尤琳有些按耐不住般道:“不打开吗?” hearing this, Sophie looks to Natura, as if made a decision and other Natura. 闻言,索菲看向娜杜菈,似乎在等娜杜菈拿主意。 Natura to Sophie nodded. 娜杜菈对着索菲点了点头 Opens.” “打开吧。” Reason that do not go forward personally, is not because Natura does not want to make this minor matter, but is she does not dare to confirm oneself contact the flagstone rashly, can cause what issue. 之所以不自己亲自上前,不是因为娜杜菈不想做这点小事,而是她不敢确认自己冒然接触石板,会不会引起什么问题。 After all, in entry that time of vestige, Natura cannot succeed. 毕竟,遗迹的那个时候,娜杜菈就没能成功的进入里面过。 Demon King is the Supreme God natural enemy, is the God Race natural enemy, the restraint of its power to God Race, that has appeared has not known many times. 魔王至高神的天敌,也是神族的天敌,其力量神族的克制,那是已经出现过不知道多少次了。 No matter that time of Royal Capital honor palace, were in World Gap side that time, Demon King kept power in this world seriously to affect the display of God Race, is suppressing God Race power, making God Race does not have the opportunity completely. 不管是王都荣光殿的那个时候,还是世界缝隙里侧的那个时候,魔王留在这个世上的力量都严重的影响着神族的发挥,抑制着神族力量,让神族变得完全无用武之地。 Therefore, for further deliberation, Natura hesitant over and over, cannot decide the touching flagstone of short distance. 所以,为了慎重起见,娜杜菈犹豫再三,还是决定不去近距离的触碰石板。 Naturally, Natura could not bump, that Artemis as well as Lilith could not touch. 理所当然,娜杜菈碰不了,那阿蒂忒弥斯以及莉莉丝就都触碰不了了。 In the remaining people, Rasha definitely cannot bump, the people did not feel relieved that makes this with Demon King has the profound origin exist to touch that dangerous thing casually. 剩下的人中,菈夏肯定是不能碰的,众人也不放心让这个与魔王有深厚渊源的存在去随便碰那么危险的东西。 Also then, is only left over Skien, Sophie and Yurin three people to touch the flagstone, touches the package. 那么,也就只剩下希恩索菲尤琳三人可以触碰石板,触碰包裹。 That I come.” “那就我来吧。” Therefore, before Sophie opens the mouth, Skien stand. 于是,在索菲开口之前,希恩站了出来。 Since God Race were restrained by Demon King, could not touch the flagstone, my restrained Demon King, to restrain Demon Race Hero, contacted it personally, should be safest?” “既然神族魔王克制,触碰不了石板,那我这个克制魔王、克制魔族勇者,亲自接触它,应该是最保险的了吧?” The position of Skien, making everyone on the scene unable to discover the rebuttal the words. 希恩的主张,让在场的所有人都找不出反驳的话语来。 Truly, Skien is the rightest candidate, is not only Hero, is strongest a person besides Goddess on the scene, is contacted the flagstone by him, unties the package, without doubt is appropriate. 确实,希恩是最合适的人选,不仅是勇者,还是除了在场的女神以外最强的一个人,由他来接触石板,解开包裹,无疑再合适不过。 At that moment, people simultaneously focuses on Skien's body, whatever before Skien arrived at the round stage . 当下,众人齐齐的将目光集中在了希恩的身上,任由希恩来到了圆台前。 ———— ———— Some intense atmosphere fill the air to open in the air. 些许紧张的氛围在空气里弥漫而开。 Numerous Goddess, Spirit/Elf as well as Dragon Race young girl concentrates the mind, tightened the body subconsciously. 一众女神精灵以及龙族少女均集中精神,下意识的绷紧了身体。 Rasha look slightly glittering. 菈夏眼神微微闪烁 As for Skien, fully expressed completely anything is called simply grumble, coming up is the skill, directly package untying. 至于希恩,完全就是充分的表示了什么叫做干脆不磨叽,上来就是身手,直接把包裹给解开了。 The next second, wraps spreads out at the scene. 下一秒钟,包裹当场摊开。 Inside, worn-out flagstones static is lying down. 内里,一块块破旧的石板静静的躺着。 They seem like with the common flagstone are no different, only is sending out other people the Mystery fluctuation that is hard to detect. 它们看上去和一般的石板没什么不同,只是散发着些许他人难以察觉到的神秘波动而已。 only, when the fluctuation of that Mystery spreads, is not only Natura and Artemis, even Lilith showed the dignified expression. 只是,当那股神秘的波动扩散开来时,不仅是娜杜菈阿蒂忒弥斯而已,连莉莉丝都露出了凝重的表情。 Obviously, these three powerful Goddess from this fluctuation, detected the thing of what danger. 显然,这三个强大的女神都从这股波动之中,察觉到了什么危险的东西。 Lilith after entering Tagore Forest, separated that to feel anything, currently under such near distance, will have the big feeling with its Goddesses of the same class, it can be imagined. 莉莉丝在进入泰戈尔之森以后,隔了那么远都能感受到些什么,现在这么近的距离之下,与其同级别的女神们会有多大的感觉,可想而知。 conversely Sophie and Yurin, probably no immediately detects anything, vision throwing cannot help but to flagstone above. 反倒是索菲尤琳,好像没有在第一时间里察觉到什么,目光不由自主的投到了石板之上。 „Is this these flagstones?” “这就是那些石板吗?” Sophie whispered. 索菲呢喃出声 „It seems like... probably... no strange place?” “看起来...好像...没什么奇怪的地方?” Making noise of Yurin also puzzled as. 尤琳也困惑似的出声。 two people is staring at the flagstone, the vision also falls on the flagstone, probably wants to see clearly above condition. 两人凝望着石板,目光也落在石板上,像是想看清上面的状况似的。 As but, conducts, why does not know, Sophie and eye of Yurin that two people stares has not only focused, instead makes the pupil gradually lax, the expression became some delay. 可是,随着凝望的进行,不知为何,索菲尤琳两人的眼睛不仅没有聚焦,反而让瞳孔逐渐涣散,表情都变得有些呆滞了起来。 two people anomaly, was discovered by Skien immediately keenly. 两人异常,被希恩在第一时间里敏锐的发现了。 Awakes!” “醒醒!” Skien is sideways immediately, blocked the line of sight of Sophie and Yurin, keeps off the flagstone in own behind. 希恩立即侧过身,挡住了索菲尤琳的视线,将石板挡在自己的身后 "Ah!" “啊!” „......!?” “......!?” Yurin and Sophie fierce sobered came, quickly grasped the meaning of something, on the forehead started to be in a cold sweat. 尤琳索菲猛的清醒了过来似的,一个激灵,额头上开始冒出冷汗。 „Are you all right?” “你们没事吧?” Natura then took back the vision that looks at to the flagstone, noticed two people anomaly, surprised inquiry hastily. 娜杜菈这才收回了看向石板的目光,注意到了两人异常,惊讶的连忙询问。 Artemis also noticed this matter, frowns tightly. 阿蒂忒弥斯也注意到了这事,紧皱起了眉头。 I... I just...?” “我...我刚刚...?” Yurin and Sophie lag behind show the expression that had a lingering fear. 尤琳索菲后知后觉般露出了心有余悸的表情。 Skien looked. 希恩望了过去。 You just what happened?” Skien asked: What saw?” “你们刚刚怎么了?”希恩问道:“都看到了什么?” This issue, Yurin and Sophie cannot reply. 这个问题,尤琳索菲根本回答不上来。 Without the means. 没办法。 I... my anything had not seen, only thought sees the flagstone that split second, at present suddenly revolves, a head blank.” “我...我什么都没看到,只觉得看到石板的那一瞬间,眼前突然旋转了起来,脑袋一片空白。” Yurin patted itself to tremble to jolt the chest of summit. 尤琳拍了拍自己颤颤颠颠的胸口。 I am a direct head blank, moreover after waking, only thought that the eye is a little burningly painful.” “我是直接脑袋一片空白,而且醒过来以后只觉得眼睛有点灼痛。” Sophie indicated, and rubbed own eye, an uncomfortable appearance. 索菲如此表示,并揉了揉自己的眼睛,一副难受的模样。 Sees performance of so two people, the people then understood the condition probably. 看见两人的这般表现,众人便大概了解了状况。 Even limit level do Miss Yurin and only have Sophie of one pace not to have the means to watch the flagstone to limit level?” “连极限级尤琳小姐和离极限级仅有一步之遥的索菲都没办法观看石板吗?” Natura deep frowning. 娜杜菈深深的皱起了眉头。 It seems like, this was really and Demon King has the thing of relations, several flagstones that only left behind casually can create so deter, was really fearfulness as always.” “看来,这真的是和魔王有关系的东西了,只是随随便便留下的几块石板都能造成如此威慑,真是一如既往的可怕。” Artemis breathed out somewhat to mean words that was difficult to be bright. 阿蒂忒弥斯则低声说出了有些意味难明的话。 You?” Skien asked suddenly, asked toward Natura and Artemis: What did you see?” “那你们呢?”希恩突然问了一句,向着娜杜菈阿蒂忒弥斯问道:“你们看到了什么?” Saying, Skien was making way the body, making the flagstone reappear in the field of vision of people. 说着,希恩让开了身子,让石板重新出现在众人的视野里。 Sees that Sophie and Yurin side opens the line of sight hastily, does not dare to look at these flagstones again. 见状,索菲尤琳连忙侧开视线,不敢再去看那些石板了。 Natura and other Goddess tight is staring at the flagstone, the appearance looks has not presented what anomaly actually. 娜杜菈女神则是紧紧的盯着石板,样子看起来倒是没有出现什么异常 Obviously, to Transcendent Level, was only used to record anything's flagstone by several, how impossible was affected again. 显然,到了超脱级别,只凭借几块用来记录什么的石板,再怎么都不可能遭到影响。 But Natura and Artemis brow wrinkle is deeper. 娜杜菈阿蒂忒弥斯的眉头却越皱越深。 Although we have not come under what anomaly influence...” “虽然我们没有受到什么异常影响...” Natura is muttering. 娜杜菈喃喃着。 „...... May our anything not see.” “......可我们也什么都没有看到。” Artemis also sighs. 阿蒂忒弥斯亦叹了一口气。 „Did you determine?” Skien narrows the eye, said: What hasn't really seen?” “你们确定?”希恩眯起眼睛,道:“真的什么都没有看到吗?” Right.” Natura nodded. “对。”娜杜菈点下了头 Above blank one piece, is completely the smooth flagstone.” Artemis also echoed. “上面空白一片,完全就是光滑的石板而已。”阿蒂忒弥斯也附和了。 Skien was silent immediately. 希恩顿时沉默了。 He has turned the head, looks to the flagstone on round stage. 他转过头,看向圆台上的石板。 This meeting, Skien incomparably clear seeing. 这会,希恩无比清晰的看到了。 Saw above the flagstone, all various professions drag is fluctuating the handwriting like the wave, appears above. 看到了石板之上,一行行如水波般摇曳波动着的字迹,在上面浮现。 Yes. 是的。 Skien saw. 希恩看到了。 On the flagstone has the character. 石板上有字。 Moreover, is he is very familiar, very long has not actually seen character. 而且,还是他无比熟悉,却已经很久没有见过的字。 That is not the writing in 《Omnipotence》. 那不是欧姆尼珀坦森里的文字。 „...... Is this clearly the writing of my world?” “......这分明就是我那个世界的文字吧?” Right. 没错。 Appears in the flagstone above character, unexpectedly is the world that Skien previous life is, namely Another World writing. 出现在石板上面的字,居然是希恩前世所在的世界,亦即异世界的文字。 only, these writing turn askewly, probably just in the handwriting of child study wrote, looked somewhat funny, was somewhat funny. 只是,那些文字扭扭歪歪的,像是刚在学写字的小孩子的字迹,看上去有些滑稽,有些搞笑。 However, more arrives at behind, the writing is then neater, is more powerful. 但是,越是到后面,文字便越工整,越强而有力。 What did this indicate? 这说明了什么? Explained person who writes down these characters, just started is not will write these characters very much, is getting more and more skilled until behind, will just now write more and more neatly, is getting more and more attractive. 说明了写下这些字的人,刚开始并不是很会写这些字,直到后面才越来越熟练,方才会写得越来越工整,越来越好看。 Skien can see the author is studying to write these characters diligently the intentions, makes his some have mixed feelings. 希恩能够从中看出作者在努力学习写这些字的用心,让他有些心情复杂。 ( This is could it be really record that Demon King keeps?) (这难道真的是魔王留下来的记录吗?) (, She uses the writing of my world to take note if yes , is what state of mind causes?) (如果是,那她用我那个世界的文字来做记录,到底是什么样的心境导致的?) ( also, is who teaches her to write these characters?) (还有,是谁教她写这些字的?) The answers of these issues, Skien a little has actually guessed correctly. 这些问题的答案,希恩其实已经有点猜到了。 But because just guessed correctly, he a little has mixed feelings. 可正因为猜到了,他才有点心情复杂。 Such Skien simply had not discovered, the one side, Rasha has been looking at the flagstone. 这样的希恩根本没有发现,一旁,菈夏一直都在看着石板。 She has not looked like Sophie and Yurin like that falls into anomaly Status/condition, not like Natura and Artemis, the confusion of whole face, is instead ordinary with Skien, the facial expression is full of complex meaning. 她既没有像索菲尤琳那般,陷入异常状态,也不像娜杜菈阿蒂忒弥斯一样,满脸的困惑,反而和希恩一般,神情充满着复杂的意味。 Rasha then extend the hand, gently according to own chest. 菈夏便伸出手,轻轻的按在自己的胸口上。 In there, why does not know, the heart is beating fiercely. 在那里,不知为何,心脏在剧烈跳动着。 Meanwhile, inexplicable emotions also burst out in the heart of Rasha. 与此同时,一股股莫名的情感也在菈夏的心中迸发。 Has the happiness. 有开心。 Likes. 有欢喜。 Has the happiness. 有愉快。 Has the loneliness. 有寂寞。 Loses. 有失落。 As that without limits as well as...... is the last... sad. 以及......留在最后的无止境似的...悲伤。 This body remains missing?” “这具身体的残留思念吗?” Rasha is thinking aloud. 菈夏自言自语着。 If so, actually to have had what experience, can leave behind such strong emotion?” “如果是这样的话,究竟有过什么样的经历,才能留下这么浓厚的情感?” Rasha is then realizing this emotion alone, silent. 菈夏便独自体会着这番情感,沉默不语着。 Natura and the others does not have to think, only looks at similarly silent Skien, looked at each other one mutually. 娜杜菈等人对此毫无所觉,只是看着同样沉默不语的希恩,互相对视了一眼。 You can see that what selects to come?” “你能看出点什么来吗?” Natura toward the Skien inquiry. 娜杜菈向着希恩询问了。 Skien raised the head, looks to look the hope the color people, thinks, finally has not concealed, nodded. 希恩抬起头,看着面露期盼之色的众人,想了想,最终没有隐瞒,点下了头 I can see the character.” “我能看到字。” Skien is in front of everyone, saying. 希恩便当着所有人的面,如此说着。 Although the front several flagstones are the disorderly handwriting of no rule, does not seem like the record, but probably in the character that the practice writes, but characters on following several flagstone have been able to form the content, was understood and read.” “虽然前面几块石板都是毫无规律的杂乱字迹,不像是记录,而像是在练习书写的字,但后面几块石板上的字已经能够形成内容,被人理解和阅读了。” Skien writes the flagstone that uses sweeping the front several practices, is only left over several other flagstones, dispels their one by one. 希恩将前面几块练习书写用的石板给扫开,只剩下其余几块石板,将它们一一排开。 Wants me to read to you listens?” “要我念给你们听吗?” Skien takes up a flagstone, asked for the time being. 希恩拿起其中一块石板,姑且这么问了。 The people naturally think. 众人自然是想的。 Asked you.” “拜托你了。” Sophie lowers the head toward Skien. 索菲向着希恩低头。 Could know anything.” “也许能够从中得知些什么。” Natura is also hoping. 娜杜菈也在这么期盼着。 My very curious Demon King will also leave behind anything on the flagstone.” “我也很好奇魔王会在石板上留下什么东西。” Yurin raises hand to express. 尤琳举手表示。 „......” “......” Artemis has not spoken, the vision actually closely stared. 阿蒂忒弥斯没有说话,目光却紧紧的盯了过来。 „?” “?” Lilith has not made clear the condition, wants to arrive at Skien's side, finally by Rasha blocking. 莉莉丝还没有搞清楚状况,想走到希恩的身边,结果被菈夏给拦下。 Rasha is shaking the head to Lilith, then also looks to Skien. 菈夏对着莉莉丝摇了摇头,然后同样看向希恩 She and Skien are the same, can see the character on flagstone. 她和希恩一样,都能够看到石板上的字。 The Mystery writing that but on the flagstone writes is what meaning, she does not understand. 可石板上写的神秘文字是什么意思,她就不懂了。 Under such situation, Skien dangled the view. 在这样的情况之下,希恩垂下了眼帘。 Then, Skien the content on flagstone, one by one read. 然后,希恩将石板上的内容,一一念了出来。
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