CF :: Volume #24

#2382: Pinches the night unparalleled

Chapter 2259 第2259章 Pinches the night unparalleled 捏死夜无双 In their opinion, they compared with so simple on method of goading somebody into action, stupid Chu Yunfan wants intelligently were many, how them is not the Sovereign physique, not having the means to become youngster is supreme. 在他们看来,他们比起如此简单就中了激将法,愚不可及的楚云凡要聪明的多了,奈何他们不是封皇体质,没有办法成为少年至尊。 Regardless of them how diligently, to become youngster is supreme, is impossible. 无论他们怎么努力,要想成为少年至尊,都是不可能的。 The disparity of physique, has decided all. 彼此之间体质的差距,就决定了一切。 Therefore in them, Chu Yunfan definitely was always insane insanely, either had become confused by the beforehand reputation. 所以在他们向来,楚云凡肯定是得了失心疯,要么就是被之前的名头冲昏了头脑。 So-called world First youngster supremely is only the views between some busybodies, simply has not obtained the approval of populace. 所谓的天下第一少年至尊不过只是一些好事者之间的说法,根本没有得到大众的认同。 That many youngster are supreme, each has innumerable pressure bottom profound knowledge, does not make a move truly, who can know that actually who wins who loses, why some people must lie above them. 那么多的少年至尊,每一尊都有无数的压箱底的绝学,不真正出手,谁能知道究竟谁胜谁负,凭什么就有人要趴在他们头上。 This is also most people begins to the Chu Yunfan very bad basic reason. 这也是大部分人开头就对楚云凡非常不善的根本原因。 „The night unparalleled leaves the hot Son of Heaven, is certainly generation of characters, each is not inferior in him, he also dares to be so assured unexpectedly, was definitely insane!” “无论是夜无双还是离火天王,都是绝代的人物,每一个都不逊色于他,他居然还敢这么笃定,肯定是疯了!” I did not think so actually, this Chu Yunfan definitely is somewhat ability, somewhat ability, if an idiot can also really cultivation to this Cultivation Base, that isn't to we biggest satire?” “我倒是不这么觉得,这楚云凡肯定是有几分本事,有几分能耐的,如果真的是一个蠢货也能修行到这个修为,那不是对我们最大的讽刺么?” Good, I also thought that this Chu Yunfan definitely has taken advantage, moreover he said that hits two, if he is weak, everyone of flying immortal sect will give up?” “不错,我也觉得这楚云凡肯定有所依仗,况且他说一个打两个,如果他不支的话,飞仙宗的众人会撒手不管?” „These people of flying immortal sect are not affable, does not know that whose commitment night unparalleled they obtained, looks for the trouble of this Chu Yunfan?” “飞仙宗的那些人也不是什么好惹的,也不知道夜无双他们是得到了谁的承诺,才来找这个楚云凡的麻烦?” Suddenly, everyone discuss spiritedly, has been divided into two schools, a school thought that Chu Yunfan was insane, a school thought that Chu Yunfan definitely has own trump card. 一时间,众人议论纷纷,分成了两派,一派觉得楚云凡已经疯了,一派觉得楚云凡肯定有自己的底牌 Only has numerous Disciple of flying immortal sect very calm, they regarding the Chu Yunfan strength naturally are very finding, yesterday that regarding youngster supreme big slaughtering, to the present still at present, came clearly into view. 唯有飞仙宗的一众弟子非常的淡定,他们对于楚云凡的实力自然是非常的了解的,昨天那一场对于少年至尊的大屠戮,到现在还在眼前,历历在目。 They could not forget, the Chu Yunfan big show invincible might, easy striking has killed seven youngster supreme invincible mights. 他们怎么也忘不掉,楚云凡大展神威,轻而易举的击杀了七尊少年至尊的神威。 The outside may have many people to think that the flying immortal sect puts down seven youngster to be supreme, what depends is the community unites efforts, however knows as for them where has any community to unite efforts, from the start is Chu Yunfan from beginning to end presses the opposite party to hit. 外界或许会有很多人以为飞仙宗扫平七尊少年至尊,靠的是群体协力,然而至于他们自己知道,哪里有什么群体协力,压根就是楚云凡从头到尾压着对方打。 Hits the opposite party stiffly kills remnantly! 硬生生将对方打残打死! Almost can say, Chu Yunfan reversed the battlefield by strength of the, changed the situation. 几乎可以说,楚云凡以一己之力扭转了战场,扭转了局势。 In their mind, shows the so astonishing strength Chu Yunfan, was known as that world First also has anything not. 在他们的心中,展现出如此惊人的实力的楚云凡,号称天下第一又有什么不可以。 Among the world also has ratio this more tyrannical, more fearful existence? 天下间还有比这更加强横,更加可怕的存在么? You think that who you are? Can kill our two?” Night unparalleled coldly said, in his eye pupil is bringing several points of killing intent. Really was too extremely arrogant, no wonder that many people want to kill you!” “你以为你是谁?能够打死我们两个?”夜无双冷冷的说道,他的眼眸之中带着几分杀意。“真是太狂妄了,难怪那么多人想杀你!” Chu Yunfan has cast aside a night unparalleled, then said: Stupid, wants to kill my person to be innumerable, why finally only then you come out, but they actually do not dare to come out, hasn't thought clearly? Stupid, became others' board game piece has not known, does not know really your how cultivation came up!” 楚云凡只是撇了一眼夜无双,然后说道:“愚不可及,想杀我的人数不胜数,为什么最后只有你出来,而他们却不敢出来,难道还想不明白么?愚不可及,成了别人的棋子还不知道,真不知道你是怎么修行上来的!” The night unparalleled was angry immediately, although he thought what Chu Yunfan possibly said is right, he has become the board game pieces of certain people, even has become vanguard of certain people. 夜无双顿时生气了,他虽然觉得楚云凡可能说的是对的,他成了某些人的棋子,甚至成了某些人的先锋 This for him, being no different is the great shame. 这对他来说,无异于是奇耻大辱。 Boisterous, you die!” Profoundness that night unparalleled roaring, suddenly all of a sudden, his vision changes, both hands stretch out, in an instant, the direct fist rumbled. “聒噪,那你就去死吧!”夜无双大吼一声,陡然一下子,他的目光变的深邃,双手伸出,刹那间,直接一拳轰了出去。 Unexpectedly first before leaving the hot Son of Heaven starts, his originally wants to look that fights to the hot Son of Heaven and Chu Yunfan, is good to find the Chu Yunfan details, but is actually enraged by Chu Yunfan now. 竟然抢先在离火天王之前下手,他原本想要看离火天王与楚云凡大战,好摸一摸楚云凡的底细,但是现在却被楚云凡所激怒。 In an instant, as this fist rumbles, World changed color suddenly, turns into a darkness, the night fell. 刹那间,随着这一拳轰出,天地骤然变色,变成了一片黑暗,夜幕降临。 Among World did not have the tiny bit ray, the curtain of night to camouflage all again. 天地间再也没有一丝一毫的光线,夜幕遮蔽了一切。 This fist has infinite power and influence, will look like the infinite curtain of night will concentrate in this fist to be the same, must change into the place of darkness entire World, will become the dark domain. 这一拳有无穷的威势,就像是将无穷的夜幕浓缩进了这一拳之中一样,要将整个天地都化为黑暗之地,成为黑暗的领域。 During the dark night, I am the genuine King, nobody can survive in my dark domain!” Night unparalleled laughed heartily. “在黑夜之中,我才是真正的王者,没有人能够在我的黑暗领域之中存活!”夜无双哈哈大笑 The Chu Yunfan whole person was wrapped by this fist, the crazy explosion, each explosion, almost can hide the boundary expert heavy losses a Ordinary god, even is the bang kills. 楚云凡整个人被这一拳包裹住,疯狂的爆炸,每一次的爆炸,几乎都能够将一个寻常的神藏境高手重创,甚至是轰杀。 It can be imagined, a such fist has astonishingly how! 可想而知,这样的一拳有多么的惊人! True went to the youngster supreme 500 principle complete situations. 真正已经达到了少年至尊的500道法则圆满的地步。 Even Chu Yunfan defeated is been stronger by five elements day child who and the others compared with before. 甚至比起之前被楚云凡击败的五行天童等人更强。 Although is 500 principles, however the intensity of principle has also distinguished. 虽然都是500道法则,但是法则的强度也都有所区别。 His fist dominates above Ordinary Martial Arts, is true yellow level Martial Arts. 他这一拳更是凌驾于寻常武学之上,是真正的黄级武学 Heaven's Proud on the scene stared in a big way the eye, although did not have a ray, but they were the what kind of characters, early Cultivation has become Divine Ability, even if did not have the clarity that the slight ray can look. 在场天骄都纷纷瞪大了眼睛,虽然没有一丝光芒,但是他们是何等人物,早已经修炼成了神通,哪怕没有丝毫光芒都可以看的清楚。 This belongs to sovereign level Martial Arts after all, they are not willing to let up a such good opportunity, can observation sovereign level Martial Arts of short distance. 这毕竟是属于皇级武学,他们也不愿意放过这么好的一次机会,能够近距离的观察皇级武学 Unexpectedly, at this time, in body of Chu Yunfan infinite flame ascension, immediately has illuminated entire Void Space, just like discussed that the big date was ordinary, will be instantaneously dark tearing. 蓦地,就在这个时候,楚云凡的身体之中无穷的火焰升腾而起,顿时照亮了整个空间,犹如议论大日一般,瞬间就将黑暗给撕裂了。 At this time everyone looks clearly, a fist of that terrifying stays in Chu Yunfan front three zhang (3.33 m) places unexpectedly, then on the little advance can not. 此时众人才看得清楚,那恐怖的一拳居然停留在楚云凡面前三丈的地方,然后就寸进不得。 As if by a principle and Barrier preventing. 似乎被一股法则和结界给阻挡住了。 Bang!” “嘭!” everyone only notes, that fist unexpectedly by strength of distortion a Divine Ability, then bang disrupted all of a sudden. 众人就只注意到,那一拳居然被一股神通之力扭曲,然后轰的一下子碎裂掉了。 !” “噗!” The night unparalleled blood spouts, the figure retroceded again and again several steps, he spelled strikes is explained that has encountered enormous backlash that tried, ate one to owe greatly. 夜无双一口鲜血喷出,身形连连后退了好几步,他拼尽全力的一击被破解,遭到了极大的反噬,吃了一个大亏。 In his look is still the unbelievable facial expression, he simply did not have any to keep the hand a moment ago, by his Cultivation Base, the Ordinary god hid the boundary to be able by his fist dead by explosion. 他的眼神之中兀自是难以置信的神情,他刚才根本没有任何留手,以他的修为,寻常的神藏境能被他一拳轰死。 Even if youngster is supreme, needs same spare no effort to resist to resist this fist. 就算是少年至尊,也需要同样竭尽全力来抵抗才有可能抵挡住他这一拳。 Who knows that Chu Yunfan this is glanced at, his fist was torn by a mysterious strength unexpectedly, then tore into shreds. 谁知道楚云凡这是看了一眼,他的拳头居然就被一股神秘的力量撕扯,然后撕碎了。 What Divine Ability is this?” The night unparalleled felt to belong to the strength of disaster, but he could not see that disaster, can only feel. “这是什么神通?”夜无双从中感受到了属于灾难的力量,只是他看不到那一股灾难,只能够感受到。 Divine Ability that wants you to assign!” “要你命的神通!” Next split second, Chu Yunfan appeared in the night unparalleled front, put out a hand to hold the night unparalleled nape of the neck directly unexpectedly directly. 一瞬间,楚云凡就已经出现在了夜无双的面前,直接一伸手居然直接抓住了夜无双的脖颈。 The night unparalleled has struggled, wants to work loose the big hand of Chu Yunfan, who once thinks, simply does not have any use, as if Magic Power of whole body was suppressed. 夜无双挣扎了一下,想要挣脱出楚云凡的大手,谁曾想,根本没有任何用处,仿佛全身的法力都被压制。 Then only saw that Chu Yunfan makes an effort fiercely, everyone heard a clear break sound, the night unparalleled is wrenched apart the nape of the neck. 然后只看到楚云凡猛地一用力,众人听到一声清脆的断裂声,夜无双就已经被扭断了脖颈。 Night unparalleled, death! 夜无双,死! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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