DR :: Volume #5

#452: Shaky Beginning ( III )

Hears this name, following immediately had one to clamor. Regarding Nadia this name, most Archbishop are not strange, because this inborn God's family knight abandons the Templar Order doctrine, joins the counter- rebel army, but it is well known, if they remember that right, this Paladin after that should lose the God's family strength. However this time, Templar Order called her, was actually to make what? 听到这个名字,下面的顿时产生了一阵喧哗。对于娜迪亚这个名字,大多数大主教并不陌生,这位天生的神眷骑士因为背弃圣堂教团的教义,加入反叛军而众人皆知,如果他们记得没错的话,在那之后这位圣骑士应该已经失去了神眷的力量。但是这一次,圣堂教团把她召来,究竟是想要做什么呢? Nadia Paladin! & R dquo ; 娜迪亚圣骑士!” But at this time, the slating sound resounded again, highest Bishop Julien stared the big eye, discontented is gazing at fixedly the present young girl. From some degree, present Nadia all places of origin, if not she abandons Church, joins the counter- rebel army, perhaps finally the matter will not arrive noisily is so big. 而在这个时候,雷鸣般的声音再次响起,最高主教朱利安瞪大眼睛,不满的瞪视着眼前的少女。从某种程度来说,眼前的娜迪亚正是一切的发源地,如果不是她背弃教团,加入反叛军,恐怕最后事情也不会闹到这么大。 According to the information that we obtain, you violated the Templar Order rule, not only departed from the Church will, even also joined the counter- rebel army, battles with them together, what do you have to say?!! & R dquo ; “根据我们得到的情报,你违反了圣堂教团的规则,不但背离了教团的意志,甚至还加入了反叛军,与他们一同作战,你对此有什么好说的?!!” I do not need of argument. & R dquo ; “我没有辩解的必要。” Facing the interpellation of highest Bishop, the Nadia complexion has not changed, she does not even have, because that resounding sound changes. Can say in this period of time, this Paladin had grown, before she no longer is, that rash, to anything illegibile rookies. 面对最高主教的质询,娜迪亚的面色没有丝毫改变,她甚至没有因为那响亮的声音而有所改变。可以说在这段时间里,这位圣骑士已经成长了许多,她已经不再是以前那个莽莽撞撞,对什么东西都不清不楚的菜鸟了。 I fight for my belief, this is my responsibility, is my duty. & R dquo ; “我只是为自己的信仰而战,这是我的责任,也是我的义务。” Therefore you abandoned the Templar Order rule!? Abandoned your belief!? & R dquo ; “所以你背弃了圣堂教团的规则!?背弃了你的信仰!?” The Julien sound is getting more and more loud, not only lets other Archbishop covering ears. Is away from his recent several highest Bishop is also frowning. 朱利安的声音越来越大,不但让其他大主教都不由的捂住耳朵。就连距离他最近的几个最高主教也是不由的皱了下眉头。 I have not abandoned my belief! & R dquo ; “我没有背弃我的信仰!” But in this rumble in bellow. The young girl simple and beautiful voice of just like a sharp sword, penetrates sound that thundered. 而在这隆隆的轰鸣声之中。少女清丽的声音犹如一把利剑,穿透了那轰鸣的响声。 I am Paladin, what I believe is the truth, is the protection is kindhearted, as Paladin, this is my responsibility. I am unable when small and weak suffers the misery stands by! I had looked enough blood and tears that they flowed, if I do not make anything for this reason. Then we will lose the justice in heart truly! & R dquo ; “我是一名圣骑士,我信仰的是真理,是保护良善,作为圣骑士,这是我的责任。我无法在弱小者遭受苦难时袖手旁观!我已经看够了他们所流淌的鲜血和眼泪,如果我不为此做些什么的话。那么我们才会真正失去心中的正义!” Hears here, the Julien complexion is even more cloudy. 听到这里,朱利安的面色越发阴沉。 Therefore you mean ......... the Templar Order rule is wrong? & R dquo ; “所以你的意思是………圣堂教团的规则是错误的了?” Regarding the inquiry of Julien, Nadia is almost without a doubt, nods rapidly. 对于朱利安的询问,娜迪亚几乎是毫无疑问的,迅速点了点头。 Right, I think that Templar Order does not meddle the stipulation of every world power dispute, is a mistake! & R dquo ; “没错,我认为圣堂教团不插手凡世权力纠纷的规定,就是一个错误!” Bang!! & R dquo ; “轰!!” At this moment, the almost entire hall boiled probably the water boils generally, Archbishop dumbfounded looks at that to stand in the high stage, raised the head to gaze at the highest Bishop Paladin young girl. Suddenly does not know should say anything is good. Although said that in these Archbishop, many people also quite have the complaint to Templar Order these rules, but they have not thought some people in this Holy meeting hall, is in front of Central Bishops' Conference, speaking frankly indicates & mda S h ; That is a mistake! 这一刻,几乎整个大厅都像是煮沸了的水一般沸腾起来,大主教们目瞪口呆的望着那个站在高台中间,抬起头注视着最高主教圣骑士少女。一时间不知道该说什么才好。虽然说在这些大主教里,不少人也对圣堂教团的那些规则颇有怨言,但是他们可从来没有想过会有人在这神圣的会议大厅里,当着中枢主教团的面,直言不讳的表明—那是一个错误! Really dashing spirit of fearless young people ......... 真是初生牛犊不怕虎啊……… Hegel and Howard look at each other one, shakes the head. However each other in the heart appears some surprise. They know Nadia. Very good regarding the sense of this young girl. Howard when Nadia or practice Paladin had taught she some time, but when Hegel has had to do with the opposite party in quest of western wilderness, they regarding Nadia are very familiar. In their opinion, Nadia and other Paladin do not have much difference. However now, she seemed to have turned into another person completely, firm, resolute, defies authority, seems like old Paladin that seems like these to have fought many battles to be the same. 黑格尔霍华德对视一眼,都摇了摇头。不过彼此心中都显得有些诧异。他们都认识娜迪亚。对于这位少女的感官很不错。霍华德曾经在娜迪亚还是见习圣骑士的时候就教导过她一段时间,而黑格尔则是在西部荒野的任务时和对方打过交道,他们对于娜迪亚还是很熟悉的。在他们看来,娜迪亚和其他圣骑士没有太大的区别。但是现在,她似乎已经完全变成了另外一个人,坚定,果决,不畏权势,看起来就好像是那些身经百战的老圣骑士一样。 Naturally, has to acknowledge that her courage is big. Currently speaking, she is not short of the vitality of young people. 当然,不得不承认她的胆子还是蛮大的。从这一点来看,她还是不欠缺年轻人的朝气。 But ......... this approach is whether wise, was a different matter. 只不过………这种做法是否明智,就是另外一回事了。 Utter nonsense!! & R dquo ; “一派胡言!!” Julien at this moment almost already anger to the extreme. 此刻的朱利安几乎已经愤怒到了极点。 This is the highest iron rule that Templar Order is the continuation, but you dare to violate this iron rule unexpectedly, even questioned its legitimacy blatantly, you ............... & R dquo ; “这是圣堂教团代代相传的最高铁律,而你居然胆敢违反这条铁律,甚至公然质疑它的正当性,你……………” The Julien words have not said, he stared in a big way the eye surprisedly, but at this moment, others also showed the surprise expression, looks to present Nadia. Young girl anything has not done, however on her body, is sparkling the Holy soul brilliance. 朱利安的话并没有说完,他惊讶的瞪大了眼睛,而此刻,其他人也露出了诧异的表情,望向眼前的娜迪亚。少女什么都没有做,但是在她的身上,闪耀着神圣的灵魂光辉。 Regular existence, must have the legitimacy! However, I only comply with the justice and truth in my heart! I will not look on these civilians by aristocrat optional trampling, kills! This is our mistakes! Therefore I decide to be involved, changes this world. Only by doing so, we can abide by our faith and truth! & R dquo ; “规则的存在,必须是有正当性!但是,我只遵从我心中的正义与真理!我不会坐视那些平民被贵族随意的践踏,杀害!这才是我们的错误!所以我决定参与其中,改变这个世界。只有这样,我们才能够信守自己的信念与真理!” Nadia is gazing at Central Bishops' Conference, her expression becomes incomparably serious, is earnest and angry. 娜迪亚注视着中枢主教团,她的表情变得无比严肃,认真和愤怒。 „ Haven't you heard weeping and wailing of these civilians? Highest Sir Bishop, they longs for that just promotion, longs for obtaining the fair trial, but we actually keep them out them. We are not even able to protect ......... me to know including the people who oneself love chief instigator who well creates the Tagus city disaster, he once was outstanding candidate Clergymen, but finally, he becomes evil necromancer, the person who because he loved was humiliated by the aristocrat, when killing, he was undoable as a Priesthood anything! Even if we can look on that these with Death of person we have nothing to do with, and light belongs to above it the rule. Wants us to look Death of person we love is also aloof? In that case, the evil cult disciple who we and believe in the evil god has anything to distinguish! & R dquo ; “你们没有听到那些平民的哭喊吗?最高主教大人,他们渴望正义的伸张,渴望获得公平的审判,但是我们却将他们拒之门外。我们甚至连自己所爱的人都无法保护好………我认识制造塔古斯城灾难的主谋,他曾经是一个优秀的候补神官,但是最终,他成为了一个邪恶的死灵法师,因为他所爱的人被贵族凌辱,甚至杀死时,他作为一名圣职者却什么都不能做!就算我们可以坐视那些与我们无关的人的死亡,并且轻飘飘的将其归于规则之上。难道要我们看着我们所爱的人的死亡也对此无动于衷?那样的话,我们和信奉邪神的邪教徒有什么区别!” You ............ you ......... you ............... bold!! & R dquo ; “你…………你………你……………胆大包天!!” Julien almost must be wild with rage at this moment, standing up that he does sway, is pointing at the present Paladin young girl, looked red complexion that his rises, will be doubtable he then to fall to the ground directly on such brain extravasated blood. But, his words have not said that because everyone sees, at this time, Nadia point soul started to rise luminously, then, in her top of the head, congealed to sparkle the golden brilliance eye. 朱利安此刻几乎要气疯了,他摇摇晃晃的站起身来,指着眼前的圣骑士少女,看他那涨的通红的脸色,都让人怀疑他是不是会直接就这样脑淤血然后一头栽倒在地。可是,他的话并没有说完,因为所有人都看见,在这个时候,娜迪亚身上的点点灵魂光亮开始上升,接着,在她的头顶,凝结成了一只闪耀着金色光辉的眼睛。 That is the symbol of Eye of truth! The present young girl, is the Eye of truth family clan! 那是真实之眼的标志!眼前的少女,是真实之眼的眷族! Suddenly, a silence that in the entire hall changes, Archbishop look at each other in blank dismay, they heard Nadia to say with one's own ears, regarding the accusation of Templar Order, even it can be said that critique. However such a person who criticizes the Templar Order doctrine, obtained care of Eye of truth unexpectedly, and appeared Holy Emblem at this time! This on behalf of what? This supports her idea on behalf of Eye of truth Tom, and is willing to care for her existence for this reason!! 一时间,整个大厅内都变的一片寂静,大主教们面面相觑,他们亲耳听见了娜迪亚说出的,对于圣堂教团的指责,甚至可以说是批判。但是这样一个批判圣堂教团教义的人,居然获得了真实之眼的眷顾,并且在这个时候显现了圣徽!这代表什么?这代表真实之眼托姆支持她的想法,并且愿意为此眷顾她的存在!! Why? Actually are all these why?! 为什么?这一切究竟是为什么?! Many Archbishop immediately become chaotic, before seeming like Zhan En, once to such that Nadia said that they think that the Templar Order rule was equal to the will of gods, then violated the Templar Order rule, violates the will of gods. However now, when Eye of truth Holy Emblem appears here, and explicitly expressed support when revolts against Templar Order Nadia, everyone shut up. 不少大主教立刻变得混乱起来,就好像詹恩之前曾经对娜迪亚所说的那样,他们都认为圣堂教团的规则等于神明的意志,那么违反圣堂教团的规则,就是违反神明的意志。但是现在,当真实之眼圣徽出现在这里,并且明确表示支持反抗圣堂教团娜迪亚时,所有人都闭嘴了。 This is the decision of gods, they are unable to reject!! 这是神明的决定,他们无法拒绝!! We use the life to guard, is not the rule, but is the justice and truth. & R dquo ; “我们用生命捍卫的,不是规则,而是正义与真理。” At this time, Eye of truth highest Bishop Murray stood up, looks to several other people, then said. 就在这个时候,真实之眼的最高主教穆雷站起身来,望向其他几人,接着开口说道。 Eye of truth Temple will give up the original rule from now on, we will fulfill the responsibility and duty that we should completely arrive , the protection is kindhearted, the attack is evil. Regardless of the opposite party is civilians, the gangster, is an aristocrat, we will treat impartially. We will fully support Nadia Paladin in all that Khalkha makes, so long as she does not deviate the guidance of Eye of truth, then the Eye of truth church forever is she strongest backing. & R dquo ; 真实之眼神殿从现在开始会放弃原本的规则,我们会履行我们应该尽到的职责与义务,保护良善,打击邪恶。无论对方是平民,匪徒,还是贵族,我们都会一视同仁。我们会全力支持娜迪亚圣骑士在喀尔喀兰所做的一切,只要她不偏离真实之眼的引导,那么真实之眼教会就永远是她最坚强的后盾。” Regarding others, the Murray manifesto is not strange, Eye of truth has made the decision, they as the Eye of truth follower, can oppose gods who they believe in? 对于其他人来说,穆雷的宣言并不奇怪,真实之眼都已经做出了决定,他们作为真实之眼的信徒,难道还能够反对他们信奉的神明吗? But in fact, when Eye of truth presents that moment here, all disputes, had almost ended. 而事实上,当真实之眼出现在这里的那一刻,所有的争议,几乎都已经结束了。 emerald green Temple will reconsider the Templar Order beforehand approach, and makes the review. & R dquo ; “翠绿神殿会重新思考圣堂教团之前的做法,并且做出检讨。” Regarding this Emerald Goddess highest Bishop also makes the decision immediately, Eye of truth, although does not represent other nine Saints, so long as does not have the will of other gods to come out to oppose, then they naturally must take advantage of opportunity, but is. 对此翠绿女神的最高主教也立刻做出了决定,真实之眼虽然不代表其他九圣,但是只要没有别的神明的意志出来反对,那么他们自然也必须顺势而为。 War Temple will also provide the support for Nadia Paladin. & R dquo ; “战争神殿也同样会为娜迪亚圣骑士提供支援。” God of War highest Bishop Kaelty is also naturally unwilling to fall behind, in fact they are needing a war to display oneself strength. But now, who knows that Khalkha and fighting of Soros family will therefore not stop, if before they have no reason to meddle, then now regarding God of War Temple, it may be said that is a good opportunity. The affirmations of some gods, they can also seize the chance to expand the belief of God of War there. It may be said that kills two birds with one stone, as for the Templar Order rule ......... hehe. 战争之神的最高主教凯尔特自然也不甘落后,事实上他们正需要一场战争来展现自己的力量。而现在,谁都知道喀尔喀兰与索罗斯家族的争锋并不会因此而停止,如果说之前他们还没有理由插手其中的话,那么现在对于战争之神神殿来说,可谓是一个绝好的机会。有神明的肯定,他们也可以趁机在那里扩大战争之神的信仰。可谓一举两得,至于圣堂教团的规则………呵呵。 But in turn, silver Saintess, God of Harvest and Great Mother highest Bishop complexion was a little ugly. Because this must also adjust on behalf of their church action pattern. But receives Eye of truth that cares for relatively, has no emerald green Temple and uncle of connection with human does not love the grandmother not to like relying on one's own effort to revive compared with war Temple that there is no benefit to involve, they must change to be more difficult. This a little wants the horse to run, wants the horse not to graze & mda S h ; However how can they? This is the will of gods, they as the waiter of gods, are as far as possible meets gods' request that can do only. 而反过来,银色圣女,丰收之神伟大之母的最高主教面色就有点儿难看了。因为这代表着他们的教会行动模式也要进行调整。而相对收到眷顾的真实之眼,与人类没有任何瓜葛的翠绿神殿以及舅舅不疼姥姥不爱一直自力更生没什么利益牵扯的战争神殿相比,他们要改变起来可就更加困难了。这就有点儿又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草—然而他们又能够怎么样呢?这是神明的意志,他们作为神明的侍者,唯一能够做的就是尽可能的去满足神明的要求。 But at this time, silent Sun God highest Bishop has also stood up, made the decision. 而在这个时候,一直沉默不语的太阳神最高主教也站起身来,做出了决定。 Today's conference stops, Templar Order will adjust the following policy, asking Archbishop to wait for the final conclusion. & R dquo ;( To be continued.) “今天的会议到此为止,圣堂教团会对接下来的方针进行调整,请各位大主教等待最终结论。”(未完待续。)
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