CF :: Volume #20

#1930: Weakly is too too weak

Chu Yunfan aura similarly in unceasing dramatic rise, is not slightly inferior in fascinated already a king sail. 楚云凡身上的气息同样在不断的飙升,丝毫都不逊色于已经入魔了的王一帆。 This is Chu Yunfan true trump card is, he also truly strided in the universe boundary, with True Inheritance Disciple, is the similar level, is not the least bit off. 这才是楚云凡真正的底牌所在,他也已经真正跨入了乾坤境,和诸位真传弟子,属于同样的层次,丝毫不差。 Such Chu Yunfan, appears more fearful, because was extremely formidable! 正是这样的楚云凡,才显得更加可怕,因为太过强大了! Perhaps he in history, strides in the universe boundary shortest person! 可能他是有史以来,跨入乾坤境最短的人! Fascinated was also what kind, I can stamp your one time, can stamp your second time!” The Chu Yunfan facial expression is cold, both hands hold the chest, coldly looks at a king sail. “入魔了又怎么样,我能踩死你一次,就能踩死你第二次!”楚云凡神情冷然,双手抱胸,冷冷的看着王一帆。 But Chu Yunfan that look also deep stabbing pain a mind of king sail, for him, simply is absurd, immediately violent anger. 楚云凡那种眼神也深深刺痛了王一帆的心灵,对他来说,简直是岂有此理,顿时暴怒了。 In his hand, that Seventh Metal long sword erupted bigger Aged Golden Sword air/Qi instantaneously. 他的手中,那一口庚金长剑瞬间爆发了更大的庚金剑气。 Compared with was more fearful a moment ago on several points, with the lapse of time, his fascinated degree is getting deeper and deeper, the intelligence is getting more and more weak, almost must be swallowed by the demon air/Qi. 比起刚才更加可怕上几分,随着时间的推移,他入魔的程度越来越深,神智越来越薄弱,几乎要被魔气所吞噬。 This also plants one of after-effects the demon plants, if this person is generation of the great wisdom and courage, instead can use these demon air/Qi to use for oneself, but if own Will is not very firm, will be swallowed by the demon air/Qi, becomes only understood unparalleled demon who slaughters. 这也是种下魔种的后遗症之一,如果这个人是大智大勇之辈,反而能够利用这些魔气为自己所用,但是如果自己本身的意志不够坚定的话,就会被魔气所吞噬,成为一头只懂得杀戮的盖世魔头。 Before the remote past, Demon Dao has not lived, does not know that under many people die of the demon plant, changed into had only understood the demon who slaughtered, could not find including own intelligence. 在遥远的年代以前,魔道未生,不知道多少人死于魔种之下,化为了只懂得杀戮的魔头,连自己的神智都找不到了。 He is in addition assured, the other division commanders of flying immortal sect only feared on road that is marching on, although he changes stronger, but the time does not stand this side him. 再加上他笃定,飞仙宗的其他师长只怕正在赶来的路上,虽然他越变越强,但是时间并不站在他这一边。 He has not chosen. 他并没有选择。 Calls out, the storm that Seventh Metal long sword turns into turned into the Tornado wind directly, has swept across toward Chu Yunfan, he has not chosen the expanded scope of attack, a reason that he only saves makes him understand, cannot such do, otherwise, he revenges presumptuously thinks. 一声暴喝,那庚金长剑化成的风暴直接化成了龙卷风,朝着楚云凡席卷了过去,他没有选择扩大打击面,他仅存的一丝理智让他明白,不能这么做,否则的话,他连报仇都是妄想。 Chu Yunfan backhanded a palm of the hand to pat directly, was the flying immortal big hand imprint, this flying immortal big hand imprint direct racket fell above the Seventh Metal long sword, sent out a gold/metal iron of pingpong to hand over the sound of cry. 楚云凡直接反手一个巴掌拍了下去,正是飞仙大手印,这飞仙大手印直接拍落到了庚金长剑之上,发出了一阵乒乓的金铁交鸣之声。 Had been cranked up everywhere golden light by Chu Yunfan unexpectedly instantaneously, has dispersed directly, cannot pose the slight threat to Chu Yunfan. 竟然瞬间就被楚云凡生生拍成了漫天的金光,直接散了开来,根本不能对楚云凡造成丝毫的威胁。 Beyond Heaven flying immortal!” 天外飞仙!” At this time, a king sail displayed a move of Beyond Heaven flying immortal, in an instant time, he probably turned into the demon immortal between World, that demon air/Qi stagnated unexpectedly, must change into the fairyism, entire World was swept across by his sword, used for him. 这个时候,王一帆又施展出了一招天外飞仙,刹那间的功夫,他就好像变成了天地间的魔仙,那魔气竟然为之一滞,要化为仙气,整个天地都被他的这一剑所席卷,为他所用。 This is also in the flying immortal sect supreme sword technique, only then above True Inheritance Disciple has qualifications Cultivation profound knowledge. 这也是飞仙宗之中至高无上的剑法,只有真传弟子以上才有资格修炼绝学 Only then this? Weakly is too too weak!” “只有这样么?太弱太弱!” Chu Yunfan roaring, a fist rumbles directly, the body fluctuates, Transformation of eight Tian Long in his body, directly have then suppressed on this demon immortal. 楚云凡大吼一声,径直一拳轰出,身躯变幻,八部天龙在他的身体之中幻化了出来,然后直接镇压上了这一尊魔仙。 Instantaneous eight Tian Long blew has displayed the demon immortal of Beyond Heaven flying immortal, tore in the sky this demon immortal. 瞬间八部天龙就镇住了施展了天外飞仙的魔仙,将这魔仙当空撕裂开来。 Is impossible, by my Cultivation Power, getting down how you can insist!” “不可能,以我的功力,你怎么能坚持的下来!” King sail roaring, the whole person was angrier, along with is getting deeper and deeper, his stature that being bewitched air/Qi is contaminated raised a head, looks like very tall and strong. 王一帆大吼一声,整个人更加愤怒了,随着魔气浸染的越来越深,他的身材足足拔高了一个头,看起来十分的魁梧。 But at this time, Chu Yunfan that sincere vigor castrated not to reduce to rumble directly in a body of king sail. 而就在这个时候,楚云凡那一拳拳劲去势不减直接轰进了王一帆的身体之中。 Bang!” “嘭!” This fist directly covered with blood that a chest of king sail hits, after fascinated, changed into the demon body, a mortal body intensity of king sail has at least promoted several scales, but faced Chu Yunfan time, did not have the strength to hit back. 这一拳直接将王一帆的胸口打的血肉模糊,在入魔之后,化为了魔躯,王一帆的肉身强度起码提升了几个档次,但是面对楚云凡的时候,还是毫无还手之力。 At this time he is clear, the Chu Yunfan mortal body intensity went to the what kind of situation, radically before is not him, thinks is so simple, is true fearful existence. 此时他才明白,楚云凡肉身强度已经达到了何等地步,根本就不是他之前所想的那么简单,是真正的可怕存在。 !” “噗!” A king sail blood has spurted, in his scarlet-red look has glittered facial expression with amazement, didn't expect Chu Yunfan so is unexpectedly fierce, must know, if traded to do is time Chu Yunfan uses such method, the basic fist can kill him, has no need to get out of trouble with him. 王一帆一口鲜血喷了出来,他的赤红色眼神之中闪烁过骇然的神情,没想到楚云凡居然这么厉害,要知道,如果换做是刚才的时候楚云凡就施展出这样的手段,根本一拳就可以将他打死,用不着和他兜兜转转。 Beforehand Chu Yunfan is disinclined fully, because does not need to leave fully, can cope with him. 只是之前楚云凡懒得出全力而已,因为不需要出全力,就可以对付他。 Before Chu Yunfan said that has not used 10% Cultivation Power, now wants to come, absolutely real. 之前楚云凡所说的还没有动用一成功力,现在想来,绝对是真的。 A king sail only feels the chest front fierce pain, but after fascinated, the intensity of demon body grew well, otherwise is pierced the chest by a Chu Yunfan fist, that really died. 王一帆只感觉到胸前剧烈的疼痛,不过好在入魔之后,魔躯的强度增长了许多,否则又是会被楚云凡一拳洞穿胸口,那就是真的死定了。 Even if demon clan, was pierced the chest, the bang explodes the heart same to die with the five main internal organs (entrails), possibility that has not survived, the vitality of demon clan is tenacious, eventually also flesh and blood. 就算是魔族,被人洞穿胸口,轰爆了心脏和五脏六腑一样要死,没有存活的可能性,魔族的生命力再顽强,终究也还是血肉之躯。 But even if so, by this fist bang, made him face the threat of death once again, making him feel the death again in the crazy imminentness. 但不过即便如此,被这一拳轰中,还是让他再度面临了死亡的威胁,让他再一次感觉到了死亡在疯狂的迫近。 „To kill me? I die must draw you to front the back!” “想杀我?我死也要拉你垫背!” A king sail is whooshing, ferocious looking, seemed like fearful. 王一帆嘶吼着,青面獠牙,看起来可怕极了。 Unexpectedly has not died!” “居然没死!” Chu Yunfan somewhat stunned, didn't expect, a king sail this does not die, looks like, is truly tenacious enough, the vitality of demon clan is truly tenacious, a fist cannot kill. 楚云凡也有几分愕然,没想到,王一帆这都不死,看起来,确实足够顽强的,魔族的生命力确实顽强,一拳都杀不死。 Naturally, is Chu Yunfan believes that other people by the Chu Yunfan berserk battle efficiency frightening. 当然,也就是楚云凡会这么认为,其他人都已经被楚云凡狂暴的战斗力给吓到了。 Complete frightening! 完完全全的给吓到了! Generally the demon race's with realm with realm is not only weak compared with Human Race, the mortal body intensity cultivates besides the body, generally Human Race expert is very difficult with it mention on equal terms. 一般同境界的魔族比起同境界人类只强不弱,肉身强度除了体修之外,一般人类高手很难与之相提并论 However this Chu Yunfan fist realm by far high he, moreover a fascinated king sail makes into the severe wound. 但是这楚云凡一拳就将境界远远高过他,而且入魔的王一帆打成重伤。 This is astonishing battle efficiency! 这是何等惊人的战斗力! „!” “啊啊啊啊啊!” A king sail is whooshing unceasingly, howling, in his body, demon air/Qi turning has been welling up, compared with must a moment ago terrifying on double. 王一帆不断嘶吼着,吼叫着,他的身体之中,魔气更加的翻涌了起来,比起刚才还要更加恐怖一倍 Then, is in the glare of the public eye, he strided in universe Sixth Layer unexpectedly! 就这样子,众目睽睽之下,他居然生生跨入了乾坤六重 Immediately, everyone on the scene, the complexion big change, within king sail such short time, Cultivation Base rises two realm in abundance fascinated continually, if trades to make normal Cultivation, the natural talent is poor, at least needs ten years 20 years can achieve. 顿时,在场众人,纷纷脸色大变,王一帆入魔这么短的时间之内,修为连升两个境界,如果换做正常修炼,天资差一点的,起码都要十年20年的时间才能够做到。 Even if no Special for­tu­itous en­counter, possibly is unable to make Breakthrough for a lifetime again! 甚至如果没有特别奇遇,可能一辈子都无法再做突破 But now a king sail is the short time, fully has completed, no wonder that many people want taking advantage to come Breakthrough fascinated! 而现在王一帆不过是短短时间,就已经全部完成了,难怪那么多人想借入魔来突破了! Arrived this situation, demon air/Qi of king sail within the body was more astonishing, has swallowed the reason directly, rushed over instantaneously directly horizontally. 只是到了这个地步,王一帆体内的魔气更加惊人,直接吞噬了理智,瞬间直接横冲了过去。 Bang!” “轰!” A king sail tore the vault of heaven instantaneously directly, unexpectedly exploded vented anger to snap, at this time he had simply gotten rid of the Seventh Metal long sword, just like is a wild animal same has swooped. 王一帆瞬间直接撕裂开了苍穹,居然爆出了气爆声,这个时候他干脆抛弃了庚金长剑,犹如是一头野兽一样飞扑了上来。 However like this instead compared with before him terrifying, before he, in addition can also preserve several points of reason, but also on being considered as is the person, now basically was only one does not have demon of consciousness. 但是这样子反而比他之前更加恐怖,之前他尚且还能保存几分理智,还算得上是人,现在基本上只是一头没有意识的魔物了。
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