DG :: Volume #5 魔王雄霸

#1846: Lifetime tragedy!

In this period, Wu Shuai special intention rotated Southern Splendid Island. 期间,吴帅特意回转南华岛 Tai Qin lived finally! 泰琴终于生了! „Between both of us had extension of bloodline finally! Tai Qin, was laborious you.” Wu Shuai hugs baby who was just born, transferred happily several. “我们俩之间终于有了血脉的延续!泰琴,辛苦你了。”吴帅抱着刚出生的婴孩,高兴地转了好几圈。 Afterward, his cautiously places on the baby the bed, Tai Qin side. 随后,他小心翼翼地将婴儿放在床上,泰琴的身边。 After he feels attached to looks at just produced, weak Tai Qin, the vision is gentle. 他爱怜地看着刚刚生产后虚弱的泰琴,目光温柔无比。 You said, what name give to the child to well?” Tai Qin is smiling, has been full of the maternal brilliance. “你说,给孩子取个什么名字为好呢?”泰琴微笑着,充满了母性的光辉。 I look at this child pair of big eyes, nimble and resourceful extraordinary, might as well called him Dragon Spirit.” Wu Shuai said. “我看这孩子一双大眼,灵动非凡,不妨就叫他龙灵吧。”吴帅道。 Tai Qin nods: Dragon Spirit and Dragon Spirit, is a good name.” 泰琴点点头:“龙灵龙灵,是个好名字呢。” The birth of son Dragon Spirit, making Wu Shuai very happy, but he also perceived that the shoulder was shouldering a bigger responsibility. 儿子龙灵的出生,令吴帅非常的高兴,但同时他也觉察到肩头担负着更大的责任。 Huang Wei and my fathers.” 黄维、我父都已经去了。” My side remaining Junior Sister Tai Qin, now, has only increased my son.” “我的身边只剩下了师妹泰琴,现在,增添了我的儿子。” I must to a Tai Qin status, probably to my child a bright future, not make him live in being intensively discriminated the environment. I must make him open and aboveboard, sticks out chest, is living by a Dragonoid status, is living proud!” “我要给泰琴一个名分,更要给我的孩子一个光明的未来,不让他生活在饱受歧视的环境里。我要让他堂堂正正,挺起胸膛,以一个龙人身份活着,骄傲地活着!” The responsibility in heart is supervising him, Southern Splendid Island has rested several days later, Wu Shuai then in a hurry starts off, walks randomly Five Regions and Two Heavens, collects Dream Dao immortal materials. 心中的责任督促着他,在南华岛休息了几天后,吴帅便又匆匆上路,游走五域两天,收集梦道仙材 The refining Such As Dream Decree Immortal Gu process, is mysterious. 炼制如梦令仙蛊的过程,非常玄妙。 All carry on his sleep. 一切都是在他的睡梦中进行。 With immortal materials refine, Such As Dream Decree Immortal Gu welcomed the final important pass finally. 伴随着一份份仙材炼化,如梦令仙蛊终于迎来最后的关口。 This?!” Wu Shuai incomparable shock. “这?!”吴帅无比震惊。 The dreamland brings the final inspiration, actually wanted him to sacrifice Tai Qin, only then she sacrificed voluntarily, offered sacrifices with the life, can complete the Such As Dream Decree last step. 梦境带来最后的启迪,竟然是要他牺牲泰琴,只有她自愿牺牲,用生命献祭,才能完成如梦令的最后一步。 No, I cannot such do absolutely!!!” Wu Shuai fully suffered the attack, the face whiten, cannot accept such enlightenment. “不,我绝对不能这么做!!!”吴帅饱受打击,脸色苍白,不能接受这样的启示。 First even/including several days he is absent-minded, flutters in Immemorial White Heaven just like the wandering soul at will. 一连几日他恍惚无神,宛若游魂般在太古白天中随意飘荡。 Until he has encountered Immemorial Desolate Beast, and was nearly killed by it, his then suddenly awakens. 直到他遭遇了一头太古荒兽,并险些被它杀死,他这才猛地惊醒过来。 He has killed this Immemorial Desolate Beast, but was still worried, because he could not find solution. 他打杀了这头太古荒兽,但仍旧非常苦恼,因为他找不到解决的办法。 don't tell me must sacrifice Junior Sister really! No, this is not absolutely feasible.” 难道真的要牺牲师妹!不,这绝对不可行。” Certainly also has other means that certainly also has!” “一定还有其他的办法,一定还有!” Wu Shuai decides to stop the plan of refining Such As Dream Decree temporarily, he wants to obtain many inspirations from the dreamland. 吴帅决定暂时中止炼制如梦令的计划,他想要从梦境中得到更多的启迪。 Next evening, the dreamland takes to his recent enlightenment. 第二天晚上,梦境带给他新的启示。 Does this enlightenment enable his incomparably frightened-- Duke Long Old Ancestor to grasp unexpectedly is exterminating Immortal Realm Ultimate Move of my Dragonoid clan?! And Duke Long had many times intent to move, wants to urge this ultimate move.” 这条启示让他无比惊悚龙公老祖宗竟是掌握着灭绝我龙人一族的仙道杀招?!并且龙公已经有多次意动,想要驱使这个杀招。” Although he extremely trusted oneself dream to open now, but this news is really shocking, making him unbelievable. 尽管他现在已经极为信任自己的梦启,但是这个消息实在是耸人听闻,让他难以置信。 He ponders the long time, returns to Central Continent absolutely first, verifies the truth. 他沉思半晌,绝对先回归中洲,查明真相。 Wu Shuai has spent the massive time and energy, comes refining Such As Dream Decree Immortal Gu, during this period, the Central Continent undercurrent is turbulent, Duke Long and conflict between Red Lotus this pair of master and disciple, is fiercer. 吴帅花费了大量的时间、精力,来炼制如梦令仙蛊,在这期间,中洲暗流汹涌,龙公红莲这对师徒间的矛盾冲突,越加剧烈。 Because of the father's of Wu Shuai death, Heavenly Court has to him suspected, but Duke Long was still actually trusting him. 因为吴帅之父的死,天庭对他有许多怀疑,但是龙公却仍旧信任着他。 Wu Shuai mobilizes strength that all can mobilize, does utmost to investigate this matter. 吴帅调动所有能调动的力量,竭尽全力调查此事。 Meanwhile, the dreamland also takes to him many inspirations. 与此同时,梦境也带给他更多的启迪。 With help that the dream opens, Wu Shuai obtains more and more clues. These clues confirmed all correctness that the beforehand dream opens, even Wu Shuai also grasped this key ultimate move name-- Dragonoid's Nirvana! 在梦启的帮助下,吴帅得到越来越多的线索。这些线索无不证实了之前梦启的正确,甚至吴帅还掌握了这个关键杀招的名称龙人寂灭 Initially, Duke Long founded the Dragonoid life prolonging method, built Dragonoid. Dragonoid are getting more and more, gradually develops, had a Dragonoid clan.” “当初,龙公开创了龙人延寿法,打造出了龙人龙人越来越多,逐渐发展,才有了龙人一族。” Duke Long is the ancestor of Dragonoid, the source of race, founds at the beginning of the Dragonoid race, he left room for maneuver, is Dragonoid's Nirvana ultimate move.” 龙公乃是龙人之祖,种族的源头,开创龙人种族之初,他就留了后手,就是龙人寂灭杀招。” So long as this move urges, Dragonoid all self-exploding in world will perish, not escapes by luck certainly!” “只要此招一催,世间的龙人就会全都自爆而亡,绝无幸免!” And Duke Long already wants to stimulate to movement this ultimate move, but postpones as a result of the meaning of constellation. Old Ancestor you are quite ruthless! You were too cruel-hearted!” “并且龙公早已经想要催动这个杀招,只是由于星宿之意而暂缓。老祖宗你好狠!你真的太狠心了!” Wu Shuai ice-cold, helpless, anxious and angry! 吴帅冰冷、无奈、惶急、愤怒! All sorts of efforts of his past, a prosperity of Dragonoid clan, in front of this ultimate move, was a joke, real incomparably illusory bubble! 他以往的种种努力,龙人一族的兴盛,在这个杀招面前,就是一个笑话,一个真实的又无比虚幻的泡影! What to do should I?” “我该怎么办?” Wu Shuai face upwards to cry loudly without tears, not having the means may think. 吴帅仰天干嚎,毫无办法可想。 Was right, I have dreamland!” Suddenly, his remember, in his eye jumps projects the hope the brilliance, straw that he also has last life-saving. “对了,我有梦境!”忽然间,他想起来,他的眼中迸射出希望的光辉,他还有最后一根救命的稻草。 That night, scene returned to of dreamland several years ago. 当天晚上,梦境的情景回到了几年前。 The dream opens about Such As Dream Decree Immortal Gu. 梦启是关于如梦令仙蛊的。 The refining Such As Dream Decree Immortal Gu last step, must make Tai Qin devote. 炼制如梦令仙蛊的最后一步,就是要让泰琴献身。 The dreamland inspires Wu Shuai, to cope with Dragonoid's Nirvana, first refining up Such As Dream Decree Immortal Gu! 梦境启示吴帅,要想对付龙人寂灭,就得先炼出如梦令仙蛊 Wu Shuai awakens from the dream, in the jet black night, he sobs, is quietly. 吴帅从梦中惊醒,漆黑的深夜里,他哭泣,悄无声息。 His stupidly is looking at lover, woman-- Tai Qin that he loves his entire life. 呆呆地望着身边的爱人,他一生挚爱的女人泰琴 Tai Qin originally is sleeping soundly, seems has induced, she opens both eyes, is seeing the Wu Shuai sad facial expression. 泰琴原本正在熟睡,好似有所感应,她睁开双眼,正看见吴帅悲伤至极的神情。 How?” Tai Qin grasps Wu Shuai gently hastily. “怎么了?”泰琴连忙将吴帅温柔地抱住。 Wu Shuai also grasps her, grasps her stubbornly. He so makes an effort, but never has such moment, he felt oneself are so weakly is incapable! 吴帅也抱住她,死死地抱住她。他是如此用力,但从未有这么一刻,他又感觉自己是如此的虚弱无力! Wu Shuai has to inform Tai Qin the truth. 吴帅不得不将实情告知了泰琴 Tai Qin accepts quickly, she uses the tepid the palm to touch the cheeks of Wu Shuai, says with a smile: Originally is this, my Senior Brother. I love you, is willing to sacrifice all for you, even if my life. This does not have anything at the worst, but my this besides you, there is still one worries for a lifetime, that is our children.” 泰琴很快就接受过来,她用温热的手掌抚摸着吴帅的脸颊,微笑着道:“原来是这样啊,我的师哥。我爱你,愿意为你牺牲一切,哪怕是我的生命。这没有什么大不了的,但是我这一辈子除了你之外,还有一个牵挂,那就是我们的孩子。” „After I died, please certain, must foster, cultivates me child. Promises me?” “我死后,请你一定,一定要抚养好,栽培出我的的孩子。答应我,好吗?” I promise you, with my life, with my dignity, promises you with all my!” Wu Shuai sheds bitter tears, sad. “我答应你,用我的生命,用我尊严,用我的一切答应你!”吴帅痛哭流涕,悲伤至极。 Such As Dream Decree refine. 如梦令炼成了。 Afterward, Rank 8 level Dragon Palace also built. 随后,八转级数龙宫也搭建出了出来。 After completing, Wu Shuai year to year lives in inside, he often wanders in the pavilion column, from time to time is stroking the wall courtyard column. He was fantasizing can feel the pleasant warmth of Tai Qin, what however he obtains is only Immortal Gu Home ice-cold. 建成之后,吴帅就常年居住在里面,他时常徘徊在亭栏之中,时而抚摸着墙壁庭柱。他幻想着能感受到泰琴的温软,然而他得到的只是仙蛊屋本身的冰冷 He and Tai Qin child grows up gradually, sometimes will ask him: „Did father, where my mother go to? How to have come back?” 他和泰琴的孩子渐渐长大,有时候会问他:“父亲,我的娘亲去了哪里了?怎么还没有回来啊?” each time asked like this, the Wu Shuai then feeling is an iron spear/gun, pokes in own heart, pokes the dripping with blood. 每一次这样问,吴帅便感觉是一根铁枪,戳在自己的心头,戳得自己鲜血淋漓。 each time, he will squat down, the son Dragon Spirit hug in own bosom, closely grasps, gently lies. 每一次,他都会蹲下,将儿子龙灵拥抱在自己的怀里,紧紧地抱住,温柔地撒谎。 Immature fills pure Dragon Spirit looks like an antidote, world can cure his innermost feelings wound medicine only. 幼小的充满纯真的龙灵就像是一个解药,世间唯一能够治愈他内心创伤的药。 Is having Rank 8 Dragon Palace, but Wu Shuai does not have any thoughts to seek fame and fortune. 拥有着八转龙宫,但吴帅却无任何心思去争名夺利。 He to Green Ant Scholar and easy liquor female immortal, to start to Calligraphy Pavilion Lord in secret, all enslaves them. But achieved once dream, he can the Shu Jiu Ling house arrest, even seizes Fan Ji, puts to death by dismemberment the execution him in front of Shu Jiu Ling. 他暗中对绿蚁居士、易酒仙姑,对书道阁主下手,将他们全都奴役。但做到了曾经的梦想,他本可以将书九灵幽禁,甚至将范极捉来,在书九灵面前将他凌迟处死。 But Wu Shuai has not done such, instead bleeds off Shu Jiu Ling, making her go to and true love person in the same place. 吴帅没有这么做,反而将书九灵放走,让她去和真正爱的人在一起。 He has not cared about passing honor or disgrace, although he had cared, for this reason painful, for this reason has competed intensely. 他已经不在乎过往的荣辱,尽管他曾经在乎过,为此痛苦过,为此强烈争夺过。 Many things of life, Wu Shuai has experienced, put down. 人生的许多东西,吴帅经历过,放下了。 Present Wu Shuai felt is tired, is very tired, but he cannot stop, he cannot stop, because the Dragonoid's Nirvana matter has not been solved throughout. 现在的吴帅感觉到了累,很累,但他不能停下,他停不下来,因为龙人寂灭的事情始终没有得到解决。 The dreamland enlightens once again, must solve the matter of Dragonoid's Nirvana, wants rely on Rank 8 Dragon Palace, meanwhile has in view of the Dragonoid body experiments. 梦境又一次启迪,要解决龙人寂灭之事,就要借助八转龙宫,同时还有针对龙人的身躯进行实验。 Dragonoid is in itself the product of Dragonoid life prolonging method, but the foundation of Dragonoid's Nirvana, was still the root in this. Three itself relates closely. 龙人本身就是龙人延寿法的产物,而龙人寂灭的开创,仍旧是根源于此。三者本身关系紧密。 The Dragonoid life prolonging method, Wu Shuai already grasps. 龙人延寿法,吴帅早已经掌握。 The prestige of rely on Dragon Palace, counter promotes Dragonoid's Nirvana ultimate move according to both again, completely has the possibility. 借助龙宫之威,再根据两者逆推出龙人寂灭杀招,完全是有可能的。 However must achieve this point, an only Wu Shuai person is not good, therefore he convenes in a Dragonoid clan Gu Immortal, informs them the truth, requested their help. 但是要做到这一点,单凭吴帅一人可不行,于是他召集龙人一族中蛊仙,将实情告知他们,请求他们的帮助。 In big Dragon Palace, unprecedented gathering together, Gu Immortal of Dragonoid clan almost all came. 偌大的龙宫中,史无前例的济济一堂,龙人一族的蛊仙几乎全都来了。 These Dragonoid Gu Immortal do not believe at first, but Wu Shuai has given the full ironclad proof as well as the clue, is beyond control they not to believe. Meanwhile, Gu Liang presents to testify, the secret that in the past the father and destiny Wu Shuai made clear, also revealed to the public! 这些龙人蛊仙起先不太相信,但吴帅给予了充分的铁证以及线索,由不得他们不信。与此同时,还有古凉在场作证,当年吴帅之父、天命昭示的秘密,也公之于众! Must do the experiment, must need massive Dragonoid, these clansmen almost will die, even if lives by luck, is lives to might as well die. Therefore, this decided that I cannot be arbitrary, everyone who opposed, performs to say.” Wu Shuai said. “要做实验,就得需要海量龙人,这些族人几乎都会死亡,就算侥幸活下来,也是生不如死。所以,这项决定我不能独断,诸位有谁反对,尽可道来。”吴帅道。 I opposed!” Immediately the person, jumped. “我反对!”当即就有一人,跳了出来。 The people regard it, is the Wu Shuai peer, in bloodline or Wu Shuai Seventh Brother, usually in seven young masters of Duke Long Old Ancestor affection. 众人视之,正是和吴帅同辈,在血脉还是吴帅的七哥,平素里最得龙公老祖宗喜爱的七少爷。 Seven young master hands are pointing at Wu Shuai on dragon throne, curses saying: Old eight, your this bastard, you were really insane!!!” 七少爷手指着龙椅上的吴帅,大骂道:“老八,你这个混蛋,你真的是疯了!!!” You to win others' trust Heavenly Court, has killed the most loyal brothers of a different surname!” “你为了取信天庭,杀了自己最忠心的异姓兄弟!” To cover Dragonoid secret that when is popular, you have killed your own father!” “为了掩盖龙人当兴的秘密,你害死了自己的亲身父亲!” To refine Such As Dream Decree Immortal Gu, you actually most like your woman treating as the refining gu gu material!” “为了炼出如梦令仙蛊,你竟然把最爱你的女人当做炼蛊的蛊材!” Now, you to deal with Dragonoid's Nirvana ultimate move, but must reach on myriad innocent clansmen poisonous hand, must do the experiment with them!” “现在,你为了应付龙人寂灭杀招,还要把毒手伸向万千无辜的族人身上,要用他们做实验!” Your feelings so are why virulent, so is why indifferent?!” “你的心肠为什么如此恶毒,为什么如此冷漠?!” You thought that you have given these so-called evidence, will we trust you? Hehe, your this was also too laughable, when really we were the fools?!” “你觉得你给出了这些所谓的证据,我们都会信任你?呵呵,你这也太可笑了吧,真当我们是傻子?!” He He He, no, you are not laughable, but is pitiful pitiful!” 呵呵呵,不,你不是可笑,而是可怜可悲!” You want to give your woman to be happy, finally? You called her to sacrifice, to refine a gu. He He He.” “你想要给你的女人幸福,结果呢?你叫她牺牲了,为了炼一只蛊。呵呵呵。” You want to become the pride of your father, finally? You have killed him! Has killed him personally!!” “你想要成为你父亲的骄傲,结果呢?你杀了他!亲手杀了他!!” You permit to a Huang Wei great undertaking, a hope. However you therefore have actually killed him, but to present, great undertaking?” “你许给黄维一个大业,一个希望。然而你却因此杀了他,而到现在,大业呢?” He He He, Hahaha!” Seven young masters laugh wildly, smile tears to get down, you want to lead a Dragonoid clan to rise by any means possible, what is the result? Finally a Dragonoid clan must destroy, perished!” 呵呵呵,哈哈哈!”七少爷狂笑,笑得眼泪都下来,“你千方百计想要带领龙人一族崛起,结果是什么?结果龙人一族就要毁灭了,灭亡了!” Is you, is you! If not you have been ambitious, wrests away Southern Splendid Island, the migration clansman, goes all out to develop, continually makes Dragonoid and Human Race contradiction, how so many matters? If a Dragonoid clan has lived in peace with each other, calm and steady, Old Ancestor is also insufficient intent to move, wants to exterminate our Dragonoid clan!” “是你,是你!若非你一直野心勃勃,霸占南华岛,迁徙族人,拼命发展,不断制造龙人人族的矛盾,怎么会有这么多的事情?若是龙人一族一直相安无事,安安稳稳,老祖宗也不至于意动,想要灭绝我们龙人一族啊!” Wu Shuai, Wu Shuai, you is a our Dragonoid clan are next to Old Ancestor expert, but you take to us a Dragonoid clan, is not magnificent, is not the hope, is not the equality or the dignity. But is...... Destruction!” 吴帅啊,吴帅,你是我们龙人一族仅次于老祖宗强者,但是你带给我们龙人一族的,绝不是辉煌,也不是希望,更不是平等或者尊严。而是……毁灭啊!” You are really a tragedy! Your life is a tragedy!!” “你实在是一个悲剧!你的一生都是一个悲剧!!” In main hall lonesome however silent. 大殿内寂然无声。 Wu Shuai sits well on dragon throne, unemotionally...... 吴帅端坐在龙椅上,面无表情…… Hence, the dreamland dissipates finally thoroughly. 至此,梦境终于彻底消散。 Seabed deep place, only remaining gorgeous palaces, four big Dragon General. 海底深处,只剩下一座华美的宫殿,还有四大龙将 Dragon General harbor the vision that complex, complies with, is gazing at Fang Yuan's Dragonoid clone, moves toward the Dragon Palace front door. 龙将们怀着复杂、遵从的目光,注视着方源的龙人分身,走向龙宫的大门。 The Dragon Palace front door opens wide voluntarily. 龙宫大门自行敞开。 Dragonoid clone starting to walk step, walks into the Dragon Palace main hall. 龙人分身迈开步伐,走入龙宫大殿。 He similarly unemotionally, but in the eye has the innumerable vicissitudes. 他同样面无表情,但眼中却有无数的沧桑。 Has a look at Dragon Palace, as if with was initially same, seventh child's accusation sound also circles beam to be unceasing, surrounding Dragonoid Gu Immortal as if also gathers together. 看看龙宫,似乎和当初一样,老七的指责声还绕梁不绝,周围的龙人蛊仙似乎还济济一堂。 Fixes the eyes on again looked, the main hall is empty, all vanish into thin air. 再定睛一看,大殿空空荡荡,一切都烟消云散。 Already...... Crossed for 1 million years.” “已经……过了1000000年啊。” I came back.” The Dragonoid clone sound flutters in the main hall, likely is the Gloomy Soul's sobbing language. “我回来了。”龙人分身的声音在大殿中飘荡,像是幽魂的泣语。 But I, no longer am I.” Dragonoid clone smiles bitterly once again. “可是我,已经不再是我了。”龙人分身再度苦笑。 No longer is his sound, no longer is his face, no longer is his body, even the soul is not. 不再是他的声音,不再是他的面孔,不再是他的身躯,甚至连魂魄也不是。 Only remaining one layer will-- 只剩下一层意志 Has continued over a million years of will, since linger on in a steadily worsening condition! 延续了上百万年的意志,苟延残喘至今! Dragon Spirit welcomed the master!” Dragon Spirit comes, the manner is respectful and prudent, in the foreheads also has one to jump for joy, finally, Dragon Court had the new master finally!” 龙灵恭迎主人!”龙灵现身,神态恭谨,眉宇间又带着一丝雀跃,“终于,终于龙庭有了新主!” Dragonoid clone deeply is looking at Dragon Spirit rapidly, the eye socket flood red. 龙人分身深深地望着龙灵,眼眶迅速泛红。 He hopes, Dragon Spirit can call a-- father! 他多么希望,龙灵能够叫自己一声父亲! However did not have possibly. 但是没可能了。 Tai Qin, I eventually was lost/carrying you, has fallen short of your only commission.” Wu Shuai raises head, sends out a deep sigh, in the sigh is the endless disconsolateness and guilty. 泰琴,我终究是负了你,辜负了你唯一的嘱托啊。”吴帅仰头,发出一声深深的叹息,叹息声中是无尽的惆怅和愧疚。 But he has not burst into tears. 但他没有流泪。 The past 1 million years ago, his tears already flowed completely. 在过去的1000000年前,他的泪水早已经流淌尽了。
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