DG :: Volume #6

#2331: Was exploded amnesia almost

Light, awaking revolutions of Zhao Lianyun in piece of rubble ruins. 一声轻哼,赵怜云在一片碎砖烂瓦的废墟中醒转。 At present air currents are billowing, white, obstructs the day to shade. 眼前一片气流滚滚,白茫茫的,遮天蔽地似的。 Her ear humming sound is thundering, has a dizzy spell. 她的耳朵嗡嗡轰鸣着,头晕目眩。 I...... How was this?” “我……这是怎么了?” Zhao Lianyun breathes heavily, examines oneself. 赵怜云喘着粗气,查看自身。 Her originally wears white skirt palace clothes, the beautiful white skin white teeth, such as the lily is fresh. But now is actually the whole face pitch-black, white skirt skirt suspends tearing to be stave, the danger can put on, likely is the refugee in famine, in an extremely difficult situation. 原本身着白裙宫裳,雪肤皓齿,如百合花清新纯净。但现在却是满脸乌黑,白裙裙摆撕裂破碎,险险能穿,像是饥荒中的难民,狼狈不堪。 After examining, Zhao Lianyun discovered oneself are roughly perfect, but body Strength Qi does not have, the whole body becomes tender, the heart feels weak. 查看了一番后,赵怜云发现自己大体完好无损,但身体一点力气都没有,浑身发软,心底发虚。 Exactly what happened? How will I turn into this?” “到底发生了什么事情?我怎么会变成这样?” The Genesis explosion took place too suddenly, was too violent, making Zhao Lianyun be exploded ignorant, suddenly nearly amnesia! 元始爆炸发生得太突然了,也太猛烈了,让赵怜云都被炸懵,一时间近乎失忆 However at once, Zhao Lianyun felt that the dizziness gradually is weaken, she recalls. 不过旋即,赵怜云感到眩晕逐渐减弱,她回忆起来。 A terrifying peerless large explosion!!! 一场恐怖绝伦的大爆炸!!! Her pupil suddenly contraction, in the memory makes her be hard to dismiss from mind surely her entire life. 她瞳孔猛地收缩,记忆中一幕必定让她一生都难以忘怀。 Too fearful. 太可怕了。 the previous moment she and side numerous Gu Immortal, excitedly is looking up to such as mountain-like Qi Art Fruit, incomparably is anticipating Genesis Immortal Venerable's resurrecting. 前一刻她和身边众多的蛊仙,都在兴奋地仰望着如山般气功果,无比期待着元始仙尊的复活。 But a moment later, Genesis Immortal Venerable exploded! 下一刻,元始仙尊就炸了! In all looks up to the hope in the middle of Gu Immortal, the Zhao Lianyun position is in the surrounding of crowd, but was still exploded brings disaster. 在所有仰望期盼的蛊仙当中,赵怜云位置处于人群的外围,但仍旧被爆炸殃及。 This explosion is too fierce, entire Heavenly Court was exploded, Zhao Lianyun naturally did not run away. 这场爆炸太剧烈,整个天庭都被炸了,赵怜云自然逃不了。 How to explode suddenly?!” As the memory is even more clear, Zhao Lianyun breathes can't help but to be rapid. “怎么会忽然爆炸?!”随着记忆越发清晰,赵怜云呼吸不禁急促起来。 Unbelievable, my almost sends has not damaged. Is because Passion Gu has protected me?” “难以置信,我几乎毫发未损。是因为爱情蛊保护了我吗?” Wait...... I must save others!” “等等……我要救人!” The Zhao Lianyun heart jumps, thinks oneself should to make anything immediately. 赵怜云心头一跳,想到自己当下应该要做什么。 Perhaps she was protected by Passion Gu, but other people may not have such Rank 9 Immortal Gu. 她或许被爱情蛊保护住,但其他人可没有这样的九转仙蛊 Zhao Lianyun starts hastily, drills into the middle of the white air current, starts Gu Immortal that searches to suffer distress. 赵怜云连忙启程,钻入白茫茫的气流当中,开始搜寻受难的蛊仙 Before the explosion took place, Central Continent's 10 Great Ancient Sects Gu Immortal was located in the surrounding, scattered, in twos and threes looked up to Qi Art Fruit. But encircles is the Heavenly Court member. 爆炸发生之前,中洲十大古派蛊仙都位于外围,零零散散,三三两两地仰望气功果。而在内围则是天庭成员。 The white clouds are billowing, like the smog, Zhao Lianyun has tried many detection methods thickly, cannot be effective. 白气滚滚,浓如烟雾,赵怜云尝试了许多侦查手段,都未能奏效。 These white clouds perhaps are Qi Art Fruit remains, is explosion repercussion! Filled Qi Dao's Dao Marks, Zhao Lianyun trivial Rank 6 Gu Immortal has been hard to search to observe is not strange. Only if she can use Passion Gu. 这些白气恐怕是气功果的残留,也是爆炸的后遗症!充满了气道道痕,赵怜云区区六转蛊仙难以探察也不奇怪。除非她能动用爱情蛊 However Passion Gu is not only Rank 9 Immortal Gu, but also is special. Venerable is hard refine, although belongs to Wisdom Dao, but Constellation Immortal Venerable has not bribed. But whatever Passion Gu continues to parasite on the body of Zhao Lianyun. 但是爱情蛊不仅是九转仙蛊,而且非常特别。尊者都难以炼化,虽然属于智道,但是星宿仙尊至今都没有染指。而是任由爱情蛊继续寄生在赵怜云的身上。 Zhao Lianyun does not have refine Passion Gu, but obtains its approval. Therefore cannot stimulate to movement Passion Gu with wishes fulfilled, sometimes wants it to attack, it brings Zhao Lianyun to go to faraway places. Zhao Lianyun wants to protect, it actually gives her to treat. 赵怜云并没有炼化爱情蛊,而是得到它的认可。因此不能随心所欲地催动爱情蛊,有时候想要它攻伐,它却带赵怜云远走高飞。赵怜云想要防护,它却给她治疗。 And Passion Gu shows off ability each time, will carry off on Zhao Lianyun certain things. Sometimes even is life span! 并且每次爱情蛊逞能,都会带走赵怜云身上的某些东西。有时候甚至是寿命 Zhao Lianyun drills into the middle of the billowing white clouds, tried to find out by the memory position difficultly. 赵怜云钻入滚滚白气当中,凭借记忆的位置艰难摸索。 After the moment, she calls out in alarm one, has discovered Bu Zhen Zi. 片刻后,她惊呼一声,发现了不真子 The explosion has time, Bu Zhen Zi stands in the Zhao Lianyun side, talked with her. 爆炸发生的时候,不真子就站在赵怜云的身边,和她交谈。 However after the explosion took place, two people were exploded flew, is not in-situ. 但是爆炸发生之后,两人都被炸飞了,不在原地。 However Zhao Lianyun first had still discovered Bu Zhen Zi. 不过赵怜云第一个仍旧是发现了不真子 Bu Zhen Zi injury very terrifying. 不真子的伤势非常恐怖 His half body was exploded did not have, only the remaining vulnerable skeletons, reluctantly protect the internal organs. But these internal organs also only survive two, other was exploded the flour gruel. 他的半片身躯都被炸没了,只剩下脆弱不堪的骨骼,勉强护住内脏。而这些内脏也只残存两个,其他的都被炸成了糊糊。 But other half body of Bu Zhen Zi, was Void Transformation, the arm, chest, internal organs wait/etc. was outlined probably by the translucent silk thread, the shape was very actually stable. 不真子的另外半边身体,则是虚化了,胳膊、胸膛、内脏等等好像都是被半透明的丝线勾勒起来,形态倒是十分稳定。 Zhao Lianyun wants to rescue, actually discovered oneself are at a loss. 赵怜云想要施救,却发现自己束手无策。 The Bu Zhen Zi injury was too serious! 不真子的伤势太沉重了! Was exploded did not have half body, is actually unimportant, do not say Heavenly Court, said that Spiritual Fate House itself has many methods, can make the skeleton, internal organs, flesh wait/etc. grow. 被炸没了半片身躯,其实不要紧,不要说天庭,就说灵缘斋本身就有很多手段,可以让骨骼、内脏、血肉等等重新生长出来。 But the key is, massive Qi Dao's Dao Marks engrave on the body of Bu Zhen Zi. 但关键是,大量的气道道痕刻印在不真子的身体上。 His residual half flesh body braves the white clouds unceasingly, along with the white clouds, remains many skeletons and internal organs to disappear in the air/Qi. 他残留的半边血肉身躯不断冒着白气,伴随着白气,所剩不多的骨骼、内脏都在化气而消。 Those who hang the Bu Zhen Zi life is his another half piece already the Void Transformation body. 吊住不真子性命的是他另外半片已经虚化的身躯。 Explosion has time, Bu Zhen Zi has resorted to the Void Transformation method. However has the Void Transformation method of small invincible support, does not have the means to evade startled Heaven Qi/weather to explode.” “爆炸发生的时候,不真子动用了虚化手段。然而有小无敌支撑的虚化手段,也没有办法躲过惊天气爆。” Zhao Lianyun calculated that estimates the scene at that time having, the deep sigh, in the foreheads competes is the sad worry. 赵怜云推算揣摩当时发生的情景,深深叹息,眉宇间竞是忧愁烦恼。 The Bu Zhen Zi Void Transformation half body is hanging his life, how long but this could not maintain. His Void Transformation body was also covered by Qi Dao's Dao Marks, similarly the air/Qi is disappearing unceasingly. 不真子虚化的半边身躯正吊住他的性命,但这也维持不了多久。他虚化的身躯也被气道道痕覆盖,同样在不断地化气而消。 Bu Zhen Zi perseverance how long......” Zhao Lianyun was helpless, in the heart can't help but was even more anxious. 不真子坚持不了多久……”赵怜云无奈,心中不禁越发焦躁。 She attempts to awaken Bu Zhen Zi, but Bu Zhen Zi throughout not awaking revolutions. 她尝试叫醒不真子,但不真子始终没有醒转。 Zhao Lianyun is not even able to shift including Bu Zhen Zi, lest made him pass away. 赵怜云甚至连不真子都无法转移,唯恐让他一命呜呼。 She has to discard Bu Zhen Zi temporarily, remembers the position, drills into the boundless air current to look for other people to help once more. 她只好暂时舍弃不真子,记住位置,再次钻入茫茫气流中寻找其他人帮助。 Has the person? Helps me quickly!” “有人吗?快来帮帮我!” Zhao Lianyun climbs mountains and crosses rivers in the vast white clouds. 赵怜云在浩大的白气中跋涉。 She summoned unceasingly, the intense lonely and hopelessness covered her whole body. 她不断呼唤,独自一人,强烈的孤独和无助感笼罩她的全身。 She is unbelievable to the present. 到现在她都难以置信。 Just arrived at the Heavenly Court's time, she was looking at building numerous, bright majestic Heavenly Court, the exclamation and admiration of the heart. Heavenly Court abundant background and glorious history, making her feel that own tiny, arises spontaneously an intense security sense. 刚刚来到天庭的时候,她望着楼宇重重,光明堂皇的天庭,发自内心的惊叹和敬佩。天庭雄厚的底蕴和悠久的历史,让她觉得自己的渺小,同时也油然而生一股强烈的安全感。 When she was witnessing Genesis Immortal Venerable resurrects step by step, she felt that Heavenly Court will rise! 而当她目睹着元始仙尊一步步复活,她更感觉天庭将重新崛起! However then, Genesis Immortal Venerable exploded. 但是接下来,元始仙尊就爆炸了。 Changes was too sudden, was too fierce! 变化来的太突然了,太剧烈了! What's the matter? Was Fang Yuan also or other Venerable attacks?” “到底怎么回事?是方源亦或者其他尊者来攻打了吗?” „Does Heavenly Court's lose what kind of?” 天庭的损失到底怎么样?” Has the person to help me? At least responded to my one!” “有没有人来帮我?至少回应我一声啊!” The Zhao Lianyun footsteps live suddenly, the front transmits the strength of strong attracting absorbing suddenly, the surroundings massive white air currents were attracted absorb to go. 赵怜云的脚步忽然顿住,前方忽然传来一股强劲的吸摄之力,周围大量的白色气流都被吸摄而去。 Zhao Lianyun stands firm figure reluctantly, approaches gradually. 赵怜云勉强稳住身形,渐渐靠近。 Attracts the strength of absorbing also rapidly to weaken. 吸摄之力也迅速减弱。 Zhao Lianyun arrived source, her pupil micro, saw Immortal Aperture Portal! 赵怜云来到了源头,她瞳孔微缩,看到了一个仙窍门户 Immortal Aperture Portal opens wide, is swallowing to attract outside billowing white clouds, after living stably, forms piece of fixed Blessed Land. 仙窍门户敞开着,正在吞吸外面的滚滚白气,稳定住后形成一片固定的福地 Zhao Lianyun stupidly stands before Immortal Aperture Portal, motionless. 赵怜云呆呆地站在仙窍门户前,一动不动 The scene in her saw gateway, inside is the rivers and flowered tree, in the air current volume seat, the flower petal falls from the branch, crashes to the river surface on, then drifts with the current, in the river water often emits the carp wait/etc. to swallow the flower petal. 看到了门户内的情景,里面是河流和花树,在气流卷席中,花瓣从树枝上落下,坠落到河面上,然后随波逐流,河水中时常冒出鲤鱼等等吞食花瓣。 This is the Female Immortal Liu Fang Immortal Aperture scene, too beautiful to behold, and is priceless, is very famous in Spiritual Fate House. 这正是流芳仙姑仙窍景象,美不胜收,并且价值连城,在灵缘斋内部很有名气。 Female Immortal Liu Fang governs Secret Inheritance Peak, is Revered Elder of Spiritual Fate House independent. 流芳仙姑掌管秘传峰,乃是灵缘斋中立派的太上长老 Zhao Lianyun remembers, her first time enters Secret Inheritance Peak, Female Immortal Liu Fang personally has not entertained her according to the convention. After all she is the Spiritual Fate House present age fairy maiden. 赵怜云记得,她第一次进入秘传峰,流芳仙姑都没有按照惯例亲自招待她。毕竟她可是灵缘斋的当代仙子。 Later, relations of Zhao Lianyun and Female Immortal Liu Fang continuously not much. 之后,赵怜云流芳仙姑的关系一直都不怎么样。 Although relates desolately, but sees this piece of Immortal Aperture Portal, Zhao Lianyun also can't help but eye socket flood red, in the heart has the intense sad sentiment. 尽管关系冷淡,但是看到这片仙窍门户,赵怜云不禁眼眶泛红,心中有强烈的悲伤之情。 Died. 死了。 Female Immortal Liu Fang was killed. 流芳仙姑被炸死了。 Although she is Rank 7 cultivation base, but does not have the Void Dao like that strong self-preservation method, does not have the Passion Gu approaching body. 她虽然是七转修为,但没有虚道那般强劲的自保手段,也没有爱情蛊傍身。 She was exploded residual not to have, Immortal Aperture Blessed Land fell in the middle of Heavenly Court. Because Heavenly Court floods Will of Heaven, Heaven Spirit lacks, therefore left a good name to posterity Blessed Land to derive Heaven Qi and Earth Qi of outside, has stabilized oneself, has formed piece of Blessed Land. 她被炸得一丝残渣都没有,仙窍福地落在了天庭当中。因为天庭充斥天意,天灵缺乏,所以流芳福地就汲取了外界的天地二气,稳定了自身,形成了一片福地 Zhao Lianyun restrains the mood reluctantly , to continue to seek for the aid. 赵怜云勉强收敛情绪,继续寻找援手。 All the way, she one after another had many Immortal Aperture Portal, is swallowing to attract Heaven Qi and Earth Qi. 一路上,她又陆续发生了许多仙窍门户,正在吞吸天地二气 The casualties were too serious! 死伤太惨重了! Does not raise the Heavenly Court member, Central Continent's 10 Great Ancient Sects each school of Gu Immortal has more than ten. Removes Boundless Starry Sky Computing Formation captured does not calculate, Ten Great Sects Gu Immortal in the middle of Heavenly Court is over hundred people.” “不提天庭成员,中洲十大古派每一派的蛊仙都有十几位。刨除漫天繁星精算阵被俘虏的不算,在天庭当中的十大派蛊仙超过百人。” However this explodes, 80% Gu Immortal were killed!” “而这一炸,八成的蛊仙都被炸死了!” Zhao Lianyun has calculated slightly, in the heart then an icy coldness. 赵怜云稍稍计算了一下,心中便一片冰凉。 Central Continent's 10 Great Ancient Sects Gu Immortal is numerous, Five Regions has not united, Immortal Crane Sect has 12 Gu Immortal. In Immortal Crane Sect or 10 Great Ancient Sects quite small and weak sect. 中洲十大古派蛊仙众多,五域没有合一的时候,仙鹤门就有十二位蛊仙仙鹤门还是十大古派中比较弱小的门派了。 After Five Regions unites, Earth Arteries changes, air/Qi ** wells up, produced innumerable immortal materials. This makes the Gu Immortal strength in sect increase, Gu Immortal seed background is stronger. 五域合一之后,地脉翻动,气**涌,产生了无数仙材。这让门派内的蛊仙实力大增,蛊仙种子底蕴更强。 Immortal Ascension Great Tide time, 10 Great Ancient Sects has Gu Immortal seed smooth promoted immortal. Moreover, they gather from other sect. 升仙大潮的时候,十大古派都有蛊仙种子顺利升仙。不仅如此,还有他们从其他门派中招揽过来的。 In five weaponry Revered Elder on for example Sky Lotus School, has gathered wooden virtue elder Mu Huai in Five Virtues Sect. Latter promoted immortal succeeds, is in Five Virtues Sect that Wǔ Zhang founds the high level, knows the whole story, has the qualifications to join Sky Lotus School. 就比如天莲派中伍仗太上长老,就招揽了五德门中的木德长老穆怀。后者升仙成功,又是伍丈开创的五德门内高层,知根知底,有资格加入天莲派 This is the superiority of Central Continent Sect system. 这就是中洲师门制度的优势。 Before Constellation Immortal Venerable, protected Genesis to come back to life, adopts has clung to tenaciously the way. In order to prevent Fang Yuan retaliates the attack, on own initiative Central Continent's 10 Great Ancient Sects all elite received the middle of Heavenly Court. 星宿仙尊之前力保元始复生,采取了死守方式。为了防止方源报复打击,就主动将中洲十大古派的所有精锐都收入天庭当中。 But has not thought that Genesis Immortal Venerable had been exploded by Fang Yuan, this, had killed all of a sudden Central Continent most Gu Immortal directly, the back of Central Continent Righteous Path gave to bomb. 但没想到元始仙尊方源炸了,这一下子,直接将中洲大多数的蛊仙都炸死了,中洲正道的脊梁都给炸塌了。 The so serious loss, making the Zhao Lianyun hands and feet become tender. 如此惨重的损失,让赵怜云手脚都发软。 Ended, Central Continent ended.” “完了,中洲完了。” Perhaps can Heavenly Court also resurrect they?” This is Zhao Lianyun consoles only. “或许天庭还能复活他们?”这是赵怜云仅有的慰藉。 However she not stupid, ponders are more, she more discovered that this explosion has filled with the plot aura! 但是她并不蠢笨,思考越多,她越发现这场爆炸充满了阴谋的气息! Central Continent was framed. 中洲被陷害了。 Heavenly Court met with a disaster! 天庭遭殃了! Constellation Immortal Venerable was also planned! 星宿仙尊也被算计了! Although Zhao Lianyun has Rank 9 Passion Gu, but cultivation base trivial Rank 6, what can she make at this time? 赵怜云虽有九转爱情蛊,但此时修为不过区区六转,她能做什么? She can only request reinforcements, shouts. 她只能去求援,去呼喊。 Zhao Lianyun more walks is slower. 赵怜云越走越慢。 At this moment, she discovered that she is so small and weak! 这一刻,她发现自己是如此的弱小! Do not be disheartened, the Spiritual Fate House fairy maiden of present age. Heavenly Court also, me and others also.” At this moment, in the boundless white clouds shines lights. “不要灰心丧气啊,当代的灵缘斋仙子。天庭还在,我等也在。”就在这时,茫茫白气中亮起一盏灯火。 The lights are not bright, but is very stubborn, has gone out of the white clouds, arrives at the Zhao Lianyun front. 灯火并不明亮,但很倔强,一直走出白气,来到赵怜云的面前。 This is the one Gu Immortal old man, the whole body bloodstained. 这是一位蛊仙老者,浑身血迹斑斑。 His arm was exploded did not have, the remaining palms are only lifting candlelight. 他的一个胳膊被炸没了,仅剩下的手掌托举着一点烛火。 Zhao Lianyun recognizes him to come, is Immortal Crane Sect Old Monarch Can Yang. 赵怜云认出他来,是仙鹤门残阳老君
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