CF :: Volume #25

#2491: Cuts the ominous king of beasts

Chapter 2367 第2367章 Cuts the ominous king of beasts 斩凶兽王 The fist of Chu Yunfan, seems the peerless weapon same cuts the expansive sky, has made the crack universe Void Space, disrupts inch by inch. 楚云凡的这一拳,好似绝世的兵器一样划破长空,生生将宇宙空间打出了裂缝,一寸一寸碎裂。 But Chu Yunfan the fist also seizing the chance bang killed in the chest of ominous king of beasts, this certainly killed. 楚云凡的这一拳也趁机轰杀到了凶兽王的胸口之中,这就是绝杀。 When the ominous king of beasts was made a moment ago the wound had not restored with enough time, Chu Yunfan seized this once in a thousand years good opportunity. 在凶兽王刚才被打出了伤口还没来得及恢复的时候,楚云凡抓住了这千载难逢的好机会。 The disparity on both sides mortal body, has appeared. 双方肉身上的差距,已经显现出来。 Although Chu Yunfan just strided in king Jing, however the mortal body tyrannical degree has surpassed the ominous king of beasts, moreover with the lapse of time and unceasing enhancement. 虽然楚云凡才刚刚跨入王境,但是肉身的强横程度就已经超过了凶兽王,而且会随着时间的推移而不断的增强。 The ominous king of beasts is roaring, directly hit flew horizontally, a chest originally some giant blood hole hit was bigger, the blood splash splashes in World, can say that the flesh and blood flutters about. 凶兽王怒吼着,被直接打的横飞了出去,胸口原本就有的一个巨大血洞被打的更大了,血花在天地间飞溅,可以说骨血纷飞。 His blood is burning, that was lit by the Chu Yunfan fearful fist vigor, starting in the universe flaming has burnt. 他的鲜血都在燃烧,那是被楚云凡可怕的拳劲点燃了,在宇宙之中开始熊熊燃烧了起来。 All people looked scared! 所有人都看傻眼了! In their imagination, even if Chu Yunfan strided in king Jing, both sides should also refuse to budge to be right. 在他们的想象中,即便楚云凡已经跨入了王境,双方也应该会僵持下去才对。 Both just strided in king Jing soon new King, the strength of both sides should be is equally matched is right. 两者都是刚刚跨入王境不久的新王者,双方的实力应该是难分伯仲才对。 However now does Chu Yunfan use the fact to hit the face to them, is equally matched? Does not exist! 然而现在楚云凡就用事实给他们打脸,难分伯仲?不存在的! Chu Yunfan joins hands behind the back to stand, his whole person seems among World a golden god is only common, formidable to the situation of being hard imagining. 楚云凡背手而立,他整个人好似天地间一尊黄金神祇一般,强大到难以想象的地步。 Strikes to go well, Chu Yunfan is certainly impossible to let off the ominous king of beasts in light of this, because he knows, likely is their such king Jing expert, in fact, their vitalities are very exuberant. 一击得手,楚云凡当然不可能就此放过凶兽王,因为他知道,像是他们这样的王境高手,实际上,他们的生命力是非常非常旺盛的。 To strike like this cuts to kill a King, that is impossible. 想要一击就这样将一尊王者斩杀,那是根本不可能的。 Really, the ominous king of beasts after does not know has crashed many photostars, roared, vibrates the entire universe. 果然,凶兽王在不知道撞毁了多少星体之后,重新咆哮了一声,震动整个宇宙。 He blood essence of combustion within the body, is accelerating own injury to restore crazily, although this can injure to Great Dao Foundation, will affect his future Breakthrough and his life. 他正在疯狂的燃烧体内的精血,加速自己的伤势恢复,虽然这会伤到大道根基,甚至会影响他未来的突破和他的寿命。 However was compelled pinnacle him, does not have any choice. 不过被逼到了极致的他,也没有任何选择。 But Chu Yunfan sees that simply does not have any, because, rises with a spring directly, a dragon has the phoenix to fall, in the hand grasps toward Void, in an instant, has grasped a Thunder long sword, the sword glow has swept away the expansive sky, almost the entire universe cutting two halves. 楚云凡见状,根本没有任何的由于,直接一跃而起,一个龙起凰落,手中朝着虚空一抓,刹那间,就已经抓出了一口雷霆长剑,剑芒横扫过长空,几乎将整个宇宙给切割成了两半。 Purple thunder seven swords!” “紫雷七剑!” A Chu Yunfan sword divided to cut, unprecedented, this sword was containing Chu Yunfan regarding sword technique and comprehension of principle, can say, has displayed the situation of reaching the pinnacle this sword. 楚云凡一剑劈斩了下去,一往无前,这一剑包含着楚云凡对于剑法和雷法法则的领悟,可以说,已经将这一剑发挥到了登峰造极的地步了。 Even if opening of Purple Thunder Sword Sect sends founder, that legendary King also , is also impossible to surmount Chu Yunfan. 即便是紫雷剑宗的开派祖师,那个传说中的王者还在,也根本不可能超越楚云凡 It can be said that Chu Yunfan has displayed the pinnacle this sword technique. 可以说,楚云凡已经将这一门剑法发挥到了极致。 This sword is several tens of thousands zhang (3.33 m), a sword swept into the chest of ominous king of beasts directly. 这一剑长达数万丈,一剑直接扫入了凶兽王的胸口之中。 pū chī!” 噗嗤!” The ominous king of beasts called out pitifully, the entire body almost dividing to cut by Chu Yunfan this sword. 凶兽王惨叫一声,整个身体都差点被楚云凡这一剑给劈斩开来。 Among World all rays in split second by this sword camouflaging, did not have what ray more radiant than this sword glow again. 天地间所有的光芒都在一瞬间被这一剑给遮蔽了,再也没有什么光芒比这剑芒更加的璀璨了。 Chu Yunfan occupied the situation, must manage does not forgive the person, the attacks of various terrifying are similar to the Gale sudden downpour sweep across generally, but. 楚云凡占据了先机,得理不饶人,各种恐怖的攻击如同狂风骤雨一般席卷而至。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” The attacks of innumerable terrifying were similar to the raindrop fall the body of ominous king of beasts generally. 无数恐怖的攻击如同雨点一般落到了凶兽王的身上。 Chu Yunfan was kills eyes to be red, he was cutting to kill a King, even if state of mind tyrannical such as he, felt own warm-blooded in the ebullition. 楚云凡更是杀到了双眸通红,他在斩杀一尊王者,哪怕心境强横如他,也感觉到了自身热血在沸腾。 Meanwhile, in his eyes, belongs to disaster star pupil the strength of terrifying disaster also to sweep across, the strength of that disaster changes to everywhere the fire of karma to sweep across directly directly on the body of ominous king of beasts, flaming combustion. 与此同时,他的双眸之中,属于灾难星眸的恐怖灾难之力也在席卷,那灾难之力化作漫天的业火直接在凶兽王的身上直接席卷开来,熊熊燃烧。 The open fight between factions of this disaster is not the Ordinary flame, the flame that but among the disaster strength of by World turns into, simply does not have the means pursuit to be clean, only if among World does not have any disaster that to have the possibility again. 这灾难之火并不是寻常的火焰,而是以天地间的灾难之力化成的火焰,根本没有办法驱逐干净,除非天地间再也没有任何灾难那才有可能。 However this looks is also at all the impossible matter. 不过这一看也是根本不可能的事情。 Even if after is king Jing contaminated, wants to pursue must spend very much time to be possible the success. 即便是王境沾染上了之后,想要驱逐也要花费非常多的时间才有可能成功。 The ominous king of beasts called out pitifully, he was flown by hitting hard bang, he only felt own whole body was burning surging forward the fire of disaster, even he wished one could himself to be able the ecdysis, avoids the fire of disaster this is unable to be extinguished. 凶兽王惨叫,他被一次次的重击轰飞出去,他只感觉自己全身上下都在燃烧着汹涌澎湃的灾难之火,甚至他都恨不得自己能够蜕皮,来躲避这根本无法被熄灭的灾难之火。 He is for a lifetime in the most dangerous time, he has not met such fearful killing intent. 他处于一辈子之中最为危险的时候,他从来没有遇到过这样可怕的杀机。 Even if facing other King, he also has is insufficient self-confidently so. 即便是面对其他王者,他也有自信不至于如此。 However who once thinks, after having bumped into Chu Yunfan, he unexpectedly so frail. 但是谁曾想,碰到了楚云凡之后,他居然是如此的脆弱。 pū chī!” 噗嗤!” A Chu Yunfan sword chops to cut, immediately, that ominous king of beasts was divided to cut two halves unexpectedly, the blood has splattered. 楚云凡一剑劈斩下去,登时,那一头凶兽王居然被劈斩成了两半,鲜血喷溅出来。 Finished?” Many people cried out in the heart, they who this series of attack hits are dazzled, they always didn't expect, among fight king Jing unexpectedly so lopsided. “结束了么?”许多人都在心中呐喊,这一连串的攻击打的他们眼花缭乱,他们从来没想到过,王境之间的战斗居然会如此的一面倒。 Before them that both sides suffer that thinks is different. 和他们之前所想的那种两败俱伤根本不一样。 Before they see, able to move unhindered north big summer dynasty the boundary, does not know has slaughtered the ominous kings of beasts of many lives now unexpectedly hit is the same with the dog, now is also divided to cut two halves. 他们看到之前纵横大夏皇朝北境,不知道杀戮了多少生灵的凶兽王现在居然被打的跟狗一样,现在还被劈斩成了两半。 However under split second, this ominous king of beasts has reorganized in the universe all of a sudden, the ominous king of beasts under reorganization, the fire of disaster also vanished, some originally residual wounds also vanish without a trace. 不过下一瞬间,这一头凶兽王一下子又在宇宙之中重组了,重组之下的这一头凶兽王,身上的灾难之火也消失了,原本残留的一些伤口也都消失的无影无踪了。 As if returned to most Peak, but all people can look, the aura of this ominous king of beasts weakened obviously. 似乎回到了最巅峰,但是所有人都看得出来,这一头凶兽王的气息明显削弱了很多。 Obviously this rebirth consumed the strength of own source a moment ago, this rebirth, does not know that has left behind many future troubles. 显然刚才这种重生非常消耗自身的本源之力,这一次重生,不知道留下了多少后患。 However the ominous king of beasts could not attend to obviously that many, after all was not careful, possibly the whole person died. 但是凶兽王显然也是顾不上那么许多了,毕竟一个不小心,可能整个人就死了。 Chu Yunfan, I want you! Death!!!!” Ominous king of beasts angry roaring , the facial features distortion, ferocious looking, seemed like fearful. 楚云凡,我一定要你!死!!!!”凶兽王愤怒的咆哮,面容扭曲,青面獠牙,看起来可怕极了。 But Chu Yunfan is only coldly looks at the ominous king of beasts, the wing of back Thunder opens, gets down split second the time, he arrived at the front of ominous king of beasts, originally the movement radically was the image persistence, when everyone saw a moment ago Chu Yunfan that movement he has rushed ahead the front of ominous king of beasts actually. 楚云凡只是冷冷的看着凶兽王,背后的雷霆之翼张开,下一瞬间的时候,他就已经来到了凶兽王的面前,原来刚才的动作根本就是残像,在众人看到刚才楚云凡的那个动作的时候他其实已经冲杀到了凶兽王的面前。 The long sword that the hand strength of Thunder forms has swept away all of a sudden. 手中的雷霆之力形成的长剑一下子横扫了出去。 Quick! 快! Quick! 快! Quick This sword was too quick, the ominous king of beasts simply does not have any response, was truncated by a sword flew the entire head, he stared in a big way the eye. 这一剑太快了,凶兽王根本没有任何反应,就被一剑削飞了整个脑袋,他瞪大了眼睛。 Is thinking a moment ago also, how to retaliate Chu Yunfan, didn't expect, this died in the hand of Chu Yunfan. 刚才还想着之后如何报复楚云凡,没想到,这样就死在了楚云凡的手中。 Chu Yunfan was stronger, with just Breakthrough time compares, at least 50%. 楚云凡更强了,和刚刚突破的时候相比,起码强了五成。 expert Confrontation, tiny bit disparity sufficiently fatal, let alone differs such big, enough made Chu Yunfan take the life of ominous king of beasts easily. 高手交锋,一丝一毫的差距都足以致命,何况相差如此之大,足够让楚云凡轻而易举的取走了凶兽王的性命。 Ominous king of beasts, death! 凶兽王,死! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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