DG :: Volume #6

#2129: Hū Earth projection

Ni Family Gu Masters is resisting to break to pieces golden river full power. 倪家蛊师们正在全力对抗碎金河。 They use mortal gu first, constructs together the grand dike, then digs up the drainage ditch, drainage rivers. Gold fragments river surface that recently increases unceasingly, therefore reduces gradually. 他们先是利用凡蛊,浇筑出一道宏伟的堤坝,然后又挖开沟渠,引流一段河流。近日来不断攀升的碎金河面,因此逐渐降低。 However, breaks to pieces in golden river also to live the massive lives. 然而,碎金河中亦生活着大量的生命。 Ni Family army encroached upon in the river the domain of fish beast, the drainage has made these fish beast felt scared. 倪家大军侵犯了河中鱼兽的地盘,引流更让这些鱼兽感到了恐慌。 All kinds of fish beast some emerge the river surface remote to attack, some simply run to come ashore, makes the sound that shouts and cries out strangely, kills to Ni Family Gu Master. 各种各样的鱼兽有的浮出河面遥攻,有的干脆奔跑上岸,发出嘶吼和怪叫的声音,杀向倪家蛊师 Ni Family is primarily Earth Dao, most basic Gu insect is the Rank 1(turn) mud gu. Earth Dao is good at defending, Ni Family Gu Masters composes the a path of defense line, was already ready in full battle array. 倪家土道为主,最基本的蛊虫就是一转泥蛊。土道擅长防守,倪家蛊师们组成一道道防线,早已严阵以待。 But the fish beast not only huge quantity, has formidable aggressive Ten Thousand Beast King. 但鱼兽不仅数量庞大,更有强大凶悍的万兽王 In fish beast army attacks in the tide crazily, the Ni Family Gu Master's defense line broken went to by a path of. 在鱼兽大军的疯狂攻潮中,倪家蛊师的防线被一道道破去。 hold on!” 坚持住!” Kills!” “杀啊!” Revenges for the clansmen!” “为族人们报仇!” perseverance, founds the future of my clan!” 坚持到底,开创我族的未来啊!” The mud and blood splash together, Gu Masters replaces one after another, resists the crazy fierce attack of fish beast. 泥浆和血液一起飞溅,蛊师们轮番接替,抵抗鱼兽的狂猛进攻。 The Ni Family clansmen arrive at Paragon Immortal Aperture, was cultivated by Fang Yuan's in secret, the Gu Master quantity has. In addition in Little Yellow Heaven formidable survival pressure, making these Ni Family clansmen have to the strong unity, rapid to cultivate left the harmonious coexistence , helping the cooperation mutually the family atmosphere. 倪家族人们来到至尊仙窍,暗中受到方源的栽培,蛊师数量有很多。再加上小黄天中强大的生存压力,让这些倪家族人不得不紧密团结,迅速培养出了和谐共存,互帮互助的家族氛围。 In this defensive war, Ni Family army shows the astonishing battle efficiency, as well as tenacious fighting will! 在这场防守大战中,倪家大军展现出惊人的战斗力,以及坚韧的战斗意志! Finally, fish beast is sparse gradually, Ni Family army very past. 终于,鱼兽逐渐稀疏,倪家大军挺了过去。 Ni Family army starts to counter-attack. 倪家大军开始反攻。 The fish beasts did not have many underlying tissues, these is the situation develops rapidly after a sudden turn, rapid large surface area rout. 鱼兽们本来就没有多少内部组织,这一下更是处境急转直下,迅速大面积溃败。 Ni Family Gu Masters chases down, leaves behind the innumerable fish beast corpses along the way. 倪家蛊师们一路追杀,沿途留下无数鱼兽尸首。 These corpses are the gu materials, rich spoils of war. 这些尸首都是蛊材,丰厚的战利品。 Ni Family Gu Masters charged to breaks to pieces on the golden river river surface, all sorts of Gu insect urge the offensive of sending, falls into the river surface, creates myriad radiant golden spray. 倪家蛊师们一路杀到了碎金河河面上,种种蛊虫催发的攻势,落入河面,激起万千璀璨的金色浪花。 We won!” “我们胜利了!” In a big hurry quick, arrange gu formation, is not joyfully celebrates now.” “快快快,布下蛊阵,现在还不是欢庆的时候。” Yes, must as soon as possible prepare gu formation, otherwise, will have the new fish beast to flee in all directions from the master river.” “是啊,必须尽快布置好蛊阵,否则的话,又会有新的鱼兽从主河中流窜过来。” Ni Family Gu Masters full power set up formation . 倪家蛊师们全力布阵 They for this motion, have meticulously prepared more than half a year, early has the mature plan and deployment. 他们为了这次行动,精心准备了大半年,早有成熟的方案和部署。 However, shortly their gu formation must succeed, the entire gold fragments river surface and even their Cloud Soil grounds start to shiver. 然而,眼看着他们的蛊阵就要成功,整个碎金河面乃至他们脚下的云土地面都开始颤抖起来。 What's the matter? Also there is a fish beast to attack?” “怎么回事?又有鱼兽来攻了吗?” Does not suit! Does not suit very much!” “不对劲!很不对劲!” You look up, Heavens!” “你们抬头看啊,天呐!” Gu Masters calls out in alarm in abundance, each and every one looks up the day, then all continually stiff like stone. 蛊师们纷纷惊呼,一个个抬头望天,然后皆连僵硬如石。 Meteorite shower that because in their saw sky descends. 因为他们看到了天空中降落的陨石雨。 These meteorite some are only one mu surrounding area, some are actually huge like the mountain. 这些陨石有的只有一亩方圆,有的却是庞大如山。 The meteorite is dense and numerous, tens of thousands of! 陨石密密麻麻,成千上万! The massive meteorites are howling, drags to entrain the long fresh red flame tail, oppresses the air, is bringing as powerful as a thunderbolt, does not have imposing manner that may stop, layer on layer/heavily throws to shoot under. 大量的陨石呼啸着,拖拽着长长的鲜红焰尾,压迫空气,带着雷霆万钧,无可阻挡的气势,重重地扑射而下。 Ended!” The innumerable Ni Family Gu Master face whiten, does not have blood-color. “完了!”无数倪家蛊师脸色苍白,毫无一丝血色。 „Does day need to perish my Ni Family clan?” In the deathly stillness battlefield, Ni Family Gu Master old man grief and indignation mournfully wails gets up suddenly. “天要亡我倪家一族吗?”死寂的战场中,一位倪家蛊师老者忽然悲愤哀嚎起来。 I am not willing!” present age Ni Family Patriarch, is present age Mud Phase makes a fist ruthlessly, planned to succeed obviously most probably, my clan paid so frigidly sacrificed, finally governed the flood, happy tomorrow has waved to us. Finally actually today, we must perish.” “我不甘心!”当代倪家族长,也是当代泥相狠狠握拳,“明明计划已经成功了大半,我族付出如此惨烈牺牲,终于治住了水患,美好的明天已经向我们招手。结果却在今天,我们就要灭亡了。” In all person hearts one despair. 所有人心中都一片绝望。 The prestige of Heaven and Earth so scary, keeping these Ni Family Gu Masters from resisting, at this moment intensely is feeling own tiny, on the weak one deepest sorrow and helplessness. 天地之威是如此的骇人,让这些倪家蛊师们无从抵抗,均在此刻强烈地感受到自身的渺小,弱者身上最深沉的悲哀和无奈。 But at this moment, by bright Heaven and Earth that the meteorite shower shines upon, suddenly is gloomily profound. 但就在这时,被陨石雨映照的明亮的天地,忽然晦暗幽深起来。 Wū wū...... 呜呜呜…… Ni Family Gu Masters simultaneously hears an intermittent wail sound, as if transmits from nine quiet hells. 倪家蛊师们同时听到一阵阵的哀鸣声,似乎从九幽地狱传来。 The air temperature as if suddenly is dropping, innumerable Gu Master feel a palpitation of intermittent powerful! 空气温度似乎在急剧下降,无数蛊师都感到一阵阵强力的心悸! That, what is that?” “那,那是什么?” My God!” “我的老天爷!” „A black giant?!” “一个黑色的巨人?!” The Ni Family Gu Masters panic-stricken desire certainly, simultaneously stares, shock incomparably looks at at present. 倪家蛊师们惊骇欲绝,齐齐瞪眼,震惊无比地看着眼前一幕。 Sees only a giant to reappear slowly, all over the body jet black low and deep. Its body so huge, when his bent/tune leg bends the waist, casts the extremely huge shadow in the ground. 只见一位巨人缓缓浮现而出,通体漆黑幽沉。它的身躯是如此的庞大,以至于他曲腿弯腰时,就在地面上投下极其庞大的阴影。 Giant speed seems like slow but actually fast boldly thrusts forward to stand up, highly is immediately scarier, holds up a day of posture truly, the shoulder puts the floating clouds. 巨人速度似缓实快地挺身站起,顿时高度更加骇人,真正擎天之姿,肩搁浮云。 The black giant has two heads, stares four scary ghost, ghost shines fiercely, the black quiet ray such as the column shoots through the vault of heaven! 黑巨人有两个头颅,瞪起四只骇人的鬼目,鬼目狰狞放光,黑幽光芒如柱射穿苍穹! Its that several hundred arms, raise high, fearful Ghost Claw simultaneously opens, is forming just like the ferocious black crafty big forest instantaneously. 它那数百只手臂,高高扬起,可怕的鬼爪齐齐张开,宛若穷凶极恶的黑诡大森林在瞬间成形。 Jet black giant head suddenly of opens, an opens the mouth, puts out together the jet black soul river. 漆黑巨人其中的一个头颅猛地张开,一开口,就吐出一道漆黑魂河。 The soul river is torrential, raises difficult situation, curls the seat massive meteorites. 魂河滔滔滚滚,掀起惊涛骇浪,卷席大量陨石。 Another open mouth of jet black giant, then opens the mouth to attract fiercely. The tiny meteorite, directly was inhaled in the abdomen by him. 漆黑巨人的另一张口,则开口猛吸。许多细小的陨石,就直接被他吸入腹中。 pēng pēng pēng...... 砰砰砰…… His Ghost Claw and giant arm paddle, catches the small mountain-like meteorites directly! 他的鬼爪巨臂纷纷划动,将一颗颗小山般的陨石直接接住! In Ni Family clansmen heart raises difficult situation. 倪家族人们心中掀起惊涛骇浪。 Is holds up the day to tread truly, picks the star to take the moon/month!” “真正是擎天踏地,摘星拿月!” In this piece of Heaven and Earth is hiding so the terrifying monster unexpectedly!” “这片天地中竟隐藏着如此恐怖的怪物!” Compared with this giant, our Ni Family is not including the ant.” “和这头巨人相比,我们倪家连蚂蚁都算不上啊。” The meteorite shower was almost resisted completely by the black giant, only the other fragments crash in the place. 陨石雨几乎被黑巨人完全抵挡下来,只余下一些碎片坠落在地。 These fragments tip, some crash to breaking to pieces in golden river, some crash in the Cloud Soil mainland, will give the originally ecology to bring the unpredictable influence inevitably. 这些碎片点点滴滴,有的坠落到碎金河中,有的坠落在云土大陆上,必然将给原本的生态带来许多难测的影响。 The meteorite shower does not have the achievements finally, but the black giant also retires after meritorious service, vanishes just like the huge body of mountain in Ni Family numerous Gu Master's slowly at present. 陨石雨最终毫无建树,而黑巨人也功成身退,宛若高山的庞大身躯缓缓消失在倪家一众蛊师的眼前。 quite a long time, being survivor of disaster Ni Family Gu Masters suddenly bursts into the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cheers. 好半天,劫后余生的倪家蛊师们猛地爆发出惊天动地的欢呼声。 But biggest hero black giant, then trades to make together the soul light, invests in Fang Yuan's Paragon Immortal Body. 而最大的功臣黑巨人,则换做一道魂光,重新投入方源的至尊仙体之内。 Right. 没错。 This black soul giant is the soul of Fang Yuan main body! 这个黑魂巨人便是方源本体的魂魄! After Fang Yuan inherited Shadow Sect True Inheritance, then had Soul Dao cultivation to high method. 方源继承了影宗真传之后,便有了魂道修行的至高法门。 This method launches special cultivation to the soul, the overall is divided into two levels: The first level is Human Soul, starts cultivation from 10 Human Soul, 100 Human Soul, 1,000 Human Soul wait/etc., achieves 100,000,000 Human Soul high. 100,000,000 Human Soul is the human body limit, is started by empty to return to the reality, interferes the material. 这个法门对魂魄展开专门的修行,总体分为两个层次:第一个层次是人魂,从十人魂开始修行,百人魂千人魂等等,最高达到亿人魂亿人魂便是人体极限,开始由虚返实,干涉物质。 The second level is Desolate Soul. Because Fate Gu was destroyed by Red Lotus Demon Venerable, Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable therefore sought breaks through the Human Soul itself limit the method. Broke through Desolate Soul, the essence of soul had the transformation, the only soul can have Desolate Rank Soul Beast battle strength. 第二个层次是荒魂。因为宿命蛊红莲魔尊打坏,幽魂魔尊因此寻找到了突破人魂本身极限的方法。突破到荒魂,魂魄的本质已经发生了转变,单凭魂魄就能有荒级魂兽战力 The Fang Yuan's soul the reached Desolate Soul level, he cultivation in soul never had already stopped, now already reached six surely Desolate Soul! 方源的魂魄早就达到了荒魂层次,他在魂魄上的修行从未停止过,如今已经达到了六千万荒魂 Ten Desolate Soul, hundred Desolate Soul, thousand Desolate Soul, ten thousand Desolate Soul, 100,000 Desolate Soul and million Desolate Soul, surely Desolate Soul and hundred million Desolate Soul! 荒魂、百荒魂、千荒魂、万荒魂十万荒魂、百万荒魂、千万荒魂、亿荒魂 Arrives at hundred million Desolate Soul, is the Three Venerables six directions thousand arm demon souls, Quasi Rank 9 battle strength, can direct mechanical reactance all sorts of Myriad Tribulation, go against heaven's will treads, the slaughter god unites the ghost, shocks world! 到达亿荒魂,便是三尊六合千臂魔魂,准九转战力,能够直接力抗种种万劫,逆天踏地,屠神戮鬼,震撼世间! This is also entire soul background peak, limit that entire Heaven and Earth can contain. 这也是整个魂魄底蕴巅峰,整个天地所能包容的极限。 Hundred million Desolate Soul have three heads and thousand arms, at present Fang Yuan has not achieved. 亿荒魂三头千臂,目前方源还没有达到。 Fang Yuan's soul cultivation base and beforehand Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul phase difference are similar, is two first more than 600 arms. 方源的魂魄修为和之前魔尊幽魂相差仿佛,都是两头600多手臂。 „The method of Gloomy Soul's cultivation, is really fierce.” 幽魂的修行之法,果然是厉害。” This soul individual action, only itself, had Quasi Immortal Venerable battle strength. If uses immortal essence, but can also urge to send out ultimate move to come.” “这魂魄单独作战,单凭本身,就有亚仙尊战力了。如果动用仙元,还能催发出杀招来。” Key is this ultimate move is not urges to send by Gu insect, but is the Dao Marks arrangement, nearly inborn talent instinct.” “关键是这杀招并不是由蛊虫催发,而是道痕布置,近乎天赋本能。” Fang Yuan taste reconsideration. 方源品味反思。 When he just soul obviously, individual action, a billowing soul river that puts out, then referred to Fang Yuan to chase down the wartime Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul's skill. 他刚刚魂魄显化,单独作战时,吐出的一道滚滚魂河,便是参考了方源追杀战时魔尊幽魂的本事。 Fang Yuan according to the Gloomy Soul's method, Soul Nucleus ultimate move that will refer, transformed Soul Dao's Dao Marks, seal has carved on the body of own soul. 方源按照幽魂的法门,将参考出来的魂核杀招,转变成了魂道道痕,印刻在自己魂魄的身上。 Therefore this soul river ultimate move, then has become the inborn talent instinct of Fang Yuan soul. 于是这个魂河杀招,便成了方源魂魄的天赋本能。 From now on so long as the related Dao Marks arrangement had not been destroyed, Fang Yuan can stimulate to movement rapidly, but does not use any Gu insect. This is very simple convenience quick method! 今后只要相关的道痕布置没有被破坏,方源就能迅速催动出来,而不用什么蛊虫。这是非常简单方便快捷的手段! „The soul cultivation tax can, Totem Ultimate Move, Formation Dao Great Grandmaster use nature Dao Marks set up formation ...... All sorts of method later on, reach the same goal or conclusion from different approaches.” 魂修赋能、图腾杀招,还有阵道大宗师利用自然道痕布阵……种种手段到了后来,都是殊途同归。” Has the Fáng Family supply, my Soul Nucleus does not lack, cultivation to hundred million Desolate Soul of pinnacle apex is not a difficult matter.” “有房家供应,我魂核不缺,修行到极致顶点的亿荒魂并非难事。” This method may make one of the trump card, the outside cannot show at will.” “这个手段可做底牌之一,外界不可随意彰显。” In Five Regions and Two Heavens has the Will of Heaven time supervision, if Fang Yuan stimulates to movement this method, will be known by Will of Heaven. But in Paragon Immortal Aperture, does not have such hidden danger. 五域两天中有天意时刻监督,若是方源催动这个手段,就会被天意知晓。而在至尊仙窍中,却是没有这样的隐患。 How has a look at the situation?” Fang Yuan stimulates to movement Luck Cooking Pot once more, inspects own Qi Luck. “看看形势如何?”方源再次催动煮运锅,视察自身气运 Un?” Fang Yuan frowned. “嗯?”方源皱起眉头。 luck condition is not wonderful. 运势不妙。 this period of time gets down, his silver light beam is even more loose, has shape of the disintegrating unexpectedly! 这段时间下来,他的银色光柱越发松散,竟有一种分崩离析之象! The peak of silver light beam, that three rosy clouds have the change. 银色光柱的顶端,那三朵云霞也有变化。 The star light rosy cloud gets most winning side throughout, this indicates that Constellation Immortal Venerable seems the biggest threat. 星光云霞始终占据最上风,这预示着星宿仙尊似乎是最大威胁。 But hereunder, is the Gloomy Soul's pitch-dark Qi Luck cloud cluster. Although it was being pressed by the star light rosy cloud, some Black Qi that but spreads, just like a rhizome, really the penetration to the Fang Yuan's silver light beam, greatly have to in inside the trend that takes root to germinate! 而在此之下,是幽魂的漆黑气运云团。它虽然被星光云霞压着,但蔓延出来的一些黑气,宛若条条根茎,竟然穿透到方源的银色光柱之中,大有要在里面生根发芽的趋势! But on behalf of the Ju Yang Golden Cloud cloud cluster, then changed thick, although by other two cloud Tuanya below, but had an indication of being ready. 而代表巨阳金霞云团,则变厚实了很多,虽然被其他两座云团压在下面,但却有一股蓄势待发的征兆。 But in the silver light giant pillar(s) surroundings, besides the beforehand cloud cluster, presented the phenomenon. 而在银光巨柱的周围,除了之前的云团之外,又出现了异象。 A piece of bulge hillock seems to be does not have, the partly visible shadow, shines through in the silver giant pillar(s) surface...... 一片凸起小丘似有似无,若隐若现的阴影,透射在银色巨柱的表面…… Southern Border. 南疆 Feng Tian Yu was travel-worn, stopped the footsteps of climbing mountains and crossing rivers. 风天语风尘仆仆,停下了跋涉的脚步。 He breathed thick air/Qi: Finally.” 他喘了一口粗气:“总算是到了。” Feng Tian Yu this is laborious. His originally wanted to find Ni Family other branch village, finally had achieved nothing. 风天语这一路非常辛苦。他原本想要找到倪家的其他分支山寨,结果一无所获。 This is natural. Before him, Fang Yuan has evacuated all Ni Family clansmen. 这是当然的。早在他之前,方源就已经将所有的倪家族人搬空了。 Feng Tian Yu has not made the great merit, very loses. But discovered at his actually accident/surprise all the way, this Ni Jian Mire Monster can swallow the soil gu material unexpectedly, constantly grows own battle strength! 风天语没有立下大功,十分失落。但在一路上他却意外发现,这个倪健泥怪居然能够吞食泥土蛊材,不断增长自身战力 These Ni Family clansmen mystically are missing, if I so dingily go back, is not good to confess, is not my style. Might as well promote battle strength this Mire Monster, in the future after going back, Shang Xinci asks, I also well respond.” “那些倪家族人都神秘失踪,我若是如此灰溜溜地回去,不好交代,也不是我的风格。不如将这泥怪提拔战力,将来回去后商心慈发问,我也好回应。” Therefore, Feng Tian Yu rushes about, arrived...... Rotten Mire Mountain. 于是,风天语就一路奔波,来到了……腐臭烂泥山 Although Rotten Mire Mountain is not famous, but haggles over truly, actually is also the famous mountains. Although there is Poison Dao's Dao Marks, what are more is Earth Dao's Dao Marks. These soil gu material covering the mountains and the plains, are suiting feeds Ni Jian. 腐臭烂泥山虽然不出名,但真正计较起来,却也是名山。虽然有毒道道痕,但更多的是土道道痕。这些泥土蛊材漫山遍野,正适合喂养倪健 Here as if erupted Beast Tide, at the foot of the hill originally Gu Master village has ruined. fine, I alone explore.” “这里似乎爆发过兽潮,山脚下原本蛊师山寨都毁掉了。也罢,我自己独自探索吧。” Feng Tian Yu is Rank 5 cultivation base, there is a Ni Jian approaching body, climbs, meets the appropriate soil gu material to make Ni Jian swallow. 风天语乃是五转修为,又有倪健傍身,一路攀登,遇到合适的泥土蛊材就让倪健吞噬。 Feng Tian Yu stayed for several days in the mountain several nights, goes to a place. 风天语在山中呆了几天几夜,来到一处地方。 Suddenly, Ni Jian bah bah spits soil gu material. 忽然,倪健将泥土蛊材呸呸吐掉。 What's the matter? Does here soil flood Qi Dao's Dao Marks unexpectedly?” Feng Tian Yu studies the later big feeling surprise. “怎么回事?这里的泥土居然充斥气道道痕?”风天语研究之后大感诧异。
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