CF :: Volume #22

#2140: Makes stage of perfection Fourth Layer

After You Chuyun leaves, Chu Yunfan directly entered in Mountains and Rivers Diagram, only has in Mountains and Rivers Diagram, Chu Yunfan can feel relieved cultivation. 尤楚云离开之后,楚云凡直接进入了山河图之中,唯有在山河图之内,楚云凡才可以放心修行 In Mountains and Rivers Diagram, Chu Yunfan sits cross-legged, floats in the midair, his hand extends, on Nirvana Fruit Tree on distant place Medicine Treasure Mountain, brilliant red Nirvana Divine Fruit has flown all of a sudden in the hand of Chu Yunfan. 山河图内,楚云凡盘坐起来,漂浮在半空之中,他的手一伸,在远处宝药山上的梵天果树上,一枚红艳艳的梵天神果一下子就飞到了楚云凡的手上。 This Nirvana Divine Fruit waters with innumerable making stage of perfection expert blood essence. 这一枚梵天神果是用无数的造化境高手精血浇灌出来的。 Besides this, two Nirvana Divine Fruit above Nirvana Fruit Tree was mature, but Chu Yunfan has not picked, but also is continue grow. 除了这一枚之外,在梵天果树之上还有两枚梵天神果已经成熟,不过楚云凡没有摘下来,还在继续成长。 These days, Chu Yunfan cut to kill too many making stage of perfection expert, was makes stage of perfection Seventh Layer even makes formidable existence of stage of perfection Peak, after these expert fallen, completely has become the Nirvana Divine Fruit nourishment. 这段时间,楚云凡斩杀了太多的造化境的高手,其中很多都是造化境七重甚至是造化境巅峰的强大存在,这些高手陨落之后,全部都成了梵天神果的养料。 After under taking this Nirvana Divine Fruit, Magic Power that Chu Yunfan within the body rushes almost obtained the release immediately, just like the flood has broken through all stops. 服用下这一枚梵天神果之后,楚云凡体内澎湃的法力几乎是立刻就得到了释放,犹如洪水冲破了一切阻拦。 Boundless Magic Power swept across each inch in Chu Yunfan body, attacked to make the stage of perfection Fourth Layer realm barrier crazily. 一股股磅礴的法力席卷进了楚云凡身体之中的每一寸,疯狂地冲击起了造化境四重境界屏障。 originally Chu Yunfan momentarily can Breakthrough to making stage of perfection Fourth Layer, but after half year time, Chu Yunfan tempers oneself unceasingly, is similar to sharpens the sword to hold the front, will make also the barrier polish of stage of perfection Fourth Layer incomparable firm. 原本楚云凡随时都可以突破到造化境四重,但是经过这半年的时间,楚云凡不断锤炼自身,如同磨剑开锋,同时也将造化境四重的屏障打磨的无比坚固。 If trades to be the average person, does not dare such to do, if has such done, has possibility this whole life not to have the means to break this realm barrier very much. 如果换做一般人,根本就不敢这么做,因为如果这么做了,很有可能这辈子都没有办法打破这个境界屏障。 Even if regarding Chu Yunfan, if wants Breakthrough no longer to be also easy, if Breakthrough, directly surmounts to make the stage of perfection, Breakthrough since day position boundary. 即便是对于楚云凡来说,要想突破也不再容易,但是一旦突破,就是直接超越造化境,突破进入天位境。 Boundless Magic Power impacts layer by layer make stage of perfection Fourth Layer firm realm, absolutely does not have the slight idle time. 磅礴法力一层一层的冲击造化境四重的坚固境界,完全没有丝毫的停歇。 A short time even cannot see the hope of any Breakthrough, but Chu Yunfan not any agitated, mind like still water, these situations, he had already prepared. 一时半会儿甚至都看不到任何突破的希望,不过楚云凡没有任何烦躁,心如止水,这些情况,他早就已经做好准备了。 With the lapse of time, the originally firm incomparable making stage of perfection Fourth Layer realm barrier also gradually starting had the crack. 随着时间的推移,原本坚固无比的造化境四重境界屏障也逐渐开始出现了裂缝。 Day-by-day the time flies. 一天一天时间飞逝而过。 Suddenly, three months in a hurry. 眨眼间,三个月的时间匆匆而过。 These three months, Chu Yunfan has not gone out one time, in the Zhenyuan city all still processing in good order, the business in city has the official to process, the business in army has the military officer to process, existence of Chu Yunfan, completely turned into a mascot to be ordinary. 这三个月的时间之中,楚云凡没有出关过一次,镇远城中一切依然井井有条的处理,城中的事务有官员处理,军中的事务有军官处理,楚云凡的存在,就完全变成了一个吉祥物一般。 Three months, Chu Yunfan impact continuously makes the stage of perfection Fourth Layer barrier, one minute one second has not stood still. 三个月的时间,楚云凡源源不绝的冲击造化境四重的屏障,一分一秒都没有停歇过。 The making stage of perfection Fourth Layer barrier that unexpectedly, in that split second, originally creakied was broken through by a mighty current thoroughly. 蓦地,就在那一瞬间,原本已经摇摇欲坠的造化境四重的屏障彻底被一股洪流冲破。 Chu Yunfan originally cannot be controlled by the Magic Power fluctuation that he suppressed completely finally, erupted, a fearful aura has released thoroughly, was similar to Gale sweeps across entire Mountains and Rivers Diagram Void Space. 楚云凡身上原本被他完全压制住的法力波动终于控制不住,爆发了出来,一股可怕的气息彻彻底底释放了出来,如同狂风席卷遍了整个山河图空间 Even forms Frenzy, affects entire Mountains and Rivers Diagram Void Space. 甚至形成狂潮,影响整个山河图空间 Luckily in Mountains and Rivers Diagram Void Space, perhaps otherwise the Chu Yunfan Breakthrough phenomenon immediately makes the people in this Zhenyuan city know. 幸亏是在山河图空间之中,否则楚云凡突破的异象恐怕立刻就让这个镇远城中的人知道了。 For a long time, Chu Yunfan Magic Power fluctuation gradual subsides, bit by bit was restrained. 许久之后,楚云凡身上的法力波动才逐渐的平息下来,一点一点的被收敛起来。 Chu Yunfan Magic Power aura gradual returns to normal, but he can actually feel, Magic Power in body actually in unceasing increasing. 楚云凡身上的法力气息逐渐的平复下来,但是他却能够感觉到,身体之中的法力却在不断的攀升。 In Breakthrough that split second, Chu Yunfan feels own strength one breath promotion several fold, moreover with the lapse of time, but also is growing at an astonishing speed. 就在突破的那一瞬间,楚云凡感觉自己的战力一口气提升数倍,而且随着时间的推移,还在以一个惊人的速度增长起来。 „Is this day of position boundary Level strength?” On the Chu Yunfan face has shown several points of smiling face, at this time before his strength and compares, had the tremendous changes simply. “这就是天位境级别的力量?”楚云凡脸上露出了几分笑容,此时他的战力和之前相比,简直有了翻天覆地的变化。 Present he, almost can say, a palm of the hand can hit to fall face down beforehand does not have Breakthrough. 现在的他,几乎可以说,一巴掌就可以打趴下之前没有突破的自己。 With initially fought the time compared with Li Qianyuan the strength, had the progress of progressing by leaps and bounds, if initially he had such strength, almost can sweep away. 和当初与李乾元大战时候的战力相比,更是有了突飞猛进的进步,如果当初他有这样的实力,几乎就可以横扫。 Does not need to probe Li Qianyuan's bottom line and trump card with various methods, a palm of the hand can clap directly. 根本不需要用各种方法试探李乾元的底线和底牌,一巴掌就可以直接拍死。 The day position boundary and makes between the stages of perfection the disparity of strength, simply is the cliff -type disparity. 天位境和造化境之间战力的差距,简直就是断崖式的差距。 Is no comparison between them radically! 根本不可同日而语! Suddenly, Chu Yunfan has had a heroic feeling unexpectedly, big of world, all may go. 一时间,楚云凡居然生出了一种豪迈的感觉,天下之大,皆可去得。 After strength Breakthrough to day of position boundary, disparity between he and peer has enlarged an astonishing situation, even if they tie up together, on together, cannot block Chu Yunfan. 战力突破到了天位境之后,他和同辈人之间的差距已经拉大到了一个惊人的地步,就算他们绑一块儿,一起上,也挡不住楚云凡 But in the Heaven's Proud list, the material slight change of Chu Yunfan, because of the Mountains and Rivers Diagram covering up secret, Secret Pavilion has not looked like falls directly blindly was the same, can only appraise with other influence such honest collection Chu Yunfan information, is impossible is similar to like that only depended on the calculation to know the Chu Yunfan strength. 而在天骄榜上,楚云凡的资料没有丝毫的变动,因为山河图的遮掩天机,天机阁就像是直接瞎掉了一样,只能和其他势力那样老老实实的搜集楚云凡的情报来评估,不可能如同原先那般只靠推算就知道楚云凡的战力。 Therefore all over the world, probably also only then he knows, other people also think probably Tang Siyu has exceeded him thoroughly. 所以普天之下,大概也就只有他自己知道,其他人大概还以为唐思雨已经彻底超越了他自己。 After all in three months, originally will stride in has made stage of perfection Seventh Layer Tang Siyu to stride in thoroughly has made stage of perfection Peak, let alone is in peer rides to be above mundane thoughts, is many for many years is then old strangely is not the Tang Siyu match. 毕竟又过了三个月,原本就已经跨入了造化境七重唐思雨已经彻底跨入了造化境巅峰,别说是同辈之中一骑绝尘,便是许多积年老怪都已经不是唐思雨的对手。 However Chu Yunfan received the train of thought quickly, immediately re-entered the cultivation condition, must strive to digest to complete the Nirvana Divine Fruit efficacy in the shortest time entirely. 不过楚云凡很快就将思绪重新收了回来,随即又重新进入了修行的状态,要争取在最短的时间内将梵天神果的药力统统消化完成。 But in this time, in a Zhenyuan city restaurant, three silk clothes youth sits in a circle in a theater box, the window of theater box to Zhenyuan Marquise Mansion, because although Zhenyuan Marquise Mansion Barrier in layer upon layer, therefore in fact does not see clearly anything. 而就在此时,在镇远城一座酒楼之内,三个锦衣青年围坐在一个包厢之内,包厢的窗户正对着镇远侯府,虽然因为镇远侯府内的层层结界,所以实际上是看不清楚什么呢。 Because to Zhenyuan Marquise Mansion, in this theater box still city one of the most popular several theater boxes. 但是因为正对着镇远侯府,这个包厢依然还是城内最受欢迎的几个包厢之一。 These three silk clothes youth are roughly the 27 or 28-year-old appearance, one of them blood-clothed, looks like blood red, handsome, there is strange handsome. 这三个锦衣青年都是约莫着二十七八岁的模样,其中一人一身血衣,看起来一片血红,唇红齿白,有一种诡异的英俊。 A person wears a black clothes, is growing square face, tall and powerfully built, the body is lending the aura of light sinister and vicious. 一人身穿一身黑衣,长着一张国字脸,身材魁梧,身上散发着淡淡的阴鸷的气息。 Last person is a facial features ordinary profound clothes youth, seems like different from the average person, on his face has been covered with the beard, densely packed, seems the thorn that the hedgehog carries on the back is ordinary. 最后一人则是一个面容普通的玄衣青年,看起来和一般人不同,他的脸上长满了胡须,密密麻麻,好似刺猬背上的刺一般。 Three people of temperament have the difference respectively, but, looks like somewhat is without exception unusual refinedly, looks then knows that is not the Ordinary character. 三人气质各有不同,但是无一例外,看起来都有些超凡脱俗,一看便知道不是寻常人物。 Ten years ago I have come to here, is inferior to vividly at this time 1/10, didn't expect this Zhenyuan marquis Chu Yunfan somewhat method, the short several years can actually a city government until now this situation!” “十年前我来过这里,远不如此时繁华的1,没想到这个镇远楚云凡倒是有几分手段,短短数年能够将一个城治理到如今这个地步!” That profound clothes youth opens the mouth saying that he cracks into a smile, looks like unexpectedly the somewhat valiant feeling. 那个玄衣青年开口说道,他咧嘴一笑,看起来竟然有几分彪悍的感觉。 His effort wrong place, has put the government place the thoughts probably unexpectedly, is really laughable, he is not a civil official!” “不过他好像用力错地方了,居然将心思放到了治理地方,真是可笑,他又不是文官!”
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