CF :: Volume #21

#2002: If the god demon is common

The Chu Yunfan group extinguished these people to spend several time of breath, the strength disparity of both sides, has fully manifested vividly and thoroughly. 楚云凡团灭这些人不过只是花费了几个呼吸的时间,双方的实力差距,完完全全体现了个淋漓尽致 In mountain valley, even if originally to the Chu Yunfan most confident Zhenyuan army high and low, at this time is also stems from under the complete dumbfounded condition. 在山谷之中,即便是原本楚云凡最有信心的镇远军上下,此时也都是出于完完全全的目瞪口呆的状态之下。 Because in their eyes, these besieges the Chu Yunfan form, each is that formidable, is similar to the Demon God general fearfulness. 因为在他们的眼里,那些围攻楚云凡的身影,每一尊都是那么强大,如同魔神一般的可怕。 Even if Ordinary True Inheritance Disciple of universe boundary in their front, perhaps also insufficiently looks. 就算是寻常的乾坤境的真传弟子在他们的面前,恐怕也不够看的。 This point, You Chuyun is clearest, although he is also not True Inheritance Disciple of universe boundary, but also only missed Half-Step remote, can stride in this domain in less than how long also. 这一点,尤楚云是最清楚的,他虽然还不是乾坤境的真传弟子,但是也只差半步之遥了,用不了多久也能够跨入这个领域之中。 However his feelings, that is he, even if strided in the universe boundary, possibly is not these people the matches of any person. 但是他有一个感觉,那就是他即便跨入了乾坤境,也不可能是这些人中的任何一个人的对手。 Cultivation to these powerhouse situations, quantity already not any significance, let alone was the Zhenyuan army, even if were 100 he, rushed is also among the moments, the inconsistency of directly killed. 修炼到了这些强者的地步,数量已经没有任何意义,别说是镇远军了,就算是100个他,冲上去也不过是片刻之间,就会被直接杀的七零八落。 Simply does not have any possibility of survival! 根本没有任何存活的可能性! However is so fearful expert, unexpectedly by the Chu Yunfan moments, was given the inconsistency of killing. 但是就是如此可怕的高手,居然被楚云凡片刻之间,就给杀的七零八落。 This regarding them, was equal to is also in three views complete has subverted, is equal to the avalanche and remoulding of world outlook. 这对于他们来说,等于也是三观上被完完全全的颠覆了,等于是世界观的崩塌和重塑。 And the Chu Hongcai facial expression looked like wanted calm were only many, for him, his miracle of Brother Fan creation was too many were too many, did not miss this two. 其中唯有一个楚鸿才神情看起来要淡定的多了,对他来说,他的凡哥创造的奇迹实在是太多太多了,也不差这一个两个的。 The nature, all these are natural, so long as is Brother Fan, then does not have anything cannot achieve. 自然的,这一切都是理所当然,只要是凡哥,那么就没有什么是做不到的。 Even expert of monster god side, as if has not thought Chu Yunfan can so terrifying, easy arranges expert killing a none remaining under them. 甚至就连妖神教一方的高手,似乎也没有想到楚云凡能如此恐怖,轻而易举的将他们布置下的高手给杀个精光。 Must know, this lineup is they have considered the Chu Yunfan strength, can say, even if Chu Yunfan desires to fly high is also difficult to fly. 要知道,这个阵容可是他们已经将楚云凡的实力充分考虑进去,可以说,就算楚云凡插翅也难飞。 However is such they looks like sufficiently lets the lineup that Chu Yunfan is unable to escape even with wings, actually at all is not the Chu Yunfan match, but is 2-3 times, was cut to kill a none remaining by Chu Yunfan. 然而就是这么一个他们看起来足以让楚云凡插翅难飞的阵容,却根本不是楚云凡的对手,不过是三两下的功夫,就被楚云凡斩杀了个精光。 This and they judge at first do not tally! 这和他们最初的判断是根本不符合的! They have not thought that such lineup, will lose unexpectedly, what terrifying is, such lineup including unexpectedly prevents not being able to achieve of Chu Yunfan slightly, strolls merely, has killed a none remaining. 他们万万没有想到这样的阵容,居然还会输了,更恐怖的是,这样的阵容居然连稍微阻挡一下楚云凡的做不到,仅仅只是闲庭信步之间,就已经杀了个精光。 Even if such lineup attacks the mighty force not to be defeated, can scatter 100,000 armies directly, however faces Chu Yunfan is actually such collapsing at the first blow. 这样的阵容即便冲击千军万马都不会失败,直接就可以打散100000大军,然而面对楚云凡却是如此的不堪一击。 This was they were too weak, was Chu Yunfan is too strong? 这是他们太弱了,还是楚云凡太强了? Walks Chu Yunfan in piece of Thunder to be ordinary just like a Thunder war-god, is the Thunder envoy, disseminates each between world the Thunder brilliance. 行走在一片雷霆之中的楚云凡宛如一尊雷霆战神一般,是雷霆的使者,将雷霆的光辉传播到天下间的每一处。 Only then such selects? Also is really, insufficiently kills!” “只有这么点么?还真是,不够杀啊!” Chu Yunfan indifferently said, the vision looked to the Void deep place, these hid the person in Void deep place, in his eyes, did not draw. 楚云凡淡淡的说道,目光看向了虚空深处,那些隐藏在虚空深处的人,统统都在他的眼中,一个不拉。 In order to cope with him, the monster god can say, has consumed the enormous time, looked for many expert, naturally impossible, only then at present this lineup. 为了对付他,妖神教可以说,也是耗费了极大的功夫,找来了诸多的高手,当然不可能只有眼前这个阵容。 „, didn't expect, Chu Yunfan, you can break open this Array unexpectedly!” Unexpectedly, an unruly laughter transmits, in Void a vibration, wears the young people of blood-colored long gown, gradually walked, arrived at the Chu Yunfan front. “啧啧,没想到,楚云凡,你居然能够破开这个阵法!”蓦地,一阵桀骜不驯的笑声传来,紧接着虚空之中一阵抖动,一个身穿血色长袍的青年人,缓步走了出来,来到了楚云凡的面前。 During youth facial features of this blood-colored long gown are handsome are having several points evilly different, the body is glittering the rich monster qi, but is actually Human Race of genuine, his eyes human eye, is not a cat monster eye seems to be ordinary. 这个血色长袍的青年面容俊朗之中带着几分邪异,身上闪烁着浓郁的妖气,但是却是货真价实的人族,他的双眸不似人眼,仿佛是一头猫妖的眼睛一般。 Chu Yunfan is only indifferently looked at this young people, he has almost made the judgment immediately, the blood god. 楚云凡只是淡淡的看着这个青年人,他几乎是立刻就做出了判断,血神教。 This person is not Monster Race, but has such heavy monster qi, almost not human appearance, although is growing the human form, however in the Chu Yunfan sensation, seems a startled day ominous beast throws over a person skin to be the same, is flooding the desire that the bloodthirsty and slaughters. 这个人并不是妖族,但是身上却有如此之重的妖气,几乎不似人样,虽然长着人形,但是在楚云凡的感知之中,就仿佛是一头惊天的凶兽披着一层人皮一样,充斥着嗜血和杀戮的欲望。 The strength extreme of this young people are fearful, merely is the monster qi that seeps, has surpassed these by expert that Chu Yunfan cuts to massacre, clearly was one strided in has made the stage of perfection terrifying to exist. 这个青年人的实力极端可怕,仅仅是渗透出来的妖气,就已经超过了那些被楚云凡斩杀掉的高手,分明是一个已经跨入了造化境的恐怖存在。 You are also somewhat ability, that Sir personally did not order to remove you in vain, otherwise, what thing you were, being worth making a move personally?” This whole body sends out the young people of flood Heavenly Monster air/Qi to say this matter time, in the look also flashes through the color/look of several points of envy. You are any thing, but is lowly Human Race, is not worth that Sir regarding with a special fondness to you!” “你好歹还算是有几分本事,也不枉那位大人亲自下令要除掉你,否则的话,你算什么东西,值得我们亲自出手么?”这个浑身散发着滔天妖气的青年人说道这个事情的时候,眼神之中还闪过几分妒忌之色。“不过你算什么东西,不过是一个卑贱的人族而已,根本不值得那位大人对你另眼相看!” Lowly Human Race?” Chu Yunfan brows slightly wrinkle, although knows, as long as is monster god family background expert, is the process layer upon layer brainwashes inevitably, even these big expert, must undergo a brainwashing once in a while once again, brainwashing, even if the fierce person, turns into a dog. “卑贱的人族?”楚云凡眉头微蹙,虽然知道,但凡是妖神教出身的高手,必然是经过层层洗脑,甚至那些大高手,每隔一段时间都要再度经过一次洗脑,一次次的洗脑下来,就算是再厉害的人,也不过就是变成一条狗而已。 However he hears these characters time, cannot bear lose one's temper! 但是他听到这几个字的时候,还是忍不住动怒! Regarding this kind of person, the explicit names, are the person are deceitful! 对于这类人,都有一个明确的称呼,便是人奸! Good, what thing you are, but by chance is in luck to be able on Heaven's Proud list, when I and others Breakthrough makes the stage of perfection, what were you considered as?” Youth said with a cold laugh that this monster qi soars to the heavens, in his look flashes through several points of haughty facial expression. “不错,你算什么东西,不过只是碰巧走运才能上的了天骄榜而已,等到我等都突破造化境,你又算得了什么呢?”这个妖气冲天的青年冷笑着说道,他的眼神之中闪过几分狂傲的神情。 Who are you?” Chu Yunfan had several points of interest to this present youth finally. Monster god Young Religion Leader? Ning monster lives!” “你又是谁?”楚云凡终于对这眼前的青年起了几分兴趣。“妖神教少教主?宁妖生!” Finally Chu Yunfan remembered the present person is where was actually sacred, had in «World» this book about his record. 楚云凡终于想起了眼前的人究竟是何方神圣了,在《世界》这本书上也有关于他的记载。 Monster god young generation of First expert, is the monster god absolute successor, future monster god Religion Leader, a strength will be immeasurably deep, is Heaven's Proud list 30 th. 妖神教年轻一辈第一高手,同时也是妖神教的绝对传人,未来的妖神教教主,一身实力深不可测,位列天骄榜第30名。 Also has record in the Heaven's Proud list, present Ning monster lives the strength to be quite fearful, is loyal and devoted to the monster god and Monster Race, once many times organized regarding the big summer dynasty during chasing down of genius, even had to kill in peer long ago the titled as King physique expert precedent. 天骄榜上也有记载,眼前的宁妖生实力极为可怕,同时也对妖神教和妖族忠心耿耿,曾经多次组织对于大夏皇朝之中天才的追杀,甚至早年有干掉同辈之中封王体质高手的先例。 Strength terrifying to is beyond description! 一身实力恐怖到难以形容! Good, you also know that my name, looks in this regard, I can keep your entire corpse, making you die is not so painful!” “不错,你还知道我的名字,看在这一点上,我可以留你全尸,让你死的不那么痛苦!” Ning Yaosheng grins fiendishly to say. 宁妖生狞笑一声说道。 Is only a Monster Race dog, the masters do not dare to come out, your this dog dares to come the dog's bark unexpectedly, really not awfully!” Chu Yunfan sneered, his vision patrolling shuttle crosses in the midair, is hiding expert and was cut these that massacres to be different by him a moment ago, that is genuine expert of making stage of perfection Level. “不过只是妖族的一条狗而已,主人都不敢出来,你这条狗居然敢来犬吠,真是不要命了!”楚云凡冷笑一声,他的目光巡梭过半空之中,在其中隐藏着的高手和刚才被他斩杀掉的那些都不同,那是货真价实的造化境级别高手 In order to kill him, the monster god thinks of every means! 为了杀他,妖神教可谓是费尽心机!
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