DG :: Volume #6

#2195: Three a series

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move-- Jinding ox hair! 仙道杀招金顶牛毛! The golden light drizzle inflates rapidly, radiant dazzling, quick spreads, covers dozens giant arm. 金光细雨迅速膨胀,璀璨耀眼,很快就扩散开来,笼罩数十根巨臂 Golden light drizzle Yang-yang, floats, raindrop thin like ox hair, seeps to jet black giant arm. 金光细雨蓬蓬扬扬,飘飘洒洒,雨滴细如牛毛,渗透到漆黑巨臂之中。 giant arm shivers, a path of golden color ripple produce, then unceasingly winds in giant arm unceasingly upwardly, everywhere one visit, interweaves one layer close gold/metal net. 巨臂颤抖,一道道金色脉流不断产生,然后在巨臂中不断蜿蜒向上,所到之处,交织成一层细密金网。 When gold/metal net has covered most giant arm, giant arm shivered is very fierce. 当金网覆盖了大半个巨臂,巨臂颤抖得就十分剧烈了。 Fang Yuan pressure suddenly drop, giant arm cannot move under the seepage of gold/metal net. 方源压力暴降,巨臂在金网的渗透下动弹不得。 This move of Jinding ox hair ultimate move, clearly also has to imprison the prestige of powerful enemy to be able the effectiveness. And Fang Yuan's ten li (0.5 km) eon gust of wind is different, it stressed on seeping goal within the body, controlled the revolution of goal within the body. 这招金顶牛毛杀招,显然也有禁锢强敌的威能效用。只是和方源的十里宙疾风不同,它更侧重于渗透目标体内,掌控目标体内的运转。 When gold/metal net spreads rapidly, after complete coverage giant arm, these dozens giant arm are Immortal Zombie Ju Yang uses immediately, lifts in abundance, attacks the Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable's main body to go! 当金网迅速蔓延,完全覆盖了巨臂之后,这数十个巨臂立即为巨阳仙僵所用,纷纷抬起来,攻打幽魂魔尊的本体而去! The Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable violent anger, in an instant, over a thousand giant arm cover, giant arm that these dozens surrendering to the enemy rips to tear to pieces. 幽魂魔尊暴怒,刹那间,上千条巨臂覆盖下来,将这数十根投敌的巨臂撕扯成碎片。 gold/metal net did not have object of attachment, changes into the golden light drizzle. 金网没有了附着的对象,重新化为金光细雨。 In the golden light drizzle, Immortal Zombie Ju Yang gradually reveals figure. 在金光细雨中,巨阳仙僵逐渐显露身形 Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable cried out, the acoustic shock like the thunder, entire Life and Death Gate ruthlessly trembled. 幽魂魔尊呐喊一声,声震如雷,整个生死门都狠狠一颤。 The gray tornado shortly will form together, curled the seat to come to Fang Yuan and the others. 一道灰色龙卷风顷刻形成,向方源等人卷席而来。 In the gray tornado not attracts the strength of absorbing, instead repels the great strength. The wind blade revolves, cuts the soul, is sharper than the Unrestrained Valley's wind. 灰色龙卷风中并无吸摄之力,反而是排斥巨力。风刃旋转,切割魂魄,比落魄谷的风还要犀利。 Immortal Zombie Ju Yang and Fang Yuan numerous immortals withdraw hastily, the surrounding area beyond hundred li (0.5 km) also has Soul Beast to rush ahead, by the volume seat of getting a chill blade, each and every one put to death by dismemberment dead. 巨阳仙僵方源众仙连忙后撤,方圆百里之外又有魂兽冲杀过来,遭受风刃的卷席,一个个被凌迟而死。 After these Soul Beast died, all bought by the gray tornado, forms the one after another gray soul thunder. 这些魂兽死亡之后,所有的一切都被灰色龙卷风吸纳,形成一颗颗的灰色魂雷。 Lu Weiyin by gray soul thunder smash, soul thunder self-exploding came, Lu Weiyin soul immediately severe wound, dizzying. 陆畏因被灰色魂雷砸中,魂雷自爆开来,陆畏因魂魄立即重伤,头昏脑涨 He defends outstandingly, is so the scene, other Gu Immortal such as Qi Jue and Shen Shang, cannot withstand, if not Fang Yuan lends a hand, almost must be frightened out of one's wits. 他防御优异,已是这般情景,其余蛊仙诸如气绝沈伤,更加不堪,若非方源帮衬,几乎要魂飞魄散。 In Life and Death Gate Soul Dao were too many, accumulates to the Unimaginable degree. 生死门魂道太多了,积累到难以想象的程度。 When Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable has not regained consciousness, these Quasi Immortal Venerable were suppressed, only remaining 50%. 幽魂魔尊还未苏醒时,这些亚仙尊就被压制,只剩下五成。 Now when he regains consciousness, Quasi Immortal Venerable were pressed to 20% directly, Fang Yuan and Immortal Zombie Ju Yang also only remaining 50% battle strength! 现在当他苏醒,亚仙尊们直接被压到两成,方源巨阳仙僵也只剩下五成战力 What's the matter, Gloomy Soul also achieved the Supreme Grandmaster region.” “怎么回事,幽魂也达到无上大宗师的境地了。” Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, although lost the mortal body, but will already transform the body of Soul Beast!” 幽魂魔尊虽然失去了肉身,但已然将自己改造成了魂兽之躯!” He has almost fused together with Life and Death Gate, rely on here environment, displays all sorts of ultimate move, obtains the several fold amplification, can suppress me easily and others. This is the prestige of Dao Lord!” “他几乎和生死门融为一体了,借助这里的环境,施展种种杀招,得到数倍增幅,轻易就能压制我等。这是道主之威啊!” Doesn't know what to do?” “如何是好?” Numerous immortal can't help but pace back and forth. 众仙不禁彷徨。 battle strength of Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable main body, has gone beyond the expectations of many person. 幽魂魔尊本体的战力,超出了很多人的预料。 Another key point is, in Life and Death Gate Soul Dao's Dao Marks of world were too many. 另一个关键点是,生死门内世界的魂道道痕太多了。 When Fate Gu is complete, each life of dying, the soul turned over to Life and Death Gate. When the Fate Gu damage, most life souls will also return to here. 宿命蛊完整的时候,每一个死去的生灵,都魂归生死门中。在宿命蛊损坏的时候,大多数的生灵魂魄也会回到这里。 The innumerable years accumulate, countless souls store up and melt here, ultimately forms present Life and Death Gate. 无数岁月累积,数不尽的魂魄在这里储存、消融,最终形成如今的生死门 It can be said that perhaps in the middle of all Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm, Life and Death Gate contains Dao Marks to be most! 可以说,在所有的天地秘境当中,生死门恐怕是蕴含道痕最多的! Critical moment, closes right up against Fang Yuan and Immortal Zombie Ju Yang to collaborate, routs the gray tornado, detonates several thousand gray soul thunder. 关键时刻,还是靠着方源巨阳仙僵联手,将灰色龙卷风击溃,引爆数千颗灰色魂雷。 Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable bends down slightly, several thousand giant arm attack from both sides, leans the general offensive just like the day, making one almost suffocate! 幽魂魔尊微微俯身,数千条巨臂夹攻,宛若天倾一般的攻势,令人几乎窒息! Fang Yuan and Immortal Zombie Ju Yang start to display full power. 方源巨阳仙僵开始施展全力。 giant arm was routed, fragment falls to the ground, immediately changes into one Soul Beast after another, attacks to kill once again. 条条巨臂被击溃,碎片落地,就立即化为一只只魂兽,再度攻杀。 Lu Weiyin and other Quasi Immortal Venerable are responsible for striking to kill these Soul Beast. 陆畏因亚仙尊们就负责击杀这些魂兽 After Soul Beast death, the fragment unifies mutually, once again newborn. 魂兽死亡之后,碎片相互结合,又再度新生。 And these newborn Soul Beast, first generation is stronger than first generation, inborn talent and instinct that has, aim at Lu Weiyin and other Gu Immortal abilities. 并且这些新生的魂兽,一代一代更强,所具备的天赋和本能,更加针对陆畏因等诸多蛊仙的能力。 Fang Yuan and Immortal Zombie Ju Yang numerous Gu Immortal pressed in leeward. 方源巨阳仙僵一众蛊仙都被压入下风。 Every time, some innumerable Soul Beast, infinite giant arm attacks, making them be tired out by dealing with. 每时每刻,都有无数魂兽,无穷巨臂攻来,让他们疲于应付。 Soul Dao at this moment, fully showed the slaughtering superiority of living off the government! 魂道在此刻,充分展现出了以战养战的杀戮优势! Death! You must die!!” The Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable state of mind is more chaos, in the mouth roared unceasingly, just like wild beast. “死!你们都要死!!”幽魂魔尊神志更加混沌,口中不断咆哮,宛若野兽 The Constellation Immortal Venerable smile, the sound is clear, had not been covered by the noisy battlefield slightly, but is spreads to the numerous immortal ear bank clearly: „The heroic bearing of everyone preying, made one acclaim. Fellow Immortal Fang Yuan and Ju Yang Fellow Immortal, the constellation urges to go faster then returns.” 星宿仙尊微笑,声音清晰,丝毫没有被嘈杂的战场掩盖,而是清晰地传入众仙耳畔:“诸位搏杀的英姿,着实令人赞叹。方源仙友巨阳仙友,星宿去去便回。” Saying, her was drawing back easely, if the body the meteor, cut the horizon in the jet black world, left Life and Death Gate. 说着,她悠然而退,身若流星,在漆黑的世界中划破天际,离开了生死门 Since the battle, she has based in the Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable's top of the head, now retreats splendidly, has not aroused the Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable's interest slightly. 交战以来,她就一直立足在幽魂魔尊的头顶,现在堂而皇之退走,也丝毫没有引起幽魂魔尊的关注。 So the situation, made the person with amazement. 如此情形,不免令人骇然。 Solemn Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, unexpectedly becomes a puppet under Constellation Immortal Venerable method! 堂堂幽魂魔尊,竟成为星宿仙尊手段下的一具傀儡! Lu Weiyin yelled suddenly, whole face pale color: „It is not good, Sir Fang Yuan! The constellation this time leaves, inevitably is series 3 Major Worlds, then smashes the paradise great grave. We must quickly exit to prevent her!” 陆畏因忽然大叫,满脸苍白之色:“不好了,方源大人!星宿此番离开,必然是一统三大世界,然后捣毁乐土巨墓。我们必须赶快出去阻止她!” However this matter is easier said than done. 然而此事谈何容易。 Gloomy Soul's main body in Life and Death Gate, is Dao Lord truly! 幽魂本体生死门中,乃是确确实实的道主 Is Soul Dao Supreme Grandmaster. 魂道无上大宗师 Is complete Rank 9 Venerable! 是完整的九转尊者 Reviews Fang Yuan cultivation base to only have Rank 8, but Immortal Zombie Ju Yang became Dao Lord, but in Life and Death Gate, except for Luck Dao's Dao Marks that he brings, how to have other outside Luck Dao's Dao Marks to come the amplification he? 反观方源修为只有八转,而巨阳仙僵虽然成为了道主,但在生死门中,除了他自带的运道道痕,怎么会有其他外界运道道痕来增幅他? Heaven and Earth Tour ultimate move? 天地游杀招 Fang Yuan in secret had already attempted, without any effect. 方源早就暗中尝试过了,没有任何效果。 Heavenly Court knows Fang Yuan to grasp Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu, how can not guard? 天庭知晓方源掌握着定仙游仙蛊,岂会没有防备? Any ultimate move is not invincible. Similar to Fang Yuan Unknown to Ghosts Ultimate Move, from entering Life and Death Gate, effectively has not used! 任何的杀招都不是无敌的。就如同方源身上的鬼不觉杀招,从进入生死门中,就未见效用! 3 Major Worlds is dispelling rapidly. 三大世界正在迅速消解。 The edge reduced 30%. 边缘已经缩减了三成。 As for void of eighth layer, originally is great, now is sticking to 3 Major Worlds air bubble Boundary Wall. 至于第八层的虚空,原本广阔无垠,如今更是紧贴着三大世界的气泡界壁了。 Constellation Immortal Venerable returns to here, immediately arrange grand formation. 星宿仙尊回到这里,立即布下一座大阵 grand formation thunders, Heavenly Court Gu Immortal divides forces to attack, enters is wild, loess two large world. 大阵轰鸣,天庭蛊仙分兵突袭,进入蛮荒、黄土两大世界 These two large world main forces, almost die in the battlefield, what remaining is only individual, does not have the battle strength Gu Immortal old and weak wounded, or is Gu Master elite. 这两大世界的主要力量,都几乎殁于战场,剩下的只是个别,没有战力蛊仙老弱伤号,亦或者是蛊师精锐。 No matter the former, is the latter, is unable to resist Heavenly Court's vanguard. 不管是前者,还是后者,都无法抵挡天庭的兵锋 Heavenly Court constantly advances, seizes a region, then drops out Subsidiary Formation. 天庭不断推进,占领一处地域,便抛下一座子阵 These Subsidiary Formation and Main Formation echo, Constellation Immortal Venerable personally to oversee Main Formation. Subsidiary Formation splits bold light that shoots to soar to the heavens, shines upon the surroundings, causes the desolated length and breadth Savage Major World, Loess Major World blooming sight of green that also or the hill grows thickly. 这些子阵母阵呼应,星宿仙尊亲自坐镇母阵子阵绽射冲天的豪光,映照周围,使得荒芜广袤的蛮荒大世界,亦或者丘陵丛生的黄土大世界绽放绿意。 Weeds, seedlings at the naked eye obvious speed, the rapid growth, quick form the cover the jungle. 一株株野草,一棵棵树苗以肉眼可见的速度,迅速生长,很快就形成茂密的丛林。 This naturally is only the representation that the naked eye sees, the true essence lies in Blue Lotus Major World expands unceasingly, integrates in other two large world own territory domain! 这当然只是肉眼所见的表象,真正的本质在于青莲大世界不断扩张,将其余两大世界纳入自己的疆土领域之中! If from the upper air bird's eye view, may see the sight of green as if moss, takes Blue Lotus Major World as the beginning, spreads unceasingly, gradually covers other two large world totals. 若从高空俯瞰,就可见到绿意仿佛青苔,以青莲大世界为起点,不断扩散,逐渐将其余两大世界全数覆盖。 After covering, the sight of green starts to deepen. 覆盖之后,绿意开始加深。 At first was only light green, many places centered on Subsidiary Formation, transformed deeply green. Deep green gradually to dark green transformation. 起先只是浅绿,以子阵为中心的很多地方,转变成深绿。深绿又逐渐向墨绿转变。 A 3 Major Worlds finally series! 三大世界终于一统! After being the certain extent, a storm tilts inexplicably. 达到一定程度之后,一股风浪莫名地掀动起来。 The storm is not big, but range is astonishing, included the entire world. 风浪并不大,但是范围惊人,囊括了整个世界。 The gale sways, is similar to Qi tide that Five Regions tilts, series the vitality in large world, blends a body rapidly, equal distributions. 大风吹拂,类似于五域掀动的气潮,将一统的大世界中的元气,迅速融汇一体,平均分配。 „The Infinite Demonic Venerable refining Heaven and Earth method, has reached the pinnacle. If I do not expect badly, this gale will get bigger and bigger, finally transforms Da Tong Wind!” 无极魔尊炼制天地的手段,已是登峰造极。若我所料不差,这股大风会越吹越大,最终转变成大同风!” Constellation Immortal Venerable manipulates Main Formation, she participates personally, and even boosts a large world series, the sensibility is extremely numerous. 星宿仙尊操纵母阵,她亲自参与,乃至助推大世界的一统,感悟极多。 In fact, Insanity Demon Formation many Heavenly Dao achievements, have near half, is the Constellation Immortal Venerable merit! 事实上,疯魔大阵的诸多天道成果,有将近一半,都是星宿仙尊的功劳! Does the Infinite Demonic Venerable old age time, why must look for Heavenly Court, need to play chess with Constellation Immortal Venerable? 无极魔尊晚年时期,为何偏偏要找上天庭,要与星宿仙尊对弈呢? The reason is very simple. 原因很简单。 Constellation Immortal Venerable fuses Will of Heaven on own initiative, Heaven's Duty Done By Human ultimate move is mysterious, revises correct Will of Heaven's simultaneously, is also comprehending Heavenly Dao. 星宿仙尊主动融合天意,天工人代杀招奥妙非凡,窜改天意的同时,也在领悟天道 Therefore, Infinite Demonic Venerable and constellation playing chess, unceasingly derives the originally Heavenly Dao deep meaning, in addition wants rely on Constellation Immortal Venerable this Wisdom Dao sage, deduces the brand-new Heavenly Dao achievement. 所以,无极魔尊和星宿对弈,就是不断汲取原本天道奥义,另外还要借助星宿仙尊这位智道圣人,推演崭新的天道成果。 Infinite Demonic Venerable specializes in Law Dao, only has and founds Wisdom Dao, the Constellation Immortal Venerable cooperation of cultivation Wisdom Dao, can realize the crazy conception of Insanity Demon Lair! 无极魔尊专修律道,唯有和开创智道,修行智道星宿仙尊合作,方能实现疯魔窟的疯狂构想! Infinite Demonic Venerable reached own goal, but therefore Constellation Immortal Venerable similarly obtains benefits a great deal. 无极魔尊达到了自己的目的,而星宿仙尊同样因此获益良多。 Other did not say, said only the beforehand three-phase fairy maiden manipulates method, affected many different kind Gu Immortal mood, making them hire oneself Heavenly Court. This is the Heavenly Dao's achievement. 别的不说,单说之前三相仙子操纵手段,影响了许多异类蛊仙的情绪,令他们纷纷投靠天庭。这就是天道的成果。 But control Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, is manifestation of Heavenly Dao achievement. Naturally, Constellation Immortal Venerable at this matter, what are more is adroitly guides action according to circumstances. The Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable main body itself has the flaw. 而控制幽魂魔尊,也是天道成果的体现。当然,星宿仙尊在这个事情上,更多的是因势利导。幽魂魔尊本体本身就有破绽。 „A three series, general situation has decided.” Constellation Immortal Venerable spits out one mouthful of impure air, the pair of eyes star light is bright. “三界一统,大局已定了。”星宿仙尊吐出一口浊气,双眼星光熠熠。 Her achieved this step. 做到了这一步。 Fang Yuan and Longevity Heaven two sides collaborates, influence is strong. However she is relying on the outstanding Wisdom Dao attainments, one step is in the lead, is in the lead step by step, from beginning to end maintained own superiority, has not let other two sides any side Fanchao. 方源长生天两方联手,势力强大。但是她依凭着卓绝的智道造诣,一步领先,步步领先,至始至终都保持了自己的优势,没有让其余两方的任何一方反超。 Although Heavenly Court the potential is weak, the thing that but Constellation Immortal Venerable rely on Book Mountain, Primordial Realm, Insanity Demon Formation and Life and Death Gate, ingenious favourable location can use with all successively, helping Constellation Immortal Venerable ensure the victory. 天庭虽然势弱,但是星宿仙尊先后借助书山元境疯魔大阵生死门,巧妙地利用一切可以利用的事物,帮助星宿仙尊奠定了胜局。 This is Constellation Immortal Venerable. 这便是星宿仙尊 This is the Wisdom Dao prestige energy! 这就是智道威能! Heavenly Court already seeped Insanity Demon Formation, now a series three, are buckling this huge clue and fuel, as if 50% Insanity Demon Formation falls into the hand of Constellation Immortal Venerable. 天庭早已渗透疯魔大阵,如今一统三界,扣着这块巨大的线索和燃料,等若一半的疯魔大阵都落入星宿仙尊的手中。 Finally was one's turn you, paradise.” In the Constellation Immortal Venerable eye flashes through wipes cold light. “最后轮到你了,乐土。”星宿仙尊眼中闪过一抹冷光。 She dislikes to Paradise Immortal Venerable very much. 她对乐土仙尊很不待见。 Even if the paradise also has the name of Immortal Venerable, the prestige is extremely high, but he retained quite many sympathies and loving care to nonhuman. The paradise has preserved Merpeople Royal Court in Eastern Sea, leaves leeway the Mushroom-man habitat together in Southern Border wait/etc.. 纵然乐土也有仙尊之名,威望极高,但他对异人保留了相当多的同情和爱护。乐土在东海保住了鲛人王庭,在南疆留有一块菇人的栖息地等等。 Especially makes Constellation Immortal Venerable repugnant, is the Paradise Immortal Venerable status. 尤其是让星宿仙尊反感的,是乐土仙尊的身份。 Although the paradise in the middle of the life, has met a lot of opportunities, can let him the transformation status from the plant root, becomes purebred Human Race. But he such had not done, he from beginning to end is the nonhuman hybrid, cannot be Heavenly Court accommodates. 乐土虽然一生当中,遇到过很多机会,能够让他从根子上转变身份,成为纯种人族。但他一直都没有这么去做,他至始至终都是异人混血,根本不能为天庭所容。 Immediately, Subsidiary Formation buzz the cry, tears the earth. 当即,子阵嗡鸣,撕扯大地。 The ground cracks, the a path of giant gully spreads rapidly, from extended above the paradise great grave in all directions. 地面崩裂,一道道巨大的沟壑迅速蔓延,从四面八方延伸到了乐土巨墓之上。 The paradise great grave was torn, the crack are innumerable. 乐土巨墓被撕裂开来,裂缝无数。 Afterward, Constellation Immortal Venerable low roaring sound, the vision remote looks at the vault of heaven clouds. 随后,星宿仙尊低喝一声,目光遥看苍穹云霄。 The quick, innumerable star light condense in clouds deep place unceasingly, rapid congealing reality, transforms meteors, crashes from the upper air. 很快,无数星光在云霄深处不断凝聚,迅速凝实,转变成一颗颗流星,从高空坠落。 The meteor just like the rainstorm, pounds above the paradise great grave. 流星宛若暴雨,砸在乐土巨墓之上。 hōng hōng hōng...... 轰轰轰…… Bombs recklessly, the star light like the water, confuses the stone fragment to splash unceasingly. 狂轰烂炸,星光如水,混同土石碎块不断飞溅。 Has continued the time of half tea, the paradise great grave degenerated into the flat land, becomes stretch of ruins. 足足持续了半盏茶的功夫,乐土巨墓被沦为平地,成为一片废墟。
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