CF :: Volume #21

#2090: Fire god body? Same hangs to hit!

A language startled day! 一语惊天! All people hear the Chu Yunfan words, cannot help but in abundance surprised! 所有人听到楚云凡的话,都不由得纷纷侧目 This is the astonishing self-confidence and aggression! 这是何等惊人的自信和霸气! If the Chu Yunfan cultivation time and Li Qianyuan are similar, perhaps will not pay attention to Li Qianyuan. 若是楚云凡修行时间与李乾元相若,或许根本不会将李乾元放在眼里。 If before then, perhaps some people will not care this words, even only thought that Chu Yunfan resulted was insane insanely. 如果是在此之前,恐怕根本不会有人将这个话放在心上,甚至只觉得楚云凡得了失心疯了。 Who Li Qianyuan that is, wrests away world young generation of First expert ten several years time, one of world Top Level expert in the future can foresee. 李乾元那是什么人,霸占天下年轻一辈第一高手十数年的时间,未来可以预见的天下顶级高手之一。 The peers let alone are the cultivation time and Li Qianyuan are similar, many person cultivation time also want longer than Li Qianyuan, but anticipated by Li Qianyuan. 同辈人别说是修行时间和李乾元相若,许多人修行时间比李乾元还要长一些,但是还是被李乾元追过。 Thus it can be seen, Li Qianyuan's talent with Ordinary, the world is not truly rare. 由此可见,李乾元的天赋确实非同寻常,天下罕见。 However compared with Li Qianyuan, the Chu Yunfan cultivation time only feared that not necessarily has him 50% many, but actually realized the curve to pass another vehicle, chased thoroughly Li Qianyuan. 但是与李乾元相比起来,楚云凡修行时间只怕未必有他一半多,但是却实现了弯道超车,彻彻底底将李乾元追赶过去。 Such talent and strength, makes everyone be dumbfounded! 这样的天赋和实力,也让众人哑口无言! What makes all people with amazement is, the stance object who like this keeps aloof once made everyone think almost too high to reach Li Qianyuan unexpectedly. 只是让所有人骇然的是,这样高高在上的姿态的对象居然是曾经让众人觉得几乎高不可攀的李乾元。 „Do you dare to shame me?” “你敢羞辱我?” Li Qianyuan eyes is vicious, seems injured desolate ancient ominous beast, was demented, erupted. 李乾元双眸凶狠,好似一头受伤的荒古凶兽,癫狂了,爆发了。 Li Qianyuan's body starting burns unexpectedly, a flame flaming combustion, probably is the flame giant beast that he serves as contrast probably is ordinary, the body of whole person also from the originally about two meters as long as more than four meters, quickly has Chu Yunfan two big. 李乾元的身上竟然开始燃烧起来,一股火焰熊熊燃烧,将他好像衬托的好像是火焰巨兽一般,整个人的身体也从原本的近两米生生长到了四米多,都快有楚云凡两个高大。 Compels my fire god body is your goal? However you will regret that no person can survive under my fire god body!” Li Qianyuan is whooshing in a low voice, the roar passes the horizon. “将我的火神躯逼出来就是你的目的?但是你会后悔的,从来还没有人能够在我的火神躯之下存活!”李乾元低声嘶吼着,吼声直透天际。 „Can nobody survive under your fire god body really? Stampede that you used the fire god body hit not also?” Chu Yunfan laughs at one, has punctured Li Qianyuan's lie. “真的没有人能在你的火神躯之下存活?你用出了火神躯不也被人打的狼狈逃窜?”楚云凡嗤笑一声,戳破了李乾元的谎言。 Li Qianyuan has remembered all of a sudden initially is similar to a stray cur that mysterious person hits the time, if not the rapidness that he runs, perhaps for existence of dead baby, he already died. 李乾元一下子想起了当初被那个神秘人打的如同一条丧家之犬的时候,如果不是他跑的快,还有替死娃娃的存在,恐怕他早就已经死了。 Almost was split second, Li Qianyuan was then red the eye, clenched teeth to angrily roar: Gives me dead!” 几乎是一瞬间,李乾元便红了眼睛,咬牙怒吼一声:“给我去死!” At this time, Li Qianyuan roared, a fist rumbled, the vast and limitless flame erupted, has formed the sea of fire instantaneously, has swept across toward Chu Yunfan. 在这个时候,李乾元一声咆哮,一拳轰出,无穷无尽的火焰爆发了出来,瞬间形成了火海,朝着楚云凡席卷了过来。 Extinguishes!” “灭!” Chu Yunfan is unflustered, a foot has trampled, the under foot evolution turns wells up, but the Underworld water gives the annihilation this sea of fire instantaneously without a trace. 楚云凡从容不迫,一脚践踏了下去,脚下演化翻涌而出的黄泉水瞬间就将这火海给湮灭的无影无踪了。 Overflowing Ocean overturns the heavens!” 覆海翻天!” Li Qianyuan roaring, in the hand presented paint black Ancient Sword, the sword glow has shouldered the expansive sky directly, a sword swept, the sword glow crossed the expansive sky, turned into the dreadful monstrous waves, but this dreadful monstrous waves were not the sea water, but was the flame. 李乾元大吼一声,手中出现了一口漆黑色的古剑,剑芒直接挑起了长空,一剑扫出,剑芒横贯长空,化成了滔天巨浪,只是这滔天巨浪并不是海水,而是火焰。 Also has to acknowledge including Chu Yunfan, Li Qianyuan truly may be called Heaven-Blessed Genius, but is the short time, fused together with own fire god body the Overflowing Ocean sword of Overflowing Ocean Daoist immortal, founds entirely different fierce Martial Arts. 楚云凡也不得不承认,李乾元确实堪称天纵奇才,不过是短短时间,就将覆海真君的覆海剑与自身的火神躯融为一体,开创出了截然不同的厉害武学 Makes stage of perfection Fifth Layer!” “造化境五重!” Some person of exclaimed, Li Qianyuan truly after suppressing fire god body, his strength moon/month lives a scale unexpectedly once again, from making stage of perfection Fourth Layer Peak broke in has made stage of perfection Fifth Layer. 有人惊呼一声,李乾元真正不在压制火神躯之后,他的战力居然再度月生一个档次,从造化境四重巅峰冲入了造化境五重 Such strength may be called inconceivable! 那样的实力堪称不可思议! Especially is young in a generation, almost sweeps away, can say, Heaven's Proud above Heaven's Proud list, did not have one to be able existence with it mention on equal terms. 尤其是年轻一辈之中,几乎就是横扫,可以说,在天骄榜之上的天骄,还没有一个能够与之相提并论的存在。 Even can say, has been far in excess of existences of other people! 甚至可以说,是远远超越了其他人的存在! However what makes many people shock, even if erupts Li Qianyuan of such strength, unexpectedly with Chu Yunfan declining of fighting in leeward. 不过更让许多人为之震惊的是,即便是爆发出了这样实力的李乾元,居然都在与楚云凡的交手之中落于下风。 This terrifying scene, lets many person look at each other in dismay, three views wanted the avalanche! 这种恐怖的场面,让许多人面面相觑,三观都要崩塌了! From fighting starting, all people discovered, Chu Yunfan got the winning side completely, Li Qianyuan knew not many regarding Chu Yunfan, but Chu Yunfan as if was very instead clear to Li Qianyuan, from beginning to end was guiding the fight. 从战斗一开始,所有人就发现,楚云凡完完全全占据了上风,李乾元对于楚云凡所知不多,但是楚云凡反而似乎对李乾元很清楚,从头到尾都在引导着战斗。 However the everyone train of thought slightly has also let loose, has concentrated immediately, because of this war, really cannot allow them to have slight relaxation, because this fought this one step, all people know, arrived at crucial moment, even must decide that in the future who will be a Heaven's Proud list First war. 不过众人的思绪也就是稍微放开了一下,马上又集中了起来,因为这一战,实在是容不得他们有丝毫的放松,因为这一战到了这一步,所有人都知道,已经到了关键时候,甚至要决定未来谁是天骄第一的一战。 A little meaning, after you displayed the fire god body, had the qualifications to make me feel somewhat the interest!” “有点意思,你施展出了火神躯之后,才有资格让我觉得有几分兴趣!” Chu Yunfan laughs at one. 楚云凡嗤笑一声。 Bang!” “轰!” Both sides at the scene knock-on collision, facing displaying fire god body Li Qianyuan, Chu Yunfan quite the same as fearless, is smuggling the fearful aura, his body seemed the antique ominous beast recovers was the same, walked like a dragon and stepped like a tiger, was almost a dragon has the phoenix to fall, broke in this together sword glow. 双方当场直接碰撞到了一起,面对施展出了火神躯的李乾元,楚云凡浑然无惧,夹带着可怕的气息,他的身躯好似太古凶兽复苏了一样,龙行虎步,几乎是一个龙起凰落,就已经冲入到了这一道剑芒之中。 Bang!” “轰!” This sword glow cut to fall the body of Chu Yunfan together directly, in a twinkling, Chu Yunfan moved instantaneously, his both hands have torn fiercely all of a sudden, on both hands erupted a Thunder ray. 这一道剑芒直接斩落到了楚云凡的身上,说时迟那时快,楚云凡瞬间动了,他的双手猛地一下子撕裂了出来,双手上爆发出了一阵雷霆的光芒。 Gives me to break!” “给我破!” In that split second, unexpectedly flew high to rip the smashing the entire sword glow, this time Chu Yunfan looked like the most fearful ominous beast, by tyrannical of mortal body, can sweep away World. 就在那一瞬间,居然将整个剑芒凌空撕成了粉碎,此时的楚云凡就像是最为可怕的凶兽,以肉身之强横,就可以横扫天地 Comes again!” “再来!” This time Li Qianyuan did not have the thoughts to sigh with emotion the Chu Yunfan powerful, his wholeheartedly put into during the fight, this time, he felt an extremely dangerous feeling truly. 此时的李乾元已经没有心思去感慨楚云凡的强势,他全身心投入了战斗之中,这一次,他真正感觉到了一种极度危险的感觉。 Even before , never has, can threaten his strength! 甚至之前从未有过的,能够威胁他的力量! In young one generation, he is invincible, but this myth was broken today, how he has not considered to strike to kill Chu Yunfan now, even can only lower the goal to with the Chu Yunfan being locked in a stalemate undefeated. 在年轻一辈之中,他就是无敌,但是今天这个神话被打破了,他现在已经不考虑如何如何击杀楚云凡,甚至只能是将目标放低到与楚云凡相持不败。 Change on this mentality is unconscious, even including him not to realize, all so natural. 这种心态上的变化是不知不觉的,甚至连他自己都没有察觉到,一切都是如此的理所当然。 Also is the sword air/Qi flies high to shoulder together, cut to kill toward Chu Yunfan. 又是一道剑气凌空挑起,朝着楚云凡斩杀了过去。 Meng Potian, is Meng Tianren, two people complexions suddenly changed, although in the Heaven's Proud list, but at this time the strength that Li Qianyuan or Chu Yunfan show, was aloof their at least one level. 无论是孟破天,还是孟天仁,两人的脸色都骤然变了,虽然都在天骄榜上,但是此时无论是李乾元还是楚云凡所展现出来的实力,都已经超脱了他们至少一个层次。 Thinks of here, two people facial expressions do not have the means to maintain the indifferent facial expression, but when two people are shocked, actually saw Chu Yunfan to backhand a valuable seal to pinch, directly the smashing that this sword air/Qi hit, the whole person has charged into Li Qianyuan at a quicker speed. 想到这里,两人的神情都没有办法维持淡然的神情,而就在两人震惊的时候,却见楚云凡反手一个宝印捏了出来,直接将这剑气打的粉碎,整个人以更快的速度冲向了李乾元。 Bang!” “嘭!” The Chu Yunfan slow reality is quick, in an instant, arrived at Li Qianyuan's front, all are similar to the passing clouds and flowing water are ordinary, backhands one to hold mountain seal, evolved a Divine Mountain, in this Divine Mountain quickly at the scene bang Li Qianyuan's chest. 楚云凡似慢实快,刹那间,已经来到了李乾元的面前,一切如同行云流水一般,反手一个抱山印,演化出了一座神山,这一座神山以迅雷不及掩耳之势当场轰中了李乾元的胸口。 !” “噗!” A Li Qianyuan pitiful yell, the whole person was rumbled to fly fiercely all of a sudden, fell above the arena ruthlessly. 李乾元一声惨叫,整个人猛地一下子被轰飞了出去,狠狠落到了擂台之上。
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