DKDHO :: Volume #1 冒险不必被孤立

#158: „Who feared who!”

In Royal Palace arena, one development/launch that fierce struggles that starts the innumerable fierce combat then in superheating. 王宫竞技场中,一场掀起无数刀光剑影的激斗便在白热化的展开着。 Two forms are the same just like two thunderclap, on the scene pursues at an exceptional pace mutually, while wields to fully occupy the entire field of vision the sword light, lets two Holy Sword crashing mutual collisions. 两道身影宛若两道霹雳一样,一边在场中以惊人的速度互相追逐,一边挥出占满整个视野的剑光,让两把圣剑激烈的互相碰撞。 Clang clang clang clang clang ————!” “锵锵锵锵锵————!” The collision sound lingering on faintly sound of steel and steel. 钢铁与钢铁的交击声不绝于耳的响动。 Bang! Bang bang...!” “嘭!嘭嘭...!” An intermittent airing sound is also such as the explosion general unceasingly for the first time presently. 一阵阵的气爆声亦是如爆炸一般的不断乍现。 sparks/Mars continuously intense jumping in the air that is shooting, each appearance, is representing mutual colliding strike between Holy Sword and Holy Sword, made the full house is dazzling sparks/Mars, looked particularly stirring. 就连火星都不住的在空气里激烈的迸射着,每一次的出现,都代表着圣剑圣剑之间的一次互相交击,令得满场都是炫目的火星,看起来分外震撼人心。 If there is a third party here, that absolutely will is this fierce combat exclaimed in surprise. 如果有第三者在这里,那一定会为这场激战惊叹。 If in the auditorium has been filled with the person, that has offered not parsimonious cheer for those images and scenes inevitably. 如果观众席上已经坐满了人,那必然已经为此情此景献上毫不吝啬的喝彩。 That is splendid fierce disputes hence, making fierce combat the fighting spirit of both sides also increase successively, to behind, Magic Power of whole body the storm had swept across, shook the air. 那就是一场精彩至此的激烈交锋,令得激战中的双方的斗志也是节节攀升,到得后面,全身的魔力都已经似暴风般席卷了起来,撼动了空气。 Clang!” “铛!” How long after does not know, obviously was more intense than and resounding collision sound struck a gong jumping the former innumerable collisions present. 不知道多久以后,一声明显比之前无数次的碰撞更加激烈和响亮的交击声似敲钟般的迸现。 Two Holy Sword conducted did not know several collision similarly, but this time, a side was the strength is stronger, drove back another side. 两把圣剑就这么进行了同样不知道第几次的碰撞,但这一次,其中一方却是力道更强,逼退了另外一方。 But driven back person, unexpectedly is Skien. 而被逼退的人,居然是希恩 Skien's figure then likes suffers the thunder strike to be the same, suddenly trembles, whole person in sudden retreat, in one tread tread tread in the sound, the footsteps keep steps on the broken tread, until withdrawing from more than ten meters distance, just now stopped figure. 希恩的身形便有如遭受到雷击一样,蓦然一颤,整个人都在暴退,于一阵“蹬蹬蹬”的声响中,脚步不停的踩碎着地面,直到退出了十几米的距离,方才止住了身形 Your this power was also too exaggerating...!?” “你这力量也太夸张了吧...!?” Skien could not bear call such a. 希恩忍不住叫出了这么一声。 Without the means. 没办法。 At this moment, Skien has used 【Limit Breaker】 Skill, all-around ability has presented the explosion -type rise, and Magic Power that consumes also before to fighting Bedo time is fiercer. 要知道,此时此刻,希恩已经使用了【极限变迁】技能了,全方位的能力都已经呈现爆炸式的上升,且消耗的魔力也远比之前对战贝多的时候更厉害。 in other words, the present Skien ratio to fighting Bedo that time was strong, was been lower than Bedo by Level, the princess who seemingly lacked the strength to truss up a chicken drove back to a sword. 也就是说,现在的希恩比对战贝多的那个时候还强,却是被等级远比贝多低,看似手无缚鸡之力的公主殿下给一剑逼退了。 However... 但是... You should feel satisfiedly.” “你该感到满足了。” The delightful nice sound spread to the Skien ear. 悦耳动听的声音传入了希恩耳中。 Just that strike, was in Guardian Knight Regiment that the kingdom was proud, can the person who its received only fear that will not have ten fingers of numbers, you actually become.” “刚刚那一击,就是王国引以为傲的近卫骑士团里,能够将其接下的人只怕都不会有十指之数,你却成为了其中一个。” Was saying such words, Lucy's form as if gust of wind, carried the strength of howling, the volume to Skien, the twinkling was then plundering the Skien front. 说着这样的话,洛茜的身影仿佛一阵疾风,携带着呼啸的劲气,卷向了希恩,瞬息便掠到了希恩的面前。 The next second, in the Lucy hand under cutting of Holy Sword like falling lightning, the speed must look like flash quickly, making Skien only feel vision blurred, Holy Sword slash had then arrived at own front. 下一秒钟,洛茜手中圣剑如落雷般的斩下,速度快得就像是一道闪光,令得希恩都只觉得眼前一花,圣剑斩击便已经来到了自己的面前。 only, wants to cope with Skien, the light is the speed is quickly useless. 只是,想对付希恩,光是速度快是没用的。 The fearful fight instinct that because 【War God】 Skill brings will let his body response naturally. 因为【军神】技能带来的可怕战斗本能会让他的身体自然而然的反应。 Therefore, that while the Lucy's Holy Sword flash cuts, Holy Sword in Skien hand also changes to the cold arc light, on suddenly selects. 于是,在洛茜的圣剑似闪光般斩来的同时,希恩手中的圣剑亦是化作冷冽的弧光,蓦然上挑。 Clang!” “锵!” In the clear sound, sparks/Mars like the water splash sputtering, making both Holy Sword produce in the midair did not know several colliding strike, each other separating. 清脆的响声中,火星如水花般溅射开来,让两把圣剑都在半空中产生了不知道第几次的交击,彼此弹开。 But, Lucy's offensive has not stopped. 可是,洛茜的攻势没有停下来。 shuā shuā shuā...!” 唰唰唰...!” Seeing only, Lucy was turns around in the midair unexpectedly directly, pulled back separated Holy Sword, is releasing three thrusts to Skien's chest, flank and thigh, making this three thrusts almost form a coherent whole, spans the time to be the same to the limit of space, simultaneously thorn to Skien's direction. 只见,洛茜竟是直接在半空中转身,拉回了被弹开的圣剑,对着希恩的胸口、侧腹以及大腿释放出了三道突刺,让这三道突刺几乎一气呵成,跨越了时间与空间的限制一样,同时刺向了希恩的方向 So exquisite sword technique, worthily the 【Two-handed Sword】 Skill upgraded to Level 8 big expert. 如此精湛的剑技,不愧是将【双手剑】技能提升到八级的大高手。 But by 【Two-handed Sword】 Skill Level, Skien without doubt is only higher than Lucy. 但只论【双手剑】技能的等级,希恩无疑比洛茜还高。 Taking this into consideration, while Lucy releases extremely skillful three thrusts, Holy Sword in Skien hand is also broadminded a revolution, is resembles the wind wheel the same as cut unexpectedly. 有鉴于此,在洛茜释放出神乎其技三道突刺的同时,希恩手中的圣剑也豁然一转,竟是似风轮一样斩过。 Clang!” “锵!” In first collision sound, is opened toward thrust that the chest comes. 第一道交击声中,往胸口而来的突刺被挑开。 Clang!” “锵!” In second collision sound, is hit toward thrust that the side abdomen comes. 第二道交击声中,往侧腹而来的突刺被打偏。 Chī! 嗤! In third sky-splitting sound, is flashed through toward thrust that the thigh comes, among the gap distance with Skien's thigh is less than five centimeters. 第三道破空声中,往大腿而来的突刺被闪过,与希恩的大腿之间的间隔距离不到五厘米。 Skien then and with sword technique and assistance of 【Evasion】 that Skill 【Two-handed Sword】 Skill brings, Lucy's offensive reducing and solving. 希恩便并用【双手剑】技能带来的剑技以及【回避】技能的辅助,将洛茜的攻势给化解。 Then, Skien lifted unexpectedly directly just avoided the thigh of thrust, the sole like the electric light, to front Lucy, ruthlessly trampled. 然后,希恩居然直接抬起了刚刚避开突刺的大腿,脚掌如电光,对着面前的洛茜,狠狠的一脚踹出。 Bang!” “嘭!” In stifling sound, Skien's kick strike falls on arm that in Lucy lifted, trampling to fly Lucy. 闷击声中,希恩的踢击落在了洛茜抬起的手臂上,将洛茜给踹飞了出去。 No, should say that is Lucy taking advantage of the strength of this foot, flies upside down on own initiative, spread out with Skien. 不,应该说是洛茜借着这一脚的力道,主动倒飞出去,和希恩拉开了距离。 You are very strong.” Lucy is flinging the arm, while is fixing the eyes on Skien, complained, said: Besides Sensei, your first can the person who I drive back, which this is the Level 24 person should have the strength that?” “你果然很强。”洛茜一边甩着手臂,一边紧盯着希恩,抱怨了起来,道:“除了老师以外,你还是第一个能把我逼退的人,这哪是等级二十四的人该有的实力啊?” also that Level sword technique and that Level movement and that Level physical ability, should you study many Skill?” 还有那种等级剑技、那种等级的身法、那种等级身体能力,你应该学了不少技能吧?” Arrives at this world less than one month, you studied so many Skill, but can also promote high their Level...... not, possibly also wants the high situation compared with me.” “来到这个世界不到一个月,你就学了那么多的技能,还能把它们的等级提升得这么高......不,可能比我还要高的地步。” Your this where is what trash? Clearly is deceives people!” “你这哪里是什么渣渣啊?分明就是骗人的!” Lucy sent out the serious protest. 洛茜发出了严重的抗议。 But some Skien also words saying. 希恩也有话说。 Can the person who I drive back, are you also until now first?” “能把我逼退的人,你也是至今为止第一个好吗?” Skien looks that spreads out with, after such a battled obviously, body does not have the distressed type, even grain of dust has not glued on, still fairyism full Lucy, only felt oneself hit the mission of buttocks to have heavy responsibilities. 希恩看着与自己拉开距离,明明经过那样一场激战了,身上却还是没有一点狼狈样,甚至连一粒尘土都没有粘上,依然仙气满满的洛茜,只觉得自己打屁股的使命要任重而道远了。 After all, besides unsealing Holy Sword, Skien really almost put out own full power. 毕竟,除了解封圣剑以外,希恩真的几乎拿出自己的全力了。 Finally, until now, Skien has not given a Lucy effective attack, really makes him a little feel thorny. 结果,直到现在,希恩都还没有给予洛茜一次有效的攻击,实在让他有点觉得棘手。 Skien also thinks oneself at least can compel Lucy to use Unique Skill, who once thinks, Lucy has not used the Unique Skill sign from beginning to end, then has been enough and Skien makes into this appearance, and even gets a winning side. 希恩本来还以为自己至少能逼洛茜使用独有技能,谁曾想,洛茜从头到尾都没有使用独有技能的迹象,便已经足以和希恩打成这个样子,乃至占据一点上风。 If the opposite party puts out in rumor very powerful Unique Skill, Skien felt, even oneself unseals Holy Sword, can win, as before is an unknown. 要是对方拿出传闻中非常强大的独有技能的话,希恩觉得,就算自己解封圣剑,能不能赢得了,依旧是一个未知数。 „Did in the end still accumulate are too few?” 终究还是累积太少了吗?” Skien has to become aware. 希恩身有所悟。 How to say again, the considering everything arrived at this world less than one month, Skien's Level crosses lowered, the Skill quantity can also continue to be raised, wants to win has opened protagonist halo since childhood greatly, exercised diligently for more than ten years, but also rushed to many record Lucy, was not a that simple matter. 再怎么说,满打满算都才来到这个世界不足一个月,希恩的等级还是过低了,技能的数量亦可以继续提升,想赢过从小就大开主角光环,努力锻炼了十几年,还闯下了不少记录的洛茜,不是那么简单的一件事。 Lucy also thinks probably, does not feel happy. 洛茜好像也是这么想的,却一点都不觉得高兴。 Arrived at this world to compel this situation by one less than one month of new Hero, where results in happily? 被一个来到这个世界不足一个月的新手勇者逼到这个地步,哪里高兴得起来啊? Therefore... 所以... I must real thing.” “我要动真格了。” Lucy holds up Holy Sword in hand, Magic Power floods into the sword, let red Magic Power light glittering. 洛茜举起手中的圣剑,魔力涌入剑中,让红色的魔力闪烁了起来。 Sees that Skien only wants to curse at people. 见状,希恩只想骂人。 Even did 【Magic Sword】 prepare with?” “连【魔剑】都准备用了吗?” Such being the case... 既然如此... With uses! Who fears whom!” “用就用!谁怕谁啊!” Skien holds hand one of the sword to make an effort, Magic Power surged similarly crazily. 希恩持剑的手一个用力,魔力同样疯狂涌动了起来。
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