CF :: Volume #22

#2138: Sits quietly Chu Yunfan of fishing platform

By six revolutions of purple Gold Core efficacies, can say, so long as delivers to the hand of Tang Siyu, Tang Siyu Cultivation Base enters one step again radically is not the difficult matter. 以六转紫金丹的药力,可以说只要送到唐思雨的手上,唐思雨修为再进一步根本就不是什么难事。 These people also think that Tang Siyu must surmount to make the stage of perfection also to require the several years time, however they have actually underestimated six revolutions of purple Gold Core efficacies. 那些人还以为唐思雨要超越造化境还需要数年的时间,然而他们却还是低估了六转紫金丹的药力。 Different with Chu Yunfan, Chu Yunfan has almost treated as one of the combat trump card six revolutions of purple Gold Core, each use follows extremely difficult going on an expedition inevitably, although Cultivation Base will have afterward also a leap, but on the other hand, the majority of efficacies in going on an expedition to waste. 楚云凡不同,楚云凡几乎是将六转紫金丹当做了作战的底牌之一,每一次的使用必然伴随着极为艰难的征战,虽然修为在事后也会有一个飞跃,但是相对来说,大部分的药力都在征战之中浪费掉了。 Basically only has several of six revolutions of purple Gold Core efficacies by efficacy that Chu Yunfan absorbs 1, even 1/10. 基本上被楚云凡吸收掉的药力不过只有六转紫金丹药力的几1,甚至1而已。 This is also the Chu Yunfan most regrettable place, but Tang Siyu is different, she likely is not Chu Yunfan so, needs to face the shocking war. 这也是楚云凡最为遗憾的地方,而唐思雨不同,她不像是楚云凡这般,需要面临惊世大战。 Definitely can digest six revolutions of purple Gold Core efficacies fully completely cleanly. 完全可以全力将六转紫金丹的药力全部消化干净。 The potency naturally is not Chu Yunfan can compare, according to the estimate of Chu Yunfan, Breakthrough to making stage of perfection Seventh Layer, but was only Tang Siyu just swallowed next six revolutions of purple Gold Core, soon, he can Breakthrough to making stage of perfection Seventh Layer Peak, even broke in makes stage of perfection Peak. 其效能自然也不是楚云凡能比的,按照楚云凡的估计,突破到造化境七重,不过只是唐思雨刚刚吞服下六转紫金丹而已,用不了多久,他就能够突破到造化境七重巅峰,甚至冲入造化境巅峰 Can break in makes stage of perfection Peak, was is directly related with Tang Siyu being able to surmount to make the stage of perfection, made stage of perfection Peak to mean that was making stage of perfection realm already cultivation to Great Perfection realm. 能不能冲入造化境巅峰,则是直接关系到了唐思雨能不能超越造化境,造化境巅峰意味着在造化境这个境界已经修行到了大圆满境界 Once cultivation to has made stage of perfection Peak, had has attacked higher realm Foundation! 一旦修行到了造化境巅峰,就有了冲击更高一层境界基础 This is also the reason why Chu Yunfan so attaches great importance, according to the estimate of Chu Yunfan is, most two months, Tang Siyu can stride in completely makes stage of perfection Peak. 这也是为什么楚云凡如此重视的原因,按照楚云凡的估计是,最多两个月,唐思雨就能够完全跨入造化境巅峰 At that time, so long as stable Cultivation Base, soon, can enter one step, surmounts to make the stage of perfection. 到那个时候,只要稳固修为,用不了很久,就能够更进一步,超越造化境。 Such cultivation speed, looks like in average man, might be considered as shocks everybody, even is the inconceivable miracle, however looks like in Chu Yunfan, this is in itself the natural matter, if cannot achieve, that is the strange event. 这样的修行速度,在常人看起来,已经堪称是惊世骇俗,甚至是不可思议的奇迹,但是在楚云凡看起来,这本身就是理所当然的事情,如果达不到,那才是怪事。 Tang Siyu is in itself the Sovereign physique, by aptitude, it can be said that present age the rare situation, in addition behind her has sister of the emperor's support, various Ordinary person rarely seen heavenly materials and earthly treasures, completely open to her. 唐思雨本身就是封皇体质,论资质,可以说是当世罕见的地步,再加上她背后有长公主的支持,各种寻常难得一见天材地宝,都全部对她开放。 Does not use is Chu Yunfan so needs to search for various heavenly materials and earthly treasures likely everywhere, thinks the means search enough cultivation resources, even if the flying immortal sect does not have the means to achieve this situation to Chu Yunfan. 根本不用像是楚云凡这般需要到处搜寻各种天材地宝,想办法搜寻足够的修行资源,即便是飞仙宗也没办法对楚云凡做到这个地步。 Because Disciple of flying immortal sect are innumerable, but in free and unfettered celestial mountain Disciple be only Tang Siyu, the effort of its support is certainly no comparison between them. 因为飞仙宗的弟子无数,但是逍遥仙山之中弟子只有唐思雨一个,其支持的力度当然不可同日而语。 Before made Chu Yunfan Cultivation Base enter one step the essence of wooden spirit is also only the sister of the emperor is Tang Siyu preparation some in heavenly materials and earthly treasures. 之前让楚云凡修为更进一步的木灵之精也不过只是长公主为唐思雨准备的天材地宝之中的某一个罢了。 It can be said that various aspect cultivation resources, Tang Siyu does not lack, the cultivation speed can slow has felt strange. 可以说,各方面修行的资源,唐思雨都不缺,修行速度能慢的了才奇怪了。 Chu Yunfan naturally cannot have any retention regarding Tang Siyu, after he practices six revolutions of purple Gold Core, immediately makes clear/pain cloud send to Tang Siyu six revolutions of purple Gold Core. 楚云凡对于唐思雨自然不会有任何保留,在他将六转紫金丹练成之后,就马上让尤楚云将六转紫金丹唐思雨送去。 Sends to with six revolutions of purple Gold Core, in the Chu Yunfan basis mind above the Pill Emperor memory and Top Emperor Battle Law about making the stage of perfection and surmounted have made stage of perfection realm some attainments and personally written letters of cultivation, light these, can save the time of minimum dozens years of comprehension. 和六转紫金丹一起送去的,还有楚云凡根据脑海之中丹皇的记忆和皇极战典之上关于造化境和超越了造化境境界修行的一些心得和手札,光这些,就可以省去起码数十年的领悟的时间。 Radically is priceless, by value, only above six revolutions of purple Gold Core, but not under six revolutions of purple Gold Core. 根本是千金难买,论价值,只在六转紫金丹之上,而不在六转紫金丹之下。 It can be said that in the cultivation personally written letter contained this Stage realm cultivation all sorts of secrets, even in the eye of big influence, the values of these personally written letters comes compared with ten six revolutions of purple Gold Core is big. 可以说,修行手札之中包含了这个阶段境界修行的种种要诀,甚至在很多大势力的眼中,这些手札的价值比起十枚六转紫金丹来的都要大。 After all six revolutions of purple Gold Core used up has used up, although can help Cultivation Base of person enter one step, but was actually the disposable consumables. 毕竟六转紫金丹用完了就用完了,虽然可以帮人的修为更进一步,但是却是一次性的消耗品。 However these cultivation personally written letters can train to make the stage of perfection continuously, and even surmounted has made the stage of perfection expert. 但是这些修行手札能够源源不断的培养出一个个造化境,乃至超越了造化境的高手 The value is unable to estimate simply! 其价值简直无法估量! Meanwhile, Chu Yunfan knows, after this cultivation personally written letter has given Tang Siyu, only feared that must fall to sister of the emperor's hand, therefore he specially urged, making Tang Siyu look, can give the sister of the emperor. 同时,楚云凡知道,这一份修行手札送给了唐思雨之后,只怕还是要落到长公主的手上,所以他特意在其中叮嘱,让唐思雨看完之后可以交给长公主。 Only then after giving the sister of the emperor, value only then will of this personally written letter was developed in a big way, Chu Yunfan or Tang Siyu not such influence. 只有交给长公主之后,这一份手札的价值才会被开发到最大,无论是楚云凡还是唐思雨都没有这样的势力。 Chu Yunfan taking this opportunity was also thanking sister of the emperor regarding the attendance of Tang Siyu, originally Chu Yunfan also has the complaint regarding the sister of the emperor, because of her must to the matter of Tang Siyu gaining a son-in-law, making Chu Yunfan stare by Li Qianyuan, does not know that experienced many secondary dead wars, was saved from death is innumerable. 楚云凡也是借此机会在感谢长公主对于唐思雨的照顾,原本楚云凡对于长公主还颇有怨言,因为她要给唐思雨招婿之事,使得楚云凡被李乾元盯上,前后不知道经历了多少次生死大战,死里逃生更是数不胜数。 However the sister of the emperor is out-and-out regarding the attendance of Tang Siyu, it can be said that regards the Legacy successor to train truly, various heavenly materials and earthly treasures are is always not parsimonious. 但是长公主对于唐思雨的照顾却是不折不扣的,可以说是真正当成衣钵传人来培养,各种天材地宝也是从来都不吝啬。 Although Chu Yunfan looked as before the sister of the emperor is not pleasing to the eyes, actually also has to indicate. 楚云凡虽然依旧看长公主不顺眼,却也不得不有所表示。 Keeps to train expert of free and unfettered celestial mountain as for the final sister of the emperor the personally written letter, delivers the imperial family, Chu Yunfan did not care that these things are precious regarding other people, but the value regarding Chu Yunfan actually greatly sold at a discount. 至于最后长公主是将手札留着自己培养逍遥仙山的高手,还是上交皇室,楚云凡就不关心了,这些东西对于其他人来说非常宝贵,但是对于楚云凡来说价值却大打折扣了。 In the Chu Yunfan mind has the Pill Emperor huge memory, Top Emperor Battle Law like this peerless precious book, the cultivation comprehension about each realm early is the degree that the Ordinary person is unable to imagine. 楚云凡的脑海之中有丹皇的庞大记忆,还有皇极战典这样的绝世宝典,其中关于各个境界修行领悟早已经是寻常人根本无法想象的程度。 After all under is Sovereign Level expert operates from a strategically advantageous position comprehension. 毕竟是封皇级别高手高屋建瓴之下的感悟 So long as transcribes, training routinely, in less than several hundred years, Chu Yunfan even has the confidence to build one to endure compared with the flying immortal sect such colossus. 只要抄写出来,按部就班的培养,用不了几百年,楚云凡甚至有信心打造出一个堪比飞仙宗这样的庞然大物。 Must know, since flying immortal sect development, does not know that with many ten thousand years, Chu Yunfan is spends for several hundred years to develop one to be able influence side by side, such speed simply with flying to describe that is not overrated. 要知道,飞仙宗发展至今,也不知道用了多少万年,楚云凡不过是花费数百年就能够发展出一个可以比肩的势力,这样的速度简直用飞起来形容都不为过。 However Chu Yunfan does not have too many thoughts, his true goal also only one, that then steps Martial Dao Peak. 但是楚云凡却没有太多的心思,他的真正目标也唯有一个,那便是踏上武道巅峰 Regarding outside now regarding him and discussion of Tang Siyu strength noisy so noisy, he in the remote mountains and ancient forests, naturally did not hear. 对于外界现在对于他和唐思雨实力的讨论闹的如此沸沸扬扬,他又不是在深山老林之中,自然有所耳闻。 Outside everyone favors him from originally, has favored Tang Siyu to present is world First, it may be said that has been through repeatedly to fluctuate. 外面的众人原本看好他,一直到现在看好唐思雨才是天下第一,可谓是历经变幻。 The Tang Siyu strength has been clear, but the Chu Yunfan strength is extremely mystical, in the half year, he simple one time has not made a move, assumes personal command completely in the Zhenyuan city, develops the economy in Zhenyuan city. 唐思雨的实力已经是明确,而楚云凡的实力太过神秘,这半年多来,他干脆一次都没有出手过,完全坐镇在镇远城之中,发展镇远城之中的经济。 During more than one year of time, the economy of Zhenyuan city on originally Foundation, enters one step, became First in nearby border region city, after all came from the Human Race Federation world, the Chu Yunfan run business and city the imagination of method far ultra-large summer dynasty native place person, one year, the Zhenyuan city has completed the shed mortal body and exchange bones general change. 一年多的时间之中,镇远城的经济在原本基础上,更进一步,成为了附近的边陲城市之中的第一,毕竟来自于人类联邦的世界,楚云凡经营商业和城市的手段远超大夏皇朝本土人的想象,一年时间,镇远城就已经完成了脱胎换骨一般的变化。
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