DKDHO :: Volume #2 和平不必被打破

#813: „This princess should have the appearance that you are one not right?”

At this time, Skien has not known that in Royal Capital had how serious condition. 这个时候,希恩还不知道王都里发生了多么严重的状况。 He comes out after the Ans resting palace, with Lucy returned to her resting palace. 他从安西的寝宫里出来以后,就和洛茜一起回了她的寝宫。 Lia separates in the halfway and two people, seems like has the official business to process. 莉雅在半途与两人分开,似乎是有公务要处理。 As has been clear will succeed to the throne gradually future Queen, Lia now already in taking over some powers in Ans hand, in addition handed over in her hand from the power of Lucy there recycling, this Your Highness First Princess usually is very busy. 作为已经明确将继承王位的未来女王,莉雅现在已经渐渐的在接手安西手中的一些权力,加上从洛茜那里回收的权力都交到了她的手中,这个第一王女殿下平时还是挺忙的。 Now nears just when the three races discussion, as the host, discussion assigning organizer, Lia naturally must prepare discussion all during Mithras Kingdom. 如今又正值三族会谈在即,作为东道主,会谈的指定主持者,莉雅自然是要代表密特拉王国做好会谈期间的一切准备。 In such a case, she can find time to scold Skien, has a look at Lucy, that is very rare matter. 在这样的情况下,她能抽空过来数落数落希恩,看看洛茜,那已经是很难得的事情了。 Reviews Lucy, the power has connected with, the person is also the body of getting married, as princess who will soon get married, the official business in kingdom basically does not have one to hand over in her hand. 反观洛茜,权力已经交接,人也是待嫁之身,作为即将出嫁的公主,王国方面的公务已经基本没有一件交到她手上了。 Present Lucy compared was much idler before, even was it can be said that idle, may be wild with joy her. 现在的洛茜就比以前清闲得多,甚至可以说是无所事事,可把她乐坏了。 Naturally, Lucy absolutely does not have the matter to do. 当然,洛茜也不是完全没有事做。 For example operation of Knights of the Holy Sword and so on matter, Lucy must process. 比如圣剑骑士团的运营之类的事情,洛茜还是得处理的。 oneself said. 本人是这么说的。 Knights of the Holy Sword is my exclusive bodyguard, in the future will go out independently, they will also be follow me together.” 圣剑骑士团是我一人的专属护卫队,将来等到独立出去,她们也是得跟我一起走的。” in other words, this is the Lucy dowry group, or was the dowry. 也就是说,这算是洛茜的陪嫁团,或者说是嫁妆了。 You have free time many are familiar with them, after all they later may be your person.” “你有空的时候就多跟她们熟悉熟悉,毕竟她们以后可都是你的人。” Lucy said such words that lets Skien's corners of the mouth twitched. 洛茜就说出了这样一句让希恩嘴角抽搐的话。 He naturally knows, Lucy's meaning refers to Knights of the Holy Sword certainly being probable to merge into Bezthoth Family in the future. 他自然知道,洛茜的意思是指圣剑骑士团将来肯定是要并入孛兹图特家的。 The Lucy oneself wish is also very obvious, after getting married, the position of Duke she will earn gives Skien directly, not another gateway, relieved worked as Madame Duke then it will be alright. 洛茜本人的意愿也很明显,嫁人以后,她会将自己应得的公爵之位直接交给希恩,不会另起门户,安安心心的当个公爵夫人就行了。 Then, Knights of the Holy Sword naturally must merge into Bezthoth Family, becomes Bezthoth Family personal Knight Regiment. 如此一来,圣剑骑士团自然是要并入孛兹图特家,成为孛兹图特家的私人骑士团的。 At the appointed time, Skien takes Bezthoth Family Family Head, that naturally is the Knights of the Holy Sword lord. 届时,希恩作为孛兹图特家家主,那当然就是圣剑骑士团的主子。 Can't only...... use the point of pleasant to hear view? 只是......就不能用点好听点的说法吗? After what is called „, is my person? 什么叫做“以后都是我的人”啊? Does not know also thinks that I planned gives what happened that female Knight Regiment person. 不知道的还以为我打算把那个女骑士团的人给怎么了呢。 Preparation harem group? 预备后宫团? Emmmmmmmmm...... sounds like very happy, but Skien always felt, oneself really does not have the moral integrity words, finally was not hacked to death by Holy Sword, was burnt by dragon breath, even might gives to bite to death by the Oni Transformation young girl or Dragonification young girl, gain does not equal the loss gain does not equal the loss. Emmmmmmmmm......听起来似乎很美好,但希恩总觉得,自己真那么没有节操的话,最后不是被圣剑砍死,就是被龙息烧死,甚至有可能会被鬼化的少女或者龙化的少女给咬死,得不偿失啊得不偿失。 Lucy does not seem to realize actually oneself said made the person let the imagination wander words, like leisurely however told Skien. 洛茜倒是好像没有意识到自己说了多令人联想翩翩的话,像这样施施然的告诉了希恩 I one step have first said in Knights of the Holy Sword, in the future we get married, person who they serve since I turn into you, or serves in our two people directly, therefore, you can consider, must train them well.” “我早就已经先一步在圣剑骑士团里说过了,将来我们成婚,她们侍奉的人将会从我变成你,或者说是直接侍奉于我们两人,所以,你可以考虑一下,要不要好好的培养培养她们。” Lucy gave Skien this decision. 洛茜将这个决定交给了希恩 That this is big power.” “那这可是一股不小的力量啊。” Skien looking pensive. 希恩若有所思。 He also has to observe, female knight in Knights of the Holy Sword is completely very young attractive young girl. 他也是有观察过的,圣剑骑士团里的女骑士全部都是非常年轻漂亮的少女。 Do not misunderstand, Skien is not looking at the person to look at the thing with the LSP vision, but very proper observation. 别误会,希恩不是用LSP的眼光在看人看物,而是非常正经的观察。 Regardless is attractive, said them to be young, then has been worth Skien spending the big strength to support. 姑且不论漂亮不漂亮,就说她们年轻,便已经值得希恩花费大力气去扶持。 After all, in such In the Mood for Love, can own Level upgraded to 30 upward, even also four Level 70 above existences, this without doubt is one crowd of talent potential very high good seedlings. 毕竟,在这样的花样年华里,能把自身的等级提升到三十往上,甚至还有四个等级七十以上的存在,这无疑是一群天赋潜力都很高的好苗子。 Like this good seedling, if spends the big strength to train, in the future will reach Guardian Knight Regiment such altitude, will not be implausible. 这样的好苗子,若是花费大力气去培养,将来达到近卫骑士团那样的高度,并不是没有可能。 Even, looks like in Skien, that four Level 70 above female knight, have to rush to the legendary level potential. 甚至,在希恩看来,那四个等级七十以上的女骑士,都是有冲上传奇级的潜能的。 Skien does not know, such a crowd of innately gifted young girl, actually Lucy from where looks, but without a doubt, so the potential, so the talent, does not train well, careless and wasteful use of nature's products? 希恩也不知道,这样一群天赋异禀的少女,洛茜究竟是从哪找来的,但毫无疑问,如此潜能,如此人才,不好好培养一下,岂不是暴殄天物吗? thought until here, Skien had the decision. 想到这里,希恩有了决定。 Then I discussed well with Lely as well as Vivian, how having a look at them to train these girls.” “回头我跟蕾莉以及薇薇安好好商量一下,看看她们想怎么培养这些丫头吧。” Skien made such decision. 希恩做出了这样的决定。 You make a decision then it will be alright.” “你拿主意就行。” Lucy naturally cannot have the objection. 洛茜自然不会有异议。 Although the decision-making power will give Skien, but Lucy naturally also hopes under own these female knight can be made good use, has an excellent future. 虽然将决定权交给了希恩,但洛茜自然也希望自己麾下的那些女骑士能得到重用,拥有一个大好前程。 How to say again is her with difficulty chooses from all kinds of talents, regardless of talent, appearance, ritual and product Junwei superior good seedling, if not build well, how could it not be to waste? 再怎么说都是她千辛万苦的从各种各样的人才中挑选出来的,无论才、貌、礼、品均为上等的好苗子,若是不好好打造打造,岂不浪费? For does not make these female knight abilities be left uncultivated, salted fish such as Lucy this time period gives Knights of the Holy Sword to formulate all kinds of training programs and training policies a lot. 为了不让那些女骑士的才能被荒废,咸鱼洛茜这阵子都没少给圣剑骑士团制定各种各样的训练计划以及培养方针。 Now, Skien came back, that this Quest, Lucy flings certainly in his hand directly. 现在,希恩回来了,那这个任务,洛茜当然是直接甩到他的手上。 Like this I can idle, really good.” “这样我就又能闲下来了,真好。” Returned to Lucy in room to reveal one's true colors thoroughly, one threw to the bed on, satisfied moan extremely. 回到房间里的洛茜就彻底原形毕露了,一把扑到床上,惬意万分的呻吟了起来。 Listens the sound that is arousing, Skien to shoot a look was showing the princess of proud stature curve on the bed, extend the hand, held her one like the jade tender foot. 听着那撩人的声音,希恩瞥了在床上展现着傲人身材曲线的公主殿下,伸出手,抓住了她的一只如玉般的嫩足。 But, that was only tender then to shrink fully instantaneously. 但,那只嫩足瞬间便缩走了。 what are you doing?” 你干嘛?” Lucy sat, is lifting the pillow, an appearance of against wolf looks at Skien, on the beautiful face full is vigilant. 洛茜坐了起来,举着枕头,一副防狼的模样的看着希恩,绝美的脸上满是警惕。 Obviously, this girl feared, feared that Skien also tossed about her like yesterday. 显然,这丫头怕了,怕希恩还像昨天那样折腾她。 I warned you, I do not want to look like again was so tired yesterday, the words that you acted unreasonably, this time I will call.” “我警告你,我可不想再像昨天那么累了,你乱来的话,这次我会叫的。” Lucy warned to make noise. 洛茜如此警告出声。 Naturally, Skien does not spare a glance. 当然,希恩是不屑一顾的。 Said seems me to act unreasonably you have not called to be the same.” “说得好像我乱来的时候你没叫一样。” Skien is curling the lip is speaking such words. 希恩撇着嘴的说着这样的话。 „???” “???” Lucy only thought that on own face had been ground by the wheel. 洛茜只觉得自己的脸上被车轮碾过。 Is this driving absolutely? 这绝对是在开车吧? Although the vehicle speed is not high, because has the relations of clear memory, flashes through several thousand own ashamed pictures to the mind in instantaneously the injury of Lucy is very big. 虽然车速不算高,但因为有着鲜明的记忆的关系,对脑海中瞬间闪过好几千个自己的羞耻画面的洛茜的伤害还是挺大的。 My TM...” “我TM...” At that moment, Lucy is the preparation explodes the swearing that Skien gives. 当下,洛茜便是准备将希恩亲授的粗口爆出来。 What a pity... 可惜... Your what?” “你什么?” Skien stared this loafing princess one. 希恩瞪了这个摸鱼公主一眼。 This fellow, good study, bad study one pile, doesn't this meat words swearing even dare to explode unexpectedly? 这家伙,好的不学,坏的学一堆,居然连这种荤话粗口都敢爆? Returns Kingdom's Most Precious Object on this? all mankind in the eyes idol? Perfect princess? 就这还王国至宝全人类眼中的偶像?完美的公主殿下? Feared that does not have the misunderstanding that what also remains. 怕不是有什么比海还剩的误解。 „Did I... I admit defeat?” Lucy instigated instantaneously, actually hurries saying: But I am not really good today!” “我...我认输了吧?”洛茜瞬间怂了,却还是赶紧道:“但我今天真的不行!” It seems like that this girl really feared. 看来,这丫头是真的怕了。 Skien has not forced, only ahem, said: Ok, after me, did not bump you.” 希恩也没勉强,只是哼唧了一声,道:“行,那我以后都不碰你了吧。” Lucy stares immediately. 洛茜顿时一愣。 Later doesn't bump...? 以后都不碰了...? ...... That is not good! ......那也不行! Never imagined, Lucy dug up to hold on the Skien trouser legs coverings directly, pitiful opens the mouth. 想都没想,洛茜直接扒拉住希恩的裤腿,可怜兮兮般开口。 Other Ma, on today's one day, makes me leisurely and carefree today ?” Lucy goes all out discussed: This, tomorrow, will certainly make you satisfy tomorrow!” “别,就今天一天而已,今天让我悠闲着过,好吗?”洛茜拼命的商量道:“这样吧,明天,明天一定让你满意!” The base and low princess, online woos. 卑微公主,在线求爱。 That is entreating pitiful appearance, if falls on others' in the eyes, 80% was brokenhearted. 那可怜兮兮的哀求着的模样,若是落在别人的眼中,八成是要心碎了。 Is this that arrogant princess? 这还是那个高傲的公主殿下吗? Is this that honored Kingdom's Most Precious Object? 这还是那个尊贵的王国至宝吗? Can you handle the matter that and own status comparison tallies? 您能不能做点和自己的身份比较符合的事情啊? Solemn humanity's most beautiful woman, all in people's eyes Lotus of the High Mountains, in the dream in countless man mind the sweetheart, unexpectedly is such a base and low type, let alone is heartrending, making one spit blood does not have the issue. 堂堂人族第一美女,所有人眼中高岭之花,无数男人心目中的梦中情人,居然是这么一副卑微样,别说是让人心碎,让人吐血都没问题了。 Even Skien somewhat cannot tolerate. 希恩都有些看不过去。 This princess should have the appearance that you are one not right?” Skien pressed firmly between the fingers Lucy's face, is pulling, while said: Can remain to select thoughts?” “这公主该有的样子,你是一个都没有对吧?”希恩捏住了洛茜的脸,一边扯着,一边道:“能不能给人留点念想?” hearing this, Lucy clenched jaws. 闻言,洛茜咬牙切齿了起来。 This bastard, oneself act the perfect princess and aloof honored human Goddess time, he thought that oneself is putting on airs to him looks, obstinately tidying up, to gives itself him to be obedient now base and low, wants to satisfy the self-respect of his grown man, finally added an own not princess some type? 魂淡,自己扮演完美无瑕的公主殿下和高冷尊贵的人类女神的时候,他觉得自己在摆架子给他看,愣是把自己给收拾了一遍,现在自己对这么卑微的给他百依百顺了,就是想满足一下他大男人的自尊心,结果还说自己没有一个公主该有的样? Is the dog man so difficult to serve? 狗男人就这么难伺候是吧? A Lucy palm of the hand claps Skien's hand. 洛茜一巴掌拍掉希恩的手 „It is not in any case good today! It is not good is not good!” “反正今天不行!不行就是不行!” The Lucy simple whole person sneaks in the quilt, covers the whole body with the quilt, shrinks one group, enters the defensive situation. 洛茜干脆整个人都钻进被子里,用被子盖住全身,缩成一团,进入防守态势。 Ok, how does not want you, not to lose face there.” “行了,没想把你怎么样,别在那里丢人了。” Skien corner of the eye twitched, was speechless. 希恩眼角直跳,都无语了。 Was reasonable, he was also individual, was not the horse, yesterday in tossed about Lucy so many to return, after going home, tossed about Thiel entire one night, today can also have mind/energetic on not bad, which can also continue to toss about? 讲道理,他也是个人,不是马,昨天折腾了洛茜那么多回,回到家里以后又折腾了蒂耶儿整整一夜,今天还能有精神不错,哪还能继续折腾呢? This sage Status/condition 2-3 days definitely have not been recovering consciousness, only if like Demon World that time, went all out to eat the tonic...... 这贤者状态没个2-3天肯定是缓不过来的了,除非是像在魔界的那时候一样,拼命吃补品...... Thinks that difficult days, the Skien whole person is not good. 想到那段艰苦的日子,希恩整个人都不好了。 as the saying goes small joyful, big bursting oneself, turn into scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, Skien once for sometime jumped in the turn into scattered ashes and dispersed smoke edge repeatedly horizontally, is really thinks to feel fearful. 正所谓小了怡情,大了伤身,强了灰飞烟灭,希恩就曾有一段时间在灰飞烟灭的边缘反复横跳,真的是想想都觉得可怕。 Therefore, Skien felt, oneself self-cultivation is quite good some time. 所以,希恩觉得,自己还是修身养性一段时间比较好。 Un, the Chinese culture is broad and profound, practices moral culture, grows the soul...... Nice! 嗯,中华文化博大精深,修身,养性......Nice! Hurries, said the proper business to you.” “赶紧起来,跟你说正事。” Skien patted probably is the breech delivery place, princess who let quilt reluctant drilled one. 希恩拍了一下大概是臀位的地方,让被子里的公主殿下不情不愿的钻出一个头来。 That confused sending silk has not only destroyed her aesthetic sense, instead some not being able to say beautiful only felt, really makes people sigh with emotion, this looks attractive person is to make anything to be pleasant, the proper God bestows food eats the series. 那一头缭乱的发丝不仅没有破坏她的美感,反而有种说不出的唯美感觉,真是让人感慨,这长得好看的人就是做什么都赏心悦目,妥妥的老天爷赏饭吃系列。 What proper business said?” “说什么正事啊?” Lucy reluctant is asking. 洛茜不情不愿的问着。 I asked you.” Skien did not beat around the bush, said directly: These had invaded the Bezthoth Family person, particularly the Old Demon Race Faction fellow, how did you handle?” “我问你。”希恩也不拐弯抹角,直接道:“那些曾经侵入过孛兹图特家的人,尤其是旧魔族派的家伙,你都怎么处置了?” Yes, Skien comes to this matter. 是的,希恩就是冲着这件事来的。 Lucy also understands Skien truly was plans to say the proper business, therefore response without hesitation. 洛茜也明白了希恩确实是打算说正事,于是不假思索的回应。 Somewhat grasped, some fights on the way of executed, also committed suicide, now is only left over rarely several people also to hang the life reluctantly, anything cannot ask.” “有些抓起来了,有些战斗的途中处决掉了,还有一些自杀了,现在只剩下很少了几个人还勉强吊着命,却什么都问不出来。” Lucy honest reply. 洛茜老老实实的回答。 Skien knits the brows. 希恩皱起了眉。
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