DG :: Volume #6

#2035 Part 2: Reckless Biography

Reckless Biography 1 crazy with barbarian 狂蛮传1狂和蛮 The fall is just about to fall, horizon remnant rosy cloud like blood. 秋日正要落下,天边残霞如血。 A long team, walks on the hawk flying grass long prairie. 一支长长的队伍,走在莺飞草长的草原上。 And, pā! 啪、啪、啪! Is bringing the long whip of hangnail, from the sky brandishes, strokes the air, every strikes makes the sharp sound. 带着倒刺的长鞭,在空中挥舞,击打空气,每一击都发出尖锐的声音。 Grips the long whip, is Beastman of pig person, two sharp teeth are outward prominent, the black pig wool covers the whole face, the vision devils. 握住长鞭的,是一位猪头人身的兽人,两颗尖锐的牙齿向外突出,黑色的猪毛覆盖满脸,目光凶神恶煞。 He opens the mouth to howl: Walks quickly, your humble Human Race slaves!” 他张开口吼叫着:“快走,你们这些低贱的人族奴隶!” By Human Race that he drives away, has the height degree of stoutness, has everybody, numerous. 被他所驱赶的人族,有高矮胖瘦,亦有男女老少,不一而足 Walks, again walks quickly quickly, moves to father! Un?!” The pig Beastman both eyes circle stares suddenly, Murderous Qi overflows, looked that tumbles the old person to one in roadside. “走快一点,再走快一点,给老子动起来!嗯?!”猪头兽人忽然双目圆瞪,杀气四溢,看向一位跌倒在路边上的老人。 Stinky old man, dares to stop unexpectedly, does not stop my words at heart, courts death!” Pig Beastman is angry, the leather whip pulls out ruthlessly. “臭老头,居然敢停下来,不把我的话停在心里,找死!”猪头兽人大怒,皮鞭狠狠抽下。 ! 啊! The old person exudes one sad and shrill miserable howling, the blood light scatters, carries on the back most skin and flesh to be stirred by the leather whip broken, flies upwards in all directions. 老人发出一声凄厉的惨嚎,血光四溅,背上大半的皮肉都被皮鞭搅碎,四处飞扬。 The wound is deep can see the pale vertebra bone. 伤口深得能见到惨白的脊椎骨头。 Snort!” Pig Beastman coldly snorted, the arm wields, the leather whip raids. “哼!”猪头兽人冷哼一声,手臂一挥,皮鞭又袭来。 Is the nimble and resourceful poisonous snake, leather whip falls to old person's body likely, curls directly him. 像是灵动的毒蛇,皮鞭落到老人的身上,直接将他卷起来。 Afterward, pig Beastman pulls out the arm gently, the old person entire will withdraw to War Chariot on, falls to his foot near. 随后,猪头兽人轻轻一抽手臂,将老人整个都抽回到战车上,落到他自己的脚边。 Then, he lifts coarse and stiff pig's feet, steps on ruthlessly on old person's head. 然后,他抬起粗硬的猪蹄,狠狠地踩在老人的头颅上。 . 啪。 A light sound, probably is the watermelon disruption is the same, old person's head was stepped on broken, the brain fluid and blood have half shatter eyeball, combines in the same place. 一声轻响,就好像是西瓜碎裂一样,老人的头颅被踩碎,脑浆、鲜血还有半颗破碎的眼珠,混杂在一起。 Several blood splash to the mouth of pig Beastman, he opens mouth slightly, stretches out the crude benzene the tongue, has licked the bloodstain, afterward both eyes narrow the eyes slightly, reveals facial expression that enjoys. 几点鲜血飞溅到猪头兽人的嘴边,他微微张开嘴,伸出粗苯的舌头,舔了舔血渍,随后双眼微微眯起,露出享受的神情。 Around his War Chariot, fierce fierce Beastman, was hearing the blood smell, starts to be in a tumult. 在他的战车周围,许多凶恶勇猛的兽人,闻着血腥气味,都开始骚动起来。 hey hey, Human Race is skin Xirou is tender. Although this old goods were old, but also some chewed the vigor. Zhu Ye I granted to you!” 嘿嘿,人族就是皮细肉嫩。这老货虽然年龄大了点,但也有一些嚼劲。朱爷我赏赐给你们了!” Saying, a pig Beastman foot old person's headless corpse, kicks outside War Chariot. 说着,猪头兽人一脚把老人的无头尸体,踢到战车外。 Roar! 啊吼! a moment later, more than ten strong Beastman, raid in the same place, after robs, the old person was dismembered at the scene, its shape is horrible to look. 下一刻,十多位强壮的兽人,哄抢在一起,一阵抢夺之后,老人被当场分尸,其状惨不忍睹。 Wolfs down, the old person like this was acted as food, has filled in the belly of Beastman. 一阵狼吞虎咽,老人就这样被充当食物,填入了兽人的肚子里去。 Beastmen calls out excitedly, some wolf head Beastman are long cry continues, other have not snatched Beastmen of mouth with enough time, then willing, is not looking at their leader Zhu Ye eagerly. 兽人们兴奋地嚎叫起来,一些狼头兽人更是长鸣不止,另外一些没有来得及抢到嘴的兽人们,则不甘心,眼巴巴地望着他们的头领朱爷 Pig Beastman Zhu Ye coldly snorted, in the eye is glittering discontentedly the deceitful light. 猪头兽人朱爷不满地冷哼一声,眼中闪烁着狡诈的光。 He thought: This crowd does not have the thing of brain, when really my Zhu Ye is generous and selfless? This old goods have been terminally ill, live do not grow, therefore makes use of waste. Has killed him, to deter other Human Race slaves. otherwise, Human Race, sells in the main city, at least must have hundred primeval stones.” 他心想:“这群没脑子的东西,真当我朱爷慷慨无私吗?这老货已经病入膏肓,活不长了,所以才废物利用。杀了他,是为了震慑其他人族奴隶。若非如此,一个人族,卖到主城中,至少得有百块元石啊。” Thinks of here, Zhu Ye opens the mouth to bellow: Walks quickly, slow that who walks, held back, Zhu Ye I at the scene eat him (her)!” 想到这里,朱爷开口大吼:“快走,谁走的慢,拖了后腿,朱爷我就把他(她)当场吃掉!” Such remarks, almost all Human Race captives, are the heart tremble. 此言一出,几乎所有的人族俘虏,都是心头一颤。 The approaching speed of entire team, rose immediately. 整个队伍的行进速度,顿时上涨了许多。 Zhu Ye nods satisfied in secret: According to this speed, before the darkness, can arrive in the main city. However, must be careful the Human Race Gu Master's commando unit. In recent years, Human Race was getting more and more rampant! Business that catches Nu trades, is getting more and more difficult to do.” 朱爷满意地暗中点头:“按照这种速度,天黑之前就能到达主城了。不过,还是要小心人族蛊师的突击队。最近几年,人族越来越嚣张了!捕奴贩卖的生意,也越来越难做。” The team is close to the main city, after marching forward half double-hour, said that on the way presented two Featherman. 队伍向主城接近,行进了半个时辰之后,道途上出现了两位羽民 Zhu Ye from these two Gu Masters, the sensed Rank 5 aura, he looks the respectful and prudent color immediately, greeted on own initiative: Two Sir appetites are good.” 朱爷从这两位蛊师身上,感受到了五转的气息,他顿时面露恭谨之色,主动招呼道:“两位大人胃口好。” Blessed the friend and honored guest appetite is good, this was Beastman greets, expresses the way of good intentions. 祝福朋友和贵客胃口好,这是兽人打招呼,表达善意的方式。 Two Featherman site nods, shoulder both hands, the manner is arrogant, seemingly is main, another, the manner is gentler, asked: „The Beastman friend, do you want to go to the limestone main city?” 两位羽民其中一位点点头,背负双手,态度倨傲,貌似是主,另外一位,态度则平和许多,问道:“兽人的朋友,你是要去灰石主城吗?” Yes.” Zhu Ye nods hastily, the entire team therefore suspends. “是的。”朱爷连忙点头,整个队伍都因此暂停下来。 That Featherman of talking smiled: Happen to we must go to the limestone main city, walks together.” 搭话的那位羽民笑了:“正好我们也要去灰石主城,一起走吧。” Zhu Ye great happiness: Two join, is good deed that I wish for earnestly, please come up to sit quickly.” 朱爷大喜:“有两位加入,是俺求之不得的好事哩,快请上来坐。” Saying, Zhu Ye was moving his large sturdy body on own initiative, resigned some spaces on War Chariot with great difficulty. 说着,朱爷主动挪动他那肥大粗壮的身躯,好不容易在战车上让出一些空间来。 Two Featherman Gu Master actually shut out on War Chariot the dirtiness of environment, they launch the wing, flies in the midair, follows. 两位羽民蛊师却嫌弃战车上环境的肮脏,他们展开翅膀,飞在半空中,一路跟随。 Zhu Ye naturally knows one of the Featherman mental dispositions, is quite clean. 朱爷自然知晓羽民的秉性之一,便是好洁。 He smiled awkwardly, still very warmly tried to get close. 他尴尬地笑了笑,仍旧十分热情地来套近乎。 He is only Rank 3 cultivation base, if can make contact with Rank 4 and Rank 5 Gu Master personal connection, will certainly take to the possibility that he makes a rapid career advance. 他自己只是三转修为,若是能搭上四转五转蛊师的人脉,必将带给他飞黄腾达的可能。 This is chance that rare meets! 这可是难得一遇的机缘啊! Featherman of Rank 5 aura, was still an arrogant appearance, did not open the mouth. 五转气息的羽民,仍旧是一副高傲的样子,并不开口。 With the Zhu Ye exchange, is that seems like Rank 4 Featherman Gu Master of retinue. 朱爷交流的,是那位看似仆从的四转羽民蛊师 old vermilion, your this goods are very many, the profit should be many.” Rank 4 Featherman Gu Master along with tastes. “老朱啊,你这趟货挺多啊,赚头应该不少吧。”四转羽民蛊师随口道。 Zhu Ye smiled, self-satisfied -ly said: is not small blowing, concerns the slave business in limestone main city, my Zhu Ye calculates second, nobody has the qualifications to call first.” 朱爷笑了笑,得意地道:“不是小的吹啊,论及灰石主城中的奴隶商,我朱爷算第二,没人有资格称第一。” However quick, his laughter restrains: Was a pity, these year of slave business were less good to do. Human Race that side expert are getting more and more, not only guards, will also counter-attack a station of my Beastman clan. My this large stock of goods, is with great difficulty the obtained lead, passed through over a thousand li (0.5 km), sneak attack a Human Race village.” 不过很快,他笑声就收敛起来:“可惜,这些年奴隶生意越来越不好做了。人族那边强者越来越多,不仅防范有加,甚至还会反攻我兽人一族的驻地。我这批货,是好不容易得到了线报,穿越了上千里地,才偷袭了一个人族的村庄。” Naturally, this time returns to main city, sells, certainly can initiate the stir. Because the main city lacks the Human Race slave, already long time.” “当然,这一次回到主城,卖出去,一定能引发轰动的。因为主城缺少人族奴隶,已经很长时间了。” old vermilion ability is not weak.” Rank 4 Featherman Gu Master praised one at will. “老朱本领不弱。”四转羽民蛊师随意夸赞了一声。 Pig Beastman flattered to smile to make noise, the manner can make one sick: Where, where , compared with Sir two, what is small gains laborious money nothing more, crosses proposes on the belt hard times the head.” 猪头兽人谄媚得笑出声,神态能让人作呕:“哪里,哪里,和二位大人比较起来,小的只是赚一点辛苦钱而已,过得都是把脑袋提在裤腰带上的苦日子。” Featherman Gu Master nods: This year the head, flame of war are flying, who isn't passing the day of being in a precarious state?” 羽民蛊师点点头:“这年头,战火纷飞,谁不是过着朝不保夕的日子呢?” old vermilion deeply sighed, resonance -ly said: Sir said extremely, spoke of old vermilion my pit of the stomach child.” 老朱深深地叹了一口气,极为共鸣地道:“大人说得是啊,说到老朱我心坎子里去了。” „Does old vermilion, you see to Human Race? In recent years, many rumors, said that Human Race is the lord of world, other nonhuman races, will suppress.” Featherman Gu Master asked. “老朱,你对人族怎么看?最近几年,有不少流言,说人族将会是天下之主,把其他所有的异人种族,都将镇压下去。”羽民蛊师问道。 Fart!” Pig Beastman coldly snorted, the facial expression disdains immediately, depends on these frail spiritless things? In the past, they give us continually *** the qualifications do not have!” “屁!”猪头兽人立即冷哼一声,神情非常不屑,“就凭这些脆弱懦弱的东西?在过去,他们连给我们***的资格都没有!” Featherman Gu Master narrows both eyes, tranquilly said: But now, in Central Continent, Human Race already achievement hegemony, Central Continent's major different race, by a Human Race strength suppression.” 羽民蛊师眯起双眼,平静地道:“可是如今,在中洲,人族已经成就了霸权,中洲的各大异族,都被人族一力打压。” Snort, that is Central Continent, is not Northern Plains. In Northern Plains, our Beastman decides. How many years this weaponry has hit, isn't Human Race also this type? Central Continent that is the exception, you look at Western Desert, Eastern Sea and Southern Border, isn't our nonhuman decides?” The pig Beastman rebuttal said. “哼,那是中洲,不是北原。在北原,还是我们兽人说了算。这仗打了多少年了,人族还不是这个样儿?中洲那是例外,你看西漠东海南疆,不都是咱们异人说了算吗?”猪头兽人反驳道。 Featherman Gu Master nods: Truth that a little you said. Then old vermilion, in your heart, Human Race is formidable? You thought that what method should with cope with their effect to be best?” 羽民蛊师点点头:“你说的有点道理。那么老朱,在你心中,人族强大吗?你觉得该用什么法子对付他们效果最好?” Naturally is the fist!” old vermilion has wielded the fist ruthlessly, without hesitation, these things, this ruthlessly teach, making them know, anything is the strength and background, nonhuman is a cut above other people. Human Race flaunted oneself are the highest of all creatures, snort/hum, this is nothing. The braveness of our Beastman, Featherman can soar inborn, Merpeople can enter the sea freely, their Human Race physique is too weak, is being nothing.” “当然是拳头!”老朱狠狠地挥了一下拳,不假思索,“这些东西,就该狠狠地教训,让他们知道,什么是实力和底蕴,异人就是高人一等。人族标榜自己是万物之灵,哼,这算个屁。我们兽人的勇武,羽民天生就能飞翔,鲛人能自由入海,他们人族身板太弱,算个屁。” But Human Race, once cultivation has, Gu Master expert does not cope easily.” Featherman Gu Master also said. “可是人族一旦修行有成,蛊师强者并不容易对付。”羽民蛊师又道。 Is this, but the Human Race there is still one huge weakness, hey hey, that is Human Race fears death. Our Beastman is brave, fierce does not fear, but the Human Race actually spiritless as mouse, does this race possibly become the Heaven and Earth overlord? The Sir does not believe that I select a person to come out casually.” “是这样的,不过人族还有一个巨大的弱点,嘿嘿,那就是人族怕死啊。我们兽人勇武,悍不畏死,但人族却懦弱似鼠,这个种族怎么可能成为天地霸主?大人不信,我随便挑一个人出来。” old vermilion spoke until here, whip one volume, chose a Human Race youngster in team at will, entrained on the vehicle. 老朱说到这里,鞭子一卷,随意挑选出了队伍中的一个人族少年,拽到了车上。 Said, you want dead, but also wants to live?” Zhu Ye is staring both eyes, exclaimed to this youngster. “说,你想死,还想活?”朱爷瞪着双眼,对这少年吼道。 The youngster whole face pale color, was almost scared, after responding, nodded again and again: „To live, wants to live.” 少年满脸惨白之色,差点被吓傻,反应过来后,连连点头:“想活,想活啊。” „To kowtow to me exactly, calls me three grandfathers.” “想活就给我磕头,叫我三声爷爷。” Grandfather, sibling's grandfather, good grandfather!” The youngster kowtow to continue. “爷爷,亲爷爷,好爷爷!”少年磕头不止。 Hahaha!” Zhu Ye laughs, said to that two Featherman Gu Master, Sir you have a look. Such did Human Race, how possibly defeat my big Beastman tribe?!” 哈哈哈!”朱爷大笑,对那两位羽民蛊师道,“大人你看看。这样的人族,怎可能战胜得了我大兽人部族呢?!” Rank 4 Featherman Gu Master speechless, must nod. 四转羽民蛊师一阵无语,只得点头。 That Rank 5 Gu Master, looked at a Human Race youngster actually, suddenly breaks silent, opens the mouth to ask: „Did the Human Race youngster, what you call?” 倒是那位五转蛊师,看了一眼人族少年,忽然打破沉默,开口问道:“人族的少年,你叫什么?” I, I and I called clever. I am cleverest, most is obedient, asking several Sirs do not eat me, do not eat me......” saying that unexpectedly was the tears tears exchange, spiritless. “我、我、我叫乖。我是最乖的,最听话的,求几位大人不要吃我,不要吃我啊……”说着,竟然是涕泪交流,懦弱至极。 Rank 5 Gu Master takes back the vision , to continue remains silent. 五转蛊师收回目光,继续保持沉默。 A Zhu Ye foot kicks to come up the youngster, happily orders saying: Gives me well, you are so clever, later arrived at the main city, Zhu Ye I have certainly sold a good price you, Hahaha!” 朱爷一脚将少年踢到地上去,得意地命令道:“给我好好跟着,你这么乖,待会到了主城,朱爷我一定把你卖出个好价钱,哈哈哈!” Yes, yes, yes, thanked Zhu Ye, thanked Zhu Ye!” Human Race youngster clever in reverential awe accordingly. “是,是,是,谢朱爷,谢朱爷!”人族少年乖诚惶诚恐地应声。 This, that Rank 4 Featherman Gu Master lost the interest to the Human Race youngster thoroughly. 这一下,那位四转羽民蛊师彻底对人族少年失去了兴趣。 But another Rank 5 Featherman, actually still concentrated on the vision on the youngster, he asked: I heard, recently your Human Race presented a rumor. In the rumor said that in Human Race will present a king, leads your Human Race, the achievement world hegemony, steps on major different race in the under foot. The name of this king, is called crazily. Has this rumor?” 另一位五转羽民,却仍旧将目光投注在少年身上,他问道:“我听说,最近你们人族出现了一个流言。流言中说,人族中将会出现一个王,带领你们人族,成就天下霸业,将各大异族都踩在脚下。这个王的名字,就叫做狂。有没有这个流言?” Does not need the youngster to reply, the Zhu Ye whip one pulls out, scratches the cheeks of youngster, the danger strategic place is pulling out to the ground. 不待少年回答,朱爷的鞭子一把抽过去,擦着少年的脸颊,险之又险地抽到地面上。 Zhu Ye bellows: Sir asked your words, you must tell the facts, dares to have half a word lies, ate you directly!” 朱爷大吼:“大人问你话,你要实话实说,敢有半句虚言,直接把你吃了!” That Human Race youngster frightens the body to tremble, in the surface does not have the blood-color, stammeringly said: Has, has this rumor. But, but, but I always do not believe......” 人族少年吓得身躯直颤,面上毫无血色,结结巴巴地道:“有,是有这个流言。但,但,但我从来是不信的……” „? Also really has this rumor. These Human Race skill few, pour really can expect. This is yellowbelly's performance. Ahahaha.” Zhu Ye laughs, disdains to this rumor. “啊?还真有这个流言啊。这些人族本事没有几个,倒真是能够奢望。这就是懦弱者的表现啊。啊哈哈哈。”朱爷大笑起来,对这个流言十分不屑。 The team continues to lead the way, all the way, pig Beastman flatters two Featherman Gu Master vigorously, inquired to Featherman Gu Master's, it may be said that knew the word to express oneself fully all. 队伍持续前行,一路上,猪头兽人极力巴结两位羽民蛊师,对羽民蛊师的提问,可谓知无不言言无不尽。 Quickly to limestone main city time, that Rank 5 Featherman Gu Master spoke finally: We walk one first.” 快到灰石主城的时候,那位五转羽民蛊师终于说话:“我们先走一步。” old vermilion was startled, hurriedly said: „Do two Sir this walk? Why not along with small enters city together, small is also the situation in familiar limestone main city, hoping is the two guide.” 老朱吃了一惊,忙道:“两位大人这就走吗?何不随小的一同入城,小的也算是熟悉灰石主城中的情况,愿为二位向导。” That Rank 5 Featherman Gu Master actually does not respond him, flies away directly. 那位五转羽民蛊师却不搭理他,径直飞走。 Rank 4 Featherman Gu Immortal, before actually just before leaving, smiled to old vermilion. 四转羽民蛊仙,倒是临走之前,对老朱笑了笑。 old vermilion stands on the vehicle, has gazed after two Featherman Gu Master to fly away, this has traded a quite complex expression, small has cut one, mumbled: Greatly what has, wasn't cultivation base is high? Entrains two five 80,000, Gu Master expert of my Beastman clan, must be much more than your Featherman!” 老朱站在车上,一直目送两位羽民蛊师飞走,这才换了一副颇为复杂的表情,小小的切了一声,嘟囔道:“有什么了不起的,不就是修为高了点吗?拽得二五八万,我兽人一族的蛊师强者,远比你们羽民要多得多!” Subsequently the intonation raises, in the hand the leather whip pulls out high: Has not walked quickly, your humble dirty Human Race slaves!” 继而声调一扬,手中皮鞭高高抽起来:“还不快走,你们这些低贱肮脏的人族奴隶!” old vermilion actually does not know, after that two Featherman Gu Master left the motorcade, dissipates the Gu Immortal aura from the body unexpectedly. 老朱却不知道,那两位羽民蛊师离开了车队之后,竟从身上逸散出蛊仙的气息来。 That originally Rank 5 Gu Master, reveals the Rank 7 aura at this moment, that Rank 4 Featherman, the judgment from the aura is Rank 6 cultivation base. 原本五转蛊师,此刻流露出七转气息,那位四转羽民,从气息上判断则是六转修为 Rank 7 Featherman Gu Immortal sighed: Sees slightly is knowing, Yun Lili, your also saw Beastman present situation. They were still arrogant, uncouthly, Human Race is increasingly formidable, they actually to the dangerous situation that the present race faces, looks but not see.” 七转羽民蛊仙叹道:“见微而知著,云理理,你也看到了兽人现在的情况。他们仍旧自大、粗鲁,人族日益强大,他们却对如今种族面临的危情,视而不见。” Yun Lili nods, the facial color is dignified: dan Sir, thinks below: The haughtiness of Beastman, is the long-standing history, after all they are the overlords between Heaven and Earth. However that old pig, is only the experience of Beastman floor, our this time met with Grey Stone City Lord, he is Gu Immortal, the vision must be higher.” 云理理点头,面色凝重:“郸大人,在下认为:兽人的狂傲,是由来已久的历史,毕竟他们一直都是天地间的霸主。不过那头老猪,只是兽人底层的见识,我们这一次会见灰石城主,他是蛊仙,眼界应当更高的。” Hope so. Now Central Continent fell to the enemy, Heavenly Court establishes, dominates Central Continent horizontally. The Human Race situation, gradually got up. Our major different race must collaborate, has not emerged Rank 9 Gu Venerable while Human Race, suppresses Human Race. Otherwise, once presents Rank 9 Gu Venerable again, that result is inconceivable!” Rank 7 Featherman Gu Immortal dan depressed is heavyhearted. “希望如此罢。如今中洲已经失陷,天庭建立,横霸中洲人族的大势,已经渐起。我们各大异族必须联手起来,趁着人族中没有涌现出九转蛊尊,将人族打压下去。否则的话,一旦再出现一位九转蛊尊,那结果不堪设想!”七转羽民蛊仙沉郁忧心忡忡。 Mentioned Rank 9 Gu Venerable, the Yun Lili also involuntarily heart sinks. 一提到九转蛊尊,云理理不由地心头一沉。 He gets hold of the double fist: How only to have Human Race, can emerge existence of Rank 9? In our nonhuman history, does not have a appearance throughout!” 他握紧双拳:“怎么唯有人族,能涌现九转的存在?我们异人历史上,却始终没有一个出现!” Oh...... Gu are the true essences of Heaven and Earth, the artificial highest of all creatures, these words are not false. This intelligence, Beastman will sometimes be mistaken spiritlessly, like just that common Human Race youngster. His feel wronged seeks livehood, knows the onset and retreat, is this not just the intelligence performance? For this reason, he traded the opportunity of precious survival. So long as survives, will be hopeful, isn't that so?” dan depressed said. “唉……蛊是天地真精,人为万物之灵,这句话不假。这种灵性,兽人有时候会误以为懦弱,就像刚刚的那个普通人族少年。他委屈求生,知晓进退,这不正是灵性的表现吗?正因如此,他换来了宝贵的生存的机会。而只要生存下去,就会有希望,不是吗?”郸沉郁道。 Yun Lili nods, what he cares is another topic: Prediction about Human Race crazy king, was in flood now in the Human Race floor. If presents a Human Race crazy king, whether he is dan Sir you calculates, fourth Venerable that Human Race is going born?” 云理理点头,他更关心的是另外一个话题:“关于人族狂王的预言,如今已经泛滥到了人族底层中去了。若真的出现一位人族的狂王,他是否就是郸大人你推算出的,人族将要诞生的第四位尊者呢?” dan depressed thinks, hesitates saying: Has such possibility. The source of this prediction, is Human Race Rank 8 Wisdom Dao Great Expert abandons thinks of the immortal. This person of strength deep and unmeasurable, once by the Human Race Gu Immortal recognition was Wisdom Dao first, he was near before death, even inherited Constellation Immortal Venerable True Inheritance. However luckily, our different race Gu Immortal already obtained the information, collaborates to attack, did not count the sacrifice, encircled this person finally successfully kills. Otherwise, is keeping this person in Human Race, does not know will stir many wind and cloud, gives I and other different race brought many loss.” 沉郁想了想,沉吟道:“有这样的可能。这个预言的源头,乃是人族八转智道大能弃思仙。此人实力深不可测,曾经一度被人族蛊仙公认为智道第一,他在临死之前,甚至继承了星宿仙尊真传。不过幸好,我们异族蛊仙早就得到情报,联手出击,不计牺牲,终是将此人成功围杀。否则的话,留着此人在人族内部,不知会搅起多少的风云,给我等异族带来多少的损失。” Yun Lili hearing that, the facial color is dignified: We following, must pay close attention to the appearance of crazy king.” 云理理闻言,面色凝重:“那我们接下来,要密切关注狂王的出现了。” Un, Gu Venerable has not grown, has the possibility of ahead of time strangling. We may also from another angle depart, detect Human Race Gu Venerable ahead of time.” “嗯,蛊尊没有成长起来,就有着提前扼杀的可能。我们还可从另外一个角度出发,提前发觉人族蛊尊。” In the each generation Gu Venerable growth course, the common grounds, that has person of the Dao Protector. Dao Protector cultivation base is often excellent, keeps out wind and rain for young Gu Venerable. If the crazy king appears, and his side has the Dao Protector role, that extremely may be future Gu Venerable.” 每一代蛊尊的成长历程中,都有一个共同点,那就是拥有一个护道之人。护道人修为往往高超,为年轻的蛊尊遮风挡雨。若狂王出现,并且他的身边拥有护道人似的角色,那极可能就是未来的蛊尊了。” dan depressed said here, then stopped talking. 沉郁说道这里,便住了口。 Because of Beastman Gu Immortal Grey Stone City Lord, came out ahead of time, greets them. 因为兽人蛊仙灰石城主,已经提前出来,迎接他们。 Three Gu Immortals meet, the distance outside Grey Stone City is less than ten li (0.5 km) place, one slaughtered had ended. 位蛊仙见面的时候,在灰石城外距离不到十里的地方,一场屠戮已经结束了。 Before savage Beastman Gu Masters, already a casualty piece, only then old vermilion and others extremely individual Gu Master expert, were defending at risk of life. 之前凶残的兽人蛊师们,已经死伤一片,只有老朱等极个别的蛊师强者,正在拼死防守。 Their enemy only have one. 他们的敌人只有一个 This is a young Human Race youngster, the heavy features, robust. 这是一个年轻的人族少年,浓眉大眼,虎头虎脑。 old vermilion and the others were actually afraid the pinnacle, stammeringly exclaimed: You, you are the Human Race soldier barbarian! You, you dare to go down to my Beastman tribe center unexpectedly, intercepts the motorcade outside Grey Stone City?!” 老朱等人却害怕到了极致,结结巴巴地吼道:“你,你是人族的战士蛮!你,你居然敢深入我兽人部族的腹地,在灰石城外截杀车队?!” What does this have?” Unemotionally, takes the footsteps, must approach. “这有什么?”蛮面无表情,迈出脚步,就要逼近。 In him behind, by the Human Race slaves who he rescues, cried out to cheer for him all. 在他身后,被他解救的人族奴隶们,无不为他呐喊欢呼。 But at this moment, rides Beastman Gu Master of wolf to appear suddenly, and raids fast. 但就在这时,一支骑着狼的兽人蛊师陡然出现,并且快速袭来。 Frowned. 蛮皱起眉头。 Brings these Human Race to walk, absolutely does not have the issue, but old vermilion, the there is still one Human Race youngster had not been saved by him. 带这些人族走,完全没有问题,但是老朱的身后,还有一个人族少年没有被他拯救。 His behind these Human Race were flustered. 他身后的那些人族慌张了。 „, We walk quickly.” “蛮,我们快走吧。” Do not save him, his life, our over a hundred lives!” “不要救他了,他一条命,我们这里上百条命啊!” That youngster is clever, is a thief, is not the people in our village, steals our things.” “那个少年乖,是个小偷,不是我们本村的人,偷我们的东西。” Right, but also fawns and obsequiouss, before knelt in the Beastman Gu Master's under foot, likely was a dog!” “没错,还摇尾乞怜,之前跪在兽人蛊师的脚下,像是一条狗!” The Human Race captives yelled and curse. 人族俘虏们大叫、咒骂。 coldly snorted, glanced old Zhu's youngster one eyes, is having the loathing: Coward!” 冷哼一声,瞟了老朱身边的少年一眼,带着厌恶:“懦夫!” Then, he turns around then to walk. 然后,他转身便走。 The Human Race captives follow. 人族俘虏们紧随其后。 old vermilion and other remnants, do not dare to pursue completely. 老朱等残兵败将,完全不敢追击。 Only can looks at have his wealth, evacuates rapidly, looks at Grey Stone City Beastman elite Gu Masters, is riding the wicked wolf, chases down. 只能看着蛮带着他的财富,迅速地撤离,又看着灰石城兽人精锐蛊师们,骑乘着恶狼,追杀过去。 Hateful, this time lost in a big way!” “可恶,这次损失大了!” Does business at a loss, Zhu Ye I must owe!!” “赔本,朱爷我要亏死了!!” How only remaining your this gadget? You are only a person, how much money can I sell?” “怎么只剩下你这个玩意儿?你只是一个人,我能卖多少钱?” Recovers, old vermilion looks at Human Race youngster to be clever, Murderous Qi overflows, flustered and exasperated. 回过神来,老朱望着身边的人族少年乖,杀气四溢,气急败坏 Reckless Biography 2 狂蛮传2 „Did his paternal grandmother's barbarian, such walk unexpectedly really?! Young masters I also here!” “他奶奶的蛮,居然真的就这么走了?!小爷我还在这里呢!” Any gadget, fortunately such big reputation. Unexpectedly sees somebody in danger and does nothing! Threw down the young master really I.” “什么玩意儿,亏得这么大的名声。居然见死不救!真的丢下小爷我了。” Looks the Human Race slave who is leading to be rescued to depart rapidly, Human Race youngster clever extremely disappointed, was shouting abuse at heart. 望着蛮带领着被解救下来的人族奴隶迅速离去,人族少年乖极其失望,在心里破口大骂。 The black pig person Zhu Ye mood is very awful. 黑头猪人朱爷的心情很是糟糕。 His this time has taken huge risk, the investment is also very significant, this has looted a Human Race village, catches these many slaves. From afar hurries back to the limestone main city, has not thought that must go to the city, was actually destroyed by Human Race Brave Warrior, has rescued almost all Human Race slaves, only remaining clever people. 这一次冒了巨大的风险,投入也十分重大,这才洗劫了一个人族村庄,抓来这么多的奴隶。千里迢迢地赶回灰石主城,没想到就要到城里,却被人族勇士蛮破坏,解救了几乎所有的人族奴隶,只剩下乖一人。 Father time may owe in a big way!” “老子这次可亏大了!” This damn barbarian, bad father's good deed!” “这个该死的蛮,坏老子的好事!” Father labor, buckle did many experts, fall a Human Race youngster in the end?” “老子这次辛辛苦苦,折损了不少好手,到头来就落了一个人族少年?” Zhu Ye both eyes are red, is staring stubbornly clever, in the upturned nose breathes heavily. 朱爷双眼通红,死死地瞪着乖,朝天鼻中喘着粗气。 Must die, must die!” The clever heart jumps greatly, realized own situation is not quite wonderful. Beastman is fierce, once goes crazy is quite fearful. Present pig Beastman obviously is flustered and exasperated, might give vent to indignation with him, will eat uncooked him! “要死,要死!”乖心头大跳,意识到自家处境相当不妙。兽人悍勇,一旦发起疯来极为可怕。眼前的猪头兽人明显是气急败坏,真的有可能会拿他来泄愤,将他生吃! Zhu Ye, Zhu Ye!” Beckons with the hand clever hastily, do not worry, do not worry. I have the method, can make your this time gain one greatly, will not lose money.” 朱爷,朱爷!”乖连忙摆手,“不要着急,不要着急。我有法子,能让你这一次大赚一笔,绝不会亏损。” Un?” Zhu Ye listened to this saying, suddenly to raise the brow. “嗯?”朱爷听了这话,猛地扬起眉头。 Sees Zhu Ye to be interested clever , to continue to say hastily: „The Grey Stone City Lord favored daughter was not a weird disease, year to year was ill abed? I have the method to save her.” 乖见到朱爷有兴趣,连忙继续道:“灰石城主的爱女不是得了一种怪病,常年卧床不起吗?我有法子能够救她。” . 啪。 Just said clever, Zhu Ye puts out a hand is a palm of the hand, hits on the clever cheeks, hits to fly this stature emaciated Human Race youngster, then falls falls to more than ten outside ground. 乖刚刚说完,朱爷伸手就是一巴掌,打在乖的脸颊上,把这个身材瘦弱的人族少年打得飞起,然后摔落到十几步外的地上。 Falls down clever, first is open mouth spits, puts out a big blood, mixes with more than ten teeth, then felt that the cheeks are numb, ears buzzes. Quick, after being numb, is the severe pain raids, making him hurt sees stars, sucks in the cold air/Qi. 乖倒在地上,先是张口一吐,吐出一大口血来,夹杂十多颗牙齿,然后感觉到脸颊酥麻,双耳嗡嗡作响。很快,麻木之后是剧痛袭来,让他疼得眼冒金星,倒抽冷气。 Clever ear bank resounds the low roar of Zhu Ye: You looked at father to meet misfortune, can want to play tricks on father? The young animals, my Zhu Ye so is good to cheat?” 乖的耳畔响起朱爷的低吼:“你是不是看老子落难了,也敢想来戏弄老子一把?小崽子,我朱爷是那么好哄骗的么?” Clever is certainly deceiving, he wants to stand firm this group of Beastman Gu Master first. 乖当然是在骗,他想要先稳住这帮兽人蛊师 On road that was sent under escort, he hears the talk between Beastman Gu Master, had known Grey Stone City Lord favored daughter weird disease matter, this had this excuse. 在被押解过来的路上,他听到兽人蛊师之间的谈话,得知了灰石城主爱女怪病的事情,这才有了这个借口。 Regarding clever, does not deceive not to have the means. 对于乖而言,不骗没有办法啊。 Does not stand firm Beastman Gu Master that these must go crazy hot tempered, his almost a moment later must be eaten uncooked the minute to eat. He must stand firm these arbitrary fierce and brutal Beastman temporarily. 不稳住这些要暴躁发狂的兽人蛊师,他几乎下一刻就要被生吃分食了。他必须暂时稳住这些蛮横凶暴的兽人 As for present?” In the clever heart sighs woefully, walks one step is.” “至于今后?”乖心中哀叹,“走一步算一步吧。” Crawls clever hastily, in the mouth yelled: Zhu Ye! If I deceive you am not a person, is bullshit, may heaven strike me with lightening five times! I have the confidence to cure the city lord daughter. You have killed me, completely is your loss!” 乖连忙爬起,口中大叫:“朱爷!我若骗你就不是人,就是狗屎,天打五雷轰!我是真的有信心可以治好城主的女儿。你杀了我,完全是你的损失!” The clever manner instead gets tough. 乖的态度反而强硬起来。 This makes Zhu Ye somewhat scruple but actually. 这点倒让朱爷有些迟疑。 He narrows both eyes, is staring clever, the mouthful fang is pulling out the cold air/Qi: Hehe, city lord favored daughter's weird disease, that is including Gu Immortals take action does not have the means solution. Your trivial mortal, Gu Master is not, did you tell the father you to have the means to cure her? When you Zhu Ye I am silly?” 他眯起双眼,盯着乖,满嘴的獠牙抽着冷气:“呵呵,城主爱女的怪病,那是连蛊仙出手都没有办法解决的。你区区一个凡人,连蛊师都不是,你告诉老子你有办法治好她?你当朱爷我是傻的?” Clever stamps the feet ruthlessly: At this moment, I am also open about the facts you. I had the fortuitous encounter in childhood, has eaten a mushroom, that is genuine Heaven and Earth Treasure! Since having eaten it, whenever I not get sick without the wound, is extremely healthy, Essence, Qi and Spirit full time, own blood can treat the weird disease.” 乖狠狠一跺脚:“事到如今,我也不瞒你们。我小时候有过奇遇,吃过一株蘑菇,那是货真价实天材地宝!自从吃了它之后,每当我无病无伤,极其健康,精气神足的时候,自身血液就能够治疗怪病。” „?” “哦?” This matter?” “还有这种事?” Heaven and Earth Treasure, is don't tell me immortal materials?” 天材地宝,难道仙材?” Zhu Ye has not spoken, but other Beastman Gu Master both eyes shine entirely, even inquired Zhu Ye: Leader, we simply ate this boy. He has eaten immortal materials, we have eaten him again, perhaps we can promoted immortal!” 朱爷没有说话,但其他的兽人蛊师统统双眼发亮,有一位甚至询问朱爷:“头领,我们干脆将这小子吃了。他吃了仙材,我们再吃了他,说不定我们就能升仙了!” nonsense!” The Zhu Ye short of breath, taps the head of proponent ruthlessly, your person who is all brawn and no brains. If eats immortal materials to be able promoted immortal, that Gu Immortal already the full avenue ran.” 放屁!”朱爷气急,狠狠地一拍建议者的脑袋,“你个夯货。要是吃一株仙材就能升仙,那蛊仙早就满大街跑了。” Sees Zhu Ye such manner clever, immediately relaxed, in heart gratified: This Beastman leader has experience. 乖看到朱爷这样的态度,顿时松了一口气,心中欣慰:这兽人头领到底是有见识的。 But the quick, clever heart is one tight, all because Zhu Ye questioned once again, asked: If you have eaten immortal materials, you haven't died? Can the immortal materials can it be that mortal enjoy? Especially you Gu Master are not!” 但很快,乖的心又是一紧,皆因朱爷再度质疑,问道:“如果你吃了仙材,你怎么没死?仙材岂是凡人能够消受得起的?尤其是你连蛊师都不是!” Clever inspires consciousness hastily, explained: „The Zhu Ye bright mirror, the boy I at that time was also a narrow escape. That mushroom swallows, at that time was sore suffering extreme distress, everywhere swayed back and forth, has fainted directly. The stupor seven days and six nights, this regained consciousness.” 乖连忙强振精神,解释道:“朱爷明鉴,小子我当时也是九死一生。那蘑菇入肚,当时就是疼的死去活来,满地打滚,直接晕了过去。足足昏迷了七天六夜,这才苏醒的。” Zhu Ye coldly snorted , to continue to question: You, since the stupor for a long time, how hadn't been eaten by wilderness ferocious beast?” 朱爷冷哼一声,继续质疑:“你既然昏迷了这么长时间,怎么没有被野外猛兽吃掉?” Replied clever immediately: Is open about the facts Zhu Ye, after I wake up, discovered that kakidrosis, the foul odor smokes the day, oneself were smoked directly spits. Afterward recalled, perhaps was this odor has protected me.” 乖立即回答:“不瞒朱爷,我醒来后发现一身臭汗,恶气熏天,自己直接被熏吐了。事后回想,恐怕就是这层恶臭保护了我。” Zhu Ye listened to this narration, heart can't help but to move, mused: This a little similarly washes essence to cut down the appearance of marrow but actually.” 朱爷听了这番叙述,心头不禁一动,暗想:“这倒有点类似洗精伐髓的样子。” Other Beastman Gu Master looks at are dull clever, has believed most probably, but Zhu Ye still did not have. 其他的兽人蛊师呆愣楞地看着乖,大半都已相信,但朱爷仍旧没有。 He arrives at the clever front, bends body squats down, twists the soils of some seepage blood on the ground, before putting the nose, smelled. 他走到乖的面前,屈身蹲下,在地上捻起一些渗透鲜血的泥土,放到鼻子前闻了闻。 Also let alone, has exotic fragrance, vague. 还别说,真的有一股异香,若有若无。 Closely is staring at Zhu Ye clever, a facial expression change on Zhu Ye face maps his view, will not let off easily. 乖紧紧地盯着朱爷,朱爷脸上的一丝神情变化都映入他的眼帘,不会被轻易放过。 Clever all scatters this lying, naturally is not but carelessly is, there is a capital. 乖之所有撒这个谎,当然不是胡乱而为,也有资本。 He indeed has the fortuitous encounter, once had witnessed the birth of one Gu Insect in wilderness. While this Gu Insect just newborn, is incapable of taking off, clever immediately extends both hands, its cage in own palm. 他的确有过奇遇,曾经在野外见证了一只蛊虫的诞生。趁着这只蛊虫刚刚新生,无力起飞,乖就立即伸出双手,将其笼在自己的手心里。 Finally, when he opens both hands to look again, Gu insect in palm vanished inexplicably. But after this, his blood is bringing exotic fragrance. 结果,等到他张开双手再瞧,手心里的蛊虫已经莫名消失。但从此之后,他的血液就带着一股异香。 Walks in wilderness, so long as had the wound clever, the blood contacted air, will send out the exotic fragrance, provokes the mosquito bite extremely. 走在野外,只要乖有了伤口,血液接触到了空气,就会散发异香,极其招惹蚊虫叮咬。 In addition, again did not have other effects. 除此之外,就再无其他功效了。 How you knew that your blood, can treat the weird disease?” The Zhu Ye silent moment , to continue to inquire. “你怎么晓得你的血,能够治疗怪病?”朱爷沉默片刻,继续询问。 Replied clever hastily: Zhu Ye, that is a several years later accident/surprise. Village has contracted plague, the person in village seems the mad dog, sees the person to nip. My too late to dodge, was nipped by many people, own blood also falls into the mouths of these people. Finally after several days, these people were unexpectedly good.” 乖连忙答道:“朱爷,那是好几年后的一场意外。有一个村子得了瘟疫,全村的人好似疯狗,见人就咬。我躲闪不及,被许多人咬中,自身鲜血也就落入这些人的口中。结果过了几天,这些人居然就好了。” One time, had Human Race Gu Master to have the weird disease, the whole face black spot, suffocated. I run into him in wilderness, tries with own blood, accidentally saved unexpectedly him.” “还有一次,有个人族蛊师得了怪病,满脸黑斑,奄奄一息。我在野外遇到他,用自己的鲜血试了试,竟意外地把他救下来了。” „? Do you have the relations with Human Race Gu Master?” Zhu Ye holds a detail to launch an attack keenly. “哦?你还和人族蛊师有关系?”朱爷敏锐地抓住一个细节发难。 But the clever response is extremely sensitive, adds directly: Hi, that person of to forget favors and violate justice. My originally also counted on that his leaking point advantage to me, has not thought he imprisons me, every day lets blood, daily studies. As a result, my blood must, when my condition is complete, has the curative effect. And is unhelpful regarding the common injury, is only effective to the doubts or problems in world. Any reason, I do not know specifically, that mushroom also only then, but also was eaten by me.” 但乖反应极其灵敏,直接补充道:“嗨,那人忘恩负义。我原本也指望他漏点好处给我,没想到他把我囚禁起来,每天放血,天天研究。结果发现,我的血必须在我状态完好的时候,才有疗效。并且对于寻常伤势都无帮助,只对世间的疑难杂症有效。具体什么原因,我也不知道,那蘑菇也只有一株,还被我吃了。” Zhu Ye continues to create obstacles: „Since you fall into Gu Master, how also to run away?” 朱爷继续刁难:“既然你落入蛊师之后,又怎么逃了出来?” Sighed clever: That is an accident/surprise, has the enemy to ask him to trouble, I then......” 乖叹息一声:“那是一场意外,有对头来找他麻烦,我便……” The clever detailed narration, has made up good one string of stories at the scene, confuses falsehood with the truth. Zhu Ye is also widely traveled, the experience is rich, at times inquired repeatedly. The result is clever, although is not Gu Master, but resourceful extraordinary, leakproof flaw, and all sorts of detail vivid and lifelike, as if personally experience. Perhaps is he knows that oneself is at the crucial moment, stimulated the potential in life, in brief Zhu Ye was cheated really gradually. 乖详细叙述,当场编了好一串故事,以假乱真。朱爷也算是走南闯北,经验丰富,时时反复提问。结果乖虽然不是蛊师,但机敏非凡,毫不漏破绽,并且种种细节栩栩如生,仿佛亲身经历。或许是他知道自己是处在生死关头,激发了生命中的潜能,总之朱爷真的被渐渐哄骗住了。 Boy, you, if deceives me, the treatment failure, making Zhu Ye I lose face. I cramped to skin you, pull out the bone to feed the dog!” The Zhu Ye evil report threat said. “小子,你要是骗我,治疗失败,让朱爷我丢了脸面。我就把你抽筋扒皮,抽了骨头喂狗!”朱爷恶声威胁道。 Shouted clever hastily: Where I dare, Zhu Ye! I do not dare to deceive you, gives me 100 courage I not to dare.” 乖连忙大喊:“我哪敢啊,朱爷!我可不敢欺骗您,给我100个胆子我都不敢啊。” That walks, returns to the main city.” Zhu Ye turns head, starting to walk step. “那就走吧,回主城。”朱爷扭头,迈开步伐。 Walks!” Two Beastman Gu Masters arrive at the clever back, pushes and shoves the clever back ruthlessly. “走!”有两位兽人蛊师们来到乖的背后,其中一位狠狠地推搡乖的后背。 Clever staggers, almost falls down. 乖一个趔趄,差点摔倒在地。 He shouted hastily: Zhu Ye, Zhu Ye.” 他连忙大喊:“朱爷,朱爷。” Zhu Ye turns head, frowns to stare clever, in the eye is glittering the dangerous light. 朱爷扭头,皱着眉头盯着乖,眼中闪烁着危险的光。 Reveals smiling that flatters to flatter clever, both hands make a fist to ask for mercy: Zhu Ye, I could not get away, I want to go by car.” 乖露出讨好谄媚的笑,双手握拳告饶道:“朱爷,我走不了了,我想坐车。” Un?” Zhu Ye raises the brow, has such moment, he suspected that oneself misunderstood. “嗯?”朱爷扬起眉头,有这么一刻,他怀疑自己是不是听错了。 But continues to say clever: „It is not, Zhu Ye, do not misunderstand. I to hello, your think about it, I the condition be also full, the blood has the curative effect. If I hurry to the main city on foot, only feared that in the halfway must die of exhaustion. Zhu Ye, Zhu Ye, I most want to cure the city lord favored daughter, my courage is small, but also wants to live, I do not want to be eaten by you.” 但乖继续道:“不是,朱爷,您千万别误会。我也是为了您好啊,您想想看,我得状态饱满,血液才有疗效。我若是徒步赶去主城,只怕半路上就要累死掉了。朱爷,朱爷,我最想治好城主爱女了,我胆子小,还想活,我可不想被你们吃了啊。” Zhu Ye long time, this coldly snorted, turns head to take a step silent, throws down a few words: Leads him to board.” 朱爷沉默良久,这才冷哼一声,扭头迈步,丢下一句话:“带他上车。”
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