CF :: Volume #21

#2005: Slaughters to make the stage of perfection such as slaughter chicken dog

Regarding Ning Rentu, even if present Chu Yunfan is not enough to pose the threat to Monster Race, so long as grows, in the future will pose the huge threat to Monster Race surely. 对于宁人屠来说,即便现在的楚云凡不足以对妖族构成威胁,但是只要成长下去,未来必定会对妖族构成巨大的威胁。 Only this point, in his eyes committed the Chu Yunfan capital crime! 只这一点,在他眼里就构成了楚云凡的死罪! The mediocre person does not need to kill, extremely actually must kill it outstandingly! 平庸之人不必杀,太过杰出却必杀之! Makes the best use of the time!” Ning Rentu both hands hold the shoulder, coldly said. “抓紧时间!”宁人屠双手抱肩,冷冷的说道 In that split second, in Sky, directly grazed 30 to bring fearful aura making stage of perfection expert, the collective to wallop toward Chu Yunfan. 就在那一瞬间,天穹之中,直接飞掠下来了30尊带着可怕气息的造化境高手,集体朝着楚云凡猛冲了过来。 These expert speeds drew near pinnacle, simultaneously coordinated is also the tacit understanding to the pinnacle, came up is the most fearful attack, was similar to the mighty current is ordinary, submerged Chu Yunfan. 这些高手的速度快到了极致,同时配合也是默契到了极致,一上来便是最可怕的攻击,如同洪流一般,将楚云凡淹没。 In that suddenly, Chu Yunfan has pulled out Medicine Pill, has put in the mouth. 就在那一刹那间,楚云凡掏出了一枚丹药,放入了嘴中。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” A series of explosive sounds transmit, in distant place mountain valley the everyone complexion of Zhenyuan army was pale, the air wave ascension that erupts, changes to the mushroom cloud to shell World, the earth in the fierce vibration. 一连串的爆炸声传来,远处山谷之中镇远军的众人脸色都惨白了,那爆发起来的气浪升腾而起,化作蘑菇云轰击天地,大地都在剧烈的抖动。 Even all people without enough time responded, all these occurred. 甚至所有人都来不及反应过来,这一切就已经发生了。 These make the stage of perfection expert, is in itself used for Dao Protector that copes with behind Chu Yunfan possibly to have, a strength naturally is not no need saying that majority of makes expert in stage of perfection. 这些造化境的高手,本身是用来对付楚云凡背后可能存在的护道人,一身实力自然不必说,大部分都是造化境之中的高手 It can be said that to kill Chu Yunfan, the monster god at least set out more than 50% expert, only to kill him, such lineup can also be considered as on is unprecedented, latter does not have the future. 可以说,为了狙杀楚云凡,妖神教起码出动了一半以上的高手,只为了杀他一人,这样的阵容也可以算得上是前无古人,后无来者。 Roar!” “吼!” A incomparable gigantic roaring sound, in the place above of mushroom cloud, was similar to the hill giant ominous beast flushed generally horizontally, was similar to the giant grinding pan common beast claw flies high to pat, seemed insufficient thorough, must become the fragment his crush that for fear that Chu Yunfan also died. 一声巨大无比的咆哮声,在蘑菇云的上方,一头如同小山一般巨大的凶兽横冲了进来,如同巨大磨盘一般的兽爪凌空拍下,似乎是生怕楚云凡还死的不够彻底,要将他碾压成碎片。 Dong 当! This giant beast claw penetrated the mushroom cloud directly, patted any gold/metal iron to be ordinary ruthlessly, erupts sound that a gold/metal iron junction called, shook the fearful sound wave voice. 这一只巨大的兽爪直接穿透了蘑菇云,狠狠拍到了什么金铁一般,爆发出了一阵金铁交鸣的声音,震荡出了可怕的音波声浪。 The voice blows off the mushroom cloud directly, at this time, everyone finally saw the mushroom cloud central situation, originally has thought that died under this terrifying attack Chu Yunfan, not only has not died, conversely, had not caused heavy losses. 声浪直接将蘑菇云吹散,这个时候,众人才终于看到了蘑菇云中央的情况,原本以为已经死在了这恐怖攻击之下的楚云凡非但没有死,相反的,也没有被重创。 In his top of the head, the Mountain and Rivers cauldron turning round rotation, gave all attacks following. 他的头顶上,山河鼎滴溜溜的转动,将所有的攻击统统都给接下来了。 What cauldron is that?” At this time, even if Ning Rentu, facial expression also somewhat stunned, a moment ago that attack, even if makes stage of perfection Level expert, same difficult to escape death is right. “那是什么鼎?”此时,就算是宁人屠,神情也有几分愕然,刚才那攻击,就算是造化境级别高手,也一样难逃一死才对。 However Chu Yunfan can unexpectedly following, this was in itself a miracle. 但是楚云凡居然能够接下来,这本身就是一个奇迹了。 Without a doubt, that medicine cauldron is a defense most precious object, can against under this attack, even if so this should not. 毫无疑问,那个药鼎是一个防御至宝,能够防下这种攻击,不过即便如此这也不应该。 Even if there is a defense most precious object, but if will want to defend the most precious object the strength to display, will be high regarding user's request. 即便有防御至宝,但是如果想要将防御至宝的实力发挥出来的话,对于使用者本身的要求非常高。 Unexpectedly, he notes, the body of Chu Yunfan is emerging more and more Magic Power, these Magic Power release recklessly, went to the naked eye obvious situation. 蓦地,他注意到,楚云凡的身上正在涌现出越来越多的法力,这些法力肆意释放出来,已经达到了肉眼可见的地步。 These naked eye obvious Magic Power are vigorous, changed to an armor to protect in his whole body him. 这些肉眼可见的法力浑厚无比,在他的周身化作了一身铠甲将他保护进了其中。 How possible?” Ning Rentu discovered, Chu Yunfan Cultivation Power is rising dramatically at a very astonishing speed crazily. “怎么可能?”宁人屠发现,楚云凡功力正在以一个十分惊人的速度疯狂飙升。 The Chu Yunfan strength is in this case the crazy promotion, went to a situation of shocking everybody. 楚云凡的战力更是在这种情况下疯狂的提升,达到了一种惊世骇俗的地步。 All these look like, is very strange and inconceivable. 这一切看起来,十分的诡异和不可思议。 Bang!” “轰!” Chu Yunfan Magic Power sprinted directly brand-new realm, the strength one breath rushed unexpectedly directly has made stage of perfection Second Layer. 楚云凡身上的法力直接冲刺到了一个全新的境界,战力居然一口气直接冲到了造化境二重 But is the short time! 而这才不过是短短时间而已! Makes stage of perfection Third Layer! 造化境三重 Makes stage of perfection Fourth Layer! 造化境四重 Almost was in a minute time, the Chu Yunfan strength directly crashes in has made in stage of perfection Fourth Layer, but at this time, on the face of Chu Yunfan finally has also shown the painful facial expression, his mortal body powerful was incomparable, but was not representing such berserk growth Cultivation Power to his body burden. 几乎就是片刻间的功夫,楚云凡的战力直接冲进了造化境四重之中,而此时,楚云凡的脸上也终于露出了痛苦的神情,他的肉身强势无比,但是并不代表着这样狂暴的增长功力对他的身体就没有负担。 After taking six revolutions of Gold Core, Chu Yunfan Cultivation Power almost every time in the rise of by how much multiple, even quick has surmounted has made stage of perfection Fourth Layer, broke in directly has made stage of perfection Fifth Layer. 服用了六转金丹之后,楚云凡功力几乎每时每刻都在以几何倍数的上涨,甚至很快就已经超越了造化境四重,径直冲入了造化境五重 That the giant beast claw racket will fall ruthlessly was similar to the hill general making stage of perfection ominous beast had realized fiercely all of a sudden is not right, Chu Yunfan aura erupted, seemed an antique ominous beast recovered generally. 那一头将巨大的兽爪狠狠拍落下来的如同小山一般的造化境凶兽猛地一下子意识到了不对了,楚云凡身上的气息爆发起来,仿佛是一头太古凶兽复苏了一般。 That breath almost must horizon throwing off all at once, making him feel the incomparable palpitation! 那一股气息几乎要将天际给掀翻掉,让他都感觉到无比心悸! Bang!” “轰!” The beast claw of his incomparable gigantic was flown by a fearful strength ball all of a sudden. 他那巨大无比的兽爪一下子被一股可怕的力量弹飞了出去。 The terrifying sword glow soars to the heavens together, pierces this giant ominous beast instantaneously. 一道恐怖的剑芒冲霄而起,瞬间将这一头巨大的凶兽洞穿。 In the sword glow the strength of Thunder spreads, directly this ominous beast electricity falls from the sky. 剑芒之中雷霆之力蔓延开来,直接将这一头凶兽电的从天空之中掉落下来。 Bang!” “嘭!” The giant corpse has raised on the dust wave of hundred zhang (333 m), on the tragic death, was instantaneously motionless. 巨大的尸首掀起了上百丈的尘浪,瞬间就惨死,一动不动了。 „A head!” “一头!” The Chu Yunfan facial expression is somewhat fierce, the huge pain wreaks havoc in his body, fearful Energy is tearing each cell in his body crazily, making him feel the huge pain. 楚云凡的神情有几分狰狞,巨大的痛苦在他的身体之中肆虐,可怕的能量在疯狂的撕裂他身体之中的每一个细胞,让他感觉到巨大的痛苦。 Even including to move to feel the huge pain slightly, if trades to be the ordinary person, perhaps at this time already collapsed. 甚至连稍微动一下都能够感觉到巨大的痛苦,如果换做一般的人,恐怕这个时候早就已经崩溃了。 Six revolutions of purple Gold Core might are huge, but similarly, side effect also very astonishing, is very astonishing regarding the destruction of body, almost can say, his body every time in crazy was torn. 六转紫金丹威力巨大,但是同样的,副作用也是十分的惊人,对于身体的破坏十分惊人,几乎可以说,他的身体每时每刻都在疯狂的被撕裂。 Then forcefully reorganizes, tears forcefully! 然后又强行重组,又强行撕裂! Almost compelling the hopeless situation was the same Chu Yunfan! 几乎将楚云凡给逼到了绝境一样! His body, the terrifying strength is still upwelling, split second, Breakthrough to good fortune Sixth Layer, his whole body the dripping with blood, only felt that this fist can rumble to put on the entire horizon to be the same. 他的身上,恐怖的力量还在上涌,一瞬间,就已经突破到了造化六重,他的全身已经鲜血淋漓,只感觉这一拳能够轰穿整个天际一样。 Bang!” “轰!” The Chu Yunfan figure vanished in same place in the midair, was only having everywhere the strength of Thunder, when he appeared once again, appeared in the front of another ominous beast. 楚云凡的身形在半空之中消失在了原地,只带着漫天的雷霆之力,当他再度出现的时候,已经出现在了另外一头凶兽的面前。 Underworld Nine Treading!” 黄泉九踏!” Chu Yunfan clenches teeth, a foot has trampled, entire Sky shivered, seemed trampled a incomparable gigantic cavity directly. 楚云凡咬着牙,一脚践踏了下去,整个天穹都跟着颤抖了,仿佛被直接践踏出了一个巨大无比的空洞。 Bang!” “轰!” This ominous beast by a foot treads , the entire body had been hit in the ground ruthlessly, raised the dust wave of hundred zhang (333 m) directly, everyone saw, his body was trampled a incomparable gigantic footprint unexpectedly directly, the footprint pierced his body directly. 这一头凶兽被一脚踏中,整个身体狠狠的撞到了地面上,直接掀起了百丈的尘浪,众人看见,他的身体居然被直接践踏出了一个巨大无比的脚印,脚印直接将他的身体洞穿。 The blood sprays like the column! 鲜血喷洒如柱! Almost is crush tortured to death, terrifying strength split second erupts, cuts to kill these terrifying making stage of perfection ominous beasts is similar to stamps ants to be the same. 几乎就是碾压性的虐杀,恐怖的力量一瞬间爆发开来,斩杀这些恐怖的造化境的凶兽如同踩死一只蝼蚁一样。 This looks like, unexpectedly is such looking familiar! 这一幕看起来,居然是如此的眼熟! Especially Zhenyuan army high and low, they as if saw a moment ago that repeating, threatens to come, by easy defeating. 尤其是镇远军上下,他们仿佛看到了刚才那一幕的重演,气势汹汹而来的,被轻而易举的击败。
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