„Isthis.”Shang Chaofengopened the mouthto reply.
“是这样啊。”商嘲风开口应答了一声。Fang Yuanacts, has rejectedhispropositionforShang Xincidirectly, heis not goodto demandagain.方源出面,替商心慈直接拒绝了他的提议,他也不好再强求。Fang Yuanhas defeatedJu Kaibei, Rank 3peakcultivation base, has the Rank 4battle efficiency. Meanwhilehealsohas the Purple Thorntoken, is the Shang Familyhonored guest. Therefore, Shang ChaofengtoFang and Bai two peoples, has been offering the good intentions.方源战胜了巨开碑,三转巅峰修为,就有四转的战斗力。同时他又有紫荆令牌,是商家的贵客。因此,商嘲风一直都在对方白二人,释放善意。Howeverinhisheartactuallythinks otherwise.
不过他心中却不以为然。„Snort, forms the influence, requires the time, howpossibleOvernight? fine, makesyousuffer the hardshipfirst. By that time, Iin the take actionhelp, insteadcanreceive the effect.”In the Shang Chaofengheartis considering, insurface the belt/bringsmilesslightly.
“哼,组建势力,需要时间,怎么可能一蹴而就呢?也罢,就让你们先吃吃苦头。到那时,我在来出手帮助,反而更能收到效果。”商嘲风心中思量着,表面上微微带笑。both sidesalsodiscussed the moment, Shang ChaofengShang Xinciand the others, sends out the presidential officefront doorpersonally.
双方又谈了片刻,商嘲风亲自将商心慈等人,送出府院大门。Regardingbystander, thisis the most explicitpolitical signal.
对于外人而言,这是一个最明确不过的政治信号。Said good-byeShang Chaofeng, the business and Fang and Baithreepeoplestep onto the avenue.
辞别了商嘲风,商、方、白三人走上大街。Todayisprofitingfestival, the shopis out of business, streetboth sidesare setting upall kinds ofsmallstalls.
今天是利市节,店铺都关门停业,街道两旁摆着各式各样的小地摊。„Comes, is sour and sweetcandied fruit!”
“来来来,又酸又甜的糖葫芦啊!”„Itoldyou, thisoldjade, butmy familyhands down from generation to generationfrom the ancestry......”
“我跟你说,这块老玉,可是我家从祖辈上传下来的……”„Sells the meter/rice, sellsmeter/rice, onebag of five spicesvolatile oilrice, so long ashalfprimeval stones.”
“卖米啦,卖米啦,一袋五香精油大米,只要半块元石啦。”Smallstallone after another, dazzling, sellsvarioustypes of thingshas. The platoonbecomes a row, be continuousexits. Takes a broad viewto look, countlesspedestrianjostle each others in a crowd, somestopto surround, somebargained back and forth, somelooked around.
小地摊一个接着一个,琳琅满目,卖各种东西的都有。排成一排,绵延出去。放眼望去,无数行人摩肩擦踵,有的驻足围观,有的讨价还价,有的东张西望。Profitingfestivalevery yearonetime, no matterFang Yuan, Bai NingbingorShang Xinci, were not strange.
利市节每年一次,不管是方源、白凝冰还是商心慈,都已经不陌生。„Calculates,wearrive atMerchant City, had2-3years.”Shang Xinciopens the mouthsuddenly, the toneis sigh with emotion.
“算一算,我们来到商家城,已经有两三年了。”商心慈忽然开口,语气感慨。„Matter that in the two yearshas, were too many.”Shewas sighing, continued, „before tradingdid, Iabsolutelycannot thinkIwas the Shang FamilyPatriarchdaughter.”
“这两年发生的事情,真的太多了。”她叹息着,继续说着,“换做之前,我绝对想不到我是商家族长的女儿。”Then, Shang XincilookstoFang Yuan, smilesslightly, reveals the whitetooth: „If notBig Brother Hei Tuyou, Icannot come here.”
然后,商心慈又看向方源,微微而笑,露出洁白的牙齿:“如果不是黑土哥哥你,我也不能到达这里来呢。”RegardingFang and Bai two peoples, Shang Xincihas held the deepsense of gratitude.
对于方白二人,商心慈一直抱有深深的感激之情。Bai Ningbingbecomes silentin the one side, butcorner of the eyetwitchedslightly.白凝冰在一旁默然无语,只是眼角微微抽搐了一下。„Yes, Ihave not thought that your fatherunexpectedlyisfamousShang Yanfei! However, savesyoualsoto hit it off well with one another. The reasonreasongoes, the assembling and partingmeeting and parting, thisisworldreason.”Fang Yuanboth eyesare looking at the front, replied.
The Shang Xincifacial colorchanges, shelistened tobeyond the words the sound: „Big Brother Hei Tu, do youwantto leaveMerchant City?”商心慈面色微变,她听出了话外之音:“黑土哥哥,你是要离开商家城了吗?”„right. Soon, IandBai Ningbing, mustleaveShang Xinci, goes toTrident Mountain.”Fang Yuanreplied.
“不错。不久之后,我和白凝冰,就要离开商心慈,前往三叉山。”方源答道。Shang Xinciclenched teeth, the words that wantsto saydetains, buthas not saidfinally.商心慈咬了咬牙,想要说出挽留的话,但最终都没有说出口。SheandFang Yuanis togetherin the course of time, althoughdoes not haveto talkexplicitly, but can actually feelwildness in hisheartto look.
The ambition of thismanis too big, is impossibleto stayinMerchant Citythisplace.
这个男人的野心太大,是不可能停留在商家城这一个地方的。„But, youfelt relieved. Beforedeparture, Iwill push up the Young Lordpositionyou, andmakesyousitto get upsteadily.”Fang Yuansmiled, „walks, Ileadyouto gather the subordinatefirst. Today, weXinci (kind-hearted) the secondary roles of presentinfluence, build.”
“不过,你放心。在离开之前,我会将你推上少主位,并且让你稳稳地坐上起去。”方源笑了笑,“走吧,我先带你去招揽属下。今天,咱们就将心慈你今后势力的班底,搭建起来。”„What, Big Brother Hei Tu, youreallyambitiouscandidate?” The Shang Xincisurpriseaskedone.
“什么,黑土哥哥,你真的有理想的人选?”商心慈略带诧异地反问一句。Forms the influence, requireslongtime.
组建势力,需要漫长的时间。As long as the loyal and devotedsubordinate, mustpass throughlong-termto cultivate.
The Fang Yuanpresenttone, makingShang Xincifeel, the loyalandablesubordinate, looks like the cabbage, said that canfindcanfind.方源现在的语气,让商心慈感觉,忠诚又有能力的下属,就像是大白菜,说能找到就能找到。Actuallyhehaswhatassurance, is the toneso self-confident?
他究竟有什么样的把握,语气这么自信?Not is only Shang Xinci, Bai Ningbingis curious.
不仅是商心慈,就连白凝冰都不免为之好奇。„Comeswithme, and that's it.”Fang Yuantakes the lead, guidesfortwo people.
After twists and turns, theyarrive at an alley.七拐八拐之后,他们来到一个小巷。In a lanternshop, with the silkshops, is setting up an outdoor shop.
Before Fang Yuanarrives atthisoutdoor shop, stops the footsteps.方源走到这个摊子前,停下脚步。
After the outdoor shop, partlyis lying down a youngster.
The youngsterin rags, back on the corner, the eyepartlyare narrowing the eyes, the complexionis very bad, the visionis impractical, immersionwine and women, dispiritedappearance of being inescapably involved.
少年衣衫褴褛,背靠在墙角,眼睛半眯着,脸色很差,目光虚浮,一副沉浸酒色,不能自拔的颓废模样。„don't tell meBig Brother Hei Tu, mustlookisthisyoungster?”In the Shang Xinciheartconsiders.
“难道黑土哥哥,要找的就是这个少年?”商心慈心中思量。Bai Ningbingis also usingsharpvision, sizes upthisperson. AlthoughthispersonisGu Master, but onlyRank 1(turn)middle stage. Looks athisappearance, the agewas not small, is actually thissolidStrength Cultivatoris, simplyishorrible to look.白凝冰也在用锐利的目光,打量这人。这人虽然是个蛊师,但只有一转中阶。看他的模样,年岁已经不小,却是这实力修为,简直是惨不忍睹。„Thislittleelder brother, wantsto buyanything...... SirFang Zheng!” The youngsterrealized that has the person, openedboth eyes, the wordsjustsaidhalf, suddenlyraised the intonation, revealed that is startledlook that andshocked.
“这位小哥,想要买什么……呃,方正大人!”少年察觉到有人,睁开双眼,话刚说了一半,忽然把声调一扬,显露出吃惊、震撼的神色。Fang Yuannowis the Merchant Citycelebrity, has not hidden the true colors, recognizesbymanypeople.方源如今算是商家城的名人,没有隐藏真面目,是以很多人都认得出来。„White, SirBai Ningbing......”at once, hehas recognizedBai Ningbing, agitatedstutters.
“白,白凝冰大人……”旋即,他又认出了白凝冰,语气激动得都结巴起来。Shang Xincihe, althoughdid not know, but can actually distinguish the Shang Xinci'sGu Masteraura. Simultaneously the Shang Xinci'soutstandingly beautifulappearance, ismakeshimhave a dizzyblurredfeeling.商心慈他虽然不认识,但是却能辨别出商心慈的蛊师气息。同时商心慈的绝色容颜,更是让他有一种目眩迷离之感。„Thisistenprimeval stones, yourthingIbought. Youcanwalk.”Fang Yuanpulls outonebag of primeval stones.
“这是十块元石,你的东西我都买下了。你可以走了。”方源掏出一袋元石。On the face of thisyoungster, emerges the look that is overjoyedimmediately.
这少年的脸上,顿时涌现出大喜过望的神色。Butat once, hehasto reveal some colors of hesitation.
The chop suey on thisoutdoor shop, ishetidies up the grandfatherrelic the time, foundsomefragmentary. Afterhisdiscernment, is the junks, does not havewhatvaluablething.
这摊子上的杂碎,是他收拾祖父遗物的时候,找到了一些零碎。经过他的辨别,都是破铜烂铁,并没有什么值钱的东西。Butwhy, does SirFang Zhengwantto buyhisthing? Indon't tell methis, whattreasurehasreally?
但为什么,方正大人要买下他的东西?难道这里面,真的有什么宝物?Ifthere is a treasure, oneselfsell out, to owe?
如果有宝物,自己卖掉,岂不是亏了?Sois considering, Fang Yuanlifts the handto throwsuddenly, the handinstalls the primeval stonessmallbag, has thrown tohim.
正这般思量着,方源忽然抬手一抛,将手中装元石的小袋子,抛给了他。„What are youstill thinking? Unexpectedlyhas not listenedto be clearI the words. Snort, Isettle onyourthing, isyourbeing honored. Youcanrollnow. Does not roll, the opportunity that yourolldid not have.” The Fang Yuancold voicethreatsaid.
The youngsterwere frightenedimmediatelytremble.
少年顿时被吓得一哆嗦。Heshiverslips, stammeringlywas saying: „SideandSirFang Zheng, howyoucanthis, this. Does business, whatartis...... IsyoursentimentIhopes. Wecannotbuy and sell by using compulsion, you are also, person who alsohas the status...... MoreoverthisisinMerchant City......”
啪。Fang Yuanwaves the arms about a palm of the hand, thisyoungsterknocks down.方源甩手一个巴掌,将这少年打倒在地。„Go away.”Fang Yuanoccupies a commanding position, with the youngster of icecoldvisionbird's eye viewground, the toneis light.
The youngsterare covering the face, fearful and apprehensive, the fearresults in the whole bodyto shiver. Helooked upFang Yuan, the visionhas touched saying that the Fang Yuanjet blackpupil, shiftedimmediately. Thencrawls not without making a sound, ran awaytotteringly.
The back that „Big Brother Hei Tu......” the Shang Xincilooks atyoungsterdeparts, somewhatdoes not have the heart.
“黑土哥哥……”商心慈看着少年离去的背影,有些于心不忍。Bai Ningbingunemotionally, thinks little.白凝冰则面无表情,不以为意。„Xinci (kind-hearted), IamDemonic PathGu Master, hasoneconductmethod, is fastidiousisto one's heart's contentvertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered.”Fang Yuanspoke thoughtlesslyto explainone, righteous.
The surroundingstall keeperlookstohim.
周围的摊贩都看向他。Abouthisline of sighttakes a fast look around, immediately the peoplegiving way to trafficvision, does not dareto look at each otherwithhimin abundance.
他视线左右扫视一番,顿时众人纷纷避让目光,不敢和他对视。Iftradesto makebeforehandFang Yuan, naturallymustemptybywinding, the usecheat the method and deceiving, buys the thing on thisstallfriendly.
若换做以前的方源,自然要虚以委蛇一番,动用哄骗、欺瞒的手段,和和气气地买下这小摊上的东西。Butnow, hisstrengthrises sharply, today we are no longer as we have been. Canuse the most directmethod, reduces effortconvenient, whydoesn't use?
The Righteous Pathcharacter, musttreasure the reputation, demonstrates the demeanor, thereforeis often genialto the small and weakexpression.正道人物,要爱惜名声,展示风度,所以常向弱小表达和善。Fang Yuan is actually notRighteous Path, butisDemonic Path.方源却不是正道,而是魔道。Since the ancient times, the bigfisheatssmall fishsmall fishto eat the sun-dried shelled shrimp, is the jungleprinciple of suchthe weak are prey to the strong.
A Demonic Pathpeople, tears the flesh, swallowdirectly. Righteous Pathcharacter, is eats, whileshedscrocodiletears, saidoneselfwere forced.
只是魔道中人,都是撕扯血肉,一口口直接吞下。正道人物,则是一边吃,一边掉鳄鱼的眼泪,说自己被逼无奈。Someignorantpeople, were always deceivedbyfalse. Deceives itselftooneselfstupidly, is not willingto face the brutaltruth.
呵呵。In fact, eats.
The exploiterseatby the exploiter, the invaderare eaten the invaded country, great strengtheatsmall and weak, the oppressoreatthe oppressed, high-rankeat up...... All living thingsmyriad thingshave not eaten, does not eat, survival. Ineach othertable mannershasdifferencethat's all.
剥削者吃被剥削者,侵略者吃被侵略者,强大者吃弱小者,压迫者吃被压迫者,上位者吃下位者……众生万物没有不吃的,不吃,就生存不下去。只是彼此的吃相上有差异罢了。Fang Yuanhas expelledthatvendor, bent downit, chose a tokenfrom the stall.方源赶跑了那摊主,俯下身之,从摊位上挑选出了一枚令牌。Thistoken, seems the black ironmakes, swarthy, but alsohalfis incomplete. Abovevaguelycarves characters, butwas groundfor a long time, has lackedhalf, cannot identify.
这令牌,似乎是黑铁所制,黑不溜秋,还半块残缺着。上面依稀刻着字,但被研磨得久了,又缺了一半,根本辨认不出来。ButFang Yuanactuallyknows,thisis a foodcharacter.
但方源却知道,这是一个饭字。300years ago, Demonic PathGu Master, the severe woundfalls in the water, was rescuedby a little miss of riversidewashgauze.
The little girlsare good-hearted, after rescuingthisDemonic PathGu Master, itssecretplacesin the firewoodroom, but alsodelivers the foodto eattothisGu Mastersevery day.
After Demonic PathGu Masteris restored to health, there is a benevolence of feelinglittle miss, has made a black irontoken, is carvingone„food”character.魔道蛊师康复之后,有感小姑娘的恩情,做了一块黑铁令牌,刻着一个“饭”字。Alsobreaks offtwo halves the token, halfgive the little miss, halfleave themselves.
When Demonic PathGu Masterleaves, urged the little misscarefully: In the futureifhasanydifficulty, maygo topillvolcanoghostcryinghole, seeks forownhelp. Even ifwere the little missdied, thiscommitment, the new host of blocktoken, was still fifty-fifty effective.魔道蛊师离开之时,仔细地叮嘱小姑娘:将来若有什么难处,可去丹火山鬼哭洞,寻找自己的帮助。就算是小姑娘死了,这份承诺,对半块令牌的新主人,仍旧有效。
The little missesrememberfirmly, butonlycrossedwas less than 50years, pillvolcanohad the war, the volcanic eruption, the ghostcryingholeannihilation. ButthatDemonic PathGu Master, was captured alivebyTie Family, detainedinDemon Subduing Pagoda.
小姑娘牢牢记住,但只过了不到50年,丹火山就发生大战,火山喷发,鬼哭洞湮灭。而那魔道蛊师,也被铁家活捉,押在了镇魔塔中。Thesehalfincompletetoken, lost the function. In the later generationchildgeneration of little miss, passes through many places.
这半块残缺的令牌,也就失去了作用。在小姑娘的后人子辈中,辗转流传下来。BecauseinvolvesDemonic Path, little missoldbefore death, has not disclosed the half a pointsecretto the children. Thispast eventsrotteninbelly.
The later generation of little miss, was pursuedby the family. After roaming abouttoMerchant Citysettles down, family fortunegraduallydeclines. The descendantsincapacityis also unfilial, an lineage/veinsole line of descentgets down, until nowonlyotheryoungster.
小姑娘的后人,被家族驱逐。流浪到商家城定居后,家道渐渐没落。子孙无才又不孝,一脉单传下来,到如今只余下一位少年。Thisyoungsterwas used tovery much, the young masterdisposition, islives a life of dissipationevery kindcompletely. After the parentsdied, once in a while, hedependsto trade the ancestryrelicto earn a living.
这少年被惯得很,公子脾性,更是吃喝嫖赌样样俱全。双亲死后,每隔一段时间,他就靠贩卖祖辈遗物过活。Butat a profitingfestival, hisdestinyhad the transition.
The shareis the Demonic PathGu Masterthreebrothers, arrived here to stroll, discoversthesehalftoken on outdoor shop.
份属魔道的蛊师三兄弟,来到这里闲逛,无意间发现摊子上的这半块令牌。( to be continued )
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