CF :: Volume #20

#1928: I can kill his one time, can kill him twice

After melting the demon, a strength obvious violent of king sail increased, if originally he merely is only universe Fourth Layer, strided in universe Fifth Layer after the demon directly, even is rapid approaches toward universe Sixth Layer. 化魔之后,王一帆的实力明显暴增了许多,如果说,原本他仅仅只是乾坤四重的话,在化魔之后直接跨入了乾坤五重,甚至是迅速朝着乾坤六重逼近。 The crazy promotion in this strength, made the night free of evil intention and the others dignified. 这种实力方面的疯狂提升,也让夜无邪等人神情凝重了起来。 This is melts the demon advantage, the demon clan truly also wants tyrannical many on Innate compared with Human Race, because of this, many person only then will choices submit the demon clan, entered one step by own strength. 这就是化魔的好处,魔族在先天上确实比人族还要强横的多,也正因为如此,许多人才会选择归附魔族,让自己的实力更进一步 Because many people already gradually old, or the potential exhausts, regarding them, besides offering this bad plan, not having the means to enter one step. 因为许多人已经垂垂老矣,或者潜力耗尽,对于他们来说,除了出此下策之外,没有办法更进一步了。 This is the demon plants!” “这是魔种吧!” Chu Yunfan opens the mouth to say slowly, he knows, this is the so-called demon plants, particularly in the early time, many people wants the fascinated actually no other his gate, because the body structure and demon clan of Human Race are completely different, rashly the absorption demon air/Qi or the demon merit of direct Cultivation demon clan, is no different than bring about one's own destruction. 楚云凡缓缓开口说道,他知道,这就是所谓的魔种,尤其是在早期的时候,许多人想要入魔却别无他门,因为人类的身体构造和魔族完全不同,贸然吸收魔气或者直接修炼魔族的魔功,无异于自寻死路 Based on this case, has the birth that the demon has planted, enters in within the body of person demon all sorts, plants by the demon is contaminated day and night, finally turns into the demon body the body of person. 正是基于这种情况下,才有了魔种的诞生,将魔种种入人的体内,以魔种日夜浸染,最终将人的躯体化成魔躯。 This is also the early Human Race fascinated quickest way, afterward Demon Dao everyone also had the generation of big talent, improves the demon merit, to adapt the human body, finally founded Demon Dao lineage/vein. 这也是早期人类入魔最快的方式,后来魔道众人也有大天赋之辈,改良魔功,以适应人体,最终开创了魔道一脉。 Then these developed the massive demons to cultivate by the Demon Dao martial arts, thus shook off the control of day of demon, became lineage/vein. 进而这些以魔道武功发展出了大量的魔修,从而摆脱了天魔的控制,自成一脉。 However still many people took risks, choose have planted the demon to plant to obtain the formidable strength and glorious life. 不过依然还是有很多人铤而走险,选择了种下魔种来获得强大的力量和更悠久的性命。 Good, this is the demon plants, moreover is the demon of higher demon clan plants!” King sail fierce smiling. I have not thought that unexpectedly was said by him, must use this demon to plant, now you harm my reducing bottomless trench, I must die, must draw in you to be buried along with the dead!” “不错,这是魔种,而且是高等魔族的魔种!”王一帆狰狞的笑了笑。“我也不曾想到居然真的被他说中了,真的要用到这魔种,现在你害得我沦落无底深渊,我就算要死,也要拉上你陪葬!” king Yifan was saying, facial expression is fiercer! 王一帆说着,神情更加狰狞! Comes back to life by the strength that being bewitched to plant, but a strength of king sail also therefore another level higher, almost must approach the universe boundary Sixth Layer strength, that young group of characters of such strength approached universe boundary most top layer. 靠着魔种的力量复生,而王一帆的力量也因此更上一层楼,几乎要逼近乾坤境六重的力量,这样的实力已经逼近乾坤境最顶层的那一小群的人物。 Is he has a dream realm that wants to achieve, now actually must be able to achieve with such way! 是他做梦都想要达到的境界,现在却要用这样的方式才能够达到! This regarding him, without doubt is a taunt. 这对于他来说,无疑是一种嘲讽。 What is most important, he knows, today he may run away roadless, is impossible to escape. 最重要的是,他知道,今天他无路可逃,不可能逃掉。 If in other places, he can also run away at risk of life, but here actually different, this is the supreme headquarters of flying immortal sect. 如果是在其他的地方的话,他还可以拼死一逃,但是在这里却不同,这可是飞仙宗的大本营。 Although his strength can be called side expert, but before because just him, is True Inheritance Disciple of flying immortal sect, but therefore is also clearest, in the entrance of this flying immortal sect, actually many fearful old monsters ambushes. 他的实力虽然可以称得上一方高手,但是正因为他之前就是飞仙宗的真传弟子,但是也因此最清楚不过了,在这飞仙宗的山门之中,究竟有多少可怕的老怪物在其中潜伏。 If he can escape, is the huge joke! 他要是能逃掉,才是天大的笑话! Even on only this short time, perhaps News spread, expert of flying immortal sect only feared already in the accumulation. 甚至就只这短短的时间,恐怕消息就已经传出去了,飞仙宗的高手只怕就已经在聚集当中了。 Therefore leaves his time not to be many, at this time, in his heart, only then two characters, revenge. 所以留给他的时间不多了,这个时候,他的心中只有两个字,报仇。 Was Chu Yunfan compels in this share him, he is dies will not let off Chu Yunfan. 楚云凡将他逼到了这个份上,他就算是死也不会放过楚云凡 „A king sail, your hiring oneself demon clan, plants the demon to plant unexpectedly!” “王一帆,你竟然投靠魔族,种下魔种!” At this time, True Inheritance Disciple roaring of flying immortal sect, Magic Power of whole body raised hastily vertical. 这个时候,一个飞仙宗的真传弟子连忙大吼一声,全身的法力提纵起来。 At this time, his there could also attend to a support king sail, cracked a joke, a king sail solid is the demon clan colludes, must know, the demon of demon clan planted is not in the Ordinary situation can breed. 这个时候,他那里还顾得上支持王一帆,开什么玩笑,王一帆已经坐实了是和魔族有勾结,要知道,魔族的魔种可不是寻常情况下能够孕育出来的。 Breeds an demon to plant, regarding demon clan itself, is the enormous burden, in addition big summer dynasty year after year blockade, the demon planted is very few, must get so far as itself is very difficult, let alone behind also involved the demon of high-grade demon clan to plant, that was rare. 孕育一枚魔种,对于魔族本身来说,也是极大的负担,再加上大夏皇朝长年累月的封锁,魔种可谓是非常少,要弄到本身就很困难了,更别说背后还牵扯上了高等级魔族的魔种,那更是少见。 They come to support a king sail, runs away not to be inseparable from, entirely will be regarded as a king sail party, although they and king sail relations of will be not close, to clear the suspicion, does not know that must spend how much time. 他们这些人前来支持王一帆的,统统都逃脱不了干系,统统都会被视为王一帆一党,虽然他们和王一帆的关系不算亲密,但是要想洗清嫌疑,就不知道要花费多少时间。 Although is very difficult to clear the suspicion, but he actually has to express the attitude, otherwise, is more troublesome. 虽然很难洗清嫌疑,但是他却不得不做出表态,否则的话,更加麻烦。 Everybody on, cannot make him run together absolutely!” “大家一起上,绝对不能让他跑了!” True Inheritance Disciple loudly shouted of this flying immortal sect, the entire Movement Technique strength raises vertical, must make a move to a king sail, however has not waited for his voice just to fall, actually saw evil clutches to scratch and tear Void directly, appeared before the body of this True Inheritance Disciple. 这个飞仙宗的真传弟子大喝一声,全身法力提纵起来,就要对王一帆出手,然而还不等他话音刚落,却见一只魔爪直接抓破了虚空,出现在了这个真传弟子的身前。 This True Inheritance Disciple even without enough time responded that speed was too fast, the direct evil clutches grasped thoroughly his chest, grasped directly his heart. 这个真传弟子甚至来不及反应,那速度太快了,直接一只魔爪生生抓透了他的胸口,直接将他的心脏生生抓出来。 That True Inheritance Disciple almost did not respond, stared in a big way the eye. 那个真传弟子几乎是毫无反应,瞪大了眼睛。 This evil clutches were really too terrifying, his chest armor, scratched and tore his Body Protection Star Qi directly. 这一只魔爪实在是太恐怖了,直接将他的胸甲,将他的护体罡气生生抓破。 By his True Inheritance Disciple Cultivation Base, cannot resist unexpectedly. 以他真传弟子修为,居然抵挡不住。 originally his Cultivation Base and a king sail is the same, even, who knows after a king sail is fascinated, unexpectedly meets terrifying to this situation. 原本他的修为和王一帆半斤八两,甚至更强一点,谁知道王一帆入魔之后,居然会恐怖到这个地步。 Oneself cannot resist this to strike unexpectedly. 自己居然抵挡不住这一击。 A king sail the heart of this True Inheritance Disciple digging, has then been working as the everyone surface, swallowing down one after another. 王一帆一把将这个真传弟子的心脏给挖了出来,然后当着众人的面,一口一口的吞下去。 The blood flows, in this heart is uniting this True Inheritance Disciple compensation, now is recruited by him completely, changes into strength that he can use. 鲜血流淌下来,这个心脏之中凝聚着这个真传弟子的全部力量,现在更是被他全部吸收,化为了他本身能够利用的了的力量。 Who also wants to meddle, with his fate, this matter has nothing to do with you, so long as I Chu Yunfan life!” A king sail grins fiendishly, since changing into the demon body, the desire of that bloodthirsty has released all of a sudden, looked like turns into the wild animal to be the same from the person. “谁还想要插手,就和他一个下场,此事与你们无关,我只要楚云凡的性命!”王一帆狞笑一声,自从化为了魔躯之后,那种嗜血的欲望一下子释放了出来,就像是从人变成了野兽一样。 If trades makes Human Race time, the homicide person will not be absolutely lenient, but cannot make to dig to eat such matter the person heart, this matter is anti- Human Race. 如果换做还是人类的时候,他杀人绝对不会手软,但是也做不出将人心脏挖出来吃掉这样的事情,这种事情是反人类的。 However he makes the basic hindrance not to have now, it can be imagined, he early turned into demon, is not Human Race. 但是他现在做起来根本一点阻碍都没有,可想而知,他早已经变成了一头魔物,不是人类 However he told him only sanely, cannot other to meddle absolutely, otherwise he wanted to revenge also has become the delusion. 但是他仅有的理智告诉他,绝对不能让其他人插手,否则他想要报仇也就成了妄想。 Big courage, dares to offend somebody before us!” These True Inheritance Disciple startled and anger, this king sail courage was too simply big, at this time looks like in them, a moment ago juan crazy incomparable Chu Yunfan and this time king sail compared, was pale into insignificance by comparison. “好大的胆子,在我们面前还敢伤人!”这些真传弟子又惊又怒,这王一帆简直胆子太大了,此时在他们看起来,刚才狷狂无比的楚云凡和此时的王一帆比起来,都是小巫见大巫 At least Chu Yunfan is a person, but he is demon, is no comparison between them radically. 起码楚云凡是人,而他已经是一头魔物了,根本不可同日而语。 Especially that Zhan Tai Senior Sister is burning with anger, in the a pair beautiful pupil erupts an intermittent scary ray, Magic Power of whole body raises vertical, even if a king sail turned into demon, she is also fearless. 尤其是那詹台师姐更是怒火中烧,一双美眸之中爆发出一阵阵骇人的光芒,全身的法力提纵起来,就算王一帆变成了魔物,她也无所畏惧。 That night free of evil intention and other Sect True Inheritance Disciple carefully have also guarded, who knows that a king sail can go crazy once again. 那夜无邪等其他宗门真传弟子也都小心的防备了起来,谁知道王一帆会不会再度发疯。 Does not need to make a move, I can kill his one time, can kill his second time!” “诸位不必出手,我能杀他一次,就能杀他第二次!”
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