DKDHO :: Volume #2 和平不必被打破

#614: „Found.”

In Imperial Palace, the resting palace of emperor one of the most luxurious several buildings besides audience hall. 皇宫里,皇帝的寝宫可谓是除了谒见之厅以外最为豪华的几座建筑物之一。 It contracted almost all can use the praise in building, was the volume luxurious, spacious, grand, luxurious and resplendent in gold and jade green as one palace. 它承包了几乎所有能够用在建筑物上的赞美之词,乃是集豪华、宽敞、宏伟、奢侈及金碧辉煌于一体的宫殿。 At this time, this palace inside and outside, Knight then wear a look of serious standing that wears heavy armor innumerably on each post, is carrying out Quest of guard, the resting palace of emperor defending solid. 此时,这座宫殿的里里外外,无数身披重甲的骑士便面带严肃的站在了各个岗位上,执行着守卫的任务,将皇帝的寝宫给守备得严严实实。 Several aristocrat civil officials are passing and out here, but each turnover must undergo severe questioning of many Knight time, when they can enter the resting palace, sees the emperor time, that is the 2-3 hours later things. 有几个贵族文官在这里进出着,可每一次的进出都得经过诸多骑士的严苛盘查,等到他们能够进入寝宫,见到皇帝的时候,那已经是2-3个小时之后的事情。 This lets many civil officials, when leaves the emperor resting palace the big delivering one breath cannot help but, and each other looked at each other mutually, talked in whispers. 这让许多的文官在离开皇帝寝宫的时候都不由自主的大大的送上一口气,并彼此互相对视,窃窃私语了起来。 Unexpectedly really adjusted in own resting palace to protect itself Empire's Knight Regiment ten thousand people teams arbitrarily, was your majesty rather too also timid?” “居然真的擅自把帝国骑士团的一支万人大队调到自己的寝宫里来保护自己了,陛下也未免太胆小了吧?” Does not have the means that recently also had phantom thief to submerge in Imperial Palace, does not know that is the plan assassinates, has to summon the meteor shower, gives the destruction mysterious expert to appear Lefirut Family, your majesty will be scared, is not accidental/surprised.” “没办法,最近又是有怪盗潜入皇宫里来,不知道是不是打算行刺,又是有能够召唤流星雨,将莱菲鲁特家都给覆灭的神秘强者出现,陛下会感到害怕,一点都不意外。” After all, the phantom thief goal is these aristocrats, stares at Royal Family is not likely, that mysterious expert was needless saying that directly Lefirut Family extinguishing.” “毕竟,怪盗的目标一直都是那些贵族,盯上王族的可能性一点都不小,那个神秘的强者更是不用说,都直接将一个莱菲鲁特家给灭了呢。” Your majesty is just the Lefirut Family family background, hears Lefirut Family by mysterious expert to the destruction time, has almost not frightened falls from the sovereign place.” “陛下又刚好是莱菲鲁特家出身,听到莱菲鲁特家神秘的强者给覆灭的时候,差点没有吓得从皇座上掉下来。” Therefore, for own poor life considers, could your majesty have ignored so many?” “所以,为了自己的小命着想,陛下已经顾不得那么多了吧?” „The resting palace only has to hold these 10,000 Knight guards, I looked, your majesty wished one could to adjust to protect itself entire Empire's Knight Regiment.” “要不是寝宫仅有容纳这一万名骑士守卫,我看,陛下都恨不得将整个帝国骑士团都调来保护自己了。” His side had imperial Knight Regiment to guard obviously, recent Imperial Capital on eventful time, some were place need Empire's Knight sends out, your majesty actually arranged so many Knight in oneself side...” “明明他身边都有皇家骑士团在守卫了,最近的帝都又恰逢多事之秋,有的是地方需要帝国骑士出动,陛下却将那么多的骑士都安排在自己的身边...” Really is the waste...” “真是浪费...” Do not say, again what kind of, his emperor.” “别这么说,再怎样,他都还是皇帝。” Snort, but is thinks before , the Imperial Concubine having no interest regent government, he can sit the imperial throne, and after sitting imperial throne, that person has been receiving organizing of Lefirut Family, if not Imperial Concubine Mora appears, by his vexed appearance, how possibly to bluff and bluster like?” “哼,不过是以为前皇妃无心摄政,他才能坐上帝位而已,且坐上帝位以后,那个人就一直是在受莱菲鲁特家的摆布,如果不是摩罗皇妃出现,以他那个窝囊的样子,怎么可能像这样耀武扬威?” Hush, don't be so loud.” 嘘,别那么大声。” Yes, discussion emperor also has no problem, he truly is incompetent, but Imperial Concubine but the power leans the government and people, does not know that many aristocrats are supporting her, does not want to fall the words of head, best little to say.” “是啊,讨论皇帝也就算了,毕竟他确实无能,但皇妃可是权倾朝野,不知道有多少贵族在支持着她,不想掉脑袋的话,最好少说点。” Civil officials are then conducting such talking in whispers, is turning away from the resting palace, fills with departure that despises. 一众文官们便进行着这样的窃窃私语,背对着寝宫,满怀鄙夷的离开。 Thus it can be seen, today's emperor has unpopular how. 由此可见,当今的皇帝有多么的不得人心。 Empire that's it, esteems martial arts only respects the true capable person, if incompetent person, even if the emperor, will be being been censuring in secret like this. 帝国就是这样,尚武又只尊敬真正的能人,若是无能之人,哪怕是皇帝,都会在私底下受到这样的非议。 Because had the Lefirut Family support in the past, later was supported by Imperial Concubine, this emperor feared that has caused the riot, was given waste? 要不是因为过去有莱菲鲁特家支持,之后又被皇妃支持,这个皇帝怕是早就引起暴乱,被人给废了吧? In such a case, no one discovered, a shadow teleportation appearance here, another teleportation, entered in the resting palace of emperor. 在这样的情况下,没有任何人发现,一道黑影似瞬移般的出现在这里,又一个瞬移,进入了皇帝的寝宫中。 Entire ten thousand Empire's Knight, no found that his existence, making him invade silently. 整整万名的帝国骑士,没有一个发现他的存在,让他无声无息的侵入了进去。 ...... ...... Meanwhile, in a luxurious room, today's emperor is still receiving several aristocrats. 与此同时,在一间豪华的房间中,当今的皇帝还在接见几位贵族。 only, facing these aristocrats, the emperor is flying into a rage. 只是,面对这几位贵族,皇帝大发雷霆着。 Waste! Entirely is the waste!” “废物!通通都是废物!” Sees only, diminutive obese, body wears the luxurious clothing, looks does not have the dignity, instead has the middle-aged man of nouveau riche feeling to shout abuse to several aristocrats on the scene. 只见,一个矮小肥胖,身上穿着奢华的衣物,看起来一点都没有威严,反而有种暴发户般的感觉的中年男子对着几个在场的贵族破口大骂着。 Finds a person, beforehand phantom thief has not seized, this time mysterious expert has not seized, you are eat without working!?” “不过是找个人而已,之前的怪盗没有捉到,这次的神秘强者也没有捉到,你们都是吃干饭的吗!?” The emperor then like, furious reviling, scolding is the saliva direct injection. 皇帝便像这样,怒不可遏的唾骂,骂得是口水直喷。 Several aristocrats are difficult to cover the dislike of in the eyes, actually has to exhibit an attitude in reverential awe. 几位贵族难掩眼中的厌恶,却不得不摆出一副诚惶诚恐的态度。 How to say again, the opposite parties are an emperor, if extremely in disrespecting, they must create obstacles unavoidably. 再怎么说,对方都是皇帝,若是太过于不敬,他们难免得被刁难。 And an aristocrat on opens the mouth. 其中一位贵族就开口了。 Also... also please give us time.” The opposite party said in a low voice: Commits the crime to that mysterious expert, but less than day, if can much time, that affirmation...” “还...还请给我们一点时间。”对方低声道:“离那位神秘强者犯下罪行,不过才不到一天的时间而已,若能多一点时间,那肯定...” A few words, have not said, the emperor flew into a rage. 一句话,还没说完,皇帝又是暴跳如雷了起来。 Gives you time? Who gives me time!?” Emperor violent anger incomparable shouted to shout: Even Lefirut Family gave a that damn fellow night of destruction, Imperial Palace in had been invaded by the mouse a while ago successfully, if that fellow ran, planned that was disadvantageous to me, when the time comes, you took on to handle...!?” “多给你们一点时间?那谁多给我一点时间啊!?”皇帝暴怒无比的嚷嚷道:“连莱菲鲁特家都给那个该死的家伙一夜覆灭了,皇宫又在前阵子被老鼠成功侵入过,如果那个家伙跑来,打算对我不利,到时候,你们担当得起吗...!?” Right. 没错。 In the final analysis, the emperor is worried about oneself safety forget it/that's all. 说到底,皇帝不过是在担心自己的安危罢了 The Lefirut Family destruction no doubt lets many empire high-level headaches, may to the farsighted emperor, actually not be a matter that is worth chuckling. 莱菲鲁特家的覆灭固然让许多帝国高层头疼,可对没有深谋远虑的皇帝来说,却是一件值得窃喜的事。 Because, he is the Direkis blood brother, once had competed for Lefirut Family the position of Family Head with Direkis together, actually at all is not the Direkis opponent, has played with by Direkis in applauses. 因为,他是狄雷基斯的亲兄弟,曾与狄雷基斯一起争夺过莱菲鲁特家家主之位,却根本不是狄雷基斯的对手,被狄雷基斯一直玩弄于鼓掌之间。 He who the family also regards no talent such as worthless. 家族也视毫无天分的他如草芥。 Even servants once frank and upright has despised him. 连佣人都曾经光明正大的鄙视过他。 Finally, he was also treated as the chip that the politics marries by Direkis, was thrown to Imperial Family, is used to marry into the wife's household, as relating Imperial Family and Lefirut Family bridge, or is puppet item. 最后,他还被狄雷基斯当做政治联姻的筹码,被扔给皇室,用来入赘,作为联系皇室莱菲鲁特家的桥梁,或者说是傀儡道具 This makes the emperor hate Direkis very much, hates Lefirut Family very much. 这让皇帝一直都很恨狄雷基斯,很恨莱菲鲁特家 If before is not , the Imperial Concubine having no interest regent government, by his honeyed words deceit, he cannot sit decisively the position of emperor. 如果不是前皇妃无心摄政,被他的花言巧语欺骗,他是断然坐不上皇帝的位置的。 But after becoming emperor, he simply does not have the real power, has been operated by Lefirut Family, was disregarded and despised by Imperial Palace everyone. 但在当上皇帝以后,他也根本没有实权,一直被莱菲鲁特家操纵,被皇宫上上下下的每一个人无视及鄙夷。 Until ten years ago, met with Imperial Concubine, the emperor feels presently, oneself was stands finally. 直到十年前,邂逅了现皇妃,皇帝才觉得,自己总算是站起来了。 Under induction in secret that Imperial Concubine, the emperor made various things that subverted oneself condition, before overthrowing Imperial Concubine, gave Lefirut Family as well as these looks down upon own aristocrat lesson, making them choose pledging allegiance to entirely. 在那位皇妃的暗中诱导下,皇帝才做出了各种颠覆了自身状况的事情,推翻了前皇妃,给了莱菲鲁特家以及那些瞧不起自己的贵族一些教训,让他们通通都选择了归顺。 Starting from that time, the emperor felt, oneself grasped this country finally. 自那个时候开始,皇帝才觉得,自己总算掌握了这个国家。 Naturally, the emperor who high-spirited and lets success go to the head simply had not discovered, what these aristocrats and even Lefirut pledge allegiance to is not he, but is that Imperial Concubine. 当然,意气风发兼得意忘形的皇帝根本没有发现,那些贵族乃至莱菲鲁特归顺的并不是他,而是那位皇妃 Feels sorry for this emperor also to think that Imperial Concubine helped itself, finally had the real power by oneself, actually, these timid the aristocrat before him look in the Mora share, lowers the head to bend the back to this pitiful emperor. 可怜这位皇帝还以为皇妃帮了自己,让自己总算有了实权,实则,这些在他面前唯唯诺诺的贵族不过是看在摩罗的份上,才给这个可怜的皇帝低头哈腰而已。 In brief, the emperor does not care about Lefirut Family to disappear. 总之,皇帝根本不在乎莱菲鲁特家会不会消失。 might as well say, Lefirut Family can vanish, he was also happy, felt happy. 倒不如说,莱菲鲁特家能消失,他还感到了高兴,感到了痛快。 But can summon the meteor shower, overnight destruction entire Lefirut Family mysterious expert, really took to the emperor the too tremendous pressure. 可一个能够召唤流星雨,一夜之间覆灭整个莱菲鲁特家神秘强者,实在是带给了皇帝太大的压力。 Since the opposite party the destruction Lefirut Family, then, with were Lefirut, will stare by the opposite party? 对方既然覆灭了莱菲鲁特家,那么,同为莱菲鲁特一员的自己,是不是会被对方盯上呢? Imperial Palace was also submerged by phantom thief a while ago successfully, this made the timid emperor present various worry. 偏偏,皇宫前阵子还被一个怪盗成功潜入了进来,这让胆小的皇帝出现了各种担忧。 Therefore, the emperor so will be excited. 因此,皇帝才会这么激动。 Goes! Looks to me! Continues to look!” “去!给我找!继续找!” The emperor is roaring. 皇帝咆哮着。 Must catch that mysterious expert as soon as possible, before also, that phantom thief, any cannot let off, so long as who can seize them...... not, kills them, that then performed the biggest merit, person who without the person of title can confer nobility, have the title similarly will grant, even rises the nobility!” “必须尽快抓到那个神秘强者,还有之前那个怪盗,任何一个都不能放过,只要有谁能逮住他们......不,是杀死他们,那便算是立下了最大的功劳,没有爵位的人可以封爵,有爵位的人同样会有赏赐,甚至是升爵!” In order to eliminate anxiety in heart, the emperor also makes the greatest commitment. 为了消去心中的不安,皇帝也算是许下莫大的承诺了。 Aristocrats then came to select mind/energetic, complied with one, at once retreat of simultaneously. 一众贵族们这才来了点精神,答应了一声,旋即才齐齐的退去。 In the room, is only left over emperor immediately. 房间里,顿时只剩下皇帝一人。 „...” “哈...” The emperor like losing all strengths was common, paralysis on chair. 皇帝有如失去了所有的力气一般,瘫在了椅子上。 At this time, which did Imperial Concubine go...?” “这个时候,皇妃到底去哪了...?” The emperor feels the intense anxiety for this reason. 皇帝为此感到强烈的不安。 Ten years, he has been used to obey the Mora's instructions management, and obeys her instruction management each time, can make the explicit progress, making this emperor relies on Mora thoroughly. 十年的时间里,他已经习惯了听从摩罗的指示办事,且每次听从她的吩咐办事,都能取得明确的效果,让这个皇帝彻底变得依赖起了摩罗来。 This makes the emperor of waste the waste, once will have anything to make much ado about nothing like. 这让本就废物的这个皇帝变得更加废物,一旦出点什么事就会像这样大惊小怪。 Mora when fortunately, the emperor will feel at ease quickly. 摩罗在的时候还好,皇帝会很快安心下来。 But Mora one is not , the emperor then felt where is unsafe, in any event is unable to feel at ease, making him uneasy. 摩罗一不在,皇帝便感觉哪里都不安全,无论如何都无法安心,令得他惴惴不安。 Such emperor had not discovered completely, in his back, when does not know, presented a form. 这样的皇帝完全没有发现,在他的背后,不知何时,出现了一道身影 Throws over the Mystery person of cape to stand in behind of emperor, sends out the light dangerous feeling, making the emperor feel that back cool, subconscious turning the head, looks to behind. 披着斗篷的神秘人站在皇帝的身后,散发出淡淡的危险感,让皇帝感到背脊一凉,下意识的转过头,看向身后 This looked, the emperor opened the eye. 这一看,皇帝睁大了眼睛。 ————!?” ————!?” He panic-stricken incomparable wants to yell, actually by a hand covering mouth. 他惊恐无比的想要叫喊,却是被一只手给捂住了嘴。 wū wū Wū wū wū...!?” 呜呜呜呜呜...!?” The panic-stricken struggling voice extremely spreads from the emperor covered mouth, finally does not help matters completely. 惊恐万分的挣扎声线从皇帝被捂住的嘴中传出,结果完全无济于事。 Is throwing over the Mystery person of black robe easily drags away it. 披着黑袍的神秘人轻而易举的将其拖走。 In a while, an intermittent silent pitiful yell reverberated in the room. 没过多久,一阵阵无声的惨叫在房间里回响了起来。 ...... ...... Eh......” ...啊...” Does not know after how long, in the room, the controlled pitiful yell turned into , if no moan that if no. 不知道过去了多久以后,房间里,被控制的惨叫变成了一声声若无若无的呻吟声了。 Sees only, the Ragna Empire emperor by hanging upside down of tying hands on the house beam, the head dangled, mouth China , Cyprus the arrange/cloth, on the face is being black and blue, seems like pig general, no is complete. 只见,拉格纳帝国的皇帝陛下被五花大绑的倒吊在房梁上,脑袋垂下,口中塞着布,脸上则是一片鼻青脸肿,看起来像个猪头一般,没有一处是完好的。 Wears the Mystery person of cape unceasing random walk in the entire room, is upturning in the one by one bookshelf, seeks thing that are wanting. 身披斗篷的神秘人则是在整个房间中不断的游走,在一个个的书架上翻着,找寻着自己想要的东西。 Until after a long time, he turned out an ancient book from a bookshelf. 直到良久以后,他才从一个书架上翻出了一本古书。 In the title page of ancient book, without the handwriting, does not have the book title and signature, some only pictures. 古书的封面上,没有字迹,亦没有书名及署名,有的只是一幅画。 Has sparkling shining as, such as the picture of willow common branch. 一副有着闪闪发亮似的,如杨柳一般的树枝的画。 Found.” “找到了。” Skien smiles suddenly. 希恩蓦然一笑。
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