CF :: Volume #22

#2134: Depending on you? Also matches to threaten me?

In the Chu Yunfan graceful tent, wears the man of white clothing to sit in the Chu Yunfan starting place, this white clothing man, roughly 40 years old high and low, the middle-aged appearance, is having a noble air. 楚云凡帅帐之内,一个身穿白衣的男子坐在楚云凡的下手处,这个白衣男子,约莫着40岁上下,中年模样,自有一种贵气。 „Are you white clothing marquis? Does not know that what matter the marquis does come this behavior?” Chu Yunfan looks at present white clothing man, said. “你是白衣侯?不知道侯爷来此所为何事?”楚云凡看着眼前的这个白衣男子,说道。 In big summer dynasty, although confers nobility upon is not easy, many thresholds, but always many Heaven-Blessed Genius sparkles for a while, these people wanted to be willing for the big summer dynasty potency, finally conferred nobility upon is not difficult. 大夏皇朝中,虽然封侯并不容易,还有很多的门槛,但是总有许多天纵奇才闪耀一时,这些人只要愿意为大夏皇朝效力,最终封侯并不算困难。 Let alone big summer dynasty founded a nation these many years, does not know that many people conferred nobility upon, only if the title of big summer dynasty were to seal/confer Gong the degree, otherwise cannot the perpetual hereditary rank, otherwise, perhaps the full avenue be the marquis. 何况大夏皇朝立国这么多年,不知道有多少人封侯,要不是大夏皇朝的爵位除非达到封公的程度,否则并不能世袭罔替,否则的话,恐怕满大街都是侯爵了。 However even if, during big summer dynasty conferring nobility upon were so many, Chu Yunfan cannot each know, in fact, he did not know majority. 不过即便如此,大夏皇朝之中封侯者还是很多,楚云凡也不能每一个都认识,事实上,他大部分都不认识。 However confers nobility upon and confers nobility upon, has difference between Heaven and Earth, resembles Chu Yunfan so, establishes enough contribution(s) finally to be conferred nobility upon within the shortest time by the absolute strength, in each generation of only then few people can achieve. 不过封侯和封侯之间,也有着天差地别,似楚云凡这般,以绝对的实力在最短的时间之内立下足够的功劳最终被封侯的,每一代人之中都只有极少数人能够做到。 It may be said that is extremely rare, most people are year to year in the military service, constantly accumulates contribution(s), because contribution(s) and period of service confer nobility upon. 可谓是凤毛麟角,大部分人都是常年在军中服役,不断累积功劳,因为功劳和年资封侯。 It can be said that similarly confers nobility upon, but compared with this white clothing marquis, the Chu Yunfan crest of wave vigor, the world focuses attention on at present, completely not in same scale. 可以说,同样都是封侯,但是和眼前这个白衣侯相比,楚云凡风头正劲,天下瞩目,完全不在同一个档次上。 However Chu Yunfan quickly has remembered the material about white clothing marquis, although has not seen, but the flying immortal sect already had also sent about News that other confer nobility upon. 不过楚云凡还是很快就想起了一些关于白衣侯的资料,虽然不曾见过,但是飞仙宗也早就送来了许多关于其他封侯的消息 And has this white clothing marquis, but is few, white clothing marquis Yang Yi, the military exploit Aristocratic Family Yang Family family background, from youngster then in the military service, latter attains the white clothing marquis because of the merit. 其中就有这白衣侯,不过是寥寥几句,白衣侯杨毅,军功世家杨家出身,自少年起便在军中服役,后因功获封白衣侯。 Basically is the ordinary personal history! 基本上是平淡无奇的履历! The average people naturally do not dare to despise white clothing marquis, even if again ordinary not wonderful, can conferring nobility upon, be in the peer the outstanding person in outstanding person. 一般人自然不敢小看白衣侯,即便再平凡无奇,能够封侯者,都是同辈人之中佼佼者中的佼佼者。 However in the Chu Yunfan front, insufficiently looked. 不过在楚云凡的面前,就不够看了。 „The clear/pain marquis, comes on behalf of Crown Prince below!” The white clothing marquis looks at Chu Yunfan, said. “楚侯爷,在下是代表太子前来的!”白衣侯看着楚云凡,说道。 Crown Prince?” A Chu Yunfan straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards bunch, in his look is glittering the swift and fierce ray, everyone knows, Li Qianyuan is the Crown Prince trusted aide. 太子?”楚云凡剑眉一簇,他的眼神之中闪烁着凌厉的光芒,谁都知道,李乾元乃是太子心腹。 When Chu Yunfan cuts has killed Li Qianyuan, he and a Crown Prince department, early are the life and death foes. 楚云凡斩杀了李乾元的时候,他和太子一系,早已经是生死仇敌。 However what his somewhat surprised is, white clothing Hou unexpectedly has hired oneself Crown Prince, Li Qianyuan this Crown Prince holds is different from direct descendant and trusted aide, Crown Prince that obviously the white clothing marquis afterward hired oneself. 不过他有些意外的是,白衣侯居然投靠了太子,和李乾元这种太子一手捧出来的嫡系和心腹不同,显然白衣侯是后来投靠的太子 Although the person king did not dread that royal courtier and imperial prince princess contact, even encourages them to form cliques, the mutual competition, the group dragon chases the cauldron, finally wins the talented person to become the next person king. 虽然人王根本不忌惮朝臣和诸位皇子公主接触,甚至鼓励他们拉帮结派,相互竞争,群龙逐鼎,最后获胜之人才能成为下一任的人王。 However the situation is now unclear, even if Crown Prince, under the competitions of many brothers and sisters, appears is not so prominent, now the smart person will not choose such early chips. 不过现在形势不明,即便是太子,在诸多兄弟姐妹的竞争之下,也显得不那么突出,现在聪明人根本不会选择这么早下注。 I and Crown Prince relations, think that white clothing Hou should/must does not know, the muddy day marquis is the Crown Prince trusted aide, now the muddy day marquis died in my hand, is it possible that was Crown Prince condemns?” The Chu Yunfan corners of the mouth twist the mouth sidewise, smiles lightly. “我和太子的关系,想必白衣侯应该不会不知道吧,浑天侯是太子的心腹,现在浑天侯死在了我的手里,太子莫非是来问罪的?”楚云凡嘴角咧开,淡淡一笑。 Naturally is not!” “自然不是!” Yang Yi shook the head, said: Although the beforehand matter makes marquis misunderstand to Crown Prince, but the Crown Prince mind is broad, will not haggle over these with the marquis, so long as the marquis is willing to be the Crown Prince potency, before passing all, can write off!” 杨毅摇了摇头,道:“虽然之前的事情让侯爷对太子有所误会,不过太子胸怀宽广,不会和侯爷计较这些,只要侯爷愿意为太子效力,之前过往的一切,都可以一笔勾销!” Chu Yunfan looks at white clothing marquis Yang Yi, corners of the mouth flashes through the smiling face of wiping the taunt, cannot help but shook the head, although he has not met Crown Prince, but he can see the lots. 楚云凡看着白衣侯杨毅,嘴角闪过一抹嘲讽的笑容,不由得摇了摇头,虽然他不曾见过太子的面,不过他已经能够看出很多东西了。 Treats unkindly unkindly! 刻薄寡恩! Li Qianyuan as his trusted aide, has done that many matters for him, now just died shortly, Crown Prince must gather Li Qianyuan before death sworn enemy. 李乾元作为他的心腹,为他做了那么多的事情,现在刚死没多久,太子就要来招揽李乾元生前的死对头。 Then must make appearance that treats worthies and scholars with courtesy, is proud, visits not to be willing personally, because proud, thinks Chu Yunfan to be mediocre, fears the rumors and slander, is overcautious and indecisive, is not the Lord of important matter. 便是要做出礼贤下士的模样,却又自傲,连亲自登门都不肯,无论是因为自傲,觉得楚云凡不过如此,还是怕流言蜚语,瞻前顾后,都不是做大事之主。 No wonder occupied the Crown Prince fame, inborn has the status of crown prince, but makes many brothers and sisters come out to challenge endlessly. 难怪占据了太子的名位,天生就具有储君的名分,但是却让诸多兄弟姐妹层出不穷的出来挑战。 This is in itself the sign of virtue non- coordinate! 这本身就是德不配位的迹象! Is labeled as Crown Prince is the Innate superiority, pulls open with the disparities of other people to a situation in the extreme, to this situation, was unable to achieve to blow many brothers and sisters. 被封为太子已经是先天优势,和其他人的差距拉开到一个无以复加的地步,到了这个地步,都无法做到镇住诸多的兄弟姐妹。 Such person, wants to subdue his Chu Yunfan? 这样的人,也想收服他楚云凡 Is cracking a joke simply! 简直是在开玩笑! What if the marquis wants to say is this, that please return!” Chu Yunfan shook the head said. “如果侯爷想说的是这个的话,那就请回吧!”楚云凡摇了摇头说道。 What did you say?” Yang Yi zheng lived, as if has not thought, Chu Yunfan such rejected unexpectedly. “你说什么?”杨毅怔住了,似乎万万没有想到,楚云凡居然就这么拒绝了。 Must know, an influence of Crown Prince department how huge, even if previous time presented Li Qianyuan to collude with the monster god and Monster Race matter, can level, does not know that many people wanted on Crown Prince this ship not to have the qualifications. 要知道,太子一系的势力是多么的庞大,即便上一次出现了李乾元勾结妖神教和妖族的事情,都可以摆平,不知道多少人想要上太子这一条船都没有资格。 In his opinion, some impossible people to refuse to be right flatly, why this is also, initially Crown Prince walked, he is almost impatient complied. 在他看来,根本不可能有人拒绝才对,这也是为什么,当初太子找上门的时候,他几乎是迫不及待的就答应了。 With let alone, Chu Yunfan offended Crown Prince, now Crown Prince indicates not to go into one's past, shouldn't invest the Crown Prince camp jubilantly? 跟何况,楚云凡得罪了太子,现在太子表示既往不咎,难道不应该兴高采烈的投入太子的阵营么? Words that I spoke, are you cannot understand?” Chu Yunfan said. “难道我说的话,你是听不懂么?”楚云凡说道。 Marquis, you may , to be clear, even if the marquis family background flies together the immortal sect, however in the face of the Crown Prince anger, the flying immortal sect only feared that cannot preserve you!” Yang Yi immediately, facial expression cold, said. “侯爷,你可要想清楚了,就算侯爷出身于飞仙宗,但是在太子的怒火面前,飞仙宗只怕也保不住你!”杨毅随即,神情冷了下来,说道。 In Yang Yi's look somewhat has doubts, information that he obtains, Chu Yunfan was not has hired oneself likely Yunyang princess's appearance, otherwise, Crown Prince will not send him to come to gather Chu Yunfan. 杨毅的眼神之中还是有几分疑惑,就他得到的情报来看,楚云凡也不像是已经投靠了云阳公主的样子,否则的话,太子也就不会派他前来招揽楚云凡了。 Yang Yi's facial expression, lets the funniness that Chu Yunfan looks, although confers nobility upon, however two people visions differed were too far, the pattern was also completely different. 杨毅的神情,让楚云凡看的好笑,虽然都是封侯,但是两人的眼界相差太远了,格局也是完全不同。 To Yang Yi, hires oneself Crown Prince, to seek the better future, however regarding Chu Yunfan, he must obtain anything, who does not need to hire oneself to obtain. 对杨毅来说,投靠太子,是为了博取更好的未来,然而对于楚云凡来说,他要获得什么,根本不需要投靠谁来获得。 „Are you threatening me?” Chu Yunfan sneered. “你在威胁我?”楚云凡冷笑一声 You can also believe, the Crown Prince good intention, is no one can reject!” Yang Yi's icy saying. “你也可以这么认为,太子的好意,不是谁都能拒绝的!”杨毅冷冰冰的说道。 However his voice just fell, felt that oneself became including the breath difficult, the palm that Spiritual Qi turned into direct held his nape of the neck, the band was tighter, seems pincers, held his nape of the neck stubbornly. 但是他的话音刚落,就感觉到自己连呼吸都变得困难了起来,一只灵气化成的手掌直接一把抓住了他的脖颈,越箍越紧,好似铁钳,死死的抓住了他的脖颈。 When Yang Yi thinks oneself must be choked to death directly, actually sees Chu Yunfan to wave the arms about fiercely, his whole person departed outside the graceful tent instantaneously. 就当杨毅以为自己要被直接掐死的时候,却见楚云凡猛地一甩手,他整个人瞬间飞出了帅帐之外。 Depends on you? Also matches to threaten me? You are any thing, goes back to tell Crown Prince, I do not have the interest to participate in the struggle of throne, does not annoy my 's the end of it, otherwise the new account old debts calculate together!” Chu Yunfan facial expression indifferent saying. „Does he want to manage me? After he ascends the throne, said again!” “就凭你?也配威胁我?你算什么东西,回去告诉太子,我没有兴趣参与进皇位之争,不来惹我便罢,否则新账老账一起算!”楚云凡神情冷漠的说道。“他想管我?等他登基之后再说吧!”
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