Heard a Fang Yuansuchsaying, the severalmembercomplexions of tentyrantsrelaxed.
听到方源这么一说,十暴君的几位成员脸色都缓和下来。At once, an anxiouscolorthrows, onefemaleGu Masteraccording toarrivinginplace.
旋即,其中一位急色地扑上去,一把就将女蛊师按到在地。FemaleGu Masterweakis struggling, themembers in tentyrantquacklaugh, stretch out the evil clutches, suddenlytear.
...... FemaleGu Master'ssilkclotheswere ripped openimmediately, revealinsidebright redbellyband.
Those images and scenes, cause the surroundingpiece of wolfto call, Demonic PathGu Mastersappearsverystimulated.
此情此景,引起周围一片狼叫,魔道蛊师们都显得十分亢奋。ManyRighteous PathGu Master, clench teethsecretly.
很多正道蛊师,暗暗咬牙。Somepeoplewanttake action, butis preventedat once: „Do not begin. Not onlythistimehastentyrants, Black & White Twin Fiends, do youwantto bring upon oneselfdeath road?”
有人想要出手,但旋即被人阻止:“不要动手。这次不仅是有十暴君,还有黑白双煞,你想自找死路吗?”„Let alonethatfemaleGu Master, obviouslyis not the Righteous Pathcharacter. Do not worryblindly.”
“更何况那个女蛊师,明显不是正道人物。你不要瞎操这份心了。”„Hateful. A Demonic Pathpeople, reallyeachis the worldsediment, despicableshameless!”SomeGu Masterindignation, do not clench teethto pinch the fist.
“可恶啊。魔道中人,果然各个都是人间渣滓,卑劣无耻至极!”一些蛊师不忿,咬牙捏拳。FemaleGu Masteris not cruel enoughto cast aside the face, closesboth eyes.
很多女蛊师则不忍心地撇过脸,闭上双眼。„Does not want, does not want! Askedyou, stop......”thatfemaleGu Masterwas praying for rescuein the call of futile effort.
“不要,不要!求求你,住手啊……”那女蛊师在徒劳的呐喊求救着。Bai Ningbingunemotionally, looked atFang Yuanone. Fang Yuanis sneering, complexionpiece of silentlylooks at.白凝冰面无表情,看了看身旁的方源一眼。方源冷笑着,脸色一片默然地看着。„Has seenBlack & White Twin FiendsSirtwo. Sirtwospares and not punishes too severelytoday, stands by, thisfriendshipwewill go backto report the eldest childsurely.”Intentyrantsone Gu Master, walks up, is bringingfacepolitesmiling, cups one hand in the other across the chesttoFang and Bai two peoples.
“见过黑白双煞二位大人。二位大人今日高抬贵手,作壁上观,这份情谊我们定会回去禀告老大。”十暴君中一位蛊师,走上前去,带着一脸客气的笑,向方白二人拱手。Othermembers, thenmoves towardfemaleGu Master.
其余的成员,则走向女蛊师。Puts outsaliva, cursing: „Lowlyperson, youthinks how manyentreaties, canentice the solemnBlack & White Twin FiendstwoSirs? Naive! Stupid!”
一位吐出一口唾沫,咒骂着:“小贱人,你以为几声哀求,就能诱惑住堂堂的黑白双煞两位大人了?天真!愚蠢!”„Runningveryhappy, thenImustmakeyouwant the immortalto want! hey heyhey......”anotherobscenelysmiles, the featureis very dreadful.
“跑的挺欢啊,接下来我要让你欲仙欲死!嘿嘿嘿……”另一位则淫笑着,眉目十分猥琐。ThatridesthatonfemaleGu Master, will practice fraud.
那骑在女蛊师身上的那位,正要上下其手。Butat this moment, cooking starchlightfrom the femaleGu Master'stenderbody, suddenlyerupts.
但就在这时,一团粉光从女蛊师的娇躯上,猛地爆发出来。MaleGu Masterunexpected, was hitto flyruthlesslybythissmoothing. The entirephotographis a meteor, departsby far, poundson the hundred stepsfarground, faintsinstantaneously.
“什么?!”„ThisfemaleGu Masteralsowants the unseemly behaviorbrothersontogether!,”
“这女蛊师还要作怪兄弟们一起上!,”„Goodguts! Do youalsowantto revoltinadequately?”
“好胆!你还想反抗不成?”Tentyrantmembersotheron the scene, drinkgreatly, simultaneouslythrowstofemaleGu Master.
在场的十暴君其他成员,纷纷大喝,一齐向女蛊师扑去。Buta moment later, the smoothingrises suddenly, the pitiful yellsoundresoundsone after another.
但下一刻,粉光暴涨,惨叫声接连响起。Tentyrantmembers, were sweptto flyall.
十暴君成员,尽数被扫飞出去。If the smoothingis greasy, femaleGu Masterbattle strength, the cold eyeevil charm, camouflageremoveslike the flying ashproudly, reveals a more beautifulappearance/portrait.
The members of tentyrants, lie downon the groundsoftly, eachpanic-strickendesirecertainly.
十暴君的成员,软躺在地上,各个惊骇欲绝。Does not know that anymethod of thisfemaleGu Masteruse, makestheireach and every onewhole bodyfeel weakunexpectedly, crawls unable to crawlcontinually!
不知道这女蛊师使用的什么手段,居然让他们一个个浑身乏力,连爬都爬不起来!Justalso the imposing mannerfiercetentyrantmembers, unexpectedlywere not the enemies of femaleGu Master'sgathering.
刚刚还气势凶恶的十暴君成员,竟然不是女蛊师的一合之敌。Thissuddenmutation, makingallpeople who surroundedchange the complexion. Manypeoplelookstare dumbfounded, exceedingly (120%)is amazed.
这个突如其来的异变,让围观的所有人都变了脸色。许多人看得瞠目结舌,十二分惊诧。Onlyhas the Fang Yuanfacial colorto be invariable, resemblesearlyhas a material.
唯有方源面色不变,似早有所料。FemaleGu Mastersends outgigglesmilestenderly, sheexposes the appearance/portrait, a pair of coquettish look, bewitchessoul-stirringly. The bodyis graceful, after firstis raisedcurls upwards, just likewelcoming the colorfulprunus persica of spring breeze, arousingintention.
女蛊师发出咯咯的娇笑,她展露真容,一双媚眼,勾魂动魄。身躯曼妙,前凸后翘,宛若笑迎春风的艳艳碧桃,撩人心怀至极。Whilethistime, the members of tentyrantscrawledfrom the ground.
趁着这段功夫,十暴君的成员都从地上爬了起来。TheirStrength Qi, startedgraduallyto restore.
他们的力气,开始渐渐地恢复了。Butalthough that's how it is, the panic-strickencolors on theirfacedo not reduce the slightest. All becausefromfemaleGu Master's body, is lending the genuineRank 4aura.
但饶是如此,他们脸上的惊恐之色也不减分毫。皆因从女蛊师的身上,正散发着货真价实的四转气息。ThisfemaleGu Master'scultivation base, unexpectedlyreaches as high asRank 4!
这女蛊师的修为,竟然高达四转!Countlesspersondiscolorations, change countenanceforthisdiscovery.
无数人色变,为这个发现而动容。„Little Beast King, youput the beautiful womanto see somebody in danger and do nothingunexpectedly, but also is the man?”FemaleGu Masteris looking atFang Yuan, in a pair of coquettish lookshowsaggrieved, gets angry, hasto the feeling that the person a lovehatesto interweave.
“小兽王,你居然放着美人而见死不救,还是不是男人?”女蛊师望着方源,一双媚眼中透出哀怨,嗔怒,有给人一种爱恨交织的感觉。Suddenly, almost allmaleGu Masterlookto look blank.
一时间,几乎所有的男蛊师都看直了眼。ManyGu Master, evenstartsenvious hatredFang Yuan. Ifcanhave a liking foronebythisfemale, even ifwerediesis also worth!
许多蛊师,甚至开始嫉恨方源。若是自己能被这女子看上一眼,哪怕是死也值得了!ButFang Yuanremains unmovedslightly, histonelike the ice, is passing the biting coldchill in the air: „Hu Mei'er, youthink that thisperforming skill, candeceiveme?”
但方源丝毫不为所动,他语气如冰,透着彻骨的寒意:“狐魅儿,你以为这点演技,就能蒙得住我?”FemaleGu Master the pupilshrinksimmediatelyslightly.
女蛊师顿时瞳孔微微一缩。Shehas not thought,Fang Yuancalledto breakherstatusunexpectedlydirectly.
她没有想到,方源居然直接叫破了她的身份。Butsherestoresat once, the dark redsmallmouthturns upwardsslightly: „Cannot think of the trivialinexpensivename of your slave, was knownbySirLittle Beast King, your slaveis honored. Has not torn to pieces the camouflagein the beforehandyour slave, how the Siryoulooks through?”
但她旋即恢复过来,殷红的小嘴微微翘起:“想不到奴家的区区贱名,也被小兽王大人得知,奴家真是荣幸呀。只是,在之前奴家还未撕破伪装,大人您又是如何看破的呢?”Fang Yuanlaughs: „Beforeyoureveal the truestatus, Ialsoguessedthat's all. No matterIguess rightto guesswrong, does not havewhatloss, not?”方源哈哈一笑:“在你表露真正身份之前,我也只是猜测罢了。不管我猜对猜错,都没有什么损失,不是么?”
The bonusisHu Mei'er is also a Demonic Pathpeople, hearsFang Yuanthisindifferentunfeeling the words, involuntarilyfelt that a heartis cool.
“竟然是她……”„Thisfemaleis the Demonic Pathfamousseductress, is fearful. Mostis good atcamouflaging, do not think that hersemblanceis charming, in factiseats the personnot to spit the succuba of bone, veryvicious and merciless!”
“此女是魔道有名的妖女,非常可怕。最擅长伪装,你们不要看她外表妩媚动人,实际上是吃人不吐骨头的魔女,十分心狠手辣!”„Hu Mei'ermakes friendsisbroad, has a legwithmanyDemonic PathGu Master. How will tentyrantsannoyher?”
The members of tentyrantsare supporting by the armmutually, onfacepalelikepaper, does not haveblood-color.
The mattercarries onso the situation, theyalsolooked, obviousthissidebyHu Mei'erplaying.
事情进行到如此地步,他们也看出来了,明显自己这方是被狐魅儿给耍了。Hu Mei'erstrength, reaches as high asRank 4, mustcope withthemto have more than enough to spare. The beforehandcamouflage, performsall sorts, is playing a trick onthem, is very likelyrely ontheyto probeandapproachesBlack & White Twin Fiends.狐魅儿本身的实力,高达四转,要对付他们这些人绰绰有余。之前的伪装、表演种种,都是在耍弄他们,很有可能是借助他们来试探和接近黑白双煞。But the Little Beast Kingvisionis sharp, unexpectedlyhas seen through the camouflage of Hu Mei'er.
但小兽王目光犀利,居然识破了狐魅儿的伪装。„Hahaha, is goodyourFang Zheng. Youhave a heart of stonereally...... However should not be favorite. Youfor serveral days, limelighttoovigor. NowTrident Mountainhigh and low, knewtwoDemonic Pathgeniuscharacters. No matterRighteous Path, isDemonic Path, manyseniorsandexpert, think the weighingweighingyou. Youoffendedmanypeople, Iurgedyouto halthere. So as to avoidclimbed mountains, loses the lifenot to be worth.”Hu Mei'erlongsmiles a sound said.
“哈哈哈,好你个方正。你真是铁石心肠啊……不过你也不要得意。你们这些天来,风头太劲。现在三叉山上下,都知道来了两个魔道的天才人物。不管是正道,还是魔道,很多的前辈、强者,都想称量称量你们。你们已经得罪了很多人,我劝你们在这里止步。免得上了山,丢掉性命就不值得了。”狐魅儿长笑一声道。“Oh?then, are youcome the weighing our firstperson? Hehe, oursafety do youworry? As forqueering? Imostdo not fearqueers. Even ifoffendsworldallpeople, howhasto be able? ” The Fang Yuanloweyebrowhangs the item, toneis light, the words that spokemakespeoplefeelintermittentcold air.“哦?这么说来,你就是来称量我们的第一个人?呵呵,我们的安危你操什么心?至于得罪人?我最不怕的就是得罪人。就算是得罪天下所有的人,有能如何?”方源低眉垂目,语气平淡,说的话却让人感到一阵阵的寒气。Hu Mei'erhearsboth eyesto shine, in a pair of coquettish lookextraordinary splendoragain and again.狐魅儿听得双眼放光,一双媚眼中异彩连连。Shecovers the mouthgiggleto smiletenderly: Good that „said! Reallyhas the courage, Ilike. Doesn't fearto queer? Itoldyou, youdespisedmyappearance, nowoffendedme. Inthisworld, onlyLittleman (lowly person) and femaleare difficultto raise. I am not only a female, isLittleman (lowly person). Hee hee, Little Beast King, weride a donkeyread the songbook, waits and sees! Hopesyou to livedescending the mountain!”
她掩嘴咯咯娇笑:“说的好!真是有胆气,我喜欢。不怕得罪人?那我告诉你,你蔑视我的容颜,现在就得罪了我。这世上,唯小人和女子难养也。我不仅是女子,还是小人。嘻嘻嘻,小兽王,咱们骑驴看唱本,走着瞧!但愿你能活着下山!”In the Hu Mei'ereyesevere lightflashes, said that thissaying, leaves in a huff. Neat.狐魅儿眼中厉芒一闪,说完这话,拂袖而去。干脆利落至极。
The peopleare looking up to her talcum powderclothes, the long sleevehandsome, the wonderfulstance that the flyinggoes, suddenlybecomes silent.
众人仰望着她一身粉衣,长袖翩翩,飞天而去的美妙姿态,一时间均默然无语。„Hu Mei'er......”coldly snorted of Fang Yuaninheart.
“狐魅儿……”方源在心中冷哼。ThisHu Mei'er, is the Demonic Pathrenownedseductress. The originis very mystical, nobodyknowsherwith the foot. Inprevious life, shedisplaysactively, pulls outto make the right and wrongveryin all directions, sows dissension, raisesreign of terror.
这个狐魅儿,是魔道著名的妖女。来历十分神秘,无人知道她的跟脚。在前世,她表现十分活跃,四处拔弄是非,挑拨离间,掀起腥风血雨。Whathercultivationis the charmsaid,is fastidious to attract the person. Using the beauty, controlledmanyDemonic PathExpert, under the skirt the feudal officialhas proliferatedSouthern Border, evenhadRank 5 Gu Master.
她修行的是魅道,讲究以魅惑人。利用美色,控制了不少魔道高手,裙下之臣遍布南疆,其中甚至有五转蛊师。ManyRank 4 Gu Master, are rivals for sexual favorforher.
还有许多四转蛊师,都为她争风吃醋。However, other peopledo not knowherorigin, did not knowon behalf ofFang Yuan.
不过,旁人不知晓她的来历,不代表方源不晓得。Thisseductressbackgroundis very big, is the Grandmother Mei Huabiologicalgranddaughter.
这妖女来头很大,乃是梅花婆婆的亲孙女。Grandmother Mei HuaisSouthern Border'sRank 6 Gu Immortal, is occupyingplum blossomBlessed Land.梅花婆婆乃是南疆的六转蛊仙,占据着梅花福地。
The seductively attractive girlsgatherunder the skirtin all directionsfeudal official, especiallylikesto the younghandsomeHikojuminute. previous life100yearslater, shehas concentrated the complete strength in hand, goes toeveningYangshan.
妖女四处招揽裙下之臣,尤其对年轻俊彦十分喜好。前世100年后,她集中了手中的全部力量,前往夕阳山。Nobodyknows that on the mountainwhat happened, in brief the resultis, only thenshedescends the mountain.
没有人知道山上发生了什么事情,总之结果是,只有她一个人下山。What is worth mentioning is, before sheclimbs mountains, butisRank 4 Gu Master, when descends the mountainactuallyalreadyachievementRank 5peak.
值得一提的是,她上山前,不过是四转蛊师,下山时却已经成就了五转巅峰。„Thisseductress, has the secretiveplot. Nowstartedto displaycharmto sayin all directions,gathered the manpower. Has not thought ofthis life, Ihave arousedherinterestunexpectedly.”
“这个妖女,有不可告人的阴谋。现在就已经开始四处施展魅道,招揽人手了。没想到今生,我竟然引起了她的兴趣。”Fang Yuanhas contrastedprevious life, felt that sobbed.方源对比了一下前世,感到一阵唏嘘。Heby the enormous superiority of rebirth, the rapid growth, became the candidate who Hu Mei'ersettles on. Hu Mei'ersettles onhispotential, wantsalsoto developunder the skirthim the feudal official.
他凭借重生的巨大优势,高速发展,成为了狐魅儿看中的人选。狐魅儿看中他的潜质,想把他也发展成裙下之臣。But is thispossible?
但这怎么可能?„Snort, the previous life500years, alreadyletmybeing disillusioned with the mortal worldbeauty. Howevercharmalsohas the good point, has no alternative butto guard...... Hu Mei'erthisgoes, certainlyurgesto instigateother people, looksmytrouble. Onherhas the gu that Grandmother Mei Huasupposes, Imustkillher, needsto preparesufficient, mustisolatetemporarilythatgu. Hehe, musthave a look at the thing that whichdo not keep eyes openbut actually, daresto look formytrouble.”
“哼,前世500年,早已让我看破红尘美色。不过魅道也有可取之处,不能不防……狐魅儿此去,一定撺掇挑拨他人,来找我的麻烦。她身上有梅花婆婆设下的蛊,我要杀她,需要做好充足的准备,必须把那只蛊暂时隔绝掉。呵呵,倒要看看有哪些不长眼的东西,敢来找我的麻烦。”In the Fang Yuanheartconsidersunceasingly.方源心中不断思量。Temporarilycould not killHu Mei'er, Fang Yuan can only be ready to cope with anythingto resist by whatever means available.
暂时杀不了狐魅儿,方源只能兵来将挡水来土掩。Is goodbecause ofHu Mei'erat this time, under the skirt that charmlarge accomplishment, has not misled the feudal officialmostonly hasRank 4cultivation base.
好在狐魅儿此时,魅道还未大成,蛊惑的裙下之臣最多只有四转修为。so long as isn'tRank 5, Fang Yuandoes not fear. Heis self-confident, byhisexperience, intheset of Gu insectwithhand, even ifcould not win, was not necessarily ableto defeat.只要不是五转,方源都不怵。他自信,凭借他的经验,和手上的这套蛊虫,就算胜不了,也未必会败。
...... Central Continent, Heavenly Stairs Mountain.
……中洲,天梯山。Rides the flyingcrane, Fang Zhengand the otherswas travelling day and night, finallyrushed tohere.
骑着飞鹤,方正等人日夜兼程,终于赶到了此处。Beforehim, manyelitedisciples in tenbigsect, rushed.
在他之前,十大门派中的许多精英弟子,已经赶到。„Is the Immortal Crane Sectperson.”
“是仙鹤门的人。”„Well? Sky Lotus SchoolBi Xia Fairyhowand does Immortal Crane Sectcometogether?”
“咦?天莲派的碧霞仙子怎么和仙鹤门一起来?”„Who is thatboy? Bi Xia Fairyandheis cheerful and lively, Ineverhave also seensomeBi Xia Fairyandpeerspeak, is so happy.”
“那个小子是谁?碧霞仙子和他有说有笑的,我还从未见过碧霞仙子和某个同辈说话,这般开心的。”Fang Zhengand the othersarrived, captured the attention of peoplenaturally.方正等人到来,自然而然地吸引了众人的目光。„Bixia, youalsocame. Youknow that since the previousdistinction, I am hopingandyoumeetagain. ThisFox Immortalinherits, Iwas supposingyouwill come. ThereforeIasked the master, My Secttohere.”Maleyouth, seesBi Xia Fairy, immediatelymoved forward to meet somebody.
“碧霞,你也来了。你知道吗,自从上一次分别,我就盼望着和你再一次相见。这次狐仙传承,我估摸着你会来。所以我就求师傅,也把我派到了这里。”一位男青年,一看到碧霞仙子,就立即迎了上去。BixiajustandFang Zhengchatted, was seeingthisperson, on the facesmiling facecan't help butonestiff.
碧霞正和方正说笑,见着此人,脸上笑容不禁一僵。( to be continued )
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