DG :: Volume #6

#2255: Good wants to sleep

Paragon Immortal Aperture. 至尊仙窍 Little Western Desert. 小西漠 A Merpeople female immortal Yu Zi face pale color, is looking at the present blown sand tunnel, breathes tenderly pants. 鲛人女仙鱼姿一脸苍白之色,望着眼前的飞沙地洞,娇喘吁吁。 Was the arrangement completes finally.” Yu Zi whispered. “总算是布置完成了。”鱼姿嘀咕了一句。 Stoneman Gu Immortal Shi Sanbai then thanked: Yu Zi Fellow Immortal specializes in Water Dao, arranges this grade of Earth Dao Resource Point(s), really somewhat pressed you. Only depends on me to make this, is impossible to succeed.” 身旁的石人蛊仙石三百便谢道:“鱼姿仙友专修水道,布置这等土道资源点,实在是有些难为你了。偏偏单靠我一人来做这个,根本不可能成功。” Stoneman most excels is Earth Dao. 石人最擅长的就是土道 This is race inborn talent. 这是种族天赋 originally, Shi Sanbai is Shi Guabi agrees, two people complete the task of this kind of Earth Dao Resource Point(s) arrangement together. 原本,石三百是和石挂壁约定好的,两人一起完成这类土道资源点布置的任务。 However before soon, Fang Yuan ordered suddenly, dispatched from Paragon Immortal Aperture several Stoneman Gu Immortal. 但是不久之前,方源忽然下令,将数位石人蛊仙至尊仙窍中派遣出去。 Shi Sanbai does not have the means that has to wait till other people to come and coordinates. 石三百没有办法,只好等到其他人来和自己配合。 Finally what he and others is Yu Zi. 结果他等来的是鱼姿 Although Yu Zi is Water Dao Gu Immortal, but after all is also Rank 7 Gu Immortal. 鱼姿虽然是水道蛊仙,但毕竟也是七转蛊仙 Focuses on Shi Sanbai, Yu Zi as a supplement, two people cooperated, have consumed a about ten day time, finally arranged this Resource Point(s), the duty is completed. 石三百为主,鱼姿为辅,两人通力合作,耗费了近十日光阴,终于将这个资源点布置下来,任务得以完成。 Sees Shi Sanbai to express gratitude, Yu Zi modest several, the manner is very hastily polite. 石三百道谢,鱼姿连忙谦虚几句,态度很客气。 She actually has oneself plan. 她其实有自己的打算。 Blown sand tunnel grade of Resource Point(s), can act as one of the Earth Arteries nodes.” “飞沙地洞这等资源点,是可以充当地脉节点之一的。” „After this Resource Point(s) arranges, usually will have clone of Sir Fang Yuan to come to arrange Immortal Formation personally, thus made this grade of Resource Point(s) one of the Earth Arteries nodes.” “这种资源点布置下去后,通常就会有方源大人的分身亲自前来布置仙阵,从而令这等资源点成为地脉节点之一。” This is the good opportunity that I and Sir Fang Yuan meet!” “这正是我和方源大人碰面的良机!” After Yu Zi since sees the Fang Yuan main body, was attacked the fighting spirit. But passes through some time, she also took easy. 鱼姿自从见到方源本体之后,就被打击了斗志。但经过这么一段时间,她也想开了。 How she does not expect and Fang Yuan main body, idea was put to Fang Yuan's major clone above. 她不奢望和方源本体如何如何,把主意放到了方源的各大分身之上。 So long as in the list Fang Yuan, becomes one of the Fang Yuan's fiancees, the Merpeople status will consolidate immediately, stands one's ground steadfastly, just like mountain. 只要榜上方源,成为方源的未婚妻之一,鲛人的地位将立即稳固下来,岿然不动,宛若山岳。 And there is this relations, the development of Merpeople will also obtain the huge safeguard. 并且有了这层关系,鲛人的发展也会得到巨大的保障。 Has such scheme, Yu Zi then received this duty, comes and Shi Sanbai coordination. 正是有着这样的图谋,鱼姿这才接取了这个任务,来和石三百配合。 The horizon presented a figure suddenly. 天边忽然出现了一道身影 Was Sir Wu Shuai comes!” Shi Sanbai whole face respectful color. “是吴帅大人来了!”石三百满脸恭敬之色。 Came, came, Wu Shuai Fang Yuan's Dragonoid clone.” The Yu Zi heartbeat accelerates, encourages itself secretly. “来了,来了,吴帅正是方源的龙人分身啊。”鱼姿心跳加速,暗自鼓励自己。 A future of Merpeople clan, must strive by her. 鲛人一族的未来,就要靠她来争取了。 Yu Zi takes a fast look around own appearance hastily, this time she is bringing the rare pearl necklace, can send out the sea breeze delicate fragrance frequently. Secondary rainbow clothes appear the stature are slender, is bright the scale that the lead dust does not dye to give people the pure busy feeling. 鱼姿连忙扫视自己的打扮,这一次她带着罕见珍珠项链,能时刻散发出海风清香。一身霓裳显得身材窈窕,明亮得铅尘不染的鱼鳞给人纯净无暇的感觉。 Yu Zi nods secretly satisfied, at once arouses consciousness, the wonderful item of rotation, looks to smile, goes all-out side that shows to change countenance pretty. 鱼姿暗自满意地点点头,旋即又鼓足精神,妙目转动,面露微笑,尽全力展现出自己靓丽动容的一面。 Shi Sanbai looked dumbfoundedly, understood the plan of Merpeople female immortal immediately. 石三百看得目瞪口呆,顿时明白了鲛人女仙的打算。 When Wu Shuai arrives at the blown sand tunnel sky, Yu Zi gentle voice leisurely: Pays a visit Sir Wu Shuai!” 吴帅来到飞沙地洞上空时,鱼姿柔声款款:“拜见吴帅大人!” This sound heard Shi Sanbai to hit to tremble, saluted to pay a visit hastily. 这声音听得石三百打了个寒颤,也连忙行礼拜见。 The Wu Shuai light nod, after the vision has swept their one eyes, then the stimulation of movement investigates ultimate move, examines the blown sand tunnel in detail. 吴帅淡淡点头,目光扫了他们二人一眼后,便催动侦查杀招,详细审查飞沙地洞。 Enough after three, Wu Shuai satisfies -ly said: right, this blown sand tunnel you arrange very appropriately.” 足足三遍之后,吴帅满意地道:不错,这飞沙地洞你们布置得很妥当。” Saying, Wu Shuai was then beginning, dispatches Immortal Gu and mortal gu, as well as many immortal materials, started to lay down Immortal Formation. 说着,吴帅便动手,调度仙蛊凡蛊,以及许多仙材,开始铺设仙阵 Yu Zi sizes up Wu Shuai carefully, sees only the Wu Shuai physique to be wide, the facial features are handsome, tall very/straight the bridge of the nose and firm and resolute lip angle portray him martial-lookingly peerlessly. 鱼姿细细打量吴帅,只见吴帅体格宽健,面容英俊,高挺的鼻梁、坚毅的唇角都将他塑造得英武绝伦。 His dragon eye amber flushes, in the volume pair of golden coral Dragon Horn, pure gold Dragon Scale, sparkles to shine particularly, aesthetic standard of closer Merpeople. 龙瞳琥珀作色,额上一对金色珊瑚龙角,尤其是一身纯金龙鳞,闪闪发亮,更贴近鲛人的审美观。 Sir Fang Yuan is really beautiful peerless!” In the Yu Zi heart acclaimed. 方源大人果然是美丽绝伦!”鱼姿心中赞叹。 The Fang Yuan main body takes to her beauty, is shock, one type can only the feeling that prostrates oneself and look, making Yu Zi feel inferior. But Wu Shuai heroic bearing, then moves her heart. 方源本体带给她的美,是一种震撼,一种只能膜拜、仰望的感觉,让鱼姿自惭形秽。而吴帅的英姿,则是打动她的芳心。 After several double-hour, the Immortal Formation arrangement of Wu Shuai was completed. 数个时辰之后,吴帅仙阵布置完成了。 Sir Wu Shuai is really method outstanding, arranges Immortal Formation with hands down.” Yu Zi immediately makes noise the commendation. 吴帅大人果然是手段了得,布置仙阵不费吹灰之力。”鱼姿第一时间出声称赞。 Wu Shuai smiled: At present was unable to draw conclusion, but must look at the actual utility. You withdraw, attention security.” 吴帅笑了笑:“目前还不能下定论,还要看实际效用。你们退后一些,注意安全。” grand formation is newly-built, when the first stimulation of movement is quite dangerous. If ultimate move collapses, will initiate Gu Immortal backlash. Immortal Formation collapses, is not only backlash Gu Immortal, will also initiate the environment drastic change. 大阵新建,第一次催动时比较危险。杀招若是崩溃,会引发蛊仙反噬仙阵崩溃,不仅是反噬蛊仙,还会引发周围环境剧变。 After all grand formation is environment relation is close. 毕竟大阵是和周围环境联系紧密的。 Especially this Resource Point(s) grand formation, once collapses, in Resource Point(s) crowded huge Dao Marks drastic change, the injury will be very big. This is in Paragon Immortal Aperture such environment, is so. 尤其是这种资源点大阵,一旦崩溃,资源点中密集庞大的道痕剧变的话,伤害会很大。这是在至尊仙窍这样的环境中,更是如此。 This is wise remark. 这都是经验之谈。 Before had several times, the Immortal Formation arrangement failure, causing Dao Marks to be chaotic, the environment drastic change, the Resource Point(s) loss was the minor matter, but also produced terrifying unusual situation! 之前已经有过几次,仙阵布置失败,导致道痕混乱,环境剧变,资源点损失是小事,还产生了恐怖的异常事态! Wu Shuai stimulates to movement grand formation carefully. 吴帅小心地催动大阵 He specializes in Enslave Dao after all, reason that arranges grand formation , because of Formation Dao Realm and reason of ontological knowledge share. 他毕竟专修奴道,之所以布置大阵,还是因为阵道境界和本体共享的缘故。 Therefore, once grand formation presents the careless mistake, by the Wu Shuai method, is quite difficult. He after all is not Formation Dao Gu Immortal. 所以,一旦大阵出现纰漏,凭借吴帅的手段,还是比较难以处理的。他毕竟不是阵道蛊仙 Immortal Formation starts to revolve, temporarily did not have what accident/surprise to occur. 仙阵开始运转,暂时还没有什么意外发生。 Wu Shuai vision like a torch, has not relaxed. 吴帅目光如炬,没有丝毫放松。 Had several breath, Yu Zi had not been have endured patiently finally, approached Wu Shuai boldly on own initiative, with god Emotion Dao of worship: Sir Wu Shuai, this Immortal Formation looks like not the issue.” 有过了几个呼吸,鱼姿终于忍耐不住,大胆地主动靠近吴帅,用崇拜的神情道:“吴帅大人,这仙阵看来并无问题。” Wu Shuai has not visited her, but frowned slightly, smelled smelling: What flavor is this?” 吴帅没有看她,而是微微皱起眉头,嗅了嗅:“这是什么味道?” Yu Zi complexion one happy, just wants to do intentionally said charmingly, this is the delicate fragrance that the pearl brings. 鱼姿脸色一喜,刚想故作娇羞地说,这是珍珠带来的清香。 At this moment, a pū chī loud sound! 就在这时,噗嗤一声巨响! The massive ozone spew out from the blown sand tunnel. 大量的臭气从飞沙地洞中喷涌而出。 A surrounding area ten li (0.5 km) place, the odor is incomparable immediately, Yu Zi looks deathly pale, almost at the scene vomits. 方圆十里之地,顿时恶臭无比,鱼姿脸色惨白,差点当场呕吐。 Her pearl delicate fragrance was submerged thoroughly, and originally pure white pearl necklace thoroughly was already blacked. 她的珍珠清香彻底被淹没了,并且原本洁白的珍珠项链已然被彻底染黑。 Wu Shuai actually laughs: You do not worry, this is the lung ozone. This blown sand tunnel was relocated, the technique did not go through a strategic pass, leaves behind these spoiled poisonous exhaust gas to silt up in the tunnel. But was now good, by my grand formation initiative excretion, all hidden dangers did not have.” 吴帅却哈哈一笑:“尔等勿忧,这是地肺臭气。这座飞沙地洞被拆迁过来,手法并不过关,留下了这些腐毒废气在地洞中淤积。但现在好了,被我的这座大阵主动排泄而出,一切隐患都没有了。” Congratulates Sir Wu Shuai!” Shi Sanbai cheered hastily. “恭喜吴帅大人!”石三百连忙喝彩。 Yu Zi suppresses the ozone, said: All these depend on the outstanding method of Sir Wu Shuai.” 鱼姿强忍臭气,也称赞道:“这一切都赖吴帅大人的卓绝手段。” She boldly approached, spells completely wants to capture the Wu Shuai attention diligently. 她又大胆地靠近了一些,拼尽努力地想要吸引吴帅的目光。 But at this moment, sprays bunch of grits of the blown sand tunnel. 但就在这时,从飞沙地洞中喷射出一团团的沙石来。 These grits are bringing rich moisture, is not dry, because the lung ozone has also been full of the odor. 这些沙石带着浓郁的湿气,并不干燥,因为地肺臭气还充满了恶臭。 The bunch grit flew to shoot in midair, then at once the racket falls on surrounding Sand Desert, exuded chirp chirp the sound. 一团团沙石飞射到了半空中,然后旋即拍落在周围的沙漠上,发出啪叽啪叽的响声。 Like...... 就像…… Like having diarrhea. 就像拉稀了一样。 Yu Zi is looking at everywhere grit all round, if suddenly heart dying embers. 鱼姿望着漫天的团团沙石,一时间心若死灰。 In this case, whatever she is how brilliant, feeling that Wu Shuai will not have a mind. 在这种情况下,任凭她如何光彩照人,吴帅也不会有心动的感觉了。 The grit has sprayed after the period of time, becomes normal. 沙石喷射了一阵子后,变得正常起来。 The massive close dry sand, spew out from the blown sand tunnel. The sand has flown upwards the upper air, from a ground enough several feet altitude, this just like the drizzle general, thick fallingly sprinkles. 大量细细密密的干燥沙子,从飞沙地洞中喷涌而出。沙子一直飞扬到高空,距离地面足足十几丈的高度,这才宛若细雨一般,纷纷扬扬地洒落下来。 These are the blown sand, is immortal materials, the quality of material is very light. 这些都是飞沙,乃是仙材,质地很轻。 Although is only Rank 6 immortal materials, but wins in the quantity is big. 虽然只是六转仙材,但是胜在量大。 Under the function of grand formation, the blown sand tunnel already became one of the Earth Arteries nodes. 大阵的作用下,飞沙地洞已然成为地脉节点之一了。 Wu Shuai nods satisfied, is bringing joyful tone said: as a result, in Paragon Immortal Aperture Earth Arteries has completed second. Before the struggle of Insanity Demon Lair, although is also second, but the second node was scarce at that time, where resembles now so scale?” 吴帅满意地点点头,带着欣喜的语气道:“如此一来,至尊仙窍地脉已经完成了第二圈。疯魔窟之争前,虽然也是第二圈,但那时第二圈的节点稀少,哪里像现在这般规模?” I believe absolutely, this piece of Heaven and Earth will be getting better and better!” Yu Zi deeply has the same feeling to echo to say. “我绝对相信,这片天地会越来越好!”鱼姿深有同感地附和道。 Wu Shuai looked at her one eyes, turned head to look at Shi Sanbai, then directly flew away. 吴帅看了她一眼,又回头看了看石三百,便直接飞走了。 Yu Zi and Shi Sanbai salute to see off hastily. 鱼姿石三百连忙施礼恭送。 Vanishes to Wu Shuai in the horizon, Yu Zi then takes back the vision, sends out deeply sighs, the sentiment of rich losing is unable to conceal. 一直到吴帅消失在天边,鱼姿这才收回目光,发出深深地叹息,浓郁的失落之情根本无法掩饰。 In the Shi Sanbai heart laughs in one's heart, he knows the plan of Merwoman, but has not discriminated against her. 石三百心中暗笑,他知道鲛女的打算,但也没有歧视她。 Merpeople moved into Paragon Immortal Aperture already sometime, this period of time said that was long, said short was not short. Performance of Merwoman Gu Immortals, can be called absolutely conscientiously, making Gu Immortals almost approve them. 鲛人入驻至尊仙窍已经有一段时间了,这段时间说长不长,说短也不短。鲛女蛊仙们的表现,也绝对称得上兢兢业业,让蛊仙们几乎都认可了她们。 The weak ones attach to expert to survive, this looks like in Shi Sanbai, is the wise survival strategy. 弱者依附强者而生存,这在石三百看来,是明智的生存策略。 He does not have what hostility, after all Stoneman is the male gender, cannot constitute the competitive relations. 他也没有什么敌意,毕竟石人全是雄性,根本构不成竞争关系。 Therefore, Shi Sanbai feigns ignorance saying: Then, I must continue to arrange Earth Dao Resource Point(s). Can the Yu Zi fairy maiden be willing to continue to cooperate with me?” 所以,石三百故作不知道:“接下来,我要继续布置一处土道资源点鱼姿仙子可愿和我继续合作吗?” Shi Sanbai naturally hopes that has Earth Dao Gu Immortal to cooperate, but the Paragon Immortal Aperture manpower is really tight at present. 石三百当然希望有土道蛊仙来合作,但眼下至尊仙窍人手实在紧张。 Yu Zi has cooperated with him after all, has certain tacit understanding. 鱼姿毕竟和他合作过,有一定的默契。 Yu Zi inquired in detail, then had the color of feeling embarrassed to turn down Shi Sanbai. 鱼姿详细询问了一下,便带着为难之色婉拒了石三百 Following Earth Dao Resource Point(s), cannot accept the Earth Arteries node the heavy burden, means that could not see Fang Yuan clone, Yu Zi does not have many powers. 接下来的这处土道资源点,并不能承当地脉节点的重担,也就意味着见不到方源分身,鱼姿就没有多少动力了。 Shi Sanbai quite understood, suggested: In my opinion, the fairy maiden you should need to rest well.” 石三百相当理解,建议道:“依我看,仙子你应该需要好好休息一下。” Yu Zi somewhat is immediately strange, thought only have one that in the heart floats off: „Can Gu Immortal in Paragon Immortal Aperture also rest?” 鱼姿顿时有些奇怪,心中浮起的念头只有一个:“至尊仙窍中的蛊仙还能休息?” Yu Zi lived here some time, already realized here was Gu Immortal the workaholic, what thing the rest is? 鱼姿在这里生活了一段时间,早就认识到了这里的蛊仙都是工作狂,休息是什么东西? Now, she first time from here Gu Immortal mouth, hears to rest two characters. 现在,她还是第一次从这里的蛊仙口中,听到休息二字。 Shi Sanbai smiled: This was my some slightly experiences. The duty list cannot the blank, duty emerge one after another incessantly, but we are also every insufficient, a long time waits us not to be adept very much, but has to brace oneself to complete the task.” 石三百笑了笑:“这就是我个人的一些小经验了。任务榜绝不会空白,任务层出不穷,而我们人手又不足,很多时候我们并不拿手,但又不得不去硬着头皮完成任务。” You like this specializes in Water Dao like the fairy maiden, is Earth Dao Resource Point(s) arrangement really Eating Strength(strenuous). Ten tenths strength displays less than 20%, in the heart will be then oppressed. Therefore then, I suggested that you might as well will receive some duties, can make you display the strength heartily, as a result, can relieve in the heart depressed Huai.” “就像仙子你这样专修水道,为土道资源点布置着实吃力。十成实力发挥出来不到两成,心中便会憋闷。所以接下来,我建议你不妨会接取一些任务,能够让你尽情发挥实力,如此一来,就能纾解心中郁怀了。” Yu Zi nods hastily, expressed gratitude. 鱼姿连忙点头,表示感谢。 In the heart has actually spat blood: Really so-called rest, must make the duty! These Gu Immortal do not know probably anything is the true rest!” 心中却已吐血:“果然所谓的休息,还是要做任务啊!这些蛊仙好像根本不知道什么才是真正的休息!” Sleeps, I more than ten days have not closed the eyes. Arrives here, I only have rested five times, and each time insufficient two double-hour! I good to rest greatly, rests to naturally awakes!” “睡觉,我已经十几天没有合眼了。来到这里,我就只睡了五次,并且每次都不够两个时辰!我好想大睡一场,睡到自然醒啊!” Why this period of time, welled up these many Earth Dao Resource Point(s) recently. Arranges these Resource Point(s), has made me loathe to feel nauseated.” “为什么最近这段时间,涌进来这么多的土道资源点。布置这些资源点,已经让我厌恶到要吐了。” Hopes following, can have some Water Dao Resource Point(s)......” “希望接下来,能有一些水道资源点……” Thinks of here, the Yu Zi almost air/Qi must to slap oneself! 想到这里,鱼姿差点气得要打自己耳光! What thinks?” “想什么呢?” What Resource Point(s) also wants?” “还要什么资源点?” I hope that any Resource Point(s) does not have!” “我希望什么资源点都没有!” Duty also tails off!” “任务也变少!” Is completed by other Gu Immortal!” “都由其他蛊仙完成!” Makes me sleep, I good to sleep completely.” “让我睡一觉,我好想完整地睡一觉啊。”
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