CF :: Volume #25

#2489: Results in king Jing

Chapter 2365 第2365章 Results in king Jing 终至王境 However even if fights this one step, regarding many people, that was also through the ages, never had the success. 不过即便是战到了这一步,对于许多人来说,那也是古往今来,从未有过的战绩了。 Especially many people are each Era Heaven's Proud, stretched across from antiquity Era until now each Era, had never heard has the so shocking success. 尤其是许多人都是各个时代天骄,横跨了从上古时代到如今的各个时代,也从未听说过有如此骇人听闻的战绩。 Half-Step king Jing and between the huge disparity king Jing, all people are very clear, therefore these youngster are supreme, Ancient Era Heaven's Proud these days is one by one honest, even if has also dared to jump Breakthrough to Half-Step king Jing radically nobody. 半步王境和王境之间的巨大差距,所有人都很清楚,所以这些少年至尊,古代天骄们这段时间一个比一个老实,哪怕突破到了半步王境也根本没人敢跳出来。 Chu Yunfan that therefore the choice jumps has become being the target of public criticism, has become the targets of countless person. 所以选择跳出来的楚云凡就成了众矢之的,成了无数人的标靶。 Even at all impossible so to resist with Chu Yunfan such for a long time, Half-Step king Jing and between the disparity king Jing, that is all-around. 甚至根本不可能和楚云凡这般抵抗这么久,半步王境和王境之间的差距,那是全方位的。 Half-Step king Jing merely is only fields, approached with king Jing, but that merely is only the fields is also close, other complete backwardness. 半步王境仅仅只是某些方面,已经和王境接近,但是那也仅仅只是某些方面接近而已,其他还是完完全全的落后。 king Jing is invincible?” Some youngster supreme saying, although they and Chu Yunfan standpoint is different, but some people hope Chu Yunfan to win, at least can contend with king Jing expert. “王境还是不可战胜的么?”有少年至尊怔怔的说道,虽然他们和楚云凡的立场不同,不过还是有些人希望楚云凡获胜,至少能够和王境高手抗衡。 In that case, at least they are also many ability of self-preservation, king Jing expert was unable to their act willfully. 那样的话,起码他们也就多了自保的能力,王境高手也不能对他们为所欲为 However now as if the fact told him, he thinks that still fantasy story, at present king Jing expert is still not Half-Step king Jing can challenge. 然而现在似乎事实告诉了他,他所想的,依然还是天方夜谭,目前王境高手依然不是半步王境能够挑战的。 Even if Chu Yunfan has been possible be called strongest! 哪怕楚云凡已经堪称最强! Although also nobody explicitly shouts this 7 th at present, but Chu Yunfan in the everyone eye, just like is under king Jing number one person, even if not strongest, is at present most forcefully row one of several people. 虽然目前还没有人明确喊出这个七号,但是楚云凡众人的眼中,俨然已经是王境之下第一人,哪怕不是最强,也是目前最强行列中的几人之一。 However cannot achieve including Chu Yunfan, let alone was they! 然而连楚云凡都做不到,何况是他们了! „It is not right, injured is not only Chu Yunfan?” Unexpectedly, some people call out in alarm, shouted that said. “不对,受伤的不仅仅是楚云凡?”蓦地,有人惊呼,喊出一声说道。 everyone then notes, in the yet another direction, on the chest of that ominous king of beasts, was rumbled directly a giant blood hole, the blood has gone all out to flow out toward outside similarly. 众人这才注意到,在另外一个方向上,那一头凶兽王的胸口上,被直接轰出了一个巨大的血洞,鲜血同样拼命朝着外面流出。 The blood that they saw a moment ago, was two people, but did not belong to Chu Yunfan alone. 刚才他们看到的鲜血,是属于两个人的,而不单独属于楚云凡的。 „Did he achieve really?” In the mind of all people have thought of such an extremely inconceivable matter. “他真的做到了?”所有人的脑海之中都想到了这么一个极度不可思议的事情。 Even if many people hope a moment ago Chu Yunfan can win, but they also thought that the possibility was too low, is seeing seriously Chu Yunfan wins, all people instead are startled. 即便刚才有很多人希望楚云凡能赢,但是他们也觉得可能性太小了,当真正看到楚云凡获胜的时候,所有人都反而怔住了。 Chu Yunfan has turned around, his injury is changing for the better, his whole body is belching smoke, looks like, was similar to has caught fire generally. 楚云凡转过身来,他身上的伤势正在好转,他全身都在冒烟,看起来,如同着火了一般。 A moment ago, was you might kill my time only, but is very obvious, you have missed this opportunity!” “刚才,是你唯一有可能杀死我的时候,但是很显然,你错过了这个机会!” Chu Yunfan turned around indifferently, looks to the ominous king of beasts, in his body, a terrifying strength was seething with excitement, compared with must be more fearful a moment ago. 楚云凡冷漠转身,看向了凶兽王,他身体之中,一股恐怖的力量正在沸腾,比起刚才还要更加可怕。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The innumerable principles in his whole body condensation, present into the spiral-shaped rise, forms the fearful storm in his whole body, gets bigger and bigger, nearly turned into a fearful silkworm chrysalis to be ordinary. 无数的法则在他的周身凝聚,呈现成为螺旋状上升,在他的周身形成可怕的风暴,越长越大,近乎化成了一道可怕的蚕蛹一般。 Roar!” “吼!” An ominous king of beasts huge roaring sound, the giant body makes a long-range raid to come in the universe. 凶兽王一声巨大的咆哮声,巨大的身体在宇宙之中奔袭而来。 Bang!” “轰!” The wind Attribute generalization of terrifying makes the formidable wind blade together, has swept away the entire universe, almost cuts two halves universe Void Space. 一道恐怖的风属性法则化作强大的风刃,横扫过整个宇宙,几乎将宇宙空间都切割成两半。 That terrifying strength gives to tear into shreds all, rumbles in the silkworm cocoon that all of a sudden into Chu Yunfan whole body that innumerable principle turned into. 恐怖的力量将一切都给撕碎,一下子就轰入了楚云凡周身那无数法则所化成的蚕茧之中。 Bang!” “轰隆!” All these collided fearful boom sound, what made everyone with amazement was, that wind blade, bit by bit was ground together, disappearance inch by inch in everyone at present. 这一切碰撞出了可怕的轰鸣声,但是让众人骇然的是,那一道风刃,被生生一点一点碾碎,一寸一寸的消失在了众人的眼前。 But in this time, that ominous king of beasts horizontally rushed to the Chu Yunfan front, a giant claw racket fell ruthlessly. 而就在此时,那一头凶兽王已经横冲到了楚云凡的面前,一只巨大的爪子狠狠拍落了下来。 „!” “刺啦!” Entire universe Void was torn, that silkworm cocoon naturally was also torn. 整个宇宙虚空都被撕裂开来,那一个蚕茧自然而然的也被撕裂开来。 However, what making all people note is, when does not know, a hand lifted, caught this giant claw firmly. 然而,让所有人都注意到的是,不知道什么时候,一只手已经抬起来,牢牢的接住了这一只巨大的爪子。 Bang!” “嘭!” Huge boom sound sweeps across. 巨大的轰鸣声随之席卷开来。 Chu Yunfan uninjured, said accurately easily caught the terrifying attack of this ominous king of beasts. 楚云凡毫发无伤,准确的说就是轻而易举的接住了这凶兽王的恐怖攻击。 Has been a pity, you already without enough time!” “太可惜了,你已经来不及了!” Chu Yunfan indifferently said, in a twinkling, the Chu Yunfan five fingers pinch the fist, whole body golden light greatly hold, in his, golden phantom appears, this golden phantom bang ruthlessly has then approached that ominous king of beasts. 楚云凡淡淡的说道,说时迟那时快,楚云凡五指捏拳,全身金光大盛,在他的身后,一个金色的虚影显现出来,紧接着,这一个金色的虚影便狠狠的轰向了那一头凶兽王。 Bang!” “嘭!” first time, that ominous king of beasts was flown by the direct bang, the huge figure drags the line in universe Void, does not know that has cracked-up the multi- heavenly bodies. 第一次,那一头凶兽王被直接轰飞了出去,巨大的身形在宇宙虚空之中拖行,不知道撞碎了多天体。 His huge body does not know that simultaneously was delimited many wounds. 他巨大的身躯也不知道同时被划出多少道伤口。 The people who terrifying, lets in the Sino-Turkey divine land many observed were startled. 恐怖的一幕,让中土神州之中许多正在观战的人都怔住了。 Does he achieve? 他是怎么做到的? However quick, all people immediately responded. 不过很快,所有人都马上反应了过来。 Chu Yunfan erupts so the terrifying strength suddenly, obviously, possibly is not that Medicine Pill effect, if that Medicine Pill can have the so astonishing drug efficacy, that Chu Yunfan just already will erupt such astonishing strength. 楚云凡突然爆发出如此恐怖的战力,显然,并不可能是那一枚丹药的效果,如果那一枚丹药就能够拥有如此惊人的药效的话,那楚云凡刚刚早就会爆发出这样惊人的战力了。 Therefore explained that also only has one. 所以解释也只有一个。 Chu Yunfan also strided in king Jing! 楚云凡也跨入王境了! A moment ago that Medicine Pill was not only amplification his strength in a short time, made his strength have the astonishing promotion, like this broke into king Jing unexpectedly!” “刚才那丹药不仅仅是在短时间内增幅他的战力,也让他的实力有了惊人的提升,竟然就这样破入王境了!” How possible, if broken enters king Jing to be so simple, why we also such laborious cultivation is?” “怎么可能,如果破入王境这么简单的话,那么我们还这么辛辛苦苦的修行又是为什么?” This is any Medicine Pill, I must obtain him!” “这是什么丹药,我一定要得到他!” Many person eyes were red, they have thought of another point, if Chu Yunfan relies on Breakthrough that own strength is completing, they are speechless, because this does not have the means to duplicate. 许多人眼睛都红了,他们想到了另外一点,如果楚云凡是凭借着自身的实力完成的突破,那他们无话可说,因为这没有办法复制。 However the fact is actually not so, Chu Yunfan relies on the promotion that Medicine Pill is completing, in other words, they may also obtain same Medicine Pill, then one breath Breakthrough to the titled as King boundary. 然而事实却并不是如此,楚云凡是凭借着那一种丹药而完成的提升,换句话说,他们也是有可能获得同样的丹药,然后一口气突破封王境的。 Even can omit the innumerable year of self-tortures, particularly many early had been caught many years of not any progressive Top Level powerhouse in Half-Step king Jing, was crazy. 甚至可以省去无数年的苦修,尤其是许多早已经在半步王境被卡住多年没有任何进步的顶级强者们,都要疯狂了。 Their eyes wanted crazily, even if they know, Chu Yunfan the Medicine Pill definitely is not that simply can refine, must pay the huge price surely. 他们的眼睛都要疯狂了,即便他们知道,楚云凡的这一枚丹药肯定不会是那么简单就能够炼制出来,必定要付出巨大的代价。 However also feels better good that any hope do not come. 但是也好过没有任何希望要来的好。 Suddenly, originally is Chu Yunfan of many person eye-sore thorns in the side, instead became hopes in many person eyes. 一时间,原本是许多人眼中钉肉中刺的楚云凡,反而成为了许多人眼中的希望。 He cannot die absolutely, cannot absolutely!” “他绝对不能死,绝对不能够!” Must ask that from his mouth Breakthrough king Jing Medicine Pill comes!” “一定要从他的口中问出突破王境的丹药来!” From now on the future, king Jing can the mass production!” “从今往后,王境可以量产了!” Countless people are cheering king Jing Era of mass production soon to arrive, however some people actually gave all these to throw basin cold water. 无数人都在欢呼一个王境可以量产的时代即将到来,然而有人却给这一切泼了一盆冷水。 „Do you dare to press for an answer king Jing? Were you insane?” “你们敢去逼问一个王境?你们疯了?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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