DKDHO :: Volume #1 冒险不必被孤立

#160: Prevented victory and defeat

Bang!!!” “轰!!!” This is an earth-shaking loud sound. 这是一声惊天动地的巨响。 Looking like the sky is suddenly stave, the land break is suddenly same, the deafening bellow then made a sound suddenly, all people who rush to Royal Palace arena give to shake an eardrum pain, the head hurt, one after another cannot help but exudes one to call out in grief or call out pitifully, immediately fell on the ground. 就像是天空突然破碎,大地突然断裂一样,震耳欲聋的轰鸣声便突然响了起来,把所有赶往王宫竞技场的人都给震得耳膜一痛,脑袋一疼,纷纷都不由自主的发出一声悲鸣或者惨叫,随即倒在了地面上。 Trembling of Royal Palace also intensified several hundred times and even several thousand times. 王宫的震颤也加剧了好几百倍乃至好几千倍。 Originally berserk Magic Power also just like thorough changed to the vortex to be the same, turned in the Royal Palace sky wells up. 本就狂暴魔力亦是宛如彻底的化作了漩涡一样,在王宫的天空中翻涌。 The astonishing power as if invisible impact expands outward, is centered on Royal Palace arena, first shakes to entire Royal Palace, immediately shakes from Royal Palace, shocks the center of the lake island, finally shook unexpectedly the Royal Capital lake that is situated the center of the lake island, making the tranquil lake raise the intermittent wave suddenly. 惊人的力量仿佛无形的冲击般向外扩展,以王宫竞技场为中心,先是震向整个王宫,随即从王宫震出,震动湖心岛,最终竟是撼动了坐落着湖心岛的王都湖泊,让平静的湖泊陡然掀起阵阵波浪。 So the phenomenon, even the people in Royal Capital seemingly detected finally. 如此异象,最后连王都中的人们貌似都察觉到了。 Therefore, pedestrians one after another on road stops the footsteps, is astonished extremely looks to Royal Palace's direction, started to clamor, the horses that drew carriage numerously as if received frightening, even the children heard the loud sound probably, thus was frightened to cry, causing Royal Capital to become somewhat confused similarly. 于是,路上的行人们纷纷停下脚步,讶异万分的看向王宫的方向,开始喧哗了起来,众多拉马车的马匹则似乎受到了惊吓,连小孩子们都好像听到了巨响,从而被吓哭了,导致王都同样变得有些混乱了起来。 But all these, come from Royal Palace arena, two toward each other fall to go to cause just like heavenly pillar Magic Power Blade. 而这一切,均都源自于王宫竞技场中,两把宛若天柱般的魔力之刃向着彼此倾倒而去所引起。 „„ Haaaaah ————!” ““哈啊啊啊啊————!”” On Holy Sword that in arena, Skien and Lucy to shout, in the hand that was divided with one voice, huge Magic Power Blade that sticks out suddenly has collided in one, produced terrifying impact. 竞技场里,希恩和洛茜齐声呐喊,手中那被劈下的圣剑上,暴起的巨大魔力之刃已然碰撞在了一块,产生了恐怖的冲击 Bang bang bang bang bang...!” “嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭...!” A ground cuns (2.5 cm) break, changes to innumerable crushed stone crush, and falls downward. 地面寸寸断裂,化作无数的碎石粉碎,并往下陷去。 kacha...! kacha kacha kacha...!” 咔嚓...!咔嚓咔嚓咔嚓...!” In the surrounding auditorium, the wall was also crush one after another, changed stops the powder. 周围的观众席上,墙壁也是一块接着一块的粉碎了开来,化作湮粉。 Bang!” “砰!” Was set up in arena surrounding barrier after withstanding terrifying Magic Power impact, easily was first shaken, shortly afterwards does not know when covered entirely the crack, was cracked one after another, finally simply shatter, did not exist. 被设立在竞技场周围的结界在承受了恐怖的魔力冲击以后,先是被轻易撼动,紧接着不知何时布满了裂缝,接连龟裂了开来,最后干脆破碎,不复存在。 All that this is 【Magic Sword】 showdown between Skien and Lucy produces the complementary waves that causes. 这就是希恩洛茜之间的【魔剑】对决所产生的余波所导致的一切。 two people 【Magic Sword】 starts the Magic Power ripples one after another in the collision, the storm changes to the hurricane proliferation of destruction, lets ground crush, the atmospheric annihilation, in arena is completely the disaster scenery of flying sand and rocks, around that area that only then Skien and Lucy is at for the time being also complete, received the protection of astonishing Magic Power burns from two people body. 两人【魔剑】就在碰撞中掀起一层接着一层的魔力涟漪,暴风更是化作破坏的飓风扩散,让地面粉碎,大气湮灭,竞技场内完全就是飞沙走石的灾难风景,只有希恩和洛茜所在的那一带四周姑且还完好,受到了从两人身上燃烧起来的惊人魔力的保护。 But, besides there, other place convenience might be considered as suffers the total destruction, has become torn to pieces, was unable to withstand the load. 但,除了那里以外,其余的地方便堪称是遭遇到灭顶之灾,已经变得支离破碎,不堪重负了。 This way, entire arena and even entire Royal Palace may be affected, finally was destroyed. 再这样下去,整个竞技场乃至整个王宫都有可能被波及,最后被破坏。 But Skien or Lucy could not have stopped, can only close tightly teeth, gives to pour into 【Magic Sword】 Magic Power of whole body, attempts to crush the opposite party, wins. 可无论是希恩还是洛茜都已经停不下来了,只能咬紧牙根,将全身的魔力都给灌注进【魔剑】里,企图压倒对方,获得胜利。 The two people learn has 【Magic Recovery】 Skill, and Skill Level is very high, coordinates own Magic Power quantity, Magic Power while the crazy consumption, in crazy restoration. 偏偏,两人都习有【魔力回复】技能,且技能等级很高,配合自身的魔力量,魔力在疯狂消耗的同时,也在疯狂的恢复。 in other words, this to bumping , cannot decide the victory and defeat for a short time absolutely. 也就是说,这场对碰,一时半会之间,绝对分不出胜负。 Skien and Lucy realized this point simultaneously, and in heart secret shouted "Shit!". 希恩和洛茜就同时意识到了这一点,并心中暗暗叫糟 Because, real if turns into such, only feared Magic Power that two people spends freely unceasingly will really turn into a disaster, gives to affect entire Royal Capital. 因为,真的变成那样的话,只怕两人不断挥霍的魔力会真的变成一场灾难,把整个王都都给波及。 By that time, the issue was big. 到那时,问题就大了。 „„ It is not good! Cannot refuse to compromise!” ““不行!不能僵持下去!”” No matter Skien or Lucy then had such idea. 不管是希恩还是洛茜便都产生了这样的想法。 Therefore, two people can only clench teeth again. 所以,两人只能再次咬牙。 „„ Spelled!” ““拼了!”” Such thought flashes through the mind at the same time, Skien and Lucy hands over Holy Sword. 这样的念头闪过脑海的同时,希恩和洛茜均都一转手中的圣剑 Yes. 是的。 two people one time was of one mind, prepares to relieve Holy Sword's seal, decides the victory and defeat as soon as possible. 两人又是一次心有灵犀,准备解除圣剑的封印,尽快分出胜负。 Lucy, moves now the idea of using Unique Skill. 就连洛茜,现在也动了使用独有技能的想法。 Thing that even that Skill cannot use casually, but cannot control so many now. 即使那个技能并不是能够随便使用的东西,但现在也管不了那么多了。 Thinking, the two people preparation is chanting to relieve the incantation sentence of Holy Sword seal. 这么想着,两人准备咏唱出解除圣剑封印的咒句。 However, in this split second, the phenomenon breaks out. 然而,就在这一瞬间,异象突起。 Bang!” “轰!” With another thundering of atmosphere, in total wreck arena, presented third 【Magic Sword】 unexpectedly. 伴随着大气的又一次轰鸣,破烂不堪的竞技场内,居然出现了第三把【魔剑】了。 Then is so fearful the 【Magic Sword】 momentum and not like Skien as well as Lucy, Magic Power is by far and not on the two people scale. 那把【魔剑】的声势并不像希恩以及洛茜那么可怕,魔力更是远远及不上两人的规模。 However, this 【Magic Sword】 is actually incomparably solid, just like the essence is ordinary, the Magic Power light that sends out is extremely intense. 但是,这把【魔剑】却是无比的凝实,犹如实质一般,散发出来的魔力光极其强烈。 But is lifting such 【Magic Sword】 is one fills the Knight style robust man. 而举着这样一把【魔剑】的则是一个充满骑士风范的壮汉。 Oooooooooooh...!” 噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢...!” Robust man growled, as if drops from the clouds to be the same, leapt from arena, and high jumps to jump, collided in together 【Magic Sword】 to wield slash to Skien as well as Lucy that. 壮汉低吼出声,仿佛从天而降一样,从竞技场外跃了进来,并高高的纵身跳起,对着希恩以及洛茜那碰撞在一起的【魔剑】挥下了斩击 Third 【Magic Sword】 immediately falling of heavily, in Skien as well as Lucy that collided above together 【Magic Sword】, refused to compromise after a while, cut. 第三把的【魔剑】顿时重重的落在了希恩以及洛茜那碰撞在一起的【魔剑】之上,僵持了一会以后,切了进去。 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” Next split second, the clear incomparable cutting sound spreads to everyone's ear. 一瞬间,清晰无比的切割声传入所有人的耳中。 【Magic Sword】 of robust man such gives to cut off Skien as well as Lucy 【Magic Sword】, makes to collide in together 【Magic Sword】 to be defeated and dispersed directly, changes to violent stream, charges into the surroundings. 壮汉的【魔剑】就这么将希恩以及洛茜【魔剑】给斩断,令得碰撞在一起的【魔剑】直接溃散,化作暴流,冲向周围。 However, without and other Magic Power violent stream fires into all directions, gives to destroy all, a calm sound then made a sound. 不过,没等这些魔力暴流冲向四面八方,将一切都给摧毁,一个冷静的声音便响了起来。 【Magic Disperse】!” 【魔法驱散(MagicDisperse)】!” Wears king robe, wears King of gold crown then to hold up the scepter in hand, makes to chant, making jewel in scepter send out brilliance. 一个身披王袍,头戴金冠的国王便举起手中的权杖,做出咏唱,让权杖上的宝石散发出光辉。 Brilliant ray on Magic Power violent stream, making violent stream stagnate quite the same as. 光辉照耀在魔力暴流上,让暴流浑然一滞。 shortly afterwards, these Magic Power turbulent flow are so similar to by the sunlight are been unexpectedly ordinary to the snowflake of melting, vanished without a trace. 紧接着,那些魔力的乱流竟是就这么如同被阳光给融化的雪花一般,消失得无影无踪了。 Hence, this to bumping announced ending. 至此,这场对碰才宣告了落幕。 In arena, all belong to tranquilly. 竞技场内,一切都归于平静。 ...” “呼...” Looks at this occurrence, Skien and Lucy before feeling to be astonished, first is relaxing of simultaneously. 看着这一幕的发生,希恩和洛茜在感到惊愕之前,先是齐齐的松了一口气。 May follow, Skien's complexion suddenly changed, Holy Sword in building hand without hesitation, keeps off in own front. 可紧随其后的,希恩面色猛然一变,毫不犹豫的架起手中的圣剑,挡在自己的面前。 Clang!” “铛!” Almost is at the same time, two meters high broadsword from Skien front heavily chops, falls on Holy Sword that in Skien built hurriedly, extremely intense fresh breeze. 几乎是在同一时间,一把两米高的宽刃大剑希恩的前方重重的劈来,落在了希恩匆忙架起的圣剑上,极其了强烈的劲风。 „......!” “......!” Skien only thought that an arm hemp, fearful power transmitted from greatsword, shakes his ground to follow together crush, the dust also ruptured from around the body, such as the sand dust was the same, fills the air to open. 希恩只觉得手臂一麻,一股可怕的力量大剑上传来,震得他脚下的地面都跟着一起粉碎了,粉尘也自身周爆裂,如沙尘一样,弥漫而开。 so heavy...!” 好重...!” Skien cannot help but groan makes noise. 希恩不由得闷哼出声。 this strike, on the strength, may previously drive back own that strike to be heavier than Lucy only much, lets Skien nearly not able to stand it. 这一击,单就力道而言,可比洛茜先前逼退自己的那一击沉重得多了,让希恩险些招架不住 If this sword does not divide from top to bottom, that Skien had possibly been divided to fly also perhaps. 如果这一剑不是从上往下劈的话,那希恩可能已经被劈飞出去了亦说不定。 But sent out the this strike person, precisely cut off Skien and Lucy 【Magic Sword】 that robust man Knight. 而发出这一击的人,正是斩断了希恩洛茜【魔剑】的那个壮汉骑士 Who are you?” “你是谁?” The robust men interrogated indifferently. 壮汉冷漠的质问。 The anger in Skien heart braved. 希恩心中的火气冒了出来。 I am your father!” “我是你爸爸!” Saying, Magic Power from the Skien's body eruption. 说着,魔力希恩的身上爆发。 Bang!” “嘭!” This time, traded to make the explosive sound to resound through. 这一次,换做爆炸声响彻了起来了。
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