Hethinks,Fang Yuanwantsto teachhis. Buthas not thought,Fang Yuanwantsto killhim, evenpays the Purple Thorntokensoexpensivepricewillingly!
他原以为,方源是想教训他一顿。但没想到,方源是想杀他,甚至心甘情愿地付出紫荆令牌这般昂贵的代价!„Fortrivialme, sogoodto fightbravelyruthlessly, is worth?”ObtainsFang Yuanso„attaches great importance to”, wantsto crycompletely!
“为了区区的我,如此好勇斗狠,值得吗?”得到方源这般的“重视”,周全想哭!Heis a normal person.
他是个正常人。Healsofears death.
他也怕死。Otherwise, after Zhou Familyperishes, hehas become the loner, is seriously injured, alreadyseized the chance dead.
但他活了下来。Seeking livehoodis the instinct of eachlife.
求生是每个生命的本能。HerejectsShang Xinci , because cannot have a liking forher. Hisnatural dispositionis arrogant, oncewasHead of Clan, howpossiblyto occupyinsilly little girl?
他拒绝商心慈,是因为看不上她。他生性高傲,曾经是一族之长,怎么可能屈居于一个黄毛丫头?Buthehas not thought, the matterwill makesuchgreatly!
但他没想到,事情会闹得这么大!Nowhemustface the threat of deathunexpectedly! Fang Yuan'sis crazy, ismatter that hecannot expect.
现在他居然要面临着死亡的威胁了!方源的疯狂,是他怎么也料不到的事情。„Earlyknowsso, Ifromthatdoll. Unexpectedlywill falltothispaddies!”In the completeheartsurges the sentiment of intenselamentation.
“早知道如此,我从了那女娃,也就算了。居然会落到这步田地!”周全的心中涌起强烈的悔恨之情。Althoughheis arrogant, butheis not stupid.
The survivalandcomparesarrogantly, naturallyfirstchooses the survival. Otherwisehewill not take the stray cur, to drift and live without purposeto the present.
生存和高傲相比起来,当然优先选择生存。要不然他也不会作为丧家之犬,苟且偷生到现在了。„Was right, Iunderstood! IrepeatedlyrejectShang Xinci, has attackedherprestigeseriously. Fang Zhengis the Shang Xincibiggestsupporter, thereforehemusttryto removemeon the contrary! Shang Yifanharmsme......”
“对了,我明白了!我屡次拒绝商心慈,严重地打击了她的威信。方正又是商心慈最大的支持者,所以他要相反设法地除掉我!商一帆误我啊……”FeelsonFang Yuanmore and morerichkilling intent, completethoughts constantly welling up.
感受到方源身上越来越浓郁的杀机,周全思绪万千。Byhiswisdom, onlyneedsto probeslightly, understoodformerly the rumor on neighbor, isghost who Shang Yifanpounded.
以他的智慧,只需要稍稍试探,就明白先前街坊上的流言,是商一帆捣的鬼。At first, he was also pleased with oneself, is hidinghappily. Theserumors, arehewill reject a Shang Xinci'sexceedingly goodshield. Simultaneouslyfollows the currentto call the turn, he can also seeShang Yifantooneselfattaching great importance. Reallyis not good, he can also hire oneselfShang Yifanto go.
起先,他还很沾沾自喜,藏着得意。这些流言,将是他拒绝商心慈的一个绝好挡箭牌。同时从流言中,他也能看出商一帆对自己的重视。实在不行,他还可以投靠商一帆去。Shang YifanandShang Xinciboth, tohiscompletenotanydifference. So long asheis willingto assist, hecancarry in the position of Young Lordit.商一帆和商心慈两者,对他周全没有任何区别。只要他愿意辅佐,他就能将其捧上少主之位。Thisis the completeself-confidence.
但现在他无比后悔。Because ofthisrumor, causesFang Yuantohiskilling intent. Hewantsto hire oneselfnowShang Yifan, was late.
正是因为这股流言,才引得方源对他的杀机。他现在想要投靠商一帆,也已经迟了。Fang Yuanthislunatic, does not press the common senseto play a cardcompletely. Completethisthoroughplanting!方源这个疯子,完全不按常理出牌。周全这次彻彻底底的栽了!Lieson the groundcompletely, was punched the whole bodyskeletonto disperse, the facewas being stepped onbyFang Yuan, did not move.
周全趴在地上,被揍得浑身骨架都散了,脸又被方源踩着,根本动弹不了。Heopens the mouth, wantsto beg for mercy.
他张开口,想要求饶。Butwordstomouth, said.
但话到了嘴边,又说不出口了。„Infieldthese manypersonlooks at, beg for mercyin the presence of everyone, facethoroughlylost completely. Howeverdoes not beg for mercy the surrender, myshort remaining lifealsoplayed......”
The critical moment, completearrogantvicious naturewas still playing the role.
关键时刻,周全高傲的劣性仍旧在发挥着作用。„As the saying goes, the one who understands the timesisoutstanding. Complete, sinceyouare ignorant of current affairs, thatis notoutstanding. Ikillyouto losetogether the Purple Thorntoken, madeyouproudsufficiently. Youdie.”Fang Yuangrins fiendishly, the under footmakes an effortgradually.
“俗话说,识时务者为俊杰。周全,你既然不识时务,那就不是俊杰。我杀你损失一块紫荆令牌,足以让你骄傲了。你去死吧。”方源狞笑一声,脚下渐渐用力。Onlyfeltcompletely the greatstrengthoppressioncomes, hegets rid ofallhesitationsfinally, wantsto open the mouthto beg for mercy.
周全只感觉巨力压迫而来,他终于抛弃一切的犹豫,想要开口求饶。But the Fang Yuanunder footissucheffort, the cardhischeek. Hewantsopen mouthto speak, is helpless.
但方源脚下是那么的用力,卡着他的腮帮子。他想要张口说话,却无能为力。Was completely anxious!
周全急了!„Wait, Ido not die. Irequestbountifully, Imustsurrender, youmakemespeakactually......”
“等等,我不要死啊。我要求饶,我要投降,你倒是让我说话啊……”Heroaredin the heart, simultaneously the rising spiritedlyample force, brandished the hands and feet.
他在心中咆哮,同时奋起余力,挥舞手脚。Hishandholds the Fang Yuan'scalf, but the Fang Yuanbodysuch asgeneral of steelconstruction, is entirely still.
他的手抓住方源的小腿,但方源身躯如钢铁浇筑的一般,纹丝不动。„Icome to the end of one's destiny......”whencompletedesperate, suddenlyhearstogether the familiarsound.
“我命休矣……”就在周全绝望的时候,忽然听到一道熟悉的声音。„Big Brother Hei Tu, the under footis forgiving.”Shang Xincirushed toscene.
“黑土哥哥,脚下留情。”商心慈赶到了现场。„Xinci (kind-hearted), it seems likeeventuallyhas not hidden the truth fromyou. Iknowyouto eagerly seek people of talent, do not ask favorforthisfellow. Suchpersondiespitiesinsufficient.”Fang Yuancoldsoundrepliedone, but the under footquietlywas actually receiving the strength.
“心慈,看来终究还是没有瞒住你。我知道你求贤若渴,你不要替这家伙求情了。这样的人死不足惜。”方源冷声回答一声,但是脚下却在悄然收力。„No, Big Brother Hei Tu, Imustsay.”Shang Xinciactuallyveryperseverance.
“不,黑土哥哥,我要说。”商心慈却很坚持。Shecontinues saying: „Elder Brotheryou and time of completeold mistercontactare not long, butIunderstood that is deeper. Weekold mister, has resolvedinreconstructingZhou Family. Hisshouldershoulders the heavy responsibility, the heartgreat aspiration is difficult to fulfill. Heoncealsovery muchsadlyleanedto statetome, said that could not put down the pastfamily member. Before hiswifeat the point of death, onceentrustedhimto rebuild one's homeland. In recent years, heis shouldering the heavy burden, fightsdifficultly. Hehas the difficulties......”
她继续道:“哥哥你和周全老先生接触的时间不长,但我了解更深。周老先生,一直立志于重建周家。他的肩头担负着重任,心有壮志难酬。他曾经也很感伤地对我倾述,说放不下昔日的亲人。他的夫人临死前,曾嘱托他重建家园。这些年来,他背负着重担,艰难打拼。他是有苦衷的……”„Isthis.”Fang Yuanhas taken back the the greater partstrength of legs, the facial colorchanges.
“是这样。”方源收回了大部分的脚力,面色微变。„HowIdo not remember that has poured outtoyou?”InZhouQuanxinstrange, when hismadamedies, hisno longerscene.
“我怎么不记得向你倾诉过?”周全心中奇怪,他夫人死时,他都不再现场。Butheunderstandsat once,thisis a play that Shang XinciandFang Yuanperform.
但他旋即明白过来,这是商心慈和方源演的一场戏。Actually, Fang YuanandShang Xinciwantto gatherown!
其实,方源和商心慈还是想招揽自己的!TheytakeMerchant Cityas the stage, has performed in a good playin the presence of everyone. Justwords, lay down the goodstair.
他们以商家城为舞台,当众演了一场好戏。刚刚的话,是铺设好的台阶。PublicizedShang Xinci'sto be benevolent, heart that as well aseagerly sought people of talent, has given itself a stair.
既是宣扬了商心慈的仁慈,以及求贤若渴的心,又给了自己一个台阶。„Really isgoodto plan, is goodto plan...... MysolemnZhou FamilyPatriarch, plantstodayinthesejuniorhands. Really after Yangtze River , before the wavepushes, wave.”Clenches teethcompletely, in the heartsighs deeply.
“真是好算计,好算计……我堂堂周家族长,今日栽在了这几个小辈手上。真是长江后浪推前浪啊。”周全咬着牙,心中长叹。Has the anger, has the hatred, there are miserableandhelpless.
有愤怒,有仇恨,也有凄凉和无奈。„so that's how it is. Cannot think ofweekold mister, has the person who the lofty aspirationapproaches. Howeveryouare stupid, assistXinci (kind-hearted), does not rebuild the determinationconflict of Zhou Familywithyou. Youtobe ideal, diesdid not fear,Ialsovery muchadmire. Butyouactuallydo not know,diesis very easy, butforidealputting pride in pocketStealing Life, shoulders the heavy burdento continue, is the truecourage.”Fang Yuanloudsaid/tunnel.
“原来如此。想不到周老先生,也是有大志向的人。不过你还是愚不可及,辅佐心慈,也不和你重建周家的壮志冲突嘛。你为了理想,死都不怕,我也很敬佩。但你却不知,死很容易,但为了理想而忍辱偷生,背负重担继续前行,才是真正的勇气。”方源大声地道。Completeheard until here, wheredid not know that thisisFang Yuantohisstairunder.
周全听到这里,哪里不晓得这是方源给他的台阶下。This likely was the laststair.
这很可能就是最后一个台阶了。Ifhedoes not hold, thenhislifehad ended, does not haveanyopportunityagain.
如果他不抓住,那么他的生命就结束了,再没有任何的机会。after thinking to this point, thisold personhas opened the mouth: „Oh! The landscapegenerationhasgeniusto leave, expertfor the master, listened toyourthisspoken languagestoday, makingmeawaken!”念及于此,这位老人家张开了口:“唉!江山代有天才出,达者为师,今日听了你们这番言语,让我惊醒!”Fang Yuanloosens the foot.方源松开脚。
The Shang Xincigreat happiness, hurriesto support by the armcompletely.商心慈大喜,赶忙将周全搀扶起来。Is enduring the severe pain of whole bodycompletely, stands uptremblingly, is prostrating oneselftoShang Xinci: „Complete, pays a visitMiss Xinci.”
周全忍着全身的剧痛,颤颤巍巍地站起身来,又对着商心慈拜倒下去:“周全,拜见心慈小姐。”What...... „did yousay? Recognizedthatsilly little girlunexpectedlycompletelyislord?”In the study room, after Shang Yifanhearsthisnews, stunnedlong time.
……“你说什么?周全居然认那黄毛丫头为主了?”书房里,商一帆听到这个消息后,错愕了半晌。„Thisis impossible! The completetemperIknow, even ifinitiallyShang Yazitook onYoung Lord, when commands the Merchant Citystore, cannot gatherhim. HerShang Xinci can have what skills and abilities, obtaincompletegiving loyalty tounexpectedly?!” After Shang Yifanresponded, called out in alarmloud.
“这不可能!周全的性子我知道,就算是当初商睚眦担当少主,统领商家城商铺时,也招揽不到他。她商心慈何德何能,居然能得到周全的效忠?!”商一帆反应过来后,高声惊呼。„Thismattertrulyis true.”open/stretchmanagersighed and said, „Shang Xinciisyoung, naturallydoes not havethisability. Howeversideher, hasFang Zheng and Bai Ningbingtwopeople. To be honest, Ihave underestimatedFang Zheng. Cannot think ofhimto be fine within its crudy, person who is also has the scheme. Hisspecial intentionmakescompletelycannotend, compels the matterrecognizes the lord.”
“这事情确实属实。”张老总管叹着气道,“商心慈还是个雏儿,自然没有这个能力。但是她身边,却有方正和白凝冰二人。老实说,我低估了方正。想不到他粗中有细,也是个有心计的人。他特意将事情闹得不可收场,强逼周全认主。”„Complete , if not recognize the lord, Fang Zhengmustkillhimat the scene. Now, the entireneighborshop, was sayingthismatter. Everywhereis the rumors, saidcompletelytoreconstruct the family, putting pride in pocketStealing Life, steels oneself for revenge. After a Fang Zhenglanguagereminded, finally the choicesubmitsShang Xinci that eagerly seeks people of talent. NowShang Xinci'sprestige, alreadysomereachedpeak!”
“周全若不认主,方正当场就要杀他。现在,整个街坊店铺,都在说着这个事情。到处都是流言,说周全为了重建家族,忍辱偷生,卧薪尝胆。被方正一语点醒后,终于选择归附求贤若渴的商心慈。现在商心慈的威望,已经达到了某种巅峰!”Shang Yifanhearing that, flies into a rage: „Said,wespentthatgreat effortbefore, circulates the rumor, insteaddrummed up supporttothem? The swindlers, are the swindlers! Theserumorsaretheyintentionallyissue certainly, story that the goodrulers and ministersto meet. I!”商一帆闻言,勃然大怒:“这么说,我们之前花费那么大力气,散布谣言,反而给他们造势了?骗子,都是骗子!这些流言一定都是他们故意发布出去的,好一个君臣相遇的故事。我呸!”„Young MasterYifan, you are patient, thiscompetitionhad not ended. AlthoughShang Xincihand/subordinatehad the talented person, butis not necessarily ableto maketheirthoughts of returning home. Then, is depending upon the influencehelp of madame, wegreatlyhaveodds of success.”open/stretchmanagercalmlysaid.
“一帆少爷,你稍安勿躁,这场比试还远没有结束。商心慈虽然手下有了人才,但未必能令他们归心。接下来,依靠着夫人的势力帮忙,我们还是大有胜算的。”张老总管冷静地道。Underhispersuasion, Shang Yifanmoodgraduallyreturns to normal.
在他的劝说下,商一帆的心情渐渐地平复下来。Heclenches jaws, both eyesare glittering the intermittentYinglow: right that „yousaid. Forms the influence, is notmatterin one single day. Herobtainedthesepeople, almost all areFang Zhengcombined threats with inducements, howpossiblytruethoughts of returning home? hey hey, then, Isow dissension, buyswith the large sum of moneyagain, does not believenot to have the effect!”
...... PlansinShang Xinci, under the Fang Zhengtwopeople of guards, the completeassistance, Wei DexinandXiong Familythreebrothersand the othersHaving common wishesunite efforts, the informationbusinessaboutPerformance Martial Stage, buildsfinally.
Similar to Shang Xinciexpects, thisbusiness was just open for business, initiates the fiercestir and echo.
正如同商心慈所料的一样,这生意刚一开张,就引发剧烈的轰动和反响。Inbeing open for businessfirstday, gains the total cost of investing.
在开张的第一天,就赚回了投入进去的全部成本。Next day, stillbrought in the stir.
第二天,仍旧引来轰动。Thirdday, the upsurgehas not retreated.
第三天,热潮还未退去。seven days later, Shang Xinci's300,000primeval stones, grewto440,000.
The Shang Yifanschemes and tricks, have not obtainedanyprogress. Influence that Shang Xinciforms, seems the iron bucketis ordinary, strictZhouJin. The peoplesothoughts of returning home, letotherYoung Lord, the surpriseis incomparable.商一帆的阴谋诡计,没有得到任何的进展。商心慈组建的势力,似乎是铁桶一般,严密周瑾。众人如此归心,让其他少主,都诧异无比。Shang Yifanis very scared, becauseheknows: WhateverifShang Xincidevelops, depending onhercrazyfiercetendency, mustbe the finalwinnerlike this.商一帆十分恐慌,因为他知道:如果任由商心慈发展下去,凭她这样的狂猛势头,必是最后赢家。Hestarts the rely onfemaleclaninfluence, affects the Shang Familyhigh level.
The Shang Xinci'sinformationbusiness, related toPerformance Martial Stage, is a sensitive issue. Shang FamilyhighlayerpositionFamily Elderagrees, will orderShang Xincistopsbuying and selling the time, Shang Yanfeihas stood, sweeps the numerousto discuss, supports the daughter.商心慈的情报生意,涉及到演武场,本来就是个敏感话题。商家高层数位家老合议,正要勒令商心慈停止买卖的时候,商燕飞站了出来,一扫众议,力挺女儿。
The statement of Shang Yanfei, simplyistoShang Yifanfinallystrikes.商燕飞的表态,简直是对商一帆的最后一击。
After several months, Shang Yifananditsfemaleclaninfluenceare unable to save the situation, disastrous defeatin the Shang Xinci'shand.
数月后,商一帆和其母族势力回天乏术,惨败在商心慈的手中。Shang Xincifollowing the position of Shang Yazi, becomespeople with newly acquired wealth in tenGreat Young Lord!商心慈继商睚眦之位,成为十大少主中的新贵!
The sadness of butleaving, has washed out the successfuljoy.
但离别的悲伤,冲散了成功的喜悦。„Big Brother Hei Tu, are yousuchsharplywalkingreally?”Shang Xincigoes out of the city gate, tenli (0.5 km)see off.
“黑土哥哥,你们真的这么急着走吗?”商心慈走出城门,十里相送。„Youhave been in the Young Lordpositionsuccessfully. Byyourtalent, canhold on to your hatsurely. Xinci (kind-hearted), the world not loosebanquet, wewill not have hadmeetsagain, youdo not needtoomanysad.”
“你已经成功登上少主的位置。以你的才华,必定能坐稳的。心慈,天下没有不散的筵席,我们还会有再见面的时候,你无须太多感伤。”Fang Yuanis comforting, thread of conversationRank 1(turn): „Before leaving, I have the incidentto remindyou. Everythingmustputlong-term the vision, aboveShang FamilytenGreat Young Lord, Young PatriarchShang Tahai. AboveShang Tahai, Shang Familyfivebighigh-ranking court officialFamily Elder, your fatherShang Yanfei. AboveShang Yanfei, Shang FamilyReveredFamily Elder......”方源安慰着,又话锋一转:“临走之前,我还有一事提醒你。凡事要把目光放长远,商家十大少主之上,还有少族长商拓海。商拓海之上,还有商家的五大重臣家老,你的父亲商燕飞。商燕飞之上,还有商家的太上家老……”„Elder Brother, youfelt relieved. In the past, Shang TahaibecameYoung Patriarch, when wasoccupies the day. OtherShang FamilyYoung Lord, havefavourable location. When Ido not have the daydoes not havefavourable location, only then the investmenttalented person, the owner, cancontendwiththem. Elder Brother, youmusthaveanyneed, informsme. So long asSelf Strength can, will certainly accomplishforyou!”In the Shang Xinci'seye, is flashing the wisdomray.
“哥哥,你放心。当年,商拓海成为少族长,是占据天时。其余商家少主,拥有地利。我无天时也无地利,只有投资人才,拥有人和,才能与他们抗衡。哥哥,你要有什么需要,就通知我。只要我力所能及,一定会为您办到!”商心慈的眼中,闪着智慧的光芒。These words, makingFang Zhengtwopeople of involuntarilybeitlook askance.
这番话,让方正二人都不由地为其侧目。Reallyiswill be worthily buddingin the future, becomes the Shang FamilyPatriarchfemaletalented person!
果然不愧是日后崭露头角,成为商家族长的女才子!„Good, has another chance to meet.”Fang Yuandeeplylooked atShang Xincione, turns aroundto walk.
“好,后会有期。”方源深深地看了商心慈一眼,转身就走。Bai Ningbingfollowsinhisside.白凝冰跟随在他的身边。
A two peopleblackwhiteback, graduallysubmergesin the mountain roadshade of forest.
两人一黑一白的背影,渐渐地没入山道林荫中。Shang Xinciandtwomaidservants, stand for a very long timesame place, looksdirection that the Fang and Bai two peoplesformis vanishing, has not moved.商心慈和两位丫鬟,久久地站在原地,望着方白二人身影消失的方向,没有动弹。„Big Brother Hei Tu, the Trident Mountaindanger, pleasetreasure!”In the Shang Xincibeautifulpupilferments the one layermist, in the heartsecretlyis blessing.
“黑土哥哥,三叉山危险,请珍重!”商心慈美眸中酝酿着一层水雾,心中则在暗暗地祝福。( to be continued )
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